Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Everyone wants to know what to do. As a wise Chinese sage once said, “The way to do is to be”. Of course, that same Chinese sage left town when he couldn’t take the state of the culture anymore.
I want to point out something that I think is of critical importance and I can’t really give you any details on why I think it’s critical because that would compel me to presume I had information I don’t possess. I don’t have any specific information but I do have a strong sense of how very, very transformative it is all going to be. Speculation is unwise but one can present one’s take on the degree of intensity and I’m going to do that, without actually telling you much except to say that ‘woo woo’ should be capitalized like this; WOO WOO.
Let’s look at a few things and create a context and then let’s leave it to you to be the judge. We are presently in a state of epidemic corruption of the natural state. We don’t even know what the natural state is anymore. Our world is being gang banged by the most vicious and predatory among us, with the conscious and unconscious assistance of the majority of the population. Imbalance is the direct intent of those who are twisting and morphing living conditions into untenable extremes. Whether they are aware of the effect and wish it so or whether they are just doing their jobs isn’t as important as the fact that it is happening.
As some of you may know, I am putting out 3 books shortly and here are some excepts from one of them, in draft form, that relates to what we are discussing today. I’m hamstrung without an editor and some necessary start up financing at this point and don’t want to publish without them, so we’ll just have to take it as it comes for the moment. Irrespective of my shortcomings and lacks, we can still bring you things like this in the interim and do our best, which is the best we can do (grin).
Okay then; we are at the turning of the age. This comes around every 2,000+ years and causes significant changes in everything. It brings an entirely new outfit in appearance and alterations in every single area of manifest existence. Sometimes it brings an end to cultures and history and we are sent back to the wandering tribes’ format. That is how dramatic it ‘can be’. However, that isn’t even the big news. The big news is that we are also completing a cycle of ages; a complete cycle of ages. When this happens, an aperture opens for a dimensional shift in consciousness. Don’t even try to imagine what this means. Look at it this way. It is many times more transformative and matter, mind and spirit shaking than a mere passing of a single age.
Some of us are going to be given the opportunity to walk right out of the wheel of sorrowful return and into something so powerful and impressive that there are no words to describe it. It’s one of those serendipitous and undeserved gifts that the cosmos comes up with to make up for (grin) all the unknowing and confusion that generally attends the established routines of the official dreamscape, which gets piped through the filtration units of the hallucination machine, which makes you think you are here and it is real.
We like to think that we possess the objective reasoning necessary to consider what may exist beyond and unseen within the parameters of the web of appearances that surround us. We’re thankful that we even know that there’s more and that we’re not as deeply immersed as those we have to constantly step around in our movements through this shadowland. We are grateful that we have enough wit and imagination to suss out that the fundamental and traditional views of what lies beyond are most likely as erroneous as a television advert. I’m one of those, like you, or you wouldn’t still be reading this or have ever found your way here.
What is coming is immense and the opportunities are off the charts. I can’t find any way at all to structure, in words, an idea of what that means. There’s nothing to measure it against by comparison. It’s going to come on like a wind whipped brush fire. It’s going to alter reality to the point that one cannot remember what it was altered from and you must remember that that wasn’t reality at all. I could compare it to waking from a dream but it is much more dramatic than that.
If I could find the hyperbole needed, I would use it. To say that it might compare to the appearance of a hundred massive starships in the evening sky, or the simultaneous appearance of the face of the deity of every denomination to everyone in every denomination, attended by the silence that sweeps the atmosphere of all sound as the prelude to earthquake, it might be some indication but it is no more than misdirection in terms of the thing itself. Keep in mind that the predators are busy developing machines of projection to give these very appearances to serve their dark purpose. This will prove as pointless and useless as anything else they get up to.
The individual has to drive within for the singularity. Everything external is a projection of what is within. Everyone is going to see an expression of what they are serving and that’s good news and bad news. Ancient myths are going to come to life. There’s going to be a jamboree of a jambalaya, compressing and distilling, while separating and coming together according to metaphysical magnetics based upon the lodestone of your being.
