God Poet Transmitting.......
To be the object of desire or to be the desiring object? This is one of the riddles of reincarnation. Do I draw or do I project? Do I wish to be magnetic below and electric above or... do I wish to be electric below and magnetic above? Do I seek to celebrate and contain beauty or... do I pursue beauty? How fleeting it all proves to be. It is the flight of the butterfly. Every living thing is drawn to its doom. It requires an adjustment in consciousness to arrest the process. How few are willing? For the most part, they like what comes with all of it... except when they don't like it, and then? It changes again.
It all deals with a simple reversal. Ah! But how one is assailed in the journey. Time and again, The Mind convinces itself that the form will last. It... never... does. It is a Play-Doh sculpture that is never finished... because it is always changing, as it is being ceaselessly molded by unseen hands. If you have time-sensitive eyes you can only see what is going on within your own frequency. The eyes of an animal... the eyes of a man, and the eyes of an angel see very differently from each other.
There are realized beings that walk this Earth and have the power of God because God is resident within them, BUT... The World goes on like The World always goes on, and on... and on... and on. Because we only see what transpires within a very limited framework of Time, most of us do not understand what is going on at all. Even the shortest measurements of Cosmic Time can take many hundreds of lifetimes to go by. Look at history. It is the record of protracted abuse by us upon each other.
The Big Lights are flashing and everyone wants to be doing a dance underneath them, AND... everyone... eventually... gets to do their dance underneath them. Meryl Streep wanted to be the belle of the ball and so she got to be the belle of the ball... for a little while. Dr. Fauci wanted to be a mad scientist and so he got to be a mad scientist. Carl Panzram wanted to kill and torture a lot of people and he got to do so. Larry Fink wanted to own The World... so he was permitted the illusion of this for a period of time... only to find that he had to keep a ceaseless grip on his widespread properties or they would be wrenched out of his hands. All of them became the prisoners of the thing they wanted. All of them get to watch it dissolve like the mist of delusion that it was.
Everyone is getting to do what they want to do here. Unfortunately, the fulfillment of certain personal dreams often results in the destruction of other personal dreams. Sometimes... you get ridden over roughshod because that is just want you did previously to others. The thing to understand is that everyone is here to experience The Dance of Matter, and everyone is here to learn the cost of it.
There is a beautiful middle ground that anyone can walk if they choose to, AND... you can do this at any time, BUT... most people are attached to what they have, OR... what they hope to have. They do not understand the meaning of walking serenely... through an orchard of shiny attractions with low-hanging fruit. A person can learn The Way without effort because there is no effort in it, BUT... the idea doesn't take; look at all the shiny fruits. Me wants them!!! And so it goes, on... and on... and on... and on.
There is a glacially-paced force of evolution in consciousness... that takes place over eons of time, and... EVENTUALLY, everyone may or may not get there. Then there is the quick and expedient; one might say... immediate... possibility of transition... right out of the whole excruciating Hell World of attractions and attachment.
The Laws and Rules are very simple to understand and if you abide by them... the more complex aspects are explained to you on the way; not that you need to know any of them. ALL you need to know is The One who is the author of all things. He is The Silent Watcher looking through your eyes this very minute. In order to come into synchronized accord with him, you have to... I say you absolutely must... let go of everything else. This will... temporarily... put you in... the... shit... because of the various adjustments that have to be made. No one escapes this intermediate... testing... process, and most people who fancy giving it a go... very quickly revert back into their state of voluntary indentured servitude. It's safer to look out upon the world with your hands tightly gripping the bars of your cell, from... the... other... side.
This is why it often takes some act of great trauma to bring one to a state of realization. You can have The World... the whole world... just as soon as you no longer want it. This does not mean you cannot enjoy it because... The Silent Watcher is also The Supreme Enjoyer. It's bit of a riddle because the whole process takes place in The Mind. It helps A VERY GREAT DEAL if you know what you are dealing with.
Consider that the (snicker) professionals... who deal with The Mind... spent years learning a bunch of terms that were mislabeled in the first place. Few people have done such an injury to understanding how The Mind works as has Freud. If you do know what is what and you study Freud, you find that all the identifications and analysis he brought to the subject apply almost entirely to a very small demographic of people... who came out of the area... of what is now called Ukraine, and of which he was a part.
