Monday, October 13, 2014

Consciously Hosting the Presence of The Already Resident.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

I want to share one of my finer secrets with you today. I hesitate to do this because of the limitations of the written word. Certainly I can get the bones of it into a rough draft but can I convey the essence of the state? We shall see. I shall take some time to get around to it as I sketch out various companion features so as to also create something of a pictograph.

Most of you are familiar with that brief metaphysical exercise by Brother Lawrence called, “The Practice of the Presence of God.” Probably you are also familiar with this meditation; “Be still and know that I am God.”

For a good long while, at odd moments, as a result of my ongoing kundalini uprisings, I have been able to feel the silhouette of the deity within. How do I describe it? It is a combination of my awareness of myself within the moment and then of an awareness of a finer etheric otherness that outlines, or rather inlines my own being and I am able to sense it as if I were it and the experience is, first of all, one of timeless being. It is almost like a creature of dance in synchronized movement that expresses itself in poses and mudras. There is no speech there, nor is there a communication between me and this otherness, other than that of its being present. It is some sort of a humming resonance of being that overlays, or inlays my own. It's not really an otherness. I only call it that to distinguish between my ordinary consciousness and the superconsciousness which is connected at some point to my own, though I do not know in what manner.

Usually, over the years, over the decades, this would happen nearly all the time, only when I was in a psychedelicized state of being. There would be rare moments when it might manifest in an unaltered state; let me rephrase that, the state would, of course, be altered but it was natively altered. Somewhere and at some point in the last ten years this all changed and it began to manifest at odd and irregular moments all on its own. Of times in the past when it would occur, all by itself, it would often be the result of meditation, or during those periods when I was confined in the pits of the dark lord as a presumed enemy of the state. How anyone human could not be an enemy of the state, insofar as the state presently defines itself, is beyond me and there is ample historical tradition for any number of spiritual seekers being held in dungeons and keeps over the course of this Kali Yuga time zone.

There are few books or treatises on The Kundalini which clarify the whole thing in layman's terms. There are scholarly works like “The Serpent Power” by Arthur Avalon. Then there is Gopi Krishna's excruciating tales of his own experiences, which are not necessarily the mean for everyone. Certainly I did not have anything like this happen but I was also completely unresistant and my personal self did not react against it happening at any time along the way.

However, there are not, so far as I know, any simple literary works that delineate the phenomena. Maybe that is because there is nothing simple about it, yet... my own experiences were quite simple. It could be that there are such accounts but I am unaware of them. Possibly some reader has a resource that accomplishes this. Otherwise it can be an ordeal to wade through things like Avalon's book or other complex texts and Gopi Krishna's would not serve as a positive introduction to the affair.

This is just stuff and more stuff and not germane to what I am seeking to present but, for whatever the reason, I... or someone, feels all this intro is necessary.

The deity is within us, at some state of awakening. The man on the beach told me, “God is sleeping and this is his dream.” So it is that the ineffable 'awakens' in us and this can take all kinds of forms. We can be laden with shortcomings and yet have the divine awake within us. We can be realized and yet still required to go through various motions which is what Jivanmukti indicates, more or less.

Emmanuel means 'god within us', 'god is with us' etc. We are each splinters of the divine in search of our immortal self AND the state can be realized and accessed in every religion and anyone who thinks otherwise is a religious xenophobe or fundie elitist, as well as dead wrong. Unless one realizes that the aperture exists in every faith, one is trapped in an unfortunate loop until such time as mercy, grace or trauma intrudes.

Okay then... still reaching... still feeling my way. What I am seeking to transmit is directly relevant to the gentle snorting, empty mind technique. This is necessary as a prerequisite. Once you are in the empty mind state, you recognize that you are waiting in a state of confident expectation and that the divine will arrive and dwell in this empty space. This is what the space is prepared for. One assures themselves that they are willing to wait at every juncture where this awareness of empty mind occurs, or one is reminded of it and that one is certain that in that very moment the divine is in movement. This may occur many times in a single day, at least as far as I experience it and one has to instantly acknowledge at that point, “God is coming. I wait in expectation. I wait with a definite certitude that the divine is coming. The divine may already be here but I am unaware of it. Let me become aware of it. Let me practice the awareness of the indwelling irrespective of my being aware of it or not. Let me insist that I am aware. The divine is here. The divine is right here and that presence is not influenced to depart simply because I am unaware of it. It is here. It is here.”

