Friday, August 05, 2016

Traversing the Mountains and Valleys of Whatthefuckistan.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Gnostics believe that there are two worlds and that the material world is ruled over by the Hebrew God and the other world is ruled over by the 'supreme' ruler, Aeon. This dovetails with my belief that the Hebrew god is the devil, inasmuch as that can be understood as the Lord of Appearances. Once one sees through the veil of appearances one no longer has to be subject to them. You create your own world of appearances, via your judgments on the definition and meaning of them. You literally weave your own future out of your expectations and the way you go about realizing them. Behavior is a big thing. It was later on during my speculations on this for the purpose of today's presentation that I came across this video:

but... of course, nothing happens by accident.

The mind is a movie projector and your feelings about what is valuable and worthy of acquisition AND the level of consciousness that you possess, determines the quality of the film you witness and your role in the movie. I choose to see it all as a dance of the divine, working out every destiny in terms of its best possibilities and potential and as an ongoing getting and losing of temporary shit. Of course, there is always a greater complexity in the outward drive for expression but at the heart of it all is a simple matrix, which rules the atomic solar systems and the external solar systems and one is either harmoniously in accord or one is inharmonious... or some imaginary point in between. What I mean is that what you imagine is what you tell yourself is so. I prefer to believe that I will be told what is so through some form of the vehicle of realization. At the same time, despite all our striving, sometimes we have to play a role. Sometimes we imagine ourselves trapped in a role and we lack the courage and conviction to step out of it. It's easier, or it seems to be, to be on a wheel. The wheel is predictable and though it ends in death and dissolution, according to the laws of physics and metaphysics, we don't think about it and Presto! It isn't there, except it is.

No matter where we find ourselves in this very moment, our lives can magically transform, once we adjust the manner in which we think and project. Nothing is real, only our thinking is behind what we create as a personal reality. All personal realities come up against cosmic reality at some point so, to me, it seems insane not to pursue cosmic reality in the first place and since you can't get beyond certain limitations without a guide, I prefer to have a guide and that guide can come in all kinds of envelopes of a particular faith, or a rejection of all faiths, or some farmer you met on a field trip to Whatthefuckistan and who took upon himself the responsibility to plow your fields and plant what you really wanted to grow but didn't have the seeds or thumb for; be it green or not.

The seemingly intricate complexity of life is generally an expression of your incapacity to get deeper than you have found yourself capable of. Sure... it is great when someone rescues you from the tumultuous seas of your own fear and doubt, on that vast restless expanse that you are, or seem to be, incapable of traversing. It is also grand when you find someone who will drag you out of your depth and down into unimaginable darkness to the luminous worlds of light. It's not rocket science and it is rocket science. It is unfathomable in its intricacy and it is as simple as child play. You are the determiner of what's required in your own case, if you insist on being the architect of something whose dimensions exceed not only anything you will ever be capable of but more than anyone else will ever be capable of and more than all the people ever created or will be created put together, then... have at it. Put yer backs into it, yew scum!!!

I'm done being a galley slave. I didn't sign on for this shit and I damn well won't follow orders, nor put myself in a position where I have to. This is not to say I don't follow orders. I certainly do but they are orders given to me from my own self and only my ignorance makes me think that there is some separation between me and myself.

We tell ourselves all kinds of lies and half truths in order to motivate ourselves along the path of possession of all the things we don't really want and we certainly find this out once we get them. I have been fortunate in this regard and even more fortunate in moving sprightly on from my mistaken affections once I found out what was going on. I do not mean this in terms of romantic affections; then again, aren't they all romantic affections? Don't we romance ourselves into all kinds of cul de sacs to get a more clear impression of ourselves that only results in clouding the mirror?

First principle; do not lie to yourself. Second principle is irrelevant ...because if you don't lie to yourself you won't lie to everyone else. In this world you can easily find all manner of people who will willingly embrace whatever lies you are telling yourself because they are doing the same thing. From this I extract that kernel of truth in the term; “misery loves company.” Presto! Once again, you have the world as we think we all know it. There is no world. There is no matter. It's like mind over matter- I don't mind and it don't matter.

Once again I would like to include that great piece by H.P. Blavatsky;

“There is a Road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road. And it leads to the very heart of the universe.

