I am going to be giving a metaphysical talk with some demonstration of techniques and a short musical performance on March 16th in Zurich at a hall. Please email me or comment if you are coming so we have an idea of scale. Thank you to those of you who have already responded.
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Here at Origami we can talk about the ineffable the day long cause that’s what this blog is for, as well as the metaphysical truths that can proceed from no other. I was in conversation this evening with an agent of the ineffable, no one mortal speaks to the divine directly, any more than one can look into the sun without consequences. Depending on the nature and composition of the listener, the proper filter is employed.
During these sessions there is generally a theme and tonight’s theme was about the limitless possibility of the ineffable. I was informed about the incredible foolishness of people who do not realize that every good thing comes from the ineffable. As The Way to the Kingdom’s first meditation states; “can have none of this apart from me,- can get none without getting me- and can get them nowhere else but from me, your real, your only self, who am all these things now- and therefore you also are these things now and forever more.”
I was informed of all the things I had been spared and how completely my life was dependent on the divine, regardless of my level of awareness of that fact. I was informed about the divine living in everything living, without which there would be no life there in any case and how, in an instant, the divine could alter the conditions of anyone’s existence. I was cautioned never to believe in the appearance of power or the might of armies because the ineffable has full control over every possibility of action, in every individual, everywhere.
The ineffable also wanted me to know that since he was in everyone, he could motivate anyone, at any time, no matter who they are, to be made aware of me, to suddenly wish to help me, or to provide any course of action the ineffable wishes and so... by having this one connection, the connected one is connected to everyone else, without the need for physical changes necessary toward meeting or influencing anyone. You need no leverage of any kind to convince anyone of anything because that is all taken care of by the one making it happen.
“How deluded and ignorant are they who are unaware of these truths?” I was asked. I was shown in no uncertain terms, the value of making the divine your best friend. “I wish you would talk to me more.” He said, “I get lonely and I enjoy it.” Wow! Then I hear, “I want to be included in every aspect of your life. I don’t want a moment to go by when you are not intimately aware of me; that’s the goal.”
I could not imagine that the divine gets lonely but maybe he’s only talking about that portion of him that is activated in me and I wasn't paying the proper amount of attention. However, I remember being at the solstice celebration a few years ago, I was (surprise) on mushrooms and I had walked away from the fire and the celebration. As is often the case when I am in altered states I am quite eager to interact with the divine. So I was down by the picnic tables at the front of the house, about 150 yards from the drums and fire and I was having a back and forth. I get especially good reception when in that particular state.
I get the feeling I might have told this before. Anyway, I was asked how many people I thought received genuine communications from this source, in this particular manner. I figured the number had to be in the tens of thousands and possibly higher. I threw out some figures and kept getting answers like, “hardly”, “no way”, “try again”. The number which, I didn’t get an actual number... but it was in an area I found hard to believe; still... this is what I was told. Apparently, in Kali Yuga, there are many people listening to something other, due to dogmatic programming, due to self interest and due to inflexibility in terms of substantive change. I wondered about all the saddhus I saw walking around in
The divine (agent of the divine) continued to say that surprisingly, most people aren't looking for that kind of thing. Most everyone wants something besides just a genuine back and forth, without any attendant material or heavenly rewards. He said that most people are not motivated in this direction. I was told that the divine knows the heart of every single person and knows ahead of time everything it is possible to know, that the divine can look back from the future and ahead from the past and lives in a timeless present beyond the comprehension of any of us. I was told that there were millions of variables of personalities, with millions of variables according to capacity, ability, level of purity and it’s endless, really. We’re all snowflakes and as far as God is concerned, we last about as long (in our transitory states), depending on our area of interest and endeavor.
I was told that there were many heavens and many hells and that the divine was on intimate terms with all kinds of people but few of them were actual friends of the ineffable. I was told that the divine communicated with all kinds of people all the time and most of them were not even aware of it, except in the manner of hunches and premonitions. I was told about all the tiresome and tedious litanies of requests for just about anything. I was told that I have to reach for a sense of the vastness of it all, simply because that was important in terms of my getting a perspective on personal insignificance.
I received example after example this evening about how fortunate I am and how I don’t see this nearly as clearly as I should because of the hard highway I traveled to get here. I was told I didn't trust nearly enough in the divine beneficence and there was reason for this, as I felt I’d been lied to and run around the block a lot about promises and such but that the divine’s sense of time is not my sense of time and I needed to be certain to embrace the certitude that anything I've been told WILL come to pass and that the divine like any artist (being the greatest of all artists) takes pride his work and how he gets from one point of the effort to another, as well as the intricacy of patterns employed and that there was no work of art on Earth, nor ever had been that was the equal of those works of art that the divine had created in the people who love him/her.
