Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Greetings, friends and those otherwise defined.
I spend a lot of time in the saucer pod. My belief is that mental states translate into actual realities, sooner or later and that means anything and everything. I intend to be in my own saucer pod sooner or later, for real.
Today I would like to speak to those who have appreciated what I've done at the command and control of the one who operates me. I'd like to say that although I appreciate the good things so many of you have said to me and don't mind the bad things either, given the tone and lack of content and discretion with which they are presented sometimes (grin), neither makes a great deal of difference to me because there is only one opinion that carries any weight with me. It's the only opinion that matters, ever.
I've sought God with lesser and greater degrees of intensity for all of my life and lately, in the last decade, it has been very intense. When I was in Italy, it nearly consumed me entirely. At one point I was told that I had spent the last three hundred lifetimes concerned with Lady Nature and devoted to restoring something to her that has been taken away long ago. I was told that a very long time ago, after seeking her for a great while, she had taken me into her secret bowers and we had engaged in a communion beyond thought and words. I don't know the truth of this, or whether there were actually fewer lifetimes so employed. It seems like such an incredible length of time, so I can't take it seriously, given what I have seen of my instability, in respect of the manifest world. It might be though that that instability has nothing to do with Lady Nature and everything to do with the manner in which her nature has been perverted, for the benefit of a large collections of wastrels, caught up in material nature who worship at the altar of malls and shit heaps of glittering dust. Here is something I wrote for her called
...and I will include some number of these as I go today. I apologize for my musical shortcomings but it's the thought that counts and these tend to showcase my motivations.
I realize how strange I appear to many readers; hearing voices, having the perspectives that I do, being aggressively demonstrative about governments and individuals, as well as established religions. I consider all of these, so mentioned, as part of the infrastructure of the shitheap- the contemporary landfill of twisted material culture. I consider the behavior of politicians, on the one hand and priests on the other, as being emblematic of what these systems contain. I realize that my view on Alex Jones, Noam Chomsky and sundry annoy, alienate and disenfranchise certain people but my views on these people are the result of exposure, I would say over exposure to them and I am not likely to change my mind. I am not willing to grant latitude to people just because they say some things that wake people up to some degree, because the other things they say put people right back to sleep. They are gatekeepers and disinfo traffic cops, that wave people through to a damaged bridge, that doesn't go anywhere useful in the first place. Many of these people are Tribe members and there is no more toxic group on the planet besides them and their Shabbat Goy tools and stooges. Every reader knows that I do not include all members of the Jewish collective in my judgments. I admire many members of that collective. I appreciate Steven Lendman and I don't even know his position on Israel doing 9/11 and that is a major litmus test for me. I admire Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen for their angelic channeling and I don't know what they know and say and don't say on the matter. There are others.
I love The Lady as much as my master. All of my love songs are about her and not about any particular woman, although all of them are reflections of her. Here is another song I wrote for her;
She dominates my thoughts, when my master doesn't. She made the channel through which my master gives me the words I say. Here is another song she inspired in me...
...and this one too;
Why am I putting all of these tunes up today inside a post? Most people won't listen to them but some will and they will know that the only thing true and real about me is contained in my efforts to make a particular message clear, in every effort I lend to my poor artistic attempts to celebrate the one who has gone through the trouble to put me in the frame of heart and mind that nothing else is important to me. It doesn't matter how ineffectual my efforts are, god sees and she sees and they are both the same, simply differently aspected. She sees and she knows,
I argue with people here sometimes and sometimes I'm not impressed by where they are coming from but soon realize that my perspective is limited and I won't actually know where anyone is coming from, until I can see all the ways back down the mountain. I feel so separate sometimes, from the only company that has any lasting value to me. I am so disappointed in myself sometimes, for not living up to what I believe I should be able to, but I also realize that my shortcomings and failures were placed there to make me feel this way and to try harder, or not try so much... but simply, finally let go and stop having the idea that I operate the machinery.
