What if Jesus were to come in the sky? What if one of these days that long predicted apparition was to stand and be seen simultaneously from all points on Earth by all of the people resident there? Now, I’m not a mathematician but I do have a mathematical mind that tends to come to certain conclusions by intuitive leaps that often bear out in application. If we are all one and only appear different; if there is only one mind and it differs only in superficial aspects; such as temporary persona and perspectives- much as waves on the sea are temporary, individualized expressions of a common ocean... it stands to reason that the common touch-point in all ‘seemingly’ different minds could share a common perception at a given time in their shared universal mind.
It’s a given truth that Jesus the Christ- if he exists- is a spiritual being and that his teachings and his kingdom of being are spiritually located; however much they may apply to our behavior in the material realm. Now physicists will tell you that there isn’t any material realm really, or better put- that all things are made out of the same thing but are just increasingly more refined (or less refined) aspects of the same thing. Hell would be a darker, denser, smokier presentation and Heaven would be a lighter, less dense and less smoky presentation. In between the two would be varying degrees partaking more or less of the conditions of one or the other. That makes sense doesn’t it? It could make sense too that, like two mirrors facing each other with a figure in between; you’ve been in a barbershop where you can see an infinite amount of faces fading around some sort of a bending end that, if you put Jesus there he might grow ever more sublime and bright in one direction and ever more dense and dark and horned in the other.
Now on this planet we’ve got personalities that do much this same thing. We’ve got sky-walking yogi’s at one end who have transcended physical limitation; who can dissolve and reassemble their bodies at will and who, though mahasamadhi, can just leave the corpse body through the sahasrara chakra above the head. On the other hand we have personalities who are hardly out of the Stone Age. Parallel to this we have personalities who are pure as the driven snow (rare indeed in this day and age) and possessing of unshakeable virtue. They’d be called saints. Their opposite number is immersed in material concerns to the exclusion of any transcendent interest whatever. They may be immersed in sexual aspects, mercantile concerns or matters to do with their personal being as it relates to whatever it is that they want.
The religions that present the idea of a risen Christ include personalities from all of these types. Pat Robertson says he’s in line for the rapture and then there are the many who believe they are as well. Let’s expand this Christ in the sky thing to include various other religions. I won’t get into detail about the future Buddha’s and avatars that are expected. Let’s just say there’s a scriptural basis for it, whether we are talking about Kalki or Maitreya.
Let’s think mathematical here for a minute. Jesus (or your choice) appears in the sky and begins to draw all souls unto him. Doesn’t it make sense that whichever beings are lighter are going to be drawn more quickly? In other words, those souls- individuals- personalities who are less attached, less ‘magnetized’ by matter are going to be more easily drawn? And wouldn’t it serve that those types who were totally focused on the marketplace would naturally resist ascension; might in fact immediately with the appearance of the Jesus in the Sky run with all haste toward any cover of darkness that might provide a polarized lens against the light... that harsh exposing light?
In the Hindu motif they have the caste system. You’ve got your Brahmins and your Kshatriyas, your Vaishyas and Sudras and of course the Black Hole of Calcutta/New Orleans refugee Untouchables. I won’t define these for you; you can do that if you have an interest. But guess what? We’ve got the same caste system. It’s just not so obvious. It’s more obvious in Ye Merry Old England. Now each of these castes has certain advantages and disadvantages concerning their being lifted up to Jesus on the day of reckoning. But it really will come down to the same thing; how great the degree of attachment it to what they believe in; what they saved their coupons for, where their treasures are etc.
Does anyone with any lick of sense really believe that Pat Robertson and Bill Bennett and all of the like, in all of the areas they are powerful in, are going to get waved into the club by Jesus? Does it stand to reason that the soundtrack will be white Christian music, or would it be a rousing chorus of voices more like a gospel choir?
It further stands to reason that when Jesus in the Sky comes he won’t look the same to everyone. The lighter and freer you are the more Jesus will mirror this. The denser and darker you are the more a wrathful aspect will be perceived. This just makes mathematical and logical sense.
The Golden Calf phenomenon is front row center right now. There are millions and millions of people snake dancing in front of it. It comes in a million flavors with lights and music and never ending blowjobs of satisfaction guaranteed. It stands to reason if you want the one version then you won’t want the other. It’s not that you can’t have the other, you won’t want it. In many cases you have no basis for measurement of one against the other. So when Jesus in the Sky comes around he’ll only be taking the ones who want to go and those are the ones who just don’t have the interest level for here. The others won’t be left per se, they just won’t be going.
I don’t think there’s anything bad about having a business. We’d be nowhere without a systemized world to operate in. The problem seems to be what one thinks their business really is while they are running their business. If you can’t walk away; if you don’t know that it will all go away and... therefore maintain a light touch about any and all of it at all times... it’s going to be... rough.
