Friday, March 15, 2013

Conscious Precipitation of the Appropriate Desireable.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

The Tarot is a marvelous instrument. You've got a Major Arcana card for every archetype you can think of and a Minor Arcana card for every condition and human personality going. I'm not totally sure about that last reference since, technically there are 3 decanates in each astrological sign that encompass the full gamut of representative personalities.

We live in a time of fear and instant resentments. People have lost their confidence in their invisible means of true support and they are bitter and recriminatory toward those who have done the work when they have made scant effort and believe that all desirable states should simply be conferred upon them. We live in an age of cavalier critiques, where all of our judgments and assessments are about others and seldom does the focus turn to ourselves. Somehow we have become immune to the contemplation of our own flaws and have become efficient at rising above the consideration of our own shortcomings, by always having our attention on the shortcomings of others.

The majority of us bemoan the lack of what we consider the good things in life and are acrimonious about the possession of these things by the worst examples among us. We tell ourselves we would never behave with such a selfish acquisitiveness, in the pursuit of these things, at the expense of everyone else around us. What we forget, or simply don't know, is that there is more than one way to court prosperity into our lives. Of course, Job One is defining what composes prosperity, in our particular case in the first place. Too often we confuse what we want with what others have and every personality, in it's own sphere of existence, defines these things differently. Ergo, knowing what it is that you really want and what it is that would complete you, in those empty corners of your existence, is the most important thing.

This is why reliance is stressed to me in all my communications with the invisible. The invisible knows my needs and necessities better than I ever will. This is a hard thing to get our heads around. Regardless of our awareness that this is true and has been stated many times by many teachers of humanity, there is a part of us that thinks we know better and we don't. We never will either.

In this posting, I want to talk about one of the methods of manifestation that is practiced by those masters of the form, in all cases when they seek to bring something into existence. It's called precipitation. The only difference between our practice of it and the practice of it by a master is the speed of appearance. There are some, perambulating around the planet at this very moment who can get result instantaneously. They exist in that rarefied state, where the interplay between themselves, Nature and the hidden cosmos is without stress, strain or doubt.

The Tarot teaches us the means and method of this process. Let us consider the four suits of the Minor Arcana; Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Wands represent the element 'fire' and the realm of ideas. Cups represent the element of 'water' , the creative realm, the area where blueprints are drawn up to express what the ideas suggest. With any idea there are all sorts of possibilities of expression and shape that might come about. Swords represent the element 'air' and the formative realm, the area of processes, where construction of the item is brought about, such as in a workshop, or a factory. Pentacles represent the element 'earth' and the actual, finished item in its completed state.

So, to illustrate what I mean, think of the idea of laying down and sleeping. That would be the area of Wands and ideas. This is followed by the images of all kinds of beds that would apply to the process of laying down and sleeping. That would be Cups and the Creative plane. Next would be the physical acts of cutting the wood, or whatever components you would be shaping and forming to construct the bed. This would be the formative plane. Finally, you would have the bed itself and that would be the material plane of Pentacles.

Of course, sometimes the item is already constructed and waiting for you but the steps do not change. They simply present themselves differently. The method is 'the same thing only different' (grin). These planes where precipitation takes place are called; Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah. These are kabalistic terms and in some cases, the mind of the reader will instantly react, given that the Kabala has been perverted and distorted; reversed actually, by some really bad actors. This does not make the Kabala, or any other ancient system evil, simply because it has been subverted and turned to evil intent by Satanic practitioners. A hammer that is used to bash in someone's skull is still a hammer, a useful tool in the hands of a workman, who applies it to it's normal and natural use.

The source of various ancient things is not necessarily what we have been led to believe by those who co-opted it for their own purposes. For instance, there is a good argument for the Hebrew alphabet having been taken from the Chaldean flame alphabet. Much has been lost to us from antiquity, due to those who have sought to obfuscate history in order to rewrite it in their favor. We have seen some monstrous examples of this over the last century. The burning of the Library at Alexandria, accounted for the loss of many precious records, which have now been supplanted by fabrications and speculation. For those of us given access to The Akashic Records, the truth is still accessible and always will be. We carry many things within us of which we are unaware because we just don't look in those directions. That is why Gnothi Seuton is of such critical importance. That is why, “I don't know” is of such importance. It doesn't mean you don't know across the board. What it means is, that the one who does know can inform you of what is. This is also why 'everything is under control' and 'for the purpose of demonstration' are so critical to our understanding of the life process.

