Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Once One has Melted their Own Selfishness with Love, There is No More Devil.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It is my hope in this posting to give some comfort to the reader. The world is lurching and stumbling through the pottery shop of manifest life (the ineffable being the timeless and eternal potter) like the drunken, drug addled, sexually dysfunctional, socially crazed, rampaging hoodlum minded, politically correct bullies that are mirroring these trends of the moment.

There is a massaging, invisible vibration that is humming through social media, the wireless atmosphere, via cellphones, computers, conning towers; not to mention planetary interplay that is the soundtrack of the moment, articulating into the subconscious and provoking us all in various ways, according to our level of awareness and the degrees of our objective and subjective postures through each day, dependent on whether, or not, we are more or less pin-balls, bouncing off the bumpers of predictable experiences, put together, in the main, by multinational corporations who generate the massaging invisible vibrations 'bent on shaping' the collective consciousness to commercial and dark philosophical ends. Both of which are Satanic. That is the religion of Materialism, as is Atheism. These are inevitable byproducts of Materialism no matter whether it is Babylon, or Sodom and Gomorrah or New York or Los Angeles.

Levels of insanity are the vehicles of the personality. Some contain it better than others but... you can't function in peer group harmony unless you are mad.

Computer language is numbers, zeros and ones (hard to imagine this when you see all of the complexities that come about). The language of Nature is also one of numbers. A good analogy would be to imagine the snow covered mountain tops and then to visualize the snow melting and running down the sides of the mountain into the valleys and then all the colorful forms that are produced. I tried to explain this further and had to edit it out. I think you get what I am saying.

The world is programmed, ostensibly by selfish, driven materialists, powerful individuals who care nothing for those they plunder and abuse; who use them as canon fodder in wars for profit... I'm not going to elaborate on that because you should already know what's going on and if you don't, there is the historical record, which has also been folded, spindled and mutilated, by these same characters but the truth is there to be found, if you are determined to find it and as a last resort, (this should not be the last resort) the truth can be found within yourself.

I did say that it was my hope to give you comfort. What you will read is what you have already heard here, in one form or another, on myriad occasions but... it happens to be true and not because I say so. It is true because it has already been said, in one form or another, on myriad occasions by the greatest souls who have ever walked on the face of this Earth and by all manner of other luminaries, in one form or another, on myriad occasions, since long before recorded history began. This is why it is called 'ageless wisdom'.

This world is a world of appearances. These appearances make themselves known within the parameters of the narrow bandwidth of our physical senses. We are and have always been, actors within the stage settings of the times in which we appear. Other actors have come and gone, along with the stage settings for long before recorded history began. Under the desert sands, buried in the Earth, beneath the sands of the oceans, are relics of actors and stages long gone. The sands and Earth themselves are the residue of civilizations long gone and reduced now to tiny grains of sand and particles of Earth.

Our solar system is composed of a central sun and a series of planets, as well as our moon and other moons, which I mention because they also have an influence on our behavior and the various and ever changing appearances of the stage settings and all of it is present for the acting out of dramas, which take place here and which are generated by the unique combinations of the planets and their aspects and interactions with one another over the course of time. It is rightly said; “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Routinely we have periods of war and periods of peace. We have social order and disorder, times of creation and destruction, as well as the gamut of emotions that pass between us in our time.

There is an incomprehensible consciousness and intelligence that interpenetrates the whole of existence. Everything manifest is made out of it. Everything that lives, lives because it is the life in every thing that lives. It is the power of thought, feeling and action that occurs and nothing acts or happens that does not borrow the power to do so from this one incomprehensible thing. Over and over, this thing, expresses outward from a mysterious place and shatters itself into everything that ever is or will be. Following that, it moves among us through everything everywhere, gathering itself up again. At a certain point, it resolves everything back into itself and sleeps for a period of time. Then it does it all over again. It does all of this and everything that it does out of the motivation of Love, for the purpose of experiencing and discovering itself in everything and everyone else.

As the actors here, there is ONE true and enduring motivation that becomes confused by the multiplicity of sense objects and objects of desire. Desire is the agent of God's will and that incomprehensible consciousness is GOD (for lack of a better word). That one true motivation is Self Realization and the discovery of this can take many, many, many lives but... no matter how many lives it takes, that is the single, actual desire in everyone; life intrudes and waves every possibility otherwise before your eyes and whoosh... one life follows another, which also includes bills due, having to do with behaviors exercised, while chasing after the wrong thing that you didn't even want in the first place but you didn't know that. It is all prolonged and continuous suffering because nothing otherwise is what the heart really wants. It ALL falls short.

Manifest life is crazy, even at the best of times in Kali Yuga. As the materialism increases and continues toward its unfortunate end, it gets crazier and crazier and crazier. If you are not crazy and have associated yourself with the prime mover, ALL WILL BE WELL, regardless of rough patches here and there. The ineffable, once one has turned the direction of their lives over to the divine, takes the individual by the most expeditious course to liberation. We cannot accomplish this on our own and any effort on our parts is a hindrance; an interference in the process.

