Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
I must admit, I don’t really know what it’s like out there in the places where I used to be. It seems like an entire lifetime ago and... I suspect that it has been. One of the things we have to keep in mind when things change for us is that... it is always a possibility that our whole world will also be changing too, in accord with the force that initiated the change in the first place. This isn’t always the case but... I have been led to believe that when the particular change takes a great deal of time; far more time than one might reasonably have suspected and... when the circumstances within the changes are fraught with serious events that can become almost like watermarks and... when finally, on the cusp of the change FINALLY coming to pass, everything starts moving in uncanny ways, there’s something more than the obvious going on. I used to know that this kind of thing happens but I had forgotten; it involves people and circumstance as well, coming seamlessly together.
Can’t look at the news, since Arizona is at St. Louis this morning and I don’t want to accidentally come across the score. It’s a brilliant sunny day today. The weather here has been magnificent all through the fall. That is quite to the contrary of conditions in the USA! USA!! USA!!!
Torture reports are a big, big deal and the bad guys are really doing that purpose of demonstration thing so that everyone can see where they are at behind it. This news is circulating all around the world as sort of a Christmas gift, after a fashion. We also got the surprising news that the torture psychologists were given 80,000,000 dollars for their contribution to the torture. Imagine that! This article was given us with a picture of one of those ‘torture psychologists’. It’s no big thing for him, nor... according to him, is any of it true either. Why... of course not.
As we have stated here a number of times; there is a dreadful irony to the whole affair, whereby, since it was Israel in concert with various intelligence services who did 9/11 it was truly Kafkaesque for them to torture these people for crimes that they committed and for information that they did not possess. What happened to the so called ‘mastermind’ of 911 was/is really obscene. What kind of people are these who can do something like that? That is truly Satanic.
I don’t want to spend the morning talking any more about these things. Christmas is coming and I want to talk about the birth of the light, not the presence of the darkness. Given that the darkness is a false construct, it cannot endure indefinitely. We, being creatures of light, at least potentially if not partially, can endure indefinitely.
A few days before the day on which we celebrate Christmas, there comes the solstice, which symbolize the birth of the light in those avatars that have come every two thousand years or so. This means we are certainly due at some point soon. That avatar may already be here, or be on the way, or... coming this time in the hearts of humanity, which would be fitting, given that it happens under the Aquarian template which, symbolizes world brotherhood; hard to imagine as things look now. Maybe that is slated for the aftermath, where all those opposed to brotherhood have been dealt with, or have the good sense to slink away into dark corners, till their opportunity for mischief comes round again. This is precisely the reason that the avatar sweeps the planes clear of them when he comes. If he comes in the hearts of humanity, that would mean he sweeps the enemy out of the minds of those presently hosting it.
In our day to day existence, under the cloud cover of the dream blanket, it surely appears to most people that the supernatural doings of an avatar are something remote from anything they have become familiar with. That is one of the characteristics of the divine. The divine is generally unseen and unfelt, for the purpose of demonstration (grin). The populations get into the groove of thinking that whatever there may be of the divine, it is unlikely that he would suddenly appear on this plane and begin performing wonders. In times of material darkness, the very idea of that strikes most people as a fantasy and that includes believers as well. One cannot overestimate the power of the force of illusion upon the collective mind and it should be kept in mind that the power of the collective mind exercises a very strong influence on the collective perceptions of the masses. This is how they are controlled in the day to day.
Anyway... one of the most important things about the time in which we celebrate the birth of the light is that this is one of those narrow windows in the calendar year when dramatic spiritual changes can and do occur. They can occur at any time, of course but... in times of material darkness it is always less likely and even should such things happen; they pass unseen. For those who have been dedicating themselves to the pursuit of the light there is always the possibility that they will be invited to the higher planes where luminous being celebrate this event every year. This is why I am on about Christmas Spirit.
