Dog Poet Transdimensionalizing.......
“Dogs never bite me, just humans.”
Three things have a powerful effect on us; cosmic delusion, the cosmic dream and all of the things in it that snag and entangle us. These are all generated out of the consciousness that liberates us from them. It is because of the existence of these forces and our relationship to them that accounts for wherever it is that we find ourselves at the moment but... obviously for some who read here, this is not all. These forces are generated, as all forces are, by the same source; good men, bad men, good things and bad things, true sanity and all the countless variations of insanity are all generated out of this same force through intermediaries that color the impact and the impact can be colored in all the ways you know and do not know about. This is not to say that that supreme originator directly intends everything that goes down, or... should we say, 'comes down?' Perhaps the more accurate way of putting it is to say that the supreme originator allows all of these things to occur and the intermediaries, such as they are, their quality and intention is determined by the age they are operational in. We get 4 combinations of darkness and light; light and darkness and each determines the nature and power of the energies that both deceive and correctly inform us. We are presently in the time zone that possesses the greatest amount of darkness in relation to light.
Humanity has wondered and argued about why life is the way that it is. People say that there can be no God because God would not permit some of the things that happen to happen. Somewhere in the Bible it says that God sets both the light and the darkness. In the Lord's prayer it says, “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” This implies that the ineffable is both the tempter and the liberator and gives some element of truth to my claim that the devil is an employee of the almighty.
For me... it is a simple leap of logic to come up with the reasons for why things are the way they are and that would be what you so often see written here; it is all for the purpose of demonstration and it is a movie. For most of us, our attention gets captured by the goings on in the film on the screen. We get caught up in it and forget who we are. In some cases we forgot a really long time ago and we have been spending lifetime after lifetime in pursuit of nonsense, dressed up as something meaningful. Out of these pursuits come all of our trials and torments. I marvel at the resiliency of people who can simply go on and on like this. They risk everything over and over again for nothing. Because we are in a time of darkness greater than light, we are also in a time of the rule of insanity. Insanity looks sane because that is what appearances dictate as so. Sanity looks threatening and also wrong. It looks like an enemy of the state and of course, it might well be. After all, the state is an enemy of the people and... by this time there can be little doubt about that. It's one thing to be a good person. It is another thing to be a good person in the practice and pursuit of truth. Being a good person might give you good standing in your community, however, association with truth can kill that dead. Good is relative. Truth is not. Yeah, sure, we can broach a good argument for relative truth; certain things that are routinely so, no matter where you come up against them. Truth in its essence is something else and truly difficult to define. It can be experienced though.
One of the reasons the wise tend to keep their mouths shut and also not to talk about certain things is that is can get you in trouble. Some of us, less wise than the wise, do not have the more practical inhibitions. In some cases we have been karmically tagged to do this and the reasons for that can be many.
The people caught up in the movie think that the movie is real, when the movie is just a projection on the screen of the mind. The consciousness of the almighty is like the thread that holds together a strand of pearls. We are the pearls and the almighty is the strand. The strand is invisible, just as the almighty is; not visible but... palpable... definitely.
We are not all pearls. Some of us are rhinestones and some of us are rocks. Some of us are stink bugs and some of us are something else; no matter, we are all on a strand somewhere. Here's a helpful tip; the divine resonates and the resonating of the divine affects whatever is on the strand unless... unless whatever is on the strand resists the resonance of the divine and then you become whatever you are determined to be according to the quality and degree of your resistance.
I'm learning something very important. It seems like it is something I already knew but I didn't or... I didn't know it in the manner that I should have known it. It has to do with that 'be here now' that is so fashionable and omnipresent. However (I seem to use that word a lot), like anything we hear too often, it eventually fails to register AND... more importantly, unless we have visceral understanding of something, we do not understand it in any practical fashion. We understand it intellectually. A great many people understand things intellectually but there's not a great deal of real value in it. I compare this to people who are caught up in religious organizations of any stripe, who pray by rote, who chant mechanically, who look at the whole affair as putting in their time, or going through the motions for the payoff of social interplay or hedging their bets with Heaven. Most people do not like to be alone but we are all alone and on some level we know this.
