Dog Poet Transmitting.......
The world is in a state of deep uncertainty. It is no surprise that a man with little support, and not much mind or self-awareness remaining for him, is The President of the most powerful country in The Western World. Someone ARRANGED that. The Vice President is a political hooker on the make and has few if any, human values. Actions speak louder than words, so... whether people are aware of it or not, they SENSE it. They know that more than a little is not right about the photoshopped images of the non-existent as they appear before us. Then there is the spiritual tension, and that comes from the result of the Love and Will of God, meeting the resistance of the human mind, sorely and sadly deluded by material vapors, that dance like windblown mist and cast a LASTING hypnotic spell.
It's all magic; the magic of light and the magic of dark and the levels of influence are determined by the state of the times. There is a different result, depending on whether your heart is free or bound.
There's no telling what might come to pass in times like this. What can be said is that those whose hearts are touched by Heaven need have no fear; “Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil”. Word has been left here by those previously and presently serving and following the light, so that we may have comfort in times of uncertain appearances, due to the footprints that were left for us to follow.
When I made passing reference to everything being eaten by something or someone, I was being literal, even though it is much more than that. Depending on how you taste, results in WHO winds up eating you, or has been eating you for the duration, and is now in the moment of the digestif. Angels feed upon the sincere love of the righteous. I personally, with all my heart, desire and pray that I will be consumed by the angels of God almighty, or whoever, really, that he may be inclined to invite to the table.
Make yourself tasty. The devil is like a raging lion seeking whom he may devour. Well, that's one reference. There is also, “this is my body and this is my blood”. There are Chronos and Saturn eating their children. Think about all the spiritual references that have been made, concerning my God who is a CONSUMING fire. Chose who eats you and make yourself tasty, TO THAT END. I was very serious about saying that my love is angel food. God feeds on the emanations of angels and angels feed on the love of humanity, SUCH AS IT IS. There are all sorts of spurious emotions that get defined as love and which are not love but are forgeries upon the original. If you become capable of Higher Love, angels will dine upon and with you... following whatever probationary period your SPECIFIC case requires; THAT... is always a consideration.
For some peculiar reason, which is a mystery to me, I just thought about what happened the last time I ate duck. I was in Europe and that sort of thing is big over there. I also love Asian food, so I've had duck, rarely... but I liked it. The last time I ate it I felt terrible. It wasn't a physical thing but it was just as intimidating. After a while, an emissary of God appeared and God said, “I just wanted to let you know, ducks are special to me. I wish you wouldn't eat them.”
I thought, ”Huh?” and the image of how awkward and humorous they are struck me, and something clicked in my head. God said, “Why do you think I made them like that?” We laughed. What is also odd is that I have had a thing for ducks for some time. Of course, there are many other life forms I am fond of too, but ducks...?
I was in this lovely town in Germany called Uberlingen. I love that place and used to visit there for a few days now and then. I ALWAYS had adventures there. One time I was staying at this compound, which had a nice lawn and a brook running through and the fellow who worked there had these baby ducks, and I mean, they couldn't have been more than a week, ten days old. He came walking toward me as he was tossing duck-seed behind him and there were more than a dozen ducks, following him like a military squad, quacking like crazy. It was one of the most preposterous and amusing things I had ever seen. I immediately thought, “Wow! I'd like to do that.”
The duck episode with me and God happened right along in that time frame.
The difference between wisdom and innocence is exemplified in the paths chosen; mystic, sage, saint, prophet, world savior, and there are other terms and stations as well. Heaven is a far-reaching place of many mansions. Take an international corporation and think of the many, many departments of governance and industry it contains. Heaven is like this. There are more jobs and positions than you can imagine. Each of us is being routed, unbeknownst to us, through lives and experiences geared to bring us to our destined portal and this occurs across a breathtaking stretch of time. The mind cannot assimilate it, BUT... on we go. On we go ♫ We are poor little lambs who have lost our way, baa... baa... bah ♫
I am often reminded of the complexity of multiple highway cloverleafs as they exist outside of large cities. Imagine one that is much larger and more complex. On these highways, the speed of the travelers is controlled by the force of the passion driving them. If they are focused on the living light which powers everything... ALWAYS, their success is measured by how energetic they are; “success is speedy for the energetic”. This highway complex really exists and you are on it now. If you are in pursuit of pedestrian appetites and desires, your route is CIRCULAR. It means you will be going round and round indefinitely. If your hunger is of a finer nature, your route is SPIRALIC. There is a big difference here in the quality of life and in THE RESULT.
'So called' Pagan religions, Nature Worship, Wicca, and others are CIRCULAR. They go round and round forever, until... or unless they don't. This is something to think about. Here you are in a world that is like a flaming wheel of fire, relentlessly turning. Souls are writhing in torment and the torment has to do with the immutable truth that satiation is NOT POSSIBLE. “You are going the wrong way!”
It is not my place to tell people where they should or shouldn't go. Life will demonstrate that adequately, over the course of time. People will argue endlessly about what they presume to know and nothing comes of it, except more suffering. In an utter darkness, composed of the absence of Love, the bound and trapped flail violently in all directions, like drowning swimmers. To paraphrase Leonard Cohen, “they sank beneath his wisdom like a stone.”