I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inwardly only, and closes fast behind the neophyte forevermore.

There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer.
There is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through.
There is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount.

For those who win onward, there is reward past all telling: the power to bless and to save humanity. For those who fail, there are other lives in which success may come.”

Of course, she has many detractors and I am no apologist for her. I don't know her that well but... as is so often told to the reader here; take what is useful and discard the rest. This is not to say that the rest is without value, only that it may not apply to you. This is also not to say there is any value in any of it. The reader must decide for themselves and prove it through testing and experience. Never accept anything as true that you have not first proven to be so to yourself.

This world of illusionary bullshit is not all bullshit but so long as your senses dictate to you what is and is not so, you still find yourself in a world where all that you have proven to yourself is only relevant in this world. You have to go beyond, while still anchored (for a time) in this locale. It's that old lotus dynamic of... “in the world but not of it.”

End Transmission.......

As you know, I will be looping the US come September and some of you have sent me contact info and some have not and it would be seriously dumb on my part to hit every point on the way. I would wind up circling the Earth in terms of distance. So I will be posting the route and that will be based on the density of individuals in certain locales. Should anyone want to meet up and be willing to cover some amount of distance, I will at least remain until they can but it is going to be a pretty straightforward route, east to west and north to south and then west to east. Please send your location and details to If you sent them before then send them again. We have begun putting pins in the map and I apologize for the extra work on your part but consider it from my end (grin).

A lot of strange things have been going on. I used to put every posting here; have been for years and have done so by invitation. Now the site has removed the capacity. Odd.


torus said...

Greetings Les. Your post addresses numerous thoughts and concerns of mine.
How do I forgive myself, Les? How do I forgive knowing that I could have done better in my relations, particularly with women, but didn't?
I'm doing everything that I can to eliminate "toxins", be they physical or mental. How do I forgive my own duplicity at times. How do I forgive the duplicitous behavior that I tolerated from others? How do I forgive personal compromises because I was "in love".
Forgive this pathetic post.

torus said...

And if readers want to chime in on my behalf, feel free.

missingarib said...

Vis, I remember many times in youth when the accusation that things I was told went in one ear and out the other when in fact some things we were told by parents, teachers, significant others stuck and lodged in the neural network so as to wobble and hobble the track the spinning top life seemed be and take.

Like a stroke victim the pathways are reestablished around the damaged neural points when words hurled at us in hast or anger or indifference or bias damages emotionally and intellectually the neural network causing the spinning top to lose momentum and trace a new track , before a new stable vertical spin could be established - the fractal changed .

Time slowed, time accelerated ,life passed by in elliptic turns .At Times it seemed to be necessary to try to insert lies than face the truth or what truth we are accused of and the principles became safety valves that needed to be turned off and on at what was judged hostile forces and unkind circumstances.

"First principle; do not lie to yourself. Second principle is irrelevant ...because if you don't lie to yourself you won't lie to everyone else. In this world you can easily find all manner of people who will willingly embrace whatever lies you are telling yourself because they are doing the same thing. From this I extract that kernel of truth in the term; “misery loves company.” Presto! Once again, you have the world as we think we all know it. There is no world. There is no matter. It's like mind over matter- I don't mind and it don't matter."

The ideal life is adherence to the first principle except the young mind ages and the old mind seeks some permanence. :Life like a feather heavy as lead"

live long

Kazz said...

Dear torus,

It is not about how many mistakes you make but rather whether you keep making the same mistakes. If we are not making mistakes we are not stepping out of our comfort zone, and if we don't step outside of our comfort zone our consciousness ceases to expand. Forgiving the duplicitous behaviour of others is good for the soul, as is discerning what will increase your consciousness and what will not. Forgiving duplicitous behaviour and tolerating it are not the same thing, I simply walk away from that which I do not approve of because it is not up to me to change other's behaviour. What others do they have to answer for so I try to focus more on what I do, because I have the power to change my behaviour, and if that change works well for me I can only pray others take note and follow, or not, because that is their choice and what works for me may not work for another. I don't know you torus but from your posts you seem like a pretty cool person so don't be so down on your self. When I stuff up, and I do regularly, I just pick myself up, dust myself off, and dive back on the ride. More often then not I find that when the door shuts in front of me it is a sign that the universe simply wants me to take another door.