Life is very rarely smooth sailing. The planets are always in a state of continuous adjustment, presenting the forces and conditions we must live through, in order to become what we really are. Friendships are based on what people are willing to go through in respect of each other. Friendships are tested in the crucible of experience, out of this, trust is established or destroyed. No one needs the kind of friends who are fair weather sailors. Sometimes things go well and sometimes they do not. The latter comes about to flush out those individuals and things that are not enduring and meaningful. Life is full of presumptions and misunderstandings and those prone to operating out of these aspects, are certain to be be led astray by their own lack of sincerity and control over themselves. It's a given. Inevitably what is, will assert itself ...but it generally waits until each and every one of us have established ourselves in whatever position we find preferential. Following that, the truth will make an appearance to the delight or dismay of the players. It's a given.

If there is anything in this world or any world that you desire, you have to creatively imagine it, while residing in a state of total reliance, or as much reliance as you can muster. Everything you sincerely desire is already a reality on the invisible planes and possibly also already in manifestation. “Desire is the agent of God's will”. If the deeper regions of your heart are in search of someone to love, a home, an occupation, or anything, you only have to consciously engage in allowing the operation of precipitation to acquire these or anything, anything, anything at all. For this you have to have certitude. You have to be absolutely convinced of it coming to pass. This firmly links you up with the one who is absolutely capable of making it come to pass. You can't waffle and entertain doubt concerning it. This is the difference between the people who get results and those who don't. There isn't a great deal more to it. Those who complicate the matter, complicate the process. Neurosis, psychosis, compulsion and obsession are all pathologies that inhibit our success. These are expressions of personal insecurity.

Insisting that something is so, when it is not, puts you at the mercy of it. In these times, the mass of humanity believes all sorts of ridiculous lies; 9/11, terrorism, all those wars against middle eastern countries. The list is long and I have given only a few brief examples. Most of the readers are already familiar with the mass and magnitude of the lies. In any case, everyone is welcome to what they believe and they will be liberated or confined, according to what they have accepted as true. Nothing that we say or do is without consequence, either good or bad. It may not catch up with us immediately but it will catch up with us, once the stage has been set for it.

Let's bring it to a close now and I'll see you in the next posting if there is one.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: I Love You by Les Visible♫ I Love You ♫
Lyrics (pops up)

There will be a radio show this weekend.


Sim said...

Today's song, Vis; I indulged myself and chose it for you (oh alright, maybe partly for my other dog Charlie; and for one nameless other).

Anyway, remember that, and I hope it counters some of that nasty stuff you've been having to put up with lately.

Visible said...

You know Sim, I pay next to no attention to any of that. I know what motivates them and I know what's what in any case, concerning any of it far better than they do. They're just setting themselves up for unpleasant experiences. My only concern is being right with my invisible friends and that is near optimum.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

'Theory Of The Leisure Class' should be required reading, and maybe people can get out of the programmed acquisitiveness installed by not only our society, but in many cases our idiotic parents that follow these stupid traditions that do nothing but entrap us in the mundane and keep us behind in things that matter. I personally consider knowledge, personal sovereignty and discretionary time the most precious items to have access to. And because of what I do know, I don't play the stupid games of the majority, am about as obligation-free as one can get, and am not concerned about 'what if I'm nuked tomorrow', because I know it doesn't matter. If you aren't here, you're somewhere else; and what you experience here was preplanned by you before you were born, so what of it?

I will also say this is my last time a round. Man, I wonder how many lives it took for me to 'detox' from the addictions of this realm. It's an ego thing, I guess. Oh, I still have one big time; but let's just say it's been redirected to where very few egos go. (It was tempting to say 'where no ego has gone before', but I'm pretty sure that's not true.)

Anonymous said...

a mans got to know his limitations..

or the John Belushi guide to playing chess with a samurai sword.

curiously, those that insist that everyone must play by the rules.. never play by the rules...

why is that Martha ?

CUE : hidden messages hidden in guy said one time...

"seek and ye shall find"...
and another guy said you gotta to know when to fold them...
and know when to run...

Ceaser missed that last one.

oh well.


Visible said...

Good comments and links.

