Monday, July 26, 2010

Which Part of this are you Reading?

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Here we are at Origami, ostensibly for something spiritual. Then again, everything is spiritual isn’t it? Well, it is and it isn’t which is why I have a problem with absolutist and relativist and any ist or ist not (grin) because nothing anyone says is exactly what it is. What is is beyond the possibility of words to define. Anyone who doesn’t know that is trapped at a certain level. Until they do so the best thing is just to accept that and adapt because sooner or later you are going to have to accept that because that’s what you find out when you realize you can’t move any further and are willing to let go of the vanity and ego of words that are used to define the world according to your personal limitations which are no different from anyone else’s in being incomplete.

The key point is not to be trapped anywhere longer than you have to. And every plane you leave leads to a more subtle plane which still contains traps almost all the way to the highest heavens. People get stuck all the time because they think they’re in control of the solution, ironic given that they are the problem. That’s the problem with intelligence and knowledge and why walking the path of the heart and seeking the presence is the only sure way and quickest way. You get everything in one shot. The other way, if you are one of the very few, through having developed the requisite qualities, who actually make it you still have to come back for the wisdom of love as you extinguish all you think you know and this can lead to some surprising scenarios in which you have to do some pretty bizarre shit in order to burn out certain things. There’s no telling.

The whole thing is simple and only complex for those with intricate structures. Those intricate structures are real but incomplete, that’s how it is on any plane. The only place it is complete is in the consciousness that connects all of the planes. Even if you knew everything about the universe and all the planets and stars you still wouldn’t know because all of that is limited and the only thing that isn’t is what maintains them where they are. It’s the only thing that remains when they are not, in those periods when dissolution occurs before some version of the same thing comes back.

There are basic problems to life that have to be surmounted. One is the need to find cosmic explanation in complexity of any kind. The other is attachment to any sort of action that brings a reaction that results in the perpetuation of experiences similar to a dog chasing its tail. Any action not committed with love is not immune from the results that follow the motive. Any intention that doesn’t involve immersion in Love or the divine is going to result in something short of the greater understanding, even if it is useful for any period of time. I could go on with examples but those should be obvious.

People will read what is written here and their mind will tell them it is not so simple. That’s what the mind does. The mind’s business is to distract the awareness from a certain singularity and operates like a monkey. People will, ‘Yeah but’ this to death because they can’t let go of the faulty defense systems they have become familiar with using. Even when they know they are wrong, they are still familiar. They are familiar because they keep repeating. All they protect you from is not needing them.

What the Hell... let’s just make this the rest of the post as if the thing I was after wasn’t my last failure disguising itself as bad timing. You know bad timing that’s when you forgot that the whole point of convincing someone that they should get naked with you was so that you could define the conclusion.

It's all sex and either it's with some equation of time space need karma and all the things that make people think that the answer is hidden in the problem they become or you just decide to let God fuck you and then you can do everyone. Of course, you have to get his attention.

You're only fucking yourself. If you knew how to do it you'd have solved the necessity to prove that it still drives you crazy and the whole world would be horny to help you if it weren’t that getting off meant not thinking they were the vehicle.

You know what you know and you demonstrate it. As long as you're happy with it I don't care.

There are other ways to go. You just tell people that sure they can hammer you for their own pleasure if your are persist enough to make you willing to do anything just to show them that you are the thing they can’t accomplish on the thing showing them precisely because they don’t appreciate your willingness to do it and to the point that they've had a moment of triumph since someone took the opportunity to prove that they gave enough of a shit to be whatever you needed or... could ask them why they were willing to do whatever you needed just to show you that the reason love endures is because it does let you do whatever you want. It just doesn't seek you out to perform it's perfection. It's just willing to let you fuck it. Anyone who takes the trouble to understand why love would do this will learn that love always says, "Yeah, you can do that to me. Is that all you want. I don't care. But wouldn't you rather learn how to really make me want you? Wouldn't you rather learn how to make me submit? Love says fuck me or learn how to make me chase you down and get the whole town to watch what I will let you do cause you took the trouble to let me show you how to be the master. I really don't get it but then I don't hit myself over the head with a hammer every day just because it's familiar. Of course it's familiar... never mind.

The trick is to go fuck yourself and have everyone else wishing they were a part of it. Or you could let everyone fuck you but it’s no fun unless they are deceiving you into something you wouldn’t necessarily give in the first place just to see if you were willing to do something they felt was wrong in the first place. Then they’re out looking for it again. Like I said, it already wants you to not only have it dreaming of you but to go out of its way invite the whole world in to watch how it will let everyone mistreat it just because you cared enough to available to let it use you to be what anyone wants in order to show that you understand how it’s done to begin with. I guess you don’t learn that anywhere except from the force that gives you the power to represent it. One thing I do know is that all anyone has to do is to call anyone on it to see whether it shows up in defense and the reason its claimed habitations are not tested and proven is that no one wants to be thing they are presenting when they have to get out of the way in the first place.

You can’t explain this to anyone who isn’t already aware of what traps them into feeling guilty about wanting people to be free enough to practice anything because of the guilt of feeling anything wasn’t worth doing in the first place. Something’s wrong and I think it has to do with something being wrong and that is what fucked up the situation in the first place... uh...; uh huh.

I know why people want to do certain things to begin with. I just don’t understand why they think their own confidence in making a bad performance is the best you can get. I can personally show you that is not so but no one is going to chance the fact that God actually performs this stuff if you go to the trouble to get his attention so that he uses you as the vehicle of whatever. Apply this to anything. No one has any problem making themselves cum but it’s more fun when it happens with other people. Well. Why would you presume that you could make someone experience something they would have no trouble performing if you just let them do it in your presence?

It doesn’t matter what it is. Any problem has to do with the perpetuation of something that left people abasing themselves in the pursuit of what was okay to begin with so long as it was just a matter of allowing people to celebrate their freedom because you were more important than it happening.

There isn’t anything that isn’t easily solved by not making it a problem to begin with. Think of the industries that are based on things going wrong and which thrive on new permutations.

Tell me how you want to do it and how much it has to give way to prove to you that its okay to want it and I’ll show you what it is that gets out of your way and which you should have been following to begin with. This isn’t what it’s about. This is why it is what it is when what it is isn’t doomed to be something else just cause you changed the way you fucked up. I’m still waiting for all those people curious enough to get my attention so that I break through their shyness and guilt and say... you want that? Let me help you find it. Why the hell would you want to attract someone’s attention if you didn’t want them to help you find something they thought you were by being willing to understand the need to actually enjoy what you’re looking for. I guess I could go on saying the same thing. It appears that I do.

