Dog Poet Transmitting.......
‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.
Money is a funny thing; not funny hah hah but certainly ironically funny, painfully funny, tragically funny, unintentionally funny, that’s not funny, funny …and unfortunately funny. It’s as funny as the money is, as in ‘funny money’.
I didn’t grow up with money but I never got the sense that we were poor, although we certainly were, with six kids on a military salary. There was always plenty of food and there were sports and books, which didn’t cost anything, if you lived on a military base and near a library. For a kid who was into sports, living on a military base is a dream come true. Sports and books were my escape from a life of relentless pain and fear; both contained some amount of them too but it was differently abled or vicariously experienced.
When I got away from home, my first social circle of any note were the children of the diplomatic, political and legal culture of Washington D.C. That’s the first time I saw what it was like to be surrounded by money. I’d find myself being taken on a tour of Virginia Graham’s house, when she wasn’t home; sixty or seventy rooms of furniture with plastic on them like nobody lived there and nobody did. The Gore’s of Senator the Elder’s fame were next door to my best friend. The junkie son and nymphomaniac daughter of the Kraft food fortune and assorted wastrels were all around, being jaded and junked like it was an avocation. The heir to an MGM fortune got his hands tied behind his back with a coat hanger and shot in the head for thinking that certain privileges extended into social circles where, in fact, they did not.
Later I was in the Catskills; the Jewish Rockies and I saw yet more money. I became a friend, if you can call it that, of one Steven Landsman, who came into about 50 million dollars and who used me to his advantage in all sorts of ways. Friends of mine would give me grief about hanging out with him but I felt like he was part of my job to wake people up to things besides money and all the heartbreak and disappointment that came along with it. Well, my friends were right but the juries still out on whether I made a difference. I was able to get close to him in certain ways because I didn’t want anything from him but even that failed in the end.
I didn’t see people as they really were most of the time. I saw them as I wanted to believe them to be and in all those more private moments, when their humanity had a chance to sneak out of its confinements for a little fun. Looking back now, I realize I was about as clueless as they come. Money never had that big an attraction for me, so I never saw it in the full bloom of its depravity. It was just something you used along the way to wherever you were going. I never had the illusion that it would be instrumental in taking me there. That might have worked for others because a lot of people were going places because money was there already.
My relationship with money transferred into the way I looked at cocaine. It was something to use and be generous with, precisely because the cost of it was so great. A lot of people locked themselves inside their hearts and houses with it because of what the expense of sharing it did to your right to the alternative to do it all yourself, unless you were looking to get someone to do the horizontal hula with you, when cocaine was coin of the realm for that kind of transaction.
Along the way of my life, I ran into any number of misunderstandings about the difference between ‘your money’ and ‘my money’. I saw ample examples of people who had it proven to them that they were not as generous as advertised, in the same way that they weren’t as spiritually driven as they thought they were, because money and the spiritual quest both come up against generic tests and are often related in the process.
Truth be told, I’ve had some severe disappointments with people, mostly because they didn’t walk the talk or found it much easier to dress for the occasion than to deliver upon the demands of it. It’s like that old saying, “it’s the thought that counts’. We all know people who have shamefully abused that little platitude, “Oh yeah, I was going to get that for you”, “I wanted to get this or that (fill in the blanks) but this or that happened and through no fault of my own, I was unable to carry out my good intentions but you should file my comments on the matter and hang on to them, as if they were evidence that I actually had done any of it.
Having been clueless coming out, I have turned into a careful observer of people in order to protect them from themselves in my company and to protect me from accidentally calling them on any number of invitations that felt good to say but caused a muscle strain to perform. I honestly don’t judge people for things like this because I know the nature of the magnetic power they are up against. It’s been running this number since people first began to barter one thing for another. If you can whip that particular shortcoming that has to do with money, you get a taste of freedom that most people don’t know anything about.
I have watched, up close and personal, what happens to people when a whole lot of money suddenly jumps into their lap and starts running its hand up their leg. I recall the promises and ambitions that got tossed around before money picked up the strap on and started to buckle it to its waist. People who used to have a certain amount of money most of the time, all of a sudden, had no money at all. The tales I would hear about why and how hard it was to get to the money would cause me to crack up. I assure you that it was rare for the other person to join me in the merriment. The ones who did are still friends of mine to this day.
