Saturday, March 07, 2020

"One Can be Either a Habitation of Angels or a Habitation of Demons, Better the Former than the Latter."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

The storm clouds gather, in the minds of those where awakening must take place. There will be lightning and there will be thunder and then there will be that freshness of air, as the invisible darkness is blown away.

Never before have I seen such a reaction, to what has not yet taken place, as that concerning the Coronavirus. At the same time, violent insanities are materializing on the streets of cities everywhere. People are cutting off their parents heads. They are gang stomping the unwary as Rotten Gotham slides down the behavioral sink. It is overcrowding, as much as it is anything, that is behind the madness. It is also bad AND indifferent parenting. Philip Larkin said it best;

“They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had and add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn, by fools in old-style hats and coats, who half the time were soppy-stern and half at one another’s throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can and don’t have any kids yourself.”

Today I saw a truly classic example of the CRAZY that has taken possession of the minds of our feckless leaders. This remarkable statement, of near bottomless stupidity, was said by the governor of the largest state in the most prosperous country on the Earth. It is a state with a greater GDP than most of the countries in the world. Something mucoid and slithery has taken up residence in the consciousness of this poor damned soul. I look into his eyes and then into his mind and I see glowing red eyes staring back at me out of an inky darkness.

This should be the gravest concern for us all; not Coronavirus, not Global Warming, not locusts and whirlwinds, not the wide divide between the followers of the different political parties, nor the looming threat of SO MANY potential catastrophes, that may or may not, yet take place. Our gravest concern should be the VISIBLE CRAZY in the minds of leaders here, there and everywhere AND its precipitating fallout of howling lunacy, into the irradiated papaya skulls of the multitudes, transforming into a mutating non compos mentis of the huddled masses, the lumpen proles, the vulgus and hoi poloi. I once thought a zombie apocalypse was some kind of joke. I no longer feel the same. World War Z appears to be on the horizon.

There is a howling wilderness that is perceptible in the minds of a particular age group; that most recent age group that has come into their semblance of maturity. At present it seems doubtful they will get any further than, arrested development. They are enraged and visibly angry. Part of this is because they have bought into the Global Warming scam that is driven into their heads through the mind programming centers that used to function as educational centers but that has largely been bypassed in recent times. They are also angry at the manufactured guilt that is being imprinted on them, based on past injuries delivered from one race on to other races, one gender onto (snicker) other genders and imaginary oppressions being daily visited on this NEW VICTIM CLASS.

There is a feature built into the subconscious mind that generates confusion and resentment when it senses a lie has been implanted in it. It might not know the nature of the lie, or even the details. It simply knows that a lie has appeared and it reacts. If... in fact... a whole series of lies has been inserted into the subconscious, the conscious mind is made very uncomfortable as a result. There is also present in this generation an absurd sense of entitlement and certain, previously oppressed classes, or classes who imagined they were oppressed, in a time that they weren't even present for; a time when they well may have been a different color, a different gender and of a different culture, have been programmed by insidious agendas to operate out of a state of perpetual outrage concerning it.

Meanwhile, nearly all violent crime is being committed by certain classes of people. THIS IS INARGUABLE TRUTH. They are demanding positions of skill that they do not have the skills for, which results in a completely dysfunctional society and ANYONE who says anything about it, OR, God forbid, TELLS THE UNDESIRABLE AND UNWANTED TRUTH, is pilloried and attacked mercilessly. Myself... I am going to see the truth and tell the truth and I don't give a flying rain of vegetables one way or the other. NOT TELLING THE TRUTH would put me in FAR MORE PERILOUS CIRCUMSTANCES and I already have a proven and provable track record of being imprisoned, assaulted and the recipient of efforts of attempted murder, for nothing more than speaking out, so... I... apparently am not easy to convince otherwise, or dissuade. I am NOT the ONLY EXAMPLE of this type.

Any fool can see what is happening with migrant cultures in Europe. Apologists for this grievous offense on an unsuspecting populace and those engaged in its creation and facilitation are MONSTERS. They are monsters. Rampaging gangs of migrant thugs is not a positive thing, EXCEPT as part of the operating philosophy of those whose agenda is to spread Chaos, Confusion and FEAR~! There isn't any more to it than that. ALL OF THIS, has as its objective, the overthrow of established order, so that THEY can take over. ALL OF THIS is intended to destroy the present culture and its infrastructure and replace it with something oppressive and monstrous. HISTORY cries out with PROOF of the same thing happening previously elsewhere, with the result of incalculable torment and mass murder. Remaining silent and allowing it to happen makes you as complicit as the perpetrators.