End Transmission.......


Burnie said...

I’m still waiting for all those people curious enough to get my attention so that I break through their shyness and guilt and say… you want that? Let me help you find it. Why the hell would you want to attract someone’s attention if you didn’t want them to help you find something they thought you were by being willing to understand the need to actually enjoy what you’re looking for. I guess I could go on saying the same thing. It appears that I do.

This part. Okay, I've come this far, let's go a little further, for the works.

Truly, I shrink when I should expand.

Looking forward to comments.

Anonymous said...

I needed to offer an apology for my over the top comments a few weeks ago in reponse to your comment "freemasonry isn't evil". I was out of line by accusing you of various things and name calling. You have the guts to publish and make points people need to hear.
That said, I still believe that there is nothing BUT evil in that group, despite the lower level participants total ignorance. I'll just leave it at that. I'm sorry for taking it outon you but its really disheartening to hear everyone's lack of condemnation for the exact group that has made the entire crap show possible. Its not your fault but people look to your words and to me anyone even entertaining that notion is likely to be LOST.
As for me I'm done fighting. Pretty much everybody is so asleep and ignorant that they are doing whatever they want now, out in the open. And TRUTH is the enemy du jour. Yeah sure there's probably some good guys left somewhere, but those of us who have lost practically everything for merely trying to point out all the LIES that are believed, well we don't have much energy or love left. Sad as it may be, defeated as we may be - I have no faith at all in my fellow man. Even if you totally convince them, they just blame you or go back to outright denial and ignore you so they can enjoy their false reality.
If it is the end times, there's a lot of blame to go around. However, my comments attributed to you were inappropriate and it won't happen again. Sorry. Don't change a thing, especially on the account of words by a person who sees much but blindly strikes out.

Visible said...

the part where it's not clear is the part where you define it. Just because I am willing to do anything doesn't mean it occurs what it means is that people don't want what they are asking for. I don't see things in any terms beyond what people think is how they define it. I only see things in terms of whether you enjoy it or not and don't ask me if you can't because why should I make myself available for something you want for me when I don't engage in any of it to begin with unless I am in a position to show someone why I would do it in the first place. Imron saw somethings but all you have to do is spend the evening with me in a strange city where all I really do is give myself away to see what happens. I'm not looking for anything. If there is anything I am supposed to experience it gets laid on me.

What I don't like is a world of people who want people to be free enough to meet their needs and wind up holding them in contempt for having the compassion to provide it. The ability to take people to the measure of what they desire and then get other people involved to show how quick it gets real is best demonstrated by the people who see you able to accomplish it and drop right away when it was the thing they were after in the first place. Don't tell me that you want a handful of beauty to suddenly be willing to enjoy what you say you want and find it available when it's made possible. Anyone who has gotten to the point that they only do this shit to give people the means to express it don't do it for themselves. They wouldn't be where they were if they were concerned about personal pleasures. The greatest pleasure is demonstrating it and the biggest disappointment is in people not seeing what makes it possible. If they would just trust and watch it happen they would see it doesn't go that way except as a teaching demonstration and if some wild uncanny shit does go down it's because someone really wanted it and you made it possible.

One has to wonder about someone who sits down and says now watch all the pretty girls appear right over there and then notice all the focus at a table where an older weird looking guy is sitting, that would be me. One might wonder why it's done in front of a witness or the manipulation of the energy to create a sexually charged environment and then especially wonder why this guy doesn't really give a shit and walks away from what wouldn't be too hard to bring into a reality. Maybe it's because there's more to having what people want than getting it. Maybe the point is that you can have anything if you know how to operate the machinery and at least it spares the mechanism of being cum dumpsters for the incompetent of their own age. But every one of them turn into the people that no one wants to have sex with anymore anyway. It's just the idea that you can have something before everyone like you fucked it up by only wanting to be able to abuse it for your own pleasure until everyone feels like a piece of shit or is a piece of shit.

Visible said...

the part where it's not clear is the part where you define it. Just because I am willing to do anything doesn't mean it occurs what it means is that people don't want what they are asking for. I don't see things in any terms beyond what people think is how they define it. I only see things in terms of whether you enjoy it or not and don't ask me if you can't because why should I make myself available for something you want for me when I don't engage in any of it to begin with unless I am in a position to show someone why I would do it in the first place. Imron saw somethings but all you have to do is spend the evening with me in a strange city where all I really do is give myself away to see what happens. I'm not looking for anything. If there is anything I am supposed to experience it gets laid on me.

What I don't like is a world of people who want people to be free enough to meet their needs and wind up holding them in contempt for having the compassion to provide it. The ability to take people to the measure of what they desire and then get other people involved to show how quick it gets real is best demonstrated by the people who see you able to accomplish it and drop right away when it was the thing they were after in the first place. Don't tell me that you want a handful of beauty to suddenly be willing to enjoy what you say you want and find it available when it's made possible. Anyone who has gotten to the point that they only do this shit to give people the means to express it don't do it for themselves. They wouldn't be where they were if they were concerned about personal pleasures. The greatest pleasure is demonstrating it and the biggest disappointment is in people not seeing what makes it possible. If they would just trust and watch it happen they would see it doesn't go that way except as a teaching demonstration and if some wild uncanny shit does go down it's because someone really wanted it and you made it possible.

Visible said...

One has to wonder about someone who sits down and says now watch all the pretty girls appear right over there and then notice all the focus at a table where an older weird looking guy is sitting, that would be me. One might wonder why it's done in front of a witness or the manipulation of the energy to create a sexually charged environment and then especially wonder why this guy doesn't really give a shit and walks away from what wouldn't be too hard to bring into a reality. Maybe it's because there's more to having what people want than getting it. Maybe the point is that you can have anything if you know how to operate the machinery and at least it spares the mechanism of being cum dumpsters for the incompetent of their own age. But every one of them turn into the people that no one wants to have sex with anymore anyway. It's just the idea that you can have something before everyone like you fucked it up by only wanting to be able to abuse it for your own pleasure until everyone feels like a piece of shit or is a piece of shit.