I've had my heart broken so many times I cannot remember them. I have failed so many times through inconsistent efforts and a lack of persistence and determination. I recognize that this is a lesson to others, just as it is a relentless motivation, to allow nothing to come between me and the object of my pursuit and my work reminds me in things like this;
I've studied my life and what has happened in it and where it has placed me of the moment. I've seen every single effort come to naught in terms of a wider reach. I've been engaged with very well known artists who wanted to record my work and someone else got in the way; very often members of the Tribe. The one time I had my work released all over the world, the Tribe member producer, destroyed the recordings and made them incomprehensible and then released them, ignoring the DAT masters; one Bernard Stollman of ESPDisk, associated with CBS/Sony and Rounder Records. He said it made it sound more authentic (grin). I've stayed too long in certain places trying to connect with people like Willie Nelson, only to find incomprehensible forces intrude. My written works came up against similar obstacles. In many cases, those impressed enough to release or publish my work died. I started to think I was some kind of Jonah; would this next person die because they wanted to help me? That has faded away now and the internet has given me exposure that indicates some usefulness on my part. All I ever wanted was to be useful.
My childhood was a nightmare. I've shied away from sharing conditions and events that illustrate just how really bad it was. Much later, my invisible friends told me they had put me through all of it to bring me to a certain point of awareness and then asked me if I minded now. I said “no”, with real and unqualified conviction. I was asked if I felt it was worth it and I said, “Yes”. For many years when I heard the voice it was critical, or I didn't hear it but felt negativity toward myself. How I kept on keeping on, I will never know. These days the voices tell me incredible things, things I won't repeat because they are so fine, so promising and supportive. A lot of it sounds very unrealistic but I am told I will see soon enough and then I can consider whether I wish to doubt what I see right in front of my eyes.
I used to alternatively weep and rage against my sense of separation from the one I would sport and cavort with in psychedelic transport. I would be there in the joy of all things celestial and then I would be back here... here. Of course, 'here' is a projection based on my incomplete perception of what is. That perception continues to change, as do I. When I was a child I would crawl under my bed and tear my arms bloody with my nails and curse my miserable fate. That's all behind me now. That's all changed. When I was a child I would have terrible fears and nightmares about werewolves and vampires. I was terrified of monsters and afraid of everyone else as well. That has changed too. I have no fear of any of these things now. I've seen terrible things that would drive someone who was not already mad, and I certainly was, insane. I can look on these things now with no concern. If anything they are my protectors now and they're not shy about it, as has been demonstrated a time or two.
I was in prison for several years and places where the criminally insane were confined and these were truly dangerous places. Bad things happened to people there all the time. Nothing ever happened to me. I discuss some of these things in
If you want, you can listen to the first hour with Robert and his astrology or you can let it load and then skip ahead. The recording wasn't all that great so, toward the end, I sound like Tom Waits with a head cold but you can at least understand what I'm saying. I left out all kinds of things but you can use your imagination.
Here's another tune I wrote for the lady;
...and the tune at the end, after the phrase End Transmission is also about her. I've added a few more tunes about her to the folder and a few about my master. I hope I haven't succeeded in boring you or putting you off too much by my lack of musical acumen or capacity, I only want you to get the message and hope you do. My love to all of you and the one who has made me possible also wishes you the same. My apologies to those of you I have reacted to. I hope you can understand why I might be less than accepting of some things and why my not saying the things I did say would feel like cowardice to me. The Anti-Guru Software is always active here, just so you know.
End Transmission........
'Pure Sweet Love' is track no. 8 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

via Homer..
Actually quite sweet a heartfelt peek into Les Visible prabhu's large and warm heart on this very auspicious day..
Sri Rama ki jaya!
All blessings to Les Visible prabhu!
Les I listened to the radio show with Robert Phoenix. It was a very intriguing interview, very informative and scary too. I have never experienced any of the things that you spoke of and I am not sure I would want to. I feel safer on this side of the mountain. The view might not be as spectacular but I dare not venture to where I am not ready to go yet. Maybe in another life, who knows?
Love to you and all.
Sri Rama Ki Yaya! Why I picked this day to do this and because he loves devotion and us letting him/her no that we are.
