Saturday, November 16, 2013

A World beyond Lawyers and Vampire Banks.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

It's the fifteenth today. I don't know why I'm counting the dates all of a sudden; something to do? Nah... I'm expecting something and hoping against it, hoping that talking about and dramatizing it will militate against it. Their hatred of Iran, well... of all things human really. That new Iranian president has put coals of fire on their heads, due to his suave ways. They're having fits as their hope for bloody and gruesome war seems to be slipping though their fingers. It's an odd affair. The people who shouldn't be in charge are continuously harried and hassled by the ones who absolutely should not be in charge but... as usual, all you have to do is follow the money. In this case it's all about juicy munitions contracts for the French.

The leaders of the western powers know they're in trouble. Sure, they got all those cops and soldiers and that fancy crowd control apparati; Robo-Cop outfits, modern day Kendo warriors with metal body armour and stun batons; big hulking thugs, with BB shot testicles and incontinent rage, steroidosaurs lumbering through the concrete jungles, pumped up and... pissed off; at what? Well, anything really, anything at all. They want to cause pain, at least kill a dog. They want to cause lasting pain that will drum out the pain inside them, which pierces their guts with red hot skewers. Someone is twisting and turning those skewers.

The five + one were right there at the victory line when Nemesis cornholed the frog with threats and promises. What a spectacle of greed and fear, hot oil and semi-liquefied shit-mud wrestling for supremacy. Will fear win out? Will greed win out? Does it matter?

Look how completely they have shut down any opening for the sane and informed among us to speak out in any public manner. Those chosen by the higher muses to sing and speak and act in humanities interest have been silenced and stopped. In their place , strange oracles for trivia, violence and sex freak action have appeared in the way orcs were fashioned as a perversion of elves. All mainstream avenues for social and artistic communication have been closed off. Were it not for the internet it would be near total. The only moral (hypocrite) guidance counsellors visible, are Big Hair, Christian Zionist preachers buggering the minds of their flocks and kiddiebanger priests, buggering both their minds and their asses. They are supplemented by the Satanic New Agers with bags of cash in their hands.

From co-opted 12 step programs to Scientology, people are being restrained or rerouted into self interest scenarios; talking all about taking care of number one before you worry about taking care of anyone else. Meanwhile, slowly, near unnoticeably; the jobs went away, the manufacturing left town, the housing market tanked, the utilities costs went up, the health care costs became engines of bankruptcy, social services got squeezed or went MIA. Law enforcement mutated into an old school Soviet style of some kind of occupying army. Poisonous pharmaceuticals are coursing through the nation's bloodstream and water supply, the skies are poisoned, the oceans are poisoned. As the anti-depressants fail to counter life's appearances and desperation sets in, followed by a collective descent into the dark lands of alcohol and dream powders, the crackling of atmospheric electricity and the smell of ozone blankets the landscape. People walk quickly, looking straight ahead. Ubiquitous and epidemic crime is a given as the basic needs can no longer be met and... you think this is going to turn out well? It might, depending on the cosmos and a few imponderables but... otherwise... look out.

The bad guys have been aware of this coming for a long time. Heck, they've been causing it. You combine their intents and interests with a collective murk of ignorance, material obsessions and apathy and you got a perfect storm of looming possibilities. Well, they been looming for a long while of late (if that makes sense).

I had a very strange dream this early morning. There were all kinds of symbolic happenings but I'll leave the bulk of them out, given the possibility of trolls lurking in the underbrush. I was with my oldest best friend, Billy. We were sitting at a rustic, dark natural wood table, in a cafe, bordered by shrubbery on one side. Billy had been trying to get me to share a joint with him. I'd told him I didn't much like pot and would prefer something different. So, we were having something to drink and I suspect we were in Hawaii. I heard something moving behind me. I turned and saw a parakeet, larger by half than any parakeet I'd ever seen before. It had a metal collar and maybe one around a leg as well. Obviously it had belonged to someone. It drew close to me and I extended my hand in a wary fashion, knowing such creatures can bite but he had no intention of that. I stroked his hard bill that seemed wider than a parakeets while I was doing. I extended my arm, so as to indicate he should climb on. For a moment it looked like he might and then... he shook his head and said, “No, I don't do that anymore.