Somethings are a lot more important than what everyone wants and once you have them the rest doesn't matter. There's not point in making an argument to people who still have codes based on laws that make something illegal and no problem depending on who makes the rules. My only rule is not to do anything I can't live with... as far as anything that is possible and simple magic that can be performed by anyone who has lost the need to perform it for selfish reasons is lost on those who don't know this, just as is the fact that anything you might desire is available because you paid the price to learn it. How do you explain anything to people who still think the ways things are is anything but... why the hell am I trying to explain what should be obvious.

God is God and nothing like whoever that is that is credited with making anything possible for those in power and so on and so on until you no longer repeat it. Until then well... finish the thought.

You want good and bad you got it. Don't ask me to provide something that is only people longing. Don't feel guilty about something someone does for you and then blames you for after they make it possible and then they are looking for it again the next night. I'm not going to explain anything to people who already have whatever limitations on things that keep them from enjoying it. That doesn't apply to me and we have what we have.

Anonymous said...

upside downs
and inside outs
yesterdays tommorrows
tommorrows nows
magnetised attraction
openning of closed
backwards going forwards
highers and the lows
the great all of everything
and school of ever all
a wall of nothing their
with pushing of the pull
the upper inner outs
of in of down belows
the letter in the envelope
of hiding of the shows
the string thats never ending
beginning of ever was
the nothing of the everything
the why of not because.


that mr visibles is up in them highers I would say tonight.
I couldnt think,then that popped out
I am confused myself.

Visible said...

Well, first of all I don't remember what got said one way or another and second of all I don't care about Masons one way or another or whoever people think we need to get rid of because they are fucking up the world. The world is a fuck up so it doesn't matter who is responsible at one time or another.

Here's a simple key that can be proven by anyone who has found it and somehow improbable by anyone who thinks it might be true but can't demonstrate what's needed to make it irrelevant. Understanding this is something that renders every ill unimportant and although it is verifiablly true and I am living proof of it won't make any difference nor the fact that it can and is demonstrated at any time even the people that see it happen forget that it's possible always tend to think it isn't just because someone doesn't use it on every occasion.

For some reason there is less validity in what someone says than someone else who is successful and reaching a wider audience.

For some reason there is a greater authority in someone who gets all kinds of people screwing each other and teaching things that have little to do with what happens and then using a word to describe them as people who don't do this shit.

Since I personally encounter the state and consciousness of those who are now representative of this guy I'd call it a failure I'm glad I'm not part of.

Some how people think that someone who does everything for free and whose donations won't pay his bar bill, makes no money and only has whatever money he needs until he has as much money as he needs hasn't succeeded at selling his experiences hasn't understood what it takes to make people understand whatever they gave these people for having made them what they are.

Every now and then I find a power I didn't even know I had. It happens by accident and it isn't long before I've forgotten what that power is. The idea that anyone has visible power and wealth here is a sure indication to me that it isn't something I would recommend. On occasion, the one who makes all things possible will give you everything just to see if it matters.

Visible said...

And then there are codes of behavior where if someone does this they can't be a holy man. Good thing that isn't on my agenda. I don't know what everyone wants. I know sometimes they think I have it and should I be inclined I show them just how easy it is to make it everything they are looking for and also wrong and evil in the bargain, not that it stops them from looking for it or being bad at it.

Sex is a big deal, somehow it is great if you get to give yourself to some one famous and just as long as you can keep pumping someone then that somehow means being pumped is important. Wow... I had so many orgasms as if that meant anything. The fact that you can make it possible for someone to have this or that happen must mean you have given them something useful. Great... enjoy your reputation despite the fact that that is a simple affair and possible for anyone who knows how to work the formula that applies to that. Not much is said about those who can take a person's sexual desires and show them that everything they are after has something to do with control and loss of control; really only and appearance and dominating or submitting enough that some kind of release occurs. Anyone who looks into bondage and understands it understands the implications.

There are all kinds of things you can learn that make you desirable to the people who will take their clothes off and let you make them advertisements for your getting to do it again until you can't.

There aren't any of these celebrated arts that can't be mastered simply by putting yourself in the position of the people doing it and pressing the right buttons to whatever they think is what they are after.

I know one thing and I don't really care about the rest. The only reason I would even take the trouble to engage someone with their clothes off would be to show them that it's what they bring that counts if it frees them from the need to do anymore than be what really serves people.

Maybe there's no money in it and maybe a lot of the things I find important aren't much use in a world where and digbat with determination can get this or that long enough to find it wasn't very useful for what really counts

Visible said...

Just because one can do something doesn't mean they should. Gee that must mean they can't.

I take drugs and I could care less if any one else does or whether they think I should. I don't do certain things not because they are immoral because I have no idea what that is but if I was motivated I would. The idea that there are codes of behavior that are constantly violated by the people who disapprove of the people that do them is their own affair.

There isn't a single thing of value except the company of God. God can appear as many things but he is a personality and can be a friend. You meet God by sincerely wanting to meet him and by understanding that being moral and not doing something because somehow its a custom that is violated all the time impresses God is bullshit. The determination the reach God no matter how long it takes or what it costs will result in your being his friend.

I've had opportunities to be important and I suppose I could routinely do shit that would make it appear that the power to do it somehow conferred some authenticity upon what someone says. Why people think that just because someone was successful at something or could make certain shit happen means that you should pay attention to them is irrelevant to me.

Visible said...

I don't know why people think certain things are important or there's some rule that you can't enjoy something society says is too young to do what it was already doing and thought you might be some fun too and you didn't go after them I don't care who gets to bounce up and down on each other or any law that says I can't go to any state of consciousness I please. I may or may not do anything but if I do it's because there is a chance to demonstrate the way out of an obsession and turn it into an opportunity of freedom to keep having to prove something your only good at in your head once you understand why people want to do this sort of thing.

It's like loneliness. I don't think there's a single thing you can ask me that I don't know my way out of and at the same time may or may not engage in. This is useless to anyone but me or anyone who really does want to know.

I've met God and he's my friend and that is the only opinion I care about and there isn't anything I need or want that I can't have without thinking about if I should. I don't know anything even though I could convince myself I do. There is no morality or behavioral absolutes when it come to God don't expect him to behave according to guidelines made by people who propose to speak for him.