You need look no further than the present governor of Kalifornia, as well as Oregon and Washington and its Representatives and Senators to see what you are dealing with. By now, ANY MORON should be able to see that the homeless crisis is INTENTIONAL! Drag Queen Story Hours are intentional efforts at the destruction of the basic building block of society, which is THE FAMILY UNIT. So is teaching sexual perversity in elementary schools. IT IS INTENTIONAL. Promotion of GENDER DYSPHORIA and Satanic Surgery is INTENTIONAL. ALL of these twisted social mutilations, proceeding with the assistance and support of Government and Multinationals HAS AN END GAME. President Trump, regardless of whether you like him or not, IS one of the main barriers to the blood lust of the raging mob and those inciting it. I suggest you do not kid yourself about what might and could happen, if the wrong people get into enough positions of power.

I realize that much of what has been said so far, can be frightening. I recommend you take a good and extended look around, as well as a snapshot from ten years ago and then ten years before that, to compare with the present moment. I can pretty much guarantee that bad things are going to happen to a considerable amount of people BUT this WILL NOT be the case across the board. There are powerful forces marshaled and in action and they are THE MOST POWERFUL FORCES IN THE UNIVERSE. It is necessary to align yourself with them. They are seeking in all places for those in need, who are willing to come under their umbrella of protection. They are the Eternal Angelic Army of the Supreme Master of All Things, Sentient and Insentient. They WILL APPEAR within us and around us. This is the purpose of this apocalypse and the force of awakening that is manifesting. Think of the apocalypse as the precursor of The Avatar. If you don't like that term, replace it with The Second Coming, or The Mahdi, or Lord Kalki, or Maitreya. It will be all of them in any case.

If some people can be and are, like the tale of Legion, habitations of demons, then it stands to reason that some people can be and are the habitation of angels. There ARE NOT more people seeking to be habitations of angels than there are angels to go round. Even if that were true, God would have only to generate more angels. The truth is that there are not nearly enough people seeking to be the habitation of angels because there is a cost and requirements for this. You MUST BE of a certain character for angels to even consider residence within you. The same is not the case with demons. The greater the degree of materialism in a given period, the greater the proliferation of hungers and desires and the more there are of entities seeking to find someone to feed THROUGH and ON.

If one would sincerely desire to be a residence for angels, the angels will know of this and seek to assist you in becoming a suitable hosting place for their presence. All you have to do is ask. There are yogis and other spiritualized beings in this world who shine with the interior light of angels. It is a worthy end to be shooting for, at least in my mind and FAR more rewarding than the crap-shoot life turns into when angels are NOT PRESENT in one's life. Certain emotional and mental states are certain to drive them away and to attract their opposite number.

I realize it is not good politics to be calling out the practitioners of political correctness, diversity, multiculturalism and all of the other trendy confinements and suffocation's of these times. There are powerful forces behind the spread of these social diseases and they assuredly intimidate most people BUT they are NOT NEARLY so powerful as the forces of light, that work for the liberation and awakening of humanity; not hardly. Once again... align yourself with these spiritual realms and soon enough, the forces of darkness and negativity will not dare to approach you. There will come a time when you will be in a state of continuing gratitude, at your good fortune for having done so.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

A tad too busy today to come up with something clever (or not) about Pocketnet so we're going to just stick with something generic, like... for Pocketnet, you click here, to get there.

les visible at pocketnet


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

You talkin' to me??????????????? (Crotch droppin's, sausage casin's, chicks, or should I say twa. . . Oh, never mind.)

Oh, how true. Me thinks next month might be more than a tad inconvenient for many. And I'm not playin' the panic game. People in toilet paper stock and such might be makin' a bit of money for a while, but all eventually calms down.

Now, speaking of political correctness; I see this as a kind of slum clearance. And considering the fallout, no one will be spared. A lot of things don't care about your status in this realm. Some things just AIN'T FER SALE, along with some people. ;O)

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!

robert said...

Comment correlated to:
"The Warp and the Woof of the Thing Entire, Unlike the Other to which We Aspire."

Dear Visible One,

Another scientific examination of the culture of death which infects the human experiment.

We wonder when the parasitical invasion will visibly reach the tipping point and the pain threshold where we awaken and smell the tyranny.

While we abide in humble expectation of hand of God clearing out the trash of those committed to desecration and the detritus of the luke-warm, uncommitted, we share what light we have with each other.

Gratitude keeps our hearts beating despite appearances, the normalcy bias generated by the media Matrix.

You live in a shadowland of dueling intelligences. One wants to take you one way and one another. You have to decide which way you are going to go.