A person can be many different kinds of insincere in many different kinds of situations. The result of that is that they will eventually find themselves in a completely insincere world surrounded by insincere people just like themselves. The one place you cannot be insincere and lack commitment and dedication is in dealing with the almighty and there is no way to conceal this, since the almighty is right there inside your heart and mind at all times.
I mentioned that the ineffable had recently told me that I no longer had to chase after anything, conspire after anything and go through any changes about anything because everything was going to come to me now and all I had to do was be me where I am. Previous to leaving Europe, I was told that there were things intended for me that could not happen where I was and that I had to return to a solitary life and simply await it. The amount of evidence I have had in regard to this happening, in these few short weeks has been impressive, to say the least. As far as the world goes, we can be anyone, depending on the roles needed to acquire what we are playing a role to acquire. If it is the ineffable, we have only to be what we are and want that contact more than anything else. It's a simple affair and other than that, there is only the consideration of the path chosen toward the goal pursued. We want what is most expeditious and effective. For that we must look at the age the pursuit is taking place in. Given that this is the Kali Yuga, once again logic- utilized in respect of the most illogical of forces (Love)- tells us that Bhakti is the most expeditious and effective. Why? In times of darkness, Love generates the greatest light. Love is the most powerful attractive there is AND as far as effective goes; above all things, the ineffable is a lover. The ineffable is a virtual slave to love IF we are a slave to love of the ineffable. Furthermore, as I never tire of saying; those who love much are forgiven much. It's very easy to stray or be drawn off the path in times of darkness. Love will keep you focused.
It's been pointed out here many times that the greater the trials and suffering we are put through, the greater the rewards intended for us. There is a caveat to that and that is when Karma is the reason for it. However (there it is again) generally... generally one is not necessarily in the pursuit of the ineffable when Karma is kicking their ass. Often when one is being put through it, it is because they are a pack-horse for the ineffable. They are carrying others along with them in the slipstream. We are, all of us, a reservoir and an inspiration for each other IF we are. Of course, there are teachers and illuminated souls that are not getting hammered but you can be certain they were getting hammered at another time. We don't pick either the times nor the circumstances for our purpose of demonstration. We 'can pick' the most important feature.
Who is going through the demonstration? Is it you or the ineffable going through it with and for you? If you are truly being yourself, who does that make you? What are you an expression of? What are you an extension of? You are sunlight in extension. You are sunlight frozen in form. What is the essential essence of sunlight? Angels soar around the sun every day. In certain states of consciousness you can see this. Celestial music accompanies this and you can hear it, in certain states of consciousness, unless it is being drowned out by terrestrial noise. All this and so very, very much more is available to those who seek after the ineffable with a greater intensity than what is given to anything else.
You do not reach the ineffable by going to church now and again or giving lip service or using your appearance of a spiritual life for personal gain. The ineffable sees everything and the ineffable knows everything. We do not and that is why we do not understand why the world is the way it is and why the ineffable allows the things that happen to happen. Are these things happening to you? Usually not. Justice is selective. That is one of its primary qualities. You reach the ineffable by being the appropriate hosting vessel and by meeting the criteria that the ineffable demands in order to be there. You reach the ineffable by relying utterly upon the ineffable, which allows the ineffable to shape you, unmake you and make you... or simply remove the dross that covers your illuminated being.
I'll close today with a truth that should heal any broken heart, made so by the loss of one's beloved. All separation is as temporary as the life in which it occurs. Never imagine that you will not see those you loved again. You surely will. Comfort yourself with that and live your life to the fullest. That is what the one you loved wants for you. Do not disappoint the one you love by stressing over the separation or by suffering from the loss. This serves no one. You WILL be reunited. Be joyful with the expectation of that and be the person the one you loved knows you to be. The more you seek the ineffable, the closer you come to everyone and everything you love. In truth, the totality of that is all the ineffable in one permutation or another. Have a wonderful day!