Most of us, when we were young, had the experience of being filled with the wonder, awe and joy of Christmas Spirit. These days, so many people are turned off by the crass commercialism of the season, that they wind up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This is a stupid, ignorant and self defeating thing to do and all of us have been guilty of it here and there or all the time (grin). We have to learn to ignore outward appearances and simply focus on our inner being and this will open us up to that Six of Cups thing. Maybe some of you are afraid to look ridiculous in front of all those cynical souls who have tossed it all into the dustbin of their lives. Certainly there is a particular segment of the population; a very small by powerful segment that are making war on Christmas and one of the intents of the war is to kill the natural upwelling of feeling, to reduce the moment to a pedestrian turkey day holiday ...but the real turkeys are the ones buying into this shit. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those living in the relative Tao of their culture, there are all manner of things one can celebrate. This does not mean that one is blind to so many other aspects that apply to so many other people. They don’t have to apply to you. When you celebrate the birth of the light, not just on Christmas but in every day when you awaken into the darkness of this plane, the time will come when that light ignites and is in residence within you. Following that there is no challenge, nor length of grayscale existence in the surround, that can deter those in possession of it. Consider the word, ‘possession’ and remind yourself that everything identified in certain terms by the nasties of the day, have their counterparts in the world of light so... just as one can be possessed of evil spirits and MANY ARE; if not possessed then certainly influenced and guided by them, one can also be possessed by the light. Just as one can take the escalator down, one can take the escalator up. You simply have to want it and if you want it more than anything else, it becomes a fait accompli. That is one of those cosmic truths that any time ones desire is supreme for anything, the positive result of it is certain, regardless of the moral status of it.
Manly Palmer Hall wrote a treatise on Black and White Magic and identified in the process, something called ‘Gray Magic’. This is what is practiced by that large body of the population that is often unconsciously under the influence of those performing the black arts. What he said was, more or less, if you are not in or seeking after the light, you are in a gray area.
If I am ever able to communicate ANY of the ideas that I seek to communicate, one of the paramount concerns is for one to recognize that they are right here right now and that nearly all spiritual progress is made on this plane. Here is where the significant things happen. The afterwards of the process is more about being informed of the consequences and rewards of what you did down here. So... it is critical to keep in mind that this very moment is important to that later time. Every single minute of your every day is filled with potentials and possibilities but... we often don’t act on them. We have to be ‘in the consciousness’ of going about our every moment, as if we were hosting the divine. The truth is that you are in any case, given ‘the witness’ who resides in all of us. At no point are even the most evil of us without some minuscule particle of light. Constant practice of hosting the divine, results in hosting the divine.
Back in the 30s of the last century, there was something called the ‘I Am’ movement, which was a mystical Christian thing that emphasized positive imaging. This was a part of the much larger appearance of the new thought movement that broke around the beginning of the century and expressed itself through many different windows and which was attended by many books and pamphlets like Ruby Nelson’s, "The Door of Everything". also the works of Joseph Benner and others. Here is a list. I've no connection to or awareness of what goes on at that site. I’m just giving you a list.
Here is an example of what I mean about the myriad of activities that frustrate and in their own small way, act to diminish our spirit. The Door of Everything is in the public domain and I must have gone to at least half a dozen sites and each of them wanted me to install advertising or sign up with them to get the book. Perseverance furthers because I finally found a site where it was posted online. I’d like to add that despite the howling outrage of those who view everything connected to Alice Bailey as evil; her works are fantastic examples of a clear mind and a clear channel. I can’t argue with what she says and how she says it. She even made the best translation of Patanjali’s aphorisms. Where I find value, I seize it. I don’t stand around in nervous disorder about who and what might be associated with who and what. I drink the water if it is nourishing and sustaining. I don’t know anything about Lucis Trust but I will say that all kinds of evil publishers have published all kinds of valuable books.
Let me not get too far afield from the message I am determined to give and which I mentioned in the third paragraph above about communicating something. RECOGNIZE that you are in this moment and that this moment is POWER. You can go anywhere and do all kinds of things from HERE. You can certainly meditate on things and creatively visualize. You can spend your time wisely because... I ASSURE you that if you do not, it will come back to haunt you. I realize that this effort will cost you. It costs me every day but think of it as an investment. Realize that you are an investment banker too. Invest wisely in the eternal.
I see that lately I have been going on at greater length than has been normal for me for all of the time before. So it goes. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End Transmission.......
Sunday’s radio broadcast is up for streaming.
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"Where I find value, I seize it. I don’t stand around in nervous disorder about who and what might be associated with who and what. I drink the water if it is nourishing and sustaining."
-- Les Visible
Thought you might appreciate this quote that supports what you wrote:
"There is something frankly moronic about any political culture where individuals are encouraged to swallow or reject ideas simply because of the reputation of the source. This is an insult to human intelligence and an invitation to intellectual idleness."
