Dog Poet Transmitting.......
When it’s outside of us we call it Nature. When it’s within we call it God. We’re the medium between. When the divine flows unobstructed through us, then Nature becomes a perfect mirror. Nature has no secrets from her lord. When the divine does not flow through us unobstructed, then the mirror is distorted and veils fall over her secrets. The Earth is a sacred being and she hides herself from the profane.
Anything that gets accomplished here gets accomplished by divine agency. There’s only one power and only one doer. When we act as if we were doing the accomplishing, according to our personal ambitions, we become the devil. That’s all the devil really is; one who sets their own interests against those of the cosmos. The irony is that the divine will intends for everyone to have what they truly want and works toward that end. We go contrary to this, seeking to gain what we think we want and believing we won’t get it otherwise. All of a sudden everything becomes sinful. Sin means, ‘missing the mark’.
All evidence of enduring art, everything great and lasting is done by the divine through human agency. If it’s worth hearing, seeing; or by whatever means of perception, the divine did it. Every true science and every understanding of every natural process and what is called supernatural but is simply what has yet to be understood, is brought to us by divine agency. Every corruption of everything mentioned so far, comes about by human agency set against divine agency and is doomed to perish and to fail.
Every divine agency ever named or dressed in any tapestry of religion is the same divine agency. Every religion is a blind that conceals this unity. Still, that unity can be found in any religion for those who can read the true intent of the scripture. The true intent of the scripture can not be understood or comprehended unless it is revealed by the agency that caused it to be authored. All doors to all rarified realms are closed until they are opened by the one entrusted to do so. Anyone who seeks to pick the locks does so at their peril.
What is called magic or miraculous in the higher sense is impossible unless divine agency is working through the practitioner; everything else which is called magic or the occult or by any name that defines the performance of the will upon matter or mind is a perversion.
I sound pretty definite, don’t I? I just wanted to see what it felt like to say these things and speak like that (grin). I believe all of what I said to be sure but there are a lot of ways to say it.
There are millions of artists, scientists and sundry who are looking to excel in their profession or their craft. They work hard at it. They lay awake at night thinking about it. They might make any kind of an arrangement with anyone just to get the opportunity to succeed at what they want to do so badly. They go about in all directions looking for inspiration and assistance and whatever means and monies are necessary to the fulfillment of what they are after and they are wasting their time. The ability to become a legend or to light up or transform the world comes from only one place.
There are millions of writers who want to capture the imagination of the world and dozens of them might say the same thing but only one power can put the resonance in so that the impact will be felt and remembered.
People succeed beyond their wildest dreams only to die on a toilet seat. People attain to fame in such a way that their names are on everyone’s lips and they die alone and besieged or with a shotgun in their mouths. People become rich so that it would last a thousand lifetimes and must live in suspicion of everyone they meet. Only one force knows how to live with these conditions. Only one force controls the force that is the energy which composes and animates the people and the environments. Only divine agency is strong enough to control Maya.
We imagine attractive destinies for ourselves and think how wonderful it would be to achieve them. What a deep sorrow we encounter when we do, unless divine agency is living it in us. We’re free to seek these things and some of us are always getting them but the history of the players is not a happy one.
Anyone who is not seeking the company and favor of the divine is a fool. Anyone who think there isn’t one is an even greater fool. Anyone who can’t see how absolutely certain it is that divine agency is real having it concealed from them. Everyone who argues about it with no more information than what they learned from people with no information has had that argument put into their heads.
We do well to tremble and surrender in all things to the one that is the one. The possibilities of the ways in which our lessons can be learned are infinite. Think for just a moment of all the tales you have read and heard about. Think, if you have experienced it, about all the Sufi tales and Biblical tales, Hindu and Buddhist tales and then consider Shakespeare and all of the other writers and all of the stories they have told. Move along to real life and the records of lives and what the newspapers report and what history has recorded and consider that any one of these end results might be your own. Consider how many of these stories and tales are happy ones.
I look in awe upon all the confident souls who go about their personal business and know so much about everything. They even know all about the things they know nothing about; you have only to ask them. I shudder to see the rich and powerful as they command the world and do the things they do and believe that they are the one who is doing what they are doing and that they are the final judge for the deeds they have done. They scare the shit out of me.
I watch the endless sexual dances, which are the life and death magnets of this magic show in the world of illusion; in this world of dreams, in this world of sleepwalkers writhing in secret fires, whose completion in the act leaves them on glue boards, while regret grows like kudzu in their hearts. I watch the cocky and beautiful turn into the confused and unbeautiful and old and weary and longing for death. It’s a different sexual act that now approaches.
