Saturday, January 15, 2011

There's an Ill Wind in the Willows

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I’ve been thinking about the way people read the important elements of life and why they can’t get a handle on what things mean which, invariably leads to them taking the ‘off the wall’ interpretations of the talking heads of media (read, government/corporation mouthpieces) and religion. A lot of people who consider themselves too intelligent to believe in anything, because they know they are being lied to, wind up mislead as much as the people whose belief systems they despise and they wind up cynical as well, which leads them into curmudgeon territory as they age. You are actually supposed to get younger and more serene as you age instead of senile and conflicted; the prey of neurosis and weird tics that lead to having the TV and the radio on every waking moment, because of the yawing jaws of uncertainty that approach more closely, with each passing day.

I’m going to present my perspective here (note the word perspective) on how it looks to me, based on both intuitive and experiential intake and observations.

One might wonder at the nature of prophecy and how it is that certain seers and so called prophets can predict future events, hundreds and even thousands of years ahead. Of course, their predictions are often presented in symbolic language packed with analogy and metaphor but let’s just put that aside for the moment and maybe altogether. You’ll get enough from the rest of it anyway and, since I am presenting a perspective we can allow for a certain amount of assumption (grin).

Events can be predicted because human nature doesn’t change. It may be better or worse at different times, depending on whether the times contain a greater measure of light or darkness; collective, enlightened awareness as opposed to collective ignorance and superstition, however, the human experience invariably cycles through the same repetition of ‘predictable’ events. We’re cycling into one of them now. The Revelation of St. John of Patmos is an example of predictive prophecy, clothed in symbolic language and people are seeing all kinds of parallels to that at the moment. Revelation and Apocalypse are pretty much the same. We’re seeing two roads moving parallel to each other with a big fork in the road ahead. There are connecting points on the way where members of either may pass over to the other for the period of time preceding the forking. On one road are those awakening and on the other, those who have bought the whole status quo package of deceit and disinfo.

One truism that I like to keep reminded of is, “as above, so below”. We occupy a place that could be called ‘middle Earth’. Below that are the infernal regions and above it are the celestial kingdoms. There are degrees of all three. Some parts of ‘middle Earth’ resemble the infernal more than the middle and some parts are more celestial than middle. This may all seem pretty matter of fact and dry at the moment but I have to set the stage for what I’m going to say.

In the infernal regions, you have devils or demons. In the celestial regions you have angels or devas. They serve a significant purpose in middle Earth. Human nature is drawn or attracted in one of two directions; usually it’s a bit of both, depending on the darkness of the age. What devils do is to lure and to amplify the lower characteristics of humanity. They’re supposed to make evil and ignorance attractive. They’re very busy and that’s probably why they are usually portrayed as being red in color. The governments and religions of the world, at this time, are mostly controlled by the infernal kingdom. The media is the mouthpiece of the devil, whose actual meaning turns out to be ‘slanderer’ so I guess ‘liar’ comes into that as well as Father of Lies. This is the present state of the thrones of the world but it should not be assumed that that is where the real control lies. The real control is above and also within and watchful.

Angels observe human behavior and offer options all along the way of any given life. Depending on the karma or debt weight of the individual, comes the latitude given. Eventually they step in at some point and provide a lesson. It can be gentler or more severe, depending. They run the show under the authority of the ultimate ruler and the devils simply provide the environment in which the lessons take place.

We get warnings all the time but we don’t hear or acknowledge them. It interferes with our free will and our assumed position of knowing what’s going on when we don’t. As a result we get corrected all along the way. We often don’t listen to this either and eventually it leads to severe corrections, which can be terminal and worse. You can look at this mathematically and you can look at this as a philosophical construct or you can just look at it as a game. There are two sides playing and you are the ball. Unlike in most games, the ball has some say in the play. Most of the time, the ball just acts like a ball, according to whether the times are darker or lighter; sometimes the ball is conscious and has a lot to do with the outcome. People do not understand the value of a human birth or what the potential is.

A lot of people think the challenges involved in coming to fruition are just too much. Because of cognitive dissonance, they don’t see that what they are going through is pretty hard as well, with very little payoff outside this vale of tears. We are gods in the making, acting like fools in waiting, without waiting very long, given the opportunity and that is one form of opportunity that knocks more than once.

A lot of people are upset about the shooting in Arizona, especially the little girl. They don’t seem to get that Obama kills more little girls and boys than that every day. They don’t get that that congresswoman does too. They don’t get all the lives ruined by judges that enforce unfair and insane laws against the public that judges are sworn to serve and protect. They don’t get how the outraged public that is all worked up about these killings; willingly support far greater murders every day. They don’t get it.

People listen to the devil and the devil lives in Obama and his court; the other royal courts and the various congresses and judiciaries of the world. There’s a real angel shortage in these locations. People swallow the sewer water lies of a diabolical media and act according to the swill they take in, as if the truth could be found anywhere in or near it. They get righteous and patriotic about thugs and brutes, while people too poor to move out of range are gunned down by video game toys. They support their own comfort level and name themselves human, while their comfort level is the reason for so many deaths; all while their comfort level disappears at the hands of the real bastards; the bankers, corporations and Wall Street gangs of psychopathic, fountain pen killers.

Nothing has to be as it is but it is as it is, because people listen to one side of things and think that they are on the side of the angels, when they are actually on the other side. There isn’t much one can say. It’s self evident or it’s as clear as mud.

Famous entertainers and celebrities rush to disaster zones and billions get collected by people looking to make themselves feel good, while the money disappears and no good is accomplished whatsoever. Then they can go to their fine, wined dinners and talk about world hunger and how much they donated.

I’ve run out of things to say. I was going to say more but my hearts not in it. I think I’ll go chainsaw some firewood and think about things but probably not too much. What I like to think about would have me locked up just for thinking about it, as soon as they can get around to making a law against it. I like to think about other worlds and other times and the dreams I’ve been having. All of that’s not against the law yet but it probably will be. It won’t matter to me. I only obey the laws I believe in. The rest of those laws apply to other people who think there is a reason for having such laws. Things and conditions apply to the people who believe in them. That goes for institutions and pretty much anything. Usually I like to sum things up at the end but this time, I’ll leave it to the rest of you.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

As always, you have spoken the truth, Les Visible. The part about the preciousness of obtaining a human life is a core belief in Buddhism. By having obtained a human life with all its opportunities, the challenge then is to be able to make the right choices so that we can be of benefit not only to ourselves but to all sentient beings. In order to do that (make the right choices) we ultimately must recognize the emptiness of all phenomena, including our selves. There is so much more, but my limited ability to explain prevents me from expanding this further. I have so much to learn and absorb. I consider you, Les Visible, to be one of my teachers and honor you with my heart.
wv: mokindr (More kinder is what I'm getting at as in I must be kinder to all sentient beings etc., more generous, more patient, more loving, more compassionate)

Neko Kinoshita said...

How do you do that?