You are standing somewhere. You are sitting somewhere and you are in empty mind. Instantly your consciousness tells you, “God is here.” It may be that you can feel the divine to be present, whether in motion or still. What you must do is convince yourself that the presence is present, despite no direct evidence of this. You must find yourself reaching to that consciousness of the indwelling witness.

I am not expressing this in anyway close to what I am after. It is so difficult to convey what I am trying to say. It's a state of brimming expectation and certainty that The One is imminently on the doorstep of one's being. It is as if that emptiness is proof of the ineffable and exists for no other reason than for the hosting and that the very presence of the mind in this state of readiness and anticipation is proof positive of the successful outcome of this cosmic intent. The heart swells in sympathetic accord with the KNOWING that result is imminent.

You are in that state and you know you are in that state for only one reason and that is in order to host the divine within the vehicle of your being. You know that you have no motive power and no cognitive power except as it is conferred upon you by the divine and even your own awareness of yourself would be impossible if the divine did not make it possible. You know this! This is proof. This proof blossoms into an incredible sense of confidence. You know beyond any possible doubt that you will prevail in this exercise because the burden of doing so is not yours. Your only responsibility is to not resist it happening. You are what allows and permits. You are what does not oppose. It is the divine that accomplishes the residence, just as it is the Guardian Angel who accomplishes the completion of The Great Work.

I cannot speak with absolute certainty on a particular point, whether there are individuals who can do this but USUALLY one does not directly contact the divine. It is through an intermediary, an angelic being, or realized master who does this. The divine that manifests within is our own particular godhead. This is not the same as the 'great' ineffable, yet it is. Words are not adequate to finessing this. It's one of those, “yes and no” things. “Yes... and No...” Let us put it this way. You are a kitchen light but the ineffable is the electricity that makes the light in every house in the neighborhood and beyond. You are an expression of this force and this force is in you and also everywhere else as well. Once you are cognizant of this, you become cognizant of it in everyone and everything else as well. This provides you with a sense of security and well being that few life forms are so fortunate as to possess.

Well, I have probably made a muddle of the whole affair. I kind of knew I wouldn't be able to get the sense of it across. Reading it back it doesn't appear to me that I did and for that I apologize, I'm just not equal to the task but... you never know when something that got said might trip a lever somewhere and that sends something else in motion and by diverse ways something hidden comes to light. It is to be hoped that maybe something indirect might be the means of accessing the direct. Mercury out of retrograde yet (grin)?

End Transmission.......

Last night's radio broadcast is now available for streaming or download.

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Anaughty Mouser said...

RIP Kenny.

Peace and love

Neil Bergman said...

Thank you Les...a valiant effort to attempt to describe what cannot possibly be put into words...I am reminded of Yoganandaji's first experience in samadhi at the touch of his Master...

Anonymous said...

How about this angle. There is a force that is looking through your eyes other than yourself, (the ego). It is a nonjudgmental, only observing. Now, shut the fuck up, be still, and pay attention. :)

Laura said...

This is beautiful, dear Vis, and my heart deeply resonates as my mind moves to emptiness for the indwelling divine to be....the divine is indeed here.

With grace, in love ~

Anonymous said...

How about this angle. The deity is everything. We are nothing. God pulls all the strings. We are less than strings (because we are puppets, and therefore, beneath the strings). Makes it a lot easier on us - and on "them", too - when they start herding us into cattle cars...

Anonymous said...

oh you did very well. the sensory articulation of nothingness, awareness, expectation and certitude is not for the weak.

i woke this morning after a deep sleep and lay with still mind 'housecleaning' out any of the crap that blocks awareness and the presence of the divine...i lay there in a highly relaxed but aware state ...consciously welcoming the creative force/divine. then i got up - made a cup of coffee and sat down to read visible origami. i'd say with certitude and highly aware expectation that the day is off to a very good start. than you for all that you do. you are certainly in the groove......

Anonymous said...

well done and thank you


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

"Once you are cognizant of this, you become cognizant of it in everyone and everything else as well."

You said it exactly correctly.

"The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste]."

equal vision

PK said...