There is no comparison of life on Earth to those who live in a heavenly awareness, while being resident here. There is no environment on Earth that can be compared in any sense with the wondrous locations awaiting those who will put the time in here to make travel there, possible. The intoxications of this world are powerful. Just look at it. Look at the large media sites or the towering buildings in crowded cities and all of the bustling crowds going back and forth. What does it look like to you? Does it look like sane and natural pursuits and behavior? That should be scary for you if it does.
I was told not to expect any great interest from the world around me concerning my interests, except for the exceptions and there were definitely going to be some of those. I was told to simply go my way and anticipate and expect that I would be covered at all times and that yesterday was gone and nothing was the same as it was and I shouldn't expect it to be, or continue to carry the apprehensions I have had and that I should mention all of these things because they apply elsewhere, where they apply.
I have to appreciate the exquisite choreography going on, even if I can’t see it. We are on an incredible adventure, or we’re not. It’s there for those who can believe it to be true and to reach inward for the inspiration to achieve the seemingly impossible. How is anything impossible except when viewed through the limitations of the world around us? The whole closed capsule environment is designed to make us doubt and to enforce conformity. In some ways it’s not unlike The Matrix film. People do get out however. It takes faith, certitude and determination; faith certitude and determination. You can acquire these things.
End Transmission.......
The radio show is now up for streaming or download.
'Shining Light' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2014
Lyrics (pops up)

The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine
- 'A Novel of the Unnatural and Supernatural...'
Paperback: $27.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
yes, but
we are not alone
there are fellow travelers
perhaps we are few but we
carry the world on our backs
as well it should be
Good morning Vis
Well, its morning here anyway. Nice post. I feel so bad for the majority of people. They seem to get all of their information externally and can not grasp the concept of looking within. Go to work, watch TV, earn money, pay bills and teach their kids to do the same. It seems like such a waste.
Excellent post. Spared me from having to go down to the local church and listen to some windbag talk about things that are completely over his head...
There you go again Visible repeating what needs to be repeated:
'It takes faith, certitude and determination; faith certitude and determination' ...
Having at one time in the past been a part of organized religion...and thinking this was the only true religion...I sometimes look back and wonder how I could have been fooled.
The answer that came to me was because I was not truly looking for the truth...I simply wanted to have my ears tickled...and I did but at some point realized this is not for me.
Of course I became an outcast and my son who is still in this particular religion was never allowed to have contact with me until I saw the light and returned.
I did find the truth, at long last and have never been happier.
Cheers Les
no snowflake falls in an inappropriate place
So I'm walking the dog this morning and in pops, "Whenever you deal with anyone or anything, you are interacting with God because God is in everyone and everything."
And then I read today's Origami. Perfect fit, I think. Thank you my friend. :)
the political maneuvers in ukraine are a masquerade to instigate separatism
jews are trying to isolate western ukraine and genocide it
watch for propaganda in the jewish media and alternative media to justify the genocide of western ukraine ... they will try to label them as haters or nazis or fascists or racists ... ukraine has never invaded anyone
Been awhile so .......
from Neil,
old grand sky
mother earth
fathers reach
healing hurt
livings worth
mending temple
fixing eyes
attaching central
brushing moments
swirling sounds
connecting love
sky to ground
pounding truth
vibrate the ears
touch the heart
union hears
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 12:55:00 AM
Kickin' ass on my end also Vis.
Thanks All... Thanks Neil.
walking hawk
I second anonymous at 3:46 PM.
"...And there are those who give
and know not pain in their giving,
nor do they seek joy,
nor give with mindfulness of virtue
They give as in yonder valley the
myrtle breathes
it's fragrance into space.
Through the hands of such as these
God speaks, and from behind their
He smiles upon the earth. "
- Kahlil Gibran
Somewhere in the voluminous writings, produced by one of my (former) church's founders, there's a rather electrifying passage. The gist of it is that, with the creation of humans, God was going for a totally new and different kind of creature. The goal was have companions rather than servants. Beings who, created in God's image and likeness, would have the ability and desire to share in His experience, to be co-creators with Him...generally speaking, someone to hang out with, and maybe trade observations on the joy and wonder of being alive. It has been the full-time activity of the evil one, ever since, to destroy, erase, and make humans forget about this true purpose for their existence.
This is the way I want to believe things really are, what we are really all about. This, plus CS Lewis's observation that "there is a god-shaped void in the human heart", convince me that we were not just put here as a slave race in order to grow food and mine gold for the gods. There is too much capacity in us to rise above and beyond, for the latter to be true. Or else, the gods made one huge whopping mistake by creating us.
