Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Big Bad Things and Big Good Things

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Day follows day and I follow my patterns and that finds me here, when I should be packing or doing any number of things like selling my VW and posting to EBay about other things. Instead, I am here with you. Interestingly, this relationship; you and I, feels quite intimate. I don’t know how many of you are telepaths. I am. I got that gift/curse as a result of my Kundalini Rising. Back then it was like having another ear. I could actually hear the thoughts and sometimes I would wind up in people’s minds AND... oh my, the immediate resistance to my intrusion was something to see. Unfortunately for the one seeking to push me out, there is only one mind and if you don’t know the technique for canceling out invasive thoughts, or you don’t have protection from on high... good luck.

I had this experience with the musician, John Hall, who was present at the Kundalini Uprising. He was not amused. In fact there were several people there and all of them were poleaxed by what happened. They just wanted to get back to D.C. and whatever they remembered of Normal. Not a word was spoken on the 70 mile drive back and we were driven directly to Dupont Circle where I was let out and not spoken to again by any of those parties for years. Those were amazing times.

In any case, this is why I feel a degree of intimacy in this process. It accounts for the resonance back and forth and, of course, the invisible friends are not confined to any locale and they get involved here and there as some of you know; positively and negatively. The telepathy became modified because I didn’t like being intrusive in the thoughts of others so I sealed up that particular port. On reflection, perhaps I should have held on to it, given some of the bottom feeding characters I have run into; especially lately. Lessons that come to us are quite often instigated in order to save us from even more serious circumstances in future times. I comfort myself with that (grin). So the telepathy as it exists today is more of an emotional read for the purpose of positive and negative informing. And yes, I did pick up on the inner workings of those set upon putting me in harms way or stealing from me but... I let it go in order to give the possibility of it working out different, which it did not. I have since made the decision to give no slack at all in future times, which accounts for the most recent reactions from some.

Of course, there is slack and always will be to a degree. It is not furthering to turn into a hard ass. I suppose what I am talking about is a heightened application of discrimination. Temperance and the Lovers both have aspects of that and both of them have angels. We need to keep in mind that all sincere seekers have aid that comes out of the Devic Realm. If you don’t directly know about it, you haven’t done the work necessary to become aware of the workings. That can always be instituted at any point along the way. One of the methods I use is to carry on conversations with the angel (well before I got talked back to) who oversees my progress and also to inscribe things upon the robe of the High Priestess, who is like the Earth and the analogy is that of a seed idea placed into that darkness and which is watered and shined upon and then comes into being. This is how it works in the greater nature and this is how it works in our own nature and that is how it comes to be that everyone lives in a world of their own creation; keeping in mind that although you can modify Karma to an extent and you can certainly control how you react to it, the past has its say. I’m not sure if the Karma automatically arrests itself, once the need for it has been resolved. I am given to believe it is a mathematical thing. I do believe that grace can over rule it but that it is dispensed in a very sparing manner, most especially because this is Kali Yuga. Welcome to the jungle.

Palm fronds wave and the moon is high and full. Shiva lies prostrate, as still a corpse and wild eyed and writhing Kali is seated astride him. It is with great difficult that we command our position in the darkness of the material world. Eventually stillness comes. Eventually there is tranquility. Eventually the raging sea of the mind is brought to quietude and the prevalence of Buddha mind prevails in all contacts and conditions.

Bless those who struggle here almighty god. Make your presences known. Send in the Minister of Judgment that we might be set free from the afflictions of the predators in our midst. Confound their plots. Confound their comings and goings. Turn all of their efforts against them. Render them impotent and ridiculous. Let the force of liberating laughter drive them under rocks and into the sea.

I feel sure that gratitude is what is most called for. Our eyes have been opened. There are many whose eyes are not open. Their eyes have been kept closed for the usual reason that governs all things in the manifest; the purpose of demonstration. How lucky we are that we can see what is taking place in its unmasked state. All over the world the populations are laden with chains of darkness woven from the smoke of base desires and negative emotions, which are cultivated like GMO’s by Monsanto AND... because they lie to themselves. They blow from the fields of bad into the fields of good and corrupt the landscape. They are blown by an ill will that bears not love for humanity, including the fools that serve it.

One of the things kept from the minds of evil workers is the conditions and environment of their certain fate. Elsewise they would not prance about with such glee, bathing in blood and dancing to the infernal music in their head. They are every bit in a trance just like the people they manipulate. They think they are calling the tune but something much older than themselves, something far more evil and malevolent than them is calling the tune. We are all actors in a scripted play with levels of improvisation attendant and measured out according to the degree of our submission of all thought and action to the prime mover; if that makes any sense.

