Friday, September 23, 2011

Don't Make Me Come Down There.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be hoses when need be.

Well then cats and kitties, we are here in the origami once more and therefore? Let me address several things within the context of the same thing because ultimately everything is the same thing at some point, until it becomes everything else, while still being the same thing. You’ll have to check the Vedas and other scriptures for authentication of that but I think I am correct in the main.

Several different people have wanted me to read a book that purports to make possible the construction of The Philosophers Stone, presumably out of one’s own urine, as opposed to what has been evidenced in occasional historical events, such as the demonstration of Paracelsus, when he lifted off the top of a chaffing dish to expose one of his turds and then declared it to be ‘the first matter’. It’s all waste products so maybe they are good to go on both ends

Visible has perused the tomes of Thomas Vaughn, Basil Valentine, Cornelius Agrippa and many others along the way. He’s informed of the ten stages of things like dissolution and putrefaction, the latter of which might speak to the book in question and the bowel movements of Paracelsus. He considered having ‘solve et coagula’ tattooed on his forearm (but the devil had that tattoo already) in place of the blue rose decorated with ‘inshallah’, in contradiction of the rituals and routines of The Prophet and which looks like ‘inch Allan now. “Who’s Inch Allan”? “Huh”? “He’s on your arm”. Never mind.

As it so happens, the consuming passion of Frater Visible’s life is The Great Work. As far as Frater Visible has managed to understand it, this is all a result of the awakened kundalini. I don’t care if you call it The Operation of the Sun, The Great Work, The Alchemical Marriage, The Philosopher’s Stone or The Pearl of Great Price, just don’t call, me Ray-gun. Let’s look at it as The Pearl of Great Price in respect of Visible’s own efforts, even though they are all the same thing.

Let me mention, right off, that if you could just distill and process your urine into the Universal Medicine by following the instructions in a book, that book would have been out long ago and in the same easy to understand language. I don’t want to piss on anyone’s parade; heck, maybe that’s okay, you’ll just transform it into aqua vitale. If this were so then the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds wouldn’t need to see pricey Swiss doctors. That said, there is and there are many a curious thing(s) lying about and simulacrums abound.

Back to the Pearl of Great Price; this is to be considered as the grain of sand that gets into an oyster's shell and which creates an ‘irritation’ that causes the oyster to build a pearl around it, or out of it or somehow... This irritation can also be thought of as craving and would parallel those things said by Lao Tzu and Ramana Maharshi about cutting back on unnecessary and pointless craving or considering, “who am I”? Right here you have all the necessary materials for the whole ‘she’bang. Messing about with test tubes and paraphernalia is going to take you places like those specialty stores that sell the metal racks that people hang themselves from, in search of the message of The Sundance as per our Native American traditions. It goes without saying that people will go to any lengths and extremes to get it; whatever ‘it’ is; be it the orgasm of all orgasms ending in death rapture from a necktie around a closet doorknob or becoming Zanoni (Bulwer Lytton) or sitting in a place of peace and contemplating the ineffable. You want highways? We got highways and lowways too. We got up and down and back around and money in the bank.

One shouldn’t assume that I have done or thought about all of these possibilities. I am capable of learning by proxy when I observe someone jumping off of a roof or doing whatever they do and taking a lesson from it. Some things you learn by experience and some things you learn through reason and observation... or you don’t.

Frater Visible has had this irritation for a long time. He did not get this irritation in this one lifetime. It has progressed and continues to consume the host with the imperative of its importance over every other consideration. This has caused Frater Visible to not gladly tolerate fools but to allow some leeway for any and all of the rest of us that are climbing that spiral staircase because he knows it is bad form and dirty pool to piss over the railing; but you’ll just turn that into the Universal Medicine so never mind. Maybe I don’t have to be diplomatic after all. I’ll bet there are people who actually think I hate the Jews. The way I see it, any Jew in his or her right mind knows better and that’s the only opinion that would count with me in any case. And I can make a case against Arabs, Eskimos and aliens if I want to but I don’t want to. I will leave that capacity on an ice flow in the Arctic Circle for perambulating polar bears.

This irritation occurs in the mind and processes itself in the body, which is why incarnation and a human birth are so important and why the spider is so powerful as well. To break the web one needs the assistance of The Spidermeister. The primary force that makes it possible for you to even be in a position to consider making the Philosopher’s Stone or the Pearl of Great Price is the main player. You are along for the ride, just like Arjuna in Krishna’s chariot. Interestingly, MS Word couldn’t find Arjuna just now and it got red underlined. Krishna did not get the red underline. That pretty much sums it up.

All through history, bad guys have been trying to part the veils. What occurs here in the planetary sense is all dependent upon the Yuga in which it occurs. Whether we are in times of darkness or a time of light is the determinant of our status quo and degree of difficulty. The bad guys know that there is a god and they want to steal the secrets of Heaven. This is always going on more or less and it is supposed to be because life is performance and for the purpose of demonstrating itself. Conditions vary according to the degrees of light. Argue all you want, that’s how it is. People who argue against the eternal verities and conditions of all things are basically arguing for and against themselves. The self in question is the problem and that is why the self is a question that only experience can answer and it comes down to how long you can take it and how satisfied you are with where you are that determines position and movement and results. It’s all under control. If you don’t think so then you are, to some degree, out of control.

The key to the subject under discussion here is more about sex than it is waste products. I’m not saying you can’t come up with some marvelous inventions by playing with shit and piss, that’s a given. Drinking your own urine at certain times is a very effective ayurvedic remedy for general well being. What I am saying is that you will not make ‘the’ stone, or ‘the’ pearl or complete The Great Work or the Alchemical Marriage or The Operation of the Sun by meddling about in books or laboratories since you are the book and laboratory. You may come up with something interesting, one never knows but you will not accomplish these things that way cause that isn’t how it happens; that much of it I do know because I am engaged in it and have gone past that. It is the supreme passion of this life and most likely others as well.

