Friday, January 02, 2009

Scuba Diving in the Emerald Waters of the Mind

It’s a sad reality that you can’t call an ambulance if you are already in the hospital. There are a great many strange ironies to life and many more of them that apply to humanity and its endless contradictions. As I walk through this world, I try to remind myself that I am in a mental institution. The patients are mad, the doctors are mad and the visitors are mad and you might find anyone pretending to be any of them at any time. All it takes is for someone to put on a lab coat or change into street clothes and voila! The appearance has transformed the character but... the eyes are still mad.

As I move among them I know that if I prod, or poke; ask the wrong question or look too closely, I will call attention to myself. There’s a pattern here. It has circumference and shape. You operate within it as a part of it or you swim through without calling attention to yourself because things feed here.

Do you want to understand the world? Take a scuba dive. Your malls are the emerald green limousines that pull along the periphery of your feeding zone. Do not forget that you are food too. Lao Tzu said, “Even a fish would survive if it would keep its mouth shut.” Then again, you have to open your mouth to eat. Animals cross the road for food or to mate. This is something to keep in mind because some things can make you reckless.

Vast shadows move in the deeps, trailed by their attendants...whole populations dart and scurry as one... or stand motionless. There is a trick of the light that makes things seem to be part of the landscape but they are not; camouflage is engaged. Green turns to blue. Yellow turns to brown and back again. There is beauty and mystery everywhere. There is appetite and desire as the scenery feeds on itself.

The world has its seasons the same as any year. It is like the phases of the moon. Sometimes more light and sometimes less; when you can see better it is easier to move. You don’t question your steps because the way is clear. In these times life has an ease and joyful industry. We know each other and ourselves as well.

At other times there is more shadow. Rumors come out of the shadows as if things were happening in places far away. Mystery has an appeal. What is there that might lie further in and beyond? In these times certain arts might be cultivated and lineages begun. Rulers would tend to be fair and just. Great art and high technology would flourish.

At other times, half of the world is light and half in shadow... people go in and out or do not return at all. There is a balance that holds for the most part but goes missing in places. War presents itself as one shadow tries to prevail over another until they fall like the leaves from the trees around them. It is to be expected that for some it is important to go to the furthest place of shadow or to the greatest concentration of light. Some know what is coming and some don’t care.

Then you find there is more shadow than light. What was occasional becomes routine. Something is always happening somewhere and it usually isn’t good. You learn to count your change and people lock their doors. You never know... that’s the thing about it... you never know. What used to happen somewhere you had never been now occurs in a neighboring town.

Finally we come to the time we are in today. We know nothing of the times when it was mostly light and very little of the times that followed that. We think we know a great deal about the time of shadows but how much can you really know about a shadow? History like everything else has been corrupted, revised and watered down. There is more fat than sinew. There are more excuses than answers. There are more justifications than corrections. Everything which is supposed to fix something only makes it worse.

There is never a time in the world where the light has gone out. It always concentrates somewhere. As much as darkness may permeate, light will concentrate and radiate. People get used to living in the shadows because they feel too vulnerable in the light. Then again, the only place they catch you is in the shadows... back to those ironies again.

We live in a time of judgment and summation. Everything that is happening is happening for the express reason of making a point about itself. The whole of existence has been put together for you to see what choice you will make. You might think of it as God goes to the movies. You might think of it as recycling.

Let’s say a cast of characters gets together and puts on a play. Let’s say the play just goes on and on and on. So the characters change places and play the different roles. Some are better at it than others. What began as a play becomes a real matter... people live and die. They’re not acting. If you could watch from a distance over a certain period of time you would get the idea that the whole affair was pointless. It starts to look like everyone is out for themselves and there’s not much entertainment for anyone on or off the stage when that happens unless you happen to appreciate that sort of thing. Toward the end most people do.