-- Paul Woodward
Merry Christmas to you too, Vis !
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Visible. A very timely message, indeed.
Much Love,
Thank you for the timeless message it is the one mind at work for me a just last night I was deeply engrossed in the very message you offered us today not of course as ONLY YOU can put it but to that effect.
Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I'll write summat, just to kick off the comments. It goes without saying that today's post was great. I am also very determined not to enjoy the Christmas spirit, despite...well...everything :-) I don't have much of a talent for words so I'll just give you these wonderful lyrics to David Gray's song Silver Lining. I really like the song though a lot of people find his delivery somewhat depressing. The lyrics are pretty much beyong dispute though.
Take this silver lining
Keep it in your own sweet head
Shine it when the night is burning red
Shine it in the twilight
Shine it on the cold cold ground
Shine it till these walls come
Tumbling down
We were born with our eyes wide open
So alive with wild hope
Now can you tell me why
Time after time
They drag you down
Down in the darkness deep
Fools in their madness all around
Know that the light don't sleep
Step into the silence
Take it in your own two hands
And scatter it like diamonds
All across these lands
Blaze it in the morning
Wear it like an iron skin
Only things worth living for
Innocence and magic-amen
We were born with our eyes wide open
So alive with wild hope
Now can you tell me why
Time after time
They drag you down
Down in the darkness deep
Fools in their madness all around
Know that the light don't sleep
We were born with our eyes wide open
So alive with wild hope
Now can you tell me why
Time after time
They drag you down
Down with talk so cheap
Fools in their madness all around
-Know that the light don't sleep
-Know that the light don't sleep
Time after time
They drag you down
Down in the darkness deep
Fools in their madness all around
-Know that the light don't sleep
-Know that the light don't sleep
Much love and Christmas cheer to you Vis and all who visit here :-)
Blimey...I typed that I am determined NOT to enjoy the Christmas spirit...when I meant quite the opposite. That shows the world what I meant when I said I don't have much of a talent with words :-)
I love Christmas. I'm off to listen to Kirsty McCall and The Pogues...
Thank you for the inspiring post.
Re your I AM reading list, the I AM movement is founded on the teachings of the Ascended Masters. (Saint German is the Avatar of the coming age).
Mark Prophet was a subsequent proponent of this movement - followed by his wife Elizabeth who fell by the wayside in the 80's.
In the book list I notice Marianne Williamson who sponsors the Course of Miracles. Williamson is a tribe member and new age "leader" in her own right. The Course of Miracles channel, whose name I don't recall, committed suicide when the full realisation of what she had channelled actually hit her.
The COM is the spiritual equivalent of an early text by Karl Marx. Feel good lie based gobbledygook.
I'm quite familiar with the abuse litany of a Course in Miracles and that fraud Marianne Williamson. Indeed, I have written about both of them here at length; at one or more of the blogs. The reason I made the comment about The List was only to call to attention a collection of writings on I Am and New Thought movement and not to give any idea of a comprehensive embrace of the movement.
Elizabeth Claire Prophet I am also familiar with and her machine gun mounts at their fortress up north. Like I said, I have no connection to the site and don't know what they get up to... I am only providing a list. That particular list contains quite a selection of writings by people who identified themselves in similar fashion.
The implication of many windows is meant to imply divergent views. No matter what, one is compelled to weed through things. Weeds have grown up all around the flowers in these times. I only provided one book for reading for a reason. I could most certainly have provided more.
Merry Christmas to you too Les!
Hi Vis,
Thank you for your heart felt transmission, as per usual it touched on that which is pertinent, at least in my universe. Having had the veil pulled down from my eyes one needs to readjust their perspective constantly and Christmas was one of those perspectives I had to reflect on. At first I decided, since my children are now adults, that we would not bother with the tree and consumerist trappings of the day, but then I realised that Christmas was about what we made it about, so yesterday my sons and I went and cut down a couple of small cedar pine trees, one for our home and one for mum's, where we will all be enjoying a family dinner together, thanks to the grace of our Father in Heaven. We are doing this to show gratitude, firstly for the Father's gift of his son Jesus Christ, which collectively includes all those valiant souls who have paid with their life, or at least much suffering, to bring the Father's Kingdom of Heaven to this earthly plain.