Love to Push those Buttons, you summed up my own priorities pretty well. Along with those I will add, love having the freedom to be alone and have my time freed up to do exactly what I am motivated to do and not, as with so many others, forced into routines that I have convinced myself I have to perform to survive. My survival comes out of one thing and is also not dependent on my being here.

I love being able to be who I am until that translates into an even more complete version and being able to not care what anyone thinks; Caring about that is one of the cardinal pillars of self imprisonment.

I love being able to be unattached to anyone or anything, no matter how long they've been around because all of what they are resonates with the same thing in me, so I need not be concerned with comings or goings. The divine has my life sectioned into chapters and nothing begins and ends because of unfortunate circumstances, or contains even one wit of acrimony. It's all just a part of the whole and you can't have a new condition until the old one has been resolved and redefined. Change is the cornerstone of eternity.

Copernicus Kidd said...

Good songsmithing and wordcrafting Vis! You are the co-pilot of Apocalypse Cruise Lines - Full Speed AHEAD - Love

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Well, I also serve the Divine, though I do it through a couple of Its 'committee', or as you call them, your invisible friends. (I got 'adopted' by one when I tried to kill myself in 1977. I almost succeeded, but 'it' never left me. I ended up with a few more guides, since they all work together. I was driven to some crazy extremes in my life for it, but what a life's 'résumé' I have for it despite the fact I will leave this planet in obscurity. I like it that way.)

Acknowledging them does come in handy, I must say. They do help you remember what's important, and they keep you from being a waste of oxygen; which so much of humanity appears to be. They also help keep you on the right side of history and drive you to leave a lot of stuff in that Akashic Library (despite the fact it's already there, has always been there, and will always be there, but you know what I mean). I wouldn't want to live or die without them.

Anonymous said...

that's why you don't have to travel to outer space to know Sarah Palin is a dingbat..

did anyone else happen to notice a pattern of people getting cancer and passing like Elizabeth Montgomery after she did the Panama Deception...

Gilda Radner...Russell Means,
Doug Christie, Hugo Chavez....

why is that BIBI ?

{you sexy thing playing in background while Obama plane lands}

gives warm & fuzzy a new meaning

also, you know like dudettes who don't study history are doomed to repeat the same lines ...over and over...or when No means...maybe ?


Laura said...

"The divine has my life sectioned into chapters and nothing begins and ends because of unfortunate circumstances, or contains even one wit of acrimony. It's all just a part of the whole and you can't have a new condition until the old one has been resolved and redefined. Change is the cornerstone of eternity."

I call them pulses within pulses, as my life has unfolded. I am ending one now.....job, home, area of residence, and beginning anew. I like what you said, Vis.

On another note, what I observe in the collective is the monumental judgment people hold within and spew without about any manner of things. So much of life is trashed and degraded and people want out. There isn't much of the positive that is brought forth, and it's only perception and viewpoint that changes anything in one's life, or keeps one mired in the mud, depending on where one is focused.

I don't know what I don't know, and that changes, but I do know why I am here, in service to the divine, and I do my best not to trash being here for that reason. It's not a punishment but an opportunity to make the difference to turn the tide in one's own realm of experience. Human consciousness is only changed by humans within its sphere. I am choosing to light it up rather than darken the passage through.

With love, in grace ~

Whos a Khazarian? said...

DNA Research Confirms That Modern Khazarian "Jews" Are Not the Descendants of Ancient Isrealites or The Seed of Abraham

"There is only one problem. And it is a huge one. Science proves those who call themselves “Jews” are not Jews! DNA Science has confounded the Christian evangelicals by proving conclusively that most of the people in the nation of Israel and in World Jewry are not the descendants of Abraham."

Those who call themselves Jews but who are not, they are the synagogue od Satan. - Jesus Christ

Those living today who profess to be “Jews” are not of the ancient Israelites, and they are not the seed of Abraham. In fact, the new DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the “Jews!”

The Cosmic Player said...

"These planes where precipitation takes place are called; Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah" And let us not forget about the dreaded Klipoth.:(

Jody Paulson said...

Great post, Visible. You know, one of my pet peeves lately has been how quick people have been to judge others because they come from such-and-such a tradition so they must be Satanists. Yes, a lot of esoterically knowledgeable people have been used by Satanists, but that doesn't make them evil themselves. Awareness is key.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all that you do.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh... That is my overall reaction to your wonderful post today. I have been consulting tarot for some guidance into my situation and had been a little worried about using it, though every time I do,I ask the divine for guidance. Your wise words today have reinforced what I have been feeling lately, that there is nothing wrong with the tool used if the intent is good. Thank you, Visible.

