Monday, July 05, 2010

No Matter what, it's going to Happen.

Right around every two thousand years things get all fucked up. I struggled to find a better and less offensive word but there isn’t any, especially since the problem has to do with sex anyway. You might wonder about that but that is the primary force of action in the manifest world. The only differences are in its expressions as it moves up the ladder of transformation through fundamental arts into those of inspiration and then to its ultimate expression in the highest forms of love, which mirror the original creative force which made the universe. The divine mind sits in reflection and has a desire to experience itself in a multiplicity of forms. It’s a kind of cosmic hide and seek.

I hear people say there is no God and no intelligent design and all the other excuses they have for making themselves into God which is a pretty dumb thing to do. Or they’re pissed off at religions, as if that had anything to do with it. It doesn’t matter to me, except that I have to live with a majority of people who are motivated by self interest and appetites. This makes most people dull and dangerous but, so it goes.

Every two thousand years or so things get really out of balance and the divine takes a human form to demonstrate how it should be and to explain why people suffer and to show the way. The visit is so impressive that for a little while the whole world knows that there is a single controlling force. Still, after about a hundred years, the memory fades and fellowships are formed to carry the truth in symbols and rituals. A little while later religions emerge and over time it becomes a business enterprise and finally you get to where we are today where they are having sex with children or prostitutes in defiance of the teachings which have to do with suppressing the sexual force.

Along the way they have turned the benevolent divine into a severe and disapproving old man who makes stupid rules and doesn’t believe in having fun, which is the antithesis of what the divine really is; the supreme enjoyer who has created the world for his own pleasure and entertainment. The single self originally divides itself into two polarities of male and female and at different times and in different places, one predominates over the other.

I had been looking for this living consciousness for a long time. I don’t know how long except what it took in this life. For the first seventeen years it pounded me so hard that I had no sense of self. All I knew was that it was terrifying and bad. Little did I know what a good thing it was. Having no sense of self made it possible to accept things that most people can’t.

I could go ahead and lay out what happened along the way to now but I’ve already done that and I talk about some of it in last night’s radio show. I suppose there are all sorts of things to say but I am reminded of how much difference it made to tell people how to find this divine and develop a personal relationship. Since I mentioned how it can be done; go into a room or into nature and do nothing but reach with unflagging intensity for this force within... over the course of some number of days well, since I first said that, several years have passed. I have received a lot of letters from people asking me how to do this or telling me about the trouble they are passing through and not one single person has done what I suggested.

The divine is now here- has always been here- but is now here in human form. It might be more than one this time. I don’t know those details. The good news is that the effort required is less than at any other time. The bad news is that people are less disciplined and there are more distractions than at any other time. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me for people to ask for an answer and not take advantage of it.

I, like others, walk around every day and see the situation and tell people in every way what is going on but, nobody listens. This is why force has to be applied. This is why there are wars and terrible conditions and natural calamities. The worst part of it is that people actually think that temporal force must be feared and obeyed. I’ve seen some of the worst that temporal force can do and it couldn’t do much if you are connected to the supreme force.

I was talking with someone yesterday who was explaining how the world works. I’ve heard a lot of versions. He wasn’t making any sense and I asked him if he ever just banged his head into wall for a long time. He said “no”. I looked at him and said, “Are you sure?” He didn’t get it. Either something works or it doesn’t. Either something is real or it isn’t. There’s no point to anything in anything that people do if they haven’t made contact with what is real.

What I am going to tell you is the unchanging truth. You can look right at it and you can watch yourself reject it and maybe even wonder why. The forces that appear to control the external world run a crooked gaming table. Just about everyone works inside the mechanism. There’s sex and drugs and rock and roll and there is alcohol and guilt. There are all the things people think they want and all the things they have to do in secret because they think they are wrong. There’s all the magic and freedom of love and the confinement that follows when you seek to bind it to yourself. There is disappointment, loss, physical suffering and death. For some it’s a cakewalk of temporary good karma and for some it is Hell on Earth.

The force that seems to run this planet gets all of its force from the primary force. The whole thing is set up to torment you and push your buttons until you are driven to find the one real thing. The one real thing wants to find itself so... that’s just how it goes. If you find the real thing, it gives you all of the things you go through so much trouble to get from the world on your own. You also get the capacity to really enjoy these things in ways that are unknown to most. I know this to be true because I experience it every day.

The divine is not an uptight, high school principle with a bad case of piles. The divine is not a sexless prude. The divine can and does have wild sex, take drugs and smoke cigarettes and dance all night. That is not all it does but just one of the things it can do.

Everyone who encounters the divine experiences it differently. They were created differently for that purpose. It’s not the things you do that are wrong. It’s the way you do them. Guilt over the things you do is one of the things that separate you from the divine. A lot of this is explained in the tale of the Garden of Eden, if people could read what it says as it is meant to be understood.

Most of you are facing a lot of unpleasant things now. You just keep going through it without seeking the author, which is the purpose of all the unpleasant things. It’s got nothing to do with governments or religions or anything else. It’s got to do with you trying to work it out by yourself or making half hearted efforts to contact your maker who is not impressed by that.

I don’t really know how to say it more clearly. Make your entire life about finding the real presence behind the illusion and you will get a big surprise. There’s no point to all these words. There’s no point to all the analysis. There’s no point to anything that doesn’t tell you this clearly and directly. It’s a pretty simple thing. Most people think it’s too hard. I suggest they look at where they wind up or look at where everyone else winds up if they think a little industry and effort on their own behalf is too much to engage in.

I’ve had to deal with various things in this process but I would have to say its all been worth it and there is no alternative. Does it matter what kind of things you get thrown into if the divine is a personal friend of yours? People could have the divine as a friend and a companion. There’s no good and evil there. There is no right and wrong. There’s just you and the divine and whatever you are doing. Is this real? It certainly is.

Since I tend to get things ahead of time, I will have to say that if present time is any indication it is going to get really strange. I suppose it would be okay to just sit here and write about cosmic things and maintain a stable composure but that is just not the way it is. None of this or anything else makes any difference if you haven’t contacted the divine or are not seeking to. Nothing else makes any difference at all.


