Join the good fight against Talmudic Anti-Gentilism, Russian Holocaust Denial and all those others that were done by the same people. Experience true Political Correctness.
Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Trust is a big thing. It's got a relationship to integrity, faith, certitude and determination.
So... today I go to register my new-old car. I had been about to purchase a neon yellow VW Beetle from 2001. It was in pristine condition and loaded with amenities. The Swiss treat their cars very nicely. It had eight tires, each with those pricey metal designer rims. I love Beetles, however... it was anything but low key. It was also a gasoline car. I am a diesel fan.
Yesterday, when the the car dealer I am buying from shows up (for us to go and register the Beetle), he is driving a 2002 VW Golf TDI. It is a subdued silver and immaculate, also with 8 tires. These are all new and also have those rims and it is a diesel. It has 50,000 more kilometers than the beetle but that is meaningless. It's one owner with all the paperwork for regular maintenance. It's a 'special edition'. It says, 'special' on the metal step into the car.
I mention it's too bad he didn't have this before and I was sure it cost more. He says; "It is the same price" and you can have it if you want it. So yesterday we had to do all the insurance and paperwork again for a new vehicle. He drives to France yesterday to pick up another car and is driving the Golf. The Frenchmen there insist they must have the Golf and tell him he has to call me and cancel the sale... heh heh.
This morning we take another car into the town where one registers vehicles. He tells me he hopes there are not a lot of people; sometimes you have to wait for hours. I tell him that I have very good luck in these matters. We get to the building and he runs in (before we park) to get the ticket with a number. He comes back and tells me there are a lot of people. As we park, I tell him it will go fast. We are in and out in fifteen minutes, plus, he gets the friendliest lady in the place. Why am I mentioning this?
Things (of late) very often go super smooth for me. Only occasionally do I have brief periods of drag, as in recent days when various critical things looked uncertain but... I just weathered through it and all things turned out to be much better than I initially imagined them to be, in terms of positive outcome. I have been told that this would become routine and also improve and improve. When you are riding with the ineffable, everything is about the ineffable.
When you are riding with the ineffable, all of your circumstances are not the usual general combination of the mundane and the unexpected. Everything has meaning. Everything is relevant to your relationship with the ineffable.
I awoke this morning in a fine frame of mind, around 6:45. I laid there for 20 minutes, engaged in conversation of an exhaled and thoroughly enjoyable nature. It was a step up from the previous exchanges of recent months. It was of a higher order and within myself, I was far more clear than I have been. Riding with the ineffable is a progressive thing. It's not static. It doesn't plateau out. It is a steady and gradual incline. The psychedelic version is a steep ascent but you can't stay there.
In former times, I have mentioned an experience I used to have on Maui. If you take the Hana Highway toward Paia, there is a place that you turn off on to the Haleakala Highway. As you are driving up, it doesn't seem like you are climbing at all so... it is a surprise when you look in the rear view mirror and see that you have actually gone up a considerable distance. Riding with the ineffable, riding in pursuit of the ineffable, is a process of continuing ascent and you may not notice how far you have come. It seems gradual.
Recently I was reflecting on the last year and marveling over the personal transformations that have taken place in that time period. Certain things that would come and go with a regular frequency just up and left. In some cases, habit patterns that spanned decades just up and left. You never know when real change is going to be upon you and that is why you must persist.
I was talking to the used car guy about music. He's studying the piano and his 12 year old son is studying the guitar. These are fairly recent engagements. I'd given him a CD of my music, which he really liked and that was what brought about the conversation. I told him that he should tell his son and be aware himself that, no matter what, you don't quit at your practice for the first year because it is the first year that contains the majority of the difficulty. Also, by that time, discipline has kicked in and some level of enjoyment shows up, in most cases (grin).
This applies to just about everything we do, or might engage in and this definitely applies to seeking the ineffable. The ineffable is like a hard won romance. The object of your affection keeps retreating before you as if it were shy. What it is actually doing is leading you and checking to see how far you'll go. You can count on this being so. Your Weekend Warblers and dilettantes are not inclined to continue beyond a certain point and the ineffable insures that that point is reached in every case because... most drop off. Usually people seek out the ineffable in periods of desperation and extreme suffering. We've all heard about death row conversions and some of us are aware of what it's like to be terminal, or have a loved one go terminal. In many cases, once the crisis is past, the attention drifts. It has to be a full time job.