I’ve clearly outlined various approaches to the thing at this site over the years. Make of it what you will and by all means, do your own thing. I can only report what I have discovered up to the moment and that is that I am a tool engaged in learning how to operate myself, as I was meant to be operated. Look at the world and note how the other tools are doing and whose hands they are in.

This irritation gives me no peace. It is why I write these words, they are a product of that irritation and so is my conversation and I am an irritation as the people who visit me know because just about everyone wants to talk about something else and most people think something else is something else and they all have a makeshift delivery system with variations on a theme by Monty Python. I work for The Ministry of Walks and I’m not telling you to walk this way. Shit happens. We are ‘the shit’ in every sense of the word and deep is as deep does and to each according to their intensity and talents. Don’t bury them in the ground, the ‘talents’ I mean. Because someone is going to come around and see what you did with them and they want their interest. It’s an investment after all. We are all investors in something so, what profited it that you should gain the whole world and lose your only soul?

I think that this is the last chapter of Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World. I’ll leave you with a poignant and pressing expression of something that is telling on many levels if you think about it. In the meantime, me and Lenny Bruce will continue to piss in the sink and you can turn that into rapture if you want to.

End Transmission.......


Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Wow… no comments…. I’m not surprised given the subject.

The Fogerty link was sweet note to end your post on. I have been involved in advanced technology research for 25 years and the last two in practical quantum metallurgicals. A valence electron has been successfully added to a cooper paired monoatomic element at laboratory scales and a myself and group of researches have designed industrial scale process to scale this up from grams to tons / day. The work cannot be done by linear minds only by those will some quantum integration or spiritual bandwidth. I will comment more on the subject of the Great Work later today or tomorrow (my tomatoes urgently need pickin this morning).

Anonymous said...

It's hard to master both your life and your life's work equally well. So if you are bound to fake one of them, it had better be life.

Visible said...

Thanks for leaving me with a head full of "Huh"? Patrick (grin). I don't want to fake either but I am way familiar with being cloaked.

Visible said...

And as for Sovereignty... the post just went up, didn't it? My friend Kay just dropped in for a long over due visit and she always scrambles my sense of time.

Anonymous said...

Nah, it was me believing in the fakery that drove me to send you the book in the first place. I want to cheat the system still. I want to be ahead of the game, so, occasionally, fakery, alarmingly, still interests me.
Then... I saw the light.

Visible said...

Ah, now I'm on the same page. You know, like I said, there may be something to it and I don't want to discount it, all I know is that so far as know, the process is unaided by human artifice. It is completed in the human athanor of course but accomplished by the angel whose purpose is to complete it.

Visible said...

In the interest of icons and graphics, I have an idea that requires computer graphic skills for the presentation of an irrefutable fact done with the sense of the eye. Since appearance is everything some of the time it might put things into perspective to put the thing up front. Then you can either worship it or throw shit at it or piss on it and you can even piss on it in memory of better days.

In any case I need a competent artist(s) to help make it happen. Real professionals are encouraged to apply also because we are all about expertise here.

It's a two towers kind of a thing.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

PatrickW, if a person wants to try their hand at cheating the spiritual system why should they not at least give it their best shot?

This has been done before.

How could there not be a way?

The Lord is, after all, the Supreme Cheater, therefore there is spiritual cheating.

WE ALL know about material cheating.
One of the four propensities of conditioned human life.
(to commit mistake, to become illusioned, to cheat others, and imperfectness of the senses)

But spiritual cheating?!!

Just Google ... Ajamila
(with a red underline)

Good luck!

Hare Krishna!

Erik said...

"Long as i can see the Light"

Yeaah ...Oh Yeaah!

Visible said...

Good morning all,
I've been searching inside and out since I was 8 and told the nun that I didn't believe that God sat on a throne in a cloud. That was the same years I was filled with dread at the prospect of an entire life where I would go to school, then work then die.

I've never found any small voice or had any great epiphany or in any way other than intellectual "known" a higher power.

I've fallen asleep every time I've meditated and my prayers always seem as though I'm talking to myself. I read Siddartha when I was 10 and the Bible, Koran, Gnostic gospels, Dead Sea get the drift. I have a rough time with Hindu text for some reason.
The itch has never left me though. So I look inside and out, pick the brains of people who seem spiritually connected and live in hope of "getting it" before I die.

That would be a waste wouldn't it?

What is my purpose here? I'm middle aged and still waiting to figure it out. I've never been much for the devious life and "things" as such don't appeal to me, so perhaps there is hope for me yet.

That was a long way of getting around to saying that since the rear view mirror piece, your words have proven more and more peace-full for me and for that I thank you.

Each comment, even the ones with obscure references that I have to search, are kind of awe inspiring, and for that I thank all participants here. Maybe I'll have something useful to say to you all one day.


Richard said...

I don' t know about you, but I have spent years now with snide comments about my pissing in the sink, when the opportunity arises. Or at the base of plants or trees in the yard. Now I can point (grin ) the 'disturbed' family members in the direction of your column The rest of your piece is just pure cream on the peaches, not quite the same a 'peaches and cream', but then those peaches were harvested in Minnesota, not a guarantee of a rising K-unda-lini, but a catalyst for some.

Every time I write that Shiva / Shakti tango is on, Shakti gets the red underline treatment also,like now, twice.