#2--TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!!!!!! Ya know, I wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world BECAUSE OF WHAT I KNOW.
And I found out what I know because I always had this tendency to go against the grain. It's like I never completely adjusted to Physical Existence from the Otherside, either. The lack of instant manifestation drives me nuts some time. Like when I have a lot of things to do, if you watch me do them, you'd think I was bonkers half the time. (You do NOT wanna be there when it's 'clean the flat' day. I'm all over the place and very unfocused, but that did used to come in handy in the days where I used to run the computer room and do the mailroom all by myself every damn weekend.) And then there's the contemplation of hittin' the loo, brushin' your teeth and your hair all at the same time to get everything done faster. (No, I haven't actually done that, though I have thought about it.)
Life has gotten so stupid because of how we've been programmed, and the idiotic laws have made it a gazillion time more complicated than it has to be. I am so enjoying watching all the garbage falling apart. Can't wait until it's over.
"... tonight’s theme was about the limitless possibility of the ineffable."
Just last night, I was trying to take (or arguing, in the sense of building a case via rhetorical dialogue) my wife through a series of guided realizations toward, among other pressing items and points, the verity of this: "With God, all things are possible."
Other points I approached:
"If you believe in an omnipotent higher power behind creation, all-encompassing, all-knowing, all-providing, all-loving, full of purpose for all created things... then surely you are not here, in this present situation, by accident, but by design... and how could you ever believe you were worthless, unworthy of love, or without protection or provisions..?"
"Who is in control? It's not you... so why should you try to control anything? You can't! You can only control your mind... or be controlled by its programmed, trauma-reinforcing chatter."
The Way to the Kingdom is really a direct route to the Divine. Bypasses a lot of intervening "distractions" or levels and goes straight to communion with the Divine. I find that a similar attitude to what is found in this book is also effective for me. Thank you for sharing it again. Of the ones I've read, I think this is probably the top book you've recommended, in terms of getting one "there."
"... and that the divine like any artist (being the greatest of all artists) takes pride his work and how he gets from one point of the effort to another, as well as the intricacy of patterns employed and that there was no work of art on Earth nor ever had been, that was the equal of those works of art that the divine had created in the people who love him/her."
Ooh yes. Elegance hidden from those with the thickest veils of dust on their mirrors. The last part is so beautiful, uplifting and full of promise.
bodhati, that is a gem of poetry.
"... with the creation of humans, God was going for a totally new and different kind of creature. The goal was have companions rather than servants. Beings who, created in God's image and likeness, would have the ability and desire to share in His experience, to be co-creators with Him...generally speaking, someone to hang out with, and maybe trade observations on the joy and wonder of being alive. It has been the full-time activity of the evil one, ever since, to destroy, erase, and make humans forget about this true purpose for their existence.
This is the way I want to believe things really are, what we are really all about. This, plus CS Lewis's observation that "there is a god-shaped void in the human heart", convince me that we were not just put here as a slave race in order to grow food and mine gold for the gods. There is too much capacity in us to rise above and beyond, for the latter to be true. Or else, the gods made one huge whopping mistake by creating us."
David V, I resonate completely with the first part. Thank you for that.
We as a biological species may be a product of genetic engineering, but that's just a manipulation of what was there to begin with: Divinely created templates. We carry such gifts in our DNA that we are the envy of many... and a fiercely-held "property" by those who regard themselves as our "creators," gods, and owners. But their self-proclaimed authority is a fraud, held up by lies and brute force and the will to dominate. Which, of course, are operating on power that is lent from only one Source: that which powers life itself, i.e. God.
"The lack of instant manifestation drives me nuts some time."
Buttons, think of it this way and maybe it won't feel so insane: we who have these 3D vehicles are operating as (potential) vehicles for God to act directly and experience in the 3D (and up!) wavelengths. The implications of this may be profoundly enlightening.
"I am so enjoying watching all the garbage falling apart. Can't wait until it's over."
Namaste and respects to you, sticking it out there in the belly of the beast. We've got some other delightful body part over here -- trying to figure out which one. Anyway, Finnish-flavored ZioBeast™ surrounds this reader. Fun to watch, sometimes -- when it isn't nauseatingly atrocious, infinitely sad, and fucking disgusting. I can't wait, either!
Dear Vis,
The moment the divine first articulated its anticipation and joy toward my prayers and devotions is still clear in my mind. "We divine beings need your love as greatly as your souls need to give it." How beautiful it felt to know what we give is so eagerly awaited - and enjoyed.
Thanks for bringing back that memory.