Anonymous said...

thankyou mr visibles,what a lovely thing to say,be back later with a poem.neil

Rebel 4E said...

Thank you Vis,

Your words have not fallen on deaf ears.


Anonymous said...

Hi Les

Times are sure getting strange - especially around these parts.
I recently had a dream in which i was singing on a rather big stage with a big band located to the front right side of me. As i attempted to move forward to engage the auience the stage director told me to remain within my alloted area. I was disappointed as i couldn't see the audience. (nothing special there).

When i woke from my dream, my wife who was also just waking turned to me and asked why i had ignored her whilst she sat in the audience! She then described the setting band and all. Seems that we had shared the same dream from our individual perspectives. How does that work?

Also a very good friend of mine called me the othere day and told me that as he was driving home from my house he was engaged in a conversation with a good friend who was in the foyer of a movie theater. He suddendly got a very strong smell of petrol driffing into the car, and as he thought it his friend - in the movie theater - said i think i can smell petrol.

'Strange times in deed mamma'


Neko Kinoshita said...

Point taken,

A walk in quiet (loud screaming effort) contemplation is on the agenda.


gurnygob said...

I might be getting the wrong end of the stick but...

Les I get the feeling that what you are saying is that everything is permissible so long as you have the divine; there is no need for guilt. The divine does drugs, smokes cigarettes, has wild sex and enjoys it, drinks alcohol, dances all night and so on.
Sounds like a bit of party boy. My simple mind does not function on your level and it is a challenge for me to think of the divine in these ways. Of course I know this all comes from my catholic up-bringing but your teachings don’t help to make things any clearer. Are you saying that everything is permissible so long as you have the divine?
Are you saying that it’s not what we do but how we do it? If this is so then where is the line? You know that line where some have gone from caring for souls to having sex with children.
There is some of this, your writings, I get and some I don’t.
I can see that the divine lives in me and that being the case then it follows that if I am sitting having a good drink or smoking a fine pipe or having great sex, drugs, rock-and-roll and so on then the divine in me is sharing these thing with me. I can’t think of anything wrong with having any of the above. The problem comes when the above becomes the master and the drunkard starts beating up on his wife or the drugie starts selling heroin to kids on the street or the sex addict starts selling women and children in to prostitution or child pornography. All of the above, drugs, sex, drink and so on have caused the death of million upon millions and not just from natural causes.

I know a little about guilt and the dangers of wallowing in it to the point where it becomes self pity. I know that there is a cyclic with guilt that is repetitive and can lead its victim into a false sense of security only to find them back where they started in the first place, or a worse place. But some guilt must be expressed, some remorse must be present otherwise we end up with what we have and with worse to come. Sometimes guilt has the right effect when used properly.
continued below...

gurnygob said...

gurnygob continued from above..

Maybe what you are saying is that if we really have the divine then we would not take things to the extremes that we do? It could be argued that certain people who proclaim to be enlightened, awakened, divinely inspired have led multitudes to commit horrific crimes against god and man.

Les I am not trying to under mine you. I am trying to understand. I have a mind to try out your suggestion for finding god. I will be going on a 3 day retreat this week to a catholic monastery. My friend who will be with me thinks that I am going to get my catholic faith back on the straight and narrow and I that I will be going to mass and saying the rosary and praying to saint such and such for strength and so on. This is not my intention. I am going to book a room for 3 days and I am not coming out of it. I want Jesus/the Christ more than I want my life. I want a real relationship. I want to walk with God. I want to hear Him speak when I ask Him a question. I want to love. I have searched for Him all my life but always under someone else’s rules. Catholic rules, Christian rules, my rules, house of prayer rules blah, blah, blah. For all my searching I have only glimpsed the shadows of the divine as He passes by. I don’t want shadows any more. My heart is breaking my life is waning and my mind is a soup of unpalatable confusion. I could go on living in this state until the last nail goes in the coffin but without Him I am dead already.
My friend will be somewhat disappointed with me but so be it. If any of you know Christ then please pray for me.

Ps. Les I hope for answers from you to my comments. If you prefer then please email me.

Ben There said...

Thank you for the constant reminders Les.

I notice there are two schools of thought on this subject. One says that to be spiritually awake is our natural state of being and that it will occur spontaneously rather than through sustained effort; that, in fact, intense effort can actually deter it from happening. The other school of thought says it happens gradually and only through intense, sustained effort, over many years.

Both of these explanations make sense to me but between my own personal experience and reading about yours, it seems like the gradual, effort-driven path is the one most of us are destined for. Which is fine.

I recently watched a documentary called "Hippie Masala" about a few characters who went to India in the 60s and stayed there. There's a 'bonus feature' on the DVD that I think would interest your readers called "An American Epiphany". It's a recounting of one American's encounter with two holy men who initiate a dramatic kundalini awakening in him. Made me think of you.

Anonymous said...

So much going on, on so many levels. Physical, mental/emotional, spiritual. We're surfing the big wave's off the north shore now. And they're coming hard and fast. Can't pay attention to the people on the beach while ripping down the face of a forty footer.


Anonymous said...

Les, I don't always match your Views,or buy your Spiel, but I'll give you a 99%+ on this one. Keep it up, Jimmy

Anonymous said...

"The worst part of it is that people actually think that temporal force must be feared and obeyed."

You said it man!

Much love Les, thank you

Love Your Life

Anonymous said...

It cannot be made any more clear than that Les.

He who cannot obey himself will be commanded.....Nietzsche

Clyde Bulawayo said...


There is a universal point of contact for every human being on earth with the truth intended for us by the Creator of us all. What is in debate however is what that point of contact is.

Anyone can think whatever they want about what that point is. You can say what you want to say about it and the consequences for that vary from country to country, tribe to tribe.

Who is it, at this time, that has the ultimate authority to speak for the Creator? That is the question. Is it you Les? Twenty two thousand Christian sects, loads of Hindu sects, divisions in Islam, divisions amongst the Jews, and divisions amongst the atheists (even they are divided). Every religion is divided against itself and the others though their priests and followers may claim otherwise.

