Friday, April 02, 2021

"Schizophrenia is Like Cholesterol. There is Good Schizophrenia and Bad Schizophrenia."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

God comes for you in the end, at death, if you have served God through life. God comes before that too, checking- on each occasion- to see if there is any interest in you for spiritual things. Cave, Cave... Deus videt. He does not come personally, although he is personally resident within. It is his angels that make the visits. If you spend more time thinking and talking about God than the people who never think or talk about God believe to be necessary, then... you get categorized as not all there and thank God for that.

Perhaps you have heard that powerful line, “be careful of the way you treat people on your way up because they are the ones you will see on your way down”? Not many of them do pay attention to this. I study these people as they appear in my windshield, sometimes in person... rarely (these days) and also in the various internet media. I haven't watched any of the networks in decades. I study these people and all people as they come to my attention and I see karmic train-wrecks in slow motion. You can't scream, “The bridge is out!” at them, they will give you the finger.

So... that is pretty much how they handle life. Their lives are like escalators, connected in absurd and abstract fashion. Looking at it, you think to yourself, 'this makes no sense' and it doesn't. It smacks of lunacy and perpetual suicide. HOWEVER... 'they' vastly outnumber you, and they are not gentle and understanding. You have to learn to negotiate them as if they were pasture bulls and you have to cross the pasture.

They said I was incurably, chronically schizophrenic. This came about due to my quoting Lao Tzu and seeing EVERYTHING in spiritual terms. Ingenue that I was, it did not occur to me that these were the very worst people to discuss spiritual matters with. I was as jejune as it gets. After the kundalini event, I must have looked almost cartoon-like. THEY certainly did to me, once I got the hang of it; kind of got the hang of it.

Schizophrenia is like cholesterol. There is good schizophrenia and bad schizophrenia. I took some brief tests this morning. I took all the ones that might apply to me and I never got out of the minimal tendencies bracket. The reason I came across this site was because I was looking for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory online. It's the gold standard for mental testing and apropos of I don't know why I went looking for it, I thought I would see how I rated on it.

When I was confined for reasons of being impossible to categorize, after a few months... imagine my surprise when looking deeper into these doctors and nurses, I saw that they were themselves crazy. Most of them were so in the neurotic sense. I might have met a psychotic or two in the time I went through their mills, don't remember right now. Most people operating in any professional field are looking for answers about themselves in what they do. They may not know. Usually, they don't.

If you factor in intangibles, then people like us can well pose as threats. One disarms this with a lack of interest, and then there is no competition for end results. You don't want anything they have or want, and you do not oppose their way. Therefore you DO NOT appear as a threat. Much of this is PROGRAMMED stuff. You are treating with people who are programmed to react. Don't push their buttons.

Yeah, I should talk. I left a lot of casualties back the way I came. I've also read the Bhagavad Gita, so I know how things really stand.

Hover over the document to view the controls / flip through the pages

You can't rely on appearances to resurrect or absolve you of whatever you are getting up to. You can't WORK appearances on your own behalf BECAUSE... they will turn on you in the natural bio-rhythm of existence; in the ebb and flow

Throughout your life, many things happen. You are around and interacting with others every day (most people). People see you from every side as time goes by because that is HOW LIFE WORKS. Life is devoted to arranging situations in which you are exposed to the eyes of others and they come to see what you are made of. Then you get in trouble. The trouble itself is arranged to put you in a situation where the people who know you have to make up their minds about you. If you are a good person, and I have seen this first hand, people come out of the woodwork to speak on your behalf.

After this last election, after the way the Supreme Court behaved, and after all the street chaos and Big Tech shenanigans, it is now truly apparent that there is a ruling cabal of Satanized souls with the seeming power to shape the world in their own image. This is all temporary and passing folly, but it looks real and it feels real. People buy into it. Those seducing the common mind know just what treats and trinkets appeal to the mentally challenged. It's not unlike the original purchase of Manhattan Island, only the currency is souls.

Most people, if they could see what is truly happening around them, would go freakishly mad. They CANNOT look at it. This is the origin of denial. We are REALLY on the edge of collective freak-out, spurred by the apocalypse and attendant force of awakening. What can you do when what you most desperately do not want to see is brought before your eyes against your will? For so many people with fatal attractions, this SEEING can be extraordinarily painful. For others who are not attached to these objects of bondage, it is a delightful setting free.