Utter reliance on the divine seems to be the hardest thing one can achieve and there is only one reason for the difficulty, which... when addressed, turns it into child's play. One is not fully committed. Herein is the difficulty. Once one is fully committed, the battle with one's own self is over. Hallelujah to that!

It seems so hard to be assured of one's safety in such chaotic and unstable times. This is because of divided faith. You might well have faith in the ineffable but some portion, unfortunately is in the world as well. This faith is the source of Fear and the fear manifests in a division against yourself. In other words, you are the enemy. Everything else is insubstantial shadows. One presented with the appearance of The Devil, had they the eyes for it, could see the corona of the angel that is obscured and hidden behind the demonic appearance. The Devil is God as he appears to the wicked.

Once one has melted their own selfishness with love, there is no more devil. What we feel, impresses itself on our being and shapes us accordingly. In aging we become a road map of what we passed through and the way in which we passed through it.

Either we channel the light or we block it. We channel it when we give ourselves away and we block it when self interest comes between us and everyone else. It is a sad testimony to existence for the latter. We are the living evidence of the life we lived. When we depart, we go to where we already are but more dramatically experienced and expressed ...because feelings are the language of what lies beyond. We have only to think something and it appears. This holds true in both the upper and the lower portions of the same realm. There is much truth to the understanding that we judge and punish ourselves.

When one who has lived a life of service to others passes there is no reason to weep whatsoever. Celebration is more what is called for. One more appropriately may weep for those who lived in service to themselves. There are beauties and joys beyond this vale of tears that are astounding and they wait for every true and noble soul. Do not concern yourself with rewards here. Do not consider praise or false words of tribute here to have any value at all. Such are the funerals of the rich and powerful; meaningless fabrications of false friendship and affection. Your real and longer lasting friends are to be found elsewhere; ♫we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when but we'll meet again some sunny day.♫

♫it seems we stood and talked like this before. We looked at each other in the same way then but I can't remember where or when.

Some things that happened for the first time
Seem to be happening again
And so it seems that we have met before
And laughed before, and loved before
But who knows where or when”♫

End Transmission.......

A few days ago I was in a government building in a near by town. I was waiting to see someone and there was a magazine that had articles about schizophrenia. For each chapter, there was a small dialogue box with some positive statement in it. Before one of the chapters, in the box it said, “You are not alone” That cracked me up. I laughed for quite a while and again and again, each time it came to mind. I'm guessing the humor of it did not occur to the author.

♫ Imaginary Queen ♫

Here is the first pamphlet of 4 that will be coming with succeeding postings that are written by Joseph Brenner, the author of The Impersonal Life and The Way to the Kingdom. These are little known writings by him.

This one is called, "The Way Out"


We know that with many finances are often a problem. All followers of Jesus Christ should learn the law which if obeyed will enable them to rise out of all conditions of lack, limitation, inharmony, disease and unhappiness that may manifest.

You ask if this is really possible, and if there is a law which if obeyed will enable one to accomplish all that.

We say emphatically, there is such a law, and that you can be free from the fear and dominance of money, that you can have an abundance of all good things, that you can be well and happy, and can bring about an adjustment into perfect harmony of all departments of your life—if you want these things enough to train yourself to obey this law.

You say that you would do anything to obtain such wonderful blessings, if it is humanly possible. It is not only possible, but everyone who is filled with such a desire can do it. For know a great truth,--that you are permitted to be in such unhappy conditions by your Higher Self---solely in order that you may seek and gain the knowledge, the power and the ability to control them, in order to free yourself forever from them and to assume your true place in life, and therein receive the heritage of good that is here for you, whenever you become wise and strong enough to claim it and use it for the good of others and not for selfish ends.

First know that it is all a matter of consciousness, and that you, yourself alone, are to blame for these conditions: for you alone created them and are firmly holding them in your consciousness—or they would not be so plainly manifesting. All this we are taught in those great words, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

We know that you have heard this stated perhaps many times before, and so often that it may have become an old story. Some of you have tried to prove it and to rid your consciousness of all your negative thoughts: but because it took determined and persistent effort you soon grew tired, on account of the strong opposition met with, and you then dropped back into the current of the old conditions and if anything became more helpless than you were before.

Others may have heard of the saying, but it did not impress them; for they could not accept the assertion that all of the inharmonies in their lives are the result of their own beliefs, or of their past thinking crystallized into beliefs. They preferred to blame it all on someone else, and even God came in for a share of the blame.

The main trouble with almost everyone is that they do not realize how many negative and destructive beliefs they are carrying around with them in the subconscious realms of mind and which creep through into the conscious mind whenever it is free from interest in other things.

Until you can begin to study your mind and watch for and note these negative beliefs when they come—and you will find that they are actually beliefs—and refuse them further support, there is not much hope for you.

In fact it is the first thing you must learn to do. Those who are too mentally lazy to do such watching and controlling of their thoughts, are usually the ones who will not accept that their own thinking and beliefs create for them all of the conditions now manifesting in their lives.

