Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Down the River of Life to the Ocean of Presence.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.

My mind keeps returning to the status of the human heart in the midst of external and internal turmoil caused by the massive uncertainty of the times. It’s the position all of us are in, differing only by the degree of intensity in most cases. Some of us are attended by financial concerns, some by health concerns, some by environmental concerns and all of us by spiritual concerns.

Our main concern is the degree of complexity we bring to the process. All of this complexity rests upon our belief that there’s something we can do, based on our own insights and industry, which can change our lives for the better. This is the process that got us into whatever mess or state of mind we are presently in. It’s our reliance on our own resources to meet each and every challenge that consistently shows us we’re inconsistent in our efforts and our grasp of what’s taking place.

We think we’re in charge. Some of us believe this to a remarkable degree and circumstances bear it out, further convincing us that we are in charge. Our sense of immunity and hubris turn into an inner polarity of something like the Colossus of Rhodes. That’s no longer standing, by the way. We’re permitted to think we are in charge and we are encouraged to believe we are in charge, for one purpose. The purpose is a lesson. Now, if you like lessons of this sort, you’re on the right planet. The purpose of everything you go through is a lesson, period. All of these lessons have to do with growth. You can even call it evolution.

Nothing we’ve been taught in our schools and churches is quite like what it actually is. The reason for this is also control; schools, churches, military obligations, every circumstance, where systems and ideologies are impressed upon our consciousness, are for the purpose of control and that control can, in almost all cases, be traced back to the banks. The banks are behind all the rest of these. Religions are also banks. What they collect from you, they hold in implied escrow for God. They actually use the funds to build memorials to their own imagined greatness and to extend their power as far as the funds will permit, while stealing a particular portion to finance a life style, suitable for those on their way to getting a lesson.

One evangelist, whose name I can no longer remember, along with most everyone else, used to say, “Throw your money up to the heavens and all that stays up is Gods and all that falls down is mine”. Maybe that’s from a parody but I’ve heard easily as outrageous statements enough times to assure the likelihood that someone actually said it. Oral Roberts used to say some interesting things about God for his own personal benefit. The Reverend Billy Sunday used to say some vastly amusing things but he was an entertainer as much as anything.

These days, the Christian churches, owned in dogma and direction by the Zionist agenda, mostly focus on holy wars that are fought against people who believe God is Allah that, instead of Yahweh or Jehovah this. Yahweh and Jehovah are anagrams for tetragramation, which is, yod heh vau heh in the Hebrew alphabet. Modern archaeological discoveries have shown that the so called Hebrews expropriated their traditions from others. This is why the Zionist putsch included plundering the relics and remains of those countries unfortunately placed in the cradle of civilization in order for revisionism to be accomplished. Pastor Hagee is a point man for this operation.

However, the real point of today’s discussion is the relationship between simplicity and complexity of doctrine and practice. Self styled Biblical experts and pseudo-intellectual poseurs, promote the complexity angle because it makes them sound like they know what they are talking about and allows them to tailor scripture to their own purposes, like collecting money and supporting wars in the interest of bankers who make profit from both venues. If you keep a copy of Thomas Aquinas’ “Summa Theologica” in the bathroom, you’re probably taken with the complexity angle. If you can quote pages of biblical scripture for all occasions, then you are probably waiting for your turn to speak in a crowd of parrots similarly engaged. No doubt you show up on the stage here and there in a cloud of experts who harrumph their way into the hearts and minds of the deeply sleeping.

If there is a divine, then the complexity angle is on his side of the equation. You don’t need to be concerned about all that, any more than you need to be concerned with regulating all of the functions of your body, over which you have no control anyway, unless you are an advanced yogi. If you take upon yourself the duties and authority of the divine then you get to playact that role for the purpose of a lesson.

Trust is a difficult art in times of uncertainty. Trust isn’t worth much unless it is equal the tasks set before it. Living in the moment is an answer to complexity. In a certain sense it is never any other time but ‘now’ and focus on the past and future compromises the amount of focus engaged in The Now. Simplicity is empowered by a recognition that everything is under control. This doesn’t precisely mean that you go floating on your back down the great river of life. What it means is that you are conscious of the presence of that river and the power within it, as you float or swim or sit beside the great river of life. The Great River of Life eventually empties into the vast ocean of eternal presence; all rivers do. Every tear drop finds its way back to that ocean. The Great River is the active side of the potential immensity of the great ocean. There’s the potential and the kinetic.

