Thursday, May 09, 2019

The Power of God is Limitless and the Power of God is Love.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It is amusing, if it occurs to one in the first place, as it most assuredly does not in most cases, that so much of what we think we understand and so much that we have interpreted, based on the limited breadth of our experiences and acquired knowledge, relies on the terms we use, the words we gather to the purpose of making ourselves understood by others. What is amusing is that those terms and words are understood by others differently than they are understood by us. We might be talking about the same thing but we are not understanding or interpreting it the same way. So we argue about what is not clear to us in the first place and we agree on points that we aren't even agreeing on and the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide comes in and the rain falls and the sun shines.

We travel through the experiences that our previous experiences have choreographed for us, committing acts that our previous acts have determined by mathematical approximation we will commit as punishment or reward ...and outside of an early window of possible innovation we are tied more and more firmly to the wheel of certainty of event and outcome. This is very hard for most people to accept, much less to even think about. This is the problem with truth, unless one faces it with eyes wide open, it is mostly an unpleasant thing, because it invariably involves, disease, old age and death. It involves infirmity. It involves loss, which brings grief. It involves accumulated mistakes, which brings regret. It involves the fear of the unknown due to the refusal to face the unknown and the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide comes in and the rain falls and the sun shines.

Triumphs do not last. Riches do not console. Position makes a larger target of a person. Fame brings a hairnet of flies and mosquitoes, in the person of those one would wish to avoid more than any other. The real affection and honesty of those you call your friends are in doubt because of who everyone imagines you are, until you no longer are and the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide goes in and the rain falls and the sun shines.

Periods of sameness go by, especially for those grown comfortable in unchallenged circumstances, who know where their next meal is coming from, who are not under the threat of a mortgage, of money owed,  of the fear of catastrophic health concerns. I have no largess of money and what there was got swallowed and frozen by currency transfers and a fall off a steep cliff, where it presently huddles in hope of resurrection, while I had a year of Hell, with one major health concern after another and they cost me nothing because I had no money (grin).

A few months ago a fellow I know; not that well but... we have bumped up against each other here and there, suffered something like a stroke, or maybe it was a stroke and then there were complications and he wound up in a nursing facility with touch and go possibilities about recovering and... time passed, while he has had trouble being able to walk or use his hands effectively and previously he had been an  energetic and animated life form. Then... just like that...

About a week ago, I heard from a man that I had known for some years but only virtually. About ten years ago he had suffered a stroke and was left impaired in his movements, Recently his wife of 21 years was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He told me during one of our conversations that persons with this form of stroke had an average life expectancy of ten years. Such is the nature of this event we call life and all of us- with rare exception, can expect some variation on the theme.

My heart goes out to each of these people. They are the ones I asked you to pray for. Yesterday, I heard that the fellow in the nursing home was going home. This was very unexpected. I bring this up for various reasons but one of them is the notable success of prayer for others. I have experienced results, almost without exception. Some of the outcomes have been truly remarkable. This is one more example. I do not know if this or any of the results have been the result of these prayers, except that I was told they were and because there has been a consistency in time of prayer and time of outcome. All of this is incidental to the FACT that I know it is a FACT that prayer works. Belief is the major actor in this affair. I state in every prayer of this kind; “and I pray believing.” and the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide goes in and the rain falls and the sun shines.

I do not know how the situation continues with my other friends but the prayers will continue as long the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide goes in and the rain falls and the sun shines.

There are three qualities that everyone, who cares enough to do so, should ask the almighty for and they are Faith, Certitude and Determination. You will not get far without them. They are critical to spiritual success. Faith is critical because you need to believe; “faith is the substance of things unseen”. Certitude is critical; you have to be sure that what you believe is true. This must be unwavering. Determination is critical; you must have resolve. These three, that in some ways seem to be the same thing, all contribute to creating a certain thing and it will carry you across Hell and Highwater, to the lands of everlasting conscious and benevolent light.