Some say that you will know in your heart what the truth is when it comes to you. Jesus said that the heart of man is evil. So thats one authority who puts the heart thing to bed. How can the heart of man know the truth except to a degree if it is evil? If it is evil then it will choose what it feels benefits itself first and then the truth takes the hindmost.

Can you sit and meditate and get to the TRUTH? The Messengers of God, Allah, YHVH, have indicated that through prayer and supplication you can be guided. They also indicated that it wouldn't hurt you at all to bend that puzzle solving instrument between your ears and every other talent you possess to the monumental task of uncovering the TRUTH.

It isn't everyone who is guided to the truth. Some are kept at a distance by virtue of "what their hands have wrought in this life". In other words, those who are not committed to arriving at the truth no matter what it may turn out to be, thy will O God, not my own, are destined to fail by their own choices.

Do you seek the truth and will you accept it when it comes to you no matter what it may turn out to be, regardless of your prejudice, your supposed knowledge, your personal wisdom?

Are you a person who possesses demonstrable proof that you can speak for the Creator of us all? Or are you just another human being who imagines that you are that one.


Clyde Bulawayo said...

Its easy to imagine things, hard to be the actual One. The golden Criteria for a promised One of God is laid out in the Holy Books of the various religions. You have to work to locate that. You might be able to google it and get some results. The following is one thing that could be in your favor if you are pure of heart-- All the major religions originated through the agency of the One Creator of everything. There is only one. Zadek, Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, The Bab and Baha'u'llah are all from the one religion. With the exception of Zadek/Atum-Ra/Adam/Zedek they are all descendants of Abraham.

Take away the scribblings of the clergy who have used the messages as their private domain from which to manipulate the hearts and minds of the people for their own ends and for those of the kings of the earth and you have the pure message. Today there is no legitimate clergy except the self. In this, the age of information, we are our own priest (teacher). We are individually responsible for our own education beyond that which we receive from parent, environment or state. Circumstances alter cases as per our final exam at the end of life on earth when we judge ourselves. In other words, one who is deprived of an education from the beginning will be accorded justice as will one who has received much opportunity to become educated and yet has squandered it in favor of absorbing the drivel du jour

One who possesses some talent at leadership will, if pure of heart, turn himself toward the One Creator first before he turns himself to dispensing his own understanding out to the masses lest he become an additional source of delusion to the people. How careful one must be, eh Les? But then you don't have any idea, do you?

Where is that point of authority here on earth? Who can address all the people of earth with the words of the One True God? Who can make sense of each of the religions so that the hearer can be edified and uplifted? So that the people of earth might be united in the love of the One True God, freed from the clergy (self made or otherwise) and their mutterings.

What do you offer Les? Is it what God intends or is it just your own limited understanding of what God intends? If you don't know perhaps you could find out before you lead yet another knot of people into the wilderness of error.

Dare I say it? There is an authority here on earth placed here by the Lord of all mankind, the Creator of the universe and all that is in it. Can you find it? Its somewhat the same as and also different than the search for Elmo. ;)


Clyde Bulawayo said...


Not any Christian sect
Not any Muslim sect
Not any Jewish sect
Not any Hindu sect
Not Zoroastrian

The authority sent by God is foretold by Golden Criteria
(not Gorham)

The Great Pyramid is a chronological book in stone

Every Manifestation has an Establisher

Psalms 89, Jeremiah 33

Tablet of the True Seeker

Don't worry if you become confused. The root of the word means “to think”. If you are one who will be led to the truth the confusion will pass. Use your mind. Its a puzzle for you. It helps if you enjoy learning but even if learning is painful for you there may be success after all. In the bible there are several mentions of those who are wicked. The wicked are those who refuse to use their God given intellect to help in the solution of the greatest questions. That’s another clue for you.

So Les, would you deny that there is always more to do, more to learn? There is always something additional, past our own understanding isn't there? So in that great love that you have for yourself give yourself the gift of changing your perspective just slightly for a great effect, for a lasting release from the fog of confusion (on this issue).

Its like looking through a scope or binocular. Unless you are looking directly into the clear zone you will not see your target well. At the very center of the lense however is the sweet spot. Go there. But first, one thing, remove the lense you have been looking through and seek the lense intended by The All Merciful, The Ever Forgiving. If you persist in looking through the lense of your own making how can you expect to see anything that is really new? The blind are still leading the blind in the metaphor wherein you keep your old lense.

Clyde Bulawayo

Clyde Bulawayo said...


In this metaphor everyone needs a lense Les. In other metaphors one must cast off the rheum or the covering of the eye. But in this one metaphor it helps to have the proper lense. Go with it. Now off with you laddie. You’ll be right as rain by morning. I'll see you at one of the 12 gates. Find that lense using the clues I’ve given you. I could tell you straight out but you wouldn’t believe it. Go on before you give me a heart attack. (with the inimitable Scottish accent of George Galloway)

One more thing. No hand kissing or foot kissing allowed. I knew you would appreciate that. Better get moving. Three of the vials of Revelations have been poured out upon the earth (remember, no Christian denom or sect, but all books instead).

Clyde Bulawayo

Josey Wales said...

Hi Les,

and you said..... not one person

I started following what you advised, faithfully, every day, for the past 1 1/2 years.

and have found my connection

Anonymous said...

Don't overlook the helpers though.

"Today is the dakini's special day. In Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. Buddha's teaching is divided into the sutra and tantra. Both show the way to enlightenment, how to be free of samsara. The great masters say that both have to be practiced. Without sutra and tantra, one cannot be enlightened. The only difference is that tantras take a short time to become enlightened and the sutras a long time. The dakinis are part of the tantric path. There are many dakinis: enlightened dakinis, and those are on the first to tenth bhumis. Vajrayogini is the greatest dakini and she is completely enlightened. Tara is also completely enlightened, but she manifests in order to benefit beings. So it's important to know the different levels of dakinis."

Anonymous said...

