Monday, April 16, 2012

A Ruminating Perspective on an Unknown Theme.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

I got to the end of an Origami last night, or nearly and... now I'm not going to post it. I'm going to start over. I wanted to talk about a matter that I haven't publicly discussed. I guess I was concerned about people having only one side of the story; concerned about vastly inflated commentary and... felt like it might be cathartic. I believe it was provoked by what now appears to be an act of reverse serendipity, which is also laden with irony, given that the player is someone I was formerly associated with in variously coincidental ways. Something happened and then, several days later, something else happened and it seemed like a slam dunk; my conclusion that is. Now I'm given to believe that I was wrong in my assumption. It's perplexing. There's a little anecdotal tale about Alistair Crowley. The author who wrote his biography, John Symonds I believe, painted a small portrait of him. I'm paraphrasing. He said, “there sat Crowley, his magic wand gathering dust on a shelf, he said, “I'm perplexed””. I'm perplexed (grin).

I've seen a few of these things lately, with all sorts of corroborative evidence, as if some force in the universe wants me to buy into something that isn't true. About 20 or more years ago, I was with my girlfriend, Svargo. It was the most passionate relationship of my life, outside of God. Quite often it didn't seem outside of God (grin). It wasn't meant to be, though it did go on for some time. It's a complicated tale. I am in possession of a great many complicated tales that deal with my life. Quite a few of them I do not understand. Some of them I understand later on but I can't do anything about them, which, often enough, turns out to be the point.

Anyway... one day I was at Svargo's house. We were having a discussion and wound up in a disagreement about something. I was absolutely convinced that I was right. I didn't push it. I said, “we'll see”. Later on I checked and found out I was wrong. It stunned me. I'd rarely been so certain about something and found out I was wrong. Amazingly, this happened two more times. All the events took place in a six week period and never happened again. Of course, I've been wrong about things since but not in the same way. This sequence changed me. I've never been absolutely certain of anything again, besides the existence of god that is. Well, of course, I'm certain of a few things but whenever someone tells me I'm mistaken about something, I check. That's happened here at the blogs more than once.

I mentioned all of these details because they play into this most recent scenario and I have to consider these things, whereas long ago I wouldn't have. Now I'm wondering if this isn't some kind of new lesson for me. The opportunity for over-reaction and operating from false premises is great. I've had various experiences recently that tell me I am not alone in this regard and in some cases, the players don't have the benefit of what once happened to me.

Among those who have spent any length of time around me, I'm noted for certain things; being discreet, reflexively honest and a few other things, some of them negative (grin). I'm also pretty consistent in my relationship with mind and personality altering substances. I'm in far better shape than many might guess, given what they imagine about me and bizarre, as opposed to supernatural events, are few and far between. Oddly, both of the scenarios I am referring to involved this very thing, though the item was different and both of them are associated with projects of mine. The personnel in both instances have a jaundiced and negative impression about me. Ironically, those close to me, people who have been around me for extended periods of time, do not have the same view across the board. In both cases projections and wrong assumptions abounded. It was like something scripted out of Left Field Productions. In both cases there were supernatural events which occurred. They often do.

I'm talking about all of this because of the resonance factor and also hoping that any number of informed astrologers that come around might chime in. These are spooky times. They've been more or less difficult for me since before Christmas. I don't often think about it, for some reason, but there are a lot of presumptions going around, concerning what's taking place on God's drawing board. What does the cosmic draftsman have planned? Which way are things going to go. I call the ideas coming from so many diverse camps 'presumptions'. This does not mean to imply that they are wrong, simply that they are unsubstantiated. A lot is based on the Mayan calendar. Some portions are based on other prophecies or channelings. Some are derived from an analysis of current events. Some are the result of numbers. Conclusions vary widely and many things that were predicted have not happened, when they were predicted to happen, though they may happen yet.