There are only so many ways that you can go in this or any life. It may seem complex and Byzantine but you are either going up, down, or you are treading water. You can see this as being metaphorical, virtual or literal. It is all of them. The mind is a strange and curious thing. Its potentials and possibilities are little known outside of a small circle of souls. Some utilize it for good and some for ill and either are mere players in a drama. In some cases those who appear to be representative of malefic intent are actually employed by the creator for reasons known only to him. Asian Indian tales contain some number of reference to this very feature. My point is that if you judge anything by the appearance of it, you are in a position to be misled. Discard appearances altogether. Focus only on your own thoughts, words and actions. They will prevail over any and all appearances. The power of Love is supreme in every circumstance. Employ it at every turn.

Pray without ceasing by keeping the image of the ineffable uppermost in your heart and mind at all times. It does not have to be an image. It can be an idea. It can be a light. It is a light. It is a 'guiding light'. The mind is a monkey. It is either made still or it is not. The heart must swallow the mind. The power of love is greater than any other force of thought, words or action. It must be acknowledged as supreme. Let love be supreme in your thoughts above every consideration and you are on your way.

The nature of the agencies of darkness is to distract us and to divide us against ourselves and each other. Love creates unity. Love is the ultimate master of distraction and division. Everything is one, unless you make it otherwise. You cannot be led where you will not go. Love will be supreme as long the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide goes in and the rain falls and the sun shines and long after that as well.

The power of God is limitless and the power of God is Love. God is resident within you and lives and moves in you unless you hinder it. It is a simple thing. Either God acts or we do and that is why the world is filled with clumsy dancers and bad actors. One is successful in life to the extent that one allows the divine to express through them. Yes, of course, there are all sorts of people celebrated way above their pay grade, with no positive talents whatsoever, like the Kardashians (look at Kanye's face) and all manner of folk who are inexplicably successful past all rhyme and reason. This is just appearances my friends. This is all for the purpose of demonstration, as you will see demonstrated. Yes you will. All manner of characters are being set up for grand denouements that will manifest for them one and all. Never forget that we are in an apocalypse and never forget what the definition of an apocalypse is. This is also, no ordinary apocalypse.

It is simplicity itself. Let me reiterate one more time; the power of God is limitless and greater, not only than every other power but greater than all powers put together. The source of all things is the source of all power so... all power is 'borrowed power' and can be repossessed at any time. The power of God is Love. Love is greater than anything else. The source of Love is resident within you. It can be expressed through you at any time and all the time. You have examples of people who have exercised Love to such an extent that they have changed the world. What is the difference between you and them? It is a matter of degree. They have employed it more consistently and with a greater amount of Faith, Certitude and Determination.

Love is like a muscle. If you exercise it, it will grow strong and then stronger. Love is a fire; actually, “a consuming fire', or so I have been told. If you apply a bellows to a fire it will flare, oh yes it will. If you toss fuel on a fire, it will eat it all and so long as you are judicious about the addition of the fuel it will consume everything and get bigger and bigger. Fuel can be looked at as motivation and inspiration. Nothing expands in potential and capacity unless it is used. This is not rocket science but it is physics. Let's call it meta-physics but it's still physics. Meta just means you have extended its range. It's still physics. It's like some kind of law (grin). It is really simple if you think about it. Do it. Love under every circumstance and in every situation. Watch and see what happens.

It took me some time to understand this but... once you do, there is a force of desire, an urgency that attends 'getting it' that is so overwhelming, so filled with rightness ...and so... 'conviction' enters the picture and that is like Certitude and Certitude gives birth to Determination. Ignore the world and lose everything you think you know and all the grief and regret that now attends the hard to restrain memory of your failures coming back on you. It's a new day. Nothing that came before means anything unless it affirms this. Ignore appearances, they are the false impressions that stand in front of the real thing. Love and concentration will melt them away and you will be dealing with the real thing. If what you have been doing has not been working then try this. Give it everything you have and see what happens. I know what happens. Maybe it doesn't work for anyone else who isn't willing to pay the fare but... it works for me because, I am willing to pay the fare as long as the world turns and the tide goes out and the tide comes in and the rain falls and the sun shines.

End Transmission.......

♫ I Have to Walk in the Sunlight ♫

Please pray for Robert and Freidom Pyle and Robert Hitt.


David Fiske said...