During the transition, elements of your being, which are not essential to your being, are going to be stripped away by one set of magnets and the rest is going to be pulled by another set. This can be indescribably painful or as unspeakably exhilarating as that long sought freedom from every care and woe. A good way to put it is to say that the very fire some burn in will be the radiant vibration in which others dance. It’s a relationship of very simple dimension and is determined by the values of the heart. You will resist the loss of your chains and ballast or you will not. There’s no more to it than that. Resistance is futile but we all know how desperately we have held on to harmful and useless things without ever understanding why.
You hear that you must strive and struggle with all your might for that great prize and you hear that you must not struggle but simply surrender. You hear that you should be proactive and inactive and maybe at some perfect balance between the two. All of them work, I suppose, if you are singularly fixed on it with the proper intention.
What have you gained in this life? What do you hold dear? Are your priceless possessions and object of desire within or without? Are you defined by what you have or what you are? Is your treasure composed of money and possessions or is it something unseen which possesses you? Whether you may have money and possessions is unimportant. It’s your relationship to them that counts and your capacity to render relative valuation to everything in relation to what is truly important.
Everything you have read and learned... experienced and presumed to be true are limitations upon the actual. Books, teachings, traditions, they take you to a place from which none of what you learned applies because you are now dealing with new dynamics and the rules of one order of being do not transfer to another. Moralities and restraints on behavior are useful in their time. Many things are useful for the period in which they are needed but all the things that made you stable will not provide you with the ability to fly. I can’t say anymore about that.
For several years, in advance of what is on the horizon, I’ve made certain efforts to create a community and now find that I am mostly alone, except in the virtual, and surrounded by only the unseen. I don’t think that was my intention (grin) but... maybe it was. Everything I thought I should be doing remains to be seen. I don’t know any more than you do. What I do know is that something else, besides appearances is real because I am in contact with it. My relationship to it has provoked me to say what I have had to say today and I hope it proves useful and might serve as a reduction in the potential for fear. Fear and awe are similar in many ways and the difference can prove important.
I cannot improve upon what that timeless Chinese sage had to say. Being is. I can say that it is possible to leave almost anywhere without appearing to move at all and that the best efforts in departing from a place can often only result in your taking it with you; so much for all of this for the moment.
End Transmission.......
'Sing it Loud' is track no. 6 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
I have said it before.
I am here because this is where I am to be.
Les Visible says it best: "walk through the fire or burn."
I have mroe to say, give me a bit of time to put it together.
wv: cochai: two teas at once.
Good words today... positive and hopeful and full of the right information, if ones' heart is open to it that is.
Be yourself, but make sure that it is the best self you can imagine. Become the good person you believe you are, that the universe knows you are. Man perverts the universe's rules until we are jumping from seeing our own shadows; the shades of who we might be if we just were. Get that? I'm still digesting this thought myself. Maybe a little rich before breakfast?
I think what that means is be the person you want to be and not the person you believe other people want you to be. Is this why Shakespeare wrote, "to be, or not to be?" Hmmm.
Regardless, if you're here reading Les, you're closer to finding god (and yourself) than the fools trying to find god in a church. You're more likely to find god drinking a stiff drink in a seedy bar than one of man's 'holy' places...
Enough preaching to the choir (what a crazy word)... I just have to end it by saying the wv word for this is the weirdest; urcozyop... must be a freak at the wv controls this a.m.
What brought me here is that when you speak my soul knows and resonates with every word I could never put it the way you do but my very being knows it is so that is what keeps bringing me back I know you know and I believe
Dave S,
I could'nt help shaking my head in agreement where you stated-'you could probably find God having a stiff drink in a seedy place than in those 'holy' places'-I have constantly told my family members this for a very long time.
Thanks for allowing me to agree with you.
Les, your last posts, Origami and Petri, have been incredibly grounding and powerful for me. For that I am extremely grateful. Sing it Loud kicks ass as well. Looking so forward to the book, especially the garlic part, Love to you
Words no longer serve me, but thanks are in order for your efforts and for providing a place to reflect and be with kindred spirits.
