Friday, August 26, 2016

Limping Along on the Way to Haphazardville.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

What a mystery is life. We pass through it from that mystery origin location to that mystery departure location and in between those junctures is the blurred dream of our existence. Many have only the dimmest awareness of anything that exists outside of the dream. Some have a partial awareness and only a very few are aware of themselves within the texture and body of the dream. For such as these, the difference in quality of life is greater than that between an ordinary human and a chimpanzee. I recognize that there are those who object to certain comparisons that get made here between the different species. I need to point out that these comparisons were not made by me but only heard by me at the feet of a master, or in writings that have come my way over time.

The slow and less than newsworthy pacing of the day to day over this summer has a lulling effect on what awaits. Much of what could have come to pass has not done so. There was no real Summer of Rage and no signal event of major change. It has all just limped along on its way to Haphazardville. Where it will no longer be 'scuttling across the floors of silent seas' is when The Fall comes in. It has become a dependable trend in recent decades that all kinds of strange events can come to pass in a major election cycle. We are in one of the most dramatic of its kind since the election of 2000.

I am done with all inclination to attempt to predict anything. I get little things right but miss the really important ones, though... often enough the important ones doesn't even happen. What we do notice here is a long range geo-politick strategizing and endless and interminable shifting of game board pieces. The games of 'Go' and 'Risk' come to mind. The big horses trample in whatever direction, lacking both respect and compassion for one and all and the smaller horses herd together and stampede in the direction of whatever temporary openings may appear. They are all playing the roles embraced by any of them and the roles are an expression of whatever compounded force is generated by the elemental, archetypal, planetary powers as a synthesis of their interplay with or against one another and it continues to change by the day, or the week or the months, as the strength of the force increases, diminishes or changes completely because of a change in the planetary aspects brought about in the natural progression of their courses.

We like to think that we are more important than we are. We like to think we have a great deal of free will and that is why judgment is such a big thing down here. We immediately blame others for everything they do and remain unaware that in many cases the end result was inevitable. We are channels for the powers that act upon and through us. I lay it all at the feet of Karma. Sure... there can be dramatic changes in our mind sets as we are confronted by the evidence of our intentions and our deeds and there have been many cases of individuals being dramatically changed for one reason or another. Still, this can also be laid at the feet of Karma. The powers and forces which cannot be seen directly can be seen indirectly as they operate through the life forms on this planet. I would like to think that we have the ability the change, even at a fundamental level. Up to this moment, I do not know. I struggle with my own efforts to be a more efficient and aware person but I note that sometimes everything in life seems to go counter to our best attempts at change.

If life is a movie and I believe it is, then it is also a movie that includes every plot construction that the mind can imagine and all of them are playing out at all times somewhere in the world. Some seem to have every benefit and blessing available to them and some seem to encounter every misfortune that is possible. In every case, the meter is running. In every case there is a specific amount of time that exists in order to live out all the good fortune and pass through the bad fortune and every permutation of this is determined by the baggage we came in here with. Some spend lifetimes of industrious effort in order to arrive at the fortuitous place were all the necessary talents and conditions are in place. Then the drama plays out and then the drama ends and we are slot-circuited into whatever zone, in the land beyond, that most completely applies to however we handled what we did here. This means that no matter what good fortune you might have had in the bank when you arrived, it can be quickly spent and not replenished if you go about it in the wrong way. Conversely, you can endure all kinds of unfortunate experiences and conditions and find that you've got far more in the bank than you imagined you would because you handled it the right way.

One can rise and fall to dizzying heights and depth here. It behooves one to have right intention as regards the landscapes you pass through. We are always being watched and monitored. Just because we cannot see or feel this does not mean it is not true. One of the most powerful statements ever made is; “As above, so below.” If we are seen by others on this plane here then it stands to reason that entities from other planes can also see us. If we make the right friends we will have all necessary assistance when the need is upon us. I have been in dire circumstances in this life and I have seen or heard about others in the same environment and it turned out very different for some than it did for me. I was mightily looked out for. There were any number of tense moments where the cavalry showed up or a door opened and someone came through, thus neutralizing the dramatic uncertainty of the moment before. Some were literally chewed up and spit out in a most unpleasant way. Of course, many never even found themselves in this sort of location and seemed to be far more deserving of it than I myself. At least it looked that way to me (grin).

There was this fellow who moved around on the periphery of my social scene and he was a dark fellow indeed. His name was John Reed and he became entangled in certain drug sales and once arrested he agreed to assist in entrapping me in the same. This wasn't the easiest thing because I wasn't doing this. Surely I bought comestibles for my own use but becoming a trafficker when I was having such incredible spiritual experiences was out of the question so... I was tricked into a ride along across state lines.

