Monday, February 15, 2021

"The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has Few People on It and Gridlock Below."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Right off let me apologize to those of you who are, hmm... what's the word? Upset? Disappointed? Unhappy? Due to my not posting more than once a week of late. I know that for a long time there were at least five and sometimes more postings in a week. Then I have kind of dropped off the edge of the world. There is nothing wrong with me. I've not lost incentive nor enthusiasm. It is similar for me to cooking. It doesn't matter how tired I might be, or that the meal might take more than an hour to put together, or that I am often not that hungry. It's what I do and the impetus is greater than any resistance the Tamas Guna might mount to the contrary. When it is what you do, if you love what you do, it never gets old and it's never work. It's a joy, BUT>>>

Sometimes you have to step back and wonder about the whole of it external to you and ever, so very much more, internal to you. I suspect I am going to be 'back in the saddle again' shortly. I ask that you will be patient with me. Sometimes I am also shut down by forces greater than myself. There is really only one force, but whether you see it as the whole, or are of a mind to operate with all the many permutations of that force, it comes down to the same thing, except in your mind.

I know there are those of you who rely on the postings, for whatever the reasons. At least that is what I hear. I'm am as pleased as a man can be that I am useful to a few or more. That is all that is truly important to me, to be useful and to serve God, however off track it may get for me on occasion. Sometimes I write about disparate and seemingly irrelevant matters. They give color, contrast, and context to the whole of it and when you are pumping out over two million words a year, just in this area of enterprise, it takes a lot of stocking stuffers to keep the interest going.

Since the last days of the election, there has been a great deal of bad feeling going on. People are losing whatever degree of command they had over themselves and behaving out of character. When material attraction, physical desire and the various kinds of basic appetite start to rage, the hidden side of the character begins to expose itself and it is not pretty, add in Fear and Doubt and there's no telling what might happen. Then there is the matter of self-importance. We are not who we think we are. We think we have placed ourselves in a high notch and will receive from life accordingly. Actually what we do is sell ourselves far short of what we really are, and way short of where we could be if we let God take the lead in every aspect of our lives.

I have been hearing things from readers about the breaking up of old friendships, fallings out over petty concerns and misunderstandings. Obviously, the tension is high these days. I have had people take exception to me simply for not doing something they wanted me to do. I can either be honest and in tune with my conscience, or I can lie to spare people's feelings. This becomes exceptionally difficult when you had no idea about any of it to begin with. You were just being you, as is, and has been the case for some time. You could lie and play patty cake with people but the relationship is then routed into a superficial play of manners. I don't spend my time waving Lady Windermere's Fan at a Kabuki mask festival, hoping that the lack of sincerity won't put off the people totally lacking in sincerity.

When you find yourself doing the old Doe See Doe with people to stay in their favor, you lose favor with yourself. I can't walk that road, it's too painful and it also scares the shit out of me. Not many things frighten me, given that I have already run into most of them and I have my memories of what I said and did to comfort me when I'm riding out here on the High Wide and Lonesome. It has been truly said by some several someones in different ways that The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has few people on it. You can either make your peace with God and his angels, or you can make your peace with the world. Since it is not the nature of the world to be peaceful at most times, given that it is the playing field of elements at war with each other, I'd rather have peace with God.

God is very patient and his knowledge and wisdom do, indeed, pass ALL understanding. He will tolerate a lot, mostly because he KNOWS how it is going to end up and he'll be there too, well before you. God has many faces. I fear to displease God. One of the hardest things to do is to hold to your convictions when most others have none to begin with. These days... these days, it is not the cream that rises to the top. It is more a matter of bobbing for Road Apples.

Those with strong convictions, based on the higher moralities of Heaven, are having a time of it these days. Witness The War Against Christianity. Witness the low cunning and awful lies that stream like rivers of offal in a flash flood. God is managing the tides, the rise and fall of everything in Nature, the courses of The Sun and Moon. EVERYTHING. You can either go along with the program, or you can set up your little egocentric fiefdom like a rock in the stream, which the water will wear away in time. All of our vanities, ambitions, and self-deceptions meet the fates described, or only hinted at, by Ecclesiastes and other masterpieces of spiritual insight.

You are free to tell yourself anything you like. It if proves to be true then you are in The Catbird Seat. If not... you are SOMEWHERE on the road to the discovery of it. The whole of existence is precisely mapped out and beyond the ken of human understanding. You either yield to the Divine Will and bend but do not break, or you snap like a dry, dead twig. You remember that part in The Bible where all of the chaff and dead parts are gathered up and tossed into the fire? Where is that verse? Oh yes, “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”

I've been watching as carefully as I am capable of watching. I see what I see and I seek the counsel of The Supernal Realm in every conclusion I arrive at.

