Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
I'll probably catch it for my cavalier disregard for a particular, mysterious area of scientific apparati (further on), if certain apparatchiks see this (grin) but... my take on Alchemy is more out of the school of Hermes Trismegistus, from whom the word 'Hermetic' is derived. Here's what he had to say about it:
If one could understand the 'embedded' revelatory message in that cryptic statement, given the interior tap on the shoulder by 'The Guardian Angel', one would need to comprehend nothing more in the scheme of things. Transiting into one's light body (building one's light body) dissolves all Karma. Of course, Karma would affect one's capacity for intensity and surrender, or whether one ever got near the process in the first place but... these are exceptional times. So, I don't have much use for this sort of a setup, my own work goes on in The Adytum, under the aegis of The Holy Guardian Angel.
The symbolism in this card explains it all, for those willing to understand:

The Temperance Card, Case Deck
The aspirant actually does nothing themselves, they simply stay in a particular state of focus, while the work is done within them by the angel. Whatever work any of us might have done in the process, all goes on prior to the process going into action. In other words, we become the sort of person this sort of thing happens to. So... you could say that you played a part in getting to where you got but... since all power comes from one place and is on loan for whatever purpose it is that it is applied to well... we can't take credit for much, unless it is permitting action to take place and not interfering in it. That's how I exercise free will.
More than several years ago we were talking about these things. Every day we talk about these things, with rare off days. Every day we rise from our slumbers; though most of us continue to slumber, somnambulistically in dreams of appetite, lurching like Zombies or Frankensteinian constructs, from the lunch counters to the sexual hologram, virtual reality body socks, with all those Vaseline swabbed electrode connectors; "Clear! zzzzzzzzt! Clear, zzzzzzzzzzzzt!"
Anyone who thinks this culture isn't going down the toilet, hasn't seen the truly sinister implications of Twitter, which is why the elite and their government whores are so hot on it; hasn't seen the fifteen thousand dollar mechanical sex dolls, or is unaware of what's going on in all those research labs at the moment. We possess the technology, right now, to turn this planet into a paradise on Earth but all the research is focused on military uses, poisonous microbes and how to avoid curing terminal diseases and disorders by creating ever more toxic pharmaceuticals to shut down the symptomatic side of things. Just as was the case in Atlantis and Lemuria, the technological progress outstripped the general morality. The workers were on one side and the scientific elite were on the other and whoops!
Prior to this occurring, those in possession of the ancient wisdoms and... there's always those who are, retreated into sanctuary, in The Andes, in the Himalayas and other locations. Usually there are seven zones designated as areas of continuance and those also designated are usually in those zones when the time comes for rolling up the performance stage. In the Sufi teachings they say, 'When a particular demonstration is called for, the stage is set and all the actors (Karmically motivated to appear) show up and the interplay takes place. Once the drama is complete, the stage hands and grips, step in and break down the stage, as they have done many, many times before and they move on to the next location.' or something like that. That is all life is composed of here, a continuous series of demonstrations put on with the intent of awakening those who see them and those engaged in them.
This is The Combat Zone. It is The Romance Zone. It is the Suffering Zone. It is The Purification Zone. It is The Pleasure Zone. It is the Ignorance Zone. It is The Zone of Enlightenment. Once again I bring your attention to the difference between regenerated innocence and senility. This is the reason that the corrupt elite see to it that fluoride and aluminum are plentifully prominent in water, in the air, in cooking pots and pans so as to affect the pineal gland, which has all kinds of spiritual possibilities. Under the right disciplines, a yellow pyramid is constructed out of a kind of brain sand in the area of the pineal and this connects to the opening of The Third Eye and all kinds of tangential wonders. Of course, the details are unimportant to a Bhakti Yogi, though they are probably significant to the industries of The Raja and Jnana Yoga practitioners. The state of Jnana is added in automatically in the practice of Bhakti and so is everything else you would ever need or want.
It is said that one can walk the path of knowledge and scholastic inquiry, rising up on the paths of the tree all the way to the greatest states but... will still have to return to gain the wisdom of love that is the province of the heart. However, those who follow the path of the heart have all of the other given to them automatically. It's something to think about. The teaching and path of The Christ is all about this and he talks concerning it all through his teaching period. I wish to point out something very important at this juncture. Christ was the avatar of the Piscean Age and in that period the highest expression of Love was sacrifice. Now we are entering the Aquarian Age and the expression of Love in this period is, 'brotherhood'. Things change. Of course 'the' Christ spoke about that too. So let us consider the concept of the Second Coming, which has various meanings, depending on who you ask. My take... what I have been told by those who never lie, which does not mean that I always understand what I am told, is that the Second Coming will occur within the collective hearts of humanity. He's not scheduled to appear in the sky to the sound of trumpets, surrounded by angels and attended by all the Hollywood hoopla that certain fanciful minds are expecting. This is not to say that there will be no external manifestations, in counterpoint, to the internal appearance, only that any of that is incidental to the important dynamic.