I don't know if Billy heard what the parakeet said, I don't think so. He said, “grab it, it's someone’s bird and they probably paid a lot of money for it.” I replied, “No, let him go. He's a free creature now.” the bird acknowledged that in some fashion, I don't remember how now and then it flew away. The whole series of dream sequences was suffused with meaning. I'd been asking for that very thing to happen for some months now. Slowly that has been coming around. It's pretty much on pace with all of the things in the world that keep dancing back and forth on the edge but don't manage to fall down into manifestation, at least so far.

Thanksgiving is coming up and so is Christmas. Certain Satanic holidays, disguised as religious holidays from a very old tradition, given to the worship of demons, under the guise of a deity are also coming up. Blood sacrifices are called for. One of these days, if they keep getting their way, they'll be having child sacrifices on the White House lawn to the tune of something tuneless and profane from 2LiveCrew or Gorgoroth (check them out on youtube). Hmm.... ♫cover that girl in chocolate syrup and make her do a nasty on the white house lawn♫ The pornography of violence, or the pornography of timeless process? They'd prefer the first but they'll take the second while they wait.

The porno is everywhere; bulletproof vests for attack dogs, while the thug cops kill the family dog and family members too, given the opportunity.

There can be no question about whether the mass of humanity is walking around in a trance or not. Their inability to see what is happening in front of them and to them is mindblowing; for the most part. Humanity is given to interests I have no interest in, like #11 on the list in this article. Number 12 and 13 seem to be engaged in some kind of numerical disconnect that I hope someone can explain to me and Number 19 seems flat out impossible unless they are referring to some kind of incipient herpes that isn't technically a venereal disease. That calls for a stanza from one of Mr. Visible's songs, "I Don't Love you Anymore"

“I admit to some small satisfaction
When you gave my friends venereal disease
And I suppose that I should be grateful
That you weren't sleeping with me.

They say that there's one born every minute
In that case I've done more than my fair share of time
and I just hope you don't have a sister
waiting for me further on down the line”


"Call all the radio stations
You can talk to the talking heads on TV
Yeah, ring out the bells from the ship to the shore
To say that I don't love you anymore."

The human mind is a funny thing. It's why and how the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal but only a Mafia cabal of private AshkeNAZI banks, can get away with what they do. Because American's have, for the most part, lost their objectivity, their courage and their integrity, firms like this are allowed to operate. Then those same Americans continue right along with their feudal, serfish propensities, seeking to borrow money from those who pull the money out of thin air. In most cases there is no money, only the numbers on a contract at the auto sales room and another number on some contract at the bank, or a number at a real estate office and another at a bank. Until the banking system is 'overthrown' there can be no justice and no peace and I don't care how many sidewalks you stand on and scream, “no justice, no peace”. You might as well be standing there screaming, “We are all uninformed fucking morons.” It would have pretty much the same benefit. Perhaps you should all dress up as giant turnips and scream, “We are not turnips.”

Until you address the ongoing conflict in your own mind (with yourself) and withdraw all your assets from the Central Banking system and refuse to purchase anything from Wall Street corporations, nothing is going to change. No doubt you will find it impossible not to purchase things manufactured by massive corporations that hate you and hold you in contempt. So... Wall Street has to be brought to the ground and the crooks and scoundrels who have fed upon your flesh have to be sent to prison for however many lifetimes proves to be necessary. These two things, juxtaposed by human ignorance and appetite are the root causes of your distress. The one is external and the other internal. You can argue about the first two all you want, everything tracks back to them and they are that important that they will kill presidents to maintain their grip on these entities because they are the twin levers of external control and they are in the hands of Satan worshiping, psychopathic monsters. The second factor, only the ignorant would argue about but... one of the main expressions of ignorance is argument. If you know what's what, you don't argue, you state your case and go your way; take it or leave it.