The Pearl of the Great Price does indeed come through the process of irritation, some activate their Pa-Kua, the sacred octagon, if there is the correct conditions of disposition, intensity and most importantly if the nervous system of their vehicle is built that way, and not all are. So the admonition, or rather invitation, to 'bear unpleasant manifestations of others', gives the intensity and the disposition required in the followthrough, and if there is the design in the finer level of the nervous system, Pearl is the 'prize'. If the design of the finer nervous system is not there, no 'prize'.

Or one can receive instructions on the path that go back to Fu Hsi. King Wen and Duke of Chow doing the commentary on the different parts of the process also known as the I Ching, while in jail. Irritation is still the key ingredient.

However the Pearl that has No Price, is a process of coagulation of other substances, products of Virtues. Leading to ......

Still not the Alchemical Marriage, of the inner sort obviously, but a preparation of necessatry elements.

While much has been done to 'steal the way', lack of intrinsic design of the subtle nervous system will not let the thieves of techniques be able to manage the path. If you want to drive a Ferrari like Schumacher, even if you manage to steal one, you still need the capacities of Schumacher, not to mention F1 racetracks, the Autobahn or Autopista del Sol , even though the latter was built during 'Solidaridad ' doesn't cut it.

' Conscious stealing ', is not the same as 'I am conscious of stealing ', that is just a Homo Sapiens thief, less so 'is the stealing of consciousness' that some parasites or vampires engage in these various thousands of years.Maybe ambition has something to do with the incapacity to achieve what is ontologically impossible. Perhaps the current terminology of the comment ' only by those with some quantum integration or spiritual bandwidth' is more easily digested.

If any 'corns' got stepped on' by my words, I trust that the path to irritation is clear in LV's more eloquent words, and if not, well tough materia prima of Paracelsus.

Woof woof from the Dog Nation.

May the morning Dew keep the Rose Garden of your Heart always in Bloom.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Les --

The stone is of the thing it wants to be. In a monatomic state the gold and fire achieve their inverse proportion thus enabling them to propagate the golden tree of life that springs forth from the lead.


Peter of Lone Tree said...

"I read Siddartha when I was 10 and the Bible, Koran, Gnostic gospels, Dead Sea Scrolls..."

Have you read any of this site: MetaHistory? John Lamb Lash takes the Gnostic Gospels and Dead Sea Scrolls one step (actually several steps) further and gets you (me, anyway) to fall in love with a hussy named Sophia or Gaia. He also explains how the Archons fell into the picture. Sophia/Gaia has a sacred name which I hesitate to use in public discourse; I simply refer to her as V.V. Imagine that--Goddess is a WOMAN. The being known as god (small g) is merely a pretender. Think of him as the head Archon.

Anonymous said...

brightened hearts
eternal fires
consuming waves
of reaching higher
the turning wheels
moments drawn
forming outwards
heart in warms
in autumn feilds
along the way
of life inside
where love plays
union sings
upon the cause
on wings of paradise
the vital force


Anonymous said...

bound in patterns
whispered deep
on dreams inside
where truth sweeps
where love was lost
can be found
the place inside
beautys crown
a sudden lift
the motions sway
where birds sing
paradise plays
in rising moments
on vibrance feilds
where light pours
the truth reveals


Visible said...

Here is only one example<. why I don't wholesale Jews (grin). If people are comfortable with their color then I am complimentary hue suitable for passion or portrait as long as it is of the higher mind and compassionate heart. If their creed is adjustable to intelligent need, I'm still good to go. There are a few bad actors of every stripe that is the problem.

Anonymous said...

"to each according to their intensity and talents. Don’t bury them in the ground, the ‘talents’ I mean. Because someone is going to come around and see what you did with them and they want their interest. It’s an investment after all."

Thank you.

Keep on doing what you do best.


P.S. Nice Fogherty

Anonymous said...

of false possession
leaves no protection
nothing left
no where to turn
in self neglect
a failing force
terminated sides
the colliding fractions
to unions tide
the lies will fail
its up to you
turn back round
and come back through


Ben said...

Vis, All,

I spent a great part of my youth trying to attain a deep and abiding relationship with Father Creator. Academically it seemed as if I had all the answers but the answers did not provide for the relationship I desired.

Then Father Creator whacked me on the head with a two X four; this was in the spring of 2003 (I can remember the exact date and time). The whacking was just the beginning of what became for me a couple of years in absolute hell. I considered suicide many times; I had no doubt that there would never be joy in my life again.

The climb into the light took about four years and in those four years I learned that everything I had thought I knew before was just empty knowledge.

There isn't space here to detail the myriad things I've learned and am still learning and I fully know that in this lifetime and in this realm I will never fully know. I am seeing "through a glass darkly" but at least I'm seeing now instead of just thinking I'm seeing.

The Apostle Paul says this in his letter to the believers in Phillipi: "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." In other words, it ain't up to me, it's up to Father Creator.

One thing I learned (and am still learning) is that wherever we are (in our relationship with Father Creator) is exactly where Father Creator has purposed us to be. And this is why I pray constantly that Father will bless me with His presence and His discernment and His insight.

And I've learned that the more I learn, the more I realize I haven't a clue. Solomon says this in Ecclesiastes: "... then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it."

In the end I try my best to do as Jesus said: "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself."

I feel as if my relationship with Father hasn't gone anywhere, then I look back as to how I was in my twenties, thirties and early forties... and I think, man, Father really loves me. He could have just killed me off, but instead He has led me, step by step, through the Valley so that I can begin to see Him... even though my vision is still so dim.

What a trip it has been. And I have so much joy in my life that most times it cannot be contained and I find myself trying to spread it around.

truthsoup said...

Well. I guess if you're bound to drift awhile, I'll leave a candle in the window.

Anonymous said...