It is a very odd period of time. There is the sensation of events and changes held in suspension. It seems to be an unnatural suspension. Of all the great dramatic transformations spoken of, nothing truly serious and world changing has occurred. Things come to the brink and then they step back. It's becoming uncanny. Sabers have been rattling for so long they've become a soundtrack along with the voices of the talking heads on every side, who are pretty much all, uniformly proven wrong, Politicians and those who feed off of them, as well as all kinds of publicly prominent individuals, by vice of wealth, position, some kind of talent, shameless self promotion, with no justifiable reason, physical beauty and sundry, are all behaving like speed addicted baboons, drunken vaudeville clowns, wide boy jerks and, in all cases, a mockery on their human state. It is so very much for the purpose of demonstration. So...

A logical mind might suppose that the stage is getting set for a judgment upon the performances. I can see the possibility of that. I observe the press into outrage and absurdity. I see the overstepping and over reaching that only amplified hubris of a high order can generate. I see profligacy and indifference to all moral order. They are bankrupt of charity and compassion, bereft of restraint and sane acumen in respect of economic good and all else that affects the common lives, with so much greater intensity than the lives of those responsible for the condition. They are truly insane and without regard for their own souls and lives. They think themselves careful men and women. They think themselves pragmatic and wise but they are reckless fools, dancing on the precipice in the falling of the age. They are doomed and drowning sailors, with no understanding of the sea. The knots they tie are their own bindings. The sails they raise offend the winds. The sealing caulk melts from the fire of ambition, blindfolded by ignorance of cause and effect. They are dead forms walking who haven't seen it yet.

It may seem peculiar or difficult to define, the connection between the disparate parts of this polemic. The tendency toward madness and uninformed presumption attends us all. In an age of unreason, few of us are sane. Sanity has left the building. Many maintain the pretense with electronic minders that keep the mind contained within certain focuses. Many maintain a consistency by making themselves prisoners of low passion and dark addictions. Many escape in brief and redundant interludes, escaping nothing but their attention to the primary task at hand. There is a primary task. It is something that is laughed at and disparaged by the clever and quick, who in truth are double thick, with minds like a McDonald's milkshake and hearts composed of carnal dreams that only promise uneasy sleep and nightmare in the wings. The dreams of beauty, liberty and love are the property of the truly broken hearted, where the doors are torn asunder from their hinges and cannot be closed again.

I used to always want to fix things, as if the one who broke them in the first place was competent to the task. Now I leave everything in the hands of the expert, who made everything real and enduring and made me as well. There is no need for me to fix anything, except my heart and mind upon the presence of its author. There is no need for me to plan or prepare for anything, lest I upset the plans and preparations already in progress. This is a hard one to absorb, to take into understanding at a visceral level. The mind plots without our even engaging it. It is a natural feature of this mysterious thing to be engaged independently of the one who presumes to control it. No one actually ever brings it under control on their own. They might learn to suspend it for a time or teach it to perform all manner of fascinating tricks but true stillness is only accomplished by the one who brought it into being in the first place. What to do, what to do, what not to do.

Maybe I'm wrong about a lot of these things, or a few. They make perfect sense in the Bhakti form. I'm no expert on anything. I've proven that. It seems that I must be reduced to utter helplessness before I can come into utter reliance, before I can even be trusted with simple things. These are not only words, be they curds or turds. One morning I suspect we shall all awaken and find the world very much changed and ourselves as well, for better or for worse.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: The Walls by Les Visible♫ The Walls ♫

Yesterday's radio show is available for download.


Anonymous said...

Visible -
Really dug the second to last paragraph:
I used to always want to fix things, as if the one who broke them in the first place was competent to the task. Now I leave everything in the hands of the expert, who made everything real and enduring and made me as well. There is no need for me to fix anything, except my heart and mind upon the presence of its author. There is no need for me to plan or prepare for anything, lest I upset the plans and preparations already in progress. This is a hard one to absorb, to take into understanding at a visceral level. The mind plots without our even engaging it. It is a natural feature of this mysterious thing to be engaged independently of the one who presumes to control it. No one actually ever brings it under control on their own. They might learn to suspend it for a time or teach it to perform all manner of fascinating tricks but true stillness is only accomplished by the one who brought it into being in the first place. What to do, what to do, what not to do.