I have been allowing myself to feel the anger.
I know that the source of the anger is the frustration of seeing only a little bit about what’s going on, while everyone around me swallows the swill and says “Mmm, thank you sir, may I have another?”
Erik keeps trying to cheer me up, and doesn’t seem to understand why I don’t.
I’m sitting here this morning, wishing I could just drink the Kool-aid, and think left or right matters, and believe the lies, and then you show up with this.
Those around me, whom I love more than life itself, hear nothing I say.
How much of this is my karma as well as theirs?
That was a rhetorical question; I will draw strength of conviction from this post.

This just keeps happening. I get overwhelmed with the waves passing over me, and there you are again, offering this timely insight, and claiming you are just “a faucet.”

Please keep pouring it out on me poet, it helps to wash the dust out of my eyes.


wv: hotrick - a Prostitute’s customer. AKA: someone who thinks the TV news has the truth on it.

Anonymous said...

Summing up exactly how I feel at the moment. I would like to hear more of what you had wanted to say, yet I get that feeling as well at times... I try to do thing right, I want to allow the truth to be shown to me. I find myself not being so motivated to make lots of money, yet motivated enough to have enough so I can have my own place, and eat well, and have a little bit of play money when I go downtown and play God telling women that God loves them, to counteract Lady Gaga and co. programming. I have this innate feeling that it's all coming down anyways and will be re structured in some weird and fucked up way. I have this awesome collage for the past three years and have started another day and dream journal. Doing what the high rollers are doing doesn't interest me. This society is like, "make money so you can attract women who like big wallets". I wonder why those close to me aren't even interested in the web site I created, or take the time to read what I truly feel inside. I wonder why I leave jobs so quickly, and wonder that leaving such toxic places makes me feel like I am leaving the system and am supposed to be scared because of it. Seems like if I am busy making money I am missing some vital point of life. See cause I realize that there is enough for everyone here and because of greed other people suffer. And I can't defend that because to me it's sick so why would I even play that game in the first place?

Last night I had dreams of time travel.

I know that people like to live well and clean, warm and cozy inside there homes, yet that seems to be a picture painted by the ill-uminati 'cause all the while people are cozy and secure in the system a whole bunch of other shit is going on around the world and nothing is being done about it. Sometimes I want to share cool ideas to help, I really want to help, I sometimes I may yet I know I can do more I am open to be shown the way, please Spirit show me the way.

Anonymous said...

"I gotta get out of this place
I'll go runnin in outer space"

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"You cannot kill other human beings without some part of your own soul dying as well. As above, so below. In direct proportion to the percentage of humanity that is killed, so will the percentage of soul death be manifested on an individual and collective basis.

We Don't Get Fooled Again
Some of us didn't. Far too many did.

thelevelshift said...


I'm weeping. Wonderful post.

Please listen

Pearl of Great Price

Erik said...

Les said:

"We get warnings all the time but we don’t hear or acknowledge them. It interferes with our free will and our assumed position of knowing what’s going on when we don’t. As a result we get corrected all along the way. We often don’t listen to this either and eventually it leads to severe corrections, which can be terminal and worse."

This has been 'the story of my life' with all the painful details I shared with you before, but the story continues ...

On what I thought was my 'deathbed', me, the super-rational 'atheist', called on the Divine, just for conversation's sake ;)

" I feel it's over, and I am at peace with it, please let it be over; but I have to say, the last couple of years where somewhat disappointing"

The next day I was rushed to hospital, and the revalidation started ...

I felt 'being kept alive', but for what purpose? This urged me to ask the most important question "Who am I, and what am I doing here?"

I decided to use the Internet to find answers to this question, and this is where the 'magic' started to happen ...

Through all kind of synchronicities, I found answers to my questions, and 'by chance' landed on Origami, here with you beautiful souls.

Somewhere along this path I decided to 'step out of the way of the Divine', stop being 'The sorcerer's apprentice' and 'go with the flow' (thanks Les;)

Then the real magic happened...

I now find myself living on a small farm, surrounded by (my) animals. My landlord, the owner of the farm, is a beautiful soul, who tends to his animals daily (he lives in the nearby village), so I have daily company, if needed.

Nurses visit me everyday, to tend to a 'drain' I still have, which I am keeping currently to keep the wetikos at bay (even wetikos can sometimes show some compassion ;)

The Divine has granted me all the time in the world to seek, find and share ..., I feel somehow 'protected' ...

I have to say 'I' have never felt happier in my life ...

Thank you Les and all, you have had a 'bigger role' in this, than I can express ...

Anonymous said...

Don't ask me how trying to figure out why we were invading Iraq 8 years ago led me here but it did.

I've read damn near everything everywhere, even thought Alex Jones was right on for a while. He's kind of a teething ring for folks who know somethings wrong with everything.

Finally I found a guy who made sense of it all for me. He kinda looks like Charlie Brown and maybe.... just maybe.... he knows the truth.

I think he might be telling the truth because no one's listening to him and he doesn't sell DVD's.
He doesn't act smart or invoke mystic rituals. He just describes. Doesn't seem fake to me. He often chuckles as he proclaims , "People must think I'm nuts ".

In any case we'll all know in a year what anyone knows.

Thanks for your Blog Les.
I love chopping wood to.

Patrick (God in Training)

Anonymous said...

Chrystal Clear to me.

I wish all my freinds and family could see and understand this Spirit Side of Life.
I keep trying to open thier eyes. Most are so far gone that they think I'm a bit crazy.

May You All walk the Wheel of Life in balance and peace.

Walking Hawk

Anonymous said...

Great writing again Les.

Erik said...

Hey Walking Hawk,

Better crazy than sorry ...

Masher1 said...

Want to know how i know the congress critter's shooting is being used to evil ends?

Absolutely nothing is being said about the OTHERS killed that day.

Nothing at all.

I bet not even 10 folks seeing this can even give me the little girl's name OR the names of the others killed that day.

Can YOU feel the ring in your nose yet?

Fathom the rope threaded through that ring?

See the holder of the rope??

Only you can see. Only YOU can do the right thing.

Life IS worth having a go at.

Please TRY!

Anonymous said...

we love you les.
thank you for all your efforts,
we need them ,
since there is but god, they won't go unrewarded .
peace be with you brother,
then go with god,
jai nataranja

Anonymous said...

I love this blog.

thank you


Odin's Raven said...

A century ago an interesting American author called James Morgan Pryse published an interpretation of The Book of Revelation, called The Apocalypse Unsealed. He saw it as a manual of spiritual development disguised as a book of prophesy, using a Greek equivalent of the Indian system of chakras.

According to Wiki:
James Morgan Pryse was an esoteric gnostic who saw Revelation as a western version of the Hindu theory of the Chakra.
He began his work, "The purpose of this book is to show that the Apocalypse is a manual of spiritual development and not, as conventionally interpreted, a cryptic history or prophecy".[54]

Here is a site where the book is freely available to be read or downloaded.

They also offer his other work The Restored New Testament, which asserts that this was a mutilated series of plays about initiation into the Hellenic Mysteries.