The thing about cooking piss is they never believe that's what the purchase of all the glassware is really for and still don't when they storm your lab. The smell is hard to get rid of too.

Anonymous said...

rothschild netanyahoo city of london and and all of you practising debasement of the true self and the rest of you complete lunatics.....

yes that feeling inside is your own failure calling you will fail and have failed,I know these feelings are going through you right now,what they are are your failure....

if you want to set of forces that are like a wild fire knowing you have failed and in failure,these forces can be very quick and unpredictable,so knowing this would it not be better to pull away put it down and have a think about who you are and what you are doing here on this earth.....

if you cant do this,know that you will be consumed by the shere evil that you have performed on the earth the moment that you die......

come on put it down,and face you error
we all make mistakes....your agenda is unnatural it is failure....


neal said...

For those who have that Spider wrapped around the ribs on the inside, the Pearl is an egg sac, no surprise.

Hatching is a given, then there is the hollowing out. That's a tickle that leads to tears, and laughter.

Certain curses bring the most important blessings, with interest. I think that is a package deal, and sometimes being hunted makes enough space for the rest of it.

That is hindsight, the application of sheer terror over time.

Anonymous said...

I was cruising Jay Weidner's site a while back. I read the philosopher's stone recipe. I immediately thought, wow I wonder if Visible knows about this? Don't get me wrong, Jay is one of my favorite people but can you imagine devoting a few years to distilling your piss? I might if that was all i had to do each day but even then, uh noooo.

Anonymous said...

mouser I know your in touch with the great gypsy scholar,havent heard from him for a while,its always good to see his scholarly scholaring in the great caravan of truth....

respects neil

Anonymous said...

ben that is beautiful,I can feel your humility,and it is an honor to be in that atmosphere.....neil

Anonymous said...

Thank you Peter of Lone Tree

Anonymous said...

Ah, dear good Les. Another religion piece. Religion is the great quest of course.
This one reminds me of a historical article about the Beatles, where John Lennon would pee on nuns passing by under his balcony in Germany. He probably wasn't trying to create the Philosopher's Stone, but what do I know.
When I studied the various religions, my favorite was Zoroastrianism. However, there weren't many of those here in California. Hinduism confused me but I loved the art. The worst is the Talmud and the Haddith (horrible). I was probably well on my way to being a Buddhist when I discovered The Urantia Book. (There were revelations too.) Like it or not I'm fixed on this big blue book. I'm not overly fond of the other afficianados, but for me the UB hangs the moon.
Thanks Les for providing this forum where these lovely, smart, kind people can converse and change the world.

Machieventa Melchizedek

Bladerunner said...

After reading this post it has just occurred to me that if one were to analyze the chemical/elemental composition of a turd it would not be significantly different than that of its creator, right down to the DNA. If the adage "you are what you eat" is true, what does this say about what you excrete?
Someone called me an old poop the other day...

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

My tomatoes and potatoes are now harvested and I want to thank you Judge Vis for raising a subject of such vital importance. S

The Great Work:

The Philosopher’s Stone (red or white) is tangible and a physically real material, and yes the transmutation of base metals into silver and gold is one aspect of the Stone, but one of the lesser attributes of the Stone’s value utility and purpose.

After reading the obscure literature such as you mentioned in your post, one readily comes away with the fact that the wisest and greatest minds of all history, were not only interested in the arcane business of the Philosopher’s Stone, they were obsessed with it to the exclusion of everything else. WTFWT?

Seeking the stone is futile, you will never find the stone, at some point the stone will call you; faintly at first but before your sojourn ends through the Yugas, as loudly as anything you’ve ever heard or imagined.

I share the following not as my credentials of what I speak, but for the purpose of insights to where why and how I have found myself in cosmology time and space.

I grew up along the banks of the great Mackenzie River in the North West Territories in northern Canada. Of Cree lineage I was raised with the Dene’ Tribe. This provided a foundational perspective grounded in a quantumly integrated culture hunting and fishing on the land for 30,000 years or more and in spite of some meddlesome nuns and priests, still largely culturally intact. You do not survive 10 month winters with only primitive tools and dog teams at - 40 to - 50 degrees without being source connected ontological alignment with the Creator or Source Energy. When we are in balance and harmony with Source, we naturally become Sorcerers.

In many ways it was an idyllic childhood, hunting rabbits and fishing, being in tune with nature. After high school I went into Engineering and found science fascinating. World scale construction projects were ahead, from there into public companies and then into the cutting edge of energy technology developments.

All the while in the background I was drawn to the philosophies and mysticism and evolved my native spirituality with some 1500 sweats over a five year period. The sweatlodge was the Cree tribe’s short cut method to go beyond the mind into what we call the Eagle’s domain or the infinite void. Eastern Gurus will discipline train for 40 years to achieve singularity of attention on the breath and leave it to the Cree who found the same results could be obtained in a blacked out steam filled sweatlodge at 150 degrees in twenty minutes. It’s not hard to achieve breath singularity in the sweatlodge…. Twenty minutes in that heat and that naturally becomes the default cosmological position, you simply cannot put your attention on anything else but your breath. So yes Patrick…. by all means shortcut and cheat your way into heaven if you can :)

See Part 2

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

The Great Work: Part 2

Some 25 years ago the Red Lion came knocking on my door. One of those Sunday mornings at the local library, browsing for books in the mystic section, this major piece of arcana literally fell off the shelf at my feet. I’ve red (sic) the lion three times now and most of those obscure works mentioned by Les in his post.