What a beautiful summation of the proper attitude adjustment for the tail end of Kali Yuga.

Myself, I'm trying to do the same, struggling as I go. Last night, I had epic, intense dreams, which all seemed to revolve around everything in society breaking down. Lots of people wandering around in cities, trying to keep a low-profile myself, while searching high-and-low for my daughter.

Think you're definitely on to something with your last line, as well.

Take care -

Copernicus Kidd said...

great commentary on the flows of the day. vis, have you considered that next year may be the very beginning of Dwapara Yuga as John Major Jenkins has suggested? how fortunate if that is so. let the iron walls come down!

Anonymous said...

"There is the sensation of events and changes held in suspension."

Indeed. Don't quite know what, if anything, to make of it. Feels incongruent.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading Dr. Chiappalone's work recently and it has resonated with many of my

from a remote area of Oregon

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

What can one expect from someone who was programmed with no thought of an afterlife? All is here, there is nothing more, so why not get all you can out of it?! Until you 'die'. The transition will bring a rude awakening, and another round on the Wheel of reincarnation.

Ugh. A fate worse than a bowl of blood pudding and kidney pie.

Anonymous said...

Now Vis, you know as well as I do, that we have to go through the motions. In as much as I’m so, so tired of this charade, there are others who must allowed their own time.

Never let it be said that so-and-so wasn’t given the opportunity to make it right by themselves.

When I see what seems like unfairness, it’s often someone being given another chance to see. The only reason I know that is because of humility.


Boy am I sick of this shit.

DaveS said...

Onward we travel enduring the weirdness – no better yet, embracing the weirdness because as HST wrote, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

As Vis writes today about trusting in the source of everything, that it's best to just keep on keepin' on, staying positive and believing in the Force. I believe we can only truly affect change within us, and hopefully, if we make positive changes in ourselves, we help other see that they too can change and move into the light.

But as he also writes, who knows? We make mistakes, it's just better to error on the side of good than on the side of selfishness.


Ray B. said...

Anonymous, Monday, April 16, 2012 9:18:00 PM

"There is the sensation of events and changes held in suspension." (Vis)

"Indeed. Don't quite know what, if anything, to make of it. Feels incongruent." (Anon)

I feel the same way. It's almost like a holding of the breath. Maybe, it's the time between when the One Ring hit the lava and when it melted...


Anonymous / Diane, Monday, April 16, 2012 10:07:00 PM

"Now Vis, you know as well as I do, that we have to go through the motions. In as much as I’m so, so tired of this charade, there are others who must allowed their own time."

True. I saw a license plate the other day that expresses my feelings about this perfectly: AAAAGH


DaveS, Monday, April 16, 2012 10:07:00 PM

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

One of my favorite expressions. I guess we have a lot of pro's, these days!



"There is no need for me to plan or prepare for anything, lest I upset the plans and preparations already in progress."

This is a delicate balance for me. I hold enough of the Eastern view of the Tao, etc., to know that it is a truth. I also hold enough of the Western side of actively changing things to know that it is a truth.

Currently, my stance is twofold. When I see that something is 'less than ideal', I do not 'butt in' directly as my actions are likely to be sub-optimal. Instead, I take the whole situation and 'refer' it upwards with a question mark attached. Interesting things then occur. On the other side, I try to 'listen' as well as I can to actions desired by the 'other side' (checking to see that it comes from the 'good guys', as far as possible) and then actually proceeding with them. As always, the above occurs to a greater or lesser extent because of my being partway 'done'.

Hope this makes sense.

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

bholanath said...

Mike and others -

Do you resonate with Columbus being an "avatar"?
There's a lot of shit out there in the smorgasoborg all enticingly prettied up with 'gnostic' whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

Just sayin', why waste time on those who make grand predictions, say they have it all figured out and dialed in? As Vis has also similarly pointed out.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Everyone has a secret weapon.

"Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand."

-Mark Twain

Visible said...

Well said, Ray.

Anonymous said...

Good point, thanks for the feed back. Very frustrating times indeed. At times I'm barely holding it together, longing for closure.

from a remote area of Oregon

Allison said...

To withdraw to a point where one gives up attachments, the last attachment to go for many is the desire to save those suffering under the weight of their own karma. When this is let go, then what is there but that atavistic loneliness that confronts all seekers that loneliness which seekers try to avoid at all costs, even at the karmic expense of fighting against dragons and staying on the wheel in futuro. But the loneliness is only temporary. At that point the real journey begins. Let the dead bury their dead old friend.

Anonymous said...

Occasionally I would try to read some of Chiappalone's work but it turned me off . HOWEVER his last writing on Rense grabbed me and I know what you mean. He hit a lot of high points and his words for the most part rang true.
I don't think that means every time something resonates with you that you then believe the author is an avatar.
Minds are connected and merit needs to be considered on ocaasion.
Glad you mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to see and or perceive all of the movements of the universe, especially day to day. Like watching the grass grow hour by hour. But when we turn away for some longer period of time, it is obvious that movements of many types has occurred. This a problem for all of us who monitor world events, big and small, on a regular basis. While I wish that I understand the time frame of events to be more accurately, which I don't, I feel blessed to understand the general direction of things. You are also blessed with knowing the direction of many things. Peace be with you.

Clarity said...

I agree with Visible, Ray B.... Nicely done!

Visible, as to why things that were expected have not happened - the unnatural suspension - it made me think of something I read about Edgar Cayce about a week ago...

Almost every day, several times a day, for more than forty years, Cayce would induce himself into an altered out-of-body state of consciousness and reveal profound information on various subjects such as health, dreams, meditation, religions, and reincarnation, to name a few. But it was the information that Cayce revealed about the future which he is probably most known for. He provided information about the history of humanity from the very beginning to a time in the future when humans will evolve into beings with supernatural powers. He described a new era of enlightenment and peace when divinity within humans would be manifested on the Earth. But before this "kingdom of God" would rule the world, Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. These visions of the future agree with what is known about prophecies from NDEs.

Cayce believed that these horrible future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. And this is the purpose for giving prophecies - to warn people to change so that the prophecies won't happen. Since Cayce certainly was not 100% accurate in his predictions, I believe this only shows how some of Cayce's apocalyptic predictions have been averted. So, a successful gloom and doom prophecy is one that does doesn't occur. Cayce's prophecies became well-known all over the world and a case may be made that he may have had some influence in creating the change within people to alter the course of history enough so that the prophecy would not happen. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. His reply was:

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36)

So, prophecy is never given for any other purpose than as a warning. For this reason, a successful prophecy is one that has been averted and therefore does not happen. Skeptics of Cayce's prophetic ability like to point out that because some of his predictions did not happen, this means he was a fake. But from another perspective, one can say that his prophecies helped to change enough people to prevent them from occurring.

Cayce envisioned that a time would come when all individuals would realize their responsibility toward one another a realization that would change the thought of humanity. When asked in 1944 which religious thought would lead the world toward the greatest amount of spiritual light and understanding, the reply was simply, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself!

Maybe enough people are doing what is needed to change things. There seems to be evidence of little things here and there that may be having this effect. As more people awaken, we will have more power to throw a wrench in the plans. Let's hope so...

Love to all,

Richie (Dana) said...

Perhaps I may be one of the "others"

Try this...

"Thoughts are creations. They exist as vibrating energy patterns which can manifest as incomplete entities in the etheric and astral dimensions and other dimensions beyond. They can be inspected, refined, enlarged, embellished, restructured, empowered or destroyed by various ways and means by class 5 beings whose function it is to act as guides, protectors, tutors and advisors to the lower, class 4 beings." Dr. Chiappalone

I am not writing this in defense of him at all.

I write in defense of Mike and others like him.