Anonymous said...

Hey Les.

I just noticed this ad when watching Manny Badillo's clip at WRH'd site.

I shit you not.


9/11 Compensation Fund
Fuchsberg / Cannata represent seriously injured workers in Fund

Fuchsberg ? Some fucking balls them?


P.S. And why is it that everytime some money is to get handed out we need a JEW to do it for us?

And, even worse with an insulting name like that?

siamsam said...

Here in Siam people simply ignore laws that they see as oppressive or not fitting with natural laws. The police never seem to take any personal offence (no ego) to people found breaking common laws, they just see it as a means, by way of imposing small fines, to supplement their meager income. The people are generally sympathetic - it is a sort of symbiotic necessity.

When police are driving behind, usually on a motorbike, my heart never misses a beat. This is the same for all non-criminal people.

Not so in the UK and I imagine the US. Fear, concern, nervous reaction is the norm which can cause one to make a mistake - commit a driving offence. Something is wrong wrong wrong! But this is their intent.

Approx 18 months ago the front page of the Bangkok Post announced Codex regulations (front page) stating that farmers would be no longer permitted to use natural herbs and spices as natural pesticides (chilies and lemon grass were classed as toxins). Two days later the headline was government backs down over farmer rebellion.

However, the mighty pen has had the latest say - the EU has banned a list of 17 natural herbs, spices and vegetables as they have apparently been contaminated with Gods natural produce. Now is that not the devils work.

I just found this when looking for original articles - it says it even better:

Kindest to all

Anonymous said...

In the infernal regions, you have devils or demons. In the celestial regions you have angels or devas. They serve a significant purpose in middle Earth. Human nature is drawn or attracted in one of two directions; usually it’s a bit of both, depending on the darkness of the age. What devils do is to lure and to amplify the lower characteristics of humanity. They’re supposed to make evil and ignorance attractive. They’re very busy and that’s probably why they are usually portrayed as being red in color. The governments and religions of the world, at this time, are mostly controlled by the infernal kingdom.
There’s a real angel shortage in these locations. People swallow the sewer water lies of a diabolical media and act according to the swill they take in

Okay, what about ordinary people who are not in government?

How do we clean ourselves out from the devil-media?

For example, suppose I'm non-violent but I have the habit of watching Dirty Harry movies. Does this damage my subconscious attitude toward violence and make me a worse person? Am I better off going on a diet and abstaining from violent fantasies?

Anonymous said...

i recently came across george kavassilas too. he lays it out well.

part 1

part 2


siamsam said...

Did you see this Les!

Anonymous said...

China rising, displaying stolen (or given) U.S, military tech. Travel to Cuba being eased. Gays in the military and now women to be sent to front-line combat. Gas prices rising yet still a ban on domestic drilling. A self-depreciating arms treaty signed with the still evil empire. Christians being slaughtered throughout the Arab world with impunity. Mexicans shooting Americans across the border at will. Iran and N. Korea exporting nuke material and blueprints to America hating goons, etc etc. All this on that closet homo/muslim BO's watch and with his blessings. The problem is not what Americans don't have in their wallets but rather what Americans do have squatting in the white house. America is being destroyed before our very eyes, and as usual the repubs are once again being suckered into the "can't we all just get along" jive talk. Until that constitutionally ineligible/illegal alien election error is corrected I don't want to hear another word about the "economy". Until then nothing else matters. BO must go!.

Anonymous said...


Been reading your thoughts for some time now and will say you have a gift and a way with the turn of a phrase.

Just wondering if you would help me clarify your position. I may not be astute enough to pick up on the crumbs under your table.

How do you expect to navigate your camel through?

Do you care if Jesus knows you?

Or not?

Would you prefer to talk one on one that is fine and let me know.


Visible said...

Did you get lost on your way to Fox News?

Visible said...

I'm afraid I don't have much interest in the "my way or the highway" dogma express. I like my God direct and in real time, not something imagined by others and stated as irrefutably comprehensive and compulsory for all. As Jesus said, "In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not TRUE I would not have told you so."

By the book Christianity has killed more people than all the dictators put together and generally winds up supporting and financing them.

Rabbit said...

I always feel a little less alaone, when I read your ramblingsa Les. I know here it will be appreciated for what its worth when I say the older I get, the more I enjoy silence, the more relaxed and the more thoughtful and confident I feel. So many around seem so confused yet I've never been so assured or less confused before. I seem to be on top of all in my life, having been well prepared and am dealing with my permaculture garden in a smaller place but greater abundance than ever. My business although it has its issues, is unstoppable and that despite a serious effort by the demons to try and harm me that way and physically I'm getting healthier and younger even as I feel more contentment and optimisim about the future.

No where does it make more sense to me in these times, than when I come by your blogs. Thanks Les.

Thanks also for the advice on the site name you mentioned on FB but like I said, there is precious little I can do to stop the abuse of my name or images at the end of the day, and I am not the only rabbit of that name. I prefer to ignore the crazies mostly and just let them keep getting more excited and extreme. Sooner or later they will have to come close enough, for me to strangle a few is how I see it.

Anonymous said...

Angels observe human behavior and offer options all along the way of any given life. Depending on the karma or debt weight of the individual, comes the latitude given. Eventually they step in at some point and provide a lesson.

Les, you just described an enormously pivotal moment, or rather series of moments that occurred in my life starting in '09. I still don't completely understand the situation, but it came to my attention that angels were somehow involved throughout. Profound things were revealed, many things learned(self knowledge mostly), information about unfolding events were given... I have NO clue where I'm going, all I can do is trust in the process.

I think I hear that you're feeling frustrated with the short sightedness of the masses. I understand if you feel exasperated by it all. Perhaps it's not always for us to open the eyes of others with our discoveries, but simply to serve as living examples of the grace we've been given; if we work more to demonstrate the grace we possess - what we have within us - giving freely without focusing so much on the results we desire, maybe we will feel less frustration. And then sometimes all we can *do* is pray. I remember in one of the Gnostic Gospels Jesus is quoted as saying, "The kingdom of heaven is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." I know that everything inevitably circles back to the endless love that bears all things, and that helps to take the edge off.

Of course, I'm probably just another miserable merciful idiot-sinner doing some things I shouldn't be, so maybe I should shut up now.

*secretly hopes these songs will manifest in her dreams*!/item/mxk7/The+Weepies+-+Stars

Anonymous said...

You meant "faux" news?

Be careful with language.

Visible said...

Hmmm... I should clear this up I think because I've gotten an email and some comments that seem to indicate the idea that I am frustrated with the masses, or disappointed in the human race or something.

Actually, I have my own motives for presenting myself certain ways that often different than they appear. I'm aware of the possible effect of what I say, as I say it and certainly in the several times I proof read it to correct the mistakes I inevitably find. Quite often I am writing to a much larger audience than I have and not to the general reader or the contingent of seekers who drop by occasionally or regularly. I'm speaking to the future and other things I don't have the inclination to go into.

All is not what it seems, in the world, in me or in the readers.

walter washco said...

