Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Diapered up for The Apocalypse on a Moonless Night.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I like where I live. I wish it were a little larger and had an actual yard but I'm not complaining. I thought I would help my friends find a new place to live but I learned something; don't go looking for something other than what you have... let the divine take care of that. Put in a request and... if it meets with the divine will on your behalf, it will happen. Don't push the river. I feel profoundly changed. For the first time in my life, I understand certain fundamental life truths; 'as they apply to me'. I cannot and will not speak for others but... I feel freer than I can remember being and all my life I have been told, “everything is under control” and “rely on me”. I wish I had gotten this sooner, viscerally, but I get it now and I don't have to concern myself with anything... anymore. It will be taken care of. My only concern should be to remember the almighty as often as I can and to see the almighty in everyone else; good or evil, it is up to me which aspect I bring out in anyone.

If the ineffable wants me somewhere, the ineffable will put me there. It is not my place to concern myself with how the ineffable achieves this. Details should not be my area of interest; vision and attentiveness are what I should be concerned with. Sometimes all it takes is for one to be able to recognize what is and is not germane to their area of industry. I feel like that has taken place.

I wish I could go and live in my mother's basement but my mother doesn't have a basement, except for the underworld. Yes... that's my mother... the origin of all things. I don't want to live in the underworld, except... I think this might be the underworld. See... the manifest is a reflection of the collective state of mind. In times of material darkness; ….........................enough said? In times of greater light and a higher condition of shared awareness... more luminous conditions apply. Here is an example of where it looks like things are headed...

...and in some cases already are. Right... ♫Don't bring me down♫ Where was I?

This posting wasn't meant to be about any of this. It was meant to be about friends ...because last night I was talking to one of mine about all manner of possibilities and lack thereof ...under the sun. We were talking about this world where power, position, wealth, fame and one's appearance, rules the parameters of the experiential bandwidths and what it must be like to be surrounded by people and have no friends and what it might be like to have none of the former but to possess real friends and... which would be preferential. I have observed this world and have noted that loneliness is king and regret is often the final resting place of one's existence. The whole point of having too much and missing every human aspect is to acquire the permanent taste of ashes in your mouth, just as a Cocaine habit is God's way of telling you you have too much money.

One thing you can be sure of is that life goes by, sometimes in hindsight, it is in the blink of an eye. It goes by while you are standing still, or racing ahead of it, in search of all the things that haven't happened yet but do occur while you aren't present. The reality of the deeper truths and beauties of life is that you have to be present to enjoy them and presence is a matter of depth or the lack of it. Those who Twitter upon the surface, wander blinded by the dust from a butterflies wings (did I actually say that? Hmmm...)

Though we are bobbing and weaving through fields of humor, here and there, this is a serious subject. It is a serious subject because it seriously impacts on life and often isn't noticed until it is too late to do anything about it. I am of the opinion that it is never too late until it is too late and it is never too late as long as you are still here; witness the tale of the thief on the cross alongside Jesus the Christ.

It's been clear to me that life is no more than a world wide school yard, where what you learn is directed toward getting left back, or occasionally skipping a grade or two. Or... you could think of it as boot camp, or even some endless rehab where you learn about all the things you could have been addicted to but didn't know about until you arrived at the rehab. I've seen people set on fire for strange attractions and dancing in a downward flaming spiral upon poisoned air. Beside them sit silent, motionless yogis, looking inward on worlds beyond anything known here or... looking inward on nothing at all.

We live in a world of drunken plankers plummeting from high rises, juxtaposed with expensive spankings, paid for via American Express by men who wear suits during the day and are later diapered up for The Apocalypse on a moonless night; a night that even Hecate has turned her back on.

When we reflect on our lives, it is not the houses and boats and parties we attended that capture our thoughts, it is the memory of those we were close to. It is not the events we attended or the places we went, or even the things we went through that comes to mind but... the ones who were there with and for us.