This may not be important to everyone who thinks whatever they get or acquire arrives cause they know how to make shit happen. I could say all kinds of things and directly prove all kinds of things that might make me look like I had the ability to do something or like I might be worth offering money or some kind of thing I could get just by turning on a particular lamp because I thought I would take something priceless and use it to get someone to do something for me when if I wanted that and should have it it would... never fucking mind.

I don't acknowledge compliments, I appreciate them only cause they reflect the fact that I relay something I am aware of from a relationship I have. I don't really care what anyone says or thinks here which doesn't mean I don't like you or don't want to be around you. Every single problem and shortcoming anyone has. any illusion of anything being more important... anything deceiving useless and whatever comes from not taking the time to make contact with the single most important thing one can possibly do. Anything you want..anything is possible and unnecessary if only you understood what was real and important. If you don't get that there isn't anything you do get that has any value.. that's it. If somehow you think anything enjoyable is wrong or off limit then that's your problem. Find the source and forget about anything else.. it might be right as far as it goes but it isn't the author. Why people don't get this I don't know. All I can do is point it out.

Is this getting through? If not I wouldn't worry about the usefulness of anything else.

Anonymous said...

Birds and the bees, ying and yang, positive negative in a disjointed planet. I am still all about the Kama Sutra.

bholanath said...

You got some cool fucking Hanuman vibe going there, bro.
Everybody used to have to recall to Hanumanji the cool, spectacular, off-the-charts shit that he did because none of it meant shit to him and he didn't remember it at all. And most of the time he just thought of Ram as his 'friend', if not his very Self. He also liked to 'play' at dualism (grin). He pretty much did what he felt like, like breakin open pearls to see what was so 'valuable' to everyone. Kali-yug Hanumans don't have much interest in demonstrating stuff just cuz, either.
Anyway, we're likin' the roll yer on, but maybe get some shuteye if need be, or not. Dude, it's 3 in the am! (grin)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I just don't care about sex any more (post-child birth) desire at all for that. Just desire for truth. And to protect my family. Never felt that god-thing you all are so insistent about. Don't know what's going to happen. Can't pretend to love someone I don't have feelings for. Not even God.

E Vero

Anonymous said...

As I was going to Saint Ives I met a man with seven wives..................The seven wives had seven sacks the seven sacks had seven cats the seven cats had seven kits....... Kits, cats, sacks and wives , how many were going to saint Ives?

farshot1 said...

after having put down a case of beer and reading this crap as a lark(?)...I did realize that I was not having a 60's flash-back after matter ...I'm sure that ther are some souls out there that may actuallyget some sort of "real" truth from this rant...

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I can fall asleep tonight. Final Fantasy 8 here I come.

Visible said...

well there are good reasons I don't write like this or in this style which does not make it less true in fact it is more so and dare say there is a lot better than that that can be done. All you do is go more direct and less couched and don't use any filters for personal or the shit people would rather not talk about or do correctly and especially use profanity for punctuation.

The fact that someone can something well enough without offending most people also does not mean it is more sincere and true all it means is that know what offends and outrages people and which is why I often stay away from what I do on the day to day or actually go ahead and talk about it. There's no such things as the complete correct road of not doing and wrong and often having no fun and I'm glad I said it. Yeah especially don't talk about sex because it is mostly all people do think about. Clear that up and finding god is easier. However since it is usually so that people who haven't accomplished something know more about it that people who have and people won't try or don't understand the things that some people actually do there isn't any point in telling the more real truth to anyone but those who are not restrained by convinced of the illogical and impossible to justify white bread rules made by people who don't keep things safe by abiding by and enforcing things that have nothing to do with security or effectiveness or reality.

So.. ergo the high brow version of waltzing along above it all. of course I don't really behave consistently the way it sometimes might appear but you can be sure it is possible I might.

My point? My road is not like the road of everyone who thinks they are not on the usual road and that's not a criticism.

Hopefully this important series of statements is not discounted simply because it contained whatever it was that makes whatever something else.

furthermore, actually letting people know that there are those who have and can access certain things and don't doesn't mean much except to those so on and so forth. It's the thing with difficult to access and powerful truth it looks a certain way to people until they are at a certain place.

I can't tell you how important this all is but I am going to say it now and then just in case someone actually wants to hear what I really think.

And I don't intentionally offend people (grin) without a reason even if I'm not clear on the need.

Okay, back to whatever you call it that doesn't go where most people go to a place hardly anyone arrives at.

Visible said...

oh right, one more critical thing very often you have to do things that are not what one would think have anything to do with getting there but absolutely must do to get through it and if you can't experience what troubles you and seems wrong at the time and can't understand why the divine would put you through it you are going to have greater problems that take longer to clear up. Sometimes you do what doesn't make sense in order to resolve a condition that influences one's behavior in times when misapplication is so rampant that the pressure is strong and pervasive. This also doesn't mean the author is engaged it means that it is a possibility for anyone and a reason not to condemn what you may not do or dislike when you think you know everything. It's a drawback and all of us do it. There really is a good reason for my attempts to make a point and clear and obvious examples everywhere if you look.

estebanfolsom said...

to anon

just you

what else
you got ?

a GrebBear said...

I was L O S T ...

My mind desperate to label it ... re-read ... still lost in the similes and metaphors, what is it ... re-read ... ahhh an open frame work ... re-read ... reachable by all ... re-read ... you are talking to me, about my XYZ ... and back to my ego ... deliriously wringing the dish rag, because it has another tablespoon of my spilled drink ... when it dawns on me, I could smoke the rag ... OOhmmm, surrender knowing and Believing ... dance brother dance ... all vibration is Love ... my intuition told me to burn a hole in the illusion four days ago ... open and closed, a bright spot in the same place, at one point felt maddening, yesterday ... in reading, previous fixed point comprehension "blinded" confusion guilt wtf have I done, only scratches on water, anything for intuition, or the mind being sneaky again ... today, reading whole paragraphs in sweeps, comprehension still crap ... reread ... seeing not looking ... the light spot is definitely subtle energy and certainly not static ... recognizing distinct fields of surrender during meditation ... new field felt over the weekend, a redhot//icecold shimmer radiating from my nose on the exhale ... is the only entrance through bunga (sp?) ... nearly spontaneous now, ride out my final sankhara's (sp?) ... I'm a dreamer artist intro-personnel glue ... extraordinary server, cook, wood chopper, gardener, Schauberger and Tesla inspired siphon pump designer builder ... I think myself of a tribe yet to be formed ... the field is being pulled out from under the sheep ... can an EvolovE Jump be made ... hey there was no field and those aren't sheep ... Vis, thanks for the spin ...