A proper prayer would go something like this; “My Lord... do not give me anything but your company and advice. Whatever else you may give me; let it not come between you and I. Spare me fame and fortune and any position of power unless you are in command. Do not give me passionate love in this world unless it is to teach me what I do not know and do not let the desire linger past the lesson; rather give me friendship and companionship and yours before all others. Keep me from strange attractions.
“Please do not let me come to believe in my own power. Please do not let me act on my own accord. Please remove my shortcomings and grant me your qualities. Protect me from any sense of self importance. Remind me unceasingly of my errors and grant me wisdom and understanding. Lord, let me walk in the kingdom of God while I am walking on this Earth. Let me serve in whatever small way I am capable of. Let me forget myself. Teach me to love without condition and to fear nothing except that I might displease you. Conquer me from within and let me have no freedom but what you celebrate in me. Destroy my false self and break the hinges on the door to my heart. Live your life in me and I will want nothing more”.
This isn’t what people usually ask for, though some do. There are happy and successful lives but we don’t usually hear about them. Those kinds of lives are bad for business.
End Transmission.......
The New Shangri-La
Amen Les, amen, amen..
point of interest;
comment moderation is going up a level to include not posting what is unnecessary, obtuse, patently provocative and without cogent argument and also schizo-rambling.
Thankfully these are exceptions but it does seem to disturb regular visitors who do not understand why I allow them at all. The truth is that I don't know the truth about what seems to be what it seems to be and I don't like being a censor except for what's generally rejected in any moderated format.
I've always felt that people can just by pass and/or otherwise ignore what they don't like. It's what I do.
Divine agency, unity, revelation. Wow Les. Those first paragraphs just absolutely synchronized.
Keep testifying bro'. Sorry I don't have much to add except "Thanks".
You hit new territory with this one.
The cosmos is coming into a new alignment. All of the ancients point to where we are going to be very soon. The symbols tell the story.these are not in words but a different form of communication. Symbols are concepts and to understand these requires conceptual thinking.
Even the core of the earth is on the move as the magnetic pole has moved 39 mile sin the last year.
In this hologram in which we are all a part of we each see our own universe even though it is the same as the overall universe.
We need the light(laser) to see the true hologram, otherwise we our in this dark place of the ego and individuality. A form of insanity.
The divine is the light which illuminates our reality. Without it, we truly are in the dark.
from Mike In Jupiter, FL
My Dearest Visible,
You are truly a disciple, prophet, dog poet, et al.
Thank you so much for keeping on keeping on. I derive much strength, wisdom and enlightenment from reading your blogs, and you are doing our Creator proud.
Mike in Jupiter.
Since no one can explain why there is existence or life itself, all reality is by definition magical. You are correct in that cutting yourself off from the Infinite Creator is stupid beyond comparison, and no human made philosophy can possibly explain it all. One must continually strive to evolve and trust only what lies inside you as the ultimate guide.
Everyone is at least sometimes full of crap with regards to themselves even, so certainly you should always doubt what others tell you. This certainly includes all organized religions and such. Cynicism is very healthy, as most people (at least in the US) will stick a knife in your back whenever they can.
Some very powerful techniques of magic, not for the weak by any means, are to allow the energy of the Earth and Sun flow through your body while engaging in proper breathing. Other techniques are to focus upon the principle energy centers of your body while also engaging in proper breathing. Of course, there are third eye concentrations, light techniques, emptying techniques, etc... .
One of my favorite techniques is to smoke some green stuff and take a walk in the woods by myself. Forget about money, math, society and every other damned aspect of material life and just enjoy Nature (the body of the Infinite Creator). It allows you to become Zen and gets you close to God in a safe manner.
The very best way to become Zen is to drive fast on a wet and/or snowy road, sky dive, f$*k with large people, and other insane activities. Sometimes death through being crazy is good from an overall karmic point of view. You will be reincarnated until you become one with the Infinite Creator anyway, so what the hell?
"Anyone who is not seeking the company and favor of the divine is a fool."
Perhaps the only time "be careful what you wish for" does not apply.."
Wow, we have the greatest gift ever given; individuality.
" Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be."