In my mind, what I think about, is the degree of intensity and the lack of intensity that I applied to finding the ineffable. Those are where my triumphs and regrets lie and attendant with that are those friends who were around at any period of time. One is either into the items that surround our experiences or into those who populated the experiences or... into the one who makes the experiences possible. That would be my preference but... my friends are all an expression of the almighty. The almighty shines out through their eyes. It is what I look for. If I had the devil inside, it would be the devil that I see. A true spiritual seeker is, on the one hand seeking to exorcise the agents of darkness within and, on the other hand, invoke, invite, or ignite, the light within. This light is like an attempt at fire in the wilderness. It can be difficult to get it going. It takes persistence and a nourishing and a nurturing. However, that small fire can flame into a powerful blaze that illuminates the forest around you. Life is a metaphor for something (grin).

I love my friends. In many ways they have been my life. They have been the attending presence in my search for the everlasting. They have picked me up and I have picked them up. It's a quid pro quo kind of thing, just as it is in the world of Wall Street and K Street and J Street. It's all quid pro quo but very different kinds of quid pro quo are at work.

We don't know when it is coming but... we do know that it is coming; just like the California earthquake; the big one. There is no 'if' about it. There is no 'if' about a great many things. I want to close out today by mentioning something you don't hear much about anymore.

I think it stopped being on the chattering airwaves right about 2012 when all the woo woo went south. I know a lot of people were disappointed; much like the Fundies with their Rapture. The focus slipped and slid back toward a more or less total concern about what 'they' were going to do and World War 3 and all the paranoid possibilities of how bad it could get. This thing we stopped talking about is that massive shift in consciousness, that wave that is going to sweep each and every one of us into the resolution of whatever direction we were dead set on heading off into.

Our concern should be less about what 'they' might or might not do; about what they are or are not doing. Our concern should be about coming into alignment with that which is certain to arrive at some point in the not too distant future; possibly even tomorrow, or today. At some point, something is going to rise up within every prepared heart and mind and change each and every one of them forever.

It's coming and we might as well be ready for it.

End Transmission.......


torus said...

"Our concern should be less about what 'they' might or might not do; about what they are or are not doing. Our concern should be about coming into alignment with that which is certain to arrive at some point in the not too distant future; possibly even tomorrow, or today. At some point, something is going to rise up within every prepared heart and mind and change each and every one of them forever.

It's coming and we might as well be ready for it."

You speak not only of the mortality of the flesh, but something else as yet undefined, if not undefineable. I'm still caught up in the game of "they". But it's not what they are going to do, it's what "they're" not going to do. Perhaps it's my imminent MRI (I might have manifested cancer) but I'm experiencing a tangible shift in consciousness. I think of the glory days of 2007-08, when a war with Iran was always about one day away. "And they fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way..."
I saw Elton John perform a few weeks back in London Ontario. Granted, there are people who want to assassinate the rich and famous. But once inside the venue I was greeted by numerous German Shepherds. It turns out that they were part of the Bomb Squad, and the dogs are in Elton's contract. "And I guess that's why they call them the blues..."

Ray B. said...

Vis, a nice, reflective column with sparks of wit and unsanity (grin). Thanks. Glad to have you back 'on the air'!

Vis: "If the ineffable wants me somewhere, the ineffable will put me there. It is not my place to concern myself with how the ineffable achieves this. Details should not be my area of interest; vision and attentiveness are what I should be concerned with."

I have an old story about that. This was back when I had quit Boeing and was off on my spiritual questing. Eventually, I ran out of money. A somewhat-desperate situation ensued for me and my household. I prayed and meditated a lot...

Well, I got a telephone call out of the blue. An old engineering manager - one of the few that I really liked and respected - had risen to become engineering manager for a radically-new type of aircraft. He called me, and asked if I would join him! Plus, he offered me oodles of money! The job location even got me into striking-distance of The Monroe Institute, where much learning of consciousness-levels occurred. I even was placed in an old farmhouse within a mini-forest in the middle of a city! All-God really was listening, and I couldn't have asked for a better manifestation. Thanks...
Vis: "The reality of the deeper truths and beauties of life is that you have to be present to enjoy them..."

I can't tell you of the number of times that I have seen a rainbow and had to point it out to another who was tied-up in Doing. The same with sunsets...
Vis: "When we reflect on our lives, it is not the houses and boats and parties we attended that capture our thoughts, it is the memory of those we were close to."