Thank you Vis. This writing was lovely and inspiring and I greatly enjoyed it. Fluid and lyrical, supple and muscular.
Well done!

Anonymous said...

Dog Bless Les and his friends Freidom and the Roberts

I have no miraculous healing powers myself -
but I know they exist and wish them to be directed your way.

Courage - and savour every moment.

robert said...

Dear Visible,

Thank you once again for your choice to be more than your mind ever thought you could be! We are all granted mercy when any one rises above their false little self.

We find in the wilderness those oases to which we are guided in our blind search.
Like finding a pocket of air underneath an iced over river, we breath in precious prana and remember we live within the Ineffable and nowhere else!

Wonder how many lifetimes are involved in the gathering happening now, both here and world wide?

Helps with perspective to cruise our inner vision with that aspect in mind; the sheer number of tries we have made even to be here now!

It took me some time to understand this but... once you do, there is a force of desire, an urgency that attends 'getting it' that is so overwhelming, so filled with rightness ...and so... 'conviction' enters the picture and that is like Certitude and Certitude gives birth to Determination. Ignore the world and lose everything you think you know and all the grief and regret that now attends the hard to restrain memory of your failures coming back on you. It's a new day.

Somehow, the tender ministrations of the Ineffable in your life encourage the rest of us to continue on our way home.

Let us ponder the rapid effects on the slumbering mass mind when more and more examples of cooperating with the One are raised from obscurity and finally provide a compelling contrast to all of the false idols constantly on parade through the media Matrix.

When the mind-killing hangover of a lifetime of media manipulation and distraction gives way to CLEAR CHOICES for a change!

The choice between:
death from the false life
life from the false death

How immensely blessed we all are to be here now, hopefully prepared now to make more of the right choices going forward, as the slippery slope tips radically into a ski jump!

This heart finds endless gratitude coming from the Creator's well, flowing faster thanks to the communion we have found and made here.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nice, as always. And I will vouch for prayer working, though I shall admit sometimes I use incense and candle light along with it. It's a focus thang, I suppose. If the Universe is in cahoots with me, I always get what I ask for.

Missing Munich said...

This was brilliant, and warm, and lovely, and inspiring, and activating determination, and then some.

Going to the homeland and surrounding countries the end of the month for some desperately needed soul recouperation.

Much love!

Anonymous said...

Thank you

GregS said...

Les said: "There are three qualities that everyone, who cares enough to do so, should ask the almighty for and they are Faith, Certitude and Determination."

Somehow, I think, we are getting past that point. If it is true that we are in the apocalypse, then surely we are coming up to the point where it would be more reasonable to expect more along the lines of; ignition keys, operators manuals and star charts?

If we are godling then for crying out loud, what are we?

Then the preamble, why are we in this mess?

Where is our daddy? What happened to mommy? Why does love hurt so much?

BCii said...

Dear Vis,

I have been delinquent enough in my practices for a long enough time to now reap painfully regrettable results. I have neglected the spiritual road in favor of momentary dopamine hits via glowing electronically-mediated stimulation by the ubiquitous mobile "digital cocaine" black mirror portals provided by our technocrats, and now witness the dulling of my higher sensibilities, the depletion of my vital force, the weakening of my sovereign will, the degradation of my access to soul faculties, the damage to my identity and self-esteem: all the classic degenerative fruits of the behavior of the addict.

We are under attack on so many fronts. We don't always fare well under these trying conditions. As a seeker of truth, I was handed knowledge on a silver platter. The gift of the information age became a curse as I misused it in the service of lower impulses, instant gratification, and avoidance of the challenges of the present. Now I don't know how much I can still salvage of my soul's mission. All I can do is repent, turn back, walk in mindfulness, re-establish the attitude of prayer and reverence for the divine in all things, and take what steps I can to remedy the damage done.

There is so much I can do to effect healing. We are blessed with a cornucopia of medicines and modalities. Abundance is. Healing and evolution are our birthrights provided by Mother and Father when we only orient ourselves correctly.

