Thursday, July 30, 2015

She is Everywhere, in Unseen Miniature Multiplied.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there and just because you can doesn't mean that it is.

The heart wants what the heart wants. To still it, or preferably hone it to a narrow focus, is one of the great challenges of life. Anyone I have ever loved, in the romantic sense, has been a stand in for the one I love in a spiritual sense. On some rare occasions she has appeared to me at brief intervals; always letting me know she is always there but... mostly remote, perhaps because of my own darkness under the spectre of mortality and the incessant and frenzied spectacle of all the colorful dancing dust that moves in and out of form, obscuring the eternal and celebrating the transitory.

The heart is not a stationary being. It enjoys no permanent stasis until the true beloved is fixed in the eye of it. There is no peace within that is possible before this comes about. During the early years of my first psychedelic experiences she was always around. I didn't have much in the way of other manifestations, except for holographic Buddhas showing up all the time in the flowers and shrubberies and the massive varicolored serpents, half in and out of the Earth. It was always her, from the dark whirling Kali, always at the bottom of some meadow, or as the Queen of Heaven, terribly bright and so luminous that the impress of her features never lasted beyond the short periods in which she appeared. There are things the human mind cannot contain and... so it goes.

Maybe it is the passing of time or some critical mass reached in the litany of life's disappointments. One becomes gunshy of anyone ever manifesting as the ideal. I suppose it is that old push and pull of Karma that constantly rearranges conditions for us but always based on the past and sometimes we shoot so far beyond whatever we once were that we are no longer recognizable and it then becomes very hard to recognize  those things that appear, earmarked for someone who is no longer in residence anywhere, anymore.

One of the things about protracted suffering is that it can burn up Karma at a nice clip and that is why one shouldn't be overly put off about being ground into paste because there really is a rhyme and reason to it all and there is always the possibility of being reformed into a brighter visage at some further point. It is only our darkness that is consumed in this way and of course our light would increase in proportion to the loss of the other.

The last person I tried to explain some of this to and which I did without any particular motive in place; I simply expressed it out of the blue as is often the case with me... this person was mortally offended and responded with intense outrage at what I said, which was not personalized in anyway, given there was no there there and now hates me with a passion I find remarkable for someone I've never even met. I suppose the upside is that there is most certainly no there there now and... how about a nice glass of lemonade, visible?

I find myself in an very odd place at the moment and I've been there most of the year; waiting, waiting on something. I know not what. Projects sit in limbo and any effort to engage in any of them leads very quickly to some form of technological distress. I'm no stranger to bizarre conditions coming out of nowhere, to frustrate one effort or another, but these days it has entered into the realm of the absurd. What do you do when you can't do most any of the things you would do if you could do them? I suppose you do whatever is left and that would be this.

One thing that can be said with real authority is that, when one is faced with living a life that is completely controlled from some point beyond one's own influence... is that if you can just take it as it comes and let go all sense of frustration and impatience, it will all resolve itself somehow and far better for the absence of interference on your part.

In the Age of Aquarius, despite it being the age of brotherhood, it is also that time when the divine feminine is to be restored to the throne as an equal player in all things. She is the higher qualities of the heart and the mind for those who do not debase her, as so many are presently employed in doing. There is a dark agenda at work in that regard at the moment, with the intention of sucking as many as will go, down into a vortex of negative polarity. It is the reason for such an excess of pornography and do I have to declare who it is that runs that industry?

What happens is that when you pervert the divine feminine, you close yourself off to all of the higher expressions of the same. One should be forewarned that having been left with only the debased expression of it that one has made themselves vulnerable to things any sane person would very much wish to avoid. The areas of manifest darkness that occur in the debased feminine can be terrible beyond the capacity of my words to describe.

One of the most fascinating statements in the New Testament is, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." On the surface it seems to imply that they are ignorant of the meaning and consequences of their actions. This is true but there is a lot more to it. We are each expressions of individual Karma and so we are 'mostly' confined by the limitations of it. People find it near impossible to see outside of what confines them. One needs to keep an awareness of this with them at all times, otherwise, it's human nature, to have expectations of others that will not be fulfilled.

In earlier times I had some extraordinary friends who shared some extraordinary experiences with me. Over time I watched them each become reabsorbed into the grand illusion. Some of them no longer remember the things that happened. Some of them are no longer here. I was either very lucky or very unlucky because I haven't forgotten much of it at all and every intentional effort on my part to integrate did not succeed. It has not been permitted. So... despite what seems to me to be the necessity to discover some means of being self sustaining, I must choose to wait upon the good offices of the cosmos. Every effort otherwise has been met with by an undesirable response. There's a good chance I will not be here that much longer, although, saying that might be exactly what is necessary.  Surely, we shall see.

Unless you are a slave to the mundane, you know that life is rife with the improbable. Unless I am mistaken, I think it is Wagner who wrote Here Comes the Bride. The humor in that is something one gets right off or not at all. There's more of course but we could be typing here until doomsday's break and never cover the half of it. One of the most incomprehensible things about the incomprehensible is the sort of folk the ineffable engages to carry out certain employments that they may or may not know they are entrusted with.