You are on your way out of here. This is an absolute that needs to be pondered and explored PRIOR TO departure. It would seem that this is one of the most critical issues anyone could confront, but they don't want to. It shakes up all their values and perceptions in a scary fashion. What do you hold on to when you have seen the absolute impermanence of things? You hold on to what is holding on to you and you discover what that is when you let go of everything else. This is a pain prison for those who have willingly made themselves inmates.

I talk too much. I think I will close with Chapter 6 from the Bhagavad Gita. This is not the section that deals with the reference made earlier. It is the one I saw yesterday and wished to include BEFORE I had written this (grin).

The Practice of Meditation


It is not those who lack energy or refrain from

action, but those who work without expectation

of reward who attain the goal of meditation.

Theirs is true renunciation. Therefore, Arjuna,

you should understand that renunciation and

the performance of selfless service are the same.

Those who cannot renounce attachment to the

results of their work are far from the path.

For aspirants who want to climb the mountain

of spiritual awareness, the path is selfless work;

for those who have ascended to yoga the path

is stillness and peace. When you have freed

yourself from attachment to the results of work,

and from desires for the enjoyment of sense

objects, you will ascend to the unitive state.

Reshape yourself through the power of your

will; never let yourself be degraded by self-will.

The will is the only friend of the Self,

and the will is the only enemy of the Self.

To those who have conquered themselves,

the will is a friend. But it is the enemy of those

who have not found the Self within them.

The supreme Reality stands revealed in the

consciousness of those who have conquered

themselves. They live in peace, alike in cold and

heat, pleasure and pain, praise and blame.

They are completely fulfilled by spiritual wisdom and

Self-realization. Having conquered their senses, they

have climbed to the summit of human consciousness.

To such people a clod of dirt, a stone, and gold are

the same.

They are equally disposed to family,

enemies, and friends, to those who support them and

those who are hostile, to the good and the evil alike.

Because they are impartial, they rise to great heights.

Those who aspire to the state of yoga should seek

the Self in inner solitude through meditation. With

body and mind controlled they should constantly

practice one-pointedness, free from expectations

and attachment to material possessions.

Select a clean spot, neither too high nor too low,

and seat yourself firmly on a cloth, a deerskin, and

Kusha grass. Then, once seated, strive to still your

thoughts. Make your mind one-pointed in meditation,

and your heart will be purified. Hold your body,

head, and neck firmly in a straight line, and keep

your eyes from wandering. With all fears dissolved

in the peace of the Self and all actions dedicated to

Brahman, controlling the mind and fixing it on me, sit

in meditation with me as your only goal.

With senses and mind constantly controlled through meditation,

united with the Self within, an aspirant attains

nirvana, the state of abiding joy and peace in me.

Arjuna, those who eat too much or eat too little,

who sleep too much or sleep too little, will not

succeed in meditation. But those who are temperate

in eating and sleeping, work and recreation, will

come to the end of sorrow through meditation.

Through constant effort, they learn to withdraw

the mind from selfish cravings and absorb it in

the Self. Thus they attain the state of union.

When meditation is mastered, the mind is

unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless

place. In the still mind, in the depths of meditation,

the Self reveals itself. Beholding the Self by means

of the Self, an aspirant knows the joy and peace

of complete fulfillment. Having attained that

abiding joy beyond the senses, revealed in the

stilled mind, they never swerve from the eternal

truth. They desire nothing else and cannot be

shaken by the heaviest burden of sorrow.

The practice of meditation frees one from

all affliction. This is the path of yoga. Follow it

with determination and sustained enthusiasm.

Renouncing wholeheartedly all selfish desires and

expectations, use your will to control the senses.

Little by little, through patience and repeated

effort, the mind will become stilled in the Self.

Wherever the mind wanders, restless and diffuse

in its search for satisfaction without, lead it within;

train it to rest in the Self Abiding joy that comes to

those who still the mind. Freeing themselves from

the taint of self-will, with their consciousness

unified, they become one with Brahman.

The infinite joy of touching Brahman is easily

attained by those who are free from the burden

of evil and established within themselves. They

see the Self in every creature and all creation in

the Self. With consciousness unified through

meditation, they see everything with an equal eye.

I am ever-present to those who have realized me in

every creature. Seeing all life as my manifestation,

they are never separated from me. They worship

me in the hearts of all and all their actions proceed

from me. Wherever they may live, they abide in me.

When a person responds to the joys and

sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has

attained the highest state of spiritual union.


O Krishna, the stillness of divine union which

you describe is beyond my comprehension.

How can the mind, which is so restless,

attain lasting peace? Krishna, the mind is

restless, turbulent, powerful, violent; trying to

control it is like trying to tame the wind.


It is true that the mind is restless and difficult to

control. But it can be conquered, Arjuna, through

regular practice and detachment.