SJ Palmer
Visible's Sunday radio show is now up...
12 year old Victoria Grant Explains The National Debt and What's Killing Canada and the Rest of the World.
It's here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx5Sc3vWefE#t=16
For more information see http://www.publicbankinginstitute.org.
It is also posted at https://vimeo.com/41954094
@ David V
The following two quotes from a link posted by Vis a few days ago dovetail nicely with what you say :)
'Humans have come into being for the sake of each other, so either teach them, or learn to bear them.”
― Marcus Aurelius -
“Everything - a horse, a vine - is created for some duty... For what task, then, were you yourself created?”
― Marcus Aurelius -
David V, March 02, 2014 7:13:00 PM
"...convince me that we were not just put here as a slave race in order to grow food and mine gold for the gods. There is too much capacity in us to rise above and beyond, for the latter to be true. Or else, the gods made one huge whopping mistake by creating us."
Food for thought on that subject:
Back in the early 80s, I had a semi-nightmare that sat me up in bed in the middle of the night. It was in dream-imagery, but occurred more in-sequence like memory recall. I think you can read between the lines and sense what might have happened...
An amount of us were inside some enclosure or safe space. I was in some kind of guardian or protector capacity. The imagery was of protecting a 'doorway'. I knew some kind of beings were coming that outclassed me, in terms of holding them off.
So, when the beings showed up, I let them get partway through the doorway. Then, somehow, with gathered energy, I slammed it in their faces and knocked them back on their cans (so to speak; I never saw them). That gave us some time.
Unfortunately, the beings gathered strength and began forcing their way through the doorway. I remember throwing everything I had at the doorway, in an attempt to keep it sealed. It was slowly being forced open in spite of this. As it opened, my 'memories' just went blank (literally). Immediately, I violently awoke.
I have remembered it for the thirty years since; it was so "real." For the record, I rarely experience anxiety dreams, and those that I do are more about mundane subjects.
The more I learn about deep history and also reflect on this dream, the more I believe there is something important there...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
"Who is in control? It's not you... so why should you try to control anything? You can't! You can only control your mind... or be controlled by its programmed, trauma-reinforcing chatter."
BRILLIANT DESCRIPTION! When I try to explain this to people and they turn around and say oh that's just a conspiracy theory or that's just your belief. They immediately identify themselves as being of the STUPID variety, who unfortunately for the rest of us are sill breathing. OR as Don Juan Matus puts it "We are the products of two minds. One is our true mind, the sum of our life experiences, the one that rarely speaks because it has been defeated and relegated to obscurity. The other, the mind we use daily for everything we do, is a foreign installation"
As Gurdjieff puts it "those poor unfortunates on Earth who have within themselves the crystalization of the organ Kundabuffer"
Back to Don Juan
"that hotel over here, to me is the true representation of every life on Earth. If you are lucky or ruthless then you will get a room with a view of the street where you will see this endless parade of human misery"
Vis - it's much easier not being a robot with those numbers! OOps I spoke to soon!
I doubt anybody here would buy into the MSN propaganda which is coming thick and fast but it is showing up the Neocons for the hypocritical pieces of shit they are.
Anonymous Ukraine has hacked into yat's emails and has shown he helped plot the coupe. Now we have the Crimean nav defecting - good suff! Also Russia has two major gas pipelines that run straight through Ukraine to feed Europe via Poland and Slovakia, the Saudi's would like to supply Europe with gas. Also, Yanukovych, refused to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia. Just before that in September last year seems that Ukraine billionaire yuriy Boyko ran into trouble with Naftogaz and Naftogaz doesn't receive Ukrainian State support. Anyway, Naftogaz defaulted on a 500M repayment to banksters Credit Suisse and Deusche so IMF stepped in and restructured the loan (cough - bail out) so the IMF would no doubt prefer that debt be transferred to the public so to save yet another mega corporation. That sum would be no doubt part of the proposed rescue package for the Ukraine - just saying...........but I'm beginning to think the dead
bankers may somehow be tied into this???
Interesting article about Rasputin below makes sense to me. When you look a his photo he has those eyes, the eyes of vast occult knowledge
'Humans have come into being for the sake of each other, so either teach them, or learn to bear them.”
― Marcus Aurelius -
I wonder who he was addressing at the time -grin-
Walking Hawk how is your bro?
@ Exudoxia
'They immediately identify themselves as being of the STUPID variety, who unfortunately for the rest of us are sill breathing.'
So those that disagree with your theorys should not be breathing. Well that includes me!
thanks for asking. He has been through alot but shows up for all treatments dressed with class and always in a positive vibes. Had alot of trouble with feeding tube infections etc... but works through it. Things are starting to turn for the better , so,,,
I just keep praying... maybe check him out on facebook...look up (Logans Run) Portland or. to see comments and misc...
