Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your tails always follow behind you.
I used to think that 'Serenity' was the most enjoyable science fiction film I ever saw; note, I didn't say best, I said most enjoyable. Well... I saw “Guardians of the Galaxy” over the weekend and that was something else. I haven't seen messages delivered like I saw there, at any time in recent memory. It's as if people from somewhere else... some other planet, made the film. There's a character in there, “My name is Groot.” That's all he says, except for the last thing he says ...and the final confrontation with the Satanic Zionist element of the times, is made successful for the good in a way that doesn't usually get pointed out. Sure, some people won't like the film. Some people don't like much of anything and have even more motivation to dislike it if you happen to like it. As difficult and disappointing as life can be at times, I refuse to embrace that jaded cynicism that I too often see.
In this world at this time there are far too many who know too much about nothing of value. In an age of materialism, people know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. The tendency for mockery of everything decent or restrained is an epidemic. Restraint is equated with being uptight. Sensation seeking without qualifying the experience is the in thing. If if feels good do it. If it tastes good eat it and if it looks good, well, whatever it is you do when something looks good and you can get close enough.
There's this thing that happens in times of material darkness, in times of material overload, where those who are too young become too knowing and where the culture sexualizes them before they are ripe (can say that? Sure... I just did).
The fashion designers are very big into this kind of thing. I don't know if sexual orientation has anything to do with that. I know that has a lot to do with reversed Kundalini and reversed Kundalini has a lot to do with Satanism, under whatever guise it is celebrated, in any particular land. There is a very high incidence of sexual perversity in the fashion industry, as there is in government and in the intelligence community. It's as if bent professions are of high appeal to people bent in other ways.
It is a given that alternative sexual expressions proliferate in times of materialism. They usually manifest in much larger number during the decline of a culture and this is easily confirmed historically. When a culture is young and emergent there is far less of that sort of thing. I'm not making judgments, just observations. All of us are permitted to see whatever, however we choose and tolerance is not acceptance. It's possible with relentless programming to get people to say that a cat is a dog. Some of them will actually believe it and the others will be acting out of fear. However, no matter how many people become convinced that the cat is a dog, the cat is still a cat, the same way the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the reverse. No matter how deeply you believe something and no matter how desperately you have convinced yourself of something, what is is and what is not is not. We live in an age when what is not is what is, seemingly. It's only seemingly. Greater minds always see what is as it is. Those who are destroyed by their betrayal of themselves have reaped the reward of self deception.
No matter how dark this world may become I intend to keep my heart light. I could gravitate toward nitpicking and ridiculous precision. One can take the aches and pains of life to be a useful excuse for being unpleasant. One can take the sudden or gradual removal of ones being, as a commodity on the meat-rack of the moment, as reason for a perpetual and seething resentment of those who remain in flower, as concerns the base appetites of the world and some people hate children for that very reason.
When you have put your faith in what is not, because it suits your appetites and desires to do so, you are not equipped to move with grace through the inescapable changes of life. Ageing becomes increasingly uncomfortable and life itself can become a burden. It is not meant to be so. Obstinate refusal to face life with open eyes and to see it as it is is responsible for this. I know I have said these same things over and over in different ways. These things are important. How important is your life? How important are the circumstances you encounter and the mindset you confront them with?
Living in denial will eventually calcify you. It will make you rigid, like some precursor to rigor mortis. This is how one achieves hardening of the arteries and all those other maladies having to do with this kind of thing. This is how you wind up in the dementia chute instead of the regenerated innocence chute. Jesus Christ! It should be obvious. They call senility the second childhood but... when one attains to their childlike nature... that is a horse of a very different color.. I've met people who possess the latter and I've seen plenty that were representative of the former.
When I got out of the military, where they told me I was chronically schizophrenic, I thought to myself, “Hmmmm... Well, if I am crazy then maybe I belong in an institution.” So, by using my not inconsiderable acting skills I managed to get myself admitted to the mental institution in Norman, OK. I should probably add here that it was those same acting skills that convinced the military doctors too. Sure... the tests said I was schizophrenic but what does that mean? I doubt there are many inspired artists who are not schizophrenic. What that means is that you have a wider mind pasture than the usual. Where everyone else has surround fencing in their heads, some of your fencing is gone. How is that a bad thing? Okay... okay I have seen examples of that but it's not relevant here.