I’ll tell you something else I’ve noticed; life has a magical ability to create situations where one realizes the actual power of friendship and faith in another. Life can take a person with too much money and actually put their life in the hands of someone with none. I’ve also seen these people forget what happened in a remarkably short period of time. One of my favorite things (not) is when you get to watch a person squirm and wriggle like a fish on a hook, as they are forced to calculate the value of a person’s acquaintance and whatever may have passed between you until that point. I’ve gotten good at heading them off at the pass and often they never know that I spared them from having to learn something they didn’t want to know about themselves.
Why am I writing about this? Well, there are a lot of things I can’t do for myself which involve making it easy for money to jump through the necessary hoops. I haven’t done a lot of things precisely because of these stumbling blocks and have always been reluctant about asking people to help me; even though whatever the project is, has a built in repayment understanding. I just know how people are, ‘most’ of the time.
I knew the time would arrive when my work was going to find a wider audience in formats seldom used previously. I knew it would begin to materialize and then other people would somehow be involved but I didn’t know the details. It’s like when I started announcing on stage at my gigs that I was going to Europe, probably Germany, to perform my music ...and then life set it up and a few months later I was there and in a position to maintain as well.
This same thing happened again, starting about a month ago or so. People (that I already knew in most cases… but only virtually) started offering to do the things I could not do and turned out to be damn good at it too. About seven books are being readied for publication and a whole commercial website is being put together to facilitate the sales of books, music, audio books, old TV shows; all kind of things. These people are professional, devoted, hard working and believe in what’s happening and it is happening… just like that, just like that. The new blog looks are part of it and now a fellow who designs games and does 3D modeling has shown up to put his oar in. It’s simply amazing.
A long time ago I told myself that when money came and, of course, money does come at some point, once life has refined you to the point that you can handle it, or is about to give you a lesson in respect of it (grin), I said, well, I get 30% and my friends get 30% and 30% goes for projects and the other ten percent should be anonymous giving. That seemed fair to me. The idea now is to make enough money to fund The New Shangri La in a house on The Bodensee; maybe something like this. I suspect that someone will come along and just donate the money, the same way I wound up in Europe but you have to work toward an intention and not be concerned about the manner in which it will materialize. You just have to know that it’s going to happen and I do.
The reason I know its going to happen is because of one of those laws of the universe that can be proven. I have already done so more than once and so have many other people. That law says, “If you don’t want something for yourself- or even if you do- and it doesn’t harm another or take from another, then you may have it if you possess the requisite faith, trust and some amount of creative visualizing capacity.
I’m shocked and astonished at the support. Back when I was starting all of this online effort I expected more resistance and argument than I got. That still surprises me on a constant basis. I suppose it works if you somehow manage to get in ‘the Tao of your now’.
The secret of managing money successfully, so that it doesn’t cost more than it’s worth or destroy you from self interest, is to always be willing to take the left hand side of the bargain. People who understand the essential nature of generosity also understand something of The Law of Return and that applies not only in real time every day life but from life to life. I like to think of myself as an investment banker who works for a secret stock exchange. I suppose it’s an irrefutable truth, if you don’t push the river, it will get there all the same.
End Transmission.......
'Spread Your Wings' is track no. 1 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

excellent (as usual)
good grief, les --- you sure you arent my missing brother or something?? i swear, we had to have grown up together. is that crazy or what?
".....When I got away from home, my first social circle of any note were the children of the diplomatic, political and legal culture of Washington D.C. That’s the first time I saw what it was like to be surrounded by money. I’d find myself being taken on a tour of Virginia Graham’s house, when she wasn’t home; sixty or seventy rooms of furniture with plastic on them like nobody lived there and nobody did. The Gore’s of Senator the Elder’s fame were next door to my best friend. The junkie son and nymphomaniac daughter of the Kraft food fortune and assorted wastrels were all around, being jaded and junked like it was an avocation. The heir to an MGM fortune got his hands tied behind his back with a coat hanger and shot in the head for thinking that certain privileges extended into social circles where, in fact, they did not.
Later I was in the Catskills; the Jewish Rockies and I saw yet more money. I became a friend, if you can call it that, of one Steven Landsman, who came into about 50 million dollars and who used me to his advantage in all sorts of ways. Friends of mine would give me grief about hanging out with him but I felt like he was part of my job to wake people up to things besides money and all the heartbreak and disappointment that came along with it. Well, my friends were right but the juries still out on whether I made a difference. I was able to get close to him in certain ways because I didn’t want anything from him but even that failed in the end.
