Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Accelerating Rise of Sexual Fascism, coming to a Sidewalk Near You Soon.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It is not yet against the law to speak your mind. I am mindful of that as I write this commentary on the rise of Sexual Fascism. This is not a solitary shadow of menace upon the horizon but it is a grave concern. It is an approaching danger, greater than the common mind is presently conscious of. It is joined by the specter of engineered migration, whose intent is chaos, unleashed upon the landscape of this country. It is joined by a general climate of mindless materialism, which renders Joe Ordinaire, indifferent and unconscious of what is going on around him. The legions of shuffling zombies, thumb-fucking their cellphones is the Tarot card of our times.

A growing cabal of merciless Jacobin's, untouched by any measure of compassion and virulently opposed to compromise of any kind, is gathering under titles such as Antifa and LGBTUVWXYZ and plotting the creation of the very thing they are claiming to be arranged against and they intend to enforce it with fire and blood, under the banner of laws that will be written and affirmed whenever they are needed.

There is one certainty that should be kept at the forefront of one's mind and that is... what is happening is not about sex. It is not about migrants. It is not about the race war being fomented. It is not about the drug and alcohol delirium that presses down like an atmospheric warm front and that everyone is blaming on Global Warming. What! You don't believe in Global Warming? We have the hysteria to prove it. “Move out of the way! There are transsexuals coming through!” There is one certainty about all these seemingly unrelated movements and conditions. They are ALL parts of an agenda to create social chaos and they are all being managed and operated by the same people who brought you 9/11 and all sorts of other colorful Grand Guignol's like... say... the Bolshevik Revolution and pretty much all of the wars for profit in recent and less recent times AND ALL OF THEM... pretty much, were wars for profit. As the prescient General Smedley Butler said some decades ago, “War is a Racket”

The Mother Crocodile of one of the major War for Profit families once said; “If my sons did not want war, there would be none” That's lovely isn't it? I think sometimes about the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Stalingrad and other examples of real trench warfare; men hanging on the wire, rats feasting, cries of agony. It was all a symphony of horror, conducted by Pinhead the Cenobite and all of it the product of an economic conspiracy for personal gain. Think of it! It's hard to get your head around it, isn't it?

No one can argue against George Soros being the prime mover in the world, behind forced and financed migrations. Why not do a little research on who sits on the boards of directors of all the major alt-sex organizations? While you are at it, consider the purpose of The Southern Poverty Law Center. Whose brain child was that? We know whatever poverty there was, wasn't going on at the SPLC.

I wondered to myself, who are the most organized pro abortion organizations and who runs them. I wondered about the major atheist organizations and Communism too. Atheism is the official religion of Communism. I studied late into the nights... looking into the who's who's about most of the cultural forces dedicated to changing the way we live and think. I studied social media; who owns and runs it and the latest activities involved in scrubbing the web of certain information. It's pretty clear... of course ♫what's puzzlin you is the nature of (their) game♫

There is a particular quote in The Bible that I often reflect on;

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers ofthe darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Most people think that the world they see is the world that is. This is not true at all. This world is a world of appearances that we perceive within a narrow bandwidth. There is a great deal more than what the senses report going on. There is a plane of invisible forces. There is a plane of feeling. There is a plane of thought. Through all of it runs a mosaic of fire; the fire of desire.

We think we have a personal mind. We think we are a specific individual. There is only one mind and we all share in it. Our minds, or what we imagine to be our minds are a lot like airports. Many of the thoughts that come and go in our heads did not originate with us. Quite a few thoughts, common to many minds, are being generated by certain sources, in particular locations, for particular agendas. You can believe as you like but I have established certain truths through specific forms of inquiry. I don't have to convince anyone else. I have ONLY to convince myself.

Regular readers who have been coming to these sites for years, are already well informed about the subjects and POV's that come under discussion here. I am reiterating certain elements at this time because we have a new audience from Pocketnet and some amount of detail and clarification needs to be engaged in. Please forgive me if I am temporarily redundant. It won't go on for long. Now... where were we?

The sexual force is the attractive force in the universe and if you mess with it, you can affect manifest conditions. The family unit is the basic building block of a society. If you mess with that, you can seriously affect manifest conditions. The idea of gender fluidity is a bunch of nonsense that is being promoted through the culture for the purpose of confusion. There is a certain force in the world that generates confusion... division... chaos... conflict and so on. When materialism reaches a certain point, the human mind becomes very easy to manipulate. Most people no longer know what is real or not. Perhaps they never did but at least the road was not so rocky and contentious.