What is interesting is what I was exposed to in that place during the six months that I was there. At first I was in a locked ward and then I got on one that had grounds privileges, so I would wander all over the place. I used to wander through the geriatric wards. Remember, this was a while ago. I saw some things that imprinted on my consciousness in a big way. Another thing that happened was that I slowly came to see that the doctors were the ones who were mentally ill. At first this troubled me because I couldn't imagine who was going to help or heal me. Of course, my situation, being chronic was not curable anyway but I doubt I knew that then. Yes... I used to wander all over that place and had many surprising experiences.
An interesting thing happened while I was there. The doctor who was in charge of the ward realized, without my saying anything, that I could see he didn't know what he was talking about and was, like many doctors, of the officious and pompous sort and he took an instant resentment to me, even working to sabotage me during my stay there, which only proved my observations. At some point I was reading a copy of something like Psychology Today; it might even have been that magazine. There was an extensive article on Timothy Leary and his experiments with LSD at Harvard. I was instantly fascinated with what I read and said to myself, “I have got to try that.” Some little while later I was in Washington D.C., specifically Dupont Circle and I did take some and it exceeded all my hopes and expectations far, far beyond anything I might have imagined. My life changed fundamentally and I also knew, instantaneously that I was not crazy, it was the world that was messed up. I saw so much in such a short time. It would be impossible to illustrate what took place. Some while later I was living with people who had been with Leary at Millbrook. We lived in teepees in Riverby, New York, about ten miles outside of Woodstock and had weekly LSD 'sessions' inside a stone circle at night. In combination with chants to the Amitabha Buddha we reached levels seldom seen by me at any other time.
Occasionally someone comes in here and lets me know that they think my taking psychedelics is cheating, even though it's been done for thousands of years and was put here for these purposes. It is widely suspected that John of Patmos was on mushrooms when he had his visions. One can find “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” free to download in PDF in any search engine. There's a lot to be discovered there. When one studies the legend of Santa Claus it can be very revealing as well. There's similar associations with witches riding broomsticks.
People are welcome to have their unexplored opinions about my or anyone elses relationship with psychedelics. People can believe what they want to believe. It does not make what is not into what is. What they believe may be very true for them but it is not true for me. I have a cosmic dispensation in this regard and that is beyond debate as far as I am concerned and as far as what I have been told and taught internally over the years. Some people aren't meant to travel through The Doors of Perception. It is definitely a consciousness version of The Wild West. Not everyone is equipped to steal those horses. Not everyone is capable of withstanding what might appear in front of them and that can be awesomely beautiful beyond the reach of words to express and it can be terrifying too, depending on who shows up. For me, either side of that is just thrilling and exciting. It's like an extreme roller coaster ride. Some people are screaming in fear and some few people are screaming from excitement. The bottom line is what you know about yourself. At a particular level, nothing can threaten you. I've had pit dwellers appear without appreciable effect. Once you know only one thing is real and that all power comes from one place, nothing else impresses you. That's just how it is. I'm talking about visceral, not intellectual awareness. These are very different and nowhere does one notice this so completely as when the freaky shit comes around. Some of it can be very convincing.
I live for these kinds of things. I suppose I am a metaphysical thrill seeker but Love is always the predominant emotion. And love guards the realm, no matter what realm it may be. I've been around people who went insane under the influence, thankfully that faded, while experiencing these things. Like I said, it's not for everyone but... that doesn't mean that anyone, with zero understanding or awareness of the reality of the matter is in a position to tell me what is and what is not concerning it. I will make my own determinations and I will do it under the guidance that has attended my way all through. I respect people having different opinions but, in the end, this is something they can only measure for themselves. What others can and cannot do varies and the proof is in the pudding.
End Transmission........
'Materialism' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2014
Lyrics (pops up)

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A nice variety of "May your..." openers recently. Now I'll have plenty of toasts for when I have a drink with my dog.
The broad daylight awareness helped me deal with a recent situation in my life. Thank you for your guiding words that stuck in my mind in the midst of the trial. I know it is only a beginning and I am learning to see the evil so I can be the good, what a wacky world but it is in front of me and I will never stop speaking the truth. Motivation in a blog- I love it here!-jen
Vis, good column. Introspective again.
Vis: "There's this thing that happens in times of material darkness, in times of material overload, where those who are too young become too knowing..."