“as above, so below”

If you haven't seen this you will like it.

ravenise said...

I have my own reality tunnel of what I personally think angels are most of the time. I remember you saying once, how much we faith have in what we believe measures how much substance it has. It at times can be a delicate tight rope of belief and assumption.

In order not to avoid stepping on the wrong toes I usually like to warn my friends that I use the word "is" for the convincing edge, because if the truth is told so as to be understood it will be believed... but just because you cant see something doesn't mean it isn't there, and just because you can, doesn't mean it is. Simple enough.

That last part I got from you, because it can't be made any clearer than that.

One thing I learned yesterday is that there are demons, aliens, technological mind fuck machines connected to the brains of an evil human who is trying to make your brain waves resonate to their own, or, as I said to Patrick:

"caged genetically modified pure bread telepathic parasitic pubic pustules pretending to be Sauron from inside their little geodesic domed prisons."

When these guys appear, one useful thing I have found is not to assume what, who or where they are because they are chameleons who try and shape your perception of them, to convince you of their power. If they inundate you with negative energy for speaking the truthiness, don't buy into anything they try and tell you. They may like to feed of a pinch of your positive energy as well, because they want you to accept them, because you have virtues and integrity beyond theirs to begin with. I have found that they pose as what ever they want you to believe they are... angels, demons, technology, mossad, God... whatever, and their intention is to try and make you bow.

They are not Gods, Demons, or any of that, there are slaves of the darkness sent merely to test your faith and make you stronger... every bit of negative energy that they send at you, makes you stronger... simple as that. Give them the finger for as long as necessary, then walk away and send positive energy to your REAL invisible friends, and they will lose their energy, and perhaps turn on their masters who really, do not give two shits about them.

Peace out my friends!

ravenise said...

Sorry people, I probably meant to write, "in order to avoid stepping on the wrong toes"

ravenise said...

One last thing... hmm, ok... see they want to convince us of our powerlessness and that we only are allowed to go so far as they will permit. hrm... God and all of those Angels of light already got your back my friend, no need to bow, no need to restrain yourself... there are more creative ways to approach the situation. I have found that sometimes the best thing to do is, rather than focus your energy outside of yourself, be it positive OR negative... and replying to the noise and chatter from abroad... rather than burning so much energy through the friction of opposing minds... is to conserve and just sit in quiet silence watching diligently to your own inner voice... I'm talking about the voice you hear when you speak or sing, or think out loud, in relation to the one mind where all of this chatter comes from. Sometimes I find may be a good idea... Make sense?

I don't know, just some ideas and things to consider...

Anonymous said...

Your insights into what's going on in this world, and why, are much closer to the truth than may fully realize.

I've come across an extraordinary transcript of information from one of the insiders behind the scenes who sheds light on what is and what isn't reality, and why we're all part of the grand game you spoke of:

After reading this (in the way that it requests), dig into the portal it’s on. This is a rabbit hole so deep you may never come out. Or want to. just be sure to share what you find when you do come up for air.

Anonymous said...

You know what, there is an Ill Wind in the Willows. I feel it. I don't I like it one bit either. But I can't let it creep in. Inside of me is a sanctuary against that fowl wind. And thank god for it. I forget to tap into it most of the time. But when I remember to, then I know, it is all going to alright. No matter how ill, or fowl that wind gets, everything will be ok. It is called faith. Faith in trusting that the Universe has a plan for us, as a race, and that that plan is so much more then we can even begin to imagine in our little heads. But if we really knew, knew with all of our heart and soul, then that wind could never creep in. That damned old wind anyway. I hate it. And I hate even more that I let the taste and feel of it enter into my soul. Just remember , you are your souls keeper. Take good care of it. And take good care of the people around you. Fight back the nasty fowl wind, be good to yourself, and be good to one another. Leave the rest to the Universe to sort out. Pull your robe over your shoulders, and put on your sheild. The wind is going to get stronger and probably fowler. But inside is a nice warm flame. Just remember that.

Milena said...

@SiamSam: I worked in Bangkok for years. I only suffered one minorly frightening incident one night when I was doing the night tourist thing in PatPong market, but as a seasoned traveler, it was really no big deal and I was able to get away from the "perps", even while 6 months pregnat. Thai people were generally easy to deal with, even the beggars on my route, and the Thai police and "the authorities" at the airport? Unthreatening. All just doing their respective jobs. I don't know if any of that has changed recently, but I'm glad to hear that Thai people actively rebelled against Codex A. (Lemongrass INDEED!!! Might as well try to ban growing garlic or cilantro... full fledged riots would ensue.)

@Eric: I've thought of you often since your recent "disclosure" and hope that you can continue to improve yourself for as long as you wish to.

@Rabbit: Always nice to run into you... especially in Shangri-la. That was a pretty good read. Hope you're not digging out from under in Queensland.

@Mark: I hope your whole family (not just the dog) is acclimating to the new digs.

@Masher: re: The congress critter event... I left a comment on Les's "Reflections" because people like Duncan O'Finioan and John Stormm who are MKUltra subjects sometimes have interesting things to add to these kinds of discussions. This was posted on Duncan's site in on January 6th ( a couple of days prior to the "event"):

How Will YOU Be Controlled?

If you want to find out some additional interesting facts of life?

"Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"

And to Les: "All is not what it seems, in the world, in me or in the readers."

I agree.

Always searching for nuggets of truth I am, and always end up here. I usually find some chunky ones too, in your posts, and in the comments which accompany them.

Good stuff as usual Les:
Shine on you Crazy Diamond

Sui Juris 249 said...


Great read again. Just reaffirms what I already know about one having to know ones self and what one really is. It sure has been a tragedy how they perverted Christos's words to maintain power(not to mention all the slaughter done in his name), and the only reason the Devils children (those that call themselves Gods chosen) hung him on the tree was cause he was showing everyone else how to be freemen and children of the 1st Father.

An I did not get the sense you were frustrated with the masses. I kinda saw the post as a declaration/history lesson/warning to those in the future.

Then again some say I do not see or think right LOL.

Peace be with you brother and to everyone else that has earned it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Les.

You asked that we the readers sum things up.

"On one road are those awakening and on the other, those who have bought the whole status quo package of deceit and disinfo"

I can't help feeling the above is diametric.

If we are to accept (and I do) that the media is the mouthpiece of the devil; how can we admonish those who do not (cannot) hear, or acknowledge the warnings?

The majority do not mix in the Internet circles that people who read alternative information, including your blogs do Les?

It is also important to remember that many only have have access to mainstream media sources; which we agree are a huge part of why the present state of the thrones of the world exist.

You alluded to the shooting in Arizona and that people just don't get it; how can they when they never get to see, or hear anything other than the intense brainwashing propoganda being spouted by such mouthpieces day in, day out, throughout their lives?

With respect, I can't help thinking that this particular post (and make no mistake your writings often inspire me); although eloquent, is a little contradictory.

Visible said...