After some basic grounding in the great work on closer observation of the body’s function, we see empirical biological evidence that we are living proof of the transmutation of elements. Any of us that have done long term fasting, know that food and water is not essential for healthy life, only some breath work along with meditations will provide all the nutritional needs of the body.
I know 40 day fasters and my own fasts have made it up to sixteen days in duration. First three days do not feel so good, things start picking up 5 – 7 days with some fairly dramatic energy swings and these level out day 9 and 10 and from there we actually experience higher energies and clarity than we do with the so called balance diets. I digress.

I was fascinated by David Hudson’s work with the white powder of gold and with my kitchen chemistry lab was producing monoatomic elements from frozen grape juice. My dosage went from a few droppers / day to 18 droppers / day for 18 months. From this I activated my miesner field (a big step in turning the brain from a linear processor into a quantum transmitter and receiver)and have been following the pop up mushroom insights on the path to a full blown lab with my piss in the retort.

The world’s cutting edge researchers are a small community and most of us cross a number of disciplines. We share these in potluck gatherings where we can get together to discuss the works. Recently my life took one of those unanticipated turns and I went from aerospace engineering design developments into practical quantum metallurgy. I had learned that recently Ph’D physicists at top national labs were practicing alchemy and achieving limited results and seemly not aware with what to do with those results. I had no problem and was full of ideas about that.

Whether we know it or not, we are all practicing Alchemists and as we near the end of our journey, we become quite aware of that fact. There is no other way out of this shit box piece of cosmology or at least none as easy as with the Stone. On my office wall 25 years ago I had a note to God: Good God give me another fucking planet! When the individual start picking up some bandwith we start finding expansive experiences coming our way with mushrooms, Ketamine, Ayahuasca, DMT, your pineal secretions, the pituitary gland and finally to the ALCHEMY DOOR.

Reincarnation is a necessary and natural part of all this, but at some point, dying and doing that stupid veil thing coming down the birth canal (forgetting what it took centuries prior to learn) gets a little boring and annoying. Brain chemical secretion mastery and some arcana provide one the wherewithal to make that last concerted dash up the helical DNA ladder without the normal earthly distractions. Try doing this work with a fulltime job and raising a family at the same time…. Good luck! So yes having a little gold on hand to purchase supplies vino and cigars, smoothes the way.

See Part 3

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

The Great Work: Part 3

From an earthly perspective none can nor will understand the Philosopher’s Stone, and my experience in the matter is that, a stone in the hand of a fool, only results in a broken window. :)

After a few “Nose Cone Rocket Rides” (powered by the DMT pipe) into other broader dimensions and planes, to touch and see the grandeur of the infinite, the Stone becomes a vital bridge, and a bridge that must be built at any cost.

Yes, I have the furnace, crucibles and glass retorts in my shop/lab. Yes there are gold 500 micron Au beads transmuted from materials that fire assayed 0.0000 Au. Yes, this process my colleagues and I have designed is now being scaled up to tons / day production and at the same time I will be distilling my piss in retorts for years if need be.

Of all the things that I know now, I know this, “My ass is crossing that cosmological bridge no matter what”.

WooF WooF dog nation.


Visible said...

This is sobering news. and I am not sober because my cherry delight, Mistress K is riding shotgun on this eve. Thank you E and I don't mean X (grin).

Michael, if you are around these parts or someone connected to you is around these parts. All I said was that I personally wasn't going to send my links in anymore. Other than that I think I praised you. But you have seen sufficient to block posting Patrick's video of our latest. Consider this a shot across your bows. And it ain't me. The hounds are baying and I can only hold them back for so long before I morph into Mahmoud Abbas and that's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

It warms my heart, blood and soul. It's called vodka.
Whilst I don't always understand what is written here, I'm glad I'm here and reading it.

Many thanks to Visible and Commentators.


Visible said...

Bladerunner, true story, I was coming into the Maui Mall after surgery on my leg that I broke in a Kung fu accident. I was on crutches when this kid came up to me- and it was crowded- and he said, "Hey Pop, do you know where something or other is"?

I replied, Kid, I sleep with girls your age and you don't and you call me pop? If I didn't have to crutch my way to Long's Drug's right now I would kick your presumptive ass, now get out of my way" Obviously the vicodin was of greater importance than my dignity (grin)

Visible said...

sovereignty; I sincerely wish you the best of luck with that. I will admit that there is more than one way to skin a cat, especially if the cat is you because we are all gods pretending to be human until we discover that the world is the stage on which we get to perform. When you have the stone, show it to me, until then, I'm not impressed.

I am humbled by my creator and an upstart no less, many days I do not know why he tolerates me but he does. Perhaps on my own initiative I could accomplish this, it has been my consuming passion and I do have some gifts but I decided long ago that I would prefer that the matter not be in my hands and so I went the way of the poet and the mystic and I will yet wave across the daath at the scholars and scientists who presume that such a power rests in mortal hands but this is not a smackdown in any sense. I was riveted by what you said in the same way that stickman and others have floored me in past times.

I am only saying that for me, this is not the way, it smells too much of Faust and I am not competent to the task. I lack certain necessaries in the equation. God will give me the stone when I have earned it and earn it I will.

Ester said...

In my experience, DMT is the pearl of great price! But you don't need it if you know how to activate it within yourself.

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Viz said: "God will give me the stone when I have earned it and earn it I will."

Indeed he will.

But that’s just another way of saying, "Seeking the stone is futile, you will never find the stone, at some point the stone will call you; faintly at first but before your sojourn ends through the Yugas, as loudly as anything you’ve ever heard or imagined."

I tend to view to Faustians with similar suspicion and as for you not possessing the competencies for the Stone, it is not the complexities of Alchemy that are the problem for the modern mind, it’s the simplicity Alchemy!