A certain portion of the actors or real life players begin to wake up to the situation; given that the situation has gotten so crass and banal that it starts to sound like klaxon horns going off in your head. Strangely enough, a good portion of the people doesn’t hear anything at all or if they do it sounds like a band playing their song. The people who have- or -are waking up know that nothing good can come of what they are seeing. To them it looks like madness. It looks like they are in a mental institution. Even more disturbing is the indication that the doctors are crazier than their patients.

Absurdity becomes the order of the day. Lying is considered a fine art and murder is a recreational sport. Sex is something you can buy over the counter and you can screw the wrapper or the contents and just dispose of whatever it was on your way out the door to somewhere else. While this side of it gets lost in the excess of the possibilities... on the other hand, you have the other side which has ratcheted up in the other direction headed for Torquemada Land. One side is waving their privates and the other is locking them down. It is, as the estimable Lao Tzu said, “fealty and order gone to waste.”

As the scene becomes increasingly more chaotic a door opens for those who have lost interest in the show. For the rest, the performance has intensified so that they cannot take their eyes off of the stage. Those who go through the door can lay aside their costumes. They are done. There is another world and perhaps it is like the one they are leaving only it is woven of a finer cloth. For the rest, it’s the recycling of persona for the next extended act over a long period of time in the same theater.

There isn’t anything more to life than this. Either one discovers who they are or they go on pretending to be all of the characters whose accomplishments impressed them. This is why most people don’t really resent the rich and powerful. They admire them. They know deep down that they’ll get their chance and they intend to behave exactly like them when they do.

Everyone knows that they have more than one life, no matter what they may tell you. Everyone is waiting in line for their chance at a temporary life in which to lord it over their fellows. They’ll set it all straight when the time comes. They’ll get their revenge and do as they please, just as their fellows did when they had their chance. I suppose you could call it some kind of rapture of the deep.

Visible and The Critical List: La Vierge Sperme Danceur by Les Visible and The Critical List♫ Frogman ♫
'Frogman' is track no. 2 of 8 on Visible and The Critical List's 1987 album
'La Vierge Sperme Danceur'

About this song (pops up)

La Vierge Sperme Danceur by Les Visible and The Critical List


Anonymous said...

What if there is no personal soul?
What is to return?

Loved this Les, once again you capture colour, images, worlds, nether worlds and put them into tangibility.

Taking absence of the mind seems to be the most sensible thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Les.
‘Even though I walk through this world, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your Word and Your Truth, give me strength.’- From one of my favourite fairy tales.
Is this not something we should all be able to share?

nina said...

Tony, we should be able to share it, but we can't. Among us, its common knowledge, life support actually, but I guarantee you the others out there see it as foolish indulgence. And when they see it that way, they see ways to cash in on it so they can star in their own personal walk of fame.

Ben There said...

What a great title (and of course, essay too). Thanks Les, and Happy New Year to you and everyone else here.

m_astera said...

I read Les's essay yesterday and thought it rather dark. Thought about it a lot (whatever a lot is). Came back today and found it not so dark, even on one hour of sleep and way too much caffeine.

Made me laugh twice this time. This is the lunatic asylum world, or perhaps just Voltaire's "God playing to an audience afraid to laugh".

Loved the "can't call an ambulance when you're already in the hospital" line. It's not fair, is it?

This play has been going on for far too long with a lame script under really lousy direction. Time for a new director, or group of directors with some fresh ideas. The props and the stage can stay, but the bad actors have to go sit in the audience for a while. A long while. They can do whatever they like there, we don't care, just no catcalls or throwing things at the stage. Whatever the D-grade dregs choose to do they can only do it to each other.

The Kali yuga. How long is that supposed to last? This actor turned director says till about now is long enough. Get the hook already. How many times have I said that the worst thing about evil is that it is boring? I'm really, really getting bored and ADHD types like me tend to act up in class. Ritalin isn't going to help. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school.

The part about the door opening and those actors who see it can drop their costumes and leave for a better world intrigues me for a couple of reasons. Hasn't that option been more or less held valid throughout history? At least as a theoretical option: escape to heaven or nirvana or valhalla.