My thought is that this Jesus in the Sky thing is happening all the time. It’s the same as saying that Armageddon comes for someone every day. Now there may be the big Jesus in the Sky moment and there may be the wider more comprehensive Armageddon but whatever it is it is only the personal part that relates to you that matters.
It stands to reason in the time that such things might be on the horizon that the world would be in a very unsettled way. It stands to reason that the pressure to be wrong would be greater than at other times. It stands to reason that vast armies of ignorance would be arrayed for the purpose of intimidation and that all of the forces of the material realm would be mustered for the purpose of obfuscation and generally putting on the frighteners. It’s that hour of the wolf thing.
Now this piece is just one of those things that puts forth a general argument about what would seem reasonable when measured against the actual intentions of scripture as far as behavior and merit are judged. It seems to me that when the boat loads it will be filled with the people who have the least baggage; the exception being those whose first impulse is to forget to pack. I have no way of knowing about the Jesus in the Sky. Every time I see these beings they are always Hindu figures or Buddhas. Might be I don’t catch that particular sky train.
I once saw a movie called “Jacob’s Ladder”. It was one of the best films I ever saw and I do believe it plays out here in the cemetery banquet rooms and neon mausoleums a great deal more often than we might suspect. How do you really know when you are dead? It bears thinking about.
'Prevail' is track no. 6 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

super writing Les. I like this new simple and basic thing.
Made me think of this, Les.
Slow Train Coming
Sometimes I feel so low-down and disgusted
Can't help but wonder what's happenin' to my companions,
Are they lost or are they found, have they counted the cost it'll take to bring
All their earthly principles they're gonna have to abandon?
There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
I had a woman down in Alabama,
She was a backwoods girl, but she sure was realistic,
She said, "Boy, without a doubt, have to quit your mess and straighten out,
You could die down here, be just another accident statistic."
There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
All that foreign oil controlling American soil,
Look around you, it's just bound to make you embarrassed.
Sheiks walkin' around like kings, wearing fancy jewels and nose rings,
Deciding America's future from Amsterdam and to Paris
And there's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
Man's ego is inflated, his laws are outdated, they don't apply no more,
You can't rely no more to be standin' around waitin'
In the home of the brave, Jefferson turnin' over in his grave,
Fools glorifying themselves, trying to manipulate Satan
And there's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
Big-time negotiators, false healers and woman haters,
Masters of the bluff and masters of the proposition
But the enemy I see wears a cloak of decency,
All non-believers and men stealers talkin' in the name of religion
And there's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
People starving and thirsting, grain elevators are bursting
Oh, you know it costs more to store the food than it do to give it.
They say lose your inhibitions, follow your own ambitions,
They talk about a life of brotherly love, show me someone who knows how to
live it. There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
Well, my baby went to Illinois with some bad-talkin' boy she could destroy
A real suicide case, but there was nothin' I could do to stop it,
I don't care about economy, I don't care about astronomy
But it sure do bother me to see my loved ones turning into puppets,
There's a slow, slow train comin' up around the bend.
Bob Dylan
Copyright © 1979 Special Rider Music
nice double entendre there buddy. accidental? i doubt it. good to come thru here this morning and catch this. i know, if and when it happens there will not be just some disappointment but the event will go largely unnoticed i suspect.
You are too much. I am just in awe.
The Hindu caste system is racially based.
The "lighter" and "darker" generally refer to skin color.
You haven't heard from me in a while but I never miss a posting. Nothing too unusual about this one, they're all wonderful but I just thought I'd stop in and say high. I'm so busy these days with all the people Bush is driving into bankruptcy. It seems a shame to have to profit from the loss of others, e.g. my clients.
Wanted to say hello and thank you for lifting me out of what I appear to fall into.
z a
Duality creates experience; it's just how it comes together. I dug into it many years ago (the result is here), ...it's a lot, probably only worth printing out for reading when you're stuck somewhere.
Just to clarify the true facts regarding the above erroneous comment that was posted as:
Anonymous said...
"The Hindu caste system is racially based. The "lighter" and "darker" generally refer to skin color."
For your information, the Hindu caste system is NOT racially based. There are nowdays many different races on the Indian sub-continent. But in olden days, there were primarily only two races, that of the Aryan culture (lighter-skinned) in the north, and the Dravidian culture (darker-skinned) in the south. However in both cultures there were/are Hindus who follow the ancient Vedic religion. Within the Hindu religion, the caste system is based primarily upon the family of birth, as well as one's occupation (priest, warrior, merchant, or laborer). A dark-skinned Dravidian Hindu can be of any caste, and many many are of the highest Brahmin caste. Similarly, a light-skinned Aryan Hindu can also belong to any caste.
The commenter who said that caste is related to race is simply uninformed and flat wrong. This is just another example of people saying things which they know little or nothing about. At least know a little about what you are talking about, before making such false assertions.
--- I Am That I Am
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