But it makes no difference whether you accept it as being true or not---it is the law.


Now if you are ready to hear the law, we will state it in words that everyone can understand.

Note these words, and let them impress themselves on you, so that from this moment ever afterward they will live in your mind as a guiding influence.


Whether you accept this as yet or not, consider for a while the truth that every thought you think, especially those relating in any way to self, hovers around in your mental atmosphere, just as a child stays close to its parent. These thoughts being about yourself receive the life that maintains them from the feeling that you put into them.

In other words, the thoughts themselves are but mental forms, but when you think them with feeling of any kind you fill these forms with life and they become as living things which ever return to you, their parent, to be fed with more living power. For all feeling expressed is life, is vital power, and if you only knew it, all the thoughts which persistently influence your mind and harass you, are only your mental children clamoring for food and attention, and compelling more worrying, anxiety, or fear from you; all of which are excellent food containing rich vital power, and which makes them grow rapidly, until they become so powerful that in time they dominate your mind so that you can scarcely think of anything else.

When the fact is, these thoughts exist to you only when you let them into your mind---that is, they are of importance to you only when you give them attention and recognition. But on the other hand, their power over you and their life can quickly be nullified by simply knowing the law, and refusing to feed them longer with life power by giving them further attention or interest.

And it should not be necessary to state that voicing such thoughts definitely and speedily out-manifests them, for the spoken word is far more potent than the thought. Above all else you should guard carefully your speech, voicing nothing you do not want to see manifest. Always remember, however, that by preventing such thoughts entering the mind there will be no impulse to voice them.

So that you can see now that it is all a matter of consciousness, of thinking and harboring the right kind of thoughts—those you wish to out-manifest, and of letting into your mind no thoughts you do not want to manifest in your body or affairs.

And perhaps you can also see that what is ordinarily called thinking is only the admitting into your mind of thoughts that originated chiefly in other minds and which you of course attracted to you. This is also true of all negative, inharmonious and destructive thoughts---there must be something in you that attracts them or they would not come.

Many will still permit them to come, for only by the suffering, hardship and struggle to escape from their influence that you undergo, will you learn how to free yourself and gain the power to control and consciously direct your life to constructive ends.

That is the hard way, but we are now going to show you the true way to free yourself forever from fear and worry about finances, and from all other destructive forces.

We are assuming that all who read are students and followers of Christ’s teachings. You remember those significant words of His in the Sermon on the Mount.

“Take no thought (or be not anxious) saying, what shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or wherewithal shall we be clothed;

“For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

“But seek ye first the Kingdom (Consciousness) of God, and His righteousness (Right Ideas); and all these things will be added unto you.

We know that these words seem important to you, but we also know that very few take them as actual promises and try definitely and determinedly to put them to the proof.

But that is the very thing you must do, if you would obey the law; and when we show you how to free yourself from fear and worry you will not only be able to free yourself from the power money has over you, but you will have found the straight and narrow way to the Kingdom. And all the powers of the Kingdom will help you, if you are strong and determined enough to win the goal. For the Kingdom of God and His righteousness is only a state of consciousness where we do right thinking –where we think God’s thoughts only.

Can you do that? Surely you can—if you will. Then this is the way:



Think this over carefully, and you will see that it is the only way.

It may seem hard---at first, and you may not know what to admit and what to deny. But guard the door from every negative thought and feeling of whatsoever nature---from every thought that you know God would not have you think; from every doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, or concern of any kind; from every tendency to criticize, judge or condemn anybody or anything or any condition; from self-pity, jealousy, envy, irritation, unkindness, anger, hatred, etc. These will give you an idea of what are negative and ungod-like thoughts, and which must no longer have a part in your consciousness.

If you will keep all such untrue thoughts out of your mind, you can see that then and then only can your Higher self draw into your mind the true and positive thoughts that will attract to you the good that is waiting to manifest itself to you. For while your mind is cluttered with all those fearful, worrying, discouraged, sick, weak, poverty-tainted thoughts, how can you expect anyone who feels these vibrations—and vibrations are things you cannot cover up- to be attracted to you, or how can you expect God to inspire you with thoughts of a beneficial nature?

In fact, such negative thoughts actually keep away the things you are longing to have manifest in your life – for like attracts like. Think! Poverty-stricken thoughts do not attract prosperity or jobs; sick thoughts do not build a healthy consciousness; and belief that you are a failure invites failure.

You say this all sounds good, but when one is sunk so deep in conditions that no matter which way he turns he sees only sickness, hunger, poverty or failure facing him, despite months of effort to conquer the condition, to get work, or to do something to tide over till better days come, --how is he to think of anything else?

Yes, dear friend, we see what you are up against, but we also see that you are caught fast between the horns of a dilemma. You have sought help from the world of men and it has turned you down. You have exhausted all the forces of self, and you admit that you are completely helpless. And perhaps you have even prayed to God, and seemingly He has not heard, or He has not answered you.