You may think that all this activity of sexual freedom and being your 'true self' and expressing your personal truth is intended as a liberating thing. It is actually the reverse. It is really all about bondage and confinement. It's about stress and anxiety. Those people who are caught up in all the sexual low jinks are unable to convince the deeper part of themselves that all of what they are getting up to is fine and dandy. What really happens is that they come to hate themselves and by extension, they come to hate you. This is all intentional.

Transsexualism is now being aggressively promoted from kindergarten up. Why... you might well ask, is such a fury of force and attention being directed at what is a very tiny demographic? The entirety of ALL of these alternative sexual expressions is quite small but... they are literally sucking the oxygen out of the room of our shared existence.

What I am doing is stating an opinion, based on extended observations but it is now considered hate speech. I have no position on who anyone has sex with, AFTER a certain age and as long as it is consensual. My concern ONLY comes into being when it becomes politicized and when my freedom of being and expressing is messed with. No one is going to tell me how to think or how to be. I suspect all of us, in the process of reincarnation, which is a fact, have been gay, a different color, a man or a woman, rich and poor, famous and probably, now and again, ignominious as well. I see ALL of this as part of the process of learning because life is about one thing and one thing ONLY. You can give yourself all the reasons and meanings and Byzantine moves of angels break dancing on the head of a pin but life is about Self Realization. It is about discovering who you really are. After that it is all joy drenched eternal bliss. You might not think so at the moment but... Self Realization hasn't occurred yet either. I have personally met self realized beings so... that's what I saw.

There is a power in this universe that is greater than all other force combined. It is actually the source of all force. If you are aligned with that, nothing in this or any other world is anything to be concerned with. “Greater is that which is within you than that which is in the world.”

The end result and mainstream objective of materialism is insanity and it gets worse and worse, as can be clearly seen. You might think of it as a massive ship on an enormous ocean. At some point it will sink and the pull of something that large is going to be very powerful for some distance out from it. No one has to go down with that ship and it might still take a good while to happen. It doesn't look that way but I don't actually know. It is attachment and association that pulls anyone after the ship. Still... you can be right in the middle of it but unaffected by what happens. Life is a magic show and it behooves anyone to be in association with eternal verities. You don't need money or power or good looks to ride this train.

Life is going to go on and on and on and you will come and go and come and go. Sometimes you'll be up and sometimes you'll be down. It's a predictable bio-rhythm. You can be chained to a wheel of fire, tormented by endless longing for things that cannot satisfy that hunger or... you can be free. Anyone who knows the way, doesn't charge for it and makes no claims. Anyone who is not a simple servant with a selfless mind and an overflowing heart doesn't know what they are talking about.

It might get rough out there in a bit and that's why I'm talking about it. This may sound like all kinds of BS to some of you and that's fine with me. It isn't for everyone at a given moment. Simply ignore me and go on to whatever it is that has your attention. I'm only in this location of Pocketnet because Zio-Google and Zio-Facebook are about to start seriously cracking down and I need a port of record; a place to be. These postings will be coming at least a couple of times a week. There is an enormous archive at the following locations (for the moment anyway), at and and each one goes up at Facebook too-

Once I figure out how to make hotlinks there will be all sorts of links and the like as well as an original song each time. Here is today's song:

♫ Mr. Apocalypse is Coming ♫

So... like I said, I know this sort of thing isn't for everyone so simply go on by to what does interest you. Some will take offense but that's of no importance to me either. I don't argue. I don't get into back and forths; pointless shit. As far as I'm concerned, if argument is your thing then you've missed the point.

I'll get this all sorted out in coming days. For the moment this is what there is.

My friends from the regular sites; this is a temporary hurdle, getting familiarized with Pocketnet. Soon as I get it worked out we will be back to normal.

End Transmission.......


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Elagabalus woulda been quite happy to be here now, no doubt. And, you SAID it!

Now, will the calipornia coast fall into the ocean already. Sheesh! How much longer must I wait in this decrepit self-imposed prison I so stupidly volunteered for?!

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

A master chef at work, the Word as flashing cutlery, making a feast before our eyes!

We think we have a personal mind. We think we are a specific individual. There is only one mind and we all share in it. Our minds, or what we imagine to be our minds are a lot like airports. Many of the thoughts that come and go in our heads did not originate with us. Quite a few thoughts, common to many minds, are being generated by certain sources, in particular locations, for particular agendas. You can believe as you like but I have established certain truths through specific forms of inquiry. I don't have to convince anyone else. I have ONLY to convince myself.