Those who lack self-control will find it difficult to progress in

meditation; but those who are self-controlled, striving

earnestly through the right means, will attain the goal.


Krishna, what happens to one who has faith

but who lacks self-control and wanders from

the path, not attaining success in yoga? If he

becomes deluded on the spiritual path, will he

lose the support of both worlds, like a cloud

scattered in the sky? Krishna, you can dispel all

doubts; remove this doubt which binds me.


Arjuna, my son, such a person will not be destroyed.

No one who does good work will ever come to a

bad end, either here or in the world to come.

When such people die, they go to other realms

where the righteous live. They dwell there for

countless years and then are reborn into a home

which is pure and prosperous. Or they may be born

into a family where meditation is practiced; to be

born into such a family is extremely rare.

The wisdom they have acquired in previous lives will be

reawakened, Arjuna, and they will strive even harder

for Self-realization.

Indeed, they will be driven

on by the strength of their past disciplines. Even

one who inquires after the practice of meditation

rises above those who simply perform rituals.

Through constant effort over many lifetimes,

a person becomes purified of all selfish desires

and attains the supreme goal of life.

Meditation is superior to severe asceticism and the

path of knowledge. It is also superior to selfless service.

May you attain the goal of meditation, Arjuna! Even

among those who meditate, that man or woman who

worships me with perfect faith, completely absorbed

in me, is the most firmly established in yoga

It took more time to edit the text from The Gita here than it did to write this post... heh heh...

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

Yes prabhu, I too the did the mental tests for the officials, all those years ago. Likely some synchronicity there due to the times alone. First time I got a C, second time I got a D, because I fudged a couple of questions the wrong way, wouldn't you know, lol. But test three was an A and they were practically swooning at my well adjusted position right down the proverbial middle! (bureaucrats love that) They then offered me a college scholarship, patted themselves on the back and off we all went about our bidness. The 60s and 70s sure were easy for debonaire, witty and quick types. Just all around waaaaay better times than this wall to wall muck we have now.

And speaking of the 70s, I read a unique book (1975) about schizophrenia written by Kurt Vonnegut's son Mark who experienced it and tried his best to tell us about it. A surprisingly quick read not because it's fairly short, rather due because the bona fine unknown territory is truly unique. At least it was in 1975. Hard to fathom, even.
The book is called The Eden Express.

robert said...

Visible of the unseen ocean:

We smile in recognition when you take us on the mystery tour, just because you were called to that task.

Like any team which works well for all itsa members, we must share transparently everything which works for us, not in compulsion seeking personal reinforcement but just shining out our being, in the deep knowing that other facets will reflect and receive. For the brotherhood or siblinghood to grow, everyone must find their center and come from there consistently.

"If you factor in intangibles, then people like us can well pose as threats. One disarms this with a lack of interest, and then there is no competition for end results. You don't want anything they have or want, and you do not oppose their way. Therefore you DO NOT appear as a threat. Much of this is PROGRAMMED stuff. You are treating with people who are programmed to react. Don't push their buttons"

How to be harmless as doves, wise as serpents and invisible to the profane.
Just as the men whom women most admire make no attempt to compete with them, dominate them, demand of them, but simply provide a living primer of knowing and being who they are without apology or neurotic second guessing or attachment to limited outcomes, so we all must learn to understand Bruce Lee!
Can a fluid be harmed by anything it touches?
Can it be confined forever?

Surfing among the waves of ignorance demands the discipline of taking off the mask of self and like the storied invisible man, as the bandages are removed, we disappear!
Nothing to prove to ourselves once we know we are beloved and being looked after!
Nothing to contend with others over when we have direct contact with Unlimited Being.

"What do you hold on to when you have seen the absolute impermanence of things? You hold on to what is holding on to you and you discover what that is when you let go of everything else. This is a pain prison for those who have willingly made themselves inmates"

Let the schizophrenia show until we heal our divided mind!

Things are certainly impermanent yet the Creator of all things is permanently alive.
How natural it is to hold on to whomever loves us, yet we learn that we have not the strength to hold on to our parent's hand and learn to trust that we are held firmly in a loving embrace, beyond our personal power to meet halfway.
It is overwhelming to contemplate our status in stasis, the snapshot of our being subject to the Object of the Will of the One.
Human females come to see clearly the way to dance with a partner who may overwhelm their emotional control but that is but a small model of the dance with the Infinite!

What a delicate balance for the parental creator to maintain for our protential to learn partnership: How to avoid annihilating our individual bubbles of consciousness while fully buoying us up toward facing reality after eons of looking the other way!