This popped up my remembrance of a scene within the "Dune" SF series. The tribe's old Bene Gesserit 'wise woman' was dying, and the new one had to take a powerful psychoactive substance, "Spice", in order to transfer her knowledge/experience over. In doing so, however, the new Bene Gesserit realized (too late) that she was pregnant. There were powerful rules against doing this, because the baby had no 'formed self' within which to 'seat' the memories and the expanded consciousness of the Spice.
I see "where those who are too young become too knowing" in that regard. Nature has 'programmed' us in a progressive series of 'openings', and we mess with those at our peril...
Vis: "We...had weekly LSD 'sessions' inside a stone circle at night. In combination with chants to the Amitabha Buddha, we reached levels seldom seen by me at any other time."
In my opinion, enough cannot be said about having other high-minded individuals about (seen or unseen) when one is venturing into new territory or experiences. They can make all the difference in 'holding space' or preventing catastrophic meltdowns. I suspect that that was the original, pristine reason behind the Guru presence. (Meaning, in my mind, "Been there, done that, how can I help You?")
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Doors of perception being blown wide open. Well, I've used atropine, Salvia, myristicin, datura in nonthreatening (insufficient) doses, LSA in insuffiecient doses, and Southern Pacific. The atropine was a mindfuck (Amazing what you can do with a bunch of green cherry tomatoes, if you can get 'em down.). I became totally 'Vulcanised'. No emotion. First and last trip. I could have done anything, and felt nothing. Beyond psychopathy. Salvia was a nice cheap movie with me as a participant. Once I was a city building itself. Kinda cool, but useless. Got yelled at on the Otherside for knocking myself out of body with the myristicin (nutmeg). My failed suicide attempt really knocked me for a loop, and I've been pissed about being sent back from the day it happened, though I wasn't any happier there than here; considering what I was looking for wasn't there. (Don't ask.)
As for hating crotch droppings, I can't stand 'em myself, though I've had that' tude from age 6 when I had to take care of the 2 and 3 year old defiant little bastiches my incubator had to her second 'HOST'. I found them annoying as Hell then, and on top of finding them annoying now, I see the time and expense involved that I think would be better spent on being flayed alive, to say the least. . .unless they are properly seasoned and cooked, on a plate next to some rice and stir fried veggies, which probably did happen more often than many care to admit during the Cultural Revolution. And considering what a piece of shite I was when I was a young food product (Remember, it took me until I was 32 to outgrow that phase. I was a little slow.), I hate them even more. One of my curses is, 'MAY YOUR FIRST BORN SPROG GROW UP TO BE JUST LIKE ME!'
Yes, you do not ask a 6 year old to babysit. Both the worthless cunt that was my incubator and her equally worthless second host would be in jail if then was now.
And now to get totally off tangent because I'm still
an obnoxious bastard, and determined to stay that way.
This is a question from Teal Swan. If you think something is wrong with you and you believe in a higher power, then you'd have to believe the higher power makes mistakes. Do you?
My answer is YES! After all, if everything is Source exploring everything that can be, isn't it logical to assume many mistakes shall be made? Or shall we just leave it at everything being beyond good an evil, and saying everything just IS?
Gods, I just HAD to post this. Kinda like no choice in the matter.
Your welcome!
If you are not using psycho-active substances to 'find god' then you're diluting the magic.
I have always been annoyed by idiots who 'shroom just to dig the colours, or people who smoke marijuana to get the munchies and giggle at sit-coms.
That's a misuse of a sacred resource and reverse kundalini shit to me.
Anyway, if you haven't been diagnosed schizophrenic, have you really been trying? Seek and ye shall find.
What's that saying, Vis? "Success is speedy for the energetic"? Indeed.
I met one person while in the military who had used LSD. This was in 1970. He told me of his experience of dropping acid then going to see Disney's Fantasia. His eyes lit up when he talked about it. He seemed different, but in a good way. Maybe he was schizophrenic on some scale, but he came across as level-headed to me. Married, and probably about 21 and a draftee, like most of the rest of us.
Alice would indeed be intrigued by the intricacies of the path where by the broom sticks inside the closet were made from rye stalks with a touch of ergot from whence the sickness of egotism was being cured by the illness of ergotism, strange daze indeed.