Gurnygob, you just do it differently, yo9u're a traditionalist, that's different from a fundie.
May the Almighty, Sovereign and Absolute, make His face to shine upon and keep you. I have quite often considered you as a John the Baptist, the one previously known as the prophet Elijah, who came to announce the imminent arrival of Jesus, the Savior of All.
We are all of us servants of the Divine, some for good and some for evil; it is up to the Divine to make the decision as to which side we serve. You are serving the Divine for good and your message will always resonate with those whose ears/eyes and hearts have been opened to the message. While in this realm/dimension you will very probably never know how many have been reached by your voice and words and have been reassured, uplifted and encouraged.
Please know that I love you and pray for you; my prayers are for your continued sustenance from the Divine and continued protection from those chosen to commit evil.
Visible, I just listened to your video interview. Just a little info about me. I refer to myself as a "keyword wizard"; obviously being a legend only in my own mind. :) Keywords in your video relative to my experiences: Father Francis ~ St. Francis Church was on the street where I grew up. Coors ~ love them and Celtic music. My online name belies my English, Welch, Scottish and Irish background. The name is a reflection of a very well known and beloved English ancestor who was born in Italy. The avatar name is a reflection of inner beauty of that individual, not outer. I also identify with Valkyrie because phonetically that is my maiden name, first and last. A danish man told me this in my 20s but did not tell me what it meant. I never asked my parents why as I did not want to embarrass them.
Manson ~ while I worked part time for 2 years at a an Anglican church I had a dream where a man (no face identifiable) came in and was chasing me around the church trying to kill me. This dream occurred 5 times maybe and it really only puzzled me. Now for the most part I was alone there and anyone could walk in. One day a little guy walked in. Now one of the female elders was there talking to me. This man looked just like Charles Manson and I was stunned and he was obviously crazy because of the way he talked and he wanted to get a ride somewhere and she drove him with no incidence. I told a few other people and they confirmed that he did look like Manson. Now the reptile dreams occurred also during this time, but there were Gargoyles waterspouts hanging off the church roof.
The city I grew up in is a Twin city that was predominately German, however my parents brought me up believing we should not say anything against the Jews. So this has been one piece of my research. You'll find this video ~ Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway which reflects my position now with one caveat ~ "all roads lead to Rome" and the white and black grand poopahs.
In terms of David Icke, (reptile dreams led me to him) doesn't he have an interesting name, says the keyword wizard. The whole name together. I will state I take the good, but I do not discard the rest ~ it goes back into Filel 13 for future reference.
But the initial research began with Gold and the fiat monetary system to stock trading, to cycle analysis long and short, and Fibonacci and financial astrology which led to Astrology, which led to ... well you get the idea. I only traded for 3 or 4 years and actually made money but felt I was wasting my time and was falling asleep half the time looking at charts.
As the Great Creator blesses you, you bless us. Thank you my man.
See video The Black Pope Benjamin Fulford 2011 ~ Ben listened to the clue given.
Vis wrote: "I appreciate Steven Lendman and I don't even know his position on Israel doing 9/11 and that is a major litmus test for me."
I think I can vouch for Mr. Lendman, a lovely man I've had a bit of correspondence with ... I'd say he passes the 9/11 litmus test. I spend weekends getting caught up with his radio shows where he features all the profs I wished I'd had.
And WOW the thought of it ... Vis and Willy singing a duet ... now there's a dream I wish would come true. It would be a perfect match. Got to go back and catch the rest of the tunes Vis gifted to us today. Once again I feel a deep need for them.
One more little thought ... anyone else hear musical chords (no words) being sung by an amazing chorus when they are driving on the highway? I know it's probably wind and tire sounds but it fascinates me. (Hope it doesn't mean I am in a subset of schizoid.)