I didn’t see people as they really were most of the time. I saw them as I wanted to believe them to be and in all those more private moments, when their humanity had a chance to sneak out of its confinements for a little fun. Looking back now, I realize I was about as clueless as they come. Money never had that big an attraction for me, so I never saw it in the full bloom of its depravity. "
oh man, les. if only i could, i would. if only you knew who i was, what i was born into, how i grew up, who i am or was, but i have only the lineage. i walked away from the family, i am better off now by far, but i should have tried ot grab a few bucks for the effort, along the way. but one never knows, how the next few will turn out. keep a positive thought. i aint dead yet, might have the fight in me still, to battle it out with the twin peaks crowd that spawned me :)
Always echoes of a different experience,
My life doesn’t match your story at all Les, but the lessons learned were the same.
Love of money is the root of all evil.
But the money is only a tool, neither good nor evil, only the task it is put to can have alignment.
I experience the law of attraction often enough to occasionally think I can “work” it. That’s when I find out what a singed tail feels like. The Law of Return continues until I learn the lesson.
I don’t know if I’ll get to come to your location, when you are there. I may end up at another point of light.
Dragging my dependants forward is the primary task on my plate at this time. There is too much disruption coming to Amerika to have any other plans at this point.
Of course the divine could have something different in mind, and just hasn’t told me yet.
wv: irtip - what the end of your tail looks like when it gets tha hair burned off!
Dharma: What is that which, when renounced, makes one lovable? What is that which is renounced makes happy and wealthy?
Yudhishthira: Pride, if renounced makes one lovable; by renouncing desire one becomes wealthy; and to renounce avarice is to obtain happiness.
Dharma: What enemy is invincible? What constitutes an incurable disease? What sort of man is noble and what sort is ignoble?
Yudhishthira: Anger is the invincible enemy. Covetousness constitutes a disease that is incurable. He is noble who desires the well-being of all creatures, and he is ignoble who is without mercy.
Dharma: Who is truly happy? What is the greatest wonder?
Yudhishthira: He who has no debts is truly happy.
Day after day countless people die. Yet the living wish to live forever. O Lord, what can be a greater wonder?
Yes, Les,
It is now happening for you. I support your vision, in whatever form Universe chooses to bless. We can all do that for you daily.
bodensee looks beautiful..
I would maintain this property for free,and if needed go to work localy as a means to provide essentials to keep the place up,my son has 1 and a half years at school after that I could spend a good amount of time at this place.
also when I was in kashmir,the fellow who's place that I was staying at showed me a property he had,that was left empty..he said if I wanted to I could turn it into a hotel with him this property had great potential just needed some care and attention it had lots of rooms and a huge secluded garden...dont know if the offer would still stand as this was last year...
respects ....neil
There are few places on Earth as beautiful as Kashmir.
What's the "left hand of the deal"? I've never heard that one before.
Especially nice post today. Good thoughts on money. I will incorporate them as best I can.
Nice house Les, hope you get it.
Never had any money to speak of and I guess I never will. Sounds like a good opening for a song, don’t you think?
I keep thinking that maybe, someday, some money will come my way.
I was standing in my back yard the other day just looking at my house, which isn’t really mine, and I was thinking, "This is nothing more than a, person sized, glorified chicken coup." My poor son who is now 21years old has grown up in a 6ft x 7ft room his whole life, no fucking wonder his head is messed up. Inmates in a prison have more. I always wished I could have given them, my kids, more but it was not to be, not in this life anyhow.
Anyone feel like making a donation (grin)
I didnt have enough time in kashmir,I left their knowing I have to go back..
it is absolutely beautiful in everyway
good good people living under harsh conditions,with a smile on their faces ready to just carry on...
I love kashmir....neil
The left hand side of the bargain means to take what appears to be the smaller part, to accept less if it seems to be so. That's kind of where the pirates share thing also came from. One would divide the swag in half and then the other would choose. This doesn't mean to get purposely ripped off. It means to be agreeable so that the other is satisfied. There's more to it and I could have said it better but I'm weary from this condition; be glad when it's gone.
In Yorkshire instead of the left hand side of the deal they say I'll cut,you choose ;which made instant sense to me when I first heard it.