My intention in posting is not to convince anyone of the validity of the stone, but for anyone with the calling... you should know that its as simple as piss.

Aunt Franny said...

Thank you Sovereignty: "When we are in balance and harmony with Source, we naturally become Sorcerers." Yes.

The Stone is not black magic. If you want to see black magic, look at Dow Chemical, the Pentagon, DARPA, Monsanto, the Federal Reserve, et al and etc.

At least the Stone is not dangerous in the sense that nuclear fission is dangerous. The Stone can't poison the whole world.

MachtNichts said...

Fascinating discourse by Sovereignty. I hope he can quantum integrate and use his spiritual bandwidth for producing power from the ocean's tidal waves. Long overdue. Otherwise, his post smells to me a little like a personal power trip. No offence, Cree heritage and all.

As for the stone, that damn book had me going too for a while. And then I had to let go of my enthusiasm and resign myself, like PatrickW, it's not what is important. And, who wants to become a mad scientist anyways?

'Messing about with test tubes and paraphernalia is going to take you places like those specialty stores that sell the metal racks, that people hang themselves from, in search of the message as per our Native American traditions.'

What is Sovereignty's 'industrial process' going to do for his tribe? Or all the other ones that live in squalor on the native reserves?

Anyways, Vis, keep pissing away, has to be the 'Golden Dawn' though. Maybe, it's going to reach us here in wintry country to melt the coming snow. Silvia

Visible said...

oh, it's time for my golden shower. I expect that i am going to smell like sweet rain and i am being sarcastic and i don't know what i am talking about. Anyway, good morning and i will see you in a bit (grin).

Anonymous said...

Dear Dog Poet,

Just couple of things:

1. Have you spoken to Jay Weidner about your misgivings on the P-stone?
2. What is your relationship to the SOTT people (Sign of the Times LKJ)?

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's just nasty.

Maybe that's why fasting works as well, perhaps better.

I often think about the metaphor of the Tower of Babbaling to get to heaven. And the goers say the tower is a pile and there's sweet rain too. Can't be, thinks I... first of all, it doesn't pass the smell test.

The idea of drinking piss and eating sh1t is too much like that well-known smart pill joke to be coincidence... maybe that's the real joke of it... ride the wheel gets you there... er, well, not really... it just helps you to get off. (c;

You are sometimes need to play the diplomat, Visibles, but I thinks I won't be in saying these disciples who think that nasty stuff is gold can take all of mine to use as a resource. (c;

It gotts to B your own, say ye disciples? Aw Crap. (c;


Anonymous said...

Perhaps there's a metaphor in taking gold, then turning it into some other form to acquire something valuable.

There's another metaphor in eating sh1t or drinking p1ss. Hey, that's what most people do every day. (c;

We foolish humans seem forever getting the earthly mixed up with the heavenly, the mundane mixed up with the valuable, the literal mixed up with the figurative.


Anonymous said...

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.87.1

"In as much as Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam has already been perfectly honored by my predecessors' explanations, I can only gather together the remnants of what they have honored."

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī offers his own invocation:

"The saintly devotees may laugh at me for becoming a jewel merchant though I know nothing about precious jewels. But I feel no shame, for at least I may entertain them."

"Though I have no wisdom, devotion or detachment, I am still greedy to take the philosopher's stone of the Vedas' prayers from the fortress in which it is being kept."

"If the wind of indiscretion — my failure to acknowledge my lowly position — threatens to knock me down, then while writing this commentary I must hold on to the effulgent pillars of the feet of Śrīdhara Svāmī, Sanātana Gosvāmī and Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa."

Visible said...

My entire comment on the trial transcripts of my felony arrest and they can be had for six hundred dollars is gone. And I saw it there after I put it up. Is there some magic at work? Okay, someone out there has the bread to get the Leslie William Crook transcripts. It was right after that that I legally changed my name, although I had been Les Visible.

This would make for a great HBO special, that transcript is thee and it is delicious.

They set a trap for me and I walked away; never been done before there. It was the top defense cause God was my lawyer. I couldn't even afford a lawyer; looking at 60 years, slam dunk, would have done a hard ten for certain. God was afoot.

SOTT does their thing and I do mine. We do not have a relationship. I am amicable. I don't need to talk to Jay, especially as I get the feeling that the whole thing was directed my way.

What's the real question and when can we see the transcripts from the trial (grin)?

Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Ester you said:
"In my experience, DMT is the pearl of great price! But you don't need it if you know how to activate it within yourself."


Not only does one not need it, my sense is that secreting the pineal on its own or doing DMT (same thing) is like sitting in the parking lot revving the engine on a Ferrari up to 15,000 rpm in neutral. Sounds great but you are not really going anywhere.

The brain mind and spirit were all designed to work as an integrated system and for me, aside from having some incredible images and sounds from those "nose cone rocket rides", is that I now have a lock on the pineal resonance and can identify that frequency and buzz when I drive the pineal from my pituitary gland.

The Disney Cosmic ride was fun, but the real value of the DMT experience for me, was that it went a long ways to clarifying my personal brain mapping. We have all the chemicals we need in our own brain but the knowledge to secrete them for achieving activation and transformation (the intent in the original design) has largely been lost.

I said in another post sometime ago an enlightened conversation such as this one, occurs only in the Alpha brain bandwidth range of about 2000 bytes/second. We can learn to pump your pituitary gland and that drives the pineal, kicking it up to 4,000,000,000 bytes/ second in the Delta brain state. For information on that subject see my blog at

I also want to speak to the mentions on SunDancers, the warrior spirit tradition of hanging from an 80 ft pole for three days in the sun.