Here's the problem I have with that option: I don't wanna go. I like it here. A lot. I love this theater and stage. Can I go scuba diving in heaven? Do they have NY pizza there? Or Guinness stout? Good skiing? Hi-speed internet? Can one grow roses and green beans? How about huge stone libraries full of heavy old musty books? Old pickup trucks to drive across the hot prairies at 120 mph? Drums and bonfires? Wooden boxes of paint and brushes? Chisels and mallets and timber? Needles and thread and bright new calico? Deep orange canyons with hawks floating in the azure sky? Hammers ringing on glowing steel? Thorny thickets of ripe blackberries warm from the sun? Babies laughing? Pretty girls in bikinis on the beach? Grand pianos? Rosewood guitars with fresh brass strings? Ice storms that turn the trees to diamond sculptures? Snapping turtles sliding from hot rocks into summer creeks? Rolling thunder? The smell of crisp cotton under a hot iron? Fresh shrimp with cream cheese and picante sauce? Deep cold drifted snow that kicks up powder? Soft sea waves on moonlit beaches?

See, I dunno if heaven or some better world has all of these things, but I look on all of them and find them very good. Can't say that I'm done with them just because a bunch of no-talent creeps have taken over the stage with yelling and lying and stealing and violence. I'd rather like to be left here to enjoy them with other, better actors who have a little talent and taste. Is that asking too much? I don't think so, thank you very much.

I've been convinced for a long time that theres a big shift or change coming; for my whole life I've felt it and prepared for it in all ways possible. And there's a lot of talk about giant tsunamis and comet strikes and massive earthquakes and volcanoes and atomic bombs. None of those are on the list above. I love the vast blue-green paradise garden this little body lives on and don't want any harm to come to her. At all. If anyone could make it through those things, I'd have a good chance to. But is any of that needed? Not at all. Those are the kind of twisted fantasies the very creeps I'm referring to like, not me.

I don't want to ascend, I want these other execrable clowns off the stage, permanently. Then we take up where we left off and all show each other just how well we can strut the planks in a real play.

Visible said...

"As above so below for the performance of the miracles of the one thing."

Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

m_astera said...

Love I You Greatly, Les.

Anonymous said...

Michael (m-astera) That was perfect--
Thank you--you found the words that I couldn't--thank you


Anonymous said...

Hi- I dropped in over here to dip my toe in the meta-water. The stage at Smoking Mirrors is too much the reflection of the madness. I need a break.
Some fun sayings:
"If you try to fail. and suceed- which have you done?"

"Half the people you know are below average"

"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity"

"Total paranoia is total awareness"
"I want to live forever or die in the attempt"

Anyway it is more peaceful over here. Now where the hell did I drop my costume....

nobody said...


Nirvana (not that I'm crazy for that word) really ought not to be lumped in with heaven or valhalla or whatever. Nirvana is right here, right now. It is the mind unclouded, the eyes open, it is you awake. You don't have to go elsewhere and you can still go scuba diving and drive trucks and every other thing. That cake you have? You most certainly can eat it. Ciao.

m_astera said...

Hi nobody=

Yeah, I get that. Nor should the Christian heaven be compared with Valhalla, where the brave warriors who fell in battle feasted and drank in the great hall forever. It wasn't an important part of my point.

In Christian Heaven, everyone meets up with all their dead friends and relatives, or sits around playing harps on clouds. Or some such.

The end goal of Buddhism was not only freedom from the wheel of reincarnation, but the eventual complete cessation of existence.

"Buddhist philosophers have long debated about whether Nirvana is absolute cessation or an ineffable transcendental state."

(That nonexistence never sounded like a very worthwhile goal to me.)

I think what you are referring to is closer to the Zen satori.

Then there are the Taoist heaven and hell. And the Shamanic versions. And the various Hindu ones. And the Lamaists. Not to mention the Muslim, pretty close to the Christian one.

These are all, in my view, human interpretations all of which have particles of truth overlain by centuries of religion, tradition, misinterpretation, and manipulation. Words are inadequate tools for higher states. There aren't even words to describe what a sneeze feels like.