Looking for the up shoot of the rabbit hole a dodgy one might be tempted to copulate with a fungus in order to see where do the witches take flight. Oh my goodness, I perceived once the inside of a child's spinning top with the light at the top and the darkness below. All upon the walls was the story of my existence spiraling up or down in the measure of good or evil that was employed. Traveling that spinning top I saw a future strapped to a machine lathe where the workers became a part thereof, I shuddered to think it would be my future. I didn't feel welcome to the machine and left the trade soon after, on the road to find out I was with a Cat Stevens tune for inspiration. Here I be 40yrs later stuck inside an information machine instead, woe is me. One would be tempted to go back and start again me thinks maybe this is a better path -> ?
The word Entheogen means God contained within and in some other translations it means to awaken the divine within, which is closer to the word Entheogenesis, describing the process of doing away with all that which is transient and impermanent, while allowing the unchanging aspect of our being to awaken to itself. An Entheogen is a compound that induces a spiritual or mystical experience. There have been many kinds of Entheogens or plant based psychoactive substances used by humans. However, there isn’t much known about these plant medicines commonly, as a result of which humanity has been for long exploited by psychological manipulation at the hands of the powers that be. Constant repetition of lies and negative propaganda seem to be working well on the sleeping masses, however with more information and awareness on these subjects things are quickly changing globally.
It is good to see great change manifesting when people join hands and come together against this regressive oppression and tyranny that act out through the various world governments, big greedy corporations and the Military Industrial Complex. One of the ways to beat the system is through creating more awareness … by disseminating useful information, sharing knowledge … speaking your truth and more importantly, living it ! We came across this brilliant source of information on various drugs and their effects on human consciousness and thought it must be shared here …
In 2010 I was fortunate to be a presenter on the subject of entheogens at a fascinating conference in San Rafael, California, titled “Beyond the I… the end of the Seeker’. The conference organizers had recruited a remarkable collection of physicists, neuroscientists, consciousness researchers, and spiritual teachers, all with a common interest in what turned out to be the rather hazy subject of ‘Science and Non-Duality’. (I say that I was fortunate to present because I was also able to attend workshops and lectures with some of my personal heroes including the physicist/authors Peter Russell, Amit Goswami, NASA’s zero-point scientist Bernard Haisch, anesthesiologist Stuart Hammerhof on his and Roger Penrose’s theory of Quantum Consciousness, and a remarkable presentation by Nassim Haramein exclusively on his paper about the Schwarzschild Proton). The entheogen section of the conference — titled ‘Entheogens as a Portal’— was a panel comprising of Rick Doblin (MAPS), Dr. Martin Ball, James Fadimann, myself and a couple of other speakers (whose names I must confess I don’t remember) all who received 20 minutes to speak about entheogens and (I presumed) ‘non-duality’.
Since my normal presentation (which is mostly about my theory for a quantum nature for the transpersonal entheogenic experience that I outline in my book ‘Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad’) takes at least an hour, and since I was considering ‘non-duality’ to be another way of describing the ‘classical’ mystical experience of ‘transpersonal Oneness’ that occurs with the complete dissolution of Ego and Identity (‘the loss of all opposites’), I decided to talk about a subject that I had been thinking about more recently, namely the correlation between the effect a ‘drug’ has on the Ego (one’s personal sense of ‘I’) and its relative toxicity.
So for this conference, rather than discussing my usual subject (the endogenous entheogens, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT), I decided to consider the broad spectrum of different ‘mood-enhancing’ compounds available, and rather than considering how each particular ‘drug’ affects our bodies or our ‘mental well-being’ as most scientific studies would, I would instead rank each drug on how it affected our sense of Ego, our sense of “I”. Since the total loss of Ego and the sense of “I” is the core of the transpersonal mystical experience (and I am an experiential-mystic at heart) I decided that I would assign each ’drug’ its own ‘Mystical Value’, with the ‘drugs’ that can induce the transpersonal state of total loss of Ego and Identity having the highest value (most value to an experiential mystic), while the ‘drugs’ that reinforced or inflated the sense of the Ego would have the lowest. After having ranked the various compounds (according to experiential reports in literature, EROWID, etc), it was interesting to note that the scale naturally descended by the chemical class of the compound—tryptamine, phenethylamine, opiates, amphetamines, alcohol— and that this corresponded to a noticeable increase in toxicity.
Here is how I ranked the various compounds, along with my personal commentary on the effects of the compound, its toxicity, and human history.