End Transmission.......
♫ Where You Are (unplugged) ♫
A studio version of 'Where You Are' is track no. 6 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'
Lyrics (pops up)

Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World
- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'
Paperback: $25.00 | |
Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
The Wooden Sheep is at the gate. Inside the wooden sheep's belly is a lover she wood like to see again. So sayeth the old goat.Good one, are you in France?
"I'll close today with a truth that should heal any broken heart, made so by the loss of one's beloved. All separation is as temporary as the life in which it occurs. Never imagine that you will not see those you loved again. You surely will. Comfort yourself with that and live your life to the fullest. That is what the one you loved wants for you. Do not disappoint the one you love by stressing over the separation or by suffering from the loss. This serves no one. You WILL be reunited. Be joyful with the expectation of that and be the person the one you loved knows you to be. The more you seek the ineffable, the closer you come to everyone and everything you love. In truth, the totality of that is all the ineffable in one permutation or another. "
Thank you so much for that... I really needed that today...and may you and your loved ones be reunited when the time (or no time)
is right. I intend that your life in your new location be blessed and fruitful. Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement in these dark times.
Much love and respect
Don from Texas
Jumping into it! Next stop, the streets! (hopefully!)
Mostly for you, Galen, but everyone is welcome to listen.
I hope I did not take my mouth too full in the middle there, hehe. We shall see and time will tell.
Is this even allright, Vis, me posting a link to a song here? I do not mean to self-promote. It is meant as a gift. Do tell me, please, what your thoughts are on that matter.
Thank you All :)
Vis: "After all, the state is an enemy of the people..."
Funny how language is. I heard that as "After all, the 'state' is an enemy of the people..." Meaning, the state of consciousness. Unfortunately, the state of most people today, especially those promoted into the leadership positions by the shadowy powers behind the scenes, are of the 'I am' state rather than the 'We are' state.
The 'I am' state is of individuality (on the enlightened side) and ego-centeredness (on the endarkened side). It is easily corrupted for nefarious purposes. The 'We are' state is of unity-consciousness (on the enlightened side) and Borg-behavior (on the endarkened side). It is less easily corrupted, but also harder to get into (and hold onto) in this day and age.
Which aspects (and which aspect of each aspect) are in dominance are what determines the 'character' of any society. The 'state' of the state... (grin)
Vis: "The consciousness of the almighty is like the thread that holds together a strand of pearls. We are the pearls and the almighty is the strand. The strand is invisible, just as the almighty is; not visible but... palpable... definitely."
Beautiful wordsmithing! A nice way to interrelate the finite and the infinite. A teaching tale...
Vis: "You are sunlight in extension. You are sunlight frozen in form."
More beautiful wordsmithing!
Vis: "Celestial music accompanies this and you can hear it, in certain states of consciousness, unless it is being drowned out by terrestrial noise."
The hardest part of these states is when you can remember the experience but are no longer 'in it'. Very sad. The good side is that, with continued application, the 'states' start to come more frequently...
Good column, Vis. Thanks!
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
Thomas, you don't even have to ask and regular visitors have privileges that drive bys don't. Names and identities have precedence over anonymous when it comes to flames and criticism. That is as it should be. No one should be permitted to be abusive if they won't stand behind it. Noticeably constructive criticism is of course, okay. I've passed my own standards of what is fair so... there you go.
I could be in France but... I am not. I am somewhere surrounded by ocean. That should be a clue to the type of landmass.
Vis,your kind words steady my heart. Our lives are animate by thoughts,feelings of love for the long or brief engagements we have forged . " We are not all pearls. Some of us are rhinestones and some of us are rocks. Some of us are stink bugs and some of us are something else; no matter, we are all on a strand somewhere. Here's a helpful tip; the divine resonates and the resonating of the divine affects whatever is on the strand unless... unless whatever is on the strand resists the resonance of the divine and then you become whatever you are determined to be according to the quality and degree of your resistance." but what fate positions us on that metaphorical string.?