Ah well... on and on it goes, no doubt toward things we expected earlier and which are not actually due till later on, for whatever the reason for that might be. Maybe we were led to believe it would all happen sooner as a motivation to get our act together or... in some cases, it didn’t happen so that too many might presume that nothing was going to happen but one need only look back at history to get confirmation that things happen. Big things happen. Big bad things happen. We’ve been waiting a long time for Big Good Things to happen. We’ve had short doses of positive expression. The 60’s certainly had their share of that up and into the 70’s, until Disco (a CIA mind control operation) came on the scene, followed by Cocaine and all the other bright but unhappy chemical combinations that continue to this day.

To me it seems a no-brainer that the Satanists (and the CIA is a Satanic organization) see the capacity to control the populations lies in what music they listen to and what chemicals they put into their body. You add in the control of the media and the other areas of entertainment and you got a comprehensive programming apparatus that can be very effective. The CIA created MKUltra, which gave us that Satanist, Major Aquino. In any case, Satanists travel to those professions and locations where they can express their philosophy as well as can be. Do I have any evidence that the CIA created Disco? No... but I don’t doubt that the Satanists had a hand in it. I watched the effect of it on lifestyles, people’s appearances and all the activities they got up to, which were diametrically different than that of the 60’s and which also brought the populace back under control.

The time came to up the concentration level of the depravity so... rap got introduced into the system, giving us a jackhammer mind fuck. Now the most profane, pornographic and... lacking in all creativity skells, are at the top of the entertainment pyramid, legitimizing the worst behaviors and expressions, which then get acted out in life; as we can see if we just look around but... not if we lie to ourselves.

End Transmission.......

Still waiting on this weeks radio show; I’ll let you know.

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Anonymous said...

via Homer..

You are one tough and faithful servant, Visible prabhu.

"Like Narada Muni, many other devotees of the Lord are engaged in preaching the glories of the Lord in different places and in different universes. Such personalities are beyond the jurisdiction of material laws."

Srimad Bhagavatam 4.27.22

galen said...

Had a concern with one item from today's post; doesn't usually happen but. . .

On this: "Confound their comings and goings. Turn all of their efforts against them."

That feels a little like a curse. I'm thinking you were meaning something more like, "Let them somehow see and be transformed, and come to serve love." But maybe I'm wrong and you meant exactly what you said, 'cause sometimes the head of the serpent has to be severed. (metaphor)

I'm just thinking that one day I might be the one on the other side of the road, lost and therefore mean-spirited. I had learned years ago that the most mean-spirited are the most wounded and the most in need of love. Not easy to reach them (us) but sometimes there is breakthrough.

Well, I've been criticized for granting too much latitude, but what can we do but be who we are.

On an agreeing note. . . The best of the 60's, wow, like some super group-agreement to come out of the fog and get with God. There used to be talk of puttin' the stuff in the reservoirs, but it stayed at the campsites, lofts and cellars. The group as minority is now attempting to manage majority, just 'cause we wanna live and live good. I wonder when we'll win. Hmmmmmm.........


Visible said...

No... I meant exactly what i said. As far as curses go that is something determined in the mind of the person defining how it interprets for them.

I could have said, Dear Lord, please forgive me for passing judgment of those who rip children limb from limb and who kill without conscience and all manner of things. I realize I am probably not seeing that they are only doing what they are supposed to. Please heal my eyes so I can see everything they do in a positive light. I could have said that but it would not have been sincere.

Visible said...

Evil destroys itself. That seems to mean to me that its plots turn against it. But I am probably missing something.

galen said...

Hey, something got cloudy here. To clear. . .

Vis, in response to your,

"Please heal my eyes so I can see everything they do in a positive light."

I wasn't implying that you should see horrible evil in a positive light. I wasn't referring to resident evil but to your detractors and I was not advocating condoning any wrong done on their part. The universe takes care of it all as you well know. I do think we must have opinions on right and wrong and each responds in his or her own way. All I can do is follow my own inner promptings.


Anonymous said...


Confound them. I spit on their harp. Make them let the snow fall on the high mountain. Thank you Lord for the shipment of extra large popthingies (apple too, umm).

Umm yes, an ill will of not love. Rant. The evil diane feindeath, beyond all cognition is trying to present a scenario to us where we tortured three people at Guantanamera et cetera and mea culpa. DUDES, IT WAS TENS OF THOUSANDS AT LEAST.