I should have mentioned the saint who sinned in that last one. Rasputin.

gurnygob said...

what Dublin Mick said...."Today is the dakini's special day" and so on....
Mick I know you are not addressing me and you have your own reasons for putting up your comment about dakini but there is none of what you said that makes any sense to me.

"Buddha's teaching is divided into the sutra and tantra. Both show the way to enlightenment, how to be free of samsara. The great masters say that both have to be practiced. Without sutra and tantra, one cannot be enlightened."

is this your belief or are you just telling us something you read.

Does any of that really matter? Must I give up one set of beliefs only to replace them with another and then another? What is sutra and tantra? Why can I not gain enlightenment without both? Did you ever get the feeling you were banging your head of a brick wall?
Sorry don’t mean to be cheeky.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Les. I want to share this video series, you may know him.
Sound is bad, but message is important.

Anonymous said...

Srila Prabhupada: Because God is absolute, His name, His form, and His qualities are also absolute, and they are nondifferent from Him. Therefore to chant God's holy name means to associate directly with Him. When one associates with God, one acquires godly qualities, and when one is completely purified, one becomes an associate of the Supreme Lord.

Anonymous said...

peoples what I think les is saying is we start at these base desires and just move up and beyond,our experiences are our personal teacher,
I'm sure every one hear has learned from their mistakes,I know some people never seem to learn and keep trudging around in the same old things,but most of us do in our way,I have noticed with my self I will always be trying to perfect what ever I am doing,not that I ever will attain perfection but the feeling to do that is always there.
even these illuminatomatas are trying to perfect what they are doing driven by the love of control
or power and will use lies to get it,that is where most of us will draw the line I suppose,gurney I would say you are probably already there,maybe by putting all of those things you already know together and practise that feeling of love,which I already know you have because some of the things you write are filled with that emotion.
we must aswell take into account that the bible has been put together after jesus death and sometimes it would be better to think outside the box,what would jesus do or any of the other master for that matter,and trust that feeling of love.
so in my view peoples its the different layers of awareness from the base desire's that perverts illuminatas and what not mess around in,all the way up to realised masters jesus muhammad ramakrishna and all of those people
who have come before who have pointed the way.
gurney there is all sorts of other stuff out there aswell now,on jesus

..peace and love to all of you..neil

Anonymous said...

also declan,we dont really need that one upmanship around here,I have found love not to be a competition it can only be felt and given accordingly,I practise through poems les is through the shere clarity he is able to write with,all of us have got a little thing that is our unique way of applying that love to this world.I have no doubt we are all that spiritual light its just we see in varying different degrees in different moments,correct me if I'm wrong please.

..peace to all neil..

m_astera said...

Evil can be defined as causing or allowing harm to come to another in order to benefit one's self.

This would include harming the innocence of the innocent for one's own benefit.

Anonymous said...

hindu person.
everytime you write one of them things,my peace stirs thankyou
may your blessings be infinate
as your knowledge surely is.neil

Anonymous said...

When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.
~ Jack Gurney - "The Ruling Class"

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.
~ Frederick Douglass, escaped slave

Both from here:


Anonymous said...

for the peace you stir with in me
the love I feel inside
for your limitless lessons
and all the wise men that you rise
the more I try to know you
the deeper the love I feel
through my continual persistance
the more love is revealed
fluttering like a feather
flying like a dove
roaring like a lion
inside but also above
I thankyou for this life
even though sometimes its hard
I know you love all the people
not one will you ever discard.


Pstonie said...

Les I think you just proved there's no intelligent creation, because a system that starts degrading into this after about a hundred years and has to be rebooted every two thousand, is something referred to in creation jargon as "not working".

Though I am certain that I'm being willed to walk into nature. I don't know what it is here that I have to get away from, if it's electricity or perhaps the density and deadness of everything with which we surround ourselves, but it would seem that others here have felt the same pull.

Anonymous said...

pstonie,maybe the divine is the only real intelligence in the universe.

..peace neil..

Anonymous said...

Les --

When ecstasy comes and fills you

you dance in the arms of god


When you chase ecstasy

with desire

you become base in the arms of Lucifer

When you die to the desires of Lucifer

You are lifted by the loving arms of the one true divine God


long john said...

Tablet to a True Seeker

Anonymous said...

ever living goodness
eternaly divine
ever freely flowing
connecting heart and mind
flowing through the flowers
round and through the trees
through the birds and animals
the ancient loving breeze
feel it on the finger tips
hear it in the sound
smell it up in the air
sense it from the ground
the everloving goodness
freely flowing everywhere
wandering through all things
allways deeply care.


Clyde Bulawayo said...

To Neil:

No one-ups-manship intended. When you were in the 1st grade you had no idea what you would learn in the 5th grade because you didn't know of it yet except by rumor, 2nd hand. I'm telling you about something that you can get to now. The information is available to any who aren't frozen in their own knowledge or wisdom or that which they have received from others.

That you wouldn't want to know is nothing to me. Its not even a shame. Its your business. You get to decide as do all others. The consequences of ignoring what I am saying might even be negative for you but its still none of my business if you want to ignore it.

Prejudice causes mis-identification of sources and their data. You've never heard of me or what I am relating to you and others here. My intent is to make it possible for more people to peruse the information. Its free. Yes, the truth is free. You don't have to pay some body for their DVD or their time talking to you from the stage.

Find it hard to believe that anyone could be telling you something you don't already know? Is it hard to accept that you don't know all that you need to know or all that is important for a human being to know and understand? If so I get where you are coming from. I've spoken with or corresponded with hundreds of people over the years on the subject of ontology.

Do you want the truth no matter what it may turn out to be, regardless of your prejudices and heartfelt yearnings for a particular outcome? What if the truth didn't agree with your understanding. Would you reject it?

The holy books say that the people will be appalled at the truth and reject it. Where would you be found in the crowd? You may believe that you have found the truth. The holy books (from the Messengers such as Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and so on.) say that the people will love the lie and will fail to abandon it when the truth comes along.