Let it come swiftly and completely.
well les,
maybe the community was never meant to manifest in the physical. :)
was perusing wrh, read the title.. and knew where the link would take me ;)
big hugz*
you might find duff's latest of interest.
he quotes kaminski ;)
WOO WOO indeed.
Small things can indicate much about point of view.
The thoughts in this Origami are about the change that is coming, and how we have the choice of embracing or resisting. Well, embrace or burn if you will.
All of us have experienced the discomfort of the realization of the errors in what we think is important verses what is.
I am sorry, but I must digress a bit, and get something out.
Wayward child posted a cryptic comment on her wall in reference to the Christmas card (OK, Holiday Card) she got yesterday from the White House. I have been thinking about what her comment was intended to mean ever since I read it.
One of the most profound aspects of the United States was the concept of the sovereign individual. It may be the single most import thing to come of the bold experiment.
This concept implies that what is within is superior to all that is without.
Law therefore becomes merely a convenient method for quantizing the relations between singular aspects of the whole.
Sorry for the ramble, but her comment concluded with five words:
“First Families! Not like us!”
I suppose that comment could be considered correct in the sense that “Public Servants” are subservient to the sovereigns who employ them, but I get the feeling she is approaching it from a more anglophilic meaning.
And the concept that an elected official is somehow superior to the rest of us, is indicative of the core problem with her world view.
And so, I worry about the impact on the Catwing kitten when her sister burns. The time will be here soon, but I repeat myself on Les’s blogs all the time.
Experiencing the wonder of the ocean in contemplations of a dewdrop here in the alley,
wv: nessese: Plural of Loch Ness monsters.
as always, yours is the tastiest morsel on the net. Thank you for taking the time :)
"During the transition, elements of your being, which are not essential to your being, are going to be stripped away by one set of magnets and the rest is going to be pulled by another set. This can be indescribably painful or as unspeakably exhilarating as that long sought freedom from every care and woe."
This reminds me of a quote attributed to Meister Eckhardt,
“The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won’t let go of your life: your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away, but they’re not punishing you, they’re freeing your soul.”
Thanks again for all your contributions...
If we live in a world of duality, a world of opposites, then it would make sense that the "end of times" will be one of joy and laughter, not to be feared like "they" want us to feel.
I live in a very large city, smack dab in the city. I have yet to feel the need to flee, stock up on food, make contingency plans, etc.. Les is the first person I resonated with about the coming times. They're not to be feared. Hope we're on the right track ; )
Three years ago, my outside support system fell apart. I welcomed it at the time and for a while afterwards. Recently, I've begun to look at various groups/people to associate with for community. I'm still looking. So are my close friends who live in other states. We've all remained in close contact, but not had much connection within our own communities. I'm not going to think about that anymore.
I love my animals, inside and outside, and I welcome the sight in the sky to begin. I'm also getting the hit that the only way to know if they are friend or foe(machine images) will be to know within how it feels. Hope I'm sober that day ; )
Peace all
wv: spoing ..... it's the new season after the old winter
In keeping with the oncoming event horizon, why do anything the usual way? It can't work. It never worked. The fantasy of business as usual is broken, gone, past, liquidated. Poof!
Please allow me to suggest something: A New Model for Book Publishing That’s Really Quite Old—and Which Just Might Work.
Meanwhile what you are saying today is what I've been praying for. And not just for myself, but for you and bho and Z and Su and every member of the good and decent species roaming this desolate planet. YES! Thank you Visible, thank you.
>one love, one soul<
Hi Les,
Thanks for yet another, divine inspired, beautiful piece; you know I needed that ...
For other souls out here who, like me, sometimes 'Need to Remember' here is a beautiful song with that title from Ray Watson, one of Les' fellow travellers on SoundClick:
(I happened upon this song by chance ...yeah right!)
WV: Caramfu "Ay caramba, what the fu...... (future famous last words of well known top-Bankster)
Bravo once again, Les! There are many sages throughout history who have tried to tell the truth....some of us have listened and learned and some of us continue to need the lessons...I guess that's why we're here and not somewhere else.