"It is also important to remember that many only have have access to mainstream media sources;"

"how can they when they never get to see, or hear anything other than the intense brainwashing propoganda being spouted by such mouthpieces day in, day out, throughout their lives?"

Do you actually believe that? It's difficult to take seriously what you say in a constructive way when you make comments like this.

This is like saying, "What about the people who can only eat at McDonalds and are forced to drink diet soda and read fashion magazines because nothing else is available to them."

If people can't make the connection that something is deeply wrong with the state of the temporally constructed world around them then the problem is not access to truth, it's a dependence upon the lack of it for sustenance based on a lack of native curiosity and spiritual drive.

Anyone with any drive for deeper understanding will be led there and until they are motivated to possess it they are going to hear from me and others until my job description changes.

Milena said...

"All is not what it seems, in the world, in me or in the readers."

Well that statment by Les more or less sent me traveling, just went where the wind blew me as usual, plugged myself into the "Great Blue Beyond" as the euphamism for the world wide web used to go...

As mentioned earlier, my earlier travels took me over to visit Duncan O'Finioan and one thing led to another and all of a sudden there I was again: it was the summer of '87 and I was gazing upon a picture of a strange looking face that Whitley Streiber had drawn which became the cover of his book "Communion".

The stuff he told me about in this non-fiction book shook me up pretty good back then, and I have been kind of stirred up about the subject matter ever since.

Don't get me wrong, I go to enormous lengths to try to separate the wheat from the chaff and the shit from shinola on a daily basis, because I tend to DIG DEEP, and LOOK HARD and SEARCH WIDE for truth.

All sorts of truth...

Sometimes I fail to find it. Sometimes I think I'm on to something that could be valuable, and then am sorely disappointed when smarter people than I discover that it's probably total bullshit. Ah well, at least I try.

So now I'm listening to Jeff Kripal being interviewed by Whitley Streiber on his podcast "Dreamland", about his recent book "Authors of the Impossible".

Interesting stuff. If you're sleepless in whereever and want something to listen to, here it is:

The True Mystery of the Unknown

I wish I knew how to post "links" in these comments, but alas, am pretty much a luddite when it comes to this type of thing. (I did recently figure out how to do it on my blog and thought OK, I will type this comment in my blog "Create Post" section then cut and paste it on here, but that didn't work according to the preview so... sorry!!)

Erik said...

Hi Milena,

Thank you for your kind thoughts and words ...

I think the timing was intentional (waiting for the next Origami), but what do I know ;)

Hi All,

I would like to try to 'rekindle' Milena's effort to start something on Facebook, because I think it is a good tool to spread both Les' and our message to a wider audience ...

Unfortunately the 'nicks' we use here, are sometimes different than Facebook's

And rather than me trying to befriend all of Les' friends there, I would like to be somewhat more 'selective' at first

My FB name is Erik van Wees

So, if you visit Origami and are on FB; Wanna be my friend?

Anonymous said...

variations of disfunction
predictably confused
in frustrations cultivated
of societal self abuse
multiplied disservice
to artificial constructs
deviated misidentity's
ill winds do corrupt
corporation mouthpieces
government sponsored lies
ritual victimisation
systematicly complied
the patterns of self destruction
in hell division based
chaos is the master
life consumed by waste


Erik said...

Yeah Les,

Reflecting back upon my life ...

There are a hell of a lot of blinking neon-signs with 'Truth here' that I missed.

If you do that often enough you are in for the 'two by four awakening'

Looking back now at the messages in the lyrics of songs I listened to in my twenties... "How in God's name did I miss that!"

Oh well... "when the student is ready, the master appears"

Milena said...

For those who have the time and inclination, there can be found on this Whitley Streiber link quite a fantastic archive of "Dreamland" podcasts on a vast array of topics, with an incredible series of truly remarkable guests, some of which should interest you and your readers Les.

(and it's really easy to fast forward through the commercials too!)

In keeping with Les's comment "All is not what it seems, in the world, in me or in the readers" and where that statement blew me, here you go. (Angels and Demons well covered...)

Milena said...

"Anyone with any drive for deeper understanding will be led there and until they are motivated to possess it they are going to hear from me and others until my job description changes."

Ah Les, you tickle my funny bone.

The most maddening and saddening thing in my life, at this moment, is this: no one I keep company with has the SLIGHTEST desire to know any more than what their CNN talking head or buddy playing Xbox "Live" are telling them.

I am alone in my cave, unless you count my son and aged mother who is one of those fearful old people glued to her easy chair hanging onto Dr. Oz's every word...

She's upstairs. I'm the mole in the basement who tippy toes up the stairs to grab a cup of coffee and sneaks back down before she can waylay me to discuss the need to give my van a wash because it's so embarassing for her to be taxi'd around in such a dirty vehicle. Which she did Friday before I drove her to get her blood drawn. Every 3 months, whether she needs it or not... Like Clockwork.

This recent "issue" of hers was so completely inane and drove me so completely insane that it escalated into a rant while driving and went something like this:

It's WINTER MOM, we just had a HUGE FUCKING SNOWSTORM mom... the city trucks dumped a bunch of FUCKING SAND on the roads mom, and EVERY FUCKING VEHICLE ON THE ROAD TODAY IS MUDDY Mom... there, see? See? See that one? Gosh, and that's a City Vehicle and it's FUCKING FILTHY just like my vehicle and just look at that City BUS and it was washed THIS FUCKING MORNING JUST BEFORE IT LEFT THE GOD DAMNED LOT MOM...

And this whole diatribe is going on in dialetto Trevisano, ok?

Lucky for me she's getting kind of deaf and I can be pretty dang quiet and get in and out of that kitchen pretty damned fast or I would be certifiable by now... (don't think I haven't considered the "Funny Farm" or "Jail Cell" option. Matricide would be the charge, but if I haven't killed her yet, I guess that option's pretty much off the table and it's the padded cell for me...)

So that's why I hang out here. You have much better company than I do.

PS: The sickening thing? While she was getting her blood drawn and buying groceries? And even though it was below zero outside? I came back to the house, filled 2 buckets with hot water and WASHED THE FUCKING VAN and guess what? I know she noticed when I picked her up but she did NOT SAY A DAMNED WORD.

And you don't think I would secretly welcome Armagaedon?

Anonymous said...

"It is also important to remember that many only have have access to mainstream media sources;"

"how can they when they never get to see, or hear anything other than the intense brainwashing propoganda being spouted by such mouthpieces day in, day out, throughout their lives?"


Do you actually believe that? It's difficult to take seriously what you say in a constructive way when you make comments like this.


Yes I do Les.

As like yourself I also base my opinion based on both intuitive and experiential intake and observations.

I find the condescension of your comment quite unnecessary. Belief really is not required here, because repeatable experiments which consistently result in much the same outcome can be carried out by any of us.

The outcome of such experiments also often show that there has to be a trigger to motivate people to look for deeper understanding.

If the majority of people are force fed daily, throughout their lives with nothing but the mainstream media take on events and the world around us; where is the trigger?