If you know what's what you don't stand around confused about it all. You know the majority of people are enslaved by their appetites and that is what makes it possible for others to enslave them in the first place. That is how you get people complaining about jerks in business who don't follow through and give them a bad credit rating for saying so and then they're all up tight because their credit rating with the Central Banks isn't where they want it to be so that they can borrow ghost money from the Globoctopus Vampire banks. Meanwhile, another large corporation won't straighten out their credit because they are just like the banks and all of them rely on the most conscienceless of bottom feeders known to man, the lawyer. It's the lawyers who grease the axles of the wheels of oppression that crush the populace at the behest of monsters.

Shakespeare (who wasn't Shakespeare) had it nailed (“first we kill all the lawyers”), as he did so many things, being an initiate of the higher mysteries and basically illustrated all the possibilities of human existence for the edification of those who are inclined to profit from it, as opposed to those who see it as entertainment or something to pump up their pseudo-intellectualism. Before you get into that, provided you have not been seduced by pseudo-intellectualism, I suggest looking into Orson Welles at the age of ten years old (or so), maybe Mozart at the age of six while you're at it. You can look at how they wound up if you want to, too. True genius is expressed in how you live your life. The gifts that fall from your efforts into the lives of others will happen as you go. You'll be both loved and despised. It comes with the territory but... you're only concerned with your objective, not the chatter of wildlife from their perches on those metaphorical branches and rocks. You don't spend your time arguing. You got better things to do. You don't spend all your time trying to please everyone or make everyone like you. They never will. There are things you have to accept in life, better do that ASAP. Comfort yourself with the difference in quality between those who like you and those who do not and be glad it's not the other way around, as is the case with celebrities, movers and shakers, politicians and so forth. Think about it!!!

You know these things, you're just not employing them. You have to look inward and find those places where you have capitulated with the status quo and recognize that you don't have to be a thrall. The hidden masters of all planes are well disposed to those who have the courage and conviction to pursue what they cannot see (as yet). I'm watching, “Jobs” as I write this. Boy, what an asshole. That's what it takes though... to climb that particular mountain and sometimes the genius in that area brings new and useful things into the world but it often comes at great human cost. Many people tell themselves, “I'll be a nice person. I'll be generous when I get where I intend to be.” However, when you sacrifice your humanity on the way to a pedestrian goal... there is no later for that. Some do come into those zones but... they held on to the precious parts of themselves.

Now, we've all been assholes. I certainly qualify in that regard. However, if our asshole quotient diminishes as we go, we can consider ourselves a success. In the end, it is our success as a human being that counts. Nothing else is even in the same room, or shouldn't be unless your values are upside down. We should never lose sight of that. We will make mistakes. We will over react. We will be excessive, simply because our energy is so difficult to contain. Learn from it all. Forgive yourself and forgive others. If you can do this you will please those you cannot see and they will help you on the way. I know this to be true. You can only go so far without their help and no further... no further in the right direction that is. If you absorb what's been said here today and make it a working part of your life from here on out, it will be the most powerful and effective thing you have ever done or will ever do because it will lead to the fulfilment of your every righteous dream and unchain your imagination to where you will no longer recognize yourself but will truly see yourself in all the wonder and glory of your essential being. It won't happen over night but it will happen. What kind of motivating assurance is that? You figure it out according to how you value it, or anything for that matter and Godspeed.

End Transmission.......


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

We are not turnips, huh? This I read after a few posts of mine calling my readers 'neep noddles'. No, my blog is not 'user friendly'. I don't think very highly of the collective humanity, and I make no secret of it. As for what you wrote about the 'caged gerbil shooters' as I call cops for all the animals they kill, Jim Kirwan wrote an awesome piece on them:

Just click the damn link

Counting days? I've been doing that for years, waiting for now. Fuel rod removal starts Monday. That ought to be interesting. And where's the news on what Haiyan/Yolanda is doing right now? Last I heard it was headed for Vietnam, though what happened to it?