Most of the time, our problems rest in our inability to completely see all of the features and angles of everything. More importantly, we think we should be able to. We’ve been told we have to become as a little child. The answer is right there. Trust and Faith are like angels that accompany you along your way. Until you recognize your helplessness you are going to be helpless a lot of the time. Until you can let go completely you are going to be dogged by however much resistance you are manifesting in tandem with the idea that you know what you’re doing. You have to be able to tell yourself, “That’s not my problem” and throw it into the lap of the divine.

True masters are never troubled about anything. There’s nothing to be troubled about unless you are interfering in the process. Solving the complexity is not your job. Your job is embracing the simplicity. The biggest thing we all need to accept is that we are only here temporarily and to operate with that uppermost in our minds. As the Dharma Stork said to one of the Pandava Brothers, “What is the greatest mystery in life?” The response was, “That you see men dying all around you and do not think that you will die”.

We’re not going to be telling you how to become simple because that would complicate it (grin). You can’t get any real value or understanding from something unless you arrive at it on your own in any case. It’s the point of all those lessons. How many do you need?

Of course you go about your day attending to the things that are in front of you but… you do it with the assistance of the one who knows it coming and going. There’s a rhythm and a power there. It’s kind of like chi. It moves through you. It can be increased to an unbelievable degree. How many people actually walk into Nature and commune with the resident and his associates? How many people realize they are accompanied in everything they do and everywhere they go? This is another part of practicing the presence. You exercise it and it increases in you. You have to be serious and you have to be committed. You have to be determined and you have to be certain. The details will take care of themselves.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis narrates: Mystic Musing


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MelanieStone said: AMEN. Thank you. 1000%

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"The Great River of Life eventually empties into the vast ocean of eternal presence; all rivers do. Every tear drop finds its way back to that ocean. The Great River is the active side of the potential immensity of the great ocean."
Compliment from Gibran:
You would know the secret of death.
But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?
The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.
If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello there:

Perhaps you should listen to yourSelf more. Well said... Bravo.

I remember a friend saying to me many years ago that true genuis was found within simplicity and that people could not understand her because she spoke so directly and simply.

Another friend once said to me that we are trained to miss the obvious.

Now, my truth is that the heart is the central station to catch the train between heaven & hell or the Soul and ego. It's a good place to settle oneself in from time to time and look out upon our crazy, yet beautiful world from there. It all looks so simple from that perspective and one finds oneself in a calmness and certainty that one will never find caught within the rat maze of complexity.

Take care Mr. Less Visable,

Visible said...

Mike? Is that strictly necessary? Your presumption implies you have cameras in my house and a working knowledge of the state of my thoughts. You don't. The most you could get you get here. It's the kind of baiting I usually get from Lukiftian but he's busy somewhere pulling the wings off of flies; it being the season and all.

Neko Kinoshita said...

Occasionally, I get to ride with the flow of that river.

The rest of time I’m engaged in lessons yet to be learned. I admit it, I’m just a little slow. It’s a good thing the divine has patience with me.

It is always good to get a little Origami to fold around my soul.

Sweeping the dust out of the way in the alley,


Anonymous said...

Just what I needed to hear this morning. Here on the west coast we have been experiencing dark, cold and wet days for what seems like a long time. This kind of weather goes hand in hand with dark and depressing thoughts. Your words are an encouragement to not give up hope and to continue the work on one's own mind, actually, the only area where we can exercise control if we so choose. What is taking place externally is filtered through our perception....all phenomena are empty of inherent existence.
wv: dolatedi=delighted, hey?

Anonymous said...

One devotee was telling Srila Prabhupada that many devotees, especially the big devotees, were coming where Prabhupada was for the Ratha-yatra. “Big devotees?” Srila Prabhupada replied, with surprise, “We are trying to become small devotees.”

“We are trying to become small devotees.”

"trying to become"


(Xanadu says hi)


Terrance said...

Hello Les, another great post.....from the wisdom of children, "Momentum is what you give someone when they are going away"

Anonymous said...


Your post today seems to confirm a nagging suspicion I've had about myself lately. Recent test results seemed to indicate that I'm probably composed of approximately 98.6% bullshit and the remaining 1.4% appears to be some kind of Rocket Fuel ?

Your words gave me peace and a method. You might be on to something ?!