Nevertheless Lord, not my will but Yours be done.


Visible said...

Well, I obviously don't understand something and it wouldn't be the first time. Everything I said is backed up in scripture already from Jesus Christ to Timbuktu. Timbukone I am unfamiliar with. I pretty much try to gauge what i have to say by what I have heard said by those further along than I but whom I agree with.

Ray B. said...

Vis, a most refreshing Blog. Casual manner, but with deep truths. Thanks!

Vis: "We need to keep in mind that all sincere seekers have aid that comes out of the Devic Realm."

Funny thing you should say that. This morning, I had to call on them, big time. Initially, it felt like I was being 'covered', and I couldn't get in touch with Higher Self. After various attempts by Ray, I finally had to call in a (real) Elf. He finally 'peeled back' the covering, and it turned out to be the doing of a 35-level human. Wow! When I asked good-guy or bad-guy, the response was bad-guy. Not ascended. I was both impressed and dismayed.

Well, some time after I had gotten in touch with my Higher Self, an interesting thing happened. There was kind of a 'flash', and I 'heard' the words "Welcome to your Higher Self." A kind of silvery, liquidy, living 'line' rapidly moved down through this being. Much started to happen, including work on past lives. I asked various questions during this time, and the being was currently 'in body', male, currently in Egypt, and had had major Egyptian lives.

I was concerned that all this work might just produce a more-enabled bad-guy, so I asked about this. I got the reply that he was still a bad-guy, but it wouldn't be long before he would be a good-guy. I left it at that...


Vis: "They are every bit in a trance just like the people they manipulate."

This brought up an old teaching. It is literally almost a 'trance', on both sides. Until we awaken, we are almost always in one half of a greater 'whole'. Leaders attract followers. Followers attract leaders. They are 'happy' (at that level) together. Dominants attract submissives. Submissives attract dominants. They are 'happy' (at that level) together. Etc., etc. It is only when we reclaim those 'unacknowledged' parts in ourselves that we drop the Need for the 'other'. (I see many couples in the former state; only a few in the latter.)

Unfortunately, I suspect that Sheeple and Wolfees are one of these 'pairs'. Until each 'reclaims' the Other in themselves, we are in a world of hurt. Maybe, higher beings are finally realizing this, and will take whatever steps are necessary...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Unknown said...

Hi there,

Great post. I agree with you and truly hope that their nefarious evil plots are turned against them. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear and who can connect the dots can plainly see there is a war against all of humanity waging and its escalating exponentially every day. Who/what is waging this war?

That quote from the book of Ephesians comes to mind. Best of luck with your move, safe travels.


BCii said...

"I feel sure that gratitude is what is most called for."

Gratitude is the grease on the wheels of Love. I don't know if that's a dumb thing to say, but it came to me just now. Sounds to be somewhere in the general vicinity of being true.

"I’m not sure if the Karma automatically arrests itself, once the need for it has been resolved. I am given to believe it is a mathematical thing. I do believe that grace can over rule it but that it is dispensed in a very sparing manner, most especially because this is Kali Yuga. Welcome to the jungle."

Well, there you go again, reading my mind. That goes directly to something I just wrote, but takes a slightly different perspective. Yeah, in practice, grace probably doesn't get received a whole lot. But is that the fault of grace? I expect the issue is on the other end.

"Palm fronds wave and the moon is high and full. Shiva lies prostrate, as still a corpse and wild eyed and writing Kali is seated astride him. It is with great difficult that we command our position in the darkness of the material world. Eventually stillness comes. Eventually there is tranquility. Eventually the raging sea of the mind is brought to quietude and the prevalence of Buddha mind prevails in all contacts and conditions."

I don't know about any Buddha mind, but a new calm and objectivity has just arrived in my sphere. It's hugely empowering and I've already seen its ability to transform limiting patterns in practice. I suppose it's here to clear the way for the next stage of my journey. I'm putting my money on gratitude to carry the way forward from here.

Anonymous said...

More proof coming in verifying your assessment of the CIA being a satanic cult:


It's disgusting this sort of thing doesn't cause uproars worldwide.


steve said...

Here's a clue for the actors in the now-playing-everywhere freak show of psychopathic apologists and justifiers: no human condones torture.

David Fiske said...