So what we have here on earth are big groups and small, embracing theologies or philosophies that they understand to be true. The truth comes to them through some means and they reject it because they believe they embrace the truth all ready. The lacuna is their denial that they need further growth. Thats it. For our day the teachings of the previous Messengers are not sufficient though they are still acceptable (except for the mutterings of the corrupt clergy)and can be likened to the knowledge of 1st grade or 3rd grade or 10th grade to a person who could be graduating but won't because of his or her love of the lower grade of knowledge. Again its no one-ups-manship. Would you just watch while a person stands in the street in front of an oncoming bus? I won't but I can only do so much.
If you insist on keeping your place in the street in front of the oncoming bus its your business.


Clyde Bulawayo said...

To Neil:

No one-ups-manship intended. When you were in the 1st grade you had no idea what you would learn in the 5th grade because you didn't know of it yet except by rumor, 2nd hand. I'm telling you about something that you can get to now. The information is available to any who aren't frozen in their own knowledge or wisdom or that which they have received from others.

That you wouldn't want to know is nothing to me. Its not even a shame. Its your business. You get to decide as do all others. The consequences of ignoring what I am saying might even be negative for you but its still none of my business if you want to ignore it.

Prejudice causes mis-identification of sources and their data. You've never heard of me or what I am relating to you and others here. My intent is to make it possible for more people to peruse the information. Its free. Yes, the truth is free. You don't have to pay some body for their DVD or their time talking to you from the stage.

Find it hard to believe that anyone could be telling you something you don't already know? Is it hard to accept that you don't know all that you need to know or all that is important for a human being to know and understand? If so I get where you are coming from. I've spoken with or corresponded with hundreds of people over the years on the subject of ontology.

Do you want the truth no matter what it may turn out to be, regardless of your prejudices and heartfelt yearnings for a particular outcome? What if the truth didn't agree with your understanding. Would you reject it?

Clyde Bulawayo said...

More for Neil,

The holy books say that the people will be appalled at the truth and reject it. Where would you be found in the crowd? You may believe that you have found the truth. The holy books (from the Messengers such as Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and so on.) say that the people will love the lie and will fail to abandon it when the truth comes along.

So what we have here on earth are big groups and small, embracing theologies or philosophies that they understand to be true. The truth comes to them through some means and they reject it because they believe they embrace the truth all ready. The lacuna is their denial that they need further growth. Thats it. For our day the teachings of the previous Messengers are not sufficient though they are still acceptable (except for the mutterings of the corrupt clergy)and can be likened to the knowledge of 1st grade or 3rd grade or 10th grade to a person who could be graduating but won't because of his or her love of the lower grade of knowledge. Again its no one-ups-manship. Would you just watch while a person stands in the street in front of an oncoming bus? I won't but I can only do so much.
If you insist on keeping your place in the street in front of the oncoming bus its your business.


Anonymous said...

thinking beyond the self
leaving personals behind
forgetting all those worrys
those things that leave us blind
surrender to our purpose
give all that we can
the ever living love
always there where we stand
if we stand as one together
giving all we ever could
that love that lives within us
the ever living good
connecting all as one
sacred forever free
all of us beings are here
and meant to be.


Anonymous said...

The Divine is Aish

Anonymous said...

Hi Les,

I miss commenting in your blog. Though there are some differences in opinion in regards to God, there are many other subjects that you brought up that has so much truth especially in this turbulent times. I am trying my best to write only when I really feel like writing. May I share what I know in regards to The Divine.

As I mentioned before, we lived in the same earth, in the same universe, drinking from the same source of water, eating from the same earth, breathing from the same air. There could only be One Source who provides all these necessity of life. Without His Mercy, without His Love, without His Grace, we are indeed helpless. He is there, everywhere, He who has no Beginning and He who has no End. He who Creates and not the created. He who is nothing like His Creations. He who created our Soul/Spirit in His image at the beginning of Creation.

Only when the Soul/Spirit enters this physical body, we forgot our oath to God Almighty - Alastubirrabikum? Am I not your lord? And we replied - Qaloo - Balaa shahidna - Indeed we witness!
Once we enter this world, we forgot the extent and power of our spirituality and tend to submit to the wants of the physical body especially the belly and the sex organ.

The Soul/Spirit is like the electricity to a computer CPU. Even how sophisticated the computer, without electricity it is nothing. Same here with us, without The Soul/Spirit, we are just a stinking corpse that no one wants to be around with.
Allah Most High says in the Holy Qur’an (15:26-29) that when He created man from black mud and fashioned him into the beautiful shape of a human being, and made him complete, HE BREATHED INTO MAN HIS SOUL FROM HIS OWN SOUL.

Allah had lent 7 of His Characters in our souls.
1. Qudrah - Power
2. Iradhah - Will
3. Ilmu - Knowledge
4. Hayah - Life
5. Samak - The ability to hear
6. Basar - The ability to see
7. Qalam - The ability of speech
These characters are all within us. Make full use of this to seek The Divine. It is difficult but not impossible.

Nur Ilahi

P. S gurnygob – If you go ahead with your intention of finding God in the church or cathedral, please pray to the God that Jesus prayed to. You won’t get astrayed. InshaAllah – God Willing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Les,

You do not know who reads your words, the impact you are having is only a positive one all over the globe, it's a wonderful thing. Sharing what we have is the only thing worth doing, you can not do much more for humanity.

Hang in there, it's a bumpy ride, man!

Andrew in Sydney...

Anonymous said...

"the divine takes a human form to demonstrate how it should be and to explain why people suffer and to show the way."

or many human forms. here's a couple dozen:


henry beck said...

I am sixty-four and have been searching for the the divine for the biggest part of my life. Not to find a saviour or protector but to call the divine to account for the cruel, inhuman game the divine likes to play. I am angry for more than forty years, outraged, furious. When the pain becomes too much to handle for humans it is then that they are forced to look for the divine? Thank you father for allowing me to come home?
Not me; my own father, the man that brought me up, never raised his hand against me, never scolded me, berated me, always accepted me as I was and wordlessly demonstrated to me that anybody who had a problem with that could be ignored with a smile.
Yet the big father, the divine, happily allows if not furthers and fosters the insane cruelties in an unrelenting way for people to turn to the divine.
Every time I see a picture of a palestinian father holding his death child in his arms, a little afghani girl in terror facing an american soldier, I rage, I rage, I rage. And I add it to the list of calous atrocities that big daddy has to explain to me.
The divine sofar didnot show up; some times I think the divine is a bit scared; all the power that big daddy can muster might noty be enough to explain the cruel divine game that has turned earth into hell.