All human metaphors dissolve in the universal fluidity of One Being.
Back in the physicality playing field, we learn to continue in the game, but not at any cost: where our souls would not go willingly, where angels fear to tread, the darkest deep pockets of depravity are not worth trading for the avatar puppet body's continued meaningless existence.
We are spirits remote controlling our own temples, which have a mind of their own.
Spirit must rule or discard the temple out of control.
Zombie ignorance is a pact among reavers to usurp the Spirit's control and go on like dead men walking.
As if there is anywhere to go here where experiences to consume hold any new light.
Learn to grow our own or go home
Create, by the example of universal life or be swept away like dust.
As it becomes more clear, the terror comes along to see if we will go back to sleep and die another day

Heal the split or split!

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'meditative' post. Thanks!

Vis: "Most people, if they could see what is truly happening around them, would go freakishly mad."

There is an Unseen-based version of that, too. Higher Self and I have 'encounters' with Unseen baddies all the time. (Some are chance encounters; some are on a mission.) Almost always, my psychic vision is disabled. I get a 'sense' of what is going-on, but no direct visuals. I take this as an overall plus, because I really don't want to have to contend with the personal feelings brought-up by confronting - to make something up - a green-skinned, tentacled, puss-oozing, telepathic being. (Green Lives Matter!) Confronting their held-pain is enough...

Recently, there was also a half-amusing version of the above. HS had been going-out and 'cleaning up' various Unseen good-guys* who/which had gotten in trouble over the ages. Too much pain, damage, etc. Mostly very non-human. These entities were ones who/which had always tried to raise the consciousness of humanity. However, their accumulated pain had made their helping-efforts more coarse/harsh than 'pristine' good-guys.

Higher Self had been 'registering' the Cleaning of different baddies with what I call the map-maker being (36-level, for those interested). This being would come-down and scan the Cleaned being (and me) for 'proof' of what was claimed. Then, it would update its 'map'.

This time, HS 'presented' thirty-four cleaned-up Unseen good-guys (nearly-all lower-30-levels, and two lower-40-levels) at once. They were ancient and 'rough'. The map-maker being let out an audible "Eeek!" as all these beings were presented together. After the map-maker got its act back together, it carefully scanned those beings. Then, it went into a higher-level meeting about the acceptability of those beings. (They had done some 'bad' things for 'good' reasons, while being pain-loaded.) HS was excluded at first, and then called-in for a 'consultation'. I was also scanned by the meeting-leader. Finally, it was declared that they were 'acceptable' into the group after their Cleanings. Cool. Thirty-four good-guy beings were added to the effort...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.
* After much soul searching, I settled on what I define as good and evil - or at least good-guys and bad-guys. I find it pertinent for this age and time. Good-guys (human or non-human, in-body or no-body) are the ones who are trying to raise the consciousness of humanity. Bad-guys (human or non-human, in-body or no-body) are the ones who are trying to lower the consciousness of humanity, or hold us down at the present, unnaturally-low level. Race, creed, or even species doesn't matter.

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Thank you once again, Les

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Some give you the finger, and some smash in your car window with their bike for tryin' to wake 'em up. Assumin' ya saw the vid.

Don't push their buttons? Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me?

Living unconditionally, basically is that chapter. I'm closer than most, but still have a way to go. I tend to blow a gasket when I have something I have to do and I am interrupted. Been that way always, and I'm not sure that issue will be conquered before I graduate this realm, or should I say 'get parole' from my self-imposed 'life sentence'? I think probably not.

Anonymous said...

This is sooo good, hard to express.
Thank you, Mr. Visible.


Thomas said...

A very good post, and tender, somehow. The Gita is amazing, simply amazing.

I was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic years ago. Later, another psych said that I was only schizo-typical. Their ideas are delusional, being based on a materialist interpretation of the mind. "Just chemicals sloshing around in the skull". Idiots.

In primitive cultures, shamans and healers were recruited amongst those who are now called schizophrenics. It was a sign of great luck if someone could "see both worlds", and they were taken into the tutelage of the medicine-men and -women.

It is a great loss for society that those who exhibit these signs are labelled crazy, locked up, and tranquilized. Of course it's possible to be insane, and to do horrible things in that state, and society can be required to do something about it - but it is not a good solution. Most crazy people are not really crazy, they are simply sensitive to the other side, and even though they may misunderstand some things, shutting them down contributes nothing. Much better for them to become comfortable with "the other world".

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Love is Looking Out into The Morning. It's Looking Back at You This Easter Day."



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