For most of the people hitting their snooze button with mechanical regularity, the alliterative alternative of: "are a lot like airheads" rose up to make me laugh!

The powerful concept that our minds are receiving bubble stations cannot be discardedk, if we are to understand how the war for our souls is being waged by those paid to create chaos among the captured population.

When those "principalities and spiritual hosts of wickedness" are permitted to BROADCAST on all the media channels AND on all the dimly perceived telepathic channels ALL THE TIME, the same degrading odes to selfishness which have confused the airhead mind since the Fall, unless there is a counterforce of a WILL greater than our personality can bring to bear, we fall back into an even DEEPER sleep, the anesthesia for those chuted for slaughter.

You may think that all this activity of sexual freedom and being your 'true self' and expressing your personal truth is intended as a liberating thing. It is actually the reverse. It is really all about bondage and confinement. It's about stress and anxiety. Those people who are caught up in all the sexual low jinks are unable to convince the deeper part of themselves that all of what they are getting up to is fine and dandy. What really happens is that they come to hate themselves and by extension, they come to hate you. This is all intentional.

What freedom is there to stay locked into a tiny bubble mind, which cruelly constrains the heart from EVER feeling One with Everything?

Bondage is the game and the goal for all self-limited beings who gain approval for enslaving others for their fear-inducing masters.

Can we not recall in youth the CLEAR difference between riding the kundalini elevator with joyful anticipation of going all the way to the TOP of creative experience and the habit which comes later, the dreary drag when our humanimal avatars simpy want a do over, a CONTROLLABLE repetition of what was once so magical?

That is the most affecting "wrong" of passage, when our little bubble minds decide to AVOID any possibility of merging through kundalini riding, and adopt the "adult" mindset, which allows cynical selfishness to take over all of our joy.

The contrast grows more intense
The crying of our hearts grows too loud to ignore unless we find distraction
The choices become as sharp as crystals
The time before our final decision grows too short to cast a shadow
We are here at the epicenter and wonder if we are ready to let go of our personal bubble lives.

We who find no more pleasure in any habit, bad or good, have nothing between us and timeless Being.

Be come One with Everything
Do go with nothing worth seeing or feeling to keep us here....

"How to serve Man" is not a cook book but a call of duty toward the Center point where all is happening all at once.

Ray B. said...

Vis, a delightful 'summary' of your in-sights gathered along the way.

Vis: " is about Self Realization. It is about discovering who you really are."

In my dawning realizations, it seems to be about re-discovering who we really are. Through either our own Desire or enemy action (or both), we ended-up down on earth-plane. Perhaps, we had to 'forget' in order to learn the hard-stuff around being physical. Like bodies are to be loved and protected, rather than used or exploited. So, our higher centers went - or were sent - "to sleep."

Now, many of us are restless at 'just' being physical. We seek-out others who may have knowledge or intuitions about the Beyond. (And, we learn the lessons of trusting others while being 'behind the lines'.)

At some point, it all starts to become 'familiar'. We realize that we are not so much learning about new areas/abilities as remembering what we once consciously knew. Taking-down the barriers to our being 'more', as it were.

The tricky part seems to be embracing the physical while remembering the non-physical. There are Celtic wisdom-tales of individuals who met 'advanced beings' in a forest or on a moor. These individuals were so 'overwhelmed' by the experience that they just longed for the Otherwhere - enough that they would pine-away and die. So, it would seem ("I Don't Know") that the highest wisdom is to advance gradually-enough that we adapt and bring the body with us. Think of various tales concerning The Immortals. Otherwise, what is the point? (Outside of learning Compassion...)

I will say that the more and more I advance in Self realization (learning about higher states and Higher Self), the more it feels like humanity's present state is wrong. It feels like we were meant to awaken some time ago, and are artificially being held down. I think that many folk subconsciously realize this state-of-affairs, and this is the root-cause of many rebellions and acting-outs.

(In the "Yesterday's Enterprise" episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Guinan - a low-key advanced being - intuited that something was wrong with the current Timeline. "This" wasn't what was supposed to be happening. And, she acted upon that 'sense' to restore the proper Timeline.)

In the 'less than all-God' Bigger Picture, it feels like more and more of a Storm Cloud is building-up around the hold-down types (seen and unseen). Manifestation-energy is beginning to crackle around the edges. It will be interesting to see how our Reality adjusts to its proper form...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.
P.S. Vis: "I have personally met self realized beings..." Are you willing to talk more about this aspect?