Morning les, I know you don't read the Urantia book, but what you describe about the inner presence is complementary-- THE PRESENCE OF GOD

The physical presence of the Infinite is the reality of the material universe. The mind presence of Deity must be determined by the depth of individual intellectual experience and by the evolutionary personality level. The spiritual presence of Divinity must of necessity be differential in the universe. It is determined by the spiritual capacity of receptivity and by the degree of the consecration of the creature's will to the doing of the divine will.

God lives in every one of his spirit-born sons. The Paradise Sons always have access to the presence of God, "the right hand of the Father," and all of his creature personalities have access to the "bosom of the Father." This refers to the personality circuit, whenever, wherever, and however contacted, or otherwise entails personal, self-conscious contact and communion with the Universal Father, whether at the central abode or at some other designated place, as on one of the seven sacred spheres of Paradise.

The divine presence cannot, however, be discovered anywhere in nature or even in the lives of God-knowing mortals so fully and so certainly as in your attempted communion with the indwelling Mystery Monitor, the Paradise Thought Adjuster. What a mistake to dream of God far off in the skies when the spirit of the Universal Father lives within your own mind!

It is because of this God fragment that indwells you that you can hope, as you progress in harmonizing with the Adjuster's spiritual leadings, more fully to discern the presence and transforming power of those other spiritual influences that surround you and impinge upon you but do not function as an integral part of you. The fact that you are not intellectually conscious of close and intimate contact with the indwelling Adjuster does not in the least disprove such an exalted experience. The proof of fraternity with the divine Adjuster consists wholly in the nature and extent of the fruits of the spirit which are yielded in the life experience of the individual believer. "By their fruits you shall know them."

It is exceedingly difficult for the meagerly spiritualized, material mind of mortal man to experience marked consciousness of the spirit activities of such divine entities as the Paradise Adjusters. As the soul of joint mind and Adjuster creation becomes increasingly existent, there also evolves a new phase of soul consciousness which is capable of experiencing the presence, and of recognizing the spirit leadings and other supermaterial activities, of the Mystery Monitors.

The entire experience of Adjuster communion is one involving moral status, mental motivation, and spiritual experience. The self-realization of such an achievement is mainly, though not exclusively, limited to the realms of soul consciousness, but the proofs are forthcoming and abundant in the manifestation of the fruits of the spirit in the lives of all such inner-spirit contractors. Hope your well.

Lance said...

While I don't have the time to get into too much detail, I remember trying to describe this (I believe it is what you have in mind) in a writing course in college in 1969, and I could do no more than allude to it through the character of a young woman walking the woods in early spring, something I had been doing much during that time, which brought me 'there.'

The year before I had taken a required seminar course the topic of which was "The New Morality" that I now see as really being the old immorality with a situational ethics face. This was during the anti-war heyday and reading Thoreau's essay "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" as part of that course, led me to read "Walden" and to take an interest in New England Transcendentalism.

I learned that Thoreau chose to live simply and unencumbered in order to reach what I was able to reach by putting on his "coat" as he described it. Of particular interest were the chapters "Where I Lived And What I Lived For" and "Visitors."

At the same time, picking up on Abraham Maslow's description of Self-Actualization as well as parts of Carl Jung's writings, bolstered this. Sometimes just reading them could take me to that point of realization though walks in the woods would do it, as would a particular version of Chopin's Study In E Minor (on a 101 Strings album my mother had). I could turn this on, lie down on the couch, and before it was done be transported into the presence of the divine.

Through that seminar course, and through my own pursuit of the matter, I was able to come out with something that baffled the professor and the rest of the class. God. With Me. And saw that the Catholicism in which I was raised, while it had potential, actually kept people from discovering Him, not that anyone really wanted to do that, it seemed.

After graduation, I was drafted, and spent all but maybe 7 miserable months at Fort Benning, Georgia, able to live on a natural "high," even in Vietnam, while drug users of various kinds were looking for a cheap substitute. At no other time did receiving communion bring me to the oneness I felt with God than it did when receiving it at the base chapel, there. I believe part of this experience was do to the forced simplicity of military life. Not having a family and being provided for with food, shelter and direction in exchange for my service made life quite simple, almost monastic.

Coming home, things quickly changed, never to really return as life become more complicated. But here some things worth considering, from way back when.

My realization that 'LIVING WELL IS ITS OWN REWARD.'

That there is something to be said for chastity.

That there is something to be said for celibacy.

That there is something to be said for true morality.

That there is something to be said for simplicity.