It's all a complexity, isn't it? One tries to figure out what one should do and maybe one winds up doing that but just as often winds up doing something else. One has an urge to celebrate the invisible and it's almost like being trapped in a  department store because all you've got are these personalized archetypes that have been tailored to one culture or another, or some kind of mega motif that is surrounded by archetypes and it's a bewildering assortment of avenues of approach and there's this sensation that at a certain point every bit of all of that disappears and you're where?

Every night I go wandering in my thoughts in search of the one. Every morning I awaken to another day and a further search for the one and by this time I realize that this will be achieved when the ineffable makes the decision for it to happen and prior to that it won't make much difference one way or the other. If you're intense about it well, that's the ineffable and if you're not, then that's the ineffable too and if they know what they do, that is probably the ineffable and if they know not what they do, it is probably still the same. That's one school of thought anyway. It could be that every permutation is legitimate for those it applies to and irrelevant where it does not. In my case, everything is under control, whether I can see it or not but I would not presume that is the case for everyone. Of course, an exercise of higher logic would affirm that it is all under control but what difference would that make to someone who doesn't believe it?

In the personal sense it is all about the Kundalini and that is a feminine principle of which, anyone who is engaged with it cannot be unaware of. In another tradition it is called, "Jacob's Ladder". It is the life force and it expresses in an outward form into all of the activities of life we know about. It can be channeled inwardly and upwardly into all of the activities of life that we don't know about. In times of material darkness, the general pressure of material force is toward an outward expression and the eventual perdition it results in. As the kundalini rises it goes from station to station of evolving consciousness. Eventually, it unites with the universal spirit in the secret bridal chamber where some more refined version of, Here Comes the Bride will be playing. Words can do no justice to the experience that occurs here. Faith, Certitude and Determination. Faith, Certitude and Determination.

End Transmission.......


Jen said...

Do you believe in soulmates or people who you are karmically drawn to as mates?

God has his plan and the people who we are tied to...

Anonymous said...

SRILA PRABHUPADA: "Some people complain that when they pray to God they do not feel His presence. We should know that this is due to our incapacities, not God's..."

Touch Krishna Immediately by Sound Vibration

Walker said...

You worry too much.
Last post,you wrote " As long as even one light remains in this world, utter darkness is held at bay." And this is all we have to remember.

Visible said...

I'm not worrying about anything. I am making observations. Perhaps there is a confusion in tone. I thought the posting was a positive statement, which is my general direction. At the same time, life is usually fatal.

Visible said...

I don't know anything about soulmates except what I have read which isn't much. For myself, the ineffable is my soulmate

Anonymous said...

No one gets out of here alive. And then, all will be revealed. No?

Anonymous said...

Visible, I've been having trouble getting posted in the comments section for awhile. If you could help me out here I would appreciate it. I just wanted to say that your writing of recent times has been profound and inspiring and has moved me deeply. I know you have had problems for some time but I want you to know that for as long as you write as you do and reach so many of us the way that you do that you will be cared for and even prosper at some point. There is no way that someone who does what you do will not be looked after for all of your days.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and I love the way it ends right across the page from that lovely lady in the glasses. You are one more step closer to immortality in your profession.

Anonymous said...

Sail a ship to the edge of this world/ And i ain't seen a halo here no matter how i tried, TRY.. We're imitating Angels, We got a long, long, way to go. A quote from a band of the 90's "The Nymphs."

Anonymous said...

Seems like you've completely let go. With a complete trust in the Ineffable like that of a child. Wow.


nina said...

Dear Anonymous #8, thank you.
Love, nina

missingarib said...

Vis, you transport from lands where the cries and sighs of ancient hearts emanate and animate through their generations to a land active with new energy from the very source of material creation. " we shoot so far beyond whatever we once were that we are no longer recognizable and it then becomes very hard to recognize those things that appear, earmarked for someone who is no longer in residence anywhere, anymore."

The Integration into the new emotivo phase appears as you state" I find myself in an very odd place at the moment and I've been there most of the year; waiting, waiting on something."

The cuts and scars from emotional wounds bleed out the spirit. Faith and love heal what brave hearts endure.
"You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it
And the clock waits so patiently
on your song
no matter what or who you've been
no matter when or where you've seen
all the knives to lacerate your brain
I've had my share I'll help
you're not alone "

"Can't stop the thoughts arising and disappearing in your mind,
True awareness shining boundlessly, you must focus on the one that doesn't move.
To realize there are neither forms nor names, nothing to pursue,
Sword of Wisdom has been used, must hurry to hone it."
Lin Chi

By the wet stone of" Faith, Certitude and Determination." the sword is kept sharp.

live long

Ray B. said...

Vis: "...but [Karma is] always based on the past and sometimes we shoot so far beyond whatever we once were that we are no longer recognizable and it then becomes very hard to recognize those things that appear, earmarked for someone who is no longer in residence anywhere, anymore."