Visible said...

First I would like to thank you and Robert for keying in on the higher arc of things. I've been told that in the blink of an eye astonishing transformations and exposures are going to take place. There being one mind, it is possible for certain thought forms to expand across the entire reach of consciousness and also to selectively hit minds that are focused on diametrically different states of awareness to two very different results over a wide expanse.

I have talked about some of those I have met. As I am fleshing out the autobiography which is going to be a very large affair, many events that haven't been present in my mind for a long time are going to show up again and probably find their way into the blogs.

Anonymous said...

I went to a meeting last evening explaining in great detail what Planned Parenthood was up to.
Tell me....Am I in Hell ? Your words act as torch VIs leading me into the Light but shit , in the meantime
I can’t help but wonder how I must have let myself get dragged into this pit to begin with.

Visible said...

It helps if we accept that we are here for a reason, whether we know what it is or not and that being here is the process by which we discover why we are here. I had an enormous breakthrough last night in which I realized that everything is and always would be okay. Without realizing it, I was second guessing God and limiting his limitless power. Of course everything is perfect! I just wasn't seeing it. I was already imaging the end result from present circumstance but I did not KNOW. Suddenly, everything is so much easier.

I am here to serve as I go. This means I am untangling instead of tangling. Detaching instead of attaching. So far... across less than a full day and night, it's working (grin).

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

That Remarkable Gift from the Invisible Masters of Compassion.

Mandastory99 said...

A spacecraft makes a fly by of earth
as we eavesdrop on the conversation:

"It appears this entire planet
is suffering from PZSD."

"Activate censors to verify..."

De-Programming The Big Lie

We, the people of Earth,
have endured countless maladies from the mundane to the
horrific, often not knowing where they came from or why they
happened to us.

Now, at long last we have a diagnosis. We're suffering from
Post Zio Stress Disorder (PZSD).The 360°Full Spectrum Lifetime
Programming is now outed. As of 1:36:09 GMT,
spontaneous acts of awakening are occurring worldwide.

To the actors playing the Overlords,
Who Do You Think You Are?

We must admit, our conditioning and institutions had us naively
trusting your lead in all manner of activity and events, believing
you would not deceive nor harm us. For centuries, we actually
thought our future was akin to yours.

Today, we stand betrayed and inexorably enlightened.
You’ve been found out.

How dare you control our consciousness and our perceptions of
reality from the day we are born
How dare you make us slaves to your rigged money and legal
How dare you threaten our leaders by coercing them to do your
bidding, instead of our will
How dare you co-opt spirit with materialism
How dare you force feed us your story and eliminate OUR STORY

We are breaking your programming.

How dare you Create Crisis for Control
How dare you hijack history and suppress the free expression of
of truth in the arts and sciences, music, radio, television,
movies, social media, internet, and publishing
How dare you force the mixing of peoples and cultures
How dare you control our words to control our behavior
How dare you desecrate the sanctity and privacy of the

We are breaking your programming.

How dare you provoke and encourage hatred between peoples,
races, genders, and creeds, then finance both sides in
conflicts you mastermind
How dare you debase and destroy the beauty of sexuality
How dare you create false flag events, traumatizing our hearts
and minds, overwhelming our consciousness with fear and apathy
How dare you associate human suffering with one group
How dare you withhold free energy technology

We are breaking your programming.

How dare you poison our skies, food, air, water, land,
creatures, energy
How dare you create phony consensus to push your agendas
How dare you make scant, if any, mention of the tens of
millions of people in the Soviet Union and Germany, among
others, that you so horribly dispatched to the next life,
in the last century
How dare you call sick care, health care
How dare you define the NEWS as Nothing Except What Sells

We are breaking your programming.

How dare you force countries and people to make writing
or even speaking of your schemes, a crime
How dare you block the means to cure disease and reduce
How dare you deliberately sabotage our advancement as a specie
How dare you order that TRUTH IS NO DEFENSE
How dare you hold the natural world hostage to implement your
cyborg future

Today, We are breaking free of your programming.

We completely detox all facets of your insidious mind and
behavior control, as you delete the arts, books, cultures,
customs, discoveries, ideas, inventions, languages, literature,
and people who resist your hegemony.

You have seriously taken advantage of us,
knowing that human beings with souls
intrinsically do you no harm—that we are
beyond violent acts toward you
simply because,to do so
would make us as you.

Your programming is broken.

Unknown said...

Vis, you make my heart sing! Thank you.



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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