Much pain and negativity now presses upon me. The tendency of my thought is dark in comparison to before, the emotional burden hindering progress increased. And yet the solution is the same as it ever was: Follow me. To follow the way revealed by the light of the heart, in the wholeness of presence, abiding in the sensible revelation of being now...

The flesh is slow to thank where thanks are due. I only offer these humble words emboldened by the felt knowledge that they are right, that it was good that I wrote them. Thank you, brother Visible, more than I can ever say. Your impact for the good is incalculable as you faithfully serve. So it is for any of us who do the same.

Flesh is also slow to pray, to have faith in the power of prayer. I resolve to rediscover the spiritual outlook and experience of that exceedingly, transcendently beautiful and effectual mode of focus and surrender. I ask that all blocks to entering that state be removed from me. I ask in the name of love for the power and glory of the divine to be made manifest in the earthly mortal experience. For all those who lack hope and faith and the sanctifying, saving presence of love to find those things within their divine ineffable self. May grace abound and miracles take place. May the certainty of these things awaken in me and may the realization of peace dawn from within me. And I pray believing: so it is.

We are not helpless in these times. Assistance is always at hand when the need arises. Greater is he that is within you than he that is in the world. Appearances are a veil upon reality. And reality is divine.

BCii said...

Thank you, GregS, for your sincere expression. I feel your plight and feel how no platitude or easy answer will bring what you seek. What you seek is already here. What is occurring is the working-out of things as they must. Become aware and victory already always was. The practical end consists in applying what we have and the only relevant deciding factor is the orientation of our heart. I say these things having tasted and tested them in the crucible of experience. Thank you for receiving as you are able.

Visible said...

BCii; I am off into the desert next week for a time, just for reasons stated; no internet or any of the rest. Going to a place where time is of a whole different order and where my friends from off planet are more likely to visit, being as the location is known for that but... there are no accidents and this act is surely not.

I'll do some postings first, should there be call for that. You know, if you need to get away from there; just because the scenery is different, you can always visit again and for longer duration if you like. I'll be back in the last week of this month.

BCii said...

Vis, that sounds amazing. As it happens, a friend and I are going out soon to enjoy something similar (in kind if not in degree). Godspeed and happy meetings!

I've never met you in person, so I guess you've mistaken me for someone who has. I appreciate the sentiment, however; it makes me feel even more welcome and at home visiting your blogs, in spite of the mix-up.

Visible said...

Oops. No... that was the result of my doing to things at once and I disengaged my mind earlier than I should have. Sorry.

Dodgy One said...

Hi Les, inspiring as mate :)

Hows this for a title "The Political in-correct un-awe-thorities deny Love can exist in our sunburnt country."


Love was detained under an immigration law that mandates deportation for “aliens” who are sentenced to jail time for certain offenses. Love argues that as an Indigenous man, he cannot be an alien.


Real sad when Love is alien to the money worshiping tribe mastered slime covering near all lands.

We will overcome.

Cheers & Love
Dodgy One

Ray B. said...

Vis, thank you for the wise and loving column. Appreciated.

Love is a tricky thing. What might be seen as loving on one level might be quite something else on another level. An example:

A couple of lifetimes ago, I was working as an aero engineer for Boeing. One of my friends there was an engineer who was born in mainland China. He had assimilated into our culture, while still retaining his roots. He was a good guy. Well, two things occurred to/for him, almost at the same time: He learned his much-despised mother-in-law was moving from China to live within the same house as his wife and him (permanently), and he got a serious case of hepatitis. (His early cultural-conditioning absolutely prohibited him from not welcoming the mother-in-law.)

By this point in my life, I had gotten seriously into spirituality, metaphysics, and healing. So, I suspected the two 'events' were likely related. I knew that simply praying/meditating/invoking for a cure would be 'loving' on one level, but might be very painful for him on another level. Plus, there might be opportunities for a larger 'healing'...

After much introspection on what to do, I simply put all my 'knowing' about the situation into a request. I asked for (what I now call) a "Highest & Best" solution. (All-God has much greater knowing and resources than our intellects, so who knows what might happen?) After holding the request until it felt like it had been 'received', I then released it to all-God.