It is an easily proven condition that everyone's understanding of The World and other people is a projection of their own personal mindset. This should be proof to you that we all live in a planet-wide mental institution. Certain behavior patterns only look normal because so many people are doing them. That does not make them normal. That does not make them normal. I could say it again, BUT... heh heh. Yeah.
The only people who are sane here are those who are not obsessed with wanting and who are not attached to externals. Even the least bit of either of these is the gateway to numerous pathologies; IF... the condition continues. So... all of us are a little bit nuts, BUT... in Times of Material Darkness... nutjobbery is ubiquitous. You can only go so far down The Garden Path before you are in The Weeds. You can till your own mind garden and life... in wondrous simplicity and beauty... for as long as you can keep it to yourself. As soon as you start gardening in someone else's mind you are going to have problems.
As much as we may require evil to counterbalance The Good, it can still be distressing when you come across it, and in Times of Material Darkness, you tend to get mega-evil personalities like Bill Gates. His destiny is going to catch up with him soon now and it will be interesting... purely from a metaphysical perspective... to see what the outcome is; keeping in mind that only a portion of that will be taking place on this side of The Helix.
I am in resonant accord with one of my heroes... Hermes Trismegistus... about a particular truth. He says that only God is Good, so... by extrapolation... Evil is whatever is at a distance from God. That goes right back to what we had to say about Sanity and The World being a Crazy People Zone. So... by further extrapolation... if one is tuned to The Divine, and resonating at a harmonious frequency then... only goodness and mercy shall follow me (or you) all of the days of my life and you are already dwelling in The House of The Lord forever. The 23rd Psalm is a very interesting prayer. It deserves a deeper scrutiny and anyone who troubles to do so will not depart unrewarded.
As I come more and more into tune with The Divine, I am constantly flabbermoxed by how simple it all is. How did I miss this for such a length of time? Then... I realize that it was the result of how and where my attention was focused AND the degree of the force of passion at work. The passion is still at work but the object of the passion is now singular. The three strands of compelling force are still at work. They are at work eternally, and whether you identify them in The Eastern Tradition as the gunas of Sattva... Rajas... and Tamas or... through the western lens as Mercury... Sulfur... and Salt do not matter so long as you are aware of them.
Earlier in the post I said, There are realized beings that walk this Earth and have the power of God because God is resident within them, BUT... The World goes on like The World always goes on, and on... and on... and on. It is set up the way it is for a reason; precisely so that everyone can get everything they think they want... again and again, and come to understand the meaning of their attractions, and... perhaps... come to realize that there has ONLY... EVER... been one attraction that contains all of the satisfactions sought for... in... everything... else. Everything... is on a course... to coming into a recognition of The Indwelling. Nothing else is of any importance whatsoever. I am astounded at the amount of energy that is directed toward meaningless things.
Finally... a new age comes around and there is a Grace period... where Grace is at work... in a comprehensive sense. Every opportunity is being given to realize and take advantage of it. The Force of Materialism is the constant distractor... working contrary to... the realizing. One path leads to The Sun and the other path leads to The Moon; in a manner of speaking, and...
... one last thing.
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) February 14, 2025
End Transmission.......
"I have a dear friend who is partly responsible for all that I do here. He has been of immense help and has fallen upon difficult circumstances. He needs to move from where he is because of untenable conditions and he needs help from The UK. He needs somewhere to move in the UK; possibly a small cottage or a flat where he can bring his friendly dog as well. He is willing to relocate and he has funds to pay his way, whatever that involves. It would mean a great deal to me if any reader in The UK would be able to help him out.
You can reach him via UK mobile 07380265319 or simply contact me at lesvisible@gmail.com I have known him for years and he is utterly reliable and free of the sorts of mental problems and mind games that we see these days. I would greatly appreciate any help you might offer or even if you know of something. As you know, I never ask for help myself and usually only ask for prayers. God Bless you in advance."
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— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 17, 2025
"Nutjobbery is Ubiquitous. You Can Only Go So Far Down The Garden Path Before It Is Gone, and You Are in The Weeds." https://t.co/H5moGe4T9B pic.twitter.com/o0zuhhgvKq
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