This Second Coming is only going to occur in the hearts prepared for it. Something entirely different will be going on everywhere else. “According to your faith be it done to you.” is the operative phrase. So... what does all of this mean? It means that all you have to do is be in that mental and emotional state of preparedness required for the appearance of the one. This is the same requirement for the performance of the Operation of the Sun, of which Hermes Trismegistus speaks in The Emerald Tablet. All that is required of you is your willingness to engage and your continued efforts in that direction to that end. "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." and one might also say, "in whatever location your treasures are present, there you will eventually wind up." You can add to this the Chinese maxim, "character is fate." This is why those of us so disposed, work on ourselves. We don't actually accomplish anything by that because our shortcomings are time sensitive... but we do attract the attention of the ones who are responsible for bringing desired change about.
We're being observed all the time and every request, prayer and appeal is heard. They are all most fully answered when we are in that mindset where we just, by faith, automatically are assured that everything we ask for or about, was known to the one petitioned, before it was even asked and answered as soon as it was asked if not sooner. It might have to precipitate into manifestation and it might never happen but in that latter case, it would be because that is what we really wanted, whether we knew it or not. Or something else might show up in its place because that was what we really wanted; how it works.
If we knew, how it is and what it is, it would all be remarkably simple. It is complex because we have made ourselves complex and that... that is the beauty of Bhakti, or becoming a slave to Love and a devotee to the source of all Love. When this is true on your part, the source of all Love becomes a slave to you; how it works. It's simple and does away with all the complications we have collectively turned our existence into. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." That's what the King James version says. Look at all the other variants available in all the different morphing into translation. What is that about 'dividing' the truth? Shouldn't that word be 'divining'. Possibly that is what it was but... I don't know, do I?
End Transmission.......
'Help is on The Way' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2014
Lyrics (pops up)

Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
Paperback: $25.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
"... that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, …"
Does that mean it's turtles all the way up, too?
Oh man. I used to go to Wisdomsdoor all the time until 'Hermes Trismegistus' (Tom DeLiso) stopped posting as much as he used to.
I own 4 of his books, too; and his version of reality creation seems to work pretty good. Between his recipes, and my bloodless 'Santeria Lite' sessions, I get a lot of what I ask for, though sometimes it takes a little time. Everyone I threw into the 'EXILE JAR' is gone except for one individual family, and they are on their way out. (Annoying as HELL people live 2 doors down, for another couple of weeks only, I hope.) I've also asked for favours to be done for others and myself, and I've gotten them all IF the reasons were right.
Am currently waiting on 2 other requests that I don't think I'll bother posting on, since who cares?
Jesus walk with me talk with me.
a simple prayer i repeat at sudden moments -- when something inside me opens and yearns for his companionship -- the response is immediate.
liz in los angeles
Mas and Mas Visible
Some wonderful stuff lately, gratitude arises spontaneously.
In the spirit of an observation you made in a recent posting, the more 'I' gets out of the way the more effective the writing, thus the less that particular letter is found alone and by itself the better the writing-ergo- the spirit of the second coming is based on the first person plural, that is 'We', or an intention of win-win-win in the expression of 'loving action'.
Much as AM and FM have possibility of playing the same pieces of music, but with different quality of reproduction, if the receiver is so equiped, the quality of reproduction of Divine Love needs a different geometry in the aquarian age, 'stereo' shall we say, the old merkaba geometry belongs to a different 'age'; those who choose to dismiss this invitation to exploration do so, those who choose to explore the idea do so, all is for purposes of demonstration.
New (c)Age bullshit is still bullshit, reverse Kundalini path is still so, no matter how many desires get fulfilled, perversions of way and techniques of ancient Traditions by those very near the marrow and worse by those who claim to be the very marrow is part of this period where Mr/Mrs A.'s stick gets used on the 'headstrong' and poor of compassion.
Trusting that in your sharing of techniques these coming months will be included the way of the pearl and when appropriate the mystical union of the yin and yang, desiring you much success,
Be well, be Alert
via Homer..
Visible prabhu, you are one of the most fortunate people in this universe.
I believe you really do know.
Well Homer; Regardless of whether I possess it and regardless of whether I possess it in the desired amount, I don't know but I recognize its critical importance; not having it can make reaching your objective very difficult indeed, of course, depending on what your objective is (grin).
via Homer..