The warrior cuts two slits 3 inches long right through his the deep level of skin on each side of his chest and a bone is inserted as body anchors to hoist him up the pole. No, they do not bring him down to go potty and clearly this is not a weekend voyeuristic option for latte sucking squeamy newagers or the two dimensional Christians.

When you are in the sweatlodge with a half a dozen SunDancers you know they will get you to the eagle’s domain. They rarely talk about the fact they are SunDancers but their cosmic standing speaks for itself. You spot them when you are talking your clothes off with the four scars on the upper chest.


Anonymous said...

people I please ask your forgiveness as I have been trying to do the exact opposite and turn gold into excrement as I dont hold one above the other,both are of the same value......sorry

I always get everything round the wrong way.....neil

Anonymous said...

Remember this is coming from a guy who thought Laura Knight Jadczyk was the greatest and even went to see her at the castle to get a ouija board session. She trashed David Icke, Jeff Rense and many others and he still treated her like she was something special.

Anonymous said...

mighty mighty estaban
who see's above the clouds
the simple focused unifying
container of all sounds
pounding hearted rythms
energising up the way
where light shines through the darkness
love comes out to play
a sense of freedom whispers
the notes upon the flute
the truth will move a mountain
by essence of the root
the fruit of loving enterprised
reaching through beyond
like a river through the heart
where birds sing heavens song


Visible said...

For myself, I don't think one way or the other about Laura. She's just someone I met. She has a good singing voice so I could sing harmony with her and I liked that but I'm neither impressed or unimpressed. We're in different time zones metaphysically speaking and really don't need to be concerned with each other in the first place. I still don't have any hard feelings. I never enter into a situation expecting to judge people. I'm always hoping just to have a good time. If something else is going on, I might notice that but I just move around it. What people do is their concern and what I do in the meantime is my own.

Visible said...


I hope you don' think I was diminishing the sun dancers. I hold them and the Native American traditions in high, very high regard, they are one of my rainbow warrior fellowships in the vast continuum of time. I merely used them as an example of the extremes people are willing to go to. There is zero bullshit factor in the sundance. 'd like to see how the SAS, Navy Seals and Marines would fare with that; not wishing to diminish them either.

Anonymous said...

brother brother ghana
a ray of enterprise
strung upon precision
that flys the mighty highs
riding through the matter
like a hawk is swift
opening on instance
the sequences uplift
the vibrance of all virtues
song begins to play
awakening the heavens
essence rides the wave
a blaze of flying upwards
beyond within and out
on the emanating vibration
of long that is devout


Anonymous said...

Les we need you now more than ever to help us complete the great work. We (humans) are trapped in this three dimensional world. I believe the key to our escape must be grounded in this shit hole of a dimensional plain. The stone is a real physical thing. Chapter 52 deals with universes inside universes. I do not have the power myself to alter this dream state. This world belongs to Sêmîazâz, the devil himself. This is a chance to create our own Shambala, from top to bottom. It will give us the chance to review all of human history from the begining(remember JFK,RFK,MLK). It then would allow us to decide if we want to visit the devil without fear and let me stick my thumb into his eye socket.
Rob S. aka (serpentking)
serpentking because it is my job to kill serpents.

Visible said...

The Pope and I are about 30 miles apart in the physical moment. Now it dawns on me what all of today's weird shit is about. I had no clue till right now. I think we'll move into the telepathic arena now. It's like cellphones and I have a hotline. (grin)

Anonymous said...

lord visibles maybe she was in finding psychopaths mode,which is a positive thing,but she was focusing on us little people instead and finding minor negativitys in us,which she was interpreting as psychotic,maybe it was a learning curve for her or something,she probably feels a little bad about it herself.....I really dont know

it would be nice to see an apology from her though as this always helps to clear the air,its good when everybody knows where they stand.....

respects ...neil

Anonymous said...

I know what some of you might be thinking, well, but no, please do not Shoot the Pope with a High Powered Sniper Rifle.


Modern Day Metal Making Alchemist at Work said...

Judge Viz:
I wasn’t getting a SunDance diss vibe from your post. Those guys have my highest respect and my speaking to the point was for the benefit of the audience. I’ve always said I was going to be a SunDancer to expeience another time proven approach to a deep inner space. For some reason I always seem to find something doing that weekend and have not done it yet to date. I’m not doing it to prove anything to anybody but I will have to put up with being called a pussy by my brothers until I do hang my ass on that pole.

Let me take this opportunity to see if we can better together on the same cosmic page. I find your missives to be an indulgence in fine word chocolates. I feel a deep kindred connection with you and I don’t see that we have much difference in what the purpose of life is and where we are each going. I think the differences are only minor and are in each others unspoken assumptions.

I see a humble noble passivity in approaching the gates of heaven, from my view, that won’t get you in. Humility compassion goodly service etc all necessary attributes to find heaven, but my friend getting into heaven is only for the bold.

I have some knowingness on such matters from vision service on a cosmic distinction called “Ownership”. After mysticism I went into vision service. I was mentored for 12 years by someone whom I regard as the greatest visionary business manifestor of our times. The distinction “Ownership” is a subtle one and even with three different CEO coaches driving the ownership point home, I was a full five years getting the distinction Ownership at the visceral level.
Visionaries in service without the distinction ownership will tend to put them selves last, because they are nurtures. Pay all the staff employees and bills first and if there is anything left over at the end of the month, take some for him self.

Truth is a vision will never manifest until the visionary learns to put himself first in his service. Not from a place of taking and imbalanced ego but from a place of Soul Sovereignty, you have to own that vision bitch to the extent she serves me without offering any alternatives. If the visionaries stand has that ontological balance to it, she will indeed stand up on her feet and deliver the manifested goods.

The ownership is your statement to cosmology of your accepting total responsibility for your creation and when that is done, it is so.