Great video Vis. Personally I find this ride is quite a rush, because if you are not living on the edge you are taking up too much room :o).

Luv Kazz

torus said...

Dear Kazz

Thank you for thoughtful response. "Down on myself" is my middle name right now. The medicine is bitter, so I sure hope it heals.

torus said...

"So I'll wait until we're sane.
Wait until we're blessed and all the same.
Full of love, loving life and all it's got to give.
Englishmen going insane...
Down on my knees is suburbia
Down on myself in every way."
-Bowie, The Buddha of Suburbia

Anonymous said...

Hey Torus I was reminded of something
Andrew Collin wrote that helped me. The
gist of it being that not forgiving ourselves
is a sly way of still making things about ourselves.
I think this idea has great development in
Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground.

Ray B. said...

Vis: "Gnostics believe that there are two worlds and that the material world is ruled over by the Hebrew God and the other world is ruled over by the 'supreme' ruler, Aeon. This dovetails with my belief that the Hebrew god is the devil, inasmuch as that can be understood as the Lord of Appearances."

This worldview is much more ancient than the "Hebrew God." Zoroaster (hence Zoroastrianism) laid this concept out long before the Hibirus became Hebrews. In effect, like so many other things, the Hebrews copped this from the natives and claimed to be the originators. Ahura Mazda was the original (corresponding to your Aeon), and Angra Mainyu was the baddie (corresponding to your Hebrew God). The Zoroastrians (and many subsequent offshoots) had this down looong before the Biblical patriarchs 'plagiarized' it....
(By the way, that was a great video. Thanks. I enjoyed the chakra and kundalini-raising sequences especially.)
Vis: "All personal realities come up against cosmic reality at some point so, to me, it seems insane not to pursue cosmic reality in the first place..."

According to several of my teachers, we came 'down here' to build up experience, for some reason. To be physical and play in physicality. To do that, we had to 'forget' all of our higher capabilities. Bounce off a wall, rather than passing through it. It is only when we are 'experienced up' that the longing to Return Home comes up and gradually becomes the center of our existence...
Vis: "...since you can't get beyond certain limitations without a guide, I prefer to have a guide and that guide can come in all kinds of envelopes of a particular faith, or a rejection of all faiths, or..."

Some of us are oddballs in their choices of guides. Mine are multi-layered, since I must visit many levels. I count (real) faeries, (real) elves, stone circle entities, and (real) angels as friends and teachers/guides. Talk about multi-spectral! (Or unsane...) I figure that each type knows its own area the best, so "when in Rome"...

About the only advice I would give to someone in choosing guides (outside of them being goodies rather than baddies) would be to choose carefully, based on the guide's limitations. If you operate within a religious framework, you take on the limitations of that religion. All-God will break through eventually, but it may be many lifetimes later. However, shooting for the moon is also probably not wise. It would be like getting a calculus teacher for the second grade. Probably the most practical is to take on, and then move on from, a succession of ever-more-capable guides (since it all may be in our 'head' anyway)...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

torus said...

No doubt. Thank you. Over-emphasizing the "story". ? I'm certainly not trying to dominate the comments section and I appreciate the sincere input. I'm in a vague "depression" due to not asserting myself in a particular situation despite the gut instinct that was encouraging that very assertion. I lied to myself to perpetuate a situation. Which began online, was nurtured online, and ended online.
Love, or our misguided notions of what that one word is supposed to encompass, knows no bounds. It reaches across borders and oceans.
This all may appear as nonsense to the reader, so forgive me for that. Thank you Les Visible for being such an amicable host and teacher.

Anonymous said...

pierre said..

I stopped the video when it got to Einstein (the faker) like I stop when others go on about 911 and arabs... so much for taking the good and leaving the rest.. still, I AM taking the good from this one, plenty of revisionism of the revisionism re the american revolution, vanilla masons and people who studied the Bible in 3 languages, America which should have been the new Israel (taking the good). Mission: Fail, like Cher's greatest hits, so far.

Don't lie to yourself, and have a heart (includes self and other forgiveness ... conditions apply)

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Love is the Skeleton Key of Existence, don't put Horns on the Almighty.

Visible said...

New Smoking Mirrors

For What it is Worth.



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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