Stephen Smith said...

I have never posted here but follow the links from tense. It's funny but just a couple of days ago, your blog came to my mind. This article might be your best yet. It completely resonated with me. Keep up your path of light. You provide a spark to many. Love and light. Steve.

Anonymous said...

I also want to thank you for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

I love to listen to your songs. I love more if you love to link to lyrics.
I hope it's not too much to ask.

Visible said...

The lyrics used to accompany the songs but of late I have not seen them.


And... I've been getting some amount (small and infrequent and all by the same person) trying to pull my chain about my living situation. Once again you make me laugh. Everything is harmonious and smooth here and has been. My reasons for heading off of into the blue have nothing to do with strife or discord in the home. I operate according to inner promptings and they are strongly indicative of a dramatic sea change in my circumstance.

You may be sure that the friendship and support at this end is deep and abiding. Quite simply there are things I cannot do here and it is basically about living in this country more than anything else, where I am unable to get anything done.

One word of advice to the sniping little ferret with malice in his heart, if you're going to attempt to mask your identity and appear as more than one person, you really ought to vary the syntax and presentation. You transparently reveal yourself with every comment to be the same person.

Try to be a little creative. It's depressing for me that those consumed by envy and spite are of such a low order of ability. It makes me think I can't attract any quality opposition. Hopefully you can imagine how this makes me feel.

Sim said...

Lyrics did go missing awhile but they are now up on the song on this post, and they will be made available elsewhere both on past and future posts.

Visible said...

You are a jewel Sim!

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Reversing your Course on The River of no Return.

DaveS said...

This is another great one. I love your Origamis as they really get to the heart of our matter. Peace to you most visible and also much respect to you to.


Boulderdash said...

"If there is anything in this world or any world that you desire, you have to creatively imagine it, while residing in a state of total reliance, or as much reliance as you can muster. Everything you sincerely desire is already a reality on the invisible planes and possibly also already in manifestation. “Desire is the agent of God's will”. If the deeper regions of your heart are in search of someone to love, a home, an occupation, or anything, you only have to consciously engage in allowing the operation of precipitation to acquire these or anything, anything, anything at all. For this you have to have certitude. You have to be absolutely convinced of it coming to pass. This firmly links you up with the one who is absolutely capable of making it come to pass. You can't waffle and entertain doubt concerning it. This is the difference between the people who get results and those who don't. There isn't a great deal more to it. Those who complicate the matter, complicate the process. Neurosis, psychosis, compulsion and obsession are all pathologies that inhibit our success. These are expressions of personal insecurity."

This reminded me of a famous quote often attributed to Goethe but is actually by william Hutchinson Murray...

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back.

Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth,

the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:

that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.

A whole stream of events issues from the decision,

raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance,

which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

Begin it now."

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

I can see the upgrade in effect here.
I am tempted to add the usual cautions for going "over to the other side", but the key is applicability to the individual situation , and common sense and well intentedness, and different strokes. mine seems to be long and sure, a big heavy boat, and this bug up my arse that I think I am coming to "know".

More mundanely, if the greatest bugs are not particularlyu Jewish in the biblical sense, they are nominally and they were when jesus was doing his rounds, so same old same old.
And I was surprised the other day you said Judaism is a Satanic religion (I listened to a Dr Bill Deagle who says this a lot, but he makes the distinction between the Torah Jews, who will follow Moses laws, and the Talmudic Jews, who are indeed Satanic and not particularly religious (the presence of some of those things in the Talmud is in itself prime evidence, surely). And I have incorporated your anti-wholesaling caution (Henry Ford was good on this, though, or perhaps additionally, he was friends with the Morgans) , so what gives? Are there not good Jewish religionists and not a good angle on Judaism?. As always I am keeping an eye on my own logs in judging (decribing) anything. that, a conscience and application of prudential insurance, ' of course, is the key (short of inhibiting and false doubts).

Anonymous said...


once you figure out what you really want
put the blinders on and don't let anything
ever get in your way, obviate any other
possible outcome + manifest your destiny

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Talking 'bout the Spawn of Satan that moves Among Us.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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