If you want to be with God act like God. We have self-identified goddesses running around now with crazy hair and wild piercings who do whatever they please that the ego dictates to them and they proclaim they are goddesses; goddess is as goddess does. I've sat quietly around groups of all sorts of people and listened to their chatter. I learned as much as I would have listening to chipmunks sitting on a dead log

Anyone wondering how they pulled off the 9/11 cover-up needs to only look at the COVID cover-up. Why is it that so many people are buying into this? FEAR and SELF-INTEREST are at the core of the matter. Do you imagine that they will stop of their own accord? No! They are going to ratchet the tension up until it is unbearable and then they are going to set you at each other's throats. You can see it right before you. Their games are as old as time, and whether it is the Hegelian Dialectic, or Chaos Magic, or the crude use of elementary sigils and symbols; basic mind games, courtesy of the outriders of large herds of cattle... subliminal conditioning that sounds like a cowboy's song in the night; it winds up on The Killing Floor.

We hear by the day about this threat or another. We hear about this injustice and that injustice, as frenzied mobs, with all the wrong ideas programmed into their minds by The Usual Suspects, loose themselves upon those whose only crime is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our politicians outright lie and should anyone call them on it, they arrange for them to be slandered and censured. Right is now wrong, up is down, and people simply shuffle by with their leg irons clanking, hoping they don't draw attention and get themselves another set of leg irons to go with that mask of shame.

What is at the core of it all is INSANITY and it is getting more and more obvious with every passing day. Few conditions are as bad as losing your mind. Most terrible things pass, or you do, but madness can intensify and the worlds of the mind are populated with demons and the like, yes, angels too, but you don't lose your mind with angels, not in an unfortunate way unless you set yourself against them. Demons and Infernal Agents will snatch away whatever is not tethered and focused. “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty.”

This IS... or it SHOULD BE APPARENT, a time of testing. This sequencing of events and circumstances is ALL ABOUT discovering what you are made of. You can find both Heaven and Hell within you and it SHOULD BE clear which of them is prevailing by considering the direction taken. Yes... it's hard, but that is no reason to turn on one another. When you do, you are serving the darkness, not the light.

I've made many mistakes on my way to wherever it is that I am. That's in the past and in most cases, the accounts have been long settled on all of it. As soon as you realize you have been headed in the wrong direction, you become right. God has no interest in setting the Hound of Heaven on your trail unless you need a wake-up call and that's happening all over at the moment but few see it for what it is. The Awakening and The Apocalypse are REAL events that have barely begun. They will increase in force with the passage of time. If you do not heed them and if you set yourself against the Will of Heaven, you WILL BE DRIVEN MAD. Do the math.

God is yearning, in his fashion, for you to come into The Kingdom. The only requirement for admission is to “put off the old man”. There is an impersonal character to each member of the kingdom, though we are each unique in our talents and compositions, impersonal love is the very bedrock for residence therein. The personality MUST be subject to The Indwelling Self. You could be in the Kingdom of Heaven this moment by being there in your thoughts and actions.

End Transmission.......

Pocketnet won't let me post again. This is getting old.

Discourses from The First Church of The Presence of God are located here.

Our Music Page is located here.

Parler and GAB are still hamstrung by the forces of darkness.

Our Pocketnet Page is located here.

les visible at pocketnet


Anonymous said...

Thank you!!


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Gods, I am going nuts with having to work with 2 browsers due to Pocketnet issues. I'm trying to have you covered:

Your comments:

PetuniaWigglebottom2 · Today at 09:22


"Doing the Berserker, Herky Jerky, Broken Gyroscope Dance of the Macabre."




Monday, February 15, 2021
"The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has Few People on It and Gridlock Below."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Right off let me apologize to those of you who are, hmm... what's the word? Upset? Disappointed? Unhappy? Due to my not posting more than once a week of late. I know that for a long time there were at least five and sometimes more postings in a week. Then I have kind of dropped off the edge of the world. There is nothing wrong with me. I've not lost incentive nor enthusiasm. It is similar for me to cooking. It doesn't matter how tired I might be, or that the meal might take more than an hour to put to…
Show More

PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 9 minutes ago


"The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has Few People on It and Gridlock Below."



(This is the second time I did this. If the first time went through, ignore this. Pocketnet is driving me nuts, gotta use two browsers due to lost passwords, and you're right. This is getting old.)