The Oroc Mystical Value Scale
The endogenous entheogens/ Simple tryptamines:
1. 5-Methoxy-DMT: Regularly capable of inducing a ‘classical’ mystical experience of transpersonal oneness with complete dissolution of Ego and Identity, even at dosages as low as 5 micrograms. Endogenous. Which means that it is naturally produced within our own bodies and thus 100% physically ‘non-toxic’. Also present in nature in the leaf, bark, and roots of trees, and in the venom of the Bufo Alvarius toad. 5-MeO-DMT has been used in South America in the forms of snuffs for an estimated 3000 years. 5-MeO-DMT’s modern use, first in the form of smoking toad venom, and then as synthesized 5-Meo-DMT, is approx 35 years old.
Since my normal presentation (which is mostly about my theory for a quantum nature for the transpersonal entheogenic experience that I outline in my book ‘Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad’) takes at least an hour, and since I was considering ‘non-duality’ to be another way of describing the ‘classical’ mystical experience of ‘transpersonal Oneness’ that occurs with the complete dissolution of Ego and Identity (‘the loss of all opposites’), I decided to talk about a subject that I had been thinking about more recently, namely the correlation between the effect a ‘drug’ has on the Ego (one’s personal sense of ‘I’) and its relative toxicity.
So for this conference, rather than discussing my usual subject (the endogenous entheogens, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT), I decided to consider the broad spectrum of different ‘mood-enhancing’ compounds available, and rather than considering how each particular ‘drug’ affects our bodies or our ‘mental well-being’ as most scientific studies would, I would instead rank each drug on how it affected our sense of Ego, our sense of “I”. Since the total loss of Ego and the sense of “I” is the core of the transpersonal mystical experience (and I am an experiential-mystic at heart) I decided that I would assign each ’drug’ its own ‘Mystical Value’, with the ‘drugs’ that can induce the transpersonal state of total loss of Ego and Identity having the highest value (most value to an experiential mystic), while the ‘drugs’ that reinforced or inflated the sense of the Ego would have the lowest. After having ranked the various compounds (according to experiential reports in literature, EROWID, etc), it was interesting to note that the scale naturally descended by the chemical class of the compound—tryptamine, phenethylamine, opiates, amphetamines, alcohol— and that this corresponded to a noticeable increase in toxicity.
Here is how I ranked the various compounds, along with my personal commentary on the effects of the compound, its toxicity, and human history.
The Oroc Mystical Value Scale
The endogenous entheogens/ Simple tryptamines:
1. 5-Methoxy-DMT: Regularly capable of inducing a ‘classical’ mystical experience of transpersonal oneness with complete dissolution of Ego and Identity, even at dosages as low as 5 micrograms. Endogenous. Which means that it is naturally produced within our own bodies and thus 100% physically ‘non-toxic’. Also present in nature in the leaf, bark, and roots of trees, and in the venom of the Bufo Alvarius toad. 5-MeO-DMT has been used in South America in the forms of snuffs for an estimated 3000 years. 5-MeO-DMT’s modern use, first in the form of smoking toad venom, and then as synthesized 5-Meo-DMT, is approx 35 years old.
2. DMT (dimethyltryptamine): Capable of inducing a ‘classical’ mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness, with complete dissolution of Ego and Identity, mostly at high dosages, and in certain individuals. Endogenous. Found in the leaf, seeds, bark, and roots of plants, DMT has been used in South America as snuffs, and as the active alkaloid in ayahuasca, for more than 1500 years. These plant admixtures are regarded as sacred medicines amongst the Amazonian cultures from which they originate. After being discovered to be psychologically active by the Hungarian psychologist Stephan Szara in 1957, DMT was used by IM sporadically throughout the early 1960’s (most notably by William S Burroughs and Timothy Leary) before experiencing a brief burst of popularity in the late 1960’s (after the underground chemist Nick Sand discovered that the fumurate was smokable), before disappearing almost completely by the end of the 1970’s. The writings of Terence McKenna subsequently rekindled interest in the compound and its natural analogue ayahuasca, which combined with the unsubstantiated theories of Dr Rick Strassman presented in the more recent book DMT: The Spirit Molecule, has resulted in a significant modern mythology amongst the current psychedelic counter-culture.