I just had to comment once I had looked at the wv know, stay for it
which, I believe, I have no choice but to do should be interesting.
yeah, i think this is remaining unseen for now, but more of us are finding it, which i think is beautiful. it's exciting, I have felt this coming so strongly for my whole life and the feeling is only getting stronger, and seeing others feeling it too, and Dog Poet, expressing it so eloquently! it's love, where we're going, and on the way we'll find out in no uncertain terms that love hurts. God loves children but "life" is pain.
For the 'Dog Whisperers' here ...
Is there a (quick) way to train dogs to be les afraid/responsive to firecrackers/hunting rifle shots?
The dogs that are in my care right now are already extremely nervous, and I am dreading 'New Years Eve' for them.
WV: etsylac - Neko, I need your help on this one ;)
Thank you, again, LV.
For taking the time and effort to write these to help all those who come, parched and thirsty.
For the courage and hope, no, certainty, you give voice to.
For the oasis and beacon that your writing is.
Goodwill and love to you and to all who come here.
Email me and I will send you Susanne's email. She would know how to direct you about the dogs. We have one with the same problem.
Gosh Eric I don't always have one for it...
of course sometimes....
wv: dertac - German for what holds the picture to the corkboard. "Einfassung es mit dertac"
I have had the same problem as Erik mentioned. Caretaking a couple years ago and also last summmer during 4th of July (for 6 weeks in NM!). Only thing I could do was just sit with and talk to the dog throughout each ordeal. Pretty stressful for all concerned. Any other help/advice on this matter appreciated.
Of course it is typical.
Strip yourself naked in your post and instead of commenting on it, all they want is your help making funnies with the word verification.
And then I get this:
Wv: flies – where do I begin, My how time flies when you’re having fun or No flies on you. Or This world is ruled by the Lord of the flies, or any of a hundred more
I keep getting ahead of myself.
Thanks Nina, That's a good idea.
Now all I need is a blog...
chasing my tail in the alley,
wv: odismin - that not so famous soul singer, not famous for his really short songs.
For Erik and bholanath: I would put on some music, anything you like, but turn it up. Drown out the outside noise.
I have a dog with car sickness, but just discovered Dramamine will help, trying to find the right dosage for a one year old Basset.
Yes, play music. I play cds for my dogs sometimes when I leave the house, but especially on 4th of July and New Years - either classical or something new ageish. I bought a cd by Deuter called "Reiki, Hands of Light." It was the only cd that my two dogs would settle down and sleep to on a two day road trip in the car. When they would get a little antsy, I would play that cd and within 2 minutes, they were laying down and calm again.
wv: elalizi ...hmmm, elalizi, pour me anudder one
That was brilliant Les. Your best yet.
I know you're right too....but don't know how to say why.
please forgive my impertinence
if the dog
don't like the car
don't make him/her
ride around in it
let 'em take you
for a walk
out in the hills
if you can
far away
from the things of man
out where there's nothing
but the creation
and you
and of course
the little dog too
happy trails
autos planes railroads
all are manifestations
of human locomotion
just as a computer
is a mirror for our mind
if you think about it
whether it's a car
or shuttle [space]
a bike or a boat
[ pc or a mac]
we are still just
sitting there
we gotta get movin'
-in lot's of ways-
To do is to be. Socrates
To be is to do. Jean-Paul Sartre
Do Be Do Be Do. Sinatra
I can resonate with your words of wisdom. Some can feel the wobble and vibrational frequency of the planet as it prepares for the final shift of human consciousness as the subconscious walls dissolve for some. The few that are awakened are feeling stuck between two worlds, not really in one or the other as the energy streaming towards us is changing us from the denseness of a carbon based being to one of enlightenment.
The frequency is getting higher and higher to the point of what the ancients prophesied thousands of years ago, the ending of one cycle, and the rebirthing of a new reality. We are ever so close. The denseness of this cycle we are in is solidifying into a thick muck of intense desparity for most aboard this spaceship called Earth.
For those who have the inner belief that the love of the human heart can carry them into a new reality, one will not be dissappointed, for as you say, most of humanity cannot comprehend what lies ahead for some who know what is around the corner.
