Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Las Vegas; the False Flag Waving and the Gonfalon of the Everlasting.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Good day my friends. We will suspend the usual interests in the ineffable in the usual manner today; not forgetting the mention because it will come but... information is rapidly coming in as proof that yesterday's attack in Las Vegas was a false flag. Here is some information and speculation. Of course there is the twisted evil of those who celebrate what happened because they imagine it happened to people on the opposite side of their ideology. That she is a full blown member of The Tribe should come as no surprise. In passing let us note this telling tidbit from Breitbart and the source of the commentary as well. It is obvious at this close point to the event that it was an orchestrated false flag. It gets more and more amazing as I watch Mr. Apocalypse dance, this information in this article is riveting. Speculation follows speculation but it is fairly obvious if you know anything about physics and guns that a lot of the speculation seems more accurate than what we are being awkwardly fed. Follow that last link with this one and it becomes more and more clear.

My apologies for so much information from so many locations but one must set the stage, just as they did.

Now they are trying to cover their tracks. It won't happen. Here is the latest from that Tribe Sleaze Fest at TMZ. The head guy at this sewer pipe production formerly operated as the shit fly reporter from the “Meet the Feebles” movie, who spent most of his time buzzing an unflushed toilet. This stars Muppets like you have never seen them before. I was telling a friend about how outrageous this film was and I guess he wasn't paying attention cause he went home and put it on and started watching it with his 12 year old daughters. Yes, you are correct. I burst out laughing. After a decent pause he laughed too. “Well, you could have warned me.” “I did warn you, you just weren't paying attention when I was describing the contents.”

There is a distinct pause that has extended from shortly after the event until now. The Crass Media is attempting to cobble together something credible and it just isn't credible. It is incredible. There is no way that they spin this tale past a very large body of the public who may have been on the fence about events over recent decades. They won't be any longer. This is the moment when they stepped in it. All you have to do is follow the tracks of their feet.

Trump is now faced with one of those presidential moments that will most surely define him. Until now he has been a ping pong ball, his features are a blur as he moves from one concern to the other; talk about living in interesting times! Suddenly I feel the need to suspend this commentary for a bit. I don't know why that is and you won't even know it happened (grin) until you read it here and it will seem as if it is all a part of the same flow but it won't be... sort of like that pause that is going on now with the tale weavers being undone in the tangles of their own lies.

Well... I'm back and I wasn't gone long. Fact is that I can't think of anything else to do. A guy is laying tile in one of the rooms in the house and using some kind of disc grinder/sander. It sounds like that scene from Marathon Man when the mad German Nazi doctor is drilling into Dustin Hoffman's good teeth and asking, “Is it safe? Is it safe?” I tried doing the same thing but no one could hear me. That suddenly reminded me of the Cheech and Chong skitch where one of them is a torturer and one of them is an elderly man. The torturer is saying, “Sign ze papers old man. Sign ze papers.” He replies, “I cannot sign ze paper.” This goes on back and forth for awhile and finally one last time. “Old man sign ze papers!” He responds, “I cannot sign ze papers.” “Why not?' is the answer and the old man says, “because you have cut off my hands.” Yikes!

Does it sound like I am doing everything but getting to the point, as if there were one? How perceptive of you. I honestly don't know what to say. It's clear to me just the day after the Las Vegas attack that 'they' did it. That's a new record by a big margin. They've been clumsy before but relentless lies and total control of the media won out; that and the mindless comfort seeking impulse of the comatose public but now... no way they spin this, no way.

Who is 'they'? They is a cabal of malefactors joined together in the pursuit of self interest. The thing about self interest is that eventually it turns into every man and demon for himself and that will be coming along. Who they are is long term Deep State operatives, Zionist hegemonists, committed Satanists and various Materialists who are along for the ride in a relentless snatch and grab and of course, the military industrialists and ranking uniformed members who are actually part of the Deep State in any case but I wanted to mention them. They have an army of supporters who by default are in common interest bound; meaning, the social justice warriors and other Antifa monsters, programmed and programming, the sexual predators and culture morphers, members of the Academe, celebrities from all sorts of venues, the media and the various puppets that operate in the political theaters and every other enterprise that people rely on for one thing or another.