The Complex Tryptamines:
3. LSD-25. (lysergic acid) Also a tryptamine, LSD is capable of inducing a ‘classical’ mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness, with complete dissolution of Ego and Identity, in high dosages, and in certain individuals. Synthetic, with close analogues found in nature. The Eleusinian mysteries—which could only be attended once in a lifetime—were considered the high point of Greek Society and ran for more than 2000 years, tremendously influencing Greek Philosophy and thus Western Thought. Kykeon, the entheogen at the heart of these mysteries, was most likely an LSD analogue produced from an ergot (grain) fungus. (The Temple at Eleusis was dedicated to Demeter, the Goddess of Wheat). LSD-like compounds have also been isolated from the Aztec ololiuqui (morning glory) seeds. Lysergic Acid –LSD 25, which captured the public imagination like no other entheogen in modern history during the late 1960’s and early 70’s– when an estimated 75 million people tried the drug – is the synthetic counterpart of these natural plant analogues. While the very high dosages (800+ micrograms) recommended by Leary, Metzner, and Alpert in ‘The Varieties of the Psychedelic Experience’ (1963) to induce a transpersonal-mystical experience ultimately proved to be more than most people liked to handle psychologically, LSD is physiologically one of the safest compounds known to man, since it requires the smallest known amount (1/10,000th of a gram) to be psychologically active, and is thus has an incredibly low toxicity to dosage. (You can ingest the same amount of cyanide, or even plutonium, and it will pass through your body with affecting you). Wikipedia reports a suspected fatal overdose (Kentucky, 1975) medical literature on LSD, which involved the IV injection of a ridiculously large amount of LSD (1/3rd of a gram … more than 3000 of today’s hits!) but notes ’most sources report that there are no known human cases of such an overdose’.
4. Psilocybin (4-OH-DMT). Can induce transpersonal-mystical experience in high dosage. Naturally occurring in some 200 mushroom species. The presumed entheogen in Terence McKenna’s ‘Stoned Ape’ theory. The least powerful of the tryptamines, psilocybin is of low toxicity although overdoses are reputedly possible on synthetic psilocybin, such as in the death of John Griggs, the leader of the notorious LSD-and-hashish cartel, The Brotherhood of Love, although none are reported on EROWID.
5. Ketamine/PCP: Capable of inducing a ‘classical’ mystical experience of transpersonal Oneness, with complete dissolution of Ego and Identity, mostly at high dosages, and in certain individuals. The only legal PCP analogue (estimated 5-10% the strength of PCP), Ketamine, which acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system, requires inclusion due to its impressive record for inducing mystical experiences in individuals (mostly by IM injection) and it could be argued that it deserves a higher ranking than the complex tryptamines. Since it is used as a medical anesthetic, it is considered physically very safe and overdoses are rare. While PCP was first synthesized in 1926, with an illegal street use that peaked in the mid-70’s, Ketamine’s illegal use as an entheogen (and increasingly as a party drug in small doses) is a relatively recent human development.
The Psychedelic-Phenethylamines:
6. Mescaline: Can induce transpersonal-mystical experience in high-dosages. Naturally occurring in various cactus species, mescaline is one of the oldest psychedelics known to man. The San Pedro cactus cults of Northern Peru are the longest known continuous shamanic tradition having existed for at least 3000 years, while there is evidence of peyote use in Mexico and North America dating back 5700 years. In these cultures, the mescaline-containing cacti were considered sacred medicine. Although very rare today, synthetic mescaline was the main subject of Aldous Huxley’s ‘The Doors of Perception’, which helped spark the 60’s psychedelic revolution. (Mescaline, Psilocybin, LSD, and DMT would be the 4 compounds listed in the introduction to Leary, Messner, and Alpert’s ‘The Psychedelic Experience’ in 1965.). Like most psychedelics, mescaline is physically non-toxic and non-addictive.
7. 2-CB, 2-CI: Structurally related to mescaline, both 2-CB and 2-CI can induce transpersonal-mystical experience in high-dosages. Synthetic phenethylamines, these are notoriously dose-sensitive and little is known about their toxicity, but due to the extremely low toxicity of mescaline and virtually all psychedelics, they can be assumed to be physically non-toxic and non-addictive. Both are creations of Alexander Shulgin (most famous for popularizing MDMA), which rose to popularity in the LSD drought of the early 21st century caused by the infamous Kansas Silo bust, proving once again that prohibition simply results in diversity.