Yes, that's what's called The Pirate's Share.
alright, alright. i will get my current college student thru her last 2 years, then pummel The Family for what is was and still be mine, according to the will, i just have to have a few thousand up front to get a lazy bummed lawyer to go and do whatever it is those nutcakes do to earn their sleazy living. so settle down and enjoy the nice weather out there, les. i have nothing better to do with that money anyway, once i get it. my girls will make more than enough for themselves and me and their profoundly autistic little sister, and my son is established with his dad's business and will never let go of a grubby dime of that, so we will just presume the shangri-la effort will still be in the works. and if you can just keep your family in good health until then, i can and i will donate like mad-crazy. its either that or give it to a church. and i wont. as for kashmir, it is paradise, but it comes with a terrible price. understand the culture of the people there. it goes so far back. they are the best and they are the kindest, but you MUST understand their ways. it is different. you will never be able to BE kashmiri, and that already sets you at a grave disadvantage. because, the outside forces trying to overtake that area and upset the region have destroyed all love they will ever have for "outsiders". and it was a wonderful but closed and ancient community even before all that.
I'm the sort of person who knows what to appreciate from afar and that is why I am going to do it on the Bodensee for starters. It matters less where it is than what it is and we've got the ingredients for some spectacular meetings of remarkable minds passing right through these portals. It's already extant, it's just a matter of stages leading to the manifestation.
natured reason
glisten gold
whisper rythms
lovings hold
unfolding earth
rolling sky
yearning truth
freedom cry
rising high
fly the wind
to mountain tops
on rivers wing
eternal spring
of living flow
beam the scent
of nature grow
I had someone say to me once "I have shoes worth more than you, kid." :)
It kind of put my life into perspective.
Insincere fucks rub me the wrong way. I got a facebook summons from an old highschool sweetheart and we decided to meet. He's a cop now and as I got into the car, carefully so as not to disturb his cup of cognac, he looked me in my eyes and said he was never letting me go again. He told me how he was at a real crossroads in his life as he'd been finding out some stuff about the world and how it is and he wanted to share some stuff with me. My chillbumps got chillbumps. We started talking and I was as engaged as I could be with most of my brain already visualizing us together forever, saving the world. Until the end of the evening when the only kisses I've had in six months started heating up and leading to what I haven't had in way too long when he gave me the its complicated speech. Turns out he's not "married" but he lives with the mother of his two kids and working out child support is the main reason he's still there...what the fuck ever. How dare you. I refuse to be a willing party to someone else's pain, and I'm not gonna see him, but oh how wish I didn't want to. Not him particularly, just someone who only sleepwalks when they're actually asleep and who'll only sleep with me. I know this isn't a relationship blog, but then again, maybe in someways it is, cause the only way to come out on top here is Love. I just want to say that I love you. I'm sure it's probably not completely healthy to already trust you more than people I've actually met, but I do. I thank you for being true to yourself and sincere in your efforts. I thank you for this amazing place that nurtures my soul.
Brother Les,
I currently do not have email access as I lost the power supply on my desk top before I had the chance to get the email account info setup on my laptop. Yet I wanted to post a update to you about something I said would happen.
Shortly will be a 1900:1 return which has allowed further movement of 104:1 (on original movement) further out flow to another other-self that was about to be homeless just today.
Not trying to toot my own horn or make myself out to be a saint or anything.
I am just glad that I am given the chance to help others more and more. Especially considering the path I used to walk when young and dumb. An wanted to share the information with you.
I walk a more humble karmic path not knowing the trivialities of the rich and famous. Along my wanderings along the routes of this maze of life I have met a few who lived in splendor. I found them to be as beautiful and as screwed up as the rest.
Shagri La starts in the heart and manifest outwards. Its form decided by the complexity of the soul which from which it springs.
Dear Visible, the villa is incredibly beautiful, and the location and grounds sound perfect! How much is the owner's asking price? "The money will come from wherever it is right now..." (Maharishi) Please publish the "2011 LV Community Fund Raising Goal" out into the universe, if at all possible? Thank you once again for your amazing inspiration. -- Karyn
Word bro!
RegularReader; I'm going to save you the flack you will surely catch for writing such a screed. Perhaps the solution is for you to become irregular?
i'll start with the w v
i'm trying but i can't
get much later
if only you knew
who you are
you'd know who
i am too
i'm already hearing
tunes in the great room
wherever it ends up being
i'll be there
You have good taste Les. ;)
I would head there now if the wasn't an ocean in the way. Feel less capable of crossing that ocean than an ancient viking.
I sit in the middle of a herd of Americans as they are getting pushed towards the edge of a cliff. At what point does America have its Egyptian moment. I don't know. They seem to be a rather docile herd. They live in fear and distraction.