Peace Love Light Truth
(- ;
; -)

Anonymous said...


woohhooooooo!!!Buttlicker Buttlicker Buttlicker!! wheeeeee!

Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you

Whoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you

{ sax, two licks to bridge }

When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can't do no wrong
and when I hold you in my arms
My love won't do you no harm

and I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you

{ sax, two licks to bridge }

When I hold you in my arms
I know that I can't do no wrong
and when I hold you in my arms
My love can't do me no harm

and I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you

Whoa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would
So good, so good, I got you
So good, so good, I got you
So good, so good, I got you

Chiron said...

Doh, you got me anon@4:28. I was going to say 29. LoL.

Hey Les. I'm not speaking from experience here, but aren't swear words loaded with negative energy and have a strong effect on the astral plane and thus our overall consciousness?

Also, if we are rebelling against the illusory, limited world and every moment seek the One thing that really matters (I prefer to say Goddess :)), then shouldn't we be seeking independence from all the substances and experiences here? ie. alcohol, tobacco, weed, other more exotic drugs, sex etc.. Shouldn't our consciousness be independent of any temporary distractions?

From what I know, any kind of spiritual progress is impossible without the correct use of the sexual force. So some forces are more useful and less harmful than others. But in the end, if there is only One being then whom is there to have sex with? If there is only One being, whom is there to love? Does my right hand love my left hand? Same goes for all the other seemingly separate bodies on this planet.

Not arguing, just food for thought. Or lubrication for the discussion, haha.

estebanfolsom said...

anon @ 10:28

it is obvious you
want to thrust
your james brown
thing on us

i would suggest
you get on the
good foot

shout it out
or you'll
just stay put

i 'll let you
take it
from there

Visible said...

I'm going to spend no time on the computer that doesn't involve this kind of thing so it probably won't be noticed. It's become impossible to watch movies or any entertainment and I don't care about what's in the news anymore so I'll just check it before I write. I find myself having to leave the house a lot of times in the day because it's nothing but patterns that are tedious or pointless. I realized the other night that I had been going back and forth between a number of websites for several hours. How long has that been going on?

The point is that I am changing my life because it is less entertaining than sitting by a creek or in a park. Doing nothing is better than reading one more account about whatever. I'm just purposely driving around or walking with no direction or reason. It's an improvement. The only reason I am mentioning this is that this kind of thing affects what I say and how I say it and that is the general reason along with the impact of cosmic forces and not substances and that kind of thing. Wild events connected to that are rare, generally my intake is less than the thing I see around me with the people who spend their lives in pubs that I can't tolerate for long.

I don't care what the reason is as far as anyone else's take on it. My way of doing things is not the business of anyone unless they are in it and certainly not when I do it for free. It was never intended that people take advantage of anything they don't understand or don't like. It's sufficient that they take what they want or do whatever they please.

However I going to do whatever I do whenever I do it, usually without knowing why. Maybe that's helpful and maybe not but that's how it is at the moment. Now I'm going to go out and spend the day somewhere or not (grin)

What annoys me or causes me to speak a certain way on occasion is that the single critical point for any of this and anything is overlooked by a lot people who seem to indicate that they are looking for the answers or telling about their problems or this or that. It's the only thing that is indispensable in any way to anything.

A huge amount of time has been given to all of this and it's been time that was freely given and was freely given because no matter how essential an economy is or the fact that people have jobs and get paid for it I purposely have avoided any effort to gain anything so that what I said would not appear to be for gain and taken on its merits.

There isn't anything new or useful I can say that I haven't said but I keep finding new ways to say it. In the meantime I don't see the point in it but it appears to be useful to some so I go on but it is a waste of your time and mine not to get what is important and most of the time when some people object to language, delivery and subject its more important than the rest and I knew full well that it wouldn't get across in most cases for reasons I don't want to keep saying.

If understanding what is true is important and getting what is useful for coming then all I can say is one had better overlook the examples in which points are made and the heh heh offensive language and whatever triva there is that doesn't affect what's being said and which is being said the way it is because the particular subject hot button item is controversial, little understood, considered dirty and a big problem in most lives because of it.

Once again, all of this is said in your service. How you take it is up to you. Consider looking for what the point is and at least you'll have that.

Making several posts in the comments section has no meaning in terms of any plans nor am I likely to explain this again any time soon.

Visible said...

I think I said that I don't care about people's limited idea of morality or good taste or the way their lives bore me to death (grin). I don't care if anyone likes or dislikes the way I do things although I do try to learn as I go. I don't think any kind of excess whether sexual or otherwise is the way to go and I don't. The point is not getting made. I know what I see in people everywhere I go and it is out of this that I try to speak to what I see.

Running around in towns and having adventures is not what it appears to be in people's mind. You have to be there and things I do are done for reasons of demonstration and a damn sight more useful that the conditions they are done in. It's a shame more people don't do it but that's up to them.

I have a certain cosmic freedom to do certain things at the moment or for whatever time, that might not be the same for others and I have certain drawbacks that some might not have. What I may or may not do is not license or suggestion for others to engage in. I mention them as a service only to reveal things that really aren't anyone's business but my own.

Hmmmm hmmmm whatever.. anyway, that's that and if more need be added maybe it will.

watcher.1 said...

Occasionally I have a clue as to what you are trying to say but as usual the clue vaporizes into a mist of reverse doublespeak with spiritual and esoteric overtones that no one can decode but you.

Erik said...

Hi Les,

Well that was a real 'mindfuck' if there ever was one (grin)

I did not 'grok' your new style at first, and also needed a re-read.

It's like John McEnroe who screamed at the referee 'I was talking to myself!!'

The One contemplating itself, Dualism dissolving :)

Have Fun!


Anonymous said...