Thanks for your Blog Les
Patrick V1.0

wv:bushedi : The tool you use to chop a Bush down to size.

gurnygob said...

Hi Les you must have been rummaging around in my world or I was in yours or possibly; and more likely, we were both rummaging around in Gods world.

I have been getting the very same thing that you wrote about in today’s post.

I sat today in the sunshine and called silently on Christ to awaken my sleeping spirit. I have been going through a lot lately with Heart attack followed by heart by-pass, followed by getting attacked and having my home and van vandalised by 3 dunking yobs. My van insurance cancelled because I failed to tell them I am not working at present (wtf) how do they get away with shit like that.

This past year has taught me that I am in charge of nothing and that these things that come against us are like rapids on the river of life. We simply need to trust in God that he has the rudder and is steering us (if we let him). All we have to do is watch and learn.

Anyway my lesion for today was realising that Christ has everything in hand, my past, present and future. The message coming to me was to have faith and trust in Him alone. I experienced a great peace despite my worries and woes so I am sending some (peace) to you and all.


word ver = mantrap ?????????? Weird or what!

Anonymous said...

Brother Vis, I trust you, having proved yourself worthy of it time after time, hasbera trolls not making a dent. This post might be considered for the book.

I also trust the divine, as far as I am able. That trust or faith if you will is the way out of this hellhole I think. I am learning to live by the acronym KISS, keep it simple stupid, but that is much easier said than done.

I have been thinking lately that there must be a different reason the US in fighting so many battles for rothchildlandia than oil (I have heard we only get 1% from Libya and where is all that Iraqi oil by the way?), and it makes sense that they are literally covering things up on every level the tptw can, to keep us in the dark.

The way up the mountain seems to consist of just putting one foot ahead of the other, to the best of our ability each day, hour, and sometimes minute. We all will make it home, just some of us will take much longer paths than others, if time means anything outside of this world.Warmest,

Anonymous said...

We all believe deep down that we will never die.

All of this life is a soul test.

Warm greetings.


Odin's Raven said...

Somehow this reminds me of the famous 17th c. Catholic mystic, Angelus Silesius.

Here is a reference to his work.

Including some of his most famous verses:
"Heaven is within thee. Stay! Why runn'st thou here and there?
Thou seekest God in vain seekest thou Him elsewhere."

"Though Jesus Christ in Bethlehem
A thousand times his Mother bore,
Is he not born again in thee
Then art thou lost for evermore."

Odin's Raven said...

More from Angelus Silesius:

"The nearest way to God
Leads through love's open door;
The path of knowledge is
Too slow for evermore."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:25,

The Rothchild-controlled Western banking establishment doesn't like the increasing bite tha is being taken out of their profit margin by the Islamic banking establishment. Tunis, for example, is he Islamic offshore banking equivalent of the Cayman Islands.

rothchildlandia knows it will soon lose control of oil(and hence the dollar as world reserve currency), so it is striving to position itself to keep control of the levers of the finance machinery.

Wars are always about wealth and the control of wealth. All other rationales are just so much window dressing to sucker in the gullible and the stupid.

daves said...

Les and the rest,

Back on terra firma, glad to be home again. Thanks to everyone who sent some chi my way while I was adventuring to other places.

I see everyone is still here, which is nice. I guess I wasn't gone that long, but it sure feels that way.

Lots of good comments over at your last Petri Dish too. The number of people waking-up is continually increasing. Even waking some freaks in places that might surprise you.

Love and laughter to you all.


Josey said...


If your life is unmanageable, its time to hire a new manager.

So I want my manager to be the same as yours, please.

Thanks again Les


Anonymous said...

Although I took it to an even more complex level, by having an PDF copy of Thomas Aquinas’ “Summa Theologica” downloaded to my Nook, I have to say it is not a help to the revisionists in most cases. It actually argues against most of the things they currently promote in the busines world. And it is fun to use to argue with them!

Anonymous said...

streaming sunlight
whisper inner
swirling springtime
brushing liver
river rolling
motions flow
scented essence
of summer glow
flowing union
presence sweep
wise old oceans
of loving keep
far and deep
reaching wide
all around
swirl inside


R. Schultz said...

Lesson learned today.

Thanks Les.

I will copy-paste this somewhere onto my work and home laptops. It will serve as a reminder. It really put me at ease after a bad day at work.