Long ago a thought came to mind that there are about 7 billion ways to get to God and that not one of us has all the answers. The road is very personal and there are currently few that even come close to something like help. It is your path and no one can tell you what to do next.

There are no roadmaps in the physical because it is all within.

While I too find it very hard to believe that Columbus was an “Avatar”….that does not deter my quest for truth anywhere I can find it. You see, the statement above is completely compatible with the story that Visible tells about his “friends”. It is also a possible explanation of the “One” mind that many have experienced here.

I do know that my favorite Avatar’s message has been twisted in certain ways, but that never takes away the parts that Jesus gets through to me.

I look at Chiappalone as sort of a sometimes harsh father figure telling a truth that is sometimes not pleasant, but which may be important to hear.
Visible, on the other hand, is all about Love. That would be why I continue to thank him. Visible will always grab the heart even if the words be harsh.

I am beginning to understand the silent crowd of True Beings that lurk in the shadows around here and say nothing. It is a huge responsibility to say anything that may detract another from what he needs to know. That would be the purpose of all physical institutions. I personally know nothing.
Anything I have said here was not of my doing. It was also about one tenth of the created thoughts in regard to this, so that those that hear, will get the whole message, somewhere, sometime…..

Mike; I do understand the trouble.
If you need additional challenges you may try San Francisco CA, but I would not advise that at this time. (grin).

Just listen to the inner “spark” of the Divine within and it will be tolerable.
Endure my friend.


Hey Vis....thank you for the sanity.

nina said...

Visible said: ...The opportunity for over-reaction and operating from false premises is great. ...

But is it Over-Reaction or natural reaction to the bizarre and often unbelievable events unfolding around us? So that not even we, ourselves, are aware of the extent of our reactions until they play out?
We are shown examples of over-reactions every news cycle as behavior modification. Its the "They Live" conformity slogans redux.

neal said...

Every One talks about Her flux, but no one does anything about it (grin).

Don't try too much to nail this down, that can be disconcerting.

Passenger pidgeons were once just Avian Lords shot down for sport, and to erase certain patterns from collective memories of certain bipeds who did not care for coloring outside the lines.

Thunderbirds are not rolling stones, that comes later.

Skipping stones, now some never sink below any surface, they just are not there anymore, but certain patterns repeat, in flux, and that is the department of Upper Management.

Sink or swim, or bounce on purpose, that is always noticed.

brokenbeat said...

Sheer poignancy has arrived -- this surging certainty of sweeping change but overlayed with the oftentimes frustrating challenge of shedding anticipation. Is this what the ending of time feels like if it's not wigging you out? A quickening with evermore novelty but with the benefit of enhanced awareness? Was our familiar perception of the sequencing of events a stretched-out examination of an eternal now and matter a medium to project the drama? Did the suffering stem from our installed mind egoically associating itself with the time, space and matter of our consensus reality? Was our ignorance of that fact the virtual bars of our prison?

For those that are firmly identified with a world that changed only in it's superficial content but not in it's very nature, the shifting ontology will fuck their minds deep and hard. Those that had suffered the least because they were intimate and comfortable with the way of the world will face massive challenges. Those that managed to keep on keeping on but knew there was more and sought to experience that will have the old hurt wither. Smooth passage is not guaranteed for anyone, but intent is a vector - it has a direction and a strength, so get control over your mind and follow your heart's lead in the direction of the positive-trending spiral and press on the go pedal.

Amazingly and gratefully, I find myself more at ease even as the proverbial SHTF possibilties loom. Perhaps I'm deluding myself, and I do expect there will be the unexpected -- I'm all too familiar with the failure of my imagination. But somehow with grace from God, I have hope for the future. I have faith that there is truth, beauty and justice in our continuing evolution. I have love for God, other expressions of God's conciousness and myself -- a unique and loved expression as well.

Obscene extravagance, conspicuous consumption, and needless abuses all at the expense of the bulk of humanity and the earth is painful and infuriating to witness, but this too shall pass. Emotional detachment from the horrors and seedy perversions does not equal indifference. One need not crucify one's genuine joy of being, nor would this be of any benefit to anyone. Right action to effect change when possible is laudable and our duty as members of the human race, but accepting the world as it is -- the existence of all aspects-- this is our bittersweet relationship with the suchness of life.