Anonymous said...

nur llahi
,may the greatness of allah fill your words with the potency of his compassion.
I also love your comments,I have recently been in kashmir with the muslim community,a beautiful experience,I made many friends they taught me about the sufis,and some of the great people who have lived in that area over the years.
I didnt want to leave and I will be going back at some point.
so I thank your people..neil

gurnygob said...

Nur Ilahi

P. S gurnygob – If you go ahead with your intention of finding God in the church or cathedral, please pray to the God that Jesus prayed to. You won’t get astrayed. InshaAllah – God Willing.

I will be praying to my Father in heaven just as Christ did. I will be praying to Christ because He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. And in another sense, I will not be praying, at least not in the conventional way. The problem with most Catholics is that we tend to pray to an "outside" force we call God/Jesus or Mary and the saints. I don't know why we do that. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within you. So I guess I will be looking in rather than out. I already knew this, but as I said in one of my comments. My search has been rapped in so much red-tape and rules that say you must do this and I must do that, to the point where I missed the boat, so to speak. This time it's just Christ and me. No books, no rules, no ceremonial, no mass, no rosary. Just father and son alone together. I am not going to ask for gifts or pray for my soul. I am not going to ask questions or seek answers, I just want to find my Father, my God, my higher self, if that's what it is, and spend time with Him. If He decides to shower me with gifts or provide me with answers then so be it, but really, I just want Him.

Karyn Weese said...

Dear Les, thank you once again for the incredible inspiration and guidance. Can you please direct us to where you first wrote about how to establish contact with the Divine? I would like to read the post. Karyn

Anonymous said...

henry each of us have free will,our divinity is not a funny looking bloke up in the sky who takes pleasure at the ethnic cleansing of children,I would say the people that do this sort of thing have lost touch with there divinity and are acting from a very corrupted base desire.
the people reading les's stuff are trying to reclaim their divinity which was always their but over the years has been put on the backburner,you are obviously a good man,all good people are needed for us to bring this wonderous beautiful earth back to the harmonious divinity that it is.

sorry people I keep posting comments but my knowledge is limited
it is better that I let the wise men and women say their things as their words hold a lot more clarity.
be back later with some poems.

..peace neil..

Visible said...

There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-

The World of Most People and the Power of the Unseen.>

Visible said...

For some reason I have posted Declan's comments three times and they are not showing up. Don't know what to make of it. They keep appearing but that's as far as it gets at the moment

FromBeyondOmega said...

No Matter what, it IS happening!

Anonymous said...

hey declan,I am sorry if I insulted yourself,that was never my intention I know how what is in the heart can look different when written on a computer screen,I consider myself a first grader and open to all teachings
so please if you could reveal some of the things that you have learned with us all as now would probably be a good time.

..ever loving peace.neil

bholanath said...

Seems to be some blogger problems this morning. Yours aren't the only ones. DM said "its Internet 2.0" LOL!

Anonymous said...

Para- My thinking at present: We don’t know why conditions on earth are set up the way they are, with all the cruelty toward and exploitation of the innocent, weak, and helpless.

Different religions and teachers give different descriptions of how we and the universe came to exist. They have different takes on the presence or absence of Free-will, presence or absence of Justice in the universe (not human justice), Suffering, the idea of right or wrong Behaviour (sin means missing the mark), and the presence of Evil in this world.

Some religions and teachers say there are different classes of humans, and one’s duty depends on the class or group one belongs to, and on the class or group of the person one is interacting with. They also say that people who don’t believe as they do, cannot reach God, are not human, and can be killed. Even today. They see their group as the lords of the earth and their belief system as the one and only God’s Truth.


Anonymous said...

Para- continued Because of these local conditions, their notions of their deities are often limited. Morality, based on social mores (customs and practice), is relative and defined differently by different cultures. Each “God” of those groups, is partial to those groups, discriminates against others, and is not a Universal Divine which/who cares for all creation equally.

These descriptions by different traditions, even when revealed to individuals in visions or a collective effort over time, are all transmitted through human minds, which are limited, and shaped by their cultures. No God came to earth and wrote any scripture, or made announcements in the air, without human participation.

There are teachers and a few religious traditions which are universal in their outlook, and which teach behaviour and practices which are based on universal ethics (not society-based morality) like not doing harm to others (negative definition), and positively, being kind to and helping all. That’s why the Dalai Lama (whatever his faults) said “My religion is Kindness”.
How people practice their religions in their personal lives is another story altogether.

It seems to me, personal enlightenment has to go hand in hand with considering all others in creation – animal, vegetable, mineral – as also expressions of the Divine One, as much as humans are, and treating with kindness and helping all, to whatever extent one can. Being concerned only with contemplation of the Divine and one’s personal connection with the Divine, and not doing anything to help others is self-centred.

So, in addition to becoming aware that we are all chips off the old block, we need to practise our belief, steer courses of living which are infused with that awareness.

Anonymous said...

Para - continued
Other religions and teachers focus on personal enlightenment, and say little about duties and relation to others and to other forms of life, and to the earth.
Some religions and teachers advise followers to be of service, to be kind - only to all humans, and see the rest of creation as existing only for the benefit of humans. They also believe they have the only Truth.
Still other traditions teach us to be kind and caring towards all forms of life, human and not human, and also to plants and the whole earth, all as different expressions of the Divine. They are fully open, inclusive.

Many of these teachings are conditioned by local social customs and sometimes by necessity, eg, girl babies being left out to die, older adults choosing to stay out to die, in the cold, among Eskimos. It was not a “sin” or wrong for them. Other religious teachings justify other social structures, like caste in India, or limiting “righteous, good” behaviour only to one’s group, as in parts of West Asia.