Later I found myself in Petersburg Reformatory and John was there. He was in his element; the criminal element and the Satanic nature of his personality was easily seen as he involved himself in all manner of corruptions. He tried to make out that he was a friend of mine, since I was something of a celebrity in there, due to my Kundalini awakening and the powers that attended it at that time. It was a real circus. I wish it had been filmed (grin). It would have been highly entertaining. There were moments of high drama and comedy both. I never saw John again after that. My guess is that he was in and out of prisons or... because he was very intelligent in all the wrong ways, he might have advanced in his positioning in the underworld, or he could have been killed but I never heard about it. I never heard about him again. Whatever difficulties have attended my passage through this vale of tears, I am glad I am not him or anyone like him.

There are many theories about free will running around out there. I only know what I have seen in my own life and what I observed where it has proven out and ...what I believe is that free will is nothing more than the decision made to seek and serve the ineffable or to oppose the ineffable. Obviously this can prove to be much more complex than my single statement concerning it makes it seem. We can look at the wide world around us from any one, or several, of the countless perspectives that are available. We can look within from a wide variety of introspective postures. As we move through life both of these can change remarkably, given what we learn or do not learn from experience. You need to find what works for you and be consistent about it. The current drive of proselytizing, as if one size fits all is pointless to me. It is even harmful in many ways as can easily be seen. I want everyone to find the niche that applies to them. I want every soul to be comfortable within the construct they choose to demonstrate whatever spiritual fervor they possess. I don't believe in 'my way or the highway' and I certainly don't believe in anyone else's version of the same.

We're going to start using this blogging site for talk about the travel to come. As it seems now we are going to head into West Virginia and then upwards into Ohio and across the Northern Route to an area outside of Chicago, then down into Colorado and then upwards through Idaho into Washington State, then down through Oregon and California, back through Arizona and New Mexico, into Texas and then up into Missouri, through Kentucky and Tennessee, into South Carolina- North Carolina and Virginia and home. This is a rough approximation of it at the moment and it is subject to change. There is such an amount of people along the way that we have to stick to certain wider routes or it could take a very long time to make it back. We won't be able to see everyone but those who get missed can always come and visit me. It works out.

I need to ask a favor of the internet and cellphone savvy among you. I've looked at AT&T and will be stopping in at Verizon later today. I need to be able to blog and vlog in the car and bandwidth is certainly a consideration. I know there are ways to conserve on the data use but I'm not that up on the cellphone side of things. Apparently you can turn your car into a hotspot. I don't see where 5 gigs a month will be sufficient but maybe it will if I only use it when necessary and otherwise rely on hotspots and wireless locations at lodging and eating establishments. I won't be needing to surf and download in the car in any intense way, except to check comments and emails. This can be taken care of at the various wi fi spots that litter the landscape these days (grin).

Well, my friends, onward we go and where we wind up one day we will know.

End Transmission.......


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Loved that first paragraph, and it's why I wouldn't trade what I know for Stefani Germanotta's bank account.

Anonymous said...

safe travels Visible.



Hereticdrummer said...

Another masterpiece Vis, you keep raising the bench. Very astute comment on being watched. The ancient Druids were called priests by the Romans. The ancient Greeks, possessed of more subtleties of mind referred to them as philosophers, much more on point. When the Druids congregated in their sacred oak tree groves, outsiders like the Romans erroneously said they were worshiping the trees. In actuality, they were worshiping with the trees, "that which watches". A Tibetan sage of yesteryear said that when we pass on from this life, in our next phase of existence it will seem what our dreams are to us while we are embodied in the flesh. To some it will be more akin to a nightmare. I believe that is on point as well. Take care Brother.

missingarib said...

Vis, is life but the intersections of three dynamics: the personal encounters, locations duration, intimacy, of encounters, and emotional, intellectual, religious infusion of our encounters.

Are we reductionist to believe, as you venture,that we "are all playing the roles embraced by any of them and the roles are an expression of whatever compounded force is generated by the elemental, archetypal, planetary powers as a synthesis of their interplay with or against one another and it continues to change by the day, or the week or the months, as the strength of the force increases, diminishes or changes completely because of a change in the planetary aspects brought about in the natural progression of their courses.".

What traces have men left to impart lessons from multiply lifetimes transitioned through what Carlos Castaneda defines as
“A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't it is of no use.”

God bless your travels.
live long

Kazz said...

Dear missingarib,

'Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't it is of no use.”'

My feelings exactly :o).

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as free Will This back-stroke, this kick of the gun, certifying that the law is fatal; that in nature nothing can be given, all things are sold.— R. W. Emerson

Anonymous said...

As for your mobile needs make sure you use a Virtual Private Network VPN.
This will protect you from prying eyes that would love to get your passwords.

NOT A Non-a-MOUSE said...

