Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
(gag!!! manufactured sick making hysteria; never a better time for some of that old time SIDS. Quick now! What's Queen Elizabeth's last name? What's Prince William's last name? Don't know do you? Of course, you probably don't even know Prince's last name, first name or any of his present names do you? Who cares? Of course, the world would miss Prince a lot more than it would miss these vacuous, two dimensional, cardboard cutouts, who need a French Revolution redux- England style-, like we need air to breathe.)
Limping into Origami, like Gloucester in flight from Cornwall. What a horror it would have been to have been Gloucester or Lear; 'Tis the time's plague when madmen lead the blind. Do as I bid thee, or rather do thy pleasure'. Speaking of astrology and most other things, Edmund said it best- "This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune,--often the surfeit of our own behavior,--we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and the stars: as if we were villains by necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion; knaves, thieves, and treachers, by spherical predominance; drunkards, liars, and adulterers, by an enforced obedience of planetary influence; and all that we are evil in, by a divine thrusting on: an admirable evasion of whoremaster man, to lay his goatish disposition to the charge of a star!" Oh yeah!
I try to lay the ills of my existence at my own doorstep but sometimes I really do believe I've got precious little to say about it all. I don't like to entertain the idea that I've got nothing to say about it at any time, ever. It may be true but I don't want to believe it. I wonder if that is an unfortunate and terminal fault, or just the byproduct of an irrepressible imagination, with too much optimism in it's tank. One would have to say that almost any optimism, is too much, in a world that suffers pompous and hideously vain playing cards like the British Royal Family or... any royal family for that matter. “I would rather spend the afternoon in a Turkish bath with my mother, than an afternoon with the dentist”. I think Gilbert said that. I would rather spend an afternoon at the dentist, rather than to hear about the British Royal family for five minutes. I said that.
Well, I'd better stay away from the classical references, after all, these days an education is no longer an education but rather the diminution of one, under the pretense of the acquisition of one. Of course, these days, nearly everything is a pretense and a manifested offense, against good sense and good taste, with all that made us noble gone to waste. Since I have just watched, “Topsy Turvy”, perhaps I can be forgiven for bringing up Gilbert and Sullivan at all. I'd be better served with a wider audience, if I were to discuss 'the reflective rancescense of raptorial retards, in the rebarbative rebullition of Milli and Vanilli, by way of West (what a loathsome no talent dung slug; proof positive that all this exposure is manufactured to make us dumber than we already are) and Kardashian'. I think I'll make that the title of my doctoral thesis. I can see it now, Doctor Visible, D.D.S. (doctor of dick shit), I truly regret the loss of an informed population, even an informed partial population, when there is any number of people, where the pure enjoyment of information and intelligent opinion, is preeminent over vanity and pseudo-intellectualism.
I love the conversation between Gilbert and his wife, when we see the genesis of one of the greatest works of art that I have ever had the fulsome pleasure to experience in “The Mikado” as dramatized in Topsy Turvy (though critics pan that version, being the anal purists that they are, if you get the digital remastering, you are in for a treat). For well over a year, every week during my rides from Woodstock to the Poughkeepsie train station, on my way to NYC and then back again and then for months before and after that period, I listened to it every day.
Why am I bringing this up? These can be depressing and heartbreaking times. We move from disappointment to disappointment, in the world and in ourselves; not all of us, to be sure. Some of us have charmed lives but... as the poet once said, “The world is too much with us”. Still, for many of us, the tedium and lethargy of our peers and the world we are collectively forced to inhabit, except for those of us who have accomplished the magical state of living in a world of our own creation... for better, rather than for worse (depending on whether you are married or not; KIDDING!), it can be trying and challenging to hold it together and walk on the sunny side of the street, cause ♫when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you ...but when you're crying, you bring on the rain♫ etc. Of course, there is almost never a time when the whole world smiles with you but... It's the thought that counts. Like the cat that drops in and says, “You know I was thinking of getting you X for your birthday” but they didn't get it because, for them, the currency was in the thought and the hope that you would feel just as replete as if they actually had gotten the gift, which they did not, then or ever. We've all got friends like that and we call them friends, probably because we don't have all that many friends to begin with (grin). ♫Always look on the bright side of life♫
Anyway, things like the Mikado, Monty Python (Eric Idle did a version of The Mikado, by the way), Fawlty Towers, revisiting Lucille Ball (reading the Monkey Wrench Gang again- or even better, for the first time) or anything you can think of that once brought a smile to your face, is a good idea when a smile is hard to come by, in the face of a frown on the countenance of life. As far as the Monkey Wrench Gang goes and... Edward being dead and... it being a free download at various places, where I don't feel like going through the changes to register to get it, I don't feel bad about mentioning a link like this in passing; of course, this is only for the purposes of information, observation and novelty purposes and in no way a recommendation to take advantage of it. I already own my own purchased copy; one of many that have come and gone. If you've read the book, then you know why this has yet to come to the screen. It's for the same reason that this film has yet to arrive also. Think about it.