On the other hand, the November 13/14 grid test was a total non-event. Wonder what happened there? Nothing is happening as expected. Though now this Calipornicator eagerly awaits the unexpected in the next two weeks. My demi-gods ain't giving me a clue on it, though. Such is life.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vis & all the best of the rest,

Another profound post this morning! I have been pondering what it would take for unaware people to see how they are enslaved in this central bank prison.
Your birth certificate is the answer. Your strawman. Your name is made into a corporation by those 'lawyers' working for the 'unholy trinity'. Most people are living in bondage and they have no clue.

Its time to claim your sovereignty, our Absolute Birth rights and sink their 'law of the sea' or might have to start all over again .

Love to all,

without prejudice
David Paul:widner

Anonymous said...

fucking amazing. you nailed it in a most poetic way. stumbled here from Keep helping minds awaken from the Matrix. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I think your comments regarding personal growth and having larger goals in life are spot on...

"In the end, it is our success as a human being that counts. Nothing else is even in the same room, or shouldn't be unless your values are upside down. We should never lose sight of that."

In all my years and adventures... I've tried to never lose sight of that concept...and I'll go to my cremation knowing I did it as "right" as possible...and had a lot of fun in my life....ha!

Great Essay!


RJ O'Guillory
Webster Groves - The Life of an Insane Family

Unknown said...

"...if our asshole quotient diminishes as we go, we can consider ourselves a success."

If it has increased, what then?

Ray B. said...

Vis: " think this is going to turn out well? It might, depending on the cosmos and a few imponderables but... otherwise... look out.

Back when I 'woke up' and started reading about all this stuff, I remember a time when I thought, "Without any higher intervention, we're screwed." The long-range planning and implacability were just overwhelming. That was one reason that I started seeking out higher help. So, we're now either in much better shape than it appears or I have a fantasy-prone personality of enormous proportions. It will be interesting to find out which is true...


Vis: "The bad guys have been aware of this coming for a long time. Heck, they've been causing it."

That is one of the biggest things I am having trouble wrapping my head around. I understand the 'need' for power. I understand aggression. However, I really only understand it within a human context. To willingly screw-over an entire species (and planet) for one's own jollies is beyond my perception.


Vis: "There can be no question about whether the mass of humanity is walking around in a trance or not. Their inability to see what is happening in front of them and to them is mindblowing..."

Most writers talk about this in terms of conditioning. There is that, of course, in enormous quantity. However, I have come to think that there is more to it.

In the study of 'grey' abductions, one thing that is encountered (pardon the pun; grin) in overwhelming quantity is the 'seizing of will'. The victim is either overpowered at the level of control over their body or at the more profound level of what they can actually think or feel about their abductors. (In my studies to date, I am unsure whether this is by ESP-ish powers, by technology, or a mixture.)

If one expands this to a species-wide level, it might explain a lot. Back in the pyramid or ziggurat days, was it simple economics or military power that caused the population to bow-down to their self-assumed 'rulers'? Or, was there something more? In today's time, the same question might be asked of our monetary system (the basis of today's 'kingship'). Does it's unquestioned acceptance come from simple familiarity, or is there something more?

It is a truly scary contemplation, but it needs to be brought up...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Eudoxia said...

I saw the Jim Kirwin piece a few days ago. Viz I watched The East last night, brilliant movie. Makes me wonder how many movements are out there like that, I'm sure that movie would have put the fear of something up a few of the so called elites.

What I've been experiencing over the last few days has been mind blowing. People are just losing it at the moment. They are falling apart left, right and center. Lashing out hysterically over bad decisions they've made while attempting to pass the buck onto everyone else for it going pear shaped. It seems that anybody who is not capable of living by the golden rule is getting shafted royally and the tempo goes up a few notches each and every day. Well we just plod along, trying to be the best people we can be for the benefit of the whole but the majority of this race just don't get it do they.