The Bard informs :
"As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood,
Disasters in the sun; and the moist star
Upon whose influence Neptune's empire stands
Was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse:
And even the like precurse of fierce events,
As harbingers preceding still the fates
And prologue to the omen coming on,
Have heaven and earth together demonstrated
Unto our climatures and countrymen."
(Hamlet, 1.1)
"one love one heart" ----
"In times of darkness, Love generates the greatest light. Love is the most powerful attractive "
shine on
Thanks Vis! Then I might share more songs in the future, if the Lord permits the muse to come by.
And also, thank you for the post. I love it when you talk of Love, although I think with that word, less is most often more. Some things are best used sparingly. I don't know, though, and I really liked that part that Don quoted, too, and although the Divine has first place in my heart, followed by Lady Nature, there is one girl where the love was pure, we never touched, but that's not at all important when dealing with real love. A friend in another place, I hope. Friendship above lust, always.
Thanks Man! ;)
Be well, everyone.
I don't think it's the times it's used as much as the steadiness of the intention. Apparently OM is resonating none stop across the ages. So are other sounds in the upper reaches
I think you have hit the nail on the proverbial head Vis.
I am reminded of the story of Lot and his family. The angels of death told him to leave Sodom and Gomorrah because they were going to lay waste to it.
We also get a clue of this from the prayer -
'Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for though art with me.'
The above prayer shows us that God is aware of the Valley of the Shadow of Death, so it must be there for a reason. My take is that it is there to snag all those who are yet to slay their demons, and hence, control their thoughts and fears.
I have long been feeling that we are all being tested by being put under pressure. The challenge, I believe, is to maintain one's balance throughout this challenge, and in order to do this one must be fully present in the moment, which is only achievable through controlling one's thoughts and actions, and responding in a well thought out manner, which is way easier to do if you have the wisdom of someone like Jesus to rely on. In other words not blindly reacting. This is why, as you have pointed out before, it is wise to spend some of your valuable time becoming well versed in relation to spiritual matters while you have the opportunity, and not focusing on the material 24/7.
The New Age feel good perspective is not what I am talking about. Ignoring the bad around you to stay in a good place is not what Jesus preached. Jesus threw out the money lenders from God's temple (bankers inhabiting magistrates and district courts) and intervened when the adulteress was going to be stoned by challenging those who were going to stone her. Actions like this is what caused Jesus to be hated. Having said that Jesus did not advocate 'the whatever it takes, any means to an end' attitude either.
It appears that many people in power believe they can do whatever they like without consequence, but this would fly in the face of Karma. Living in a small community allows one a wonderful opportunity to see the outcome of other people's choices, and I can say emphatically that Karma is real! Those who stave off Karma through the tight control system in this material world are simply delaying the inevitable, and since many of them have managed to accrue much Karma, due to the large level of pain and suffering they directly caused, I would say they are in a shit load of trouble. This explains the elite's fascination with dabbling with the 'Book of the Dead' to bring about eternal life, when in fact all it did was to make them into the living dead, forever cursed to remain in this dimension until God chooses to release them from their prison, which is most probably why they hate the living as much as they do, and why they have mimicked every one of God's systems to hoodwink humanity. I don't believe God is allowing this awful system because God is a vindictive nasty entity, but rather because it is a catalyst that is necessary to prompt our return to the Divine.
That is my twist on it until further conscious expansion perhaps opens up new understandings.
Cheers Kazz
I am so glad that you are well and adjusting to your new environs, Visible.
It has certainly been a rough last 90 days or so here.
Your words mean the world to me and I know that this is true for many of your other readers, as well.
Thank you mightily from my heart.
The captcha code for today is Riena--close enough to the Spanish word Reina, which means 'queen'. I hope the ineffable regards us all as His kings and queens.