The ineffable reminds you at intervals about it's existence and you respond, or you're busy. The greater your due diligence, the more consistently the ineffable will remind you. If you are inconsistent then... unless he really wants your attention, he drops away. As infinitely patient as the ineffable is, the ineffable does not like to intrude. I wish I had the words to accurately explain what that means, about not wishing to intrude and being shy, retreating, elusive. Lao Tzu goes into this. It requires a particular state of mind to take hold of the necessary state of consciousness, in which the ineffable is not driven away by any number of variants of human behavior.
Defining the ineffable is much like trying to hold water in your hands. One of the reasons that self inquiry is of such cardinal importance is that, in the process of self discovery, one sinks down into one's self. One deepens and in the very depths is where the ineffable resides. It is also most certainly true that your real self is the ineffable, or rather, the ineffable as it defines itself in any individual. Is it a spark like a star, in the vast darkness of perpetual night, when enough space has interposed itself between the observer and a distant sun; should such a thing be possible? Is it a mirror, reflecting a brightness, saturate with luminous wisdom? It is what it is, in whatever way it chooses to be, confounding the wise and bringing fools to laughter.
I marvel at the pundits and knowledge junkies who have such a reservoir of definitions and details. They are awash in information. For some, the ineffable is totally impersonal. For others, he dresses up in a set of clothes that he allegedly wears for centuries and which are a composite of the dogma and doctrine that a whole lot of parishioners latched on to, once the priests arranged it all to their enduring profit. Sometimes it is given a particular personality and modus operandi overlay, for the anthropomorphic hobby minds. It's determined as all good, worshiped as resident evil and defined as beyond good and evil. Whatever you say it is, it is not, but... it is like water and it will take the shape of any container it might choose to be awake or asleep in and so, one way or another we give it a being that we are most comfortable with; father, mother, lover, friend and... it will adadpt itself to that. I choose friend and so... the ineffable is my friend. I consider myself a friend of the ineffable and anyone else I may be a friend to, I am a friend to the ineffable within them.
The ineffable lives in me and lives in you and it exists and operates in a stage of awareness that is relative to our own and hindered in expression thereby, because we place restraints and limitations upon the ineffable. This very often brings me back to my Hare Krishna piece, courtesy of the inimitable Patrick Willis. We are the authors of The Imprisoned God. We must liberate the divine within and that is the point of something else that comes up a lot and is an inescapable thing that must be employed to pass through to the latter stages; one must become as a little child... "And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Regenerated innocence. Knowledge, pedantry and punditry are serious stumbling blocks. Self importance, vanity and pride are serious stumbling blocks. That condition that connects to the needle's eye is a serious stumbling block; "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; then come and follow me." That's pretty clear.
It's not easy, while at the same time being remarkably simple, should one be so inclined. It's really about the degree of inclination, commitment and inflexible resolve. If you are in possession of these, it's nowhere near as difficult as it is without them. Hence, one must love what they do and completely as well. One must be focused and Love makes this far more effortless than any other motivation; "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind".
Yes, I've been using a lot of Christian quotes. Most people who come here are Christians. You can find the same things said in every bonafide religion. Religions, however are not a reflection of the divine in present time. Religion is a wardrobe containing the clothes the divine wore at one point before moving on. There is inert truth and living truth. There is the empty space once filled by the spirit and there is that place presently occupied by the spirit. God is alive, conscious and intimately involved. We should be too.
End Transmission.......
'I'm in my Car' is track no. 2 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Almost A Capella'

Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
Paperback: $25.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
Sir Les, I always see the friend of all, within you. Peace and light to you. David
excellent post! thank you.
years ago i wrote a couple paragraphs in a little notebook/journal about the guest of honor at a party. i imagined a party i had given where all these people came and made a lot of noise and ate and drank and stayed and basically distracted me from the guest of honor -- the one true guest i had created the party for. and while i was distracted by all the noise of the others this guest sensing my preoccupation with others and not wishing to intrude -- quietly left...and oh the emptiness of that party when i discovered this. the incredible loss i felt at the sense of this guest's departure was bottomless.
i did not consciously realize what i had written -- but it was a message i am certain. and i remember it often -- but not often enough.