That there is something to be said for not being materialistic but choosing the spiritual side of things.

PK said...

Morning Les, once again your piece is in harmony with the Urantia book ironically2. THE PRESENCE OF GOD

The physical presence of the Infinite is the reality of the material universe. The mind presence of Deity must be determined by the depth of individual intellectual experience and by the evolutionary personality level. The spiritual presence of Divinity must of necessity be differential in the universe. It is determined by the spiritual capacity of receptivity and by the degree of the consecration of the creature's will to the doing of the divine will.
God lives in every one of his spirit-born sons. The Paradise Sons always have access to the presence of God, "the right hand of the Father," and all of his creature personalities have access to the "bosom of the Father." This refers to the personality circuit, whenever, wherever, and however contacted, or otherwise entails personal, self-conscious contact and communion with the Universal Father, whether at the central abode or at some other designated place, as on one of the seven sacred spheres of Paradise.

The divine presence cannot, however, be discovered anywhere in nature or even in the lives of God-knowing mortals so fully and so certainly as in your attempted communion with the indwelling Mystery Monitor, the Paradise Thought Adjuster. What a mistake to dream of God far off in the skies when the spirit of the Universal Father lives within your own mind!

It is because of this God fragment that indwells you that you can hope, as you progress in harmonizing with the Adjuster's spiritual leadings, more fully to discern the presence and transforming power of those other spiritual influences that surround you and impinge upon you but do not function as an integral part of you. The fact that you are not intellectually conscious of close and intimate contact with the indwelling Adjuster does not in the least disprove such an exalted experience. The proof of fraternity with the divine Adjuster consists wholly in the nature and extent of the fruits of the spirit which are yielded in the life experience of the individual believer. "By their fruits you shall know them."

It is exceedingly difficult for the meagerly spiritualized, material mind of mortal man to experience marked consciousness of the spirit activities of such divine entities as the Paradise Adjusters. As the soul of joint mind and Adjuster creation becomes increasingly existent, there also evolves a new phase of soul consciousness which is capable of experiencing the presence, and of recognizing the spirit leadings and other supermaterial activities, of the Mystery Monitors.

The entire experience of Adjuster communion is one involving moral status, mental motivation, and spiritual experience. The self-realization of such an achievement is mainly, though not exclusively, limited to the realms of soul consciousness, but the proofs are forthcoming and abundant in the manifestation of the fruits of the spirit in the lives of all such inner-spirit contactors.
Hope you are well, how old was Kenny? PL

Anonymous said...

Les, loved reading this great piece. Fully resonated. I'm a muslim and in the Quran it says that when Allah created humans from earth he brought them to life by blowing his breath into us. So we carry God's breath (symbol for spirit) in us. In fact this is what infuriated Satan (a being made of light and fire), which according to the Quran went insane with jealousy with God's new creation and His love for his humans. Satan vowed to wreak havoc on God's humans. You know the rest. But it goes back to we are from Him. We are His Creations. We just need to remember and awaken from our sleep as our Sufi friends say. Thank YOU for the reminder Les.

galen said...

MRetrograde with us through October. Like John Irving said, "Keep passing the open windows."

Peace Maker, I like your teaching method. A back-street spirituality, setting the energy for raw results.

But what do we do, what do we do with all those amazing (seems we all have 'em) transcendent experiences? Or. . . what do they do for us? Are they there to make us feel good, to comfort, motivate, unconfuse? Was Newton on to something: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," or just a witness to the laws of physics (all things physical). All I know is I get nervous when they're talked about. Not just 'cause I sense a jinx could be attracted, but mostly 'cause I am viscerally protective of them. I won't put them where they can be invalidated, fluffed off. This is likely a selfishness on my part.

Many years ago a lovely someone asked me: "Ever try to dig infinity?" I probably said "Yeah," and smiled. Then he said, "After you're all done diggin' it, put it in a box." Well, that kept me busy for a few decades. It was always, "You can't get there from here." Or can you? Hmmm.....

So I'm seven. Dad tucks me in and says, "There's no last number, child." Lights off and I start counting. I'll get there, I'll get to that last number. I just have to keep counting. Seven knows a lot more than it lets on.


Unknown said...

Hey, you tried. Not a drop of love is wasted. This is one of the best Origamis and I've been lurking here since way back. I for one wholeheartedly welcome you back to Turtle island if you do choose to return. In deep gratitude.