Never forget. Keep it uppermost in your mind that the Screwed (blued and tattooed) Meanies know that two of their biggest weapons, are for us to have bad weather in our hearts and heads and to be misinformed about as much as it is possible for us to be misinformed about. The latter invariably will lead to some version of the former and the former will invariably lead to a capacity and predisposition for the latter. It's all a kind of 'fuck you math' where, things don't add up, for the purpose of your discomfort.
Considering all that has been said so far, it behooves one to understand the magical effect and the beauty of doing something for someone else and how that reflects and acts back upon you. Along with this come the capacity to think of the good of all (that are good or can be motivated to be), as being the best way to manifest the most good for yourself. I have tried to convey the extreme importance of having the right mind set at all times ...because everything originates in the mind, on it's way to the manifest. Everything originates in the mind on it's way to the manifest. Yeah, right. Right.
One needs but to consider the content of books like, the “Power of Positive Thinking”, the works of Dale Carnegie, Joel S. Goldsmith, Ernest Holmes, Joseph Murphy and others. Some number of names which you might expect to be listed here, I have left out because I consider them to be frauds and opportunists like E. Tolle, Louise B Hays and any number of new age hucksters I can think of; keeping in mind that you are welcome to form your own opinion and keeping in mind, I can well prove my case at the same time. I must admit, I have a rather harsh opinion of snatch and grab, money junkies, stuffing their pockets under false pretenses, flooding the airwaves and byways, with stupor inducing regurgitation’s of things better and more powerfully said already by others, which are rephrased and then offered as original ...but which are so poorly camouflaged that anyone aware of the originals, can easily spot the despicable plagiarisms and... also keeping in mind that the original phrase-makers did not make walking out of lecture halls with large bags of money, their greatest priority ...and this predisposition, causes a near nauseous contempt to rise up from the nether regions of my digestive system, when it is not already on it's way toward a basso profundo and well deserved, critical statement, given from the other end of the system.
Once we get into the habit of wishing each other well, with the dawn of every day and holding that thought in 'our' minds, at the descent of sleep upon our minds, at the close of each, we shall find some great changes, coming about in a regular fashion in our lives. We are also free to disregard this, as we are free to disregard anything at any time. The world is what it is because of what we are. We are what we are ...because of our willingness or unwillingness, to go along with what the crowd has been seduced into believing, at the hands of the monsters who have accomplished it. One has only to look at the horrible ways so many of them are caused to suffer and die ...because of them. One has only to look and see, as opposed to looking and then having what they see interpreted for them. Only a fool believes there is safety in a crowd. These are the ones that compose the mob, when the mob comes about, out of thin air, unexpected by any and all, who make up the flames and cinders of that conflagration of madness, when it comes with all of it's predictable and painfully sad results the aftermath.
Let's leave it at that for the moment, both what has been said and what remains unsaid.
End Transmission.......
'Party, Party' is track no. 4 of 12 on Visible and The Critical List's 1992 album
'Not Politically Correct'

just watched Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" again last night, Robert de Niro packs a monkey wrench with gusto, great movie ...28 years on and just as appropriate, whistleblowers and all, too funny
Viz, some of us do have charmed lives. But even the lucky among us will get old and lose their good health. They will have to say goodbye to loved ones which is very painful for anyone.