I actually do know a little about those "higher" states. Read my post again, if you like. It's a pretty geared-down version, but I wasn't listing carnal pleasures.

And as long as I'm hogging this comment roll, I'm going to put another post up in a few that will give you a closer look at where I'm coming from, if Les posts it. Well, he's sleeping so they'll both show up at once if they do.

m_astera said...

For those who didn't catch it, the theme of the stage, the play, the actors, and everything else I was using was taken from the beginning of a prophetic little book that came out in the 1990s called Handbook for the New Paradigm. That book is all about what is happening right now. It lays it out quite clearly: The attempt at world takeover, financial collapse, blatant wars of destruction and conquest, enslavement of the people, all of it, including such current concerns as community, self sufficiency, food, skills, preparedness, and what to do about it all. The book is and always has been free. In the '90s they would mail you a free copy if you called or wrote. Today you can download it online, or they will still mail you a copy for free. It is devoid of any religious affiliation or proselytizing; it's about waking the eff up and then doing something.

I took that little book quite seriously, as did a few others. It led to me spending many years on the project that ended with the website, and specifically the research that created the book The Ideal Soil. The subtitle of that book is "A Handbook for the New Agriculture". It is serious biz, not about composting your kitchen garbage. It is just what it says, and it's beginning to get some attention. I'm putting this in here not as a plug for my new book. It's doing fine. I'm saying it to point out that the little book I was using as the source of the stage play theme used in my comment above had enough impact to point me in a new direction of study and to spend almost a decade of work on it not just gratis but out of pocket. Onwards:

I know there is a new world coming, and I know it is real for the same reason I know Albuquerque and Fargo are real: Because I've been there. It is not the world of horror of the New World Order. It is a place of great peace, beauty, and abundance for all. Some of you may have read where I said that I have been to this new world. That is not dream or hyperbole; I have walked the countryside and a small town and seen the blue skies and talked to the people. It's real. It's coming. And it is no other world than the one you are on right now. We don't need to let this scum wreck this wonderful planet to get there. They cannot access the love, the vision, the powers that we can. Their path is the process of decomposition, like the stinky stuff in a bad batch of compost. They can only live where there has not been clean fresh air and the light of the sun. They are not who Terra /Earth is. They are not who we are. We are the gift of Creation. The powers of Creation are ours. They are our birthright.

Here is what Les put as a comment after my post:

"As above so below for the performance of the miracles of the one thing."

Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

We've all heard or read the "As above, so below" part, right? I have no idea where he came up with the second part "for the performance of the miracles of the one thing". Maybe he's seen the original. (grin) But here's what I get from it: This is how it is done. You want to change what's happening here? Change it the same way that the Creator created the Universes: See it done. Feel it done. With breath and gentle focus, knowingness, and love. Know it is done. Don't fear the Earth changes or the warmongers or the chaos. Hold the Earth in your loving hands and see her healed and perfect. In your mind's eye, bathe her in that ultraviolet blue light that is a little beyond what our normal vision can see, the blue light that is used to clean blood of harmful organisms without harming the living blood. Hold the vision of your place in it; see what a beautiful place she is. Let the love in your heart go out to her who has given you so much. This present mess all has to fall apart because it is too broke to fix, but we get to decide what it will become. Let the broken useless harmful things fall apart with joy and anticipation in your heart. Preserve what is worth preserving. We are those actors with skill and vision and talent to make the new play. If you are feeling the Earth's pain, and you are, then comfort her, see her vibrantly whole. Yes there will be chaos, but none of the grand cataclysmic destruction needs to happen. This is our chance to create the New Earth. This is what we came here for.

"As above so below for the performance of the miracles of the one thing."

Love I You Greatly.

m_astera said...


So no one takes it wrong: The first part of what I just posted, mentioning the New Paradigm Handbook, has no real connection with the second part. Just explaining my own stage/director/actors idea source, and letting those who haven't read it know about it. Good book.