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Fergot something. You not posting daily. . .you are a transducer, aren't you? So whose fault is it that you don't write every day? Well, you not writing every day is about as bad as not being able to get my week supply of Campari tomatoes due to them not being in stock, but I'll live. Even though Grocery Outlet hasn't had them for 3 weeks now. (They cost too much elsewhere, and our G/O has some of the best produce out there, along with the produce stand across the street from them.)

Ray B. said...

Vis, thank you for this 'indwelling' blog. Appreciated!

Vis: "The Awakening and The Apocalypse are REAL events that have barely begun. They will increase in force with the passage of time."

Two 'events' along that line; one hopeful and one poignant...

This afternoon, I got a strong 'whistling' in one ear, and a sense of Presence. It felt kind of pushy, so I checked inside with Higher Self. Yep, a minor attack. So, HS went out/up to do a Cleaning. Non-human. Baddie. Fairly high, 33-level for those interested. No physical body.

The interesting and hopeful thing here was HS's reaction. HS had not worked on this 'species' before, so it contacted good-guy representatives of that species. Nine Beings came-over and offered advice and fine-points. I was impressed by HS's attention-to-detail: It did not just barge-in and do whatever it felt was needed; it called-in Beings who knew the terrain and could indicate what was appropriate. Perhaps, this former adversary will become an ally in the "REAL events that have barely begun."

On the poignant end, HS initiated something on its own a few days ago. Lots of energy moving. When I tuned-in, HS was pumping information into some Being. Human. Goodie. Fairly high, 34-level for those interested (not too many humans at that level, today). Male. The interesting thing was in terms of a 'body'. This human had a physical body, but something was different. Twenty questions to HS later, the body was in some kind of 'stillness'. (HS did not like the term 'stasis', probably because of its technological implications.) This human had high-enough consciousness to put its body into some kind of deathlessness; a form of high-consciousness 'trance'. (HS said I would not understand it, at my present level.)

It became apparent what HS was trying to do: This human had achieved a high-enough consciousness to tunnel-into and establish its own 'universe' - its own form of paradise. The state was stable; it was not initiated recently. And, his physical body was also stable. Now, HS wanted to 're-enlist' this high-consciousness human for the "The Awakening and The Apocalypse" events. He was needed.

HS pumped-in all kinds of info, and then stood-back. Out came a request for more info. HS gave it, and again stood-back. Nothing happened for a long time, and eventually I got on with life Down Here. A couple of days later, I asked HS what had eventuated. HS said that this human had agreed to 'participate'.

In one way, this feels great; another ally in the Cause. On the other hand, this feels poignant. Shaking a Being out of their personal Nirvana is not to be done lightly...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

Thank you! That is very kind of you. The Herky Jerky post I put up when it came out a week ago.

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
something undefinable for my limited capacity with words, is emanating from the screen still, even without the post up, .....on blogger, to comment.....yet, yet shifting and moving colours, beautiful, a dance of geometric shapes caress the chest, .....tears and gratitude arise spontaneously. Thank you.
I was about to open my go to essay, in times of torment and waves ,Ralph w. Emerson's 'on self-reliance'.... but prefer to re-read this poem of yours, and discover what else , unexpected flows through .....
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug

Anonymous said...

Mas and mas Visible
this is not so much a comment on your post as a more personal one that may stimulate some memories of the ' good old times' for you. should you choose to make it public, well, it matters not either way for me.
Soafter reading three times the post and so to say 'tripping' on the content as per previous comment, the call to the essay by Emerson was still present, and off to read it for maybe the , well, who knows for sure, but over ten.... after a few pages, for whatever reason felt the need to shower, and ponder on material read, even though it is nearly midnight here in the Big Enchilada, and after a few moments, not even shampoo on my hair, what is left of it, the memories came flooding in like the water on my skin.....
Big Indian, yea, Rudi's place , 1986, august of, John Mann who was the administrator of the place, a Taoist, and a Tulku, Kagyu tradition one evening after dinner....
The Tulku was there for some ceremony that was to take place at the Dharma center outside of Woodstock in the next few days and wanted to spend time at the retreat , had a toddler son, nice place with deer etc walking the grounds, and knew John from some other interactions...... we got into exploring the process of NLP, as to how it would be used in the Oral Traditions, as he had been part of its development together with the Agency fellow, whose intent was obviously opposite... after a short while of that discussion, for some strange reason i asked him what his process of recovering his knowledge of his 'Turku-ness' was , how it occurred, how long ago etc..... and for the next hour and a half or so he entertained us with a story that was funny , humorous and adventurous, having occurred just 4 years previously, starting in LA where he had been living...... the loud guffaws had by the attracted nearly everyone that was within earshot, and there was a crowd of maybe 40 people in just minutes....
So as he ended the' educational entertainment', i remembered an 'incident' in 1976, sometime between Oct. and Dic. where Karmapa and i interacted that had me somewhat puzzled, yet having had little interest in Tibetan Buddhism, i put it aside, and thought it opportune to ask him in passing on the way to the door about it..... Tulku looked at me , smiled and said the essay on 'self Reliance' by Emerson may provide a clue...
Well, since i was going to Woodstockto resupply my Madini oils at the Talisman store in town on the following weekend, i visited a certain bookstore that had all kinds of esoteric books, and found the Penguin edition of Emerson......
still searching for the clue....
Cheers and
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug

Visible said...

Hah! You were in my Ajna Bookstore. Self Reliance is one of my favorite works by him. I had his collected essays. I am fairly certain I knew him back then. I first read him when I was 12 years old. I remember Rig Indian and Rudy well. I wonder who you are.

Thomas said...

Good one, Visible.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Couldn't find YOUR Herky Jerky on PN. I swear, that is the most unreliable forum I ever saw. It goes down all the time, I can't use it on Chrome; period, I have to reload page to post something new half the time (At least. Sometimes ALL the time.), and the post capping factor. I also have a thang against blockchain.

Now is this gonna double post because I tried posting this on Opera and could't due to a lost password?

Blah. Well, what ever. 'Tis the price of bein' a zone case space cadet, not that I'd wanna be any other way. I'd rather live in my own world than everyone else's, which I rather loathe to the nth degree.

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Your best yet, and that is saying something.

An accurate encapsulation of all your ideas.

As good as it gets

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Your best yet, and that is saying something.

An accurate encapsulation of all your ideas.

As good as it gets

KnowThanks said...

@Guy Reid Brown,

Ditto on your comment : )

I can only add that for over two decades, reading every post by Les Visible has been a singular joy and revelation.

His psychedelic experience gives his writings a unique power to open doors and pathways towards the ineffable. I hope and pray that he will share his steadfast creativity for many years to come...


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

From EastLightningWest on Pocketnet who doesn't want a blog, so I'm transferring his comment meant for you:

"If you want to be with God act like God." Yes.
However, it bothers some people to no end that a person wanting to be with God puts off the behaviors and pretenses of this world.

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
yea, i was aware of that part of the relationship in space/time of those dates and Woodstock for your current incarnation.... from your earlier postings, that is why i wanted to make a link with ' good old times'..... hoping that it helped make bridge.

As for your kind last sentence in your response... 'been pondering.

best i can come up with would be : 'a homo sapiens sapiens eticus ,an experiment in relationship with surreal, amongst homo sapiens deseus-materialicus in speech capable biped mammal carbon based vehicles, the vehicle capable of alchemy' ..

Should you have some insight , own, or from your, as you call the 'friends', servants of Ineffable, and choose to graciously share the response, i will choose to so to speak, chew on it, swallow and allow for it to provide nutrition for maturation of my Soul....

Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug

Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
HMMMM....... no coincidence the five word last sentence........ of your response to my original comment....
for decades already , when asked about my Heart preference regarding pelvic information regarding the signals from the area, is to say ia am a 'lesbiano', and after the looks of WTF, i would say even my feminine part Loves Women who Love Men..... in this very moment, flowers received, from Russian woman from BaAs, ahhhhhh.....ahhhhhh, with the message ..Febr, 17th...Eternally Grateful.... 'St.' Patrick' day
Fu Hsi and Nuwa
the eight-fold path
More and More Visible, no Crook
what is the direct path in a Vortex ????
from the Big Enchilada
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear Hug

robert said...

Dear Visible,

Thank you for being here now.

Nothing more can be said but to express the value of connection

"We are not who we think we are. We think we have placed ourselves in a high notch and will receive from life accordingly. Actually what we do is sell ourselves far short of what we really are, and way short of where we could be if we let God take the lead in every aspect of our lives"

We think with poor tools and get the results to be expected.

We blame our experiences on something other than the sloppy imprecision we conjured with our thoughts and especially our uttered words.

How many times have we vented in self-loathing and then reaped a vortex of disappointed dreams?

What is the trick to transparently transmitting the Dreamer's dream into this projection of fearful minds?

Some variant of going to ground, getting so low we think we are dead but are actually approaching the humility level where we can be of service.

Yes, it is scary if we measure by the world's metrics

What if we dare to measure by our inner sense of joy?