Nietzsche and Tolstoy, to name a couple, were convinced that there was no such thing as free choice. That may be true. We can't choose where we are born, who are parents are, what schools we go to, our basic temperment and personality or physical attributes nor the aptitudes we might bear.
excellent words -- i might add that i always search out the earlier books published pre-1980 (my rough cut off point) when intelligent people with information they wanted to share sat down and wrote books for a nominal payment as opposed to post - 1980 when the same material was often 'taken' , re-packaged, and marketed so the writers could become celebrity oprah picks making big bucks. it's just my own personal timeline....but i continue to use it as marker. i almost always found the best books for a few dollars in the used Bodhi Tree store next door to the 'new' Bodhi store with gleaming copies, autographed! -- but then -- both stores closed at their melrose location in los angeles. too much hassle for aging owners in high density area. fortunately, i had managed to gather quite a library of rarities.....
liz in l.a.
West and Kardashian are the Tribe's way of testing how low the bar can be set;
" If this is popular and being consumed, then we can proceed with X ", etc.
FLOTUS ✔ @FLOTUS To the rim!
Guess who this is?
George Zimmerman, The Good Samaritan (came out of hiding to rescue a family in a car crash)
Robert Zimmerman, Jr. on Monday posted on his Twitter account about his brother's actions: "George saw a need, he acted. Our parents taught us to help, never to boast. Humility is George's finest trait."
I need to calm down and go read your post now, Visible....
"Let It Slip", a musical parody, based on the song, "Let It Whip", by Reggie Andrews and Leon "Ndugu" Chancler, made popular by Dazz Band.
Wanna hear you slip it
Set the record right
Give us just a little of your time tonight
We all are here to fuck our minds
So let it slip
We know you're into blabbin'
Love your constant motion
Runnin' from the NSA
Flyin' 'cross the ocean
We all are here to fuck our minds
So let it slip
So let it slip
Slip it Snowden
Let's slip it right
Slip it Snowden
Let it slip all night
You're such a twit
Oh, no, child - c'mon
It's all bullshit
We know you're still an agent
Playing out a part
Acting like a truther
With malice in your heart
We all are here to fuck our minds
So let it slip
Your bullshit has no ceiling
Nothing you're revealing
Will compromise security
Your presence is the proof to me
'cause you'd be dead, if you went rogue
So let it slip
So let it slip
Slip it Snowden
Let's slip it right
Slip it Snowden
Let it slip all night
You're such a twit
Oh, no, child - c'mon
It's all bullshit
There's no time to lose
They're watching all our moves
They're tapping all our calls
They've got us by the balls
Did you hear that click? -
I think you are a dick
I sense something bovine
In you - yes I do
So let it slip
Slip it Snowden
Let's slip it right
Slip it Snowden
Let it slip all night
You're such a twit
Oh, no, child - c'mon
It's all bullshit
There's no time to lose
They're watching all our moves
They're tapping all our calls
They've got us by the balls
Did you hear that click? -
I think you are a dick
I sense something bovine
In you - yes I do
So let it slip
Slip it Snowden
Let's slip it right
Slip it Snowden
Let it slip all night
You're such a twit
Oh, no, child - c'mon
It's all bullshit
So let it slip
(Repeat, fade, end.)
Vis: "It's for the same reason that this film has yet to arrive also. Think about it."
My favorite yet-to-be-done film is from the SF world: The "Lensman" series by E.E. Doc" Smith. The fact that this series has to do with the long-term 'taking down' of a truly bad-guy species (using developing human ESP-ish powers -gasp-) which has been enslaving the human race for millennia has nothing to do with its being 'ignored', of course...
On a completely different subject:
Vis, I believe that I had a 'visit' from you last night (early Tuesday morning PST). I was very aware of Your presence, not one of your 'helpers'. We yakked some, and I also introduced you to some of my 'friends'. I was wide awake for this; it was not a dream.
Any thoughts or comments?
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
HI Ray;
Well, that is interesting given that I had some very lucid and heightened exchanges with unidentified personnel and old girlfriend and others who, by now, I do not remember.
Well, this moment I am off to the bunkhouse again. Let's see what happens this evening.
hysterical Goy!!!! had to listen to the original to get my juices UP!!!
ahhhhliz the used Bodhi Tree store...loved it-I was in that area in the early/mid 80s a lot-probably shoulder to shoulder in there at some point <3
It seems it got dark 85ish...87... I have an obsessive urge to know WHEN the shift to dark side happened. There was a lot of weird crap going on in the first few years of Reagan's run but it all petered out and was just filed in 'memory hole, try later' division... "go into lake with 30 foot breathing straws" for civil defense? remember that weird crap??
we'd all laugh and say "wtf?" before wtf even existed. lol
Always those earnest pinhead types sharing the words of wisdom.