I certainly resonate with what you are saying here in your last comments about not caring about certain things anymore and just trying to maintain some sort of connection. Since 9-11 I have read the news probably every single day. Even before that I was listening to A.Jones and that's how it started. For years now it has been a ritual of mine to check all of the sites, Drudge, rense, WRH, IW, WND, more recently TS. I found this blog that way. I stopped checking IW a long time ago after getting tired of listening to the rant. It was wearing me out. Then one by one I have stopped looking at others. I know exactly what you mean by sitting here for hours, going back and forth, looking for something new, anything....It is a rediculous habit. For how many years have I been reading the same shit? day in day out. Warning others who say yeah, yeah, and go on with their lives and enjoy their families. When you step out into the street you can feel it. You feel how you have been denying your time and love to other people. Which is how the divine communicates with us. Or one of the ways. How you have been wasting your time focusing on things that aren't real. I mentioned yesterday that it has been proven that 100% of non-smokers die. I am no longer worried about all the crap that probably will happen. Our reality is contained within our sphere. I can see the chemtrails...I know they are there. And what to do about it? I don't know. I say just don't give any of it power. If they attack Iran they do. They have been threatening it for years. Same shit, day after day. Yes, it's important to know the truth about what TPTB are doing, but just reading about it without action, well, that and a buck will get you a cup of coffee and a screaming conversation with the patriot poster dude at infowars. Go outside, yes, by the creek, or walk in a field. That's what I do. I can wander around all day just looking at people and seeing where I am led. Yes, I work too, but even that is an adventure with the right mindset. If you realize that the divine is everything and that it is all for you things get very interesting. The glance from the old man across the street, the snarl from the lady at the fruit market, the dog that comes up and says hi, the baby that you don't know that smiles at you for no reason at all. It's all the divine speaking to you. It's all a mirror. If you get agitated there is a message there for you. I am beginning to see that pouring so much energy into newssites, or any sites where we don't receive anything useful back in the form of energy is a waste of time. We dump it all in, and get nothing back. For the last couple of weeks I only have a quick glance at the headlines to see if we are at war yet, and then come here because it is the only place that makes me feel anything. ...and Les, we realize that you do this for free, and how much you pour into these posts. Thank you. It helps me and reminds me and keeps me focused. Seriously. And I for one can totally resonate with wandering around only to find yourself on the 3rd floor of an apartment building buying a beer from the private stash of a gypsy and then drinking it with the guy that sells newspapers who introduces you to his brother-in-law who is a butcher that hates his work and invites you over for a vegetarian meal and to have a chat about Tesla because for some reason he thinks you understand these things. When you are open to whatever, incredible things happen.


Anonymous said...

and I realize that this may be elementary to some others it may not be. Every second that we spend thinking about the past or the future is every second that we are losing out by not being present in that precise second every moment. It's the only thing real, this very instant. To struggle to stay on this axis of the present, down to the microsecond as it passes into past time, is a ferocious battle. But it's where love abides. It's like a see-saw, too much focus into the past or the future and the board falls that way and balance is lost. People say we have to study the past to not repeat it, true. But I have decided now to leave world affairs to those of this world. I believe it's possible to be in the world but not of it. Then we are free to not be attached to things that drain us but instead give us life with every passing second. I know, sounds good but it's not easy to do. Les, something you said before in a radio show keeps echoing in my mind..about staying focused on the divine..and you have to throw out everything else, every instant with every thought that comes into the mind saying "no! not this, not that, not this, not that..this here, who am I, why am I here? i don't know..again, not that not this" doing battle with our mind in such a way brings great and quick benefit. The same way I don't believe shamanism should be a commercial venture, I appreciate you doing your work for free. One thing though, I am still struggling to grasp the concept of everything being sex..sometimes I get glimpses, but then it fades. Ok, get away from the flatscreen mike and go outside.


Anonymous said...

could it be what you do is a sort of origami zen,applied on the urban level mr visibles.I dont even really know what that means,
but with the morality thing you can watch someone who would never swear
even nose picking to them seems immoral but then they will hand over taxes willingly to a system that will go and ethnicly cleanse a load of people just to stick a bit more money in some rich blokes pocket who doesnt even need it,I see that as far more as you say its all round the wrong way.
I know what you mean with the wondering about,sometimes that flow just catches hold and it feels good to just let it carry you to where ever you are with it.

peace to all neil

Anonymous said...

nice mike I think that was what I was trying to say aswell,some days are just lovely wondering around.
not paying to much attention to anything other than the things that just grab our attention, maybe we collect thoughts this way,for me it could be a leaf on the ground then maybe a bird flys past,I quickly look up and theirs a cloud that seems to be saying some thing and then I'm lost in deep thought or something...neil

GodSend said...

How to positively identify a Follower of Christ:

If God has called you to really be like Jesus in all your spirit,
He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility,
and put on you such demands of obedience,
that He will not allow you to follow other Christians,
and in many ways He will seem to let other good people
do things which He will not let you do.

Other Christians and ministers who seem very religious and useful
may push themselves, pull wires, and work schemes
to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it;
and if you attempt it, you will meet with such failure
and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent.

Others can brag on themselves,
on their work, on their success, on their writings,
but the Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing,
and if you begin it, He will lead you into some deep mortification
that will make you despise yourself and all your good works.

Others will be allowed to succeed in making great sums of money,
or having a legacy left to them, or in having luxuries,
but God may supply you daily,
because He wants you to have something far better than gold,
and that is a helpless dependence on Him,
that He may have the privilege of providing your needs day by day
out of the unseen treasury.

The Lord may let others be honored, and put forward,
and keep you hid away in obscurity,
because He wants to produce some choice, fragrant fruit
for His coming glory,
which can only be produced in the shade.

God will let others be great, but keep you small,
He will let others do work for Him and get the credit for it,
but He will make you work for Him, and toil on
without knowing how much you are doing; and then
to make your work still more precious, He will let others
get the credit for the work which you have done,
and this will make your reward ten times greater
when Jesus comes.

The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch on you,
with a jealous love, and will rebuke you
for little words and feelings or for wasting your time,
which other Christians never seem distressed over.

So make up your mind that God is an Infinite Sovereign,
and has a right to do as he pleases with his own,
and He will not explain to you a thousand things
which may puzzle your reason in His dealings with you.

God will take you at your word; and if you absolutely
sell yourself to be His slave,
He will wrap you up in a jealous love,
and let other people say and do many things
that you cannot do or say.

Settle it forever, that you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit,
and that He is to have the privilege of
tying your tongue, or
chaining your hand, or
closing your eyes,
in ways that others are not dealt with.

Now when you are so possessed with the living God
that you are, in your secret heart, pleased and delighted
over His peculiar, personal, private, jealous guardianship
and management of the Holy Spirit over your life,
you will have found the vestibule of heaven.