I have a strange take on that. When I reflect back, it is (mostly) not on ordinary life. It is on non-ordinary happenings. They are like jewels. A giant (real) faerie alongside a waterfall. A portal or Gate opening, unexpectedly. A woman walking into a room - and requesting a bus pass! - whose aura and presence totally wiped-away anyone else in the room. Doing a brief soul-share with a (real) faerie. Basically almost-drowning, and then having a sudden 'current' sweep me towards shore. Realizing another entity could read me and my Soul like a book. Tracing ley lines. Having a past-life reintegrate. Having incredible meetings with 'unseen' folks. Running energy. Having the Stonehenge entity pop into your room in the middle of the night (grin). I am so fortunate. But, it did require venturing-forth...
Vis: "If I had the devil inside, it would be the devil that I see."

That is exactly how the (real) Elves work! They exist at the Soul level, and so just reflect-back whatever is inside the person viewing them. Actually, now that I think of it, they would be a good 'barometer' of what is really lodged-inside. Line-up a bunch of folk, and just have a (real) Elf move down the line. Ask each person what they just saw and felt...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Hereticdrummer said...

Beautiful Vis. I recall something so wise you said a long time ago. The Devil is how God looks to the evil. (Pardon my paraphrase). Be well Brother.

Visible said...

HD: The devil is the way the wicked see God.

Kazz said...

Vis: '...good or evil, it is up to me which aspect I bring out in anyone.’

Way to much responsibility there Vis, what about the other co-creater who is responsible for their actions? My experience is that when one resonates at the higher level of existence they are attacked by those who resonate at the lower level of existence, this is not because the one resonating higher brought out what was resonating in the individual resonating at the lower level, this occurred because the individual resonating at the lower level allowed their self to fall so far. This is why Man blaming Eve for the fall of Man is ludicrous, because Man chose to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and every individual is responsible for their own thoughts, words, and deeds, which is why each of us has a witness within, and why karma is specific to each individual based upon their thoughts, words, and deeds. In the video you showed was it the responsibility of the Man who was killed or is the blood of that Man on the other 4 individuals who murdered him?

'Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? (Matthew 7:15-16)

We do not make those who are ravenous wolves, ravenous wolves, this is who they are under their sheep’s clothing!

Vis: ‘I am of the opinion that it is never too late until it is too late and it is never too late as long as you are still here; witness the tale of the thief on the cross alongside Jesus the Christ.’

“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When a man shall make a singular vow, the persons shall be for the Lord by thy estimation. And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy valuation shall be fifty shekels of silver, according to the shekel of the sanctuary. And if it be a female, then thy valuation shall be thirty shekels' (Leviticus 27:2-4).

'Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him[?] over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.’ (Matthew 26:14-16).

If Jesus Christ was a man why was Judas Iscariot paid 30 shekels instead of 50 shekels????

Luv Kazz

Kazz said...

Vis: 'The devil is the way the wicked see God.’

'Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!… (John 8:43-45).

The devil was a murder from the beginning and remains one to the end!


Luv Kazz

Visible said...

You're welcome to your opinion. I only have to convince myself of anything. How others take it is their own affair.

Ray B. said...

Karen / Kazz: "My experience is that when one resonates at the higher level of existence they are attacked by those who resonate at the lower level of existence, this is not because the one resonating higher brought out what was resonating in the individual resonating at the lower level, this occurred because the individual resonating at the lower level allowed their self to fall so far."

In my experience, there are two interlocking-processes at play in any 'bringing out':

The first and simplest process is loading up. Just living, I will experience the pain-filled aspects of daily life on our planet. Everyone does. If I behave like a little child does and immediately feel it through, I will not load-up. I will be in the present. If I behave as a presently-conditioned adult, I will 'stuff it' and slowly become like an emotional time-bomb. (I will also slowly be removed from the present.)

Since nobody truly wants to be holding pain, I will release this old-pain in some kind of random melt-down - either in an 'incident' or at a person. I will be 'evil' in that moment, totally-independent of the other person (except as a convenient lightning rod). I will feel better, even as the other person is writhing on the floor from my 'discharge' (negative Chi)...

The second and more-subtle process is entrainment. If two people encounter each other, they are more likely to be of a different 'level'. (By level, you can think of frequency, vibration, etc.) If they interact, their fields will 'merge' a little. They will tend to move towards a common-ground. (You can experience this as an auric 'merge' if you are sensitive.) The higher-vibe person will feel that the other person is a 'downer'. The lower-vibe person will feel a 'lift'.