Rain Waters

Visible said...

"Dig infinity"

Lord Buckley, "The Nazz"

galen said...

Marvelous, and not that I fully groked the Nazz but I liked him, I really liked him. I know he'd have a light in a storm.

Then God gave me this:

"Try to make people moral, and you lay the groundwork for vice."
~ Lao-Tzu


stephen said...

I especially like your electrical analogy.

Anonymous said...

The second to last paragraph totally put it all together for me. What an honor, really, to have such illumination switched on, kinda like that kitchen light bulb. :)

Thank you.

My next goals are to make habits out of the things you mentioned in the beginning and the realization that everyone has God in them.... That's gonna change everything for me.


Anonymous said...


Yes we all have some Krishna-Christ-Ali etc.... in us!

But also there is the batik...
and when you quieten yourself enough and reach a stillness the like only an owl knows...
Things get clearer in that tree hole...
I have felt the "Whole"...
It was horrifying at first
So much so I could not move or talk
It looked part spider and part I could not make out!
But as soon it engulf me
My Krishna light
enlightened it...
And oh behold the most magnificent being-beam replaced the horror I had glimpse and I was part of it!
Like during sunrise...
When the first light illuminate the dark sky...Awesome!
I could see everything I knew and more in IT...
Marvels I could not even comprehend emanating from IT and ME...
I wasn't moving yet I was everywhere...
Silence and AWE
And yet I could hear all!
Like awesome Melodies...

Yes do Emanate el!
El is not HELL
El is Elle
Or SHE in french
El and Christ...
Made us...
Love us!
Are us!
Everything is vibrations of colors
coming in and out of El!


Visible said...

I especially do not post anonymous defaming the dead comments with zero verification. It really takes a special kind of coward to write what you did.

galen said...

For Kenny:


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Galen, in this material cosmos
even Pi has it coming..

Kazz said...

Hey brother you said it lovely :o),

My experience/dance with the Divine/extended arm of the Divine/Angelic realm, which are all basically one to me, is that life is like that Indiana Jones movie where he had to cross the chasm to get to the other side. Only those pure of heart and full of faith can blaze this trail. When Indiana stepped out there was nothing beneath his foot, but he stepped out anyway. What he realised was that there was a path there but due to an optical illusion you could not see it.

My life has been such a journey. I learned at a very young age to never play it safe. I go where the spirit leads, which is often into quite scary terrain, but I know that God is with me, and as I step out the path appears in front of me. My Father constantly has me jumping into hot water, and then when I do I realise the temperature was just right for me, and it is never too hot to handle, only my Father in Heaven knows what I am capable of better then I do.

I constantly call to mind the Lord's Prayer

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside still waters
He restoreth my soul
He leadeth me in the paths of the righteous for His name sake

Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I SHALL FEAR NO EVIL FOR THOUGH ART WITH ME
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Thou annoitest my head with oil,
My cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

While all religion (which is really law, because all law is ecclesiastical) may lead to the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, the gate by which we enter is very narrow. No one who bows to Man's law will enter!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to walk through the gates of Heaven (Matthew 19:24).

The Divine has always taken real good care of me, and I can attest to the above psalm as being true for me.

MY MANTRA IS 'if you are not living on the edge then you are taking up too much room (By Colleen McCollough - Australian author).

Thank you Vis for your tireless service to my Father. Thank you for your courage, endurance, strength, and your unending patience with some of the idiots you have to constantly deal with in order to tell the truth. If we do not meet in this world I look forward to have a joey or a trip with you when this matter of ownership of this world is resolved. What a party that is going to be brother, perhaps you might even get up and do a few numbers for us. Now that is a party I do not intend to miss. All the COOOOOOOOL people will be there:o).

Luv your sister in truth Kazz

Anonymous said...

A special kind of coward? Hmm. Well, you'd know all about cowardice, wouldn't you, Visible. It takes an extra-special kind of coward to fake a hip injury, and then fleece his readership for PayPal donations. (Smiley face here.)

Anonymous said...

The Earth is the Lord's and everything which dwells therein. Renounce and enjoy.

Tripura Sundaryi is the gate through which one sees beauty in all things. Everyone has a gate through which they must enter. The totality of the eye, the essential nature... archetype if that is your preferred nomenclature.

Visible said...