I have had similar unforgettable experiences accompanied by a great sense of loss.
I sure do enjoy reading your blogs. You are one of a kind and a blessing to many who come here to enjoy your insight and reflection. I certainly read your things almost daily with pleasure and each time I"m grateful and amazed. God bless you. Thanks for all that you do.
"Religions, however are not a reflection of the divine in present time. Religion is a wardrobe containing the clothes the divine wore at one point before moving on. There is inert truth and living truth. There is the empty space once filled by the spirit and there is that place presently occupied by the spirit."
This may be the very best definition of religion I have ever read. Kudos!
Man, there are a lot of us Davids that read Mr. Visible's blogs. I echo DAD's sentiments. Well said sir. By the way, my initials spell DAM. Thanks again Mr. Visible.
Dear Vis,
Thanks for another wonderful post from you--always a pleasure to read.
So good to know that things are wending their way towards your goals with gentle persistence.
I can attest to the Ineffable being shy and always a gentleman>I have tried to meditate for over 25 years with mixed sucess. Tuesday I was with son at the mental 'health' clinic for his appointment. I signed him in and went back to my car to wait for the 2nd part of the appt. which I needed to attend.
I decided to meditate.
This is not an exceptionally nice place--there are lots of noisy cars, ghetto music blasting away, used diapers in the parking lot, etc. I sat back and began to just breathe and watch with my eyes closed. Nothing external changed, but I had the most intense meditation experience of my life. It was beyond what words can express, and incredibly moving. I let the sounds and movement register in my mind and then just pass through as I kept focus on my breath. Forty minutes later my son came to get me and it seemed that possibly five minutes had passed--no more.
I am so thankful for your blogs and your continued encouragement to all of your readers.
May you be well and well blessed.
PS: Captcha 'become entartw' hehe
real good stuff, Visible.
In my opinion, you deserve a smooth ride. I'm happy that you're getting it :)
Best wishes Everyone
Hello Mr Vissibles,
Just got through reading your last bit of scribbling and thought it a joy to read you writing in shorter paragraphs. Those long ones tend to loose me somewhere as the old mind is that bit more feeble. If that be possible. as it's been a while since I sent some of my inane ramblings to you as I had fell out with you so to say. My own fault really as it was a mix of strong Poitin, the loss of a dear friend, and not to mention the way different people use idioms. Not in that order but generally something like that. I never really stopped reading the things you write though even if I have to stop somewhere as you tend to loose me sometimes. I did buy two old Chinamen statues some years back and have them on my mantelshelf. One is rather taller than the other and would go by the name of Mr Apocalypse as he would be called by those who inquire. The other would be a wee bit shorter and would be known as Vissibles. The lesser of the two of course, but in it's place all things.
This new piece of yours does resonate somewhat with me as I helped a young woman in her search for a car today. That car though had but four wheels so you do have me confused somewhat. Well in truth it drives on four wheels but I convinced the seller to throw in the old steel wheels in the deal. So I suppose you must have did something similar as the seller had sporty wheels on to sell the car. Life is like that don't you think, as with the word Special written on the step. If it be written on the step well of course it must be true. Some of her family thought she could have gotten a better deal, but in truth as I felt like I was spending her money I thought I should take off my dunce hat. She is quite the well traveled worldly girl but I was thinking of her of not being in trouble in the future as far as I was concerned. Family are indeed quite to odd thing though when it comes to the spending of money doncha think ? This old dunce though on the other hand has quite given away most of the stuff I think I don't need anymore. So I think that old Christian thing you mention has a resonance there also.