I think I am a very old soul and somewhat weary of all the stuff on earth. Childish often and tragic but seen rather distantly by me now.
Just like politics I follow what is happening but my own real interest is 180 degrees away from it all.
The 1% will probably go down with their ship and all their greed but I can't get worked up about it.
The Moslems might well overrun many countries. I am sorry for the loss of cultures by this. Life runs its course.
People end up where they do.
Life here is duality. One must accept that.
Turn left or right we will all end at One Point, some day.
I'd rather rejoice in the beauty here than get in a froth over other's behaviour where I am not directly affected.

Anonymous said...

the bread and wine with this congregation is most edifying

steer clear of all synagogues

from here on to Kingdom come



The Taati Emperor said...

I really like Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.

Joseph Campbell was like Marie Curie, for me, laboratory-safety-is-for-pussies attitude and all, except it wasn't Radiation, it was Story.

George Lucas made a Pressurized Water Reactor for himself. Good boy.

But I was going to weaponize that shit, pull the pin, and roll it onto the deck of their South Pacific resort teak bungalow.

The motherfucking remains of the Imperial Jap Navy wouldn't have seen the same total shocking devastation as these fucktards.

But then it occurred to me: I probably already did that. Which would explain why I was not feverishly in the process of making it happen right now.

I'm just camped out on the deck of my Mighty Mo, upwind, at a comfortable viewing range.

Watching this fucker go off.


And you got a little mini-Fukushima tsunami.

But this time, the wave itself is radioactive.


Now let`s go have lunch.

Or not.

The thing which really troubles me is that I cannot prove that this is not the case!

If only I could remember...

BCii said...

Thanks for weighing in, Ray. Your anecdote speaks in favor of a notion that I carry dear to my heart - foolish and impossible though it seems - that one way or another, sooner or later, all beings are redeemed. The means of last resort would be getting melted down and 'recycled', but I believe in such a benevolent cosmos that that would come into play only once all other avenues have been exhausted... for the purpose of demonstration. If someone exercises their free will in such a way that they stubbornly resist the life-affirming aspect of God to the bitter end, then what else is left?

Even the fires of hell are not the end of a lost soul's journey necessarily. I imagine there are those who get stuck in those realms for thousands or even millions of years, but at some point, the infinite compassion of the Lord will reach them. Whether through dissolution and oblivion, or 'turning' and embarking on the journey home, or even an instant flash of enlightenment, that is up to the individual's choice and destiny...

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Dancing with the Broomsticks of the Sorcerers Apprentice

Anonymous said...

Hey Vis, please don´t tread on Disco - Barry White´s still the perfect excuse just to kick back and get loaded. Cheers Martin

Visible said...

I think Barry White falls in another genre and only incidentally applies to Disco.

Kazz said...


I am with you. God is all knowing and all loving. The love that the Divine has for humanity blows my mind. Many see the suffering on this plain as punishment, but I see it more as redeeming. I believe a kind act is capable of even bringing light into the most darkest of hearts. Where light enters there can be no dark. This is a secret that Satan does not want his minions to know. God will forgive even the worst of sinners as long as they repent and stop harming creation.

God is eternal energy and Jesus Christ is representative of this energy. Just as the church held people captive for centuries with the belief that God was a long bearded man sitting up on a cloud judging us, the elite would have us believe that Jesus is going to come back on a cloud and kill all the bad people! At least their lies are consistent. The Christos does descend from above but it is an energy that is embraced, and it is exhibited through love for one's fellow man/woman. Christ never killed anyone while he was alive so why would he change his modus operandi now? Christ is a living example of how to defeat evil, which is why the elite controlled so called Christian church focuses on his immaculate conception and resurrection from death. What else would you expect of magicians. They draw your attention away from the real action by getting you to focus on their Manmade resurrection, from their Book of the Dead/Cestui Que Trust/Intestate Estate. Satan has mimicked all of God's creation and turned out a Chinese remake that pails in comparison.

The minions of the global corporate satanic elite need to take heed because their window for escape is closing. The Bible warned that everyone would be deceived. Well who are everyone following?


Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...


Confound them. I spit on their harp. Make them let the snow fall on the high mountain. Thank you Lord for the shipment of extra large popthingies (apple too, umm). Umm yes, an ill will of not love. Rant. The evil diane feindeath, beyond all cognition is trying to present a scenario to us where we tortured three people at Guantanamera et cetera and mea culpa. DUDES, IT WAS TENS OF THOUSANDS AT LEAST.

Nevertheless Lord, not my will but Yours be done.


galen said...

Confession: I really liked The Bee Gees.





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