I went ahead and posted the nameless troll who's on about my faked hip injury and was smearing Kenny before that. I remember being accused of buying the jury too when I beat my case in Hawaii; not much you can say about outlandish shit like that. So... I guess I paid for the hospital rooms and rehab locations where people came and visited me too?

I got a video of my operation. I probably faked that slso... heh heh What I don't get though is the part about Paypal. what has Paypal to do with any of this? I don't remember once mentioning it.

Usually I just file this crap cause, what's the point? But we haven't gotten a negative comment in months. It's been slow so...

Anyway, carry on

Anonymous said...

Vis, I don't usually have anything to say here. I just come for the waters. But I want to say something about the troll and others like that. What you are probably mostly unaware of is that there are a lot of very jealous people out there who can't do what you do and never will

Their heads start to burn with fury. I know that is what happened to you with the last two creeps. They see what you got and they want it and they don't have it so it frustrates them and they want to tear you down. This comes with the territory and it is something you have to live with. I have visited with you so I know how real this all is.

Even among others who do similar things you are unique. I know of no one who has that resonance thing like you or who appears in dreams so often and that's not just me talking. People probably think it's great to be what you are but I know for you it can be a heavy burden. Don't sweat the small stuff.

You are aware that even with those fuckups that happened to or around you in past times you haven't lost an appreciable amount of readers. Your enemies can't fathom this but I know why that is and so do you. When the divine has your back you are good to go and go and go.

Carry on soldier. R&R is waiting at the end of the line.


Rain said...

This cat dun dug it. . . from way way back. At Pescadaro beach up the coast from Big Sur.


galen said...

Anon via Homer, twenty two sevenths of me understands what you said. A fuller comprehension would be nice, but. . .


Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Breast Cancer Scam Artistes and Honky Tonk Sweathogs

Anonymous said...

via Homer..


Nothing from nothing leaves nothing,
but you got to have
if you want to be with Me.

Pi X 0 = 0

galen said...

Anon via Homer,

Okay, we're up to twenty three sevenths, and I won't take that zero personally.

I'm scarecrow before he made it to Oz.


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

galen, I have all the faith in the world in you!

Folks used to call me loup garou, (but not anymore)

galen said...

Loup, one can only wonder if you ever lived up to that name and how mathematics might have served any moonlit transformations. Time, it must have had something to do with time. A fourth dimensional howl.

There's still no last number.


galen said...

Ebola. . .

I'm doing it, Ray, I'm calmly and quietly affirming "No." But the fear is pouring in. Alarm everywhere. Want to not buy in, usually don't buy in, but. . . looking into faces of family, wondering what to do to protect them in case the bastards make this real. A moment of weakness? Maybe.

A quote from article I read this morning:

"The Ebola Epidemic is a hoax on the scale of 9-11 and Sandy Hook. The purpose is to frighten the masses into accepting martial law measures and to send troops to occupy West Africa. It's not Ebola that will get you. It's the vaccines. ... Look at all this troop deployment to Africa - and Iraq -- within the last week. ... When the UK and France also deployed soldiers a few days ago, I reached the conclusion that Ebola is quite simply the pretext for 'medical' martial law."
-- Richard Evans, Ebola Pandemic Smells Like a Hoax, October 15, 2014

So Richard goes out on limb and exposes the lie. But what damage can a lie wield?

So-called "patriot" voices are giving the usual "Stock up on food and water" spiel, and "Be prepared to cut yourself off from any contact outside your home for about six months." They give far more details ("It takes about a cord of wood to burn a dead body") and warnings. We're running about 9 to 1 with the majority either buying in or selling fear. May the minority be right in claiming "hoax" and help this thing disappear. I don't want to live in a Hazmat suit. I don't want to die. Not yet, anyway.

Probably get a few reprimands for writing this, but even Noah built the ark.


Anonymous said...

Hi Les, I'm Chris. You constantly dance around Truth but you never embrace it.Truth is exclusive . It's just its nature. Jesus is Lord!
I've read and enjoyed your posts for at least 3 years and will continue to read.
Ain't hatin, just sayin

Visible said...

I understand Chris but eventually these limitations will leave you. Fixating (to the exclusion of others) always results in conflict with cannot be resolved because God speak through many channels.

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Soros, the Khmer Rouge and the Harmonica Virgins.



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'I Need More Light' from the Les Visible Album
God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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