I think someone’s gotta be helping us ‘cause things could already be globally as bad as they are in those places where things are already madly, truly, deeply, deplorably bad; and yet tiny pockets of relative peace still exist. So this, in theory, has to mean that we have(had?) help. Have the worst among us and those too stuck on stunned to start in the direction of now what, exasperated the most gracious of our help and so disgusted the others with our crimes that start at apathy and logarithmically digress into fetid debauchery, that they are for the most part done with us on a personal level, so that now it‘s strictly business?
Vis, could you possibly ask your invisible friends, the next time y’all speak, if they’d be willing to share some general info on themselves? Like do we all have individual invisible friends or is there like a pool of personalities shared by humanity? Is there some way of knowing who’s for us, as far as mutual compatibility, and are they even interested in being open to the pursuit of a relationship by those of us hoping to become intimates of theirs? I know I’ve made direct contact at least once because of the immediate results but it feels selfish to just call somebody when you need them, and though since then I’ve made a point of including that one in all of my poly-daily gratitude issuances, it still feels a bit too much like a not empty but nowhere near full enough gesture. I’d like to do and want to know more. How did that one know I asked for help; are they always listening or did I somehow energetically knock, so to speak? And how do I do it again, just to talk…Okay, only if you feel comfortable with it, Thanks, Vis.
My apologies for misspelling Willie. I hate it when I mess up a name.
Viz, this essay/these selections is/are your most beautiful composition/s. Listening now... weep worthy.
Let me offer an idea to think on: This go-around, everything that could have connected you to where it is you feel you should be was not in place, exactly, but you continue to come so close, it repeatedly appears within your reach! It might be that you will achieve your highest desires next time, or not, maybe there are two or even more to come, because you know that desires, ambitions and the conditions fostering them must in line just so and still when we get what we think we deserve for our efforts, it could very well be yet another avenue for failure. All of life is an unmapped mine field. As the bredrnn are fond of saying concerning negatives, you must love it.
Vis, what a courageous, beautiful and generous soul you are! I don't hear shares like that from dear friends that I've know my entire life. Thank you - now I don't feel so alone anymore. :)
I guess many of us can deeply relate to what you say...and feel this way. It's certainly tough being reborn into this "'everything-goes'-to-hell" planet lifetime after lifetime... and being "AWARE" makes it harder to BEAR sometimes, I think.
You'll never know even a smidgeon of the impact your lurid 'spirit- opera' has on your's a stream-of-consciousness AsTrAl TriP PHENOMENON is what it is...and I can't get enough.(chuckles...smh)
P.S. Your music is starting to grow on me too...and it's adorable that you embedded all those songs in your post. You certainly could do worse than Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan as (token) Jewish influences. Let's not forget all the Jewish comediens who MUST have had a hand in inspiring your sharp wit...MEL BROOKS? Oh,yea...I think it's time to watch "Blazing Saddles" again...
Something my dearest friend Patrick took the trouble to record in place of Willie and all the rest,
"May your noses always be cold and wet and running with music'.
"Help is on the Way"
"I'm bring home the starlight
With no bottom in my pail
In tranquil worlds forgotten
with no tiger on our tail
Is it the dust I'm made of
that has me walking blind
while you fill up and surround me
In the darkness of my mind
There's no one can oppose me
So make way I'm coming through
I'm walking through my falling down
into the heart of you
You can have these worlds of splendor
that wrinkle and decay
I take my passion timeless
and help is on the way
Help is on the way
to the better part of me
help is pushing sunlight
through my ancient judas tree
From the compost of corruption
comes the power to transform
all the worlds we'll ever know
you keep us cool you make us warm
you're the bending end of silence
my true serenity
You're the timeless
"look! I forgot my watch
don't cry, it's only me"
dry your tears upon my heart cause
it is only me and
help is on the way
help is on the way
Help is on the way
To the dying gulf of Mexico
in the fukishima rain
I can feel the mountains tremble
I know love will win again
no matter who opposes love
still love will find a way
to break our hearts and asses
while it finds a place to stay
I've been hungry for the homeland
I've been gone for lifetimes by
now I see the flames that flicker
in the fireplace tonight
I looking through the ever leaves
in the darkling of the night
from a place that is the future
my god its all too bright.