Visible said...


I haven't a clue where that's been said but it's been said several times in several places.

It's quite simple. Everyone in the manifest world (here), has some level of darkness obscuring their spiritual sight. Until a certain point there is an awareness of something greater that cannot be seen. Below that the interests of the separated self predominate.

There is an urging in the heart to reach for something finer and higher than what the senses report. For some, it is enough to immerse themselves in religious practice. In many cases this boils down to an incessant repetition of phrases and the like. On some occasions this is enough to set a particular process in motion however...

religions are a difficult route to tread for various reasons. The actual being and personality of the divine resides outside of them and is more likely to be attracted by a heart that has rejected everything but the presence within.

The crust of materialized darkness varies from person to person. For some, success is more speedy than for others but success is possible for anyone who does not cease in the effort. The more constant and continuous the effort, the quicker the communion and awakening.

This crust must be broken so that the light can penetrate and the aperture can be much wider in some cases depending on the effort of the person engaged.

So, I have pointed out that all one has to do to reach the divine is to go into a room or into Nature or anywhere that one can stay undisturbed and speak, pray and yearn without ceasing. One eventually will fall asleep from fatigue. One then goes right back to it and does not cease until one has made contact. One doesn't eat and one doesn't entertain thoughts or feelings about anything else.

Anyone who attempts this will see pretty quickly what the difficulty is. So, one has to want this more than anything else. It's quite simple. One has to want this more than anything else.

There are a number of saints in all traditions who have done just this. One in particular said he would just lay down and die if God was not going to come and eventually God did. This person is considered to have been a great teacher. There are quite a few examples but I'm not in possession of the time or inclination now to list any of them or to say much more than I've said here.

The key to the whole affair can be found in what is said here. You have to want it more than anything else. Sooner or later this desire and drive awakens in everyone. For some it takes a very long time and some went on eons ago.

Some attainments are much greater than others, like the Amitabha Buddha. We're not all the same no matter what you might hear.

Kevenj said...

I've always wondered at the one verse that Jesus spoke of-
"You shall know the truth, ,and the truth shall set you free."
Remarkable post Les, and thanks to Declan for you and many others here bring a thimble of logical articulation to something difficult.

FromBeyondOmega said...


I(we) heartily commend you for having provided those of our ilk with this place to gather and share ourselves.

This undiminishable sense of certainty concerning the ultimately intangible everythingness-that-is which so many of us are drawn to variously identify as being 'God', 'the Divine', 'the Great Spirit', 'Love', 'That Which Is' etc etc etc is, from my and my wife's perspective, the whole of existence, itself.

Moreover, for us, having learned to approach and perceive reality in this way makes it possible for us to eventually understand everything that our minds encounter in terms of how everything usefully thus purposefully fits to the whole.

No mind that functions well should doubt that the whole of existence - out of which it is blatantly clear and certain that everything that exists has also come into existence - therefore has at least as much intelligence as is being evinced by these words which are coming to me(us) so that I(we) can share them with you.

We, your friends and fellow human beings, share ground and knowingness in common with you and yours.

long john said...

Greetings Declan,

thank you for your sincerity and sobriety and the light you wish to share here.

however, not everyone here is unfamiliar with the message of Baha-u'allah, Abdul'Baha, and the Bahai faith. i happen to be quite familar with the message of Bahai.

when i was much younger, i had an elder friend and mentor by the name of Stanwood Cobb. you may have heard of him, as he is well known among older Bahais.

Stanwood Cobb was a great literary author and an educator. He had degrees from Dartmouth and Harvard.
He was one of the early 20th century western followers of Bahai.

Not only did i know Stanwood Cobb, but i even lived in his great old house in Chevy Chase, Maryland (USA) for a time during the mid-1970s.

so i became well acquainted with Bahá'u'allah and the Bahai faith due to Stanwood Cobb and his great knowledge, wisdom and kindness. Stanwood was a true light, an extraordinary man and deeply devoted to God and Bahai.

Stanwood Cobb had known Abdul'Baha
in the early 1900s, and Cobb was also one of the original founders of the Bahai assembly in Washington DC.

I loved him and i later regretted that i had not stayed with him a lot longer. It was Stanwood Cobb alone who conveyed the exalted message and teaching of Baha-u'allah and the Bahai faith to me. He passed away in Chevy Chase in 1982 at a very old age.

also, thanks for sharing your insights and suggestions in this forum. my sincere regards.

Anonymous said...

mr from beyond
I like that last one
you may have one of those things called a unique way of expressing yourself,what a fine thing to have...neil

FromBeyondOmega said...

anonymous neil,

thankyou for your kind and thoughtful words

Anonymous said...

thankyou declan and long john.
I have had a small look on
bahu-u allah,another teacher of the light,I felt an immediate stirring in the heart,at some point I will have a good read up,as I suspect like with all the teachers the way he conveys his message will hold potent energys
that tap different ways through the streams of thought.

declan it would be nice to hear some of your thinkings as you deserve the utmost respect thanyou once again.peace neil

Anonymous said...

mr beyond
thankyou,and hope you post some more of them thinkings it is a pleasure to read them.peace neil

Vanguard said...

@ Anonymous 6:38 PM

"It seems to me, personal enlightenment has to go hand in hand with considering all others in creation – animal, vegetable, mineral – as also expressions of the Divine One, as much as humans are, and treating with kindness and helping all, to whatever extent one can."

Rhetorical: Consider our ("evolved") human bodies. So many autonomic processes, including a very advanced immune system. Lymph. Molecular. Cellular. T-cells. Etc.

Not all things in this (fallen) world are good for us.

The beauty of the material/physical world analogy is that there are real and sometimes immediate consequences to people acting on fiction/fancy rather than fact. In the philosophical or spiritual realm, things are not so automatic, nor immediate. Hence, the almost infinite variations on some set of main themes, positive or negative, good neutral or evil. (Gosh, it's like there are as many 'in toto' [complete sets of] beliefs as there are snowflakes!)