You'll note the mention of its use in ancient mystery schools. I submit that this is the case with ALL mystery schools with the exception of some modern ones, which are probably a mystery to the members.
My favorite tale about psychedelics is the one about Santa Claws (grin). "Ho ho ho ho!!!" No wonder he says that.
I cut and pasted but for some reason it duplicated a part. Oh well... Off to have a conversation with my invisible friends. Always remember to say "Good Morning!" to them; sets the tone.
vis.language much like lightening is capable of offering but a brief look at tempests and worlds in a single drop of water .or the geometry of a soul or what conversation with a plant guide can impart.
The providence that's in a watchful state
Knows almost every grain of Plutus' gold,
Finds bottom in the uncomprehensive deeps,
Keeps place with thought and almost, like the gods,
Does thoughts unveil in their dumb cradles.
There is a mystery--with whom relation
Durst never meddle--in the soul of state;
Which hath an operation more divine
Than breath or pen can give expressure to.
(Troilus and Cressida, 3.3.207), Ulysses to Achilles
be well, live long
The only drug I've done from the ones you've mentioned in the comments is LSD, I use to buy it in sheets from someone in Palm Springs and sell it to my friends in my teens. I did a lot of it. The highest dose was a strip of 7 hits, which was 14 dollars worth, I use to pay 2 dollars a hit, and sell it for 4. Sometimes I would sell it at cost, or even give it away. When I took seven hits, and peaked the floor vanished I was on a friends porch, smoking a cigarette, making circles with the cigarette, all of the sudden I felt like I was walking in space, eventually I got on my hands and knees and started crawling cause I couldn't find the floor. It wasn't a good trip, but it wasn't a bad trip either. I've done it so much that it is pretty much the same experience for me chemically everytime, and I can get it here in Las Vegas, but for 20 dollars a hit, I've done it a few times out here. I don't know to what degree all the LSD I've done has changed me, but I know it has. I never thought about it as a spiritual experience, just a really thrilling high.
My feeling is everyone has some form of neurosis, some way of coping with the environmental, and social stressors. One of them is denial, and it keeps the doors of perception, and broad day light awareness,away from individual consciousness.
Most people are running away or facing things head on, sometimes, by choice, most of the time by obligation. Few have discovered the value of stillness until they are older, and only because it is imposed upon us by nature. Stillness leads to the doors of perception, and broad daylight aware. I can't really put into words what stillness is, but it might even be a form of neurosis.
Coincidentally, this article about sex and drugs was also published yesterday.
Crowley Goes to Hollywood and the Music Industry (Part II)
Dearest brother. excuse my arrogance..i am not here often and when i do come here..i do not have much to say even though much can be said
I am sending feelings love you and hoping that you are feeling well and safe
I have to disagree dear beloved. it is for everyone. but you are right too for..even though it is for every one the majority reject it due to being consumed by wants
You will agree that one must let go of what one knows for one to know.......
The time is auspicious. the divine play is fast approaching its conclusion. kaliyuga is to go up in a big.bang then satyuga will begin again. like night and day the cycle continues forever and ever
Sending good wishes filled with love
Peace . Om
i am not a robot. i am not a robot. i am...
"The Thud Experiment" comes to mind.
Where do I purchase your book. Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad’)
To add to our library ?
Rain W
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
On the Way to the City of Dis Across the Sea of Moral Relativity.
Dear Vis,
Thanks for the very informative response in the post section.
In the past I have taken LSD, pot, mushies and speed. LSD, mushies and speed I only tried sparingly. Recently I tried some LSD with a friend's 29 yr old son, who was supposed to be looking after me :o), but I ended up having to look after him. It seems the LSD we used, which I got from a good friend, was so strong he got totally overwhelmed, even though he was a regular user of LSD. He said we took enough LSD for 7people. I imagine the grade I got would have been pretty potent because my friend that I got it off is ex army, and he has excellent contacts because he dabbles a lot. Must say it was a definite improvement over what I had in my hay day :o).
The thing is Vis my perception never alters with these drugs, it simply becomes enhanced. Why do you think this is? Since you have more experience in this arena I thought you might be able to shed some light for me.
By the way, we have heaps of cane toads here, can you use them in the same way as those other toads? If so could you direct me to the process for extracting the poison, and provide details on strength etc. Unfortunately I cannot afford an Iowaska retreat, but I would truly love to :o).