Help is on the way
to the better part of me
help is pushing sunlight
through my ancient judas tree
From the compost of corruption
comes the power to transform
all the worlds we'll ever know
you keep us cool you make us warm
you're the bending end of silence
my true serenity
You're the timeless
"look! I forgot my watch
don't cry, it's only me"
dry your tears upon my heart cause
it is only me and
help is on the way
help is on the way
Help is on the way
There's no one can oppose me
so make way I'm coming through
I'm walking through my falling down
into the heart of you
I've been drunk on wine and whiskey
I've been stoned and I've been shunned
but all of that's behind me
I believe I've found the one
I took some lives and detours
it took it's time and time again
but I am on the near horizon now
on that you can depend
they've been taking bets about me
for several thousand years
You can't compute the agony
that ocean is my tears
And now- Help is on the way
to the better part of me
help is pushing sunlight
through my ancient judas tree
From the compost of corruption
comes the power to transform
all the worlds we'll ever know
you keep us cool you make us warm
you're the bending end of silence
my true serenity
You're the timeless
"look! I forgot my watch
don't cry, it's only me"
dry your tears upon my heart cause
it is only me and
help is on the way
help is on the way
Help is on the way
What was it I was doing
as all this time went by
I was hiding in the underbrush
and now I don't know why
Now the moments on us
As we see the living light
Make ashes from the darkness
My god it's just too bright
it's a strange intoxication
that I'm impatient for you now
as long as this has taken
I should be stoical somehow
but there's no way up around it
it could be a million years
but I would keep on a coming
cause that's the death of fear
Yes, Help is on the way
to the better part of me
help is pushing sunlight
through my ancient judas tree
From the compost of corruption
comes the power to transform
all the worlds we'll ever know
you keep us cool you make us warm
you're the bending end of silence
my true serenity
You're the timeless
"look! I forgot my watch
don't cry, it's only me"
dry your tears upon my heart cause
it is only me and
help is on the way
help is on the way
Help is on the way
I know it's a little long but sometimes that's how it is.
And now- Help is on the way
to the better part of me
help is pushing sunlight
through my ancient judas tree
From the compost of corruption
comes the power to transform
all the worlds we'll ever know
you keep us cool you make us warm
you're the bending end of silence
my true serenity
You're the timeless
"look! I forgot my watch
don't cry, it's only me"
dry your tears upon my heart cause
it is only me and
help is on the way
help is on the way
Help is on the way
What was it I was doing
as all this time went by
I was hiding in the underbrush
and now I don't know why
Now the moments on us
As we see the living light
Make ashes from the darkness
My god it's just too bright
it's a strange intoxication
that I'm impatient for you now
as long as this has taken
I should be stoical somehow
but there's no way up around it
it could be a million years
but I would keep on a coming
cause that's the death of fear
Yes, Help is on the way
to the better part of me
help is pushing sunlight
through my ancient judas tree
From the compost of corruption
comes the power to transform
all the worlds we'll ever know
you keep us cool you make us warm
you're the bending end of silence
my true serenity
You're the timeless
"look! I forgot my watch
don't cry, it's only me"
dry your tears upon my heart cause
it is only me and
help is on the way
help is on the way
Help is on the way
I know it's a little long but sometimes that's how it is.
It's not too long. If anything, it's not long enough...
Don't forget your ahem, multimeida version...
one of the best pages online.
Loved all of your songs by the way - but you saved the best 'til last with "Pure Sweet Love"
Just don't become another John Paul Rosenberg (Werner Hans Erhard). Be more like Nate Kapner and all should be fine (smirk)
"...I'm walking through my falling down into the heart of you...(Vis)"
Thanks, -- I needed THAT. (Oh inspired one with finger in the socket-of-soul).
--O.K. It's settled! I'm clinging onto your shoelaces if need be to ascend out of this anthill. (Just don't let this go to your head and ruin everything.)
How goes that by Tennyson?
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
I long for that which you have felt, and obviously feel for the One.