One of my teachers mentioned this aspect. As with all manifestation (at least originating from the human side - and yeah, I know it is all ultimately from all-God), it had to do with the intellectual focus and the emotions involved, at the time. If we are effort-full in our spiritual progression, we may indeed not want (or even recognize) the from-the-past manifestation when it does occur. This teacher said to 'thank' our ancestor from the past for this manifestation, as a way of acknowledging our God-given power of manifesting. And, as we became aware of this power, we would start to make sure the (future) manifestations were of the positive and uplifting variety... (grin)
Vis: "What do you do when you can't do most any of the things you would do if you could do them?"

In my (frustrating) case, it has to do with having done them in the (distant) past. It is like, having mastered them in some past life, you are 'discouraged' from doing any more than brief 'doodling' with them. Then, moving-on. I suppose that this has to do with Soul progress. If you are re-enjoying an old skill (excessively), you are effectively 'wasting' the current life. Move-on to a deep-attraction, which is evidence of the next 'cell' to be filled. Where it gets frustrating is when you have 'done' most of the visible (grin) things, and opportunities seem to lie only in Otherwhere. (Buttons seems to be of this 'ilk'...)
Vis: "In the Age of Aquarius ... it is also that time when the divine feminine is to be restored to the throne as an equal player in all things."

Let us hope. Patriarchy-only has led humanity down some dark roads. As a consequence, it spurred all the secret societies that have the worship of 'divine femininity' at their roots. (Some have become 'twisted' along the way...) Worship of 'divine femininity' used to be publicly-allowed, as shown in the veneration of Isis, etc. This has been submerged in the patriarchal age, and comes out in things like the veneration of Mary in the Christian tradition. I'll be glad to have it back, hopefully evenly...

I do wonder what 'event' was responsible for such a profound split in the natural order. (All-God encompasses both 'aspects'.) Was it a 'reaction' to the dark side of Matriarchal-based societies? Was it an intervention of Patriarchal values, courtesy of the Anunnaki? Whatever it was, it had to be BIG!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

jpow00 said...

Another inspiring one sir! To Faith, Certitude and Determination, i would also add, Strength. Just a thought....

Jenny said...

Vis- This is a great post- the ineffable is my soulmate too!- jen- bee wrangler

Eudoxia said...

Kazz - sorry but I was in self nurturance mode today after snapping myself out of a dark mood appearingly as a result of the last Blue Moon - fucking strange days indeed.

Viz do you by any chance have a Saturn transit through your 4th house?? I do, however. I need to remain in this mode (self nurturance) for probably the next 2 years which will be how long it takes for fucking Saturn to make it's exit out of my 4th house! Fucker of a transit but it forces people to go deeper inside - it's a period of deep reflection. So no not right into the left brained shit at the moment and don't care, I'm not going to expend my energy on law, religion or any other form of Saturn ruled control and certainly not while Saturn is in my 4th house. If I want to do law stuff I'll got to workshops but I ain't bringing it home! I have a Uranus opposition encouraging me to break free from that shit and I'm going to.

This current paradigm is breaking down and everybody needs to get used to it, or is getting used to it. Out with the old and in with the new and that applies to law and religion but not necessarily on all levels - because there is only one level those apply and that's The Matrix! Fuck the matrix I say. I am in spiritual rebellion for the next 2 years so bring it fucking on! I've also just taken half a very nice tab which I am impressed with.

Thank you Kronos you old kunt baby eater, thank you Saturn and double thank you Uranus! Thank you Viz, thank you Kazz, Thank you Ray B and all of you truly AMAZING people for listening to my shit! Exit stage left -wink-

Eudoxia said...

oops sorry folks - this bit " So no not right into the left brained shit at the moment and don't care, I'm not going to expend my energy on law, religion or any other form of Saturn ruled control and certainly not while Saturn is in my 4th house. If I want to do law stuff I'll got to workshops but I ain't bringing it home! I have a Uranus opposition encouraging me to break free from that shit and I'm going to" that was meant for you Kazz not for everybody here. Fortunately I've lost my mind again!

I decided to post this as opposed to email after reading the post but didn't modify, must be the acid -grin-

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So dear Visible, you are saying the massive psychedelic serpent is a manifestnation of God. I have always thought it to be Mother Nature, like, just a mere spirit of the forest, nothing more.


Kazz said...

Dear Ray B.,

TPTW are well aware of the rising feminine, which is why they are trying to set mother earth up to be worshipped. This way they get to control the movement that responds to mother nature's dire circumstances, circumstances they created for this very purpose!! The reason they are doing this is to keep women under their thumb, so they can direct the emerging energy away from us, to keep the feminine subjugated. It is all about control for them, end of story. They feel they must control their outer world to maintain their balance, because they have not done the work necessary to balance their self within.

Good luck with that guys. You can't even control little old me, let alone the rest of the female race. Boy have you boys got a lot to learn.

All I can say is bring it on. Their is a new darn sheriff in this hear town :oP.

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Dreaming of those Beautiful Islands in the Sun.

Visible said...

It's back up-

Dreaming of those BEautiful Islands in the Sun



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