It is now time to leave this reality behind to the ones who created it. They will have to answer to the divine source of all creation! The end of the great 26,000 year cycle is at hand, and the cycle of the Iron Age is about done. We will leave behind the greed and corruption of a time that decoupled us from the only source of light that we have been disconnected from for so long, and that is LOVE, which drives the universe. The love of this planet and being one with her will be the triggering point of the paradigm shift that awaits us.
As we empty the chalice of all thoughts and the clutter of this reality, a great light will shine thru us into Gaia, and this light will shine so intensely to the source of all creation that our frequency will transform us into where we finally are destined to be.
We will once and for all become "Children of the Light" as prophesied by the ancients. Then we will begin a new journey that will take eons of time, and we will truly learn the knowledge of the universe, and one day we will be one with the source of all creation as she opens her arms, and it will be an experience of joy that one really can't descibe! It is a journey which will enlighten the soul and spirit of the ones that have that inner belief that get to take the free ride to true freedom,and aquire the inner peacefulness, and we will finally be able to rest without the shackles of a system of usury.
Come join us, as we board the spaceship of human consciousness to a beautiful new reality where everything you want, you can manifest thru the virtues of the human heart, as Jeshua did 2,000 years ago. I am heading to a place of lift off called Vilcabamba Ecuador, the Valley of Longevity, where the Incas went for healing and the purity of the water. It is a sacred place. We will all join in on the fun of a great voyage that is soon to take place, and we will rock n roll to our own frequency, not of the evil entities that are trying to control you and this beautiful planet!
It will only take a small part of the human collective to get this ship off the ground!! Leave your baggage behind at the gate, the only requirment is LOVE!
Thanks for all you have given us ... hang in there, brother.
I am sorry I have overlooked the deep sorrow that was in your post. I do not have kids myself, so I can only try to imagine how it must be to be in your shoes.
Your 'playing' with the WV always cracks me up, that's why I asked you for assistance (but I have a feeling, you already know this ;)
BTW I think that 'naked is the dress-code here in this place' (grin)
All, thanks for the advice on the dogs, I will definitely try (Reiki) music.
They are non house-trained guard dogs however, that live in an outdoor shed.
So I guess it will be celebrating the 'turning of the year' in the stable; by myself and in the company of the cows and the dogs - singing my heart out for the Divine ;)
(Imagine, six months ago 'I was your typical city-dweller, me'. Now, I don't know ;)
p.s. bholanath..
so sorry for your troubles..
sorry i'd not acknowledged b4.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up-
How Can so Many People be so Incredibly Blind.
Erik, Kikz, and all -
Thanks. My troubles are nothing compared to wives and parents and kids of the good people caught up in the net of correctioncorps.
Bastille-storming and guillotine-construction are maybe facets of the coming planetary scrubbing. Dress appropriately and keep tools in working order.
The attacks come, for some, in multiple vectors, on multiple levels.
For instance, if a movie scene of the water-boarding (torture) of a woman doesn't shock and repulse you, then tendrils have already wormed their way into your consciousness. In such a deplorable state are far too many in this modern world.
It is no less than war, at this time, involving those who seek to subvert and control, versus those who seek to remain free and whole.
The extraction or unraveling of binding cords of thought and feeling, is not accomplished without great difficulty, but your immortal life depends upon it.
There shall come a time when these infernal ties which bind to darkness, shall be conductors of pain and death when the light dispels such. Body and even soul may quickly perish depending upon the number of strands. And the spirit...what lessons were learned? Shall the climb continue, for those who have so utterly lost their way?
In the last days of this age, it is possible to achieve the fullness of eternal life, or else eternal death and damnation.
How thinketh thee that the planets dance in the heavens in orderly, beauteous rhythm? Can it be at the hands of one who sins? Or else is evil, in any way, shape or form? Nay.
Freedom is goodness and harmony. A time for everything, and everything in its season. Those who embrace not the divine wisdom are not fit to rule over themselves, let alone shoulder some higher responsibility. There must be integrity of self in all ways and realms.
Not all shall pass this test. Far too many shall go down into the limitation of evil darkness and despair.
God does not deny us. It is we who deny Him. Ye shall not ascend unto heaven and glory without the grace and presence of the Father, offered in Love, achieved in righteousness.