Much love,
Thomas, thank you for the encouraging song. I will keep its message with my other philosophical considerations. And thanks for being there. Friends, wherever they are, make us feel safer/calmer and that's a true gift.
(Everyone here loves music...not a coincidence!)
an old gospel song made its way to me today....
Tremble, you who thirst for power.
Tremble, you who live for acclaim.
Tremble, when you find no comfort in your wealth and fame.
Blessed those whose hearts are gentle.
Blessed those whose spirits are strong.
Blessed those who choose to bring forth
right where there is wrong.
Tremble, you who build up riches.
Tremble, you with opulent lives.
Tremble, when you meet the poor and see Christ in their eyes....
Great post title, great post full of truth, great comments, great space to come for replenishment.
In case you haven't yet met him, here's Lars:
Via Bholanath:
Dear Vis sir,
Today I ran into a mutual acquaintance, E., who has been living in my town for last 3 years. He has a room available, which I checked out since I am looking to move from the outlying area I'm in.
Coincidentally, it is the same house in which Swami Ram Tirth passed away in some months back (peacefully in his sleep).
He advised me to read your last paragraph of Origami. Thank you. It is most beautiful and touched me deeply. Yes, the love of my life and many lifetimes, the greatest bhakti I have ever known, my greatest teacher, my closest friend, poet, musician, artist, environmentalist lover of life and the earth, fearless mystic, and more, she left us 3 weeks ago.
My life drastically changed a year ago when her cancer came back after 10 years, and I have been serving her morning til night every day through ups and downs, cooking 3 ayurvedic meals a day, chopping wood and carrying water and medicines.
It never occurred to me to do otherwise. Our 2-1/2 years together were like a full lifetime, spiritually accelerated to the extreme.
Know that I am offering my deep respects. I live only in the present. There is no other way. What you have written may have been expressed by others, but you have achieved a unique elegance, and it is something that I would like to share with all the many family and friends of my beloved who are sharing this rough time and need all the good true words that come through to this plane from those who understand how it really is.
We are who we are. I have no real issues with anyone, since, as you say, we must live the life our loved one wants us to. This is the most difficult part - to not stress and suffer from the separation and loss. I am not there yet, but grace will come.
ps - you may share this if you like on the blog.
pps - so glad you're where you are!
"I could be in France but... I am not. I am somewhere surrounded by ocean. That should be a clue to the type of landmass." Book him, Danno...
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
Like Butchered Sheep, Hanging on Hooks in the Slaughterhouse of History.
"Lead us not into temptation..."
Yes, indeed I have given this some thought too...
How da'ya like 'em apples?
The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden? Why did God plant it there, permanently in low hanging fruit? Ahha! It twas a wee test of his creation. The first test of free will..
Job was tried because Satan challenged God, that Job was righteous only because he was blessed materialistically. The trials 'God allowed Satan to enact were intended to lead Job into temptation', to turn away from God...
It is all about free will...You cannot blame God, because someone has made a freewill choice to smack you one on the jaw...It would also be impossible for a prayer to BE answered that stood on someone elses free will, for example, praying that you will get a date with that beautiful girl who regards you somewhere between dog doo doo and pond life...
The Our Father does have some other interesting subtlety, since Christ gave us the prayer, saying it would mean that you had accepted Him...Note, it asks God The Father to: "Forgive us our trespasses.." Thus, although, we have been saved, we are not expected to be perfect from the get go. I think God looks for improvement and effort to improve. He'll then bolster our weaknesses.
These, mostly are just my thoughts not Scripture and I am open to correction by the more astute, knowledgeable and righteous, I expect that there will be plenty of you out there.
God Bless Vis and Readers of This Post.
Free Will? Is there such a thing? Much contention on that point I would think.
I love pond life.
I pretty much love all postings, especially the Origami ones but this has, like a handful of others, been copied and saved for regular re-reading. It really lifts the soul, and, possibly more importantly, the heart. :-)
Many thanks @ much love
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