May Peace, Love and Joy be with you all,

John V.

JLOC said...

"I observe the press into outrage and absurdity"

It's pretty sickening. I watch the news for a few minutes every day just to see what they are lying about. I've come to believe if you see it on the news, well then it's not true and if you don't then it probably is.

Anonymous said...

pierre said... (3 glasses and one pizza whilst I gorged on this piece of candy).

a) your best post IMO
b) should I print this out even if to use as toilet paper lest it be googebotted? it is wasted fertile seed in the barren valleys of this society (I hope not)
c) thinking about the discongruity between this almost perfect writings and the less streamlined personality as it comes across (as seen on radio interviews etc) - do us human pricks not bleed?
d) left for the clever programmatic brain - (NULL and VOID for the ghost whisperers to come in).

I hope that is rubbish enough, but stimulated and inspired it was, so thanks again.

Stella Blue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
david griffith said...

error 503 came up - curses.

Never mind - the gist of my comment was
1/ How easy it is to get things wrong
2/ sorry
3/ beautifully expressed post
4/ regardless of how 'very odd' things are, children still need to be nourished, educated and loved while plans are made for a future which may not exist in this present form
5/ thank God for the divine which gets expressed in those around us on a daily basis.

The horse's mouth said...

Longstanding Israeli blacklists target human rights activists. Having them reveals Israeli repressiveness and siege mentality. In an open letter before departing, travelers offered a message is peace. They called for ending Israel's occupation. They expressed support for Palestinian rights.

Netanyahu's government calls this confrontation and attempts to "delegitimiz(e)" Israel.

It shows authorities "don't understand that their refusal to allow the human rights activists (entry to) the West Bank illustrates more than anything the occupation's lack of legitimacy."

Real democracies practice what they preach. They welcome peace activists openly "with flowers" and treat them graciously while there.

Haaretz writer Gideon Levy addressed the issue in his article headlined, "A lack of vision is making Israel a short-term state," saying:

Unresolved "issues remain pending....Nobody can say what this country will look like in 10 years. Some people even doubt that it will exist by then, an issue not raised about any other country."

The horse's mouth said...

Longstanding Israeli blacklists target human rights activists. Having them reveals Israeli repressiveness and siege mentality. In an open letter before departing, travelers offered a message is peace. They called for ending Israel's occupation. They expressed support for Palestinian rights.

Netanyahu's government calls this confrontation and attempts to "delegitimiz(e)" Israel.

It shows authorities "don't understand that their refusal to allow the human rights activists (entry to) the West Bank illustrates more than anything the occupation's lack of legitimacy."

Real democracies practice what they preach. They welcome peace activists openly "with flowers" and treat them graciously while there.

Haaretz writer Gideon Levy addressed the issue in his article headlined, "A lack of vision is making Israel a short-term state," saying:

Unresolved "issues remain pending....Nobody can say what this country will look like in 10 years. Some people even doubt that it will exist by then, an issue not raised about any other country."

Stella Blue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Denny said...

Hi kiddies everywhere..!

The Breivik Pantomime is now being broadcast live (well, apart from whatever it is he has to say) from Norway on Swedish national TV.

All together now....



Equally as entertaining as the Judge Punch and Judy Show.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Stella Blue, that was very nice.

Ray B. said...

Stella Blue, Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:53:00 AM

" see the trees breathe and the tombstone bleed, to cease killing flies, and see the auras of the bees; and have the dragonflies hover and commune, attracted to heightened energy."

To echo 'via Homer': Nice. Thanks!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, OFF OF {from} floor flushing wide boy jerks...the overstepping and over reaching that only amplified hubris of a high order can generate...and then some...dig this chutzpah...ya know what discovery is reinforced daily for me is that telling stooopid people how stooopid they are is a shore fire way of reaping what we sow...