Also; even if people do finally make that transition and access alternative media sources it is usually the high profile ones, such as Alex Jones and Truth Movement sites, which often due to infighting and other reasoning, present themselves as a bunch of loonies and certainly not respectable like 'The BBC'.

First and foremost, people who have already have heard and acknowledged the warnings have to abandon the rather self confirming, incestuous world of the ‘Truth Movement’ and other alternative media, and take thier messages out into normal workplaces, shops, factories, call centres, libraries, anywhere where those who don't get it converge.

Cont: Next Post

Anonymous said...

Even then see what sort of a reception you get; There may be one, or two who might engage, but don’t count on even that much happening. By and large, the majority will be looking for the nearest strait-jacket.

If you ask people whether or not they feel something, or everything is wrong with the world, then the over riding answer is going to be ‘Yes’; but it would also have been ‘Yes’ ten years ago, twenty, thirty; as far back as I can remember people were complaining about the state of society, so it’s largely academic that they’re still complaining.

Further, should you choose to probe a little deeper, you’ll find that what they feel is wrong at the moment, is exactly what the Mainstream Media has told them is wrong; We’ve got Liberals in power, ‘Obama-care’, the president’s wife looks like a horse, Sarah Palin’s daughter has a baby, the tea party etc etc.

All this may make entertaining trivia but it’s sure as hell no path to enlightenment.

They accept that thing’s are wrong and they accept their chosen explanation as being correct for that reason; in many cases not only because they are totally oblivious to the alternatives, they’re also totally oblivious to the question of why there would even be any alternatives.

You have many times eloquently explained'why'in your posts so how can you expect any other outcome? Especially when one considers that the minority access your blogs and the many others with something important and tangible to say?

For most; even when they do take the first steps, they are mostly presented with the popular lunatic fringe writings, or such as the The Truth Movement for example, with it's 'appearance'of being lunatic fringe due to it's accusations of members being Co-Intel, along with constant infighting. It's not suprising people miss the important messages, which are being clouded and simply conclude that alternative media is not reputable and therefore, for many there is no 'trigger'available.

Cont@ Next Post

Anonymous said...

As far as mainstream followers accepting their chosen explanation, is that so vastly different from what many followers of alternative media sources are doing?

Is it a fair appraisal of the situation, (assuming all other aspects are equal) that the swallowers of mainstream are any more likely to switch to alternative explanations, than the alternative followers are likely to switch to mainstream?

Both sides also suffer from this egotistical and undemonstrable belief that their side is right; but as with the mainstream media, the alternative media has more than its fair share of liars, manipulators, lunatics and egomaniancs.

So is it be any wonder that many might look at this arena from the mainstream point of view, and conclude that the alternative media is a total shower of shit(excuse language)?

Having spent a lot of time over the past decade reading alternative media, I have to say this seems a perfectly reasonable conclusion to me, and a hard one to debate against.

"This is like saying, "What about the people who can only eat at McDonalds and are forced to drink diet soda and read fashion magazines because nothing else is available to them."

This analogy isn’t really working for me. There are plenty of equally high profile ‘high-street’ alternatives and plenty of high profile information which informs the public in a clear cut, and undebatable way that such lifestyle choices are wholly destructive, which of course the Mainstream Media constantly reports and supports.

This is most definately not the case regarding alternative media. The serious alternative is not being beamed in to peoples living rooms morning noon and night and is not highly visable on the worlds high streets, or in libraries, or easily available 'off the shelf'.

Cont: Next Post

Anonymous said...

"If people can't make the connection that something is deeply wrong with the state of the temporally constructed world around them then the problem is not access to truth, it's a dependence upon the lack of it for sustenance based on a lack of native curiosity and spiritual drive"

Again you have often alluded as to 'why' people cannot make this connection? So is it not understandable that they don't; and for the exact reasons you have often written about.

Many people also don't have the 'Internet Education' to filter the bullshit and so to the outside world they look like a bunch of nutcases. Lets allude to Israel for example, where is the alternative view in the MainStream?

Please explain how people are supposed to be able to gain a deeper understanding, let alone make a judgement when they never see the other side?

Anyway; Lets say your opinion on this is possibly true and that the access is available to many, there are three huge obstacles here.

Firstly as mentioned before, the alternative is not being beamed in to their living room morning noon and night; secondly most people really don’t have the time to filter the vast quantities of bullshit out of the alternative media; and thirdly, they are wholly sold on the concept that the mainstream media IS the truth.

There is no road to Damascus like pilgrimage to take, because as far as they’re concerned they’ve already arrived.

It’s all the alternative ‘conspiracy theorist’ types that need to wake up. Even though many of us believe the alternatives and through painstaking filtering think we have strong evidence; we can’t actually, physically demonstrate them to be wrong on this point can we?

It's important to remember there is no room for ego in pursuit of truth.

Anonymous said...

A great piece you say things well in order that others can relate to you and how you feel.

Keep up the good work.

Charles Crosby

Visible said...

You can lecture me to your heart's content but when you mention condescension make sure you're not looking in the mirror.

It seems to me that you just want to talk about these things but I don't see any answers at all. It's more like, 'this is how it is and that's how it is'. Actually it's just a perspective like my own.

I think you're wrong about what people are exposed to in a big way because they move through the world and they are hearing about things all the time. I'm not sure what your point is in any case. I have yet to get what it is you expect me to do, which I am already doing what I do and am not the be all and end all anyway.

It seems that if you want something done you should do it and if all of us do that we will be doing something, anyway.

There was nothing condescending about what I said. Your blanket description of a whole class of people who don't even exist in toto but as degrees of a mean doesn't jibe with my experience. That doesn't make you wrong or me right.

Anonymous said...

Was 200 Wisconsin dead cows a magic satanic ritual killing for a Green Bay Packers game win?

Anonymous said...

Hello Les.

"You can lecture me to your heart's content but when you mention condescension make sure you're not looking in the mirror"

I was not lecturing you; just genuinely critisising this particular post and I then only tried to put forwards possible reasons why. There was no ego involved on my part.

Your initial comment in answer to my post therefore 'came across' as condecending hence the protracted reply.

I just asked 'why the theme' when you have so often explained eloquently and in great detail exactly why people don't get it.

I felt it was contradictory because you appear to feel there are no excuses for the masses not to strive for enlightenment; and yet the theme and content of many of your blog posts demonstrate why this does not and possibly cannot happen for most.

Therefore I asked what was your reasoning for this apparent disconnect?

"I think you're wrong about what people are exposed to in a big way because they move through the world and they are hearing about things all the time"

Please explain how Les; when nearly 2 out of 3 Americans don't even own a passport (State Dept Stats - Jan 2011) and also when, with respect, many of your blog posts suggest sound logical reasoning why hearing doesn't happen either?

"I have yet to get what it is you expect me to do, which I am already doing what I do and am not the be all and end all anyway"

There is and was, no expectation for you to do anything. I only hoped for an answer to my questions and I don't believe I suggested otherwise.