C'mon prabhu!
I heard you crying..
Heh heh, I'm always crying.
Well... we're into the next album. Here's the latest Everything will Disappear
Wow Visible, the new songs , just wow.
Wow, you have certainly got my attention Mr Visible. If i said i don't know how you do it then i wouldn't be 100% truthfull. And that's the big thing for me - begining to understand just where you're coming from.
A lot of our friends that come around here use the term 'syncronicity'. I now understand that as being a sort of entry level explanation. Maybe i've moved to level 2.
Thanks teacher :)
love your music, love your writings. Keep them coming and warm my heart.
Had a true "love" moment today at work (nursing home) and finally understood that this is what it's all about. Forget meds (poison anyway) and charts, hold hands. Soo much more fulfilling....
Will always think of you as a wordsmith, first and foremost. And in that regard, the blog work's been particularly excellent for a good while now, especially on the spiritual level lately.
But i must also add that this new song--Everything Will Disappear--is a pretty fine piece of music, too. Put me in the mind of John Prine perhaps. Have always liked, "Come Back To Us Barbara Lewis Hare Krishna Beauregard."
Looking forward to reading the latest novel.
Still amazes how many amazing things go on around here--for free. Then again, that's probably at least part of why it does. Truly appreciate you being (t)here. Kind of feel like i owe you for all that you've done for my head. Have paid a small fortune to learn a hell of lot less than i have from you. Interesting how it's all happened on-line, too. Plus nobody has a better comments section, nor handled it as well all things considered.
Anyway, much gratitude to you, bro.
Be well; and may god speed with you.
Vis: "This is why those of us so disposed, work on ourselves. We don't actually accomplish anything by that because our shortcomings are time sensitive... but we do attract the attention of the ones who are responsible for bringing desired change about."
Vis, I get the leading sentence and the trailing sentence ("but we do..."), but not the middle one beginning with "We don't..." Could you elucidate that a bit more? Thanks.
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
According to various sources we don't actually do anything on our own we just think we do. illumination is achieved by being still enough for it to get seated. How can higher states occupy a disturbed mind? According to the tradition I study in, everything of importance is accomplished through us by The Guardian Angel. So... when we are correctly positioned, all these things take place in us
Permissions are required for the possession of certain states,
Like getting up in the middle of the night being desperately compelled to grab a pen and piece of paper to write one of the best poems you ever wrote in ten minutes from a perspective not your own, that was an answer to another poem you wrote a year ago that WAS from your perspective? Or writing with no idea of what's coming next, and things coming together chapters later in a fabulously coincidental way that you had no intention of ever putting down since you couldn't even conceive of it?
Been there, done that, lived tons of 2-4 hour night's sleep, NEVER DOING IT AGAIN! Headache central were those days. Had a full time job with overtime in those days.
I'm too old for that shite. I'm retired not only from my art, but fookin' LIFE!
You can find out a lot more about Hermes Trismegistus by doing a Bing search for the following search query; there is some truly fascinating stuff to be found by doing so: "Hermes Trismegistus" +freemasonry
Put quotes around the first phrase, and put a plus sign in front of the second. I was going to say "Google it", but Google isn't into allowing people to do that type of search these days. I spent about six hours last night devouring a lot of the information that I came upon, via that search. Awesome stuff, check it out. Cheers.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
Ageless Wisdom and... Everything Else
I loved it Les! Great stuff!
Good old Hermes, a quasi-mythical persona from a time when philosophers, whether occulting knowledge or offering it freely, had as their subject, Natural Philosophy. The only thing mystical in this case would be the manner in which the knowledge was codified. The actual information is both symbolic (in reference to higher frequencies) and literal in the case of physical existence - ergo, " above... so below" and vis versa.
Lets not only dwell on the symbolic but also consider (as Hermes intended) that part which gives us insight into the single foundational element of all existence, i.e. the One, which by its integration manifest matter and energy ("earth and fire") and by doing so revealed itself as sensible to all.
This stuff is about the real world as much if not more so than the higher non-directly sensible frequencies that everyone seems to get lost in. Let's not forget, "as above...etc." - that is to say, the very same rules apply to what we see as to what we receive in higher frequencies. You can't separate them, they're integral!
Only want to say thank you, thank you, in perpetuo.
God bless you and keep you. God is making his face shine upon you.
"Choirboys" singing this blessing - for all.
sorry, attempt at hot-link didn't work
Loved your post Visible. Endless gratitude to you.
Also want to mention that the Max Keiser link comes up as a 404. A coincidence, surely.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
The Signature Dish of our Times
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