To put it bluntly, people can subscribe to and act on very false beliefs, and last perhaps their whole lives. Whereas, eat a bad mushroom or fish when the tide is red, and you're dead!

I would philosophically interpret this to mean that the spiritual realm is far more advanced than the physical--it being a continuum after all--and, as many have stated, we need chance(s) to work out the higher via the ("lower") vehicle/temple/body.

We must learn to consciously reject things that are "bad" for our souls and spirits, our minds and hearts, as we unconsciously reject pathogens that are bad for our bodies. (Consider how many people died over ages before learning and transmitting knowledge of poisonous plants that were not suitable for food. Religions/spirituality are analogous.)

In all realms, the ("evil") "organism" must be encountered for us to respond. Some times, even a "type and shadow" of a known invader--openly or sneakily--triggers a valiant response.

I would not treat "all life" with a catering to their/its desires, for it may mean one's own destruction.

The "trick" is developing massively insightful discernment...something beyond human...something...divine.

estebanfolsom said...

if you sit
and breathe
and 'do'
nothing else
it will
come to you

if you think
and rationalize
with the very mind
'god' gave you
to reach the 'truth'
you will get there

if you act
in this world
as if we all
are of one
you are
already there

if you have
gone further
our conversation's

god speed
and screw
the queen

[ya i got
a problem
with royalty]


estebanfolsom said...

just an aside to

in the 5-6 years i
have posted comments
on the inter-web-net
i have only been mean
once before
was that you also ?
or one of your brethren ?
please forgive me
it will be better
for both of us /
[you ?]

estebanfolsom said...

forgot about the
comment offered
concerning hilary
and a deal with
larry flynt

and the 'fat
lady singing'

now that
was mean

Clyde Bulawayo said...

Hi Neil,

No insult felt here. The issue of ontology is complicated by all the confusion from the cacophony of voices. I understand that perhaps better than most and am a mere beginner relative to a small number of others.

Don't worry about offending me at all. I'm in the great conversation all the time so its difficult in the extreme to offend me at all. Yet I am no great one myself.

I would rather see in others the sincere desire to come in contact with the truth expressed by yourself. I don't care what others call the truth but is better in my eyes if people are on the path toward whatever it may turn out to be and without prejudice.

There are many distractions for the creature with the intellect. To reduce confusion and increase reality I say this: Each person is one. All the parts of that one make up the one and are a whole. There is no separation between what may be referred to as the heart and what is referred to as the mind. It is all one. What is a distraction from ones real purpose? What is ones real purpose here on this plane of existence?

Couldn't it be true that we are awash in distraction for a very good reason, that it is a part of our development and that the challenge is to free ourselves from it whatever it maybe? That is it could be a path designated by Whatever It Is that brings all things into existence? I prefer to call This One The Creator or God. Others call The All Powerful Allah or Ahura Mazda and other hallowed names.

Can you imagine what it might take to bring the universe into existence? Can you imagine One who could do such a thing? As far as I know you would have to be that One to imagine that One. We humans, though powerful by virtue of the intellect with the capacity to think in the abstract are not equipped to imagine the One.

This is why we are not to make graven images. Our Creator is an Invisible, Unknowable Essence. When we make images resembling what we have imagined we are straying from the truth that that One is invisible and unimaginable.

To break the people of worshipping the things of the creation that were good and turn them toward the worship of the One Moses had them slaughter their best animals and burn the flesh and fat on the altar so that the smoke would rise up to the nostrils of God. Of course God has no nostrils but the intellectual level of the people of the day made it appropriate to couch the law in those terms.

The idea was that they were to worship God and not the creation that God brought into existence for them.

Religion has been used by the clergy to thwart and distort the purpose of the Creator. Kings and clergy manipulate the hearts and minds. So what is it that the Creator actually wants us to know? Who can speak with authority on the subject? Who has proof that they are authorized to speak with authority? That info could simplify matters by magnitudes.

Clyde Bulawayo said...

Hi Neil,

No insult felt here. The issue of ontology is complicated by all the confusion from the cacophony of voices. I understand that perhaps better than most and am a mere beginner relative to a small number of others.

Don't worry about offending me at all. I'm in the great conversation all the time so its difficult in the extreme to offend me at all. Yet I am no great one myself.

I would rather see in others the sincere desire to come in contact with the truth expressed by yourself. I don't care what others call the truth but is better in my eyes if people are on the path toward whatever it may turn out to be and without prejudice.

There are many distractions for the creature with the intellect. To reduce confusion and increase reality I say this: Each person is one. All the parts of that one make up the one and are a whole. There is no separation between what may be referred to as the heart and what is referred to as the mind. It is all one. What is a distraction from ones real purpose? What is ones real purpose here on this plane of existence?

Couldn't it be true that we are awash in distraction for a very good reason, that it is a part of our development and that the challenge is to free ourselves from it whatever it maybe? That is it could be a path designated by Whatever It Is that brings all things into existence? I prefer to call This One The Creator or God. Others call The All Powerful Allah or Ahura Mazda and other hallowed names.

Clyde Bulawayo said...


Can you imagine what it might take to bring the universe into existence? Can you imagine One who could do such a thing? As far as I know you would have to be that One to imagine that One. We humans, though powerful by virtue of the intellect with the capacity to think in the abstract are not equipped to imagine the One.

This is why we are not to make graven images. Our Creator is an Invisible, Unknowable Essence. When we make images resembling what we have imagined we are straying from the truth that that One is invisible and unimaginable.

To break the people of worshipping the things of the creation that were good and turn them toward the worship of the One Moses had them slaughter their best animals and burn the flesh and fat on the altar so that the smoke would rise up to the nostrils of God. Of course God has no nostrils but the intellectual level of the people of the day made it appropriate to couch the law in those terms.

The idea was that they were to worship God and not the creation that God brought into existence for them.

Religion has been used by the clergy to thwart and distort the purpose of the Creator. Kings and clergy manipulate the hearts and minds. So what is it that the Creator actually wants us to know? Who can speak with authority on the subject? Who has proof that they are authorized to speak with authority? That info could simplify matters by magnitudes.



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