In my dreams did I see, complexities of the future, returning to simplicities in the present. Purity and singleness of purpose here and now, projects into infinite possibilities in the future.
And also did I see, and know, the simplicities in the future—limited, low achievements—returned back to complexities of belief and action (anything and everything goes and it is all good) in the present.
There is no higher functioning without the true and living God. You must commune with Him to overcome all, especially in these extremely tensioned times.
The intensity of your faith and practice, is a hovering cloud of glory, which passes upon the land with you, affecting all.
This shall be magnified many fold when the signaling sign is projected.
Make way and prepare with surety and speed, for the servants hear the call, and awake and obey, for Life and Light shines forth. The doorway in the heavens is opening.
Greetings Les, and thank you! I am most definitely interested in purchasing your written word. And I do indeed want in book form, not something I read on my non-existent 'kindle', electronic book thing. At times, I think you're a supercomputer who has been monitoring my every word; be it spoken on the phone or typed on the internet. Your blog writings are then custom-tailored to suit my psychological and spiritual make-up. In turn, no two readers are reading the same thing yet each find something profound within it. All that aside, I hope we meet one day and hang out around that imagined campfire with the all the other fine folks that come here....
Like Bilbo and Gandalf as they took a hit on their pipes..."Gandalf old boy...this is going to be a night to remember!!"
I am not sure if your interested and this is my first time posting here so for the dog owners or any other type of creature including horses you can use (EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique directly on them or sarogately (sorry about the spelling). I have used it on dogs as well as birds. I encouraged the birds with love and acceptance but requested that they roost in a different tree as they were crapping all over my travel trailer. well beleive it or not they moved to the next tree.
Information is readily available on the web. I don't know if all the mechanics are all that important or if simply the focussed intention is the true activatior.
I have greatly enjoyed reading your work LV and have sought to build a community most of my life. I will be trying once more this spring in South America (not Vilcabamba but perhaps in Ecuador). I have alway wanted to have what is know as a forest garden and I think furnished with tree houses and yurts.
Much love, Jeremya
Greetings Visible.
Wishing you a blessed Holy Season.
Les, glad to see I'm not alone in my thoughts on the corruption of power. Those that assume the mantle of serving a nation are proving to be SELF SERVING.
That the elites and those who do their bidding no longer hide their heinous deeds or perhaps enough people have woken up (like you Les) to the lies so they can't hide.
But you also imply that the above is a 'sideshow' to what we should be focussing on. The Shift of Ages. To move thru' the door of transformation, one has to drop the baggage. That process of healing comes with pain. But it will be worth it.
Everything you have said and comments from others are contained in a message in the UK crop circle in 2008 called Barbury Castle - Pi. The formation is a ratcheted spiral and a timepiece covering the end of a number of cycles.
Les, if you and your readers wish to understand and confirm what lies ahead from 2008-2013 then read this article published in New Dawn magazine and available in e-book format
I agree an opportunity is there for those souls ready, but to squeeze through that doorway needs some courage.
Hello Les
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy listening to your radio broadcasts. Recently I have been clicking through the archives and getting to know you better. Your stream of thoughts and your voice are very enlightening, comforting and entertaining. Thank you so much.
Behold, I stand at the precipice. And the violence of a world, and an age, confronts me.
How does the butchery drenching the earth stop? What brings an end to the violence?
How do hearts, faithful or fearful stop the guns, and the bombs? The horror. The slaying. The looting and blinding.
Why do the evil ones and their lackeys return again and again, increasing in power, waging financial and violent, death-dealing war upon all the peoples of the earth, openly and from the cover of lies.
No hand of man shall end it now, for it covers all.
We carry the victory through the Truth in our hearts, and the Light in our eyes.
There is no easy end to this. Those who murder upon this world, not just the body, but hope, and belief, and joy. These shall be ended.
It is a maelstrom.
And behold, a storm spun, and the earth was as sky, and the sky was as earth. Fire and water were as each. And the power of Satan was broken into parts.
The Lord is victory over death, and all who worship at that fallen altar.