And reciprocated as well... where in hell did I go wrong?
it must be love
thank you
this song has some hooks -- conveys your 'center' -- a deep shared feeling. voice is nimble -- light and deep
are you playing the flute?
Dogs - perhaps an allegory of "man's best friend",
are simply those whom serve. Us.
Elijah, John - was twins with the-one-named
Jesus. Were they differentiated by mere Birth?
What is this "separation" we stand from?
Are any of us, really? Go farther with this:
Whom is the Teacher, and Whom is ignorant?
Thanks for the intro, we're all Jesus now, Dear John.
Christ!, risen.
WE are correct, not ignorant; though the role must be cast,
the prophesy fulfilled, the contract upheld.
Terms of endearment, to Whom exactly? That we suffer,
Who suffers? In the end. It is so worth it - so short this dance.
Here. Where are you?
Drake, if you bothered ... says "April it all falls down, Zio-ware".
That Were. Power is now Us. There was no other.
Again - Here.
Speaking in quasi-parables perhaps slips by the overcharged
BS deflectors, so carefully nursed into present existence. My own mighty crocked finger falls limp, pointing incorrectly at another, Whom was only I, as the music stopped.
Perhaps she never really stopped smiling, did you ever think of that, Visible - People?
woof, howl, makes no difference Now. And what's left?
Feeling pretty good now, I went and downloaded all of your songs from your recent blog posts, so now I can listen to them while I do my work.
Rays of perfection continue to shine down and increase more and more.
I have a good feeling about this ~ watch David Wilcock - Divine Intervention Drake Interview. Now there is a whole series of videos there. Grab some pie.:) No where to hide Banksters et al. Reminds me of that song "Good Vibrations". Freedom!
Well - that was very good.
Instead of playing/practicing my scales to Marty Schartz or Griff Hamlin's backing tracks, I played along with your songs.
Yoo hoo - THERE'S progress on a musical level.... perserverence furthers....and it was fun.
This post of yours IS an outpouring.
Would we swap our lives? .. all things considered?
I wouldn't although there are times when I wouldn't wish such experience on my worst enemy.
Being useful - THAT resonates.
This post of yours IS an outpouring.
Anyway - with my heart singing a bit lighter, I'll play along with Marty before work.
oh yes ... that's great use of technology to have the songs run through automatically - should the listener decide to press play.
Here's the entire David Wilcock and Drake Interview re: Divine Intervention
which is better than the one I mentioned above. Well done Ben Fulford and David Wilcock! ~ Observer88
Kinda like this, from so long ago
(does it matter, does it light?)
When darkness falls
And the dream is done
I will never regret what it's cost
For the distance run
So many hearts
Break from dispair
But mine is strong and shines like the sun
While you are there
(we never leave, Visible)
nice song to work on, think me.
here's a tribute to mother earth enjoy
Paradoxman chimes in on the Wilcock and Drake interview and Drake's attack on Tim Turner
pierre said...
thanks for that candour, rare indeed. FWIW I still think there's a lot of what Jung called the personal shadow that underlines much of your irritability (besides the way of the world). thems the scars. I hope you find your tranquility and rapture (or whatever ~word~).
As I nowadays ask on all multimedia formats (are they Jewish?), I actively try to see the world view, propaganda value, omissions, and general clubiness of the whole shebang and try to rinse myself of it, its not easy, and easily leads to anti for its own sake until I am only listening to Wagner or something (the birds will do for now though, it's Autumn here, which is our Spring). Still, which one has come out much at all, having benefited from the status quo so much?
example of a show, BBC art program Power of Art, hosted by son of tribe members.
on ectasy/ rapture this one you might have come across on this show I watched last night.
I reckon Gibson got it right that way in his Passion of Christ.
sorry I havent taken the time to listen to your songs, though I'd like to, it's time management and probably not wanting to become too influenced (its 30 min a day as it is reading these blogs and comments), which is probably why I shouldnt be typing a long comment and expending others precious time. Oh, my precious!
my appreciation
It's been said that the "Voice of God" - the Word, the Logos - can be heard in babbling brooks, rustling trees, the ocean or the howling wind. I do not doubt that it can be heard through mundane instruments such as tires rolling on roads and wind coursing over the protuberances of a vehicle.