"It seems that if you want something done you should do it and if all of us do that we will be doing something, anyway"

I and others already do try les.

"There was nothing condescending about what I said. Your blanket description of a whole class of people who don't even exist in toto but as degrees of a mean doesn't jibe with my experience. That doesn't make you wrong or me right"

I never actually said that Les. I just tried to put forward reasoned explanations as to why it may be, that so many don't, or can't see the warnings, or develop any drive for a deeper inderstanding ; based on observational experiences and extensive reporting via alternative media sources including your own.

Hence my question; If you , I and other posters here accept and consider all the clever and extensive mechanisms now in place to completely obscure and mostly ensure that people dont get it, (which again you often refer to ), In what form can enlightenment for so many begin?

I'm sorry if I've pissed you off; (excuse language) it certainly was not my intention.

Anonymous said...


"I think you're wrong about what people are exposed to in a big way because they move through the world and they are hearing about things all the time"

Please explain how Les; when nearly 2 out of 3 Americans don't even own a passport (State Dept Stats - Jan 2011) and also when, with respect, many of your blog posts suggest sound logical reasoning why hearing doesn't happen either?

"I have yet to get what it is you expect me to do, which I am already doing what I do and am not the be all and end all anyway"

There is and was, no expectation for you to do anything. I only hoped for an answer to my questions and I don't believe I suggested otherwise.

"It seems that if you want something done you should do it and if all of us do that we will be doing something, anyway"

Others and I already do try les.

"There was nothing condescending about what I said. Your blanket description of a whole class of people who don't even exist in toto but as degrees of a mean doesn't jibe with my experience. That doesn't make you wrong or me right"

I never actually said that Les. I just tried to put forward reasoned explanations as to why it may be, that so many don't, or can't see the warnings, or develop any drive for a deeper understanding; based on observational experiences and extensive reporting via alternative media sources including your own.

Hence my question; If you, I and other posters here accept and consider all the clever and extensive mechanisms now in place to completely obscure and mostly ensure that people don’t get it, (which again you often refer to), In what form can enlightenment for so many begin?

I'm sorry if I've pissed you off; (excuse language) it certainly was not my intention.

Anonymous said...

I do love your blogs. And I think you are a gifted person, with an ability not all of us share. I have been reading this dialog going on between you and another person here on your comments, and I think I know what they are trying to say, and the point that you may be missing.....while many people are glued to mainstream, and yes they do all have options, like to "wake up" , many are suffering from the symptoms of being a victim. They are victims of the veil of lies. It can take some pretty profound experiences to take people out of their slummber. And I believe that is coming. We have to trust in the ability of the human race. And in the higher good. And while asleep, they may not know it, but they are becoming experts on evil manipulation. When they wake up, they will be able to tell you all about it ! And what is was like. But until that day, some of us are gifted, some of us are blessed with an ability to see thru this veil. We shouldn't judge those who cannot. And believe me I have a family full of them. And they all think they are liberal open minded people. BLUK ! They drive me insane. But I can't snap them out of it! In the mean time, we live our life by example. It is all we can do. And trust that everything is just as it is suppose to be, and that the great good of all is always in the works, no matter how chaotic the world gets, and how asleep the masses get. The farther you drift away from GOD, the closer you get to him. And don't acknowledge the evil, it just gives it power and feeds it. Especially if you credit it with have any power over your life. That is feeding it. They want your fear. Don't fear, trust people , trust your universe you live in, it will not let you down, in the end...........

Visible said...

"Actually, I have my own motives for presenting myself certain ways that often different than they appear. I'm aware of the possible effect of what I say, as I say it and certainly in the several times I proof read it to correct the mistakes I inevitably find. Quite often I am writing to a much larger audience than I have and not to the general reader or the contingent of seekers who drop by occasionally or regularly. I'm speaking to the future and other things I don't have the inclination to go into.

All is not what it seems, in the world, in me or in the readers."

Do I need to put this in all CAPS?

I can maybe highlight in notepad and make it bold to. I'm thinking about if I hear much more about it that I will go to Word and just increase the type size to 16. 18? 20?


I'm going to call them as I see them and you can judge them as you hear them but I wouldn't change a word now that I said then.

Anonymous said...

Les --

Several years ago you wrote about seeing certain times when you looked at a clock, in my case I was seeing 1:11 all the time... I was also obsessed with watches... Eventually the syncronicities stopped...

Last night I had a very vivid dream where an expensive watch I was wearing (in reality I don't have one) fell to the ground and when it hit it literally exploded apart -- I then spent the rest of the dream picking up all the pieces and putting them in a plastic bag... There were hundreds of high tech gears and pieces -- the last pieces being these little ball bearings, the last of which was silver.

When I had collected all the pieces I looked at the bag and realized that it would cost more to put the watch back together than the watch was worth. The instant I had that revelation the watch disappeared.

I'm just saying...


WV bhwarm -- I'm getting warm???

Visible said...

Susanne and I see 1:11 and 11:11 nearly every day and sometimes, not often, every single time one of us yells it out; it's a tradition (grin). Interesting eh?

I'm glad I don't feel a constant need to explain myself because sometimes I think it would do a world of good to fully explain my motives for what I say but... I've been down that road before. The best one can do is to do what they do the best they can and let the future be the judge; that's counts for so much more than the opinion of others or one's own attempts at self-justification.

Anonymous said...

Th intent is missing.
Find the intent, or, come up with intent and forward action. That's all you can do devoid of crucial info.

Anonymous said...

At the surface,life looks chaotic and unpredictable. It looks mundane. There is really nothing extraordinary about it. It is full of stimulation, some of which gives pleasure and much of which gives pain. Deeper down, there are deeper currents moving our life, moving you into proximity to learn something, to see something, to respond to something,-both within yourself and within the world at large. There is purpose to this you see, this represents the great mystery of our life-that while we live at the surface, there are deeper forces at work beneath the surface.. Everything is being set in motion for redemption, for reunion, for contribution, for empowerment, for forgiveness and for true recognition. Look beyond the surface to see that the mystery of life exists at the depths where the great currents are moved by powers and forces little seen or recognized. Here is where true purpose, meaning and direction exists and is offered to all life. Be still and be attentive for at the surface one is easily lost in confusion, ambivalence, obfuscation and illusion. Be still and be attentive!

Anonymous said...

If you want to sides you create it. If you want just one so to you move with it.

What if you want three? What if you can see many more than two but still wish to be with just two? What are you doing to yourself? Jail time?

Love ya Les, I understand you use terms and ideas that others want to hear, what do you want to hear?

Love Your Life

Frog said...

You said "Sometimes I think I'm on to something that could be valuable, and then am sorely disappointed when smarter people than I discover that it's probably total bullshit."

Let me offer an old saying: If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him.