I and my called brothers and sisters shall stand at the forefront of the answer to this onslaught.
We shall seek you out, in realms beyond sight, for your time is ending.
Ye shall hunt and attack us with intent to painfully, brutally, and eternally kill.
And we shall destroy you, and your intervening masters, for you are an abomination unto this people. And the Lord is with us.
The God of All has proclaimed your power ended, and we hear and obey, for He is our Love and our Life. And we cannot bear the pain of the world, that it continueth unsalved.
Ye shall surely die for your crimes, and it shall not be easy for you.
Divine justice is visited swiftly and finally upon the most wicked of you, for your crimes upon the horribly downtrodden, especially the crying innocent and faithful. Women and children, and the elderly, slain in the shadows of their low hung heads, bowed before their great God in heaven.
The Lord of Hosts visits vengeance upon ye.
At the beginning, know this: All of your secret oaths and agreements, between each other, and dark powers, are burning chains which agonize you, body and soul. The evil enacted, forms icy barbs locking the chains to you forevermore.
Ye art bound to the darkness of the pit, and your influence upon this world begins to fade and drain away, as God cometh for His children, their pleas unto Heaven met.
As God liveth, it is so, for these words are true and faithful.
There's a new Reflections in a Petri Dish up-
A Transmission from the Invisible Planes.
Behold, I stand at the precipice. And the violence of a world, and an age, confronts me.
How does the butchery drenching the earth stop? What brings an end to the violence?
How do hearts, faithful or fearful stop the guns, and the bombs? The horror. The slaying. The looting and blinding.
Why do the evil ones and their lackeys return again and again, increasing in power, waging financial and violent, death-dealing war upon all the peoples of the earth, openly and from the cover of lies.
No hand of man shall end it now, for it covers all.
We carry the victory through the Truth in our hearts, and the Light in our eyes.
There is no easy end to this. Those who murder upon this world, not just the body, but hope, and belief, and joy. These shall be ended.
It is a maelstrom.
And behold, a storm spun, and the earth was as sky, and the sky was as earth. Fire and water were as each. And the power of Satan was broken into parts.
The Lord is victory over death, and all who worship at that fallen altar.
I and my called brothers and sisters shall stand at the forefront of the answer to this onslaught.
We shall seek you out, in realms beyond sight, for your time is ending.
Ye shall hunt and attack us with intent to painfully, brutally, and eternally kill.
And we shall destroy you, and your intervening masters, for you are an abomination unto this people. And the Lord is with us.
The God of All has proclaimed your power ended, and we hear and obey, for He is our Love and our Life. And we cannot bear the pain of the world, that it continueth unsalved.
Ye shall surely die for your crimes, and it shall not be easy for you.
Divine justice is visited swiftly and finally upon the most wicked of you, for your crimes upon the horribly downtrodden, especially the crying innocent and faithful. Women and children, and the elderly, slain in the shadows of their low hung heads, bowed before their great God in heaven.
The Lord of Hosts visits vengeance upon ye.
At the beginning, know this: All of your secret oaths and agreements, between each other, and dark powers, are burning chains which agonize you, body and soul. The evil enacted, forms icy barbs locking the chains to you forevermore.
Ye art bound to the darkness of the pit, and your influence upon this world begins to fade and drain away, as God cometh for His children, their pleas unto Heaven met.
As God liveth, it is so, for these words are true and faithful.
The bible says we must forgive our enemies. I am having trouble with , how on earth can anyone forgive the bankers/Rothschilds for what they have done? Apparently the greta Lord is now taking vengeance on these evil doers, how can reality and the bible be at odds? Is the hate in my heart for these satan lovers, as bad as the hate they show the world? Can somebody come to my aid, Les?
Vanguard, you are repeating yourself so much that you are starting to show up in my spam folder. I thought I'd let you know
as for hating those doing all that nasty shit well. work on it and ask the divine about it and see what happens.
There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-
The Early Bird gets Cosmically Wormed.
The "event horizon" is that some of us will become immortal and the rest of us will be deferred til no sooner than the next cycle which will be created and sustained by those who become immortal this time.
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