It is nice to hear things are going nice for you there now as of late as in some people trying to screw you up as to your writing. Not to mention that last trip of yours which was slightly ruined by some mean bits of fluff of The Creators making. I do hope this ineffable of yours will stay on the improve as I would wish for all of us. Mine now on the other hand is somewhat stuck in place betimes, but I put it down to a lot of baggage still to be discarded from this trailor I continue to drag behind me...............Oh for a few of your wheels. You are making a difference there I think Mr V. Scribblers akin to you do, and are making a difference as people read this pie in the sky sort of stuff and realize, Yes. one man can make a difference. Just like Mr Apocalypse this ineffable seems to be making itself more visible............If you forgive the pun.. They are more making themselves aware to more and more people I find in my daily doings. Not before it's time I suppose, but then is anything ever before it's time ? I think this Mr A of yours has quite a few more bad cards to hand out in the poker of life to all of us ere we learn our lesson, but hey, to quote another idiom of sorts. Hardship in the window, love out the door.
It is nice to hear things are going nice for you there now as of late as in some people trying to screw you up as to your writing. Not to mention that last trip of yours which was slightly ruined by some mean bits of fluff of The Creators making. I do hope this ineffable of yours will stay on the improve as I would wish for all of us. Mine now on the other hand is somewhat stuck in place betimes, but I put it down to a lot of baggage still to be discarded from this trailor I continue to drag behind me...............Oh for a few of your wheels. You are making a difference there I think Mr V. Scribblers akin to you do, and are making a difference as people read this pie in the sky sort of stuff and realize, Yes. one man can make a difference. Just like Mr Apocalypse this ineffable seems to be making itself more visible............If you forgive the pun.. They are more making themselves aware to more and more people I find in my daily doings. Not before it's time I suppose, but then is anything ever before it's time ? I think this Mr A of yours has quite a few more bad cards to hand out in the poker of life to all of us ere we learn our lesson, but hey, to quote another idiom of sorts. Hardship in the window, love out the door.
I also have begun to marvel at some of the things I have become to notice in the last few months of this year. Grin right backatya there as you seem to have taken a year to ponder. Maybe this ineffable is being kind to me, maybe I'm getting that bit faster now I'm supposed to be slower. Who cares really as if I see it, I think it good, then I try to pass it on. I do try to cast a cold eye on warblers, and dilettantes, though my word for the latter would be Popinjay. I did notice though at a local Paddy's Day parade as to one of the pipers being slightly out of tune, but given this year he will be proficient next time out. Like life I wonder, but this year I think will test a lot of metal in many a furnace. I do wish I had not such a thought but then we have to make allowance for this ineffable and His erstwhile employee the carefree Mr A. He has his job to do and when you first introduced him on here I think I sent him a Shilleagh to be passed on by you to him from me. I do hope he has the good manners to not be that harsh when he comes to my door. But then student giving cane to teacher, who knows ?
Here listen Mr Visible s, this is not meant to be a critique of your scribbles, but more you touched something with this latest piece. You do, and have made a difference. Even if people just read it and go out shopping. I hope they take even a little of some of what you write and let this water through fingers fall on dry ground.Being a Christian I seem to think it is now more evident than ever that after a long road traveled He is the God to be put to death. But then in truth all the god's are under attack but that one is the most belligerent, but hopefully He will put up a good fight. A wardrobe is a wardrobe there for sure and only recently as we laid someone close to the ground. I did have the thought of the very ground being that wardrobe to contain the suit of the mortal remains or those of any god................................The Imprisoned God no more hopefully.
Most likely made a balls O' that there Mr Visibles. Do with it as you will as When I was here all those years ago Peeps could just scribble on whilst I would ramble on.
You keep rambling on and know you make a difference, Regards Mac Calancy
A big thank you and gratitude to the ineffable and invisible forces for throwing wrenches everywhere in the works of the evil ones.
Thank you so much for this post Visible even though I don't get the eight tires (grin).
I was especially moved by your vid. I can't believe it took me this long to find it, as it is from 2012, but that is how things are with me.
And I agree with ElliottE above.
How do you come up with this stuff?
Oh wait never mind heh
Love and blessings to you, Peaches
Traditionally, here in Europe, one set of tires is used in the summer and another in the winter.
Thanks, Vis.
Wish you a nice weekend.
So I'm just absolutely in heaven as the notification of a new Visible post appears on my Facebook page, reading along as I come to your favorite car being the yellow VW Beetle and instantly the thought of Jack Nicholson pops in my mind as I just read very recently that it was his favorite color and car, too. Reading right along I get to the part about "knowledge, pedantry and punditry are serious stumbling blocks." I look down with a pout. I can't help it! I love trivia! Is there a cure for that?