The second part is just me.

nina said...

Michael, I must have looked too soon. You did post it! And it is awesome. Its an everywhere post. Whew.

nobody said...

Er no... the cessation isn't of existence but of suffering, which is to say desire. Buddha called it 'dukha' and I call it 'wishing that the world were other than it is'. Satori is merely a sudden (and usually unsought) episode of awakening. As I understand it, not having had one myself...

Did you know that satori has been induced in a lab? A scientific shortcut to enlightenment, ha ha.

Also an awakening is not an either/or proposition. Each successive awakening (four is usually the number, as I understand it) delivers different understandings and brings one closer to 'one with the universe' if you can dig it. The achieving of this one-ness means that one becomes Buddha. Buddha was not possessed of non-existence. Quite the opposite.

I don't know about 'carnal' pleasures but your list definitely resembled a series of desires. Certainly they were relatively inexpensive desires, but all things considered, they weren't so far removed from things like 'being driven in a limousine' or 'drinking krug champagne'.

For mine, Buddhism is the antithesis of religion. Unlike every other religion it requires no belief. 'Here and now' is the opposite of 'the promised land'.

I think my only point really is that I'd rather it weren't lumped in with everything else (or everything it's not perhaps).

Anonymous said...

Shapeshifting 101

When one comes to an impasse shapeshift into the impasse
the impasse will then have to shapeshift into its opposite
and give way....

Philomena aka Celestial Shamanka

notamobster said...

I know I'm growing ever more weary of this dreadful play... and I'm tired of the producers loaning the money to the ticket master, who increases his price and charges a tax on top of the price of admission, to cover the cost of the money borrowed from the producers. And I'm tired of the narrators telling me what the play is about to guide my review for tomorrows paper, and the folks in the corner telling me that I have to follow the program they received with their ticket... I don't want their program! I don't want their narration! I want the people in the theatre to get up and walk out, be it through the door opened, or kicking and screaming that some retarded kid burned down the school, which housed the theatre... either is preferable to sitting mindlessly while the producers thumb through the contents of your pocket and steal your watch - all while you watch them, laughing and dumping more of their toxic swill down your horribly oversized gullet! I'm sick of the whole damned show. I want my money back...

m_astera said...

Hi Philo! Or is it Ta_Yu? Nice to see you here, mistress of herbs and esoterica.


Sorry, son. There are guards at all exits, sorta like an Amway meeting. You gotta stay for the whole show. And no refunds.

m_astera said...


These are all, in my view, human interpretations all of which have particles of truth overlain by centuries of religion, tradition, misinterpretation, and manipulation. Words are inadequate tools for higher states. There aren't even words to describe what a sneeze feels like.

And, with all due respect, I will go ahead and lump Buddhism in with anything I damn well please. I happen to know what I am talking about from personal experience, not from reading books or going to the ashram a few times. Don't try to teach your grandma how to suck eggs.

Anonymous said...

m_ tell us everything you know mate- I've got a couple of minutes free.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are describing the Kali Yuga. This is the main reason I don't have kids. If I don't like it here than it would be cruel of me to subject others to it.

nobody said...

heaven forfend!

m_astera said...


I know there is a new world coming, and I know it is real. It is not the world of horror of the New World Order. It is a place of great peace, beauty, and abundance for all. I have walked the country lanes and seen the blue skies and talked to the happy people. It is real. It is coming. And it is no other world than the one we are on right now. Do not fear the Earth changes or the warmongers or the chaos. We need not let the dark and the evil destroy our beautiful home. The forces of darkness cannot access the love, the vision, or the powers that we can. Their path is the rot of decomposition, the path of de-evolution, the downward spiral of destruction. Their rot can only thrive where there has not been sweet fresh air and the light of the sun. They are not who Terra Earth is. They are not who we are. We are the gift of Creation. The powers of Creation belong to us. They are our birthright.

All have heard or read "As above, so below". Now hear the whole passage:

From the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus:

"As above so below for the performance of the miracles of the one thing."