You probably didn't mean quite what you said, but don't trust people. The divine can lead you, in places where "smart" people are lost. Trust in God to show you what total BS is.
BTW, my parent's are similar to what you describe of your mother. I feel your frustration. My grandmother died of Alzheimers, my mother took care of the abusive, confused old woman till the last day. (My grandmother was a good woman until the disease took her mind). Just keep on doing good. If I need to, I will do the same with my mother. Honor your mother. Treat your mother like you would want to be treated. Love her, faults and all.
Having said that, I feel your pain. I don't know why parents do stuff like that. Was it that generation?

Sui Juris 249 said...

Frog & Milenia,

Here is some food for thought. The Christos said honor your mother and your father but he also said call no man father. Now this is where some will cry that there is a conflict in his words. I say they are wrong. Here is why.

Christos was not speaking of earthly things he was speaking of spiritual things. Honestly how many times did he have to say I am not of this world I am not speaking of this world. I am speaking of spiritual or heavenly things.

So when Christos said honor your mother and father and knowing that he was not talking of earthly things but heavenly things I have to come via reasoning that he was talking of our Spiritual father and mother not the physical.

This can be backed up also by him calling us his brothers and sisters. Meaning we come from the same parents and he was only here to remove our ignorance and restore to us the knowledge or Gnosis of who we really are and where we really come from and what were really suppose to be doing.

When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty. ~ The Gosple of Thomas the Contender

Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be my disciple, and whoever does not hate brothers and sisters, and carry the cross as I do, will not be worthy of me."

Actually tons of great stuff in there stuff the Satanic cults that call themselves churches today do not want you to know.


DaveR said...

"I have yet to get what it is you expect me to do, which I am already doing what I do and am not the be all and end all anyway."

That anonymous person sure can type...

I'll miss you if you stop doing this that you do.

Anonymous said...

where to begin....yes the book of Revelation is indeed filled with symbolism. However that doesn't mean it is worth discussing or even understanding! The Book of Revelation for example talks about the wild beast. There is a 7 headed wild beast, the two horned wild beast and the image of the wild beast. In a nut-shell those wild beast represent the whole political organization with Satan as it's ruler! So when you talk about the Illuminati New World Order and Satanism you are right indeed! Satan is the ruler of the world as the Bible so aptly puts it however that does not mean God is weak and has been defeated rather he is PERMITTING it. WHY? Well while Revelation is the END of the prophecies in the Bible the book of Genesis is the BEGINNING of the Prophecies and it is in the book of Genesis that we find the first bible prophecy! This prophecy tells us that Satan would bruise Jesus in the heel (Which was done when Jesus died on a torture stake)but that the resurrected Jesus will crush Satan in the head (at Armageddon) What we are seeing right before our eyes is the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy never to be repeated again! Another issue raised in the Garden of Eden was the issue of Sovereignty or who has the right to rule. Is it God? Satan? Whose rule is better? The bible promised Adam and Eve a perfect life free from death and sickness where they could live forever in a Paradise. Satan told Eve if she ate of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil she would become like God? Was he right? Where is Eve today? Certainly not on Earth! By turning Eve away from worshiping God, Satan in affect was saying that NO ONE needs God and mankind could rule himself. IS this so? Well again the Bible states that Satan is the Ruler of this world so really way back in the garden of Eden wasn't Satan trying to take ruler ship away from God? Of course that will never happen. But in a sense God has permitted Satan to rule "for a short time" WHY? Well to prove his point is he a better ruler than God? Well since Satan is the ruler of this world what has his rule been like? Well the Bible says that he knows his time is short and he is angry! In fact the scriptures tell us that Satan is like a roaring lion waiting to devour someone! So really his plan is to Rule or Ruin. He knows however that God will not let him rule for all time so he knows he has a short period of time so his mission is to ruin. Has he done a good job of that? Well look at the evidence of this world? Not a day goes by that mayhem has not taken place. In fact the Bible says that in these LAST DAYS that mankind would go from BAD to WORSE! Haven't we've seen an increase in badness?
There have been many forms of government under Satan's control. Have they proved beneficial for mankind or have they added to the burden's of mankind? Think about history and how people have for decades suffered under the many forms of government that have been ALLOWED to exist under Satan the Devil! The Bible talks about how God will soon step into mankind's affairs and rid evil doers and establish his Kingdom of Peace right here on the Earth!
The Bible also says that the DEMONS believe in GOD and they SHUDDER! Why? Because they know their time is up soon their aim is to take as many people down with them as possible! The Bible also says in the Book of Revelation that there will be many signs and portents upon the earth. What these exactly are remains to be seen! But we may see a great many things go down before Armageddon! Also Jesus said As these things START to occur LIFT YOUR HEADS UP because your deliverance is getting near!

Anonymous said...

Love is all that matters.

This morning I woke up with the phrase, "So above, so below on my mind and then found this. Angel guide, that's you.

Peace, Love and Groovy

Visible said...

There is a new Petri Dish up-

Strange Days and Strange Dreams on the Frontier.

Anonymous said...

All demons aren't created equally.
(don't let the glasses fool ya)

Visible said...

Do I appear to have just gotten out of grade school?

Visible said...

I'm going to point out that I'm in Europe and I usually go to bed somewhere around this time so when your comments don't go up for a few hours, this is the reason. I'll put this at all the blogs because I am going to retire to another dimension now, I hope. (grin)

Anonymous said...

I can see your muscles bursting even as you sit at your desk!

Your energy extends outwards in all directions, like a sunburst.

Possibly even to past present and future.

Anonymous said...

I like you! I used to be around the same places in Maui,also on the Big Island,you seem familiar.You seem like a sincere seeker! "If we do not seek the real Truth we lose the power of knowing!" Srila Saraswati Thakur .Humble! Trying to be a divine instrument ! Sweet! Along with what you said "The human form of life is very rarely attained, and although
temporary, gives us a chance to achieve the surpeme goal of life.
Therefore, those who are grave and intelligent should immediately
strive for perfection befor another death occurs. There are so many
forms of life: the aquatics, the vegetable kingdom, the animals, the
birds, ghosts and other living beings, but only in this human position
do we hold the key to the complete solution of the problems of lifel."
If we can use this human life in a valuable way, we can acquire the
key by which to become free from the whole chain of life in this
troublesome world. We can get rid of the bondage of all sorts of
physical and mental troubles. The key is here, in this human form of
life. Jiva Goswami says that lower life-forms have insufficient
understanding to realize the highest truth. And in the higher lifeforms,
such as demigods, because previously acquired energy or
karma has accumulated on all sides, the chief enjoying elements are
surrounding the living being. It is difficult to escape the charm of
those influences and begin the prospect of a fresh life in a higher plain
of consciuosness. This human form of life is the most advantageous
position to escape this engtanglement and reach the highest object of
our divine life. Search for Sri Krsna Reality the Beautiful by Srila B.R. Sridhara Dev Goswami Keep on seeking! Hoping this finds you healthy,happy,and hopeful, your friend always, Jagadananda Das(Servant of the Universal Ecstasy)

brygivrob said...

i detect some bitterness concerning celebrity...

my prediction: you will be very famous in one of your next few incarnations

why? because it is a secret desire of yours, and it will be fulfilled



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