The manipulators are few in number but their influence becomes considerable when you add in all of these others, who assist in the proliferation of their ideology for personal profit. One of the most critical features of the war on humanity is the numbers of those who consciously and unconsciously support the awful progression of events taking place. Like canon fodder, they don't draft the game plans or give the orders. They just follow them. This does not make them any less dangerous and it is so much more likely that you will run across one of them rather than the ones who have brain washed or employed them. You pass them in the street all the time. They're sitting in the pubs, should you frequent such places and shopping in the super markets and malls. They're wearing Bermuda shorts and Levi's. Sometimes they wear uniforms; everything from a waitress to a police officer and sometimes you find a human being. God knows, I am always looking. I find them more often than I used to, since I am more human than I used to be. They are as big a problem as the psychopaths that manipulate them through Fear and Desire. Losing that base of influence is, would be ...and will be a death blow for them. I don't know if this is the straw that broke the camels back but it sure looks like it could be.

This is either an act of outrageous overconfidence, or Mr. Apocalypse having herded them stage center for that wonderful denouement. I don't know much. I don't know if I ever will. Perhaps the more you know the less you understand. Hopefully, if that works in reverse, I'm better off than I imagine sometimes. I thank the ineffable every day that I am not one of those who recklessly and with a sense of arrogant impunity, ride roughshod over all and sundry (something might be wrong with that sentence. Just let it go, visible, let it go.). I have so much to be thankful for 'what isn't', as much as for 'what is'.

For the last couple of weeks I have been watching people at work in their professions; in sports, in ancillary associations, in the arts and pretty much whatever is similar that has appeared before my eyes and found myself thinking, “thank you Lord that I am not doing that.” It's odd... because there were times in my life, earlier times, when I was seriously ambitious in the effort to get somewhere in my fields of enterprise. The amount of opposition I ran into and serious energy (followed by defeat) that went into each of these efforts was something, I assure you. I could not understand why I was being denied over and over and over. Now I am as grateful as can be with the result. I simply did not understand what was involved and what the cost would have been. God is as merciful, as he is great, as he is wise, as he is all things in their supreme presence and power. Oh... words fail and they will always fail. They fail everyone and they fail me and I am grateful for that too.

How much better is it to be honored in the eyes of the ineffable than in the transitory affections of a fickle world? The ineffable tells me that in good time all efforts are recognized for what they were and failing that they are recognized in the secret chambers where no good or inspired deed goes overlooked. In a whimsical world one has no hope of sustained and never ending appreciation and what does it mean then when it turns on you, as is so often the case, or you forfeit all you ever really loved in the pursuit of it and found you didn't even enjoy it and it was taken from you anyway?

Ah... the follies I entertained on my way. How grateful I am for being spared those accomplishments. It's a big world that grows infinitely smaller by comparison with what lies beyond and yet it is a vast area for those of us made smaller by comparison with it and all our greatness is a mere fantasy of the imagination, never seeing what really small fish we are, who were only impressive in the narrow parameters of our own mind. The intoxication of the self is a heady brew indeed. I am content to wait and rely on the ineffable who sees all, hears all and knows all and who loves me and calls me friend.

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

"{{{THEY}}} have a lot to answer for..."

a swirling galaxy of irony...

Police vow ‘uncompromising’ crackdown on ‘illegal’ clown impersonators



now who is the most egregious clown impersonator...

on Earth...besides the Psychopath Netanyahu



Anonymous said...

I wonder what is being hidden that is so big that the " Look over there at Las Vegas!" thing is overwhelming the conversation everywhere.
Misdirection of an extremely large order....hmmmmmm!

And it makes me wonder....

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

All I can say, is the longer I live; the more alien this world becomes to me. I wish Scotty would hurry up and beam me up.

Anonymous said...

The word "Paddock" means an enclosure for holding animals............

Anonymous said...

This place we call Earth of late reminds me of the place gobbled up by the langoliers. An unfortunate group of passengers on a flight across the country pass through an aurora borealis and into the recent past, where everything is stale and over and done with. False flags are like that, is that all you've got, not this again, in other words, bohica. If your mind still functions, FFs are like having to listen to pop goes the weasel 24/7 and yes, they can and will drive you nuts unless you tune them out and live whatever sane life you are capable of under the circumstances. It may no longer be feasible to follow Voltaire's advice and tend our own gardens, but I continue to try. As long as I'm here and physically subject to the way it is, until I leave, its the best I can do.


Anonymous said...


Maybe the link is up in the body of your column but:

Covers Chertoffs buddies


Ray B. said...

Stuff akin to the Las Vegas shooting always directs me inwards and upwards, towards the order-givers. And by order-givers, I do not mean the 'usual suspects' (as listed in Vis' perps paragraph).