Laura in NC
It only happened to be yellow.
Greetings Mr. Visible from a long time reader, first time commenter. You wrote something about God being within, and it reminded me of an amazing spiritual experience I had. I wrote it down the best I could and fell far short of capturing the whole thing, but I never could write a better version, so here goes:
"Here is what happened to me. I usually refer to it as my 'God Experience'. In 1996, on New Year's Eve, I went to sleep and had a dream that was much more real than anything that preceded or came after it in my everyday life. I found myself without a body, without a name, not in any particular location, and without a sense of identity. I was everywhere at once. If there was anything I wanted to see, all I had to do was think of it. Anywhere I wanted to go to, I was there. It was as if I had become everything. I could feel anything and everything. I knew how a tree felt when the wind passed through its branches (it tickles.) I knew how the wind felt being shredded by the tree. I felt the feelings of the mouse in the cat's jaws, and the feeling of the cat with the mouse in its jaws. I felt what it was like to make love as a woman. I could experience the epic struggles of the lives of everything that lived, and when their lives were over, I would experience their story, and their story became part of my story. And whatever happened, it was okay. Somehow I could handle all this input, though it should have been overwhelming.
I went on this way for a long time (not that I was experiencing time: I was outside it), and then something happened. I felt myself becoming more concentrated or focused, so to speak. I found myself 'on the ground', where some beings came to me with what looked like some sort of electrical wiring harness, capped at the top by a gray round knob. This thing was put on me somehow. I realized later that it was a spinal cord and brain. Somehow I developed a shape to conform to this device, and then I was made to crawl inside some kind of bag (skin, I figured out later.) At this point, I started losing my big-picture perspective; I became limited. I had certain characteristics, a certain type of personality, certain talents. I had become an individual. I had a sense that there was something I was supposed to do when I became this person, but what it was, I didn't know.
At this point, I woke up, and saw my familiar ceiling, looked down and saw my body bulging the blanket on my bed. I felt totally disoriented. It took a minute or two to remember who I was, and then I had to deal with a huge feeling of disappointment that I was me again, and a feeling of loss and sadness that I had come back to my own limited perspective."
Thank you for letting me share this.Bill
when you said 'yellow vw bug'
i had to laugh thinking back to h.s.
and a keg party out at the fishing access
i had taken some righteous 4way window-pane
and was out of my mind [and body]
i got a ride home with martha in her
yellow vw bug and i wouldn't
close the window [it was cold]
she couldn't understand of course,
if i did, we would shrink to an
infinitesimal point and cease to exist
i had a hard time explaining that to her
so i got out at my house and looked back
she had parked on the roadside with
the four-way flashers going and that
little bug was lit up like a chr-mass tree
glad you got the golf, instead, good luck with it
Est, I had the "shrink" experience, many years ago in my own VW Bug, many years ago, when I didn't mind if I would "cease to exist."
Thanks for the smile.
Re: Your song, "I'm In My Car." Lovely lines, melody, harmony; and then it gets accompanied by that other-worldly instrumental break. I loved it!! There are no bad notes to be found and yet each is a tiny alien joining up with other strangers to make a strangely cohesive interlude. There is grand permission there, exploration with a sense of humor, and it works. I wondered it you ever doubted that segment and then still decided to run with it. I'm glad you did. It puts us in our place. Take that! Escaped jazz finds its way to Visible's car. I noticed.
a new Ssssssssssmoking Mirrors is up now-
2 for 1, Hog Nostril Pizza Night at Big Caesars
Bill, March 28, 2014 5:02:00 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience! Sounds like the full spectrum, from all-God to in-body. What a fortunate happening!
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Les, slowly but surely you are coming to your senses.
" Yes, I’ve been using a lot of Christian quotes."
The faithful witness
Feel free to censor this comment
Gee, I guess you one upped me Duke. You're so wise and all knowing and I'm just feeling my way. Too bad I am not as singularly righteous as you, eh? You have the power in your own mind to send people to Hell, should they run afoul of your strictures.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Sun Baked Mudpies. It's what's for Dinner in Haiti
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