Cheers Kazz
Substances were used in past epochs for a good reason, as human consciousness was different then from that of today; things (eg alcohol and psychoactive plants) which were once appropriate for humans at that long ago stage of evolution are today deleterious.
Drugs don't give you spiritual experiences. They seem to, which is why people become enamoured of them, but in fact they take you into a fake 'spiritual' world, which at times can seem very beautiful, but is a hallucination. And no spiritual progress is made. 'Experiences' under hallucinogens are distorted versions of reality. In genuine spiritual experiences, development and knowledge gradually increase; for instance, you learn about your past lives and those of others, the future of humanity, etc. The ego lessens, so that you rarely talk about yourself and your life. With drugs, this doesn't happen; instead you become the prey of astral low-life entities masquerading as elevated beings. They will tell you all kinds of things, but what they promise doesn't happen.
It takes such inner courage to see and admit this if one has gone down that path, that most aren't able to admit it, as they would have to admit they've gone the wrong way for decades, and that's more than their ego can handle.
anonymous 0:8;00
We don't usually get really stupid and uninformed commentary here but it happens. Anyone who equates alcohol and psychedelics is akin to someone like 'Brownie' being put in charge of FEMA and to make matters worse tells us that there was a time when it was appropriate but it isn't now. To put the icing on the the urinal cake it's anonymous. You're welcome to pontificate about things you don't know anything about and we are just as welcome to recognize that.
Anything that alters one's consciousness is a drug, so... your employment of ignorance defines you as a drug user; no way around that.
Perhaps you will inform us of your past lives and the lives of others and the future of humanity. We're waiting. Understand that if you are unable to do this to the satisfaction of the reader here that you will have effectively rendered your comments null and void for you will have demonstrated that you are not in possession of the things you imply by having followed official government and religions policy.
There's no rule of the road that states your perceptions are supposed to change as opposed to being enhanced.
I assume you are joking about the Bufo frog query and I suggest you don't explore that. Ayahuasca sessions are most certainly available in your area.
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Robot Catamites, Open Border AND Programming your Subconscious.
Employing the positive thought directive, yet a full-moon isolation abounds. Not isolation from The Ineffable but The Ineffable's off-spring. Trust issues perhaps. Acceptance issues. Not divulging all isn't a form of non-experience. Not every one made it through the jungle the same way. Not every one makes it through the jungle the same way. Not every one will make it through the jungle the same way. Not everyone will make it through the jungle. One is where one is and in that isness hopes for authentic connection but it is not always available. I think it was Jimmy Webb who said, "The moon's a harsh mistress."
Yes I was joking about the cane toads. Dogs die from licking those toxic little suckers. Seems like you are starting to get my sick sense of humour :o).
I am unaware of local Ayahuasca sessions, so if you have the mind and the time I would much appreciate a contact, perhaps emailed to me. I presume you have my email. If you have a spare moment Vis. Otherwise I will try to locate it myself. Perhaps you might be able to refer a particular place in my location?
Thanks for the info about LSD. I here a lot about people seeing colours and distortions with LSD but I have not experienced this. I have a medical background so I am responsible with my approach. I much prefer natural substances. Alcohol is okay in small amounts, but I don't drink very much at all. I found speed very invasive, and as I am already outgoing it was easy to pass it by. I am more inquisitive I think, it is my nature to live on the edge. I try to be adventurous but not in an overly irresponsible fashion :o). I believe we are here to experience things so it is good to step out of your comfort zone as often as you can.
Cheers Kazz
I had my first experience with San Pedro on the week-end and I have to say it surpassed any LSD experience I've ever had. The group I was with was truly amazing also which enhanced the whole experience. We do Aya in a fortnight. Before we opened the circle we were told the astrology for this week-end was full moon in Taurus and beneficial for psychedelic experiences but if one was to contemplate taking any then better have a shaman handy - well they weren't wrong there. There were no shortage of beings or magic and elementals in abundance. The odd demon every now and then but seems like they are losing their oompf - they all looked liked shriveled up pieces of burnt meat. Good I hope they are all in that condition.
Kazz - you are in Qld yea? I can put you in touch with the people who conduct the ceremonies down here. They are in the Northern Rivers area. I'll shoot Viz an email and he can pass it onto you if you wouldn't mind Viz.
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