This direct statement reminds us all that it is our decision, our choice to make, every moment.

Not choosing defaults us to drift into the camp of the craven corrupters anyway!

Life is SIMPLE. We make it complex when we RATIONALIZE and Scheme and plot to have it our way. We can be devious little shits but it will cost us in the end because we are compelled to lie to ourselves to have it our way.

This is the nature of the human dilemma, in concise format!

Related post on Pocketnet:

Selfishness and Subjectivity

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'warning' blog. Thanks.

It was funny; I went to Costco today to check-out whether our Costco had experienced the toilet paper 'runs' that other Costco stores had experienced. Yep, they were all sold out. I checked with an employee, and he said that more would be in tomorrow - but all would be sold in the first hour. Wild...
Vis: "There is a feature built into the subconscious mind that generates confusion and resentment when it senses a lie has been implanted in it."

If one goes Higher, at one point they are above the Soul (but still a singular Being). The Being at this level is fully telepathic, amongst other things. They know what is truth down on earth-plane and what is lies, misdirection, and omission. They just know it. This knowing filters down and down, until lower 'manufactured' consciousness takes over. At that point, the average person is in conflict. A more-subtle part of them 'whispers' that much of their reality is untrue - and probably pointless. Most people have lost the direct ability to hear that voice, but they 'grok' enough of the gist of it that it makes them angry, sad, etc.

As the vibes on earth-plane continue to ramp-up, more and more people will begin to 'discern' that their lives have been based on evilly-constructed scripts. You think you have seen Anger so far? Just wait a little while...
Speaking of Angels, a little synchronicity: I went to a Library book-sale today and there were several books about people who had had encounters with Angels. I brought them home, as another way - through purposeful meditation while reading- to 'tap into' those various Beings. Should be interesting/enlightening...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Thomas said...

Strange times...

Trying to fit daily reality to the expostulations of the official media requires increasing amounts of self-delusion... There is a limit, however, before it snaps... People may be stuffed with lies, but the neural circuitry can still connect things at a basic level - especially so when they are directly presented with the inconsistencies. I guess that it's anyone's guess what will come of it.

Aye, strange times... Thank Heavens that God is Real!

Anonymous said...

Just when I think you have outdone yourself, you do it again. I wish this Origami could be printed in the NYT. Of course, they would not dare to allow such a Truth to be spoken, It’s truly is hard to believe what is taking place these days. And even harder to believe how many are blind to it or worse supporting it. November will tell the scales. I pray these demons will be so far outnumbered and a New Age will commence . Thank you Vis

Patrick Benford said...

So you're telling me Trump is the only one stopping the crisis the US created after 9/11? Trump continues to aid terrorist in Idlib along side Turkey and Israel. The so called Peace deal continues to displace Palestinians with Trumps blessing and in direct violation of the deal his son-in-law created without the Palestinians, building settlements on the very areas RIGHT NOW they claimed they would abstain from building on for 4 years if the Palestinians met the terms of the deal. That is real honest Vis, smh. Turkey threatens Europe with more "refugees" and Trump does absolutely nothing except give them weapons to continue to hold the Syrian people hostage in northern Syria. Have you forgotten this despite it being so obviously transparent? Trump's response to the corona virus has been laughable as well even though I would argue it is not as much of a crisis as most pundits claim when you factor in more people have died of the flu this year than the corona virus world wide. You have Trump, the masterful liar, in a white house press conference claiming he never heard of wikileaks in direct contrast to him repeatedly encouraging his supporters at his rallies to check out wikileaks because it exposes the corruption, lol! You seriously can't make this up! What about the murder of Solimani and after Iran retaliated he claims immediately there were "no casualties". Fast forward to today and we now know over 100 service members have "traumatic brain injuries" 33 of which will never be able to return to active duty, did you miss that or are you just ignoring it? Either way that isn't very truthful on your part. So I definitely feel insulted when you claim you are telling the truth in light of all I mentioned. I do not identify with the left right paradigm so I don't have anything against Trump per say like your typical american but I know a liar when I see one or in this case, when I hear one. I'm trying to figure out how you have done a complete 180 on the things you used to write about. It is completely obvious the wrong people are already in charge and have been for quite some time. All this from your "great administrator" as you put it, lol. Based on his accomplishments and deal making with his adversaries, which is zero btw, this man couldn't administer himself out of a wet paper bag, lol I mean seriously Vis what world are you living in. Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for not abiding by the deal Trump backed out of! Like WTF? I seriously don't know what to make of YOU anymore, but I know one thing, you are no longer truthful given the fact that you willfully ignore these things. Mr. Apocalypse is definitely using you for the purpose of demonstration for sure saying one thing and doing another like censoring me every time I post while simultaneously claiming you do not censor anyone. I get it though it is YOUR blog and you can chose to post peoples comments at your discretion but whatever. All I see is you posting comments that praise you or that agree with you....sounds like what liberals do...huh, the irony. Anyway hope all is well believe it or not.