Anonymous said...

Escape from the global casino,
you know the money track
- don't go back. They give it, you take it & they want it ALL back (+). The letter "o" means more than you know. Who do you owe? Do you reap what you sow?
The other side of the wind
is a place we all fit in.
Always on our way with each passing day. Can't wait to see you all again in our glorious ocean of presence.

Peace & love,

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm an old reader but never posted before.

Nice article as always, nut I have some minor corrections to contribute - that "throwing money into heavens" is an old proverb, no specific person behind that.

Tetragrammaton literally means "I am the one" and obviously you know which egotist "God" could ever say something like that - the vocals-despising "YHWH" firebreather.

Now to some VERY strange happenings here in Germany. Recently Germany voted FOR the UN-resolution to stop israeli settlements. Last year several Governors who were from the "atlantic bridge" quit their positions. Then the (also A-Bridge) president was forced to quit a few months ago. Several weeks ago the "defence" minister was forced to quit due to some (otherwise minor in other recent cases) affair with his ghost-writer-produced diploma which became public. He was also the US-puppet and a member of the "atlantic bridge".

Then it comes: Germany didn't vote for bobming Lybia, as of today all the ship and soldiers were withdrawn from the mediterranian sea, the prior US-puppet press is going crazy and reporting stuff like "US soldiers killed Afghans for fun and even shot funny pics with the dead" (Spiegel), "Netanjahu is a warmonger liar" (Süddeutsche"), EURO financial shield to be renegotiated on Inititative from the chancellor Angie Merkel (Financial Times Germany) and so on. Great criticism towards France and their actions considering Lybia all over the german press.

WTF is going on??? I do like the developments, but it's just too much at once and way too fierce, that coming from the bunch of people who played US and zionb puppets till just yesterday. we do have some local states elections going on, but this is way too big for the usual elections games. I'm utterly puzzled, it seems like Germany is suddenly turning its back on the US/Zion empire. I'm just startled.

Sergej said...

Hello, I'm an old reader but never posted before.

Nice article as always, nut I have some minor corrections to contribute - that "throwing money into heavens" is an old proverb, no specific person behind that.

Tetragrammaton literally means "I am the one" and obviously you know which egotist "God" could ever say something like that - the vocals-despising "YHWH" firebreather.

Now to some VERY strange happenings here in Germany. Recently Germany voted FOR the UN-resolution to stop israeli settlements. Last year several Governors who were from the "atlantic bridge" quit their positions. Then the (also A-Bridge) president was forced to quit a few months ago. Several weeks ago the "defence" minister was forced to quit due to some (otherwise minor in other recent cases) affair with his ghost-writer-produced diploma which became public. He was also the US-puppet and a member of the "atlantic bridge".

Then it comes: Germany didn't vote for bobming Lybia, as of today all the ship and soldiers were withdrawn from the mediterranian sea, the prior US-puppet press is going crazy and reporting stuff like "US soldiers killed Afghans for fun and even shot funny pics with the dead" (Spiegel), "Netanjahu is a warmonger liar" (Süddeutsche"), EURO financial shield to be renegotiated on Inititative from the chancellor Angie Merkel (Financial Times Germany) and so on. Great criticism towards France and their actions considering Lybia all over the german press.

WTF is going on??? I do like the developments, but it's just too much at once and way too fierce, that coming from the bunch of people who played US and zionb puppets till just yesterday. we do have some local states elections going on, but this is way too big for the usual elections games. I'm utterly puzzled, it seems like Germany is suddenly turning its back on the US/Zion empire. I'm just startled.

Sergej said...

Excuse the typos, just had a few glasses of wine... :)

Erin Parsley said...

'How many people actually walk into Nature and commune with the resident and his associates?'

I do, all the time. It's my favorite place to be. Since moving out of the city and into the mountains I now understand how to 'pray without ceasing'. I get to 'practice the presence' (exactly!) everyday by drinking in the beauty all around me, with gratitude.

It has changed my life.

Visible said...

Thank you brother. You are about to be rewarded accordingly and you, the rest of the faithful. You're about to see it, as of now, personally and at large.

Visible said...

And Sergej... in vino veritas.

Anonymous said...

All the words thar I wanted to say
have been spoken by the others so all I can say is thanks!

Dammerung said...

I'm frankly afraid to trust the divine. People get shot in the face or maimed or tortured everyday; does the divine have their backs?? What about me is so different that would lead to me being safe, and they not?