Anonymous said...

So, another one has been having dreams about animals getting free of their chains, in your case a parrot.
I had a dream several nights back about a whole menagerie with a convict iron around one of their legs but no longer connected to their chains, starting with the elephants.
You know how working elephants have a chain around one leg to secure them when they're not out in the forest; something like that.
A day or so later I read a story where a passenger train in India had ploughed into a herd of elephants killing seven of them.
Interesting number, seven. Anyway, make of it what you will but I know what I make of it. The oceans are almost dead, the bees are on their way out, now the larger animals are coming to say goodbye to the people who give a stuff. Maybe.

est said...

i'm looking at the 'full moon'
ha the moon is always full

everyone 'else' that's looking
can see what i see right now

now if each of us can see the same thing
then we agree that it exists

so it is > in this way we will go
always toward the light

even if it is a 'reflection'
it can light the way before us

it's hard to look at the sun
even if that is the destination


Anonymous said...

By the way, I see on the Smoking Mirrors page there's a picture of you with Able-May the parrot on your arm. Maybe you could ask her what she thinks of your dream about a parrot that no longer wants to do that. Cool looking bird.

Eudoxia said...

I've just read that Iran has sentenced 4 bankers to death and Vietnam 2 bankers - this is a good start, hopefully this will become a global trend!

galen said...

Would you mind elaborating on the co-opting of the 12-Step program.


Skully said...

Namaste Les

At this time I would like to say with ultimate GRATITUDE thank you for your effort to be a teacher to me. I read one of your posts like 5 years ago.

I really took it to Heart. It made me who I am today. Of course I have to thank ALL the Venerable Masters of The Tao.

Its so special to be able to share NOW with you Les and the other readers Peace to each of you!

The wonderful mindfulness is what pulls me through!Breathing and listening to the Bell of Mindfulness realizing simple Love is the essence of my Heart.

You helped me realize to stand up and try to do it on my own. I made it.

I was wondering Les have you ever read any of Thich Nhat Hahns books?

The peaceful soul who lives/teaches at PlumVillage?

Take care Brother

Farmer said...

Thanks, just what was needed. If I could just figure out how much, or how little, to use the I ching, but suppose that will come with more practice.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a dime for some bankster rat. I have never owned a cell phone and never will. They can fine me all they want but I'm not ever visiting some mchealthcare page and entering a single key. It's all going to go down in ruins? Good. I'll be there to piss on the ashes. Gorgoroth and Two Live Crew are contemporary cultural masterpieces full of life affirming talent and passion. Ahahaha!

insiam said...

Profound in so many ways. Certainly bookmarked.

'Comfort yourself with the difference in quality between those who like you and those who do not and be glad it's not the other way around, as is the case with celebrities, movers and shakers, politicians and so forth. '

Simple yet brilliant!

They certainly know what they expect should their plans work out.

This article from 2007 gives a clue .....

'Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx's proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe's drops as fertility falls. "Flashmobs" - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.'

Unknown said...

"I don't do that anymore"

Great post


Anonymous said...

"Bent on horrible works meant to destroy the world' (BhagavadGita / Chap.16 Divine & Demoniac Natures)

Visible said...

Ah anonymous with no impact whatsoever and still hiding, heh heh.


Bird was on my arm for the time it took to take the picture. You'll have to find something else.

Takes too much time for me to go into how so many 12 step programs validate the unreal and create a mommy-land. The original practitioners are fine.

Unknown said...

Dear Les...

this sure hit true of ignorance to argue...why, bother losing energy over holds no purpose but to drain precious devine energy by those that wish to remain ignorant...once awakened you can sense the negative energy and stay a mile away from can tell deep inside a persons' energy is in harmony or not...and the more one awakens the easier it gets one can spot these demons a mile away and see the demonic energy in their faces....

it is not worth losing energy to these demons and robots...

stay focused is the key...give everything to your inner will guide you and become your best friend...a feeling you most certainly don't want to lose once tapped into that is for sure...