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

Thank you for your gift of faith in action!

Please pardon the double posting above; product of impatient technical frustration

This post deserves to be spread around the planet as an antidote to the manufactured madness!

Broadcasting hope and truth is sheer heroism against the rising tide of engineered delusion!

Our gravest concern should be the VISIBLE CRAZY in the minds of leaders here, there and everywhere AND its precipitating fallout of howling lunacy, into the irradiated papaya skulls of the multitudes, transforming into a mutating non compos mentis of the huddled masses, the lumpen proles, the vulgur and hoi poloi.

Yes, the leadership who have purchased a place to indluge their ego masturbation at the price of their souls IS the problem.
Did Dante delineate the special place in Hell for those who lead the people astray?
The positive potential of this concentation of crap at the top is that it is HIGHLY VISIBLE (no pun intended!) and when the dam of delusion breaks, it will snap the sleepers OUT OF IT, fast!

There is a feature built into the subconscious mind that generates confusion and resentment when it senses a lie has been implanted in it. It might not know the nature of the lie, or even the details. It simply knows that a lie has appeared and it reacts. If... in fact... a whole series of lies has been inserted into the subconscious, the conscious mind is made very uncomfortable as a result.

Penetrating insight and useful to see through the madness to the personal psychology.

There are powerful forces behind the spread of these social diseases and they assuredly intimidate most people BUT they are NOT NEARLY so powerful as the forces of light, that work for the liberation and awakening of humanity; not hardly. Once again... align yourself with these spiritual realms and soon enough, the forces of darkness and negativity will not dare to approach you. There will come a time when you will be in a state of continuing gratitude, at your good fortune for having done so.

Logically, with ALL the effort of millennia aimed at bringing Creation down to hell, all would be lost already were it not for the countervailing forces you point out. As the cosmic choice becomes clearer, it is high time to join the side of spiritual freedom!

In resonance with your prophecy:

Delusion Dissolved

Visible said...

Patrick Benford; I don't know why it is BUT people INSIST on misquoting me. This amounts to slander. I don't know WHY this happens BUT I SUSPECT it is to reinforce the argument against me that would not hold water otherwise. I DID NOT SAY; "Trump is the only one stopping the crisis the US created after 9/11?" I didn't say anything remotely like that. HERE IS WHAT I SAID, CUT AND PASTED DIRECTLY FROM THE BLOG; "President Trump, regardless of whether you like him or not, IS one of the main barriers to the blood lust of the raging mob and those inciting it. I suggest you do not kid yourself about what might and could happen, if the wrong people get into enough positions of power."

I DID NOT EVEN MENTION 9/11. I said, "he is one of THE MAIN BARRIERS to the bloodlust of the raging mob."

What is wrong with you people??? I have been to EXTRAORDINARY PAINS to state that there is much I do not like about this president and that THE ONLY REASON I AM MORE IN HIS CORNER THAN SOMEONE ELSE is... LOOK! LOOK!!! Look at who we would have otherwise! ALL PRESIDENTS ARE WARMONGERS! I'm not blind. I do see what is going on but THE WORLD IS THE WORLD IS THE WORLD. Am I actively promoting Trump? Do you see banners on my site for him? Have I encouraged ANYONE to vote for him??? Have I??? Have I!???! NO!!!!!!!!!!! I have not.

You people are so hate filled that you can't see anything in practical terms and you let part of one sentence close you off to everything else. You are part of a crowd of people who REFUSE to see. You don't want to be reasonable! You don't want to be circumspect! You just want to hate BUT YOU HAVE NO FUCKING ANSWERS! You whine and cavort and complain and HAVE NO FUCKING ANSWERS. Do you think I like those thing you mentioned? Do you think I am unaware of them? GET a GRIP!!!

Read more carefully. I am not a parrot. I don't say things hoping to make people like me. I don't care about that. I TRY to tell the truth and I AM EXACTLY AS I PRESENT MYSELF. Please do not slander and misrepresent me. It's not fair. Do you pay me for what I do for free? NO! You do not. Do you support what I do all day long for zero material compensation? No! You do not. Now I am wasting valuable time trying to reason with the unreasonable. PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally... HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT COMMENTS I POST? Have a hard time believing so many comments are supportive? I'll bet you do. I ONLY DO NOT POST ad hominem... lies... screaming matches and fundie cut and pastes that run off the page. You may not like or believe it (who cares?) but nearly ALL COMMENTS are what you see. Anyway hope all is well believe it or not.