Anonymous said...

zionism is an attempt to dam up the River of Life

Sergej, et al; on Germany:

"Possible Mossad Assassination Hit
On Germany's Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Escapes Chopper Crash"

The Times Of India, 3-22-11

full story via


thank you for your works Les Visible

Brainworms said...

Keep peeling the onion

One layer at a time

And you will see

There is no onion

There never was

Anonymous said...

Living in a sacred manner while walking the spirit path is not impossible, nor is it easy. This blog has got me hooked. So easy now to spot the heds in the Rense pizzapixels menu. Bite every time i catch one.

Bookmarked on my puter you may be, but its so much more fun to catch the site in the wild ~ al fresco. Besides the intensity and quality of the Lestrations, it is also a great gift to read the comments, which i did in a thorough manner for the first time this evening. It looks like home, this community abuilding.

Today happened to be my first day of returning energy and spirit for the first time in weeks as an auto-immune problem had brought me down. Felt like i'd added 30 years in less than four weeks time. Finally got an allopathic medicine person to write the prescription i had requested of an immigrant doctor nearly a month ago. Lost time. Nearly miraculous recovery. I'd have preferred something more naturopathic or homeopathic, but there is a distinct shortage of Kahunas here in my portion of backwoods Murrikkka.

Heat with wood, cook with wood, got walking water and running outhouse. Much gardening and landscaping work in seasons. Ten years developing a new school of sculpture during our long, wearing winters. No imposition of ego on the medium of diamond willow. That most magical wood in the world is a crossgrained bitch which will not allow representational art. Fine by me. I go with the flow and let the medium be my teacher. New art for a new age. It won't sell in NYC. Their "art" is corrupted by their ego and greed bankster determined ethic ~ well, some distant relative of ethic anyway. But with the Great Turning and the attendant quantum expansion of human consciousness, art based on the messages already conveyed by the natural world will signify the future direction of artistic expression.

Stickman signing off. Much gratitude for this site and blessings to all. May all your pathways become paved with smooth pebbles and fine sand.

Anonymous said...

A simple gem, this post. Thank you, LV.
I wish I could red a small piece from you daily, along these lines. To keep the goal in focus.
You are a single source discussing political, cultural, and spiritual issues, something I do not find anywhere else. It's possible to take up one or the other topic in some places or with some people, but there is no place or person I know of where these different aspects of life on this planet are treated together in their interplay, as you do.
My take is that the prism we need is a thinking heart or feeling mind, not just heart or intellect.
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Most excellent article. I like the "letting go" part. However, I'll take Jesus any day over the Dharma Stork. Sorry, I'm sure that will really, really upset a lot of you. Maybe in a few years you can get rid of us Jesus freaks. That oughta show 'em.

Anonymous said...

as a token of appreciation this this lovely piece, Ill keep this comment short...pierre

ps (I lied) Tetragrammaton? I hope they get SHTF but that's not directly my business is it?

pss "I only have enough tears for these eyes" is a partial truth.

psss. still a fine line I see between detachment and apathy. one's capacity would come into it I think.

pssss Krishna said "I am the one"

psssss, not really but if I had some wine it might help.pssssssss (hehe)

Anonymous said...

It all works for this Simple Man, just like you said it. I can't add a thing."GOOD JOB, LES"

Pietro Spina said...

I'm a pretty regular reader by now. Reading this latest piece, I stopped in the middle for a minute and said to myself, "I love this guy!" So I thought I should post a message of love and gratitude, and that's what this intends to be. Here and there I have had the good fortune in my longish life to come across sane writers -- Wendell Berry is an example -- who have helped me to stay in my skin when it seemed so that the world was/is mad. Thanks for your insight, and thanks for your courage.

Anonymous said...

Dammerung, 1:32 AM
Whatever it is in your life that brings you here and keeps you here wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it??

Anonymous said...

"Cancer begins with a group of cells within a community that fail to communicate with the conscious signal of the organism. Those cells begin to grow out of control and spread to other areas of the organism. This very disease is evident in our world today. The cancer upon our earth is the domination of our false-ego and our divorce from nature. Collectively, among every human, the cancer upon our Earth is the domination of our false-ego and our divorce from nature. Collectively, among every human, vanity leads to segregation and competition. Competition leads to fear and greed. Greed leads to deceit and immorality. And immorality is the breeding ground for illness, waging war on our Earth. Every act of hatred and destructiveness in our world begins with self-hate, and self-destructiveness. And that all begins with a breakdown on communication."