But where—who is this God to whom you have prayed? Is he somewhere up in the skies, or in some hazy place, you know not where?

Have you prayed to the God within you? Have you turned there and opened your heart to Him, deep within your self, in the Kingdom, where your Higher Self abides?

If not, dear friend, then after reading this article carefully until you truly get its full meaning for you, pray to Him there; get down on your knees and in deep and true humility pour out your heart to Him, knowing that He as your Higher Self hears you, that He does know that you have need of all these things, and that He will answer you.

Go back to those words in the Sermon on the Mount and read them over again and again, until you get all of their wondrous meaning and realize that they are meant for you, and that they are a definite promise made by the Master to you---that if you will do what you are there told to do, the Father will give to you all things that you need.

Think! This is Jesus’ promise to you, and therefore it will be fulfilled—if you do your part.


You can do it, you must do it—if you would have the blessings which He promises you, and which we promise you when we say that you can have an abundance of all good things and that you can be free from the dominance of money forever.

And what must you do? You must not be anxious or worry anymore about what you shall eat or drink or what you shall wear, for your loving Father knows that you must have all of these things. But if you will seek first His Kingdom—that is, His Consciousness where you must think only His thoughts for you---as we have shown you how to do, and then will do what He tells you to do when His thoughts come into your mind, He will provide you with all the good things He has had in store for you from the beginning.

We know that we are telling you to do what now seems almost impossible. But, dear friend, this is the only way to win these blessings; and you say you
will do anything to obtain them, if it is humanly possible.

It is no only possible, but it is the very thing ordained and intended for you by your Higher Self –or He would not have brought this message to you and placed this ultimatum so squarely before you.

You have tried your way, and you have tried the world’s way, and you know where they have brought you. And now you are given the opportunity of trying God’s way! The way laid out for you in the beginning. Can you not see that it is now the only way for you?

Thus God brings His children that love Him finally to realize that they cannot serve both God and Mammon. For they must be shown that they are serving Mammon just as much by fearing him and yielding to the power of money, as they would be by openly worshipping money and becoming its slave when having great quantities of it. They must be made to see that by fearing money’s seeming power they are making it first and God second in their lives, and until they truly want to serve God more than any other thing, and prove it by their right thinking, speech and actions, they are not yet where His help can reach them.


So this is the ultimatum that you are facing. You have now come to the place where god holds out His hand to you, and says:

“My child, I would help you. But it means that you must give yourself and all your ideas over wholly to Me, must learn to think only My thoughts, speak only what I would say, and do only what I would have you to do. It means that you must not let into your mind or believe any other thoughts, no matter what appearances are or how much such thoughts beg for admittance.

“You have had your chance and you see what a sorry mess you have made of things. Now if you are willing utterly and completely to trust Me, and to wait upon and serve Me only, and will keep your mind and heart clean and empty of all untrue thoughts so that I may fill them with My thoughts, I will inspire in you the ideas that will lift you quickly out of your present consciousness---which means out of present conditions—into one where peace, harmony and plenty will be your mental children, that will ever come to you to be fed with loving trust in Me. Confidence in your power to express Me, and with the pure joy of living, that you will then be feeling as the natural and continuous state of your consciousness.”

Is this worth trying for? Do you really want it?

Then what are you going to do about it?

If you are willing to make a supreme effort and to put all the power of your will into it; will make yourself a positive agent of your Father’s Will, looking only and always to Him to guide and inspire you, you will truly receive all the help you need, and will find, if you persist despite any discouragements that may come testing your determination, that you will then walk straight into the good that has long been waiting for you.


This means that from this moment you must pay no more attention to appearances for what is now appearing is but the out-manifestation of what you formerly visualized in your thinking, and which your fearing and worrying crystallized into facts and fastened upon you.

Try to realize the great significance of this. It is not what you see as conditions surrounding you that really counts—it is what you believe is so. And when you know---as we have proven to you---that what you believe is the cause of what is manifesting outwardly as it now appears, you will definitely begin to change your beliefs into those you want to manifest.

Think this over, for it is the only way you can change conditions and their appearances,---you must remove from your consciousness the beliefs you are holding there, by replacing them with beliefs you want to see manifest in your life and affairs.

How can you do this—when you cannot help but believe the things that stare you in the face, no matter which way you turn?


We will now show you the way, a way so simple and easy that anyone can do it, if they will obey exactly what we tell them to do.

All that is needed is to say over and over again to yourself until you believe it absolutely, letting not a single doubt of its truth ever enter your mind, the
following words:


Try to realize the full truth of these words, to feel it, to see yourself actually living in the consciousness of it, going about your daily work in that consciousness. If you do this, it will bring the greatest possible blessings into your life.

The first statement should not be hard to believe, for you surely know that He loves and cares for you; for whether you know it yet or not, everything that has come into your life has been good for you, for through these things He has brought you to the place where you should be willing to look to and trust Him only, so that His love and care can give you all the good things He has had for you from the beginning.