Many there are who strut about in the fullness of their brief hour in a topsy turvy world. They are busy dying with the most toys. They insist on being remembered, but they will not be. All of the temporary talents you see being demonstrated on the world's stages DEPART on the wind and are gone when they depart. They will have to learn these things all over again the next time they arrive. HOWEVER... those who have made contact with the origin of their talents, WILL carry them along into their next port of call and eventually express as did Mozart, Da Vinci, and others. God does not invest in losers. The players crap out at the tables. God's angels control that aspect as well. The Gita says that God is the gambling of gamblers. Now, what does that mean?
Heaven runs everything on this multiplicity of cloverleafs. The speed of every section of highway is regulated according to the territory it is passing through. Some sections move like molasses and some on greased skids. Some go nowhere at all and some go to the Gates of Paradise. All of these cloverleafs are within you and I suggest that the area within is even greater than the area without. This ENTIRE UNIVERSE is held in place by a small fragment of God's Power. Think of it!!! And all power is a permutation of The Power of God. It's all explained in The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. It's explained in the Bhagavad Gita and The Bible as well if you can find your way around the blind alleys and convoluted double backs.
You may well ask, “Why would God permit people to flail endlessly in the darkness?” It doesn't work like that. God does not condemn you to these rotating nightmares, YOU DO. You might well begin in The Mind; everything else did. As you think, so you are. AS YOU THINK, SO YOU ARE. You can ALWAYS... at any point, give up and surrender to The Supreme Commander, who is resident within you and generally ignored. What God wants from you is different than what you want for yourself, because you can't see straight. You see what's not there and miss what is. Give a look at The Hanged Man sometime.

That is the proper pose for the illumined and disregarded by everyone else. There must be an easier way! That is the easy way. We are the ones who make it hard.
We simply refuse to acknowledge our own culpability in what happens to us. Denial will not get you past the walls built by the false self to occlude The Living Light WITHIN. I am a miner in the darkness of the mind, digging... digging... with one thought ONLY remaining. I will not cease to dig until I have uncovered the EVERLASTING LIGHT. At some point, a miner's light appears on your forehead. This makes it a great deal easier to identify all the useless things that surround you.
End Transmission.......
Mas and Mas Visible
A miner's light, on the forehead.... searching for Everlasting Light..... sounds like a Koan....
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug
Visible One,
Then there is the spiritual tension, and that comes from the result of the Love and Will of God, meeting the resistance of the human mind, sorely and sadly deluded by material vapors, that dance like windblown mist and cast a LASTING hypnotic spell
Reporting from Planet Earth in the cusp of Armageddon, with refined economy of word code!
Not just the truth transmitted but with a style and flair to inspire us all with how humans can be when in love with the One!
Gracias, Danke, Merci and Thanks!
The art of revelation, an enjoyable place to tune our minds to the center.
Witness Visible wordsmithing without a net!! (pardon the pun!)
"Have no fear" repeated 365 times in the surviving scriptural Testimony.
Can losing one's self be as basic as simply losing all personal fear and concern for how things play out? No looking back, no looking forward, just looking without attachment?
Do we have reason to wallow in the mire?
Does our passage perform any cleaning action?
Would we better serve by shining our innocence from a place under the Wing of the One?
Inquiring minds come full circle and find reason to be the best master of fear, making space for love to bloom freely.
There is nothing stuck in the Universe but the illusion created by the human mind as a by product of closed hearted being.
Infinite loops are a human-made error state, a computer analog to our endless turning in our own graves before we even leave the body in the dust!
We simply refuse to acknowledge our own culpability in what happens to us. Denial will not get you past the walls built by the false self to occlude The Living Light WITHIN. I am a miner in the darkness of the mind, digging... digging... with one thought ONLY remaining. I will not cease to dig until I have uncovered the EVERLASTING LIGHT. At some point, a miner's light appears on your forehead. This makes it a great deal easier to identify all the useless things that surround you
We have the power to turn ourselves around
We have the responsibility to turn and face our creator/master/lover
We have the insight we need to let go of our density and transmit more love light through our created experience.
The intensity of our pain is the sign of the imminence of the Immanence!
No reason to quit now after all these lives to get here.
Feel the love to go home....
Reporting from Vrindavan, in the cusp of eternity, where there is a cooling breeze blowing by the bank of the Yamuna
Wish I were there but where I am is none too shabby and with God in the picture every landscape is beautiful or I would be routed there.
Every day, your writings prove themselves right to me; more
so than ever. Nostrils up.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"The World's a Battlefield of Appetite. If You are not Hungry for Swill, You won't be Trampled at the Trough."
Well, see it’s this energy thing that’s the problem. I am a slow, easy does it, contemplative, analytic, sensitive person. I can’t even be in a room with more than 2 people! I sense their energy and its usually way too off the charts for me, though to a normal person, probably not at all. When I get too excited about something, I start getting panic attacks. They are real, let me tell ya. Or sometimes, if I get too excitable, I can’t come down for days. Very unpleasant. So I try to stay somewhere in the middle, but that’s boring as hell. So, I’m stuck between my personality and my spirit person. It’s exhausting and to tell you the truth, as I soon come around to 59 with no friends or companions and only one brother 4 hours away, I’m glad it’ll soon be over.
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