Visible said...

Robert; Conversely... in reference to my most recent comment. Thank you for paying attention and seeing into the essence of the intent. It is in hope of this sort of a reaction that I do any of this in the first place. You and a collection of others make this work worthwhile. I do not respond often in the comments section. That is not my area of endeavor but I do appreciate what people have to say on a less verbal level.

You are receiving notice of your thoughts at Pocketnet and that's a good sign. I wish more of the readers here would check the place out. Sometimes the most powerful truths come through that I don't see anywhere else; reminds me of the St. Crispin's Day speech from Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth, "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

So... Robert and you others and those of you from the over 90% of the readers who have never said anything at all- Thank you! I'm aware of you in the same way that I am aware of my Invisible Friends, some of you, from what I've heard elsewhere, are actually members (grin) of that band.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I see that I for one have still much work to do. As far as the world stage, I DO NOT KNOW. Who cares anyway. I put myself into states of being that attract the demons that feed on angst and despair. Gluttony, jealously, greed, and sloth creep in the second I put down my guard.

My life situation and these recent postings are aligning to show me what I must give up and take on. Thousands of knifes. I can’t bear to fail or give up. I’m putting this out there as confirmation and appreciation of the work Visible does here, and also to help jettison me on the right track by making it a solid thing existing outside of my cranium. Let’s strike at the root and pay no attention to angels dancing on the head of bullshit needles


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up-

"The Coming of the Higher Self; Objects in the Mind's Mirror are Closer than they Appear!"

Patrick Benford said...

Vis how can Trump be a "barrier to the blood lust of the raging mob and those inciting it." if he is surrounded by the very people who create and exacerbate these situations? To be honest I don't complain much and if you knew me personally you would observe that, all I pointed out was that Trump is a liar, just like all the other Presidents as you mentioned and that he is most definitely NOT a barrier he is an enabler. I never mentioned I hated Trump I said " I do not Identify with the left right paradigm so I don't have anything against Trump like your typical american per say but I know a liar when I see one..." Where in my comment did I mention hate? Moving on to your point of all Presidents being war mongers, if that is the case, does it really matter who is in office? People can celebrate the fact that Hillary wasn't elected but given the fact that in the last 20 years no matter what party the sitting president identifies with you can guarantee more war is on the menu so that point is moot. I am very aware that you don't post for people to like you, so that is not up for debate mainly because I can definitely relate, lol! It is interesting that you don't want people to scream (all caps post I'm guessing) yet your response has that. I never claimed to have any answers but I will also not ignore big and obvious problems or the people causing them. I am not unreasonable despite you thinking so as I've defended Trump from baseless accusations such as Russia gate and several others. All I am going off of is his actions that hurt ALL Americans, and people of the world for that matter, nothing else. I did the same with Obama and Bush and will do that with Trump and whomever gets to sit in the Oval Office next. Anyway, thanks for posting my comment, I'm actually happy to see it even though your response wasn't pleasant (grin). Take care.

Visible said...

Okay Patrick, you've closed your mind and have decided to ignore misquoting me, thereby rendering your entire comment irrelevant. Rather than profiting from the other 99.9% of the posting, you are fixated on part of one sentence that you have misrepresented because what you are referring to was NOT EVEN IN THE POST! Subsequently, I have nothing further to say.

I've told you and everyone else to take what is useful and ignore the rest. That doesn't work for you, you've decided to become fixated on Trump. I AM NOT fixated on Trump. You are talking to the wrong person here. I made a brief aside in the post and because you are completely wound up about this Trump thing, you seized upon what wasn't even there and have proceeded (damn the paragraph structure) to excoriate me over the non existent. Therefore, I'm not going to talk to you any further about this.

There are THOUSANDS of people out there champing at the bit for an argument. Go and find one. My response was not pleasant because you LIED ABOUT ME and no way is your comment pleasant either. What planet do you live on? Do you possess ANY self introspection at all? Be well... but please take your static somewhere else. I am NO LONGER here.

Anonymous said...

Fine post, Visible. A real tonic. God bless. Jeff

Visible said...

0... I have had two offspring and you are banned for slander and just being a generally undesirable misanthrope. You're not welcome here AND... as a favor to you, just so you know. As soon as I've seen the comment is yours it gets deleted. I am trying to spare you writing your extensive, hateful diatribes when they won't be read. You're welcome to write them but no one will read them.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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