When I compare myself to these saints I pale so badly but that does not stop me from getting on that elevator you spoke of and hitting the up button. Sometimes I find I unexpectedly end up going down instead of up, but thanks to the Grace of the Divine that process is usually for educational purposes, and when the lesson is taken on board I get to take the up elevator again :o). The process is slow and arduous but my resolve is set. It is up all the way for me, at least if I have anything to say about it ;o). More easier said then done I am afraid, but perseverance got me through raising 5 children, all born within 7 years of each other, whilst caring for my elderly mother and looking after my man, and that part of my life has been successful, because even though we are in the darkest period of history my family have collectively managed to keep our home a haven from the, sometimes, cold cruel world.
At a time when so many have so little I find myself surrounded by treasure, in the form of a loving family and treasured friends, and although we are by no means rich, we have a HOME, not just a house. Some would argue that it is necessary to give such things up for the Divine, but it was the Divine who gave these things to me :o). It occurs to me that the more I harmonise my energy with the Divine's the more loving the resonation becomes within my home and among my loved ones. This is why one puts the Divine first, but any suggestion that we need to abandon those that we love, for the Divine, is, I believe, just another con of the satanists.
On this auspicious occasion I would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to all those poor souls who have spent their energy and time trying, in vain, to enslave and exterminate humanity, because their sacrifice, which has put them backwards big time on the evolutionary wheel of Karma, has provided me with a living example of what not to do:o). As an avid observer I have learned many lessons through the mistakes of others, which means I did't have to suffer the consequences of their actions. I am very grateful to the Divine for the clarity and wisdom that was imparted to me that allowed this possible.
I would also like to give gratitude for you Vis, you are a real treasure too. As a busy mum, carer, and wife I have not had the time to immerse myself in study as much as you obviously have, even though I always have my head in a book, or am watching a documentary on line. What I have been able to achieve via my studies is to free myself from mental bondage, and physical bondage to a degree (I am still working in this area). Your contribution, and that of some of your readers, gives me a likeminded voice to resonate with in the physical plain. Thank you Vis, and to all those other legitimate searchers for truth, justice, and freedom. You guys are awesome.
Luv Kazz
I hope you have a very merry affair.
Vis, when I saw this:
" was truly Kafkaesque for them to torture these people for crimes that 'they' committed and for information that they did not possess."
and this:
" should be kept in mind that the power of the collective mind exercises a very strong influence on the collective perceptions of the masses."
I had a thought. (Oh, no!) It has to do with telepathy.
Assume that we had 'natural' telepathy during our early years 'down here'. Now, what would stop that? I can think of one powerful thing: Pain.
What would happen if - every time you 'received' - you got a burst of pain with it? Would you develop a 'natural defense' against receiving? One that was defensive at first, and then became 'habitual'? One that you later forgot was in place?
Now, if you were a bad-guy, this would be 'paradise'. Try doing what the bad-guys are doing if there is natural telepathy at work. So, there is both a motive to 'load up' human experience with pain, and to work to keep that pain-load high. Then, you can do whatever you want to, and our 'natural defenses' will allow you to do so...
All this was brought up by the thought of 'Why would you torture someone whom you knew did not have your answers?'. If you needed to keep the ambient-pain-level 'up', this might be one reason Why.
(You can expand this to starting wars, creating misery, and promoting anything which causes pain. "Go Global!" to condition the mass-mind...)
Just some thoughts.
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
You too Vis.
Kiss, Kiss, Hug, Hug
Visiroo et al,
Some of us may have somehow kept somewhat tuned in, meaning we paid attention to truthtellers when we could and we didn't knowingly poison ourselves much. We followed the Lord (it seemed best). And sometimes we find ourselves pulling a long string of people around an obelisk and then asking them to leave and find the way. We are often the sharp focus in the room. Sometimes we are not liked. Yet still we rise. We learn experientially to deal with hard moments. We listen and the Lord points the way.
It is changing so fast it's hard to believe. Most cannot define the word "poverty." And that's before we get to spiritual poverty. Some of the music of the labor movement used Protestant hymns for the music. Joe Hill said he, "…used the hymns because they were pretty and changed the words so they made sense." There's a funny take off on the Doxology:
♪ Praise boss when morning workbells chime
Praise him for bits of overtime
Praise him whose wars we love to fight
Praise him fat leech and parasite
Amen ♪
There were only two Protestants in the gathering I was leading in labor songs on Thanksgiving Day, so only two people who got the Doxology thing. The impact of the loss of Protestantism to our culture will be huge (with certain compensations). What can replace the oratorios? Does anyone in this room remember the Doxology? I'd like to know.