Author Unknown

Laws632 said...

You are too messed up; you are vulgar; your so-called "enlightened" spirit guides are mere fallen and cursed beings who are lieing to you.

Repent or burn. God is both love and immoveable in His justice: your choice: receive and follow the Son or burn in conscious torment forever. Why choose hell?

Rebel 4E said...

@ mike
12:25 PM

I think a lot of us are feeling the same way lately...

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."

Love, love...and more love.

Visible said...

There is a new Petri Dish up-

The Peculiar Disconnect of Sex.

Anonymous said...

I was making love to my boyfriend the other night and I first told him that I wanted to practice to have a Kundalini experience during sex.
The kundalini didn't awaken but I did realize that the sexual energy is the best place I like to be in.It's the most enjoyable and stable experience I've ever had, and for this I'm called a sex addict. whatever that means. I guess it's true in a way, because most of us don't know the full expression of sex other than wanting a full release of fluids.
Maybe my boyfriend isn't the right one. Maybe I'm just not right at all. It sucks. Sex is so boring if not embraced with the spiritual.
I still want my kundalini awakening but I'll let go of the desire for it since it's a big trap anyway. :(
Love you Les, Debs.

Pstonie said...

Thank you Mike for that post, I definitely feel you and Les on the news sites. For a while there it was better entertainment than anything on TV but it's really just like any soap opera. The players change but it's really just the same old archetypes over and over. "Roth St. Child wants control of the planet! Dun DUN DUUUUN!"

What I noticed through what I would call my awakening is that my opinions and ideas about a lot of things have changed, I know a lot more about what's going on in places like Israel and about how the economy really works (hint: it doesn't), but in the very end everything in my surroundings is more or less unchanged. Truthfully I don't really know if a place like Israel actually exists. We're told a lot of stuff and very little to none of it actually impacts on our actual lives. No amount of promises and grand stories from technoprophets or chosen ones in contact with aliens has stopped the fuel price from going up or the sun going down.

"If you don't like this world, change yourself first."

I know that I'm done feeling like the victim. The other day I actually got excited that we might live in the new world order. Speaking about a coming world order, by the way, is a great way of denying that we're already living in one. There's always an out. Imagine, for them to expend all that effort to control us and it failing, like all control fails. Seriously, it might be worth living through just for the joke of it. What will Rothschild get if he gets the high score with a thousand billion points? The game just starts over at 0.

"This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, what he was doing." -Yoda

PS: I still enjoy coming here, even if Les left his punctuation with his pants.

Anonymous said...

Much love Les. Wish I could show how much I want you to reach your goal. I guess just watching you is a gift and a wonder all on its own!

Your words today are so near and clear. Thanks for the help and focus.

Love Your Life

Anonymous said...


that's exactly what I meant! Thanks. a leaf, the way the wind picks up when something is said, the attitude of an animal toward you...yeah.

Rebel 4E:

if i had of only remembered that quote "get busy living, or get busy dying" I could have saved myself some time and alot of others from reading my drivel. That's exactly it, though.

It's as with anything I guess. The internet is a great resource and tool, but paying too much attention to it has a depleting effect on our awareness. You have the impression that you are uncovering all these secrets and then realize that in the process you forgot to live. Can't wait for that virtual reality helmet I saw a while back. Give me a drip IV and a diaper and plug me in...I'm going to Maui baby!

I wonder if there will be virtual Kundalini experiences?


Anonymous said...

Les this came at exactly the right time and really fits into an expereince I had over the weekend. Explains it and makes me think I am moving in a freer/better direction. Anon 5:04, I hear you. I think I get what you are saying Les and the illusions are starting to fade. Keep it up. I am starting to enjoy the judgemental responses, it shows how overpowering the deceptions are, how deep the matrix has people. I am shocked and appalled at how little I know and how foolish I am.

Zoner said...

Well, I came back to read this again and scrolled right to...

"The trick is to go fuck yourself and have everyone else wishing they were a part of it."

That sounds like a hell of a trick.

Is there a chance at a fucking-free zone, or is it all, in fact, sex, and I should maybe consider just giving it up?

Now that I think about it, I would truly love to be fucked senseless, but I'm looking for a commitment here, so.....


Anonymous said...

Para - to mike at different sites

I'm glad to learn a bit more about the Orthodox traditions from your postings. I don't follow any specific religion. As has been pointed out earlier by others, and someone here, the mystics in all religions say similar things. And atheists have also had mystical experiences, and see just Light, not St Mary, Jesus, Siva, Krishna, Avalokiteswara, the Feathered Serpent, the Great Spirit, etc. "There are more things in heaven [emphasis] and earth.." than are thought of in all our religions and belief systems, including atheism.
On the serpent, (or rather the spiral) coiled singly or doubled - J Narby points out that the double-helix of dna is like two coiled serpents; when Charles Ross focussed the sun's rays on different pieces of wood over 366 days, the pattern burned on the pieces collectively was a double spiral. We know very little, absolutely, and also compared to societies which were more in mystical touch with the natural world.

Anonymous said...

laws632 you sound like one of them pharisee's,calm yourself down hey have a think about it,you may be suffering a completely brittle mindset
which doesnt really help with trying to understand which I think jesus was actually a master at understandings and love for his fellow beings,I dont think he wanted to burn everyone in an eternal hell,that was the pharisee' peace out..neil

Anonymous said...

Godsend, that was a very nice offering.

To show the sameness in difference, I'll offer the same from another time, another place.

Do you see and feel the sameness?

By Kalakantha dasa

After You steal butter, Your earrings dance and shine
as You flee Your mother in Gokula pastimes.
Though you are all blissful, all knowing, ever-new
Greatest of controllers, Your mother controls You.

She shows You the stick and she binds You by the waist.
As You rub Your frightened eyes, tears roll down Your face.
Sobbing and quick breaths make Your necklace of pearls shake.
Ropes of her love bind You in Your mother’s embrace.

Relishing Your childhood activities like this,
You plunge Your devotees in deep oceans of bliss.
Though many revere You, by love You are subdued.
Again and again, Lord, I bow down before You.

Although You give freedom, I don’t ask to be free,
Nor do I want anything You could offer me.
I only request that Your sweet childhood pastimes
Ever be enacted in my heart and my mind.