This is how it is done. You wish to change what is happening here? Change it the same way our Creator brought forth the Universes: See it done. Feel it done. With breath and gentle focus, knowingness, and love. Know it is done. Hold the Earth in your loving hands; see her healed and perfect. In your mind, see her bathed in that ultraviolet light a little beyond what our human eyes can see, the blue light that cleans away harmful things. With your breath, gently blow away the veil of darkness that now shrouds her glory; see it disappear into the void. Hold the vision of your own place in this new world that will be ours; see what a beautiful place she is. Let the love in your heart go out to her who has given you so much. Know it is so.

This present mess must fall apart because it is too broken to fix, but we get to decide what it will become. Let the broken useless harmful things fall apart. Let them fall, while holding joy and anticipation in your heart. Preserve what is worth preserving. We are those actors with the vision and the talent to stage the new performance. If you are feeling the pain of this world, then comfort her, see her vibrantly whole. Yes there will be chaos, but none of the grand cataclysmic destruction is needed. Out of the chaos will come our chance to create the New Earth. This is what we came here for.

"As above so below for the performance of the miracles of the one thing."

Love I You Greatly

Anonymous said...

m_ "There are guards at all exits, sorta like an Amway meeting. You gotta stay for the whole show. And no refunds."

...perish the thought, it's time to break as time grows intense. I got my steel in my right hand and I'm headed for the exit.

BTW Les, been reading you on both smoking mirrors and here. I like them both but Origami resonates with me more. You do good work sir. Carry on!

Anonymous said...

Yes m_astera, tis moi, Ta_yu - Philo aka Celestial Shamanka on the www.

I believe that I met Les many years ago in the early 70's during a few visits to Woodstock at the Landsman's log mansion in Kingston and Rosa's Catina??? Les. is that you old soul?

m_astera, I agree, Les's writings are some of the best cultural shock essays that I have read on the internet. I have visited his other blog -- smoking mirrors for a few years and posted a comment now and then.

I stay pretty mum these days in re: opinions about the end days chaos.

The days-nights are going to be long and dark before the dawn...
My only consolation is that Dec 21, 2012 is around the corner bringing end of the Mayan Calendar with a global magnetic shift of what.... I do not really know..

Philomena aka Celestial Shamanka

Visible said...

Holy shit!that is me. Who are you? Yes, Landsman's house... used to belong to Tim Hardin, sold to Steven by Jim Young and Rosa's Cantina and Magic Marky's bid to break the Guinness records?

Who are you?

I always wonder why so many people don't look me up but of course, I only became Les Visible in Hawaii. So... how did you put that together? Peter Blum was just here on a visit. Did you know him?

Anonymous said...


I knew it was you from the first visit to "smoking mirror" about 4 years ago. I saw your picture and thought -- boy does he look familar!
You must have been told over the decades that you have one of the most unforgettable faces...
Then I read your bio and you mentioned your last name -- and I remembered when you wrote for as well as served as editor for a very groovy "native american" magazine. We also went to a drumming party together w/ Steve and his brother, Barry.

I met the Landsmans brothers while in Jamaica -- and Steve had me house sit the log mansion whilst he did his globe-trotting in '73 and '74.

I recall that you stay there a few nights and kept me company along with Steve's sheepdog.

At the time I was living in Huntington, LI, NY and would come up to Woodstock and take care of the log cabin while the boys were in Miami and Jamaica.

You played music for me, wrote at the kitchen table and we discussed magic and native american lore till dawn.

I was Steven's astrologer as well....

'nuff said...;)I think you had a crush on one of my lady friends' named Nancy...

Philo Good a/k/a Celestial Shamanka

Anonymous said...

The name, Peter Blum rings a bell -- I met so many people through the brothers -- from rock stars to models to the very special likes of you... and many kindred, like yourself. As you may recall -- the log mansion was legendary for its get togethers...

I mostly had the run of the place in the winter -- when the boys were in Miami or Jamaica. We spent the winter down there the year that Nixon was going through Watergate -- and I returned to the states a month before he resigned.