ALL souls will be leaving this dimension (a great sorting out of souls is what is occuring)...those of darkness and support robots will go to the darkness....those of light will go to the light and be liberated from this trap we have been isolated by this dark force from the rest of creation...this dimension has been condemmed and a correction of this evil sickness is now in its last stages....the clearing of souls has already begun...we can see that happening in our animal kingdom alone...

people wonder why would a loving god be so cruel??....that is because this dimension is not divine but Satan's world when these demons speak of god Satan is who they are speaking of (not our loving Divine God)....

to again be united with our true loving god (this dimension is Satan's world) and to live in peace, truth, honor, true love, creativity, joy all a part of our true divine heritage...(one reason why divine spirit was so fooled by these demons)...

so during this clearing every soul will be forced to either go to the light or darkness it is a self imposed free will kinda thing that cannot be stopped...

Lots of LOVE

david griffith said...

'Hallelujah' ... Leonard Cohen's exquisite song sings through my mind like a mantra since receiving the words and the chords a few weeks ago.

Love to you Visible for your enduring voice.... hey ...I'm still hearing Hallelujah.

I have the memory of people who have come to your site and made shy comment ... the woman whose daughter had a miscarriage and who was both sad and relieved by that event.... in light of Kali Yuga and a somewhat gloomy outlook for the status quo.

She impacted on me because of her sincerity and a sense of "PLEASE Oh God - bring all this to some resolution."

I never could take the view, so clearly expressed by a passenger in my cab, twenty years ago - as we passed over the Sydney Harbour Bridge on the way to the airport - "Look mate - I don't give a fuck about any of it - I'll be dead before it happens."

Soon to be a grandad again and I'm not in contempt of 'sheeple' who just wish to live a peaceful life and pursue a dream which - to my mind - is maybe unrealistic.

I take real nourishment from your posts and rarely comment because I've nothing much to add except the thoughts of someone who can't just say 'Bring it on.' and ... be gloomy about it.

So ... I take out of this post 'Don't be downhearted and keep striving.'

Love is very strong.

elizabeth said...


That's all.
So much more said than what you said. So many to share this with.

Thank you,

Poisoned Water said...

Hey Les,
I was one of five kids born a year apart, they broke me of arguing before I graduated high school. Its pointless, as you say.
I wanted to say a quick thanks for your advice and prayer. Combined with my own prayers and those of caring others, it worked so well I began to feel sorry for the other guy after he received his own shit back at him for a couple days. It's been a week and he's still having problems, hasn't figured out he's doing it to himself, I guess.
Be safe

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Arseholes! I personally consider mine self an Arsehole to the 33rd Degree. It makes life more fun, and if you are aware of mine posts, I'm certain you agree.

Now let me check who'se on the menu tonight. ;^)

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

The Return of the Son of Twitterhead with Blue Forceps Marks.

Tyler said...

Brilliant, absolutely beautiful post resonated deeply with the very core of my being; exactly what I needed to read. Thank you Visible!

God bless you!
Be seeing you soon :)
Safe travels

Unknown said...

Oh, my. I am that caged bird set free. Left a performing venue called soloist back up singer for well paid storyteller and friends. Sanctuary much, but no sancts. Hurts to leave people you really do care drama, just say, "I'm lucky, happy, healthy, and loved." Your dream says to me that you've been that bird and now you're free. All you really wanted was to be acknowledged for your heartfelt song...not to be caged.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Lowering the Moat Portcullis against the Unseen and Unwelcome Visitor.

Citizen Elle said...

The title of this post is our greatest collective vision at this point in time. Summed up in so few words - WELL DONE!

The content of this post is extraordinary (as is the SM that followed). Goodness, Visible, the words you are sharing should be compulsory reading for all IMHO.

many blessings & much love



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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