And it should be easy to love Him, and through consciously loving and trying to think His thoughts, you can see that it opens your mind so that His thoughts come into it, and can thus direct you just what to do that will bring success, prosperity, health, harmony and happiness into your life.

Dear friends, we wish that we could reveal the truth of the above wonderful statements so clearly to you that they will live with you and will motivate your every thought, word and act forever afterward. They are so mighty in their truth that if lived they will make you more than man.

So do not pass them by because they seem so simple and commonplace. Stay with them until all their glorious import dawns upon you and you feel the change that they will surely and quickly bring into your consciousness and therefore into your life and all your affairs.


And now for instructions of a concrete nature. Let us take some definite good that you want to have manifest in your life—we do not mean things, but conditions that will bring harmony and happiness to yourself and dear ones; which means that you must make sure that it is good, that it is what the God of you wants you to have. That should be easy for He has ordained all good things for you—but you must know that and be able to see it as good.

Then build in your mind a picture of that good. Built it perfect, in every detail, so that it stands out clear and distinct as a finished and accomplished fact. According to how complete and distinct is this picture in your mind is it actually finished on the mental plane—the plane of concrete mental forms, which determines its physical appearance—and is it ready to come forth into manifestation.

And now if you will follow exactly the same process which brought into manifestation all of the present unwanted conditions in your life, only using the opposite kind of thoughts and feelings, as we shall indicate, you can bring forth into perfect manifestation this picture now existing on the mental plane and awaiting the action of your will.

We will take as an illustration a friend who recently lost her position. Several weeks before, this friend mentioned to the writer that their business was very poor and that they had laid off several who had charge of departments similar to hers, and she supposed she would be the next to go. The writer remonstrated with her and tried to show that that attitude of mind would bring to her what she did not want. Two weeks later another friend reported that she had said the same thing to her, and we do not know to how many others she had voiced it. But a few days afterward, as she had pictured it, the notice of her dismissal came.

Now let us analyze the mental process which created and brought to pass the losing of her position.

The conditions of the business, the letting go of other department heads and clerks naturally caused our friend to build a picture in her mind of her also probably having to go sooner or later, and through the fear of it she actually saw herself leaving. Day after day the conditions in the office, her talks with fellow employees and with others in other businesses in similar bad straits, and with those who had lost their jobs, increased and intensified her fear and helped her to build in the details of her picture, until she had it all finished and perfect. Then she naturally felt she would soon have to go. So of course it had to come to pass.

Now do you understand? The proof that she and she alone created the necessity of her going was, (1) she was the last of all the heads of departments let go, for she was the most efficient; (2) she began criticizing her employers and their actions: (3) she learned afterward that they did not want to lose her and they might give her back her position, having hired two young men to replace the other women let go.

But she had created on the mental plane the finished thought form of being dismissed and had vitalized it with her fears and other feelings, and as a result that thought form had to out-manifest; and so it forced itself into the minds of her employers and impelled them to do what they otherwise would not have done.

Now let us apply similar thought processes to the bringing forth of the good you pictured above into manifestation.

You have built and now see the finished picture of that good, but now instead of seeing a negative out-manifestation of that picture, we will see a positive and happy one. So every day and as often as possible during the day you will see your pictured good manifesting, affecting your life in every way you can visualize it; see yourself actually enjoying it and sharing it with your dear ones and friends; and all the time you are seeing it consciously pouring deep feelings of joy, of love and gratitude into your sense of its being an actual and living reality, your own creation, the product of your own spirit, which you are nursing and bringing forth into physical being.

And just as surely as our friend brought forth her unwanted creation into actuality, so must your good come forth and be to you all that you visioned and intended it to be. It is the law, and a faithful following of this process in all constructive thinking and creating will always bring the results sought, even as your destructive thinking brought the results unsought.

Study the above examples and explanation until the process stands out clear and true to you. Then study your own individual case until you see plainly how you came to your present state. Then begin to reverse your thought processes as shown above, until you express along constructive lines only.

Your sincere desire to free yourself—not just to ease yourself from suffering and hardship, but to know the truth, to learn the cause of being in any unwanted condition, and to gain the ability to free yourself from it, so you can help others to get free—will draw to you the help needed, and you will in time be free. Do not give up if your mind does not respond immediately, for it has formed the habit of wrong seeing and thinking, and you were a long time forming present conditions. Just know that if you persist until your mind sees that you are determined and really mean it, it will soon fall in line and follow the new ways of thinking you lay down for it as easily as it did the old ways in the past.

The main thing is to remember always that you are dealing and working with mental substance on the mental plane, and are not concerned with outer appearances and conditions for you know that by such work you are shaping and changing conditions to those you wish to be manifest.

We have now shown you the Law. We have explained to you its operation. We have made clear that by wrong thinking and believing you have brought upon yourself the conditions now surrounding you, and we have shown you how to free yourself from these conditions and how to create those you wish to manifest in your life. There now remain only a few more things to tell you to help impress it all upon your mind so that it will become a part of your consciousness.