Around Chernobyl times... Krishnamurti died the year we had a hellish fire surrounding our town-ring of literal fire. Burned up the mountains so bad... everyone in terrified horror. Then it seemed like the magic just...left. All the cool people bailed to be replaced by cheap copies from Santa Monica etc.
working it tonight
the gardener
Before I read the other comments I just want to say how terribly authentic YOU ARE. Wonderfully, terribly REAL. The way you strip down your words to the raw meat...the use of perfectly rare words to cut down the dead wood. I love it. And yes to the oft reissued reminder that we live in a magickal mystery world where we are the wizards of destiny dancing toward our crucifixions. Enjoy the tour and don't ever look back in regret because with all your human faults, ye are gods. I always knew that my hatred of evil was stronger and more noble than my love of good. So be it. Chipster
Please; no SIDS for the little royal turd. True, it would spawn months of distraction via MSM, and they love that. A massive fund raising campaign for SIDS would surely be in order.
I feel sorry for the little guy, growing up among such filth. O'well, but for the grace of the Divine, I might be there. My mum used to tell me that prince charlie looked alot like me, but I'm glad he got what he got, and I got what I got.
Be well, all, Rob
royal family name is originally saxe-coburg gothe, renamed windsor to hide the origins of the family in 1917... true blue bloods
On fire brother, I can tell. :0
Money - The Abstraction that Ensnares
We use money to make it easier to buy and sell, but when money becomes the commodity...there's a problem.
I'm not fond of Henry for obvious reasons, but this one is golden. I keep it handy (hard copy) to refer to.
funny thing, ziotroll hasbara sayanim will appeal to your vanity to manipulate you ... but when they fail theyll call you a narcissist
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
An Off the Rack Lawsuit from Lipshits, Dewey, Cheatem and Howe.
LV, Monkey Wrench Gang was a groundbreaker. Abbey came as close as one could to naming the solution, and more people are seeing that this solution applies to other problems.
Abbey distrusted Mormons deeply. And I wonder why this new super NSA place was built in Utah? Maybe the Mormons still have their Angels assassination team, which Brigham Young used to deploy against his personal enemies. And maybe the Angels are on call to the Feds. And more deeply, is the so-called Mormon population an extra firewall of protection for that facility? In the 1850's Young’s LDS republic, “Deseret”, didn’t want to be part of the U.S. But Washington sent out an army and Young cut a deal. Is that deal a special relationship with the Feds? If LDS wants to keep its enormous tax advantages with the Tribe owned IRS, you bet.
Hayduke Lives! is a great read also.
You mentioned the mob. I just finished Jack London's The Scarlet Plague, an outstanding analysis of social breakdown. The scene is San Francisco Bay. I came away with a better understanding of mobs and what to expect if breakdown comes.
wow David/Baltimore... I heard it lately that, yes, the Avenging Angels still exist from a good source.
And 'Deseret' does exist right now-just known as "Mormon corridor" -there is a theocracy that gives the taliban a run for its money existing right now-so discreet, covered and protected nobody knows about it... because they terrify those who protest the abuses too much.
They are so deeply embedded in the gov that I do think they are a gov org v a church org.
Noticed that they just can't seem to get enough of everyone else's info-so THE data collection center being in UT is a natural... they probably get first pickings for the lists to be preyed upon financially. And have the largest DNA collection in the world-vaulted in SLC due to their being behind every single genealogy site in existence. Why so interested in how and who or what the majority is doing or related to? ? ?
BUT did a good read about 'utah cops gone wild' in West Valley and it appears that brakes are being put down... the internet... the great equalizer-stupid fooks don't seem to get it but not everyone is as stupid as the soulless ones are.
the gardener
Thanks David for that turn on to a great read
and the 'scarlet plague' came in the year 2013!!! published in 1912. I think often of London's 'star rover' and it's here for free reading too.
helpful to know if you ever get thrown into solitaire in prison. ya know?
the gardener
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Mr. Apocalypse beats with his Walking Stick around the Burning Bushes.
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