"Ye are the salt of the Earth {heart}.."

amazingly each day brings new incites into the Divine, and then there's the congregation gathered here to share what comes to mind...

antonyms to being salty...vapid, insipid, bland, unsavory ...

Is the ground shaking....

maybe the rocks are screaming


Terrance said...

Hello Visible...Sai Baba once asked the question, How do you get to God?...those gathered in the small group did not answer, so he answered his own question ... Love All Serve All.....

fortwynt said...

"The mind plots without us even engaging it"

that it does...that it does...I find that if I wait long e-nough, I will see you mirror my precise sentiment, and all I have to do is sit and reflect on how amazing a thing it is that there are others who seem to share my thoughts to a precise degree....creepy....

we are not getting better....we are getting worse....not "we" in the personal, but extra-plural of course....the tensions are heating up, the powers are arming themselves against the inevitable coming backlash, and woe unto those poor fools with no opinion caught up in the crossfire.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up-

The Dyslexic, Prophetic and it's Attendant Diametrics.

brokenbeat said...

Greetings All,

My apologies for an exceedingly rich phrase on a late night post -- no excuses for letting my filter down I am visiting family on the space coast of Florida, attended an "intuitive and spontaneous" painting workshop with my amazingly talented sisters, scored a treasure-trove of Fourth Way and other great material at used book prices, expanding my network, learning and sharing.

I am truly blessed to have this virtual meeting space with you great souls sharing your wisdom, insights and experiences. There is always some additional spice here that completes my meals. Thank you all. Great post, Vis.


John V.

Ray B. said...

brokenbeat / John V., Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:22:00 AM

"...scored a treasure-trove of Fourth Way and other great material at used book prices.."

I just got back from a library book sale, to do the same thing (grin). When I went to England, I hit up the used book stores along the way. By the end of the trip, I had a literal suitcase of unusual goodies. I ended up (pre-Sep11) transferring them all into my huge backpack and lugging them through various airports to avoid a hefty overweight fee.

We live in information-rich times. I have probably accumulated more goodie-books than I will ever read in this lifetime. It's a sickness, but a fun one... (grin)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

P.S. To the blogger that lost a posting (and all): I did the same a few weeks back; my fault. I now highlight and 'copy' the post just before going down to the robot section. So, it is in memory if I goof up. Then, after the next screen pops up with confirmation, I paste it into the same little box and leave it until the actual post shows up on Vis' end. Saves me throwing computer parts around the room...

Anonymous said...

of one thing you can be sure:

those who feel the need for things to happen in any particular way ...

have another thing comin'.

Stella Blue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

One major difference I've been experiencing with the corporate criminals is that they are getting sloppier and sloppier-admissions in writing, not being able to retain their wax mannequin soulless selves in business... like they're falling apart with all their destructive greed impulses.

I've known a few people lately who said they tried fluoride based mind meds like pZac and 'at first felt great! best in years! but by the end of the first week felt like MY SOUL WAS OUTSIDE MY BODY!' and with them they 'got so scared they flushed that shit right down the toilet'... so there are a whole lot of people who use these meds who didn't have that experience, didn't get afraid and didn't stop their treatments and flush those insidious meds down the shitter!

I like to believe with all the bizarre behaviors going down everyday now that they are either med or soul related. But amping up the insults to injuries with their mocking laughing scoffing ugly faces as per Vis' words:

"There is a primary task. It is something that is laughed at and disparaged by the clever and quick, who in truth are double thick, with minds like a McDonald's milkshake and hearts composed of carnal dreams that only promise uneasy sleep and nightmare in the wings."

really causes me to stop and ponder what the hell is going on with all these people. The drones of the clones... hahahahah

'minds like a McD's milkshake' lol!

love you,

the gardener

WarmZephyr said...

~Humans: the ancient bait

~Kindov explains the needed wait

~While darkness' minions of hate

~Implode with all their shit


Visible said...

A new Petri dish is up;

Of Helium Heads and New Beachfront Properties.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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