Not easy for the depressed and miserable to use that metric, because at the first sign of letting ourselves up from buried in grief, we doubt that we are worthy of any joy


Only those tested by the worst that the mind (the adversary) can bring to bear can invert the inverted world and see perfection.

If our little self holds on to a shred of "It's OK if I rely on my memorized experience to plot my course", we are heading off into meaninglessness again.

When we realize that we cannot hold any meaning worth a human life in our boxed up mindsets, then we may be teachable by the Master teacher and learn to be like the One.

Describing the state of the One is not possible in finite terms, only pointed at in the after images.

Between the lines the meaning lives and between our words the feeling rings

"It has been truly said by some several someones in different ways that The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has few people on it. You can either make your peace with God and his angels, or you can make your peace with the world. Since it is not the nature of the world to be peaceful at most times, given that it is the playing field of elements at war with each other, I'd rather have peace with God"

It is lonely at the top in human parlance.

What is it like to Be the Singularity, ecstatically exploded into countless consciousness?

To be the Peerless One seeking peers?

Human social networks are like houses of mirrors, capable of deceiving the ego child, like a stuffed animal soothes the puppy.

Unless we are authentic to our One Self, to ourselves in chorus, what value can we bring to other aspects of ourselves?

Unless we are true to ourselves, permitting the Spirit to direct us in impersonal, transcendant purpose, what companions can we be?

The price is inevitable, spiritual law mandated, frequency divergence from the mass chord.

This price is paid until harmony converges, as more are true to their inner light and wake up and smell the enlightenment

Walking to hell in miserable company chattering to pass the time in brain farts?


Walking more or less alone in company with the Inner Child of the One, the free spirited One who knows the dance by heart?

The faith of those on the latter path is that they KNOW the end of the mean walk, that Creation converges into union, that the Passion play has an ecstatic ending with All Sounds cohering into one Word bursting with meaning.

Might as well start walking the walk and help others to rejoin their hearts that much sooner!

robert said...

(part 2 of 2)

POCKETNET: The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has Few People on It and Gridlock Below.

"You can either go along with the program, or you can set up your little egocentric fiefdom like a rock in the stream, which the water will wear away in time"

But NOT the program that the Matrix is pushing!

The poignant perfection of this time in the play is that evil is standing out completely opposed to live and let live!

All the lies are now totally upside down, inverted like a mirror image.

Every lie is a projection of the self-deception of the liars

Every group think label under attack reveals the void of soul in the attackers

As a consequence, the deception is now effortlessly pierced and easy to ignore.

When there is no truth in them, the minions are powerless and we waste no more time having to refute their taunts with reasoning from love

There is no more confusion that we must take seriously!

It is all silly upside down clown world offal

It is awfully stupid to the point of divine comedy

When we see that there is no more there there, we can be here now and enjoy the show!

Watch the fear-driven minds disconnected from their center, spin away in futile marketing of misery for the masses!

When we have seen through all of our own bullshit, we need not suffer that of fools ANYMORE!

"We have self-identified goddesses running around now with crazy hair and wild piercings who do whatever they please that the ego dictates to them and they proclaim they are goddesses; goddess is as goddess does"

Oh irony in irons!

Biological women, true to themselves, command our love the same way as the One does:

Being in complete possession of their presence, shining unconditionally or as brightly as they can handle

Complete yet inspiring and calling for completion by simple joy of being.

Females playing action heros, even less believably than egotistical males, are on the treadmill of vanity, serving the bad play of the elites.

One Mona Lisa wins the internet

"God is yearning, in his fashion, for you to come into The Kingdom. The only requirement for admission is to “put off the old man”. There is an impersonal character to each member of the kingdom, though we are each unique in our talents and compositions, impersonal love is the very bedrock for residence therein. The personality MUST be subject to The Indwelling Self. You could be in the Kingdom of Heaven this moment by being there in your thoughts and actions"

Completely said

Visible said...

I am not around the computer much lately so I miss things or don't have my attention focused on nuance as I often do. I am sorry about that. I am experiencing astral and otherwise kinds of weather at the moment, different from anything I have experienced previously and it has my attention as I attempt to surf it; best I am able.

These days you need to be a little more DIRECT with me than usual because otherwise, I miss it, I surely do. Hopefully, this is not distressing. I should be more together shortly, I hope (grin). I'm guessing we are all experiencing this weather phenom, either externally or internally and it is going to get more so as time passes.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Surely One Lives Forever as the Focus Narrows and the Light Encircles and Permeates You."



Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'I Need More Light' from the Les Visible Album
God in Country

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(purchase is always appreciated but entirely optional)


A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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