Dog Poet Transmitting.......
I, USUALLY, solve something to My Satisfaction in one of two ways. I reason it out, or I am informed by The Intuition, which... I will mention again stands for Inner Teaching. So it is that I was considering the vaccines in this light. We KNOW that the pandemic was a case of transference and deception because The Flu and the Common Cold disappeared, and so did all the other maladies whose numbers they needed to panic humanity. It reminds me of Israel changing the Arab names for towns and streets in The Occupied Zones, so as to say... “Well, they/it were never here