The next day, another Boeing friend and I visited the hospital where he was being treated. The hospital staff was all abuzz, because my friend had swiftly gotten worse and died - very unexpectedly. Although unprovable, I felt my 'request' had been answered. The "Highest & Best" and most Loving response had likely occurred.

(I now use "Highest & Best" in all my requests to Higher Self, etc. Some strange and unexpected things have happened, quite outside my expectations...)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vis,
Thank you for a beautifull reminder on all things divine, the faith and certitude you have amased during your life shared freely like you do here for quite some time now, feels like strenghth to all of us who have like previous commentators "known" like you do most of our life about the ineffable, but didnt have the determination to always stay the path, and are now paying the consequences.
May the one we all return to when we sleep come out fully awake in you in your waking state even more (?) and help us all worldwide who are struggling for such a realisation like you did for us today. I trully feel I love you since I think I know you like myself. Besides illusion, you and I are one my brother and I have found no one reminding me this like you do.
Prayers for all people here visiting a shiny beautifull exression of our brightest future. Bravo visible.

Michael said...


Voltman said...


"There are three qualities that everyone, who cares enough to do so, should ask the almighty for and they are Faith, Certitude and Determination. You will not get far without them. They are critical to spiritual success. Faith is critical because you need to believe; “faith is the substance of things unseen”. Certitude is critical; you have to be sure that what you believe is true. This must be unwavering. Determination is critical; you must have resolve. These three, that in some ways seem to be the same thing, all contribute to creating a certain thing and it will carry you across Hell and Highwater, to the lands of everlasting conscious and benevolent light."


My Faith, Certitude and Determination oscillate quite a bit... My energy level is too low and, as you say, "success comes quickly to the energetic"...

I guess I'm not energetic enough or perhaps my positive energy coefficient is too low while my negative energy coefficient is too high. I don't know. I procrastinate a lot too. On the other hand, I get certain things done that I had not planned on writing this tiny bit this morning...

Holocaust Cathedral On Burning Temple Mount

Holy Smoke on the horizon
Holocaust Cathedral arson
Believers abandon reason
Temple temperature's risin'

A sculpture of scripture, a majestic fixture
Gothic architecture of stone mason culture
Monumental museum of time immemorial
Accidental? You see em': a crime unforgivable

Religion of liars dressed up as friars
Their burning desires igniting fires
Corrupted minorities misleading the people
Mistrusted authorities defiling principle

Internet spies spreading all their lies
See the hate they generate by censoring our guys
Big time lying criminals should head for the confessionals
Their crimes are known to those who care
They leave their traces everywhere

Check out the Talmud or turn on the boob-tube
Listen to the hatebeat coming from the boobus
Waging War for israel and acting like a doofus
Joogle Twatter Apple JouTube facegook quite atrocious

Paranoid, schizophrenic, manic-oppressive
Freakazoid, diabolic, frantic, excessive
Censoring, shadow-banning, demonetizing
Tampering, demonizing, criminalizing

Lie amplifiers in big universities
Dirty money traders in the inner cities
Teams of horrible fiends in their lying machines
Reams of whore riddled scenes, terrorizing our dreams

Holy Smoke on the horizon
Holocaust Cathedral arson
Believers abandon reason
Temple temperature's risin'

Holocaust Cathedral
On Burning Temple Mount
Notre Dame Memorial
The Church of no account

graham hart – hoax train


"From the compost of corruption comes the power to transform"
- Les Visible

GregS said...

BCii said...
"What you seek is already here. What is occurring is the working-out of things as they must."

Hi BCii, thanks for the thoughtful response and positive uplift.

"As they must" seems to drive home a message for me, that at the end of the day, it is 'humanity', (ie. the total body of sentient being here present), that must swing the helm about and be pointing in the right direction, before the fuel shut off valve is opened and the ignition circuit closed.

Seems we may have a real shock-kicker coming down the pike. For too long we have been told we are made of mud and are nothing relative to the power of the divine, but if we are godling, boy oh boy, we are really not at all prepared for that.

We must swing the helm about and have our bows pointing out into the star field before the lord blows this chamber.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

The World is a Rumor Formed from the Daydreams of God.



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'I Need More Light' from the Les Visible Album
God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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