So back to heavens gate and how the gates are finally opened. My view would be, Great Viz!, you made it to the gate but I’m afraid the gate does not respond to a humble knock. Viz, this is no time be caught wishing and hoping. When you raise your hand to reach for that brass knocker, pause to think you will be sending an audio signal to the gatekeeper.

He's heard it all before. What he will be listening for is some audio ownership resonance in your knock, a resonance that says loud and clear, Heaven, Judge Viz has arrived, open the fucking gates!
Why would those in heaven want to bored, with someone who does not know his rightful place?


Terrance said...

As we quest for higher consciousness, the wisdom of zen reminds me.....before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water....peace love.... out!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Les I meant chapter 51 of BOA. This chapter sounds like you wrote it. Don't make me come up there, in my saucer pod. Remember you recruited us, not the other way around. When you get back from your telepathic arena and climb out of your pod, please join us in reality. As above, so below. By the way, if you see the pope, tell him to blow-me. The uses of the Stone can be far more than anything physical. The golden age has began. The light-bearer is blind to our efforts. I will not stick a knife in his back, but a sword to his chest.

Visible said...

Geez, well thanks for that. I don't own a gun but I'll take your concerns under advisement.



Thanks for the pep talk and the impressive overview of my state and status. For all I know, you are correct but I seem to be doing pretty well in respect of many of those things. There are some obstacles that cannot be overcome by any force of ambition and sometimes the obstacles are there intentionally in order that the person so engaged will be kept at a state in relation to himself that might otherwise go off the rails for real.

There's an enormous complexity to the whole affair and all I can say is, let's see what coming times and history makes of it. Of course there are always two versions but the truth will endure and that is all that counts. I'm being built from the ground up band occasionally refashioned according to things I do not understand. I'm not stupid, if someone could have figured this particular thing out, it would be me. I can only think I'm a special case under the circumstances and only time will tell.

Anonymous said...


I'm ready.




thanks e, I love you.

Visible said...

I must be high. I don't know anything about BOA or Chapter 52. gotta go.

DaveR said...

Here is a link to a youtube of Jay Weidner discussing the Stone on Coast to Coast.

If you don't want to listen, he's basically saying the Stone is a form of hyper-concentrated chi. He also says urine is only one of many starting ingredients that can be used.

Me, I find the topic interesting. I do not discount the possibility that it may be true and do not dismiss it out of hand. I intend to read the book again. I also do not discount the possibility that it may be a bunch of crap.

Time will tell. If one were to follow the directions and the indicators during the "lab work" show true, there are many ways to test the result without ingesting it.

amarynth said...

The title makes me laugh! I have this friend on the jewish path. They had a black home helper when they were children. She tells the story about this home helper when the adults were not home and the kids cut up! This home helper, black as the ace of spades, throwing her hands in the air, closing her eyes and earnestly praying in this jewish home, pleading: "Oh please merciful jesus, please come down here and see what these infidel jew kids do down here below and help me discipline them!"

Anonymous said...

What a wealth of words today.
I see that my word verification is "petri". Signs abound.

My little lab is set up in a small toilet, in fact over the cistern, and I am ready to go. My bead bath arrives Monday.

One thing I cannot lay my hands on is a retorte or two. If anyone in this forum knows where to find these, I would be eternally grateful... and I mean that literally. I need two 500Ml or a 1000Ml retortes. Unavailable here in sunny South Africa.
Let the cheating begin!

Anonymous said...

perhaps if i say i am what you wish,
the buzzing of the guards will cease.

such din. much wailing and ...

it must somehow be a turn on to seek.

sad. get some daylight.

ask, les, that is all one could do.

everything else is planned.

and noisy, lately.

~dogstar sirius, for a reason.

Visible said...

Salt, as far as it goes, as far as it goes and sand and

Anonymous said...

PatrickW: Have you looked up the suppliers mentioned in the forum about
Questions on Practical yet? If you'd pay upfront you should be able to find a supplier who ships to South Africa.


Anonymous said...

dragon sticks and barleymow
dandelion rivers
conscious tails and thunderbolts
gracious love in livers
golden palms of harmony
tongues of filled with light
deep deep heart of everywhere
arc of rainbows flight
mighty mighty sanctimony
beautys colored feathers
passions of the mountains
where rivers meet the heavens
the opened sence of all things
hearts fill full of truth
a dynamic stream through consciousness
riding absolute


siamsam said...

dont you mean chapter 53. keep it together man :)

Visible said...

cue "where or when" beautiful song. Visible is still climbing out of xanadu where the sacred rivers ran in caverns measureless to man.

Visible said...

A new smoking mirrors is up-

On this Potpouri Sunday.

neal said...

That stone seems to be on a lot of minds. That whole "sweet on the tongue, bitter in the belly" should have been a clue.

Pissing on Comets is ineffective, but that is quite a show. The One who carries that missing piece will share for the asking, but bursting into flames, or indigestion, is not His fault. Be careful what you ask for, bad timing is everything.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up-

Lie Down with Dogs and Wake up with Cat Scratch Fever.

onething said...

The way I got to feel the Presence of God in the marrow of my bones was when the Holy Spirit tempted me with a proposition of joy - but that required a sacrifice - and I said Yes.

Unbelievable that the sacrifice was garbage anyway. Such is the munificence, and the humor, of God.

I advise not to be discouraged as to the physical philosopher's stone. Alchemy is how the universe works on more than one level. Why, isn't moonlight distilled sunlight?

I also advise cheating. There's no time to waste.

onething said...

"What's the real question and when can we see the transcripts from the trial (grin)?"

The answer is, "how do you collect the void in a flask"?



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