To “anonymous - Saturday, August 27, 2016 5:26:00 AM” do you trip over those big balls? Coming here & quoting RWE out of context? Careful now your troll is showing…

How dare you take RWE out of context to imply there is no free will. Two can play at this game. I too will take out of context & cut and paste (at least I am honest about it) Here’s one for you from the same essay*

“This is that ancient doctrine of Nemesis, who keeps watch in the universe, and lets no offence go unchastised”… “They recorded, that when the Thasians erected a statue to Theagenes, a victor in the games, one of his rivals went to it by night, and endeavoured to throw it down by repeated blows, until at last he moved it from its pedestal, and was crushed to death beneath its fall.”…

Those whom try to sow discord are oft crushed to death beneath its fall…

Considering “Free will, as defined by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, is the “capacity of rational agents to choose a course of actions among various alternatives””
It is clear that as a paid troll you have no “capacity of rational agent(s)” so go hang your clap trap elsewhere.

As our author suggests free will is the ability to choose between serving the ineffable or not (paraphrasing Mr. Visible)

Got it? Get it? Good! Now get going…


Good day & good riddance.

Visible said...

I have a VPN

Anonymous said...

I used to go to the library every two or three weeks and get several books. Last Christmas I was given 'Mere Christianity' by C S Lewis. I started reading it in January and have read it at least 10 times since then. My beloved joked that I don't go to the library anymore as I'd obviously 'found MY book'! Anyway, I think that is my niche, it seems to contain everything I need at the moment :-)

Wishing you very happy travels Vis, and many, many thanks, as always

Much love


dirtykid© said...

Bandwidth advise: store video locally until wi-fi is available. Also try using the watch later function of the YouTube app, that downloads videos over wi-fi so you don't stream over cellular.

Safe journey,

Ray B. said...

Vis: "We are always being watched and monitored. Just because we cannot see or feel this does not mean it is not true."

A half-funny story around your quote. Two nights ago, I was out on the porch around 2am, conversing with two people. They wanted to hear about spiritual matters. Along the way, I made the statement - since one person was lay-public and one was a newbie - that my primary interest in all-God was to see whether it was relevant on earth-plane. (Trying to build-bridges for this audience.)

Well, a cushion against the wall just flopped-over and fell down (no wind or vibrations) immediately after that remark. Hmmm. Someone didn't like that remark. So, I made a couple of widening, conciliatory remarks - to make clear my intent.

At the same time, I 'adjusted upwards' in consciousness-level. Yep, someone around. (Probably one of the people's Guides/Helpers.) So, I said out-loud to him/her, looking in him/her's direction, "Yeah, I know you're looking-in."

It was kind of funny to watch the two people's faces. The idea of real unseen presences was sinking in. All-in-all, it was a good 'instructionary' (to coin a word) moment...


missingarab, a great Carlos Castaneda quote. Kind of says it all...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

P.S. Vis, I see your likely-course might lead you close to Yellowstone. Worth a jog, if relatively close. I have seen it several times, and each time brings more joy and respect for Mother Nature. (Motel prices close to the Park are outrageous. If you can plan enough ahead, stop for the night a few hours away, get up at dawn and drive, sight-see away, and drive further for some hours - a reservation is best - before bedding-down. Your wallet will appreciate it...)

McKenna Fan said...


Dr. Leary's friend, MacLuhan, wrote that a prophet was not someone who saw the future, but someone who could see the present more clearly than others; and therefore, incidentally, was more able than others to guess at what's next.

The Ingham County Observer said...

Any chance of the Visible Road trip coming into Michigan?

Visible said...

At this time the route bypasses Michigan but it is some time yet for going so there are no hard and fixed itineraries.

dave1010 said...

An area outside of Chicago sounds good.


Tyler Vincent said...

I was able to catch some divine experiences on camera recently. You can watch it here, I recommend a second viewing at double or more the speed...

Ray B. said...

I just ran across this. Feel as you read it...

"The realm of fairy-story is wide and deep and high and filled with many things: all manner of beasts and birds are found there: shoreless seas and stars uncounted; beauty that is an enchantment, and an ever-present peril; both joy and sorrow as sharp as swords. In that realm a man may, perhaps, count himself fortunate to have wandered, but its very richness and strangeness tie the tongue of a traveler who would report them."
~ J.R.R. Tolkien, "On Fairy-Stories"

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Somewhere Beyond the Touch of the King of Pain.

Anonymous said...

via Homer..

In her blessed youth, Saint Joan of Arc saw and heard, fairies and Saints.
(good enough for me)

Tyler said...

Dear Vis. About the wild videos of divine phenomenon caught on cam... I removed the previous videos and updated them with much better 1080p copies... so, here they are.


And Original version is here:

Much love


Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

Death Star Shit Magnets and Drooling Drama Queens.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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