I once fell asleep at the wheel on the freeway late at night as I was returning to LA after a night session of snowboarding. I became concious of a beautiful chorus of harps, trumpets and angelic voices and fortunately awoke none the worse for wear. Now I was driving an old Isuzu 4x4 pickup with large all-terrain tires, so I don't doubt for a moment that that wasn't the seed for the sounds and that I might have simply embellished them in my hypnogogic/hypnopompic state, but I'm not one to allow prosaic explanations displace all possibilities of the mystical. I'm neither a blind beleiver nor a blind skeptic.
Gratefully, I have lived on to seek the divine in everyone and everything. I do not always find it, but I try to remember to always seek. So Em, no you most assuredly are not schizophrenic - keep listening for the mystical even amongst the mundane (I don't suggest falling asleep at the wheel though!). And try looking for the face of God as well, especially in nature. Out-of-focus raindrops glistening in the sunlight as they are perched on leaves may hold celestial visages if you "suspend disbeleif".
Vis et al, you are inspiring and uplifting. I have visited often and almost commented many a time. I don't know why I chose this time to do so, but so I have and likely will again - you all are forewarned! ;-)
John V.
Holy shit, far out lyrics, man.
from Bad Dogs Barb Wires:
I can marry a diary cow and have cheese for children
I can get breast implants so I can look like Madonna and have young Cuban men chase me around Miami
Thanx...and the interview with Robert was very informative.
Now I know you're nuts.
As am I.
Somehow I feel better...
What a nice string of trenchant comments those last 3 were.
Red ochre blown across these hands, theones given. That stuff is what we do, She wants us to sing.
Those tall Ones, they don"t hunt around here like before. I guess that was just mom and dad, they are monsters, I love them so.
St Pete refused that gate, only an inquistion for consideration to Cat Heaven, that is based upon being touched by theOne, true Sos and Daughters, and Kristians, and such.
We do not make the damn rules, but lately I think the rest take what ideas they can beg, borrow, or steal, that is OK.
Maybe that is not being hunted, or transformed, just Karma seeking new plans, and waking
Mas and mas Visibly vulnerable
Which is not to say susceptible
Gratitude arises spontaneously
Sensitivity they say is a measure of intelligence
The tao in all things participates, yet is unchanged
Hearts broken in a thousand pieces
Light and Love shine through the cracks
Divine Feminine in all her terrenal luminous beauty
Mindful of the path, Great Desire with
Applied intelligence,
Songs of Ananada and Padmasabhava lighten the burden
Be well, woof woof from the Dog Nation
May the Rose Garden of your Heart always be in Bloom
spheres of rising unity
playing feathers in the wild
multicolored lanterns beaming
a heart of ancient isles
the tip within the ocean
drawn across the wind
a flash of lightning medicine
dart of eagle wing
swirling shooting gathering
beauty in us all
chanting on white buffalo
natures striking cord
riding liberation
in rainbow body streams
the seeds of living everything
mother nature weaves
A new Smoking Mirrors is up-
What's not on Second.
"Right Thru My Heart"
Great song, loved it, I liked the line, "I've run out of wine babe, I've run out of cup, Jesus Visible, just give it up." Pure class!
"It must be love"
reminded me of Jesus coming and setting me/us free.
"Every Fairy Tale"
"Prevail," think this one and "Pure Sweet Love" are my favourites out of the bunch.
"Persephone" I had to look that one up. Greek queen of the underworld, goddess of spring and so on and so forth. Being traditional an all, the less I say the better. (grin)
Very enjoyable listening on a sunny Sunday morning.
bless you for your constancy
very few even believe She is real,
let alone know
love and peace
Reflections in a Petri Dish is up-
Nut-Jobbers Deluxe with Extra Cheese.
The good thing about stepping on your grapes is it yields some wine. I don't see where any apologies are due. Your moderation is of command rather than demand. Rare thing.
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