Curly hair encircles Your face of blackish-blue.
Kisses make Your cheeks look like red bimba fruit.
May this sublime vision be all that I can see.
Any other treasure has no value to me.

Damodar! O Vishnu! O Lord beyond compare,
Be pleased with a soul sunk in oceans of despair.
Uplift and protect me with glances from Your eyes;
Shower Your compassion like rainfall from the sky.

Two sons of Kuvera were cursed to stand as trees;
You gave them the chance to become Your devotees.
My Lord, will You offer the same blessing to me?
I don’t want to merge with Your identity.

Although in Your belly the universe is found,
Your mother’s effulgent rope has Your belly bound.
I bow to that rope and to Radha, Your most dear,
And those sublime pastimes in which You appear.

Josey Wales said...


I believe what you say. Was it me, or is it difficult to understand.

I may need to read it a few times.


Anonymous said...

"Anything you want..anything is possible and unnecessary if only you understood what was real and important."

Alright, who left Rama's sandals on Les' throne?


PS - EVERYTHING begins and ends with sex energy. The ancients of many traditions got this - - why are we modern humans so fucked up (pun intended)?

Anonymous said...

to ANON 7:07

I'm happy that you found some of the material I referenced to be interesting. I completely agree with you about the same thread running through many mystical traditions from ancient asia to India, the egyptian desert to the shamanic practices of the amazon and the mushroom cults of mexico you can find similarities..some of them very surprising. My point was that these things also exist in authentic Christian practice which so many people seem to overlook just because they don't like some people who call themselves Christians. Of course the Greeks and Russians will tell you that there is truth in many traditions but ultimately you will be led to and must accept and walk through the door of Christ. Christians are known for claiming a corner on the market.


Anonymous said...

Fools for God often employ shocking, unconventional behavior to challenge accepted norms, deliver prophecies or to mask their piety. There are also parallels in non-Christian traditions such as the Avadhuta (Sanskrit) and adepts of crazy wisdom. There are also parallels in the Islamic tradition amongst the Malamatiyya Sufis.

Some prophets of the Old Testament, who had signs of strange behaviour, are considered to be predecessors of "Fools for Christ". Prophet Isaiah walked naked and barefoot about three years predicting a forthcoming captivity in Egypt, prophet Ezekiel lay before a stone, which symbolized beleaguered Jerusalem, and while first was instructed by God to eat bread baked on human waste, ultimately used cow dung (!)instead, Hosea married a harlot to symbolize the infidelity of Israel before God.
The yurodivy is a Holy Fool, one who acts intentionally foolish in the eyes of men. He or she often goes around half-naked, is homeless, speaks in riddles, is believed to be clairvoyant and a prophet, and may occasionally be disruptive and challenging to the point of seeming immoral (though always to make a point).The madness of the yurodivy was ambiguous, and could be real or simulated. He (or she) was believed to have been divinely inspired, and was therefore able to say truths which others could not, normally in the form of indirect allusions or parables. He had a particular status in regard to the Tsars, as a figure not subject to earthly control or judgement.

for what it's worth.


wv: uphinsum (gonna go get all up in some!)

Anonymous said...

mike- or anyone else really- you mentioned authentic Christianity. Any places you'd recommend to start researching that?

agnesluv said...

this question may not fall within the realm of thematic thread for this post but i have to ask it anyways...
is it possible for the present administration in washington to suspend november's elections if they had enough 'world in crisis' scenarios spinning at the same time?

Anonymous said...

"How will the emperor take control without the support of the senate?!" "The regional governs now have direct control over their territories’." Lame Star Wars quote but- FEMA board of governs and Northcomm are all in place to do just that. However I think (barring a huge corexit die off) they will be held. Hanging chads, black panthers, caacus manipulations and 'computerized' voting will ensure the outcomes. There will also be a false flag/october surprise to create and excuse for the polls swinging back as we 'rally' behind our leaders.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

sure...a good place to start is here.

This section covers all of the mysteries. The rest of the article is standard info.

Also, you could go to the link on Mount Athos (or search "the holy mountain") in the monasticism section, since it is the physical center of Eastern Christian mysticism.

You tube has lots of good videos...bad ones too.
Here is a good one: it's a video with a Romanian hermit who outlines the basics of Christian life.

and you can just look at eyes of some of these warriors and see that they've been to the other side.

I am inspired more by the monastic elders...the parish life of the church doesn't really call to me. I find it to be a watered down version for the masses. You can visit the monasteries, though.

Hope that helps


Anonymous said...

Tolstoy also had things to say.

Pretty observant and insightful man, that Tolstoy.

You know he was excommunicated from the Russian Orthodox church?

He basically said "everything you all (the russian orthodox church) do is blasphemous."

Anonymous said...

i am not going to be an apologist for the ROC. Tolstoy was and aristocrat and also an insatiable gambler and drunk. He turned away from that lifestyle and wrote alot about the constant agony he suffered from remembering his past. He wrote alot of books on spirituality and even impressed Gandhi with his knowledge. He was considered a Christian Anarchist. He had problems with Orthodox dogma and the authority of the church and gov't and wrote many books based on his views. This was at a time of re-unification of Russia and he was accused of hindering that. He acquired a large following. The church was also a powerful social force. As usual, in these cases the church had to confront this and because his views did not align with the church's they had to take a stance so they excommunicated him. The same thing happens today. Many monasteries and mystics have been excommunicated because they fall out of line with rigid dogma. This battle is ongoing today with one of his great grandchildren pleading with the church to review his writings and lift the ex-com..the church won't have any of it. However, note that Tolstoy never fell away from the formation he received, nor the ideas which led him to conversion. Nor did he fall away from following Christ. He fell away from an earthly organization who has a strict dogma that he didn't agree with. He is still considered a Christian mystic by many Orthodox who don't agree with the church's position.
I suggest, if this is really an issue for you, that you do some more reading and try to understand the political and social environment in which he lived and why this happened.


Anonymous said...

Why the negative take, Mike?
An issue with me?
You basically repeated what I said..
Tolstoy railed against the Church, not Christ.

I admire tolstoy greatly.

If there existed no external means for dimming their consciences, one-half of the men would at once shoot themselves, because to live contrary to one's reason is a most intolerable state, and all men of our time are in such a state.
Leo Tolstoy

m_astera said...

Jesus saves, Moses lends at compound interest.

Nothing personal, it's just business.




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