Who is the human cancer in our world?

Who is now poking out the all seeing eye?

Rats will climb over and claw each to death as they try uselessly to escape their ship of corruption as it sinks into the sea of hell.

Ken O'Keefe said...

"NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINE" Human Chain by Ken O'Keefe

"I have an idea that needs about 300 or more people in Gaza to make it happen. I propose Palestinians and internationals lie down in a massive field or the beach and form a human chain that spells out “NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINE”. Then we take a picture of this from above and use that picture to demand an end to Israeli Air Force terrorism. The stark hypocrisy of the West pretending to care about Libyans with there oil grubbing NO FLY ZONE OVER LIBYA while doing absolutely nothing to stop Israeli mass murder of Palestinians is beyond unacceptable."

Visible said...

Hey anonymous. Why should one who worships the son of God (which Jesus was) be anonymous? If you're a true Christian, God will know. He's here now and you are all going to see what is and what is not, soon.

Dan said...

Wonderful write up. I woke up for a split second a couple of years ago. I could clearly see my helpers for just a moment. I begged them to wake me up, not make me come back to this place. I've also had a partial NDE many years before. I was causing a lot of problems at that time in my life and it felt like I was being shown that. Even with all I've seen, I still forget what you reminded me of today. Thank you Les.


Visible said...

A new Profiles in Evil-

Israel; the Ace of Spades of Evil.

Anonymous said...

I liked reading the River of Life post. I'd say that you sound like the Buddha, but I would mean that in a positive way. Some people understand that the Buddha will also not sound like Buddha. After all, that's what makes Buddha, Buddha.

All I know is that it lifted me up. I feel better and think better... well, at least I think so. Life at least feels richer and I am pretty sure it's not something I swallowed.

All the best.


Incidentally, I post anonymous because I try my best not to join anything these days.

Anonymous said...

So much energy wasted to feed the sun spots. The negative ones. As you point out the darkness, the sun sucks it up and then boom, spews it forth as a great corona. And it is knocked to the earth.

All roads led to Rome, and they foritified those roads, everyone with death. Dead bodies lined the roads going as far as persia. Yes men on a cross, so many men needed to keep this system going, that and the mark of the beast, or money. And all those men were judged not worthy of this system, so we kept coming back to try and prove our worthiness to this forbading force. We call him lucifer. He is this system which must be fed by death to keep it going.

So as you spew forth the darkness by identifying it with your tongue, the true son soaks it all up to pierce it, you see the light pierced the dark, the darkness percieved it not.

So those who sit in judgement, are judging, they are judging the earth, and the shaking and the trembling and the axis turning will not stop, until all judgement stops.

Anonymous said...

Jesus is the dharma stork.

Sui Juris 249 said...

Brother Les,

Your learn/teach sparked a bit of thought and learn/teach in myself that i tried to share in a comment but for some reason the comment failed so I had to blog it. You can read it here.

Anonymous said...

Complexity vs simplicity? Black vs white, yin vs yang, the play of "opposites" generates reality. But can we truly KNOW anything except the process of Balance? Isn't it the singular characteristic of consciousness that the Balance (by being sought)is wrought in all experience of perception? Isn't this what consciousness naturally does?

But there's a problem with the reconciliation of opposites into a unity: in unity there is no movement. It is division that creates the opportunity for movement in the balancing act of reconciliation. Can there be Life without Movement? Can there be Consciousness without Unity? Are, then, Life and Consciousness diametrically opposed, their extremes lying at opposite ends of a scale of Movement?

I would say our "job" is to be the Balance.

Anonymous said...

Vis: it sounds as though the material in The Great Waves of Change may resonate with you. 4 free chapters avail. at author's request here: http://www.greatwavesofchange.org/writings/great-waves.php?chapter=11

As well as I feel the truth in what you're saying from my experience with the sacred text Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner Knowing may resonate with you full no-cost download in a click here: http://www.newmessage.org/books/steps-to-knowledge.php

2 pretty empowering books, in fact I consider Steps to Knowledge to be the most powerful and transformative book ever, it is preparing, step by step, day by day, for living in a future that will be unlike the past, in so many ways. Namaste.



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