Regarding the due date for the Avatar, I asked about this too. Claudia immediately said, "You got a book." She meant The Urantia Book. There's a blueprint in that book, if we care to look. It's an easy read on page 808 in the big blue book (13 pages) or online for free at at Paper 72 (entitled, 'Government on a Neighboring Planet'). Yeah, I know. I have never been able to start at the beginning and read it straight through either, but I know people who have. And I have read it all but non-sequentially. Humanity in general is not expected to know this work for 200 years.
As Protestants we are taught not to self-aggrandize. That does not mean we are not to ever lead. Or ever have fun. While I do not believe in astrology, I rejoice in being the quintessential Aquarius. Go figure. If the Lord says you are to lead, can you rightfully resist it.
"--tomorrow is our permanent address
and there they'll scarcely find us(if they do,
we'll move away still farther into now"
e. e. cummings
Anyway, MERRY FREAKIN' CHRISTMAS!!! I celebrate a time to sing the alto to all the carols in a cathedral with a thousand other voices. I celebrate the solstice. I celebrate the Christmas colors. I celebrate ham and baklava and bells and feng shui and corncake and chi and Les Visible and gingerbread and my guitar and the Internet and chocolate and coffee and my new combat boots and cranberries and cats and spring water and The Devine.
God bless us each and every one.
La Magdelena
An Addendum to my 'natural telepathy' posting:
What if the "Tower of Babel" story was a remembrance of the time when humans had their 'natural telepathy' shut down?
Before: One 'language', one 'location', and the social cohesiveness to take on 'big projects'.
After: Many (spoken) languages, a sudden sense of (physical) distance between peoples, and a disintegration of large-scale social structure (bands, clans, tribes - and hierarchies).
Read this way, it sounds like the "Tower of Babel" story could be a record of our loss of 'natural telepathy', to me...
Now, were 'we' more like a Borg hive-mind, or were we more able to 'select' to be in-and-out of telepathic contact? How much 'individuality' did we actually have?
Also, was this 'event' occurring over decades - as pain caused more and more people to 'opt out' of telepathic contact - or was it a 'cataclysmic' falling-apart like a dam bursting?
And, did we do this to ourselves - as un-felt-through pain built up in the group consciousness - or were we 'helped' from Outside? (Enlil?)
Intriguing questions, given this hypothesis...
Hmm... I wonder if this was the original meaning of Christ "Mass" ?
Anyway, Merry Christ Mass to All!
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
Pooka Time in the Circus of the Ridiculous and Absurd.
Thank you, my brother, for helping to keep me sane during this time.
The avatars are here, by the way. Just waiting...
I can't make everything okay, but I can offer this:
A new Petri Dish is up now-
Dancing the Apocalypse Tandava with Amanita Muscaria Claws.
One addition to the Addendum to my 'natural telepathy' posting:
What if the "Tower of Babel" story was a remembrance of the time when humans had their 'natural telepathy' shut down?
Before: One 'language', one 'location', and the social cohesiveness to take on 'big projects'. And, the gods actually-feared what the humans of 'Before' might be able to do: “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”
After: Many (spoken) languages, a sudden sense of (physical) distance between peoples, and a disintegration of large-scale social structure (bands, clans, tribes - and hierarchies).
Read this way, it sounds like the "Tower of Babel" story could be a record of our loss of 'natural telepathy', to me...
Now, were 'we' more like a Borg hive-mind, or were we more able to 'select' to be in-and-out of telepathic contact? How much 'individuality' did we actually have?
Also, was this 'event' occurring over decades - as pain caused more and more people to 'opt out' of telepathic contact - or was it a 'cataclysmic' falling-apart like a dam bursting?
And, did we do this to ourselves - as un-felt-through pain built up in the group consciousness - or were we 'helped' from Outside? (Enlil?)
Intriguing questions, given this hypothesis...
Hmm... I wonder if this was the original meaning of Christ "Mass" ?
Anyway, Merry Christ Mass to All!
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
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