Thanks again and hows your son?
w h
via Homer..
It's not complicated at all.
Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 9.25
Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me.
'now you choose'
Most people don't see the insanity of it all, but the Divine has it all under control. Good will triumph over evil, but it has to be just so. In our story, a timeless multidimensional space opera eons on the making, the "end of evil" scene deserves an awesomeness that can only be dreamed up by the Divine. Wait for it, it'll blow your mind.
Ray B:
About that dream of yours...It's my understanding that there is a cosmic rule or force in place, which prevents malevolent forces or entities from taking us over without our permission. Without this preventive agent, we would be taken over by brute force, and be powerless to stop it. This idea was presented in a movie called "The Cabin in the Woods", came out last year, I think. Also, you can read Frank Peretti's novels, "This Present Darkness" and others, for a good visualization of how it works.
What constitutes "permission" can be debated. To me, playing with a Ouija board or dropping acid at a Kiss concert is asking for it. Ditto for hanging out around people who have been granting permission, or by staying in their homes -- it appears that, once invited into a home, the shadows tend to hang around, even while the owner is absent. We can be deceived into other, more subtle forms of permission. Some of those might seem like "just doing what comes naturally", or "just using common sense" when uncommon sense is what is called for. Thus the saying, "guard well the avenues to the soul". Also "don't beard the lion in his den", and "he who sups with the devil must use a long-handled spoon". And so on.
Just hazarding a wild guess here, but your dream may have come about to warn you that you were about to open a door that you didn't really want to open, or issue an invitation that you really didn't want to give.
FWIW, some of the most vivdly violent dreams I ever had were while I was taking SSRI anti-depressants. I had broken down crying after having a minor stroke and spending two days in intensive care (caused by stress at work), only to be told I was OK to go back to work...right back into the maw of the beast that had just mauled me.
When my Dr. heard about my weeping, he automatically assumed I needed SSRIs and prescribed some. I took them against my better judgment. After going sleepless for days at a time, and having dreams about shoving people off cliffs and strangling my grandmother (who was already long dead at that time), I got off of the SSRIs as fast as I could. I tried going cold-turkey, but found myself sitting in a chair giggling uncontrollably all day, and barely able to keep awake. But I finally did get off them, thank god. Those things are evil, I don't care what anyone says.
And by the way, how come a regular MD with no education in psychology or brain function can prescribe this shit, without so much as even putting me through any tests or profiles? He just hands them out like candy. Something seriously wrong with that!
A new Petri Dish is up now-
All is not Quiet on the International Front of Selfishness.
Thanks Walking Hawk, I hope he continues with the good progress. I don't use Facebook but Zack does, so we'll pop by in the next day or two. Zack is doing really well, aside from a few complications post surgery - a brain infection being one of them and another 2 rounds of neuro surgery, he's on the road to recovery and is home.
@ insiam My theories??? It appears you've missed the point entirely.........
Viz - that python is an Olive Python, I've had the opportunity of handling one once, it was about 4 feet long. I was awestruck by the contrast of the olive colour against it's purple eyes. For me personally, the image of the crocodile represents the apex predator of this planet (the elite) being swallowed by wisdom and healing in whatever form that takes.
i think i may have having read over you comments - oooops :)
David V, March 03, 2014 9:21:00 PM
Thanks for the extended reply. I get what you say about direct or implied permission. Caution is appropriate.
That 'dream' was in the early 80s. I have greatly-grown in sensitivity, seasoning, and 'friends' since then. I seem to function as a kind of Q-ship during this latter time. Minor to major 'attackers' arrive, are detected, and are not-just-repulsed but are cleaned/cleared as part of my 'service' to ineffable/earth/humanity. Many even switch sides as a result. It certainly makes life 'interesting' (semi-grin).
On SSRIs: In observing folks on these, it appears to me that the drugs are straight-jacketing or disconnecting people from their emotions; not 'curing' underlying causes. The emotions build and eventually break through, just greatly augmented in strength. I suspect this contributes to the 'going postal' or suicide increases, etc. I am sad that the various helping professions have bought into this drug 'regime', rather than the scary-way of teaching people both how to actually feel things through and in learning what caused them...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Following on from the snake swallowing the crocodile. My dogs found an old Bible I put in the wrong place when I was cleaning out the book shelf. Anyway sill being somewhat naughty puppies, when they found it they stole it and promptly chewed up the Old Testament - New Testament was left in tact so yin and yang chewed up yahweh - not their names just that one is black the other is white.
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