The first is the importance of always being positive in your thinking, positive in your speaking, and positive in your doing. And never negative.

The negative person attracts all the negative things of life, all the ills, inharmonies, troubles that are in the mental atmosphere—the effluvia of other weak and negative minds; while a positive person attracts all the good. If you understand the radio you will know that when you set your dial at a certain wave length, all that is “on the air” of that wavelength will make itself heard. It is exactly the same with your mind; it will receive whatever happens to be “on the air” of the wave length to which your thoughts are attuned. So that it is “up to you” and you only what your mind radio gives forth or out-manifests.

Have you ever noticed how a positive person in a crowd of ordinary persons is always the center of attraction, always makes his or her presence felt, and always accomplishes things that lesser ones never think of? A most forcible illustration was once when driving on a thoroughfare where there was a temporary narrow road built at the side of where a new bridge was being constructed, we came to a halt because of a long line of automobiles ahead. After waiting for some minutes the writer got out and noticed perhaps thirty cars on the long decline to the bottom of the ravine and a similar line up the hill on the other side. But seemingly the left side of the road was clear all through. He could not see any sense in waiting, so he pulled out and started ahead and went through without opposition. While going up the other side he looked back and found a great string of cars following him, and a man in one of these told him they had been waiting back there for twenty minutes. Evidently two cars from opposite directions had come together with others following them, and they were afraid they could not get through on the narrow road, because of other cars coming.

It is always so in life; the positive soul gets there, the negative one stays behind, or tags along when he finds a leader. Why be negative? It is all an
attitude of mind, and can be changed simply by changing your beliefs.

Besides we are all sons and daughters of God, children of the greatest King in the world. Who naturally gives of His Kingdom to all those of us who know it is our divine heritage and who will accept and enjoy them.


TRY TO REALIZE THAT YOU ARE THE EQUAL—NAY THE SUPERIOR—OF ANY WORLD prince, the son of the King of any World Kingdom; for our father’s Kingdom includes his father’s kingdom; and if we could lift our minds to the consciousness of our true Selves as sons of God, we would go about KNOWING that all that our Father, the King, has is ours, and that all of the Father’s servants will rush to supply—to anticipate---our every need. This is actually so. Each one can experience it. All you need is to believe it, and to go about in that consciousness, even as does the Prince of any world kingdom in his lesser kingdom consciousness.

Then as a King’s son you must learn, if all that your Father has is yours, to spend freely of the riches He has given you with absolute fearlessness. For there is no limit to them, no lack of wealth, for it is always available—His resources are inexhaustible.

You must acquire this consciousness, you must feel even as does the other Prince about spending or using money. Think you that he has any fear of lack or limitation of supply? No, there is always a great plenty for his every need, for his every comfort, every pleasure, for every constructive idea; for he knows that back of him is his father, the King, and all the resources of his Kingdom. So must you learn to know that back of you is your Father-God, with all the resources of His Kingdom.


The quickest way to rid your mind of that old fear of want, fear of your job, fear of the power of money, is to have an absolute trust in your heavenly Father’s loving care and for you to pay out gladly your last dollar for the needed thing, KNOWING that by so doing you make it possible for Him to supply you with plenty more.

It is as if your needs must keep the stream of money ever flowing, if you would not clog up its source. For money, in its true sense is the means for the perfect expression of material life; even as the blood is the means for the perfect expression of physical health.

In both cases your mind must not only hold true and pure thoughts—God’s thoughts only---about the material life of yourself and others, and about your physical well-being but you must know that God’s Mind is the Source of all true thoughts; and by perfect faith and trust in Him you thus keep yourself open to the free circulation of His Thoughts in your consciousness about both your affairs and your body, thus creating perfect health and harmony in both.

This has been proven by many so-called “tithers.” They have created a consciousness where they know that, by using money freely in such perfect trust in God, and especially in thanksgiving and loving gratitude to Him, giving freely a percentage of their income to that part of His Work which is bringing the Truth to them, they become greatly blessed in this world’s goods and are put in a position where they can help many souls to come into this same truth.

It is the pinching and holding on to your last dollar, fearing that no more will come, that actually prevents your receiving more. For giving, more than anything else, helps to open the channel so that supply, both spiritual and material, can freely flow.

Now we wish finally to emphasize that the application and proving of this great law not only will bring financial freedom and success, but it will bring also perfect health, harmony, and happiness into all departments of your life. For when you begin to think only true thoughts about yourself, then of course God’s consciousness lives in your body and His thoughts rule your mind, and there can manifest only perfect health in your body and perfect harmony in all your various affairs; when naturally happiness must sing in your heart and be your daily companion.

So, dear friend, we have given you this message—one born of an intense yearning to furnish to those who are wandering in the darkness of present world conditions a sure guide to lead them back into the Light of Love, of abiding Trust, and of true Happiness.