Thank you Les, these recent posts are simply blowing me away. Just when I think I might start to know you better you move the field goals all the way out to the horizon. Just Visible enough so that we have to work in earnest to catch up again. Then you do it again and again and again... Have you read Barry Long's "The orgins of Man and the Universe" ? It took me a long time to get through it and I thought the part about how 'certain' men could freely move between the physical and psychic world. To others, they were as gods. Thank you for your great writings. Mark in Züri
Amazing prayer Les, thank you.
Namaste --Todd
"...but only one power can put the resonance in so that the impact will be felt and remembered."
Resonance indeed! I couldn't agree more.
Thanks, Les, for submitting, once again, to the Divine. The words on your blogs are more and more frequently in startling resonance with what I understand the Divine to be "telling" me (and others). It's getting almost spooky how even some of the exact same words and phrases are used. Love it!
Incredible prayer too. I'm not normally one for pre-written prayers, but this one hits the bulls-eye!
It's truly awe-inspiring to meet others on The Way to the Kingdom.
Much Thanks,
I've got a simpler one: Oh God, please make my will Yours.
Rev. John
Les said... "They go about in all directions looking for inspiration and assistance and whatever means and monies are necessary to the fulfillment of what they are after and they are wasting their time. The ability to become a legend or to light up or transform the world comes from only one place."
I needed to be reminded of this! As a musician with 35 years of, pardon the pun, "fretting" behind me, I couldn't agree more!
I'm an accomplished guitarist who ha learned numerous lessons along the way.
E = Fb
Amen Les. Thank you.
If you find something you don't like in the mirror..don't go on blaming the mirror.
comment moderation? surely you jest...
I just want to thank you for speaking whats been in my heart always and made life seemingly difficult until I learned to live it. you rock, Love, salaam
Now lets get this right now shall we...
Thank you God for giving us humble seekers of the path this noble voice to guide us.
Thank you very much for the guide and the help he is giving all who seek it.
My thanks to Les for the simple help he provided me personally in my days of trial.
I hope we someday meet.
There's a new Smoking Mirrors up-
Tezcatlipoca, Hunger Porn and Corporate Obeah.
hello Les
i guess you are not or maybe do not want to be the guru, priest, pope, theologian, master, abbot, sifu, teacher, Rabbi, therapist, etc, etc, etc.
Right now, i'm one of those that pursue my own agency as oppose to following the divine will, and don't know how to stop nor have any feeling of error...i which i can feel regret, remorse, guilt or what have you.
I can only await for my own destruction with the way i'm heading.
Thank you for listening.
p/s Why shouldn't you be definite?
Definite about what? What I want to be when I grow up? I need a label so that people can read the ingredients? I am what I am. No, I do not want to be any of those things or I would already have the T-shirt, certificate and funny hat.
People are invited to take what is useful and to leave the rest. My handler will sort out my place in the mix should some definition be required.
Well, you did say you "sound pretty definite"? Anyway, you know (or don't know) yourself better.
Anyway, big thanks for allowing my rambling thought to pass through. All I can say is that instead of being a lighted candle, it is snuffed out candle in the dark for me.
It doesn't have to be. I assure you if you ask fir help in the quiet of you heart and mind that help will come and change will come, in fact, I guarantee it. You do have to ask and it may not come in the form you expect but come it will.
Many of us have come to this moment on hard highway. That highway can change and does.
i am supposed to show you this:
o ( ) o
o O o
o O 0
o (O) o
o \ / o
a very clumsy version of the goddess spirit symbol, made a beautiful crop circle a couple of years back. it is the goddess lifting her creative center. hope it translates...
Yes we become the "Divine" when we surrender ourselves to it.
Elusive and counterintuitive in this world of prideful striving.
Once the smallest bit of the Divine is witnessed , there is nothing left to strive after.
Amen to your prayer I will keep it close to my heart everyday.
Its one thing to hear the light and love in one's own mind, but to hear in anothers is wonderful, thanks for sharing your prayer. Please dont fear the lord or your will to create as he does? Its all a lesson, right? How would I know? I say you have seen the secret earth and she wasnt hiding for you? Take it as you will, but walking next to our lord isnt the same as him carrying you? You've got a good set of walking shoes ready, if you want them?
The Fool
warming words of true nature
on a winter night
chuck a log in the fire
turn the lantern
up real bright
so all the people see
from far far away
that little lantern light
sometimes dim and sway
but it is lit for ever
lit by the divine
its oil is love and truth
it lights up the mind
shines like a star
up there in the night
shining beams of heaven
that little lantern light.
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