Barry and Steven would bring all the news down to us in Jamaica -- and it was at the Abingdon Great House adventure where I became their seasonal house sitter.

I first took care of the Great House for them during the winter and then had to return to the states to get my visa renewed -- and Steve asked me to watch the log cabin while he was traveling.

But how could I ever forget you Les... you were always considered to be thee most excellent word of wizard of the times...

And it was my meeting with the Woodstock tribal family that I realised I was going to be called to journey the "red path" as a medicine woman -- walking between worlds under the num de plum of celestial shamanka.

m_astera said...

It appears the greatest trick and most desperate ploy of those bent on destruction is to convince us that we are all just helpless animals in a cage, waiting for the next painful shock that we cannot avoid. That is what Gaza is all about, while the world stands by helplessly watching pure evil slaughter our fellow humans and laughing in our faces at our helplessness. That is what the fears of Earth changes and prophecies of doom and the financial collapse are at root: just another painful reminder to prove to us that we are helpless animals descended from apes. That is what the "evil sinner" lie is all about, and the threats of hellfire and damnation. That is what all of the suffering and the wars and the fear of atomic warfare are about and have been about, to keep us from finding out who we really are: That we have, within us all, that same divine spark, and that we can connect to and use the powers of creation for the betterment of all. We can change it all in the twinkling of an eye.

We need not beg the false gods they have set up. We need only to remember who we really are, and take back to ourselves the divine heritage and nature that is rightfully ours from our creation. The evil ones cannot access the power of creation. They cannot, for they are not creative. The powers of creation are not given to those who worship destruction.

We are divine beings incarnate in this human instrument; we are not helpless animals, and the evil ones know they are in big trouble if and when we figure that out.

Anonymous said...

Les --

What I meant to say is this. For as long as I have known you in spirit -- you were considered to be one of the most excellent "word wizards" of our times.

Your current essays are a fascinating progression of your timeless perceptive writing style.

You would make the "Bard" Dylan proud....


Visible said...

I do not know what you mean. I just do the best that I can and it is never enough. I don't remember you but that is par for the course in those times. I guess you know that the Landsman's has no use for me now and when they did they misused me. Yes... they fucked me over big time but I am so glad to be in my olive groves at the moment that I forgive everyone.

What I do remember is that I protected them and no one can take that away. I defend my enemies if they are sincere enough.

Anonymous said...

Les -- I knew you would say that about them. They were a very weird pair - and they screwed everyone over. Fortunately, I only had a a year or so connect with them before they disappeared from my life. The last time I saw Steven he turned into a lecherous coke up pedophile chasing 15 and 16 year old girls with a coke spoon in hand.

I am glad you are no longer connected to them -- they had very weird energy and their log mansion was on Indian burial ground and haunted with very angry spirits.

But I do remember you as a kind and genuinely sincere person.

Let the dead bury their dead.

You write beautifully and with the soul of a man who has been through it all and come out completely sane...

kikz said...

just another msg, hoping either or both get thru... can't access my google accts @hosp... just wanted to let y'all know.. surgery went well, daughter doing fine..

mom pooped :P)


m_astera said...

Does anyone else notice that the Earth is crying today?

The magic spell above, it is there for her.

If you are feeling the pain of this world, then comfort her, see her vibrantly whole.

see what a beautiful place she is. Let the love in your heart go out to her who has given you so much.

Anonymous said...

hey les,

Beautiful. Just beautiful. No words right now to really say maybe they will come later on.

Anonymous said...

"As the scene becomes increasingly more chaotic a door opens for those who have lost interest in the show. For the rest, the performance has intensified so that they cannot take their eyes off of the stage."

Here we have in one thought, the major force behind the events of today! HD is not a gift of a tech world but a tool or new stage. Soon there will be no differnce between the stage and the living. Its too bad, I love watching the plays and the Opra too! But what are watching when we sit infront of the TV? Thanks Les




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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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