My guess is that they have waited to long. They don't have the power anymore. It was sites like this one which screamed into the night warnings upon warnings as I have and it seems that mostly all this fell upon deaf ears.
As people lose their jobs, their homes, their cars, and their self esteem, they should be taking to the streets, but alaw they metl into the background and just whither away.
I'm in Australia, I quit my job in town planning because I felt like a dirty good for nothing bureaucrat.
I had this understanding deep within that if i followed my heart all would be provided.
My vision was to live and work on a biodynamic/organic farm that was polycultured (animals, fruit, vegies the whole lot) without having to slave for a mortgage in a job i despised.
A new company formed recently called OrganicFarmShare(dot)com
The farm is owned by the members and they have chosen me to farm and live there!!
We took possession of the farm yesterday. The synchronicities, has been just so synchro-mystic.
I love the way this Truth underscores creation.
Now to rid ourselves of the dark lords who run the rotting ship so we all have the FREEDOM to express our creative impulse...
And I just wish in my heart i KNEW this was going to happen. That's not too much to ask is it?
Thanks for the info on the "left..". I'll always do that, until I fell I'm getting reamed that is. I'm just glad to be in on the deal at all, since I'm usually not.
As for "I'll cut, you choose", I've done that many time splitting up a bag. Keeps it honest.
BTW, you've become my first Internet stop of the day, right after my incoming e-mail that is.
Thought for the day: Normalcy is a function of frequency.
Love it, Les!
Blog on, Dude!
"he said if I wanted to I could turn it into a hotel with him..."
I would be so into that! Shangri-la doesn't have to be all in one place! I don't have shit for money right now, but with intent it can happen. I'm in if you want to go for it. (He's your contact!)
dave,I have thought about it lots,I would love to do it,but I need to stay with my son whilst he is at school..
also it would need to bring in money for the it would need to be advertised and that costs a lot of money,it would make a great artist retreat as its up in the foothills of the mountains near the lakes which are beautiful,the whole area is beautiful
...respects neil
Might I suggest focused visualization? Lay in bed at night and design the whole schematic. Don't focus on where the money or anything else comes from. Accept that as a given and then see yourself there, effortlessly dealing with all of the things it takes to put it together. Concentrate on your real enjoyment and the certitude that it is a fait accompli.
There are enormous sums of money out there that are not being used that can materialize for good ideas. I plan on materializing some myself just so I can see certain things in action that I know will work beautifully.
The more complete and detailed you make your imaging, the more complete it will be and the more power it will draw. Always be sure to allow for the possibility that the divine is overseeing the whole affair and has the right to transfer the operation to the location of his choice.
thankyou mr visibles,
shangri'la will be..
Your son can come along. Let's do this thing. The intent is there and the money will follow. You dismiss it too quickly. If your don't want to follow through with the idea, please put me in contact with the person you reference.
Look at what Les said. It is true!!!!!
Send me the contact info for this guy. If it is too big an idea for you to be a part of, then so be it.
Here's a story that the US government has given the Chinese government the right to seize private assets in the USA as collateral for their continuing to buy US government debt!
Getting out to Europe or anywhere else looks like a smart move for any Americans who can still go.
Thank you, LV.
This is what I've missed most while travelling. I've learned much from you and some of your readers, having been both clueless and sheltered.
Best to all.
There is a new Profiles in Evil up-
Petraeus and Lieberman sing the Arias of Hell.
Entertainment for the metaphysically inclined.
Fits well as to the topic of this post.
Radio Rama
dave,the family I stayed with are the dongola family,the man in charge is muhammad,they have houseboats on dal lake in srinigar,the boats they look after are the star of kashmir and the pearly queen,it maybe a good Idea for you to visit first and gain the respect of the family,once they have acknowledged you are true no doubt you will fit right in.the phone number is 0194-2478618 or 0194-2453598.
I would help to fix the place up but as I said before cant be their all the time....
respects neil
OK my friends;
I'm off bright and early for the body repair shop in the morning. I'll have a moment to post whatever comes in overnight and then I hope to be in the saddle for the radio show Sunday night. Susanne will post comments while i am gone but there may be more of a delay so this is just to update you on the whatever of it all.
hope your 'adjustment has gone well.
here's some interesting reading, if you have some down time.
notre dame.
There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-
The Madman Sees a Kindred Spirit.
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