However, there is a catch...

When anyone's energy-level is lifted, anything that is not of that new-level will be 'shed'. It cannot now exist within that being. It must go. If one is carrying a big backpack of lower-vibe held-pain, it will 'spontaneously' be emitted. This is at Anything, including at the higher-vibe person...

(This is also why a person may exhibit bizarre-behavior after having their energy suddenly raised. Weird stuff is coming-out from below the intellectual level, and is not really controllable. It dissipates, hopefully without serious consequences. You see that effect at ashrams/monasteries all the time...)

Combine these two interlocking-processes, and life can get interesting for the higher-vibe person in today's world. One can become a hermit, or one can learn the signs of an upcoming 'release' and develop Tactics...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...


I was in your shoes regarding an MRI last year at about this time.

This being October, 'October Song' from the Incredible String Band plays on the internal jukebox:

I used to search for happiness
And used to follow pleasure
But I found a door behind my mind
And that's the greatest treasure
For rulers like to lay down laws
And rebels like to break them
And the poor priests like to walk in chains
And God likes to forsake them


Kazz said...

Wouldn't have it any other way Vis.

Luv Kazz

torus said...


Thank you. And that door doesn't clamour for attention, in fact it's a silent gateway. I do feel that I've at least got a grip on the handle. Remarkably, the knowledge of the necessity of an MRI has subdued Radio Station NST (NON STOP THINKING). As if I needed reminders on how fleeting life really is.

"And you can tell everybody
That this is your song
It may be quite simple but
Now that it's done..."

flyingcossack said...

out of gas
face flat in the dirt
trampled so many times, now part of the dirt
people wonder, where did god go?

Visible said...

Try harder. Have faith. Love God more.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Moonwalking with the Reverse Kabala Boys.

Kazz said...


God lies within.

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pierre said... (Trumpets of the Apocalypse?)
Given Trumps increasing proclivity to tell the truth, that "everybody knows" (not that everybody cares), and continued mortal existence so far doing that his EJ song would be "I'm still standing".

Anonymous said...

pierre said...
yeh , I'm Chunk on Drump Juice (lol)

torus said...

Yeah, we all know of John's "flamboyancy", but some of Elton's music moved me as a kid.
I wanted to see a pianist, guitarist, and drummer who have played together since 1969. He also had a stellar bass player with him who gave an understated, James Jamerson-like, syncopated funk groove to numerous tunes.

Anonymous said...

@torus (and I hope your big C scare turns into thin air)
sure, I grew up on all that too (1974 my best pop year, I was 10 and had Lego and had left the Church - put that last one in to be on topic, though as a negation).
now I watch things like TPB but I also know these productions are of the Tribe. Julian = Jewish by any chance, the black haired pale skinned type that Lauren Moret spoke of recently in terms of the bloodline of vampires, etc etc.
48 X 22 mins made this year easy in the kitchen like pancakes. (lower budget than the series but still good value) Trailer Park Boys (which Vis put us on to here several years ago)

Anonymous said...

pierre said...

make that Drumph Juice.... make way the the Romper Stromper revolution after the rigged election.
"Maybe Drumph is a deadend, and Donald Trump was really
a Tromp, related to George Washington in this way. "

Anonymous said...

Trump Hate of the Apocalypse?
I Like this one...
When you hear what Biden has to say about Syria and Russia you wonder if indeed we are nearing WW3!
But Trump said Pussy!


torus said...

@anonymous 2:29
Thank you, me too. Elton and his band may not be waking anyone up, but he affords them the opportunity to forget themselves for a 2.5 hours. As a musician myself, my enjoyment comes from listening and watching other players enjoying themselves so much. And hey, they really DO sing and play their respective parts. One drummer plus two percussionists who also sing. Ray Cooper on percussion would raise his hands to his forehead in a prayerful position and bow to his audience repeatedly.

torus bows.

torus said...

@Audrey. Yes, in light of the "Clinton chronicles", Trump's "pussy" talk pales in comparison, like a "bad" rap song (is there any other). You should experience Canadian stupidity in all of its scripted and contrived glory. A co-worker showed no remorse after saying that "Trump should be assassinated..." A self-professed Canadian, "liberal/democrat", said that. The media manipulation of mass consensus is hideous.



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