Either I am going more insane or more 'unsane' (meaning detaching from group-mind). Maybe both (grin). I have spent the last half of my life sorting-out what is originating within me from what is originating from without me. Not as easy as it sounds, when you include the psychic/astral realms...

To make a long story short, there are indeed 'folk' who can drop ideas and emotional-baggage into us as easily as we can throw a newspaper onto a porch. Scary but true. I actually got my masters degree in psychology (in part) so I could work on distinguishing what came from within-me (id-stuff, sub-personality stuff, old pain-based stuff, etc.) from psychic intrusions. Then, it took thirty-some years of hard work to sort the one from the other. (Still ongoing.) In short, there are more-attuned folk (seen and unseen) who can 'play' with standard humans - with good or bad intentions.

Fortunately, with awareness of this 'state of affairs', some people step up and begin the process of LISTENING. That is half the battle. The other half is developing the connection with Higher Self, to have effective 'countermeasures' against the intrusions. With enough experience, one can even return-to the intruder and do whatever is appropriate. (Careful on the last; you are in 'enemy' territory.)

(If the ineffable set-up this state-of-affairs intentionally, he/she/it is a devious SoB - or maybe DoB. Talk about forced 'hot-housing' of abilities. Argh...)

This applies to Las Vegas in how-high the original 'influences' came from. (I am not talking about Paddock in this scenario; he feels like an Oswald 'patsy' to me.) It will be interesting to track back and see/feel where the originating 'motivation' came from - seen or unseen...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.
P.S. A small blessing: An extremely-rare book that I had 'put-out-for' around fifteen years ago just appeared in a Library book sale. Snag. And thanks...

Alan Jong said...

False flags are everywhere, the Vatican,and Pope are false flags,
Les visible is a false flag, religion is the biggest false flag
of all; the flags of nations though throughout history come, go
and change; are commonly real and represent some foundation
of land people and law. In America you have the right to
hide behind any flag including a false one if you choose,
and our constitution recognizes that right, and government
both of the people and its representatives at least
do protect that right.

Bill D. said...

This false flag will prove to be a bridge too far. Karma is coming to those psychopaths, and it will be a bitch! :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry everyone but MSM is talking Paddock all the way. Nothing will come of this as usual. In a few days this will be old news.
The "They" will never be exposed. They had been getting away with this sort of thing for ages and sadly it will contine.
Don't expect justice or truth for you will only be disappointed yet again . There is no bridge too far. As for Karma, Who knows ? The THEY
Must be exempt. Oh Heavens prove me wrong but lets see where this story is a week or two.

Anonymous said...

What book Ray? Nothing is too esoteric for this crowd...
Another good article re Vegas:

Aloha and Aroo Mr Visible


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Tweedledum and Tweedledee have Become Incontinent and can No Longer Hear or See.

Anonymous said...

Candle for Freedom,

How is Vis a false flag. And for whom?


Visible said...

heh heh, I saw that but the only thing I really noticed was the clumsy syntax. That removed any possibility of it being authoritative. Nothing weakens a person's arguments or statements like obvious misspellings and cellphone syntax.

Ray B. said...

Matt, I'm kind of embarrassed. It is not an esoteric book; it is "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" by Edward R. Tufte (1983). This book is by far the best book I have seen on carrying-across boring 'data' into eye-catching 'pictures'. Translating left-brain stuff into right-brain stuff, where it can be instantly absorbed. Harder than it looks. I have wanted my own copy since first seeing it, long ago. It is Expensive and rare. I snagged this beautiful copy for about a dollar. (Thanks!) Sorry about getting you all psyched-up (grin)...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

I have grooved heavily on all four of Tufte's books that has written on the subject of visual display/informational graphics.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ray!

I'll leave it to you and Mandocello, but it's definitely intriguing. I've read/reread Vis' recommendation Aghora at the Left Hand of God many times. It's a hilarious, sweeping Hindu view of everything.. super fun and expansive. Guess I'm looking for similar.

False flags and mismanaged disasters are like pop goes the weasel 24/7, Mark. Good one.

Great cyber party guys.


Anonymous said...

via Homer..

Here's an entertaining peek at both Parallel Worlds/Multiverse And the Theory of Relativity, waaaay before our time's Relativity and hacking the universe was cool..

Visible said...

A new Petri Dish is up now-

They Went Off the Road on the Way to Mandalay Bay.



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