If the Message, 'The Way Out', strongly impressed you and especially f it was the means of freeing you from desperate conditions from which there seemed no way out, we earnestly urge that you do all you can to get it in the hands of those of your friends who need its saving help.


robert said...

Dear Visible,

Right on time and straight to the heart of what matters!

Once one has melted their own selfishness with love, there is no more devil. What we feel, impresses itself on our being and shapes us accordingly.

House cleaning of the dry sepulchers' mental spaces becomes a good habit when we realize that we allow the dust of our personality outbursts to block our vision.

If only we can muster the same amount of effort we used to bury ourselves in little self, to excavate ourselves from the mountain of s*$+ we have directed at our hearts!

Subjectively, it has seemed too many times the Spirit has declined to enter and sustain the new resolutions made, seeing more clearly than our small minds that the conditions where not conducive and the commitment was insufficient to make it all the way home, even for a brief visit!

Over too much time, we experience false hopes falling back to status quo and become cynical to our own hearts' desires!

With open eyes, we see that we have danced away from the Dancer, loved lesser than the Lover and thought less of ourselves than the Thinker Of All.

When the Spirit of the One is pursuing us like a fervent lover, all we need do is still the idiotic impulse to resist or run away and roll with the changes!

Weigh the effort we have made to live in the human-corrupted world of endless misery against the efforts we have made to be free and then see our self-deception in stark reality!

We have used our power against ourselves!
Indeed, we are the only ones who have the power to interfere with plans from a higher dimension, not the dark ones, not the snark lords, not the useful idiots following their familiar deceiver's voice!

Forgive our shadow child completely and start loving unconditionally, as we have been shown throughout our lives, even if we have been put off by the challenge demanding our full attention and concentration!

Our hearts love to emulate the unlimited Heart of the One, yet our minds fear to tread the path of unconditional love, knowing that the mind MUST yield to the greater good and abandon all superficial fascinations.

May we all surrender in time to the One within and learn to live the life of freedom from the inside!

Anonymous said...

son of a hundred kings : Costain

a walk in the woods : Nolte - "pantyologist"

off the map : fine art in the land of enchantment

not too many stool sculpture deity cult compounds

in New Mexico....above ground.

some days you provide a serious dose of inspiration



Anonymous said...

I check all your blogs frequently because your words get me through the day. It’s easy to rant and get upset with the happenings of Kali , it is by far more difficult to ‘’stand guard at the entrance of your mind” However that is precisely what I am going to try my best to do, today and everyday. See you all in the Great Place we call Home. Thank you Mr. Vis

Glenn Dormer said...

Thank you Les Visible.

Peace and love

Ray B. said...

Vis, one of your best columns. You really laid it out. Kudos.

My current worldview (based, of course, fundamentally on "I Don't Know") is kind of 'naturalistic':

When all-God breaks into slivers, this is a result of some higher desire for Experience. At least some part of all-God has gotten tired of Forever. This is the fundamental Desire at this stage of the loop: Experience.

And so, we break-downwards into layer after layer of Consciousness, always looking for new experiences. Towards the end, we break into the physical. Now, we can caress one another, make love in the physical, throw rocks or baseballs, be parents, and - on the darkside - injure another and be injured, kill and be killed, etc. All part of the semi-endless quest for new experiences.

However, a counter-expression slowly builds up. As more and more 'compartments' of experience are filled, a Desire to return and share this bounty builds-up. Slowly, there is a 'swap' between down-seeking and up-seeking. (And this is why a person still predominantly gaining experiences does not want to wake-up to higher frequencies.)

There are several 'signposts' of where individuals are along their path: When someone is new down here, they are focused on Experience at all costs. So, their actions will be couched on gaining those experiences: good, bad, ugly, and beautiful. And they will be fundamentally-happy with the physical.

Since a new arrival will not have accumulated both injuring another and being injured, killing and be killed, etc., they will exhibit a lack of Compassion in their actions. Their own Experiencing takes precedence. It is kind of a "Game of Thrones" atmosphere (as stated from reviews, never having seen it).

As a person experiences both injuring another and being injured, killing and be killed, etc., they will change. Knowing the sensations and feelings of both sides of those experiences, a natural Compassion is born. Not compassion from a book, but Compassion as an innate part of oneself. Kinder, gentler actions ensue. It is a little like the last public-oriented scenes in the "Groundhog Day" movie, where the main character has been through zillions of 'lifetimes' of experience and has mellowed-out to just service-to-others (having other parts of all-God experience happiness).

And so, we arrive at today. An ever-growing percentage of humanity has pretty-much completed Experiencing (basic categories are near-filled). There is a rising, collective 'call' for returning to higher-states and the resultant sharing. (This is a subconscious 'calling', not even known to most.)

The fly-in-the-ointment is those who are completed, but are still 'injured' by their experiences. They are still bound-up in their past, so to speak. (Just like in mundane psychotherapy - real psychotherapy, not pills - one must embrace an old experience, feel it through, clear the pain & negative emotions, and thus move into the present.)

Right now, these completed-but-not-cleared folks are in-charge of the efforts to hold humanity down into the Experiencing mode. They are holding a lot of pain. And naturally, they do not want to feel-through that pain. In a certain sense of the word, they are indeed 'insane': caught between the need to move forward and the semi-awareness of what they must feel-through before moving forward.

Fortunately, the ever-growing pressure of the mass of humanity to move-on will 'deal' with these folks, whether gently or dramatically. Time is on our side...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils up!

robert said...

Nice riff on the big picture!

Thank you Ray...

Right now, these completed-but-not-cleared folks are in-charge of the efforts to hold humanity down into the Experiencing mode. They are holding a lot of pain. And naturally, they do not want to feel-through that pain. In a certain sense of the word, they are indeed 'insane': caught between the need to move forward and the semi-awareness of what they must feel-through before moving forward.

Fortunately, the ever-growing pressure of the mass of humanity to move-on will 'deal' with these folks, whether gently or dramatically. Time is on our side...

Resonates as coherent with What Is.

Time to do another soul check, to see if WE are prepared for when the brakes get released!

Duane Riley said...

Thank you Mr. Visible for linking the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda in a few blog posts prior to this. I ordered a copy and got no less than a signed copy by Paramhansa Yogananda himself dated January 19, 1947! A wonderful touch to such a beautifully written book full of timeless truths and teachings!

Much love,
Eskimo Joe

Visible said...

Oh yes! That book is a winner. I especially love Chapter 43, which I often link here. Amazing you got such a copy!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading the Joseph Brenner pamphlet.

You (and Beethoven) state that message more lyrically in the "Tending the Mind Garden" video... in all its iterations your message is most appreciated!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful post.
Good comments also.

Duane Riley said...

I am currently on Chapter 38 and should reach Chapter 43 later today. I thank the divine for such a gift. I thank the divine for letting me find your blogs a number of years ago. I seldom comment on anything but am ever reading each and every one of your blogs. Thank you kind sir for all that you do! Once one realizes God's Eternal Love and Truth everything falls into place!

Much Love,
Eskimo Joe

joy said...

HMMM........I mean no disrespect......


We are inside a computer program. Part of who we are,..is a computer character
called Ego-Personality. This is our DEFAULT consciousness inside the 3DMatrix.
We, the real us, SPIRIT, are the computer/computer-programmer. These 2 are one, and everything good, bad and the ugly are all aspects of the ONE MAJOR-ALL-ENCOMPASSING SUPERSENTIENT-ALL-KNOWING,ALL-POWERFUL, ETERNAL-COMPUTER-MIND WE CALL GOD.

The Ego-Personality provides us with a different or another, or opposing attitude every time we want to do something. So, you want to get rid of your selfishness..? the Ego-Personality will listen, applaud and cheer,..but given a time,...it will COVERTLY subvert you. that's exactly what it is programmed to do. So, you're back to square one, without even noticing it. No wonder it's so hard to evolve.

I noticed that all the Gurus ,Sages, Teachers,Masters, Shifus all want to educate and
convert the Ego-Personalities into their excellent programs...to no avail.
DOESN'T WORK. IT WONT WORK. they're looking at the wrong subject.

The easiest, fightless, smooth place to start, if you wish to be less selfish and more loving is for you to invite, allow, embody the (GOD) computer-mind, the computer programmer into your energy field, into your reality and allow it to re-write the program. the TAOIST have a glimpse of this knowledge and they produced monks who have attained immortal bodies of light.. it is an angelic technology that is worth investigating,...by those who are inspired to move on.

Visible said...

Well... even though i know what your intention is here, I'm going to let it pass because obviously you are speaking for yourself and the readers here are smart enough to catch all that. It makes me chuckle to see someone so incredibly self involved and arrogant as to dismiss sages, gurus, masters and everyone else except yourself.

One thing commonly understood by the wise is that we create our own reality; or sense of what we imagine it to be and then we reinforce it with all manner of arguments and justifications. Only when we let ALL of it go and humbly submit before the incomprehensible living light are we anywhere near getting it.

There is one group of people to whom I never listen and it doesn't matter what they are saying and that is those who have no humility. I, of course, mean no disrespect.

Anonymous said...

Ode to joy: I love it when someone tells me I can't do something
Especially when I have already done it
Merrily, merrily......................
Be positive.

Kudos to Visible: Man, you hang in there like a son of a bitch. We need people like you providing us with the constant encouragement and guidance to get us through the next whatever one has to go through. Thank you for making the mundane entertaining. May God bless you with more and more, Les.

Anonymous said...

Joy, for your consideration and illumination.
At the least, a little entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Jo, this might be of help in understanding the complexities of the material creation beyond speculation and platitides.
The spiritual is of course, a whole nother story.

"This newly invented “simulated world” bears a remarkable resemblance to the Vedic conception of maya."

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

The War Against Christianity and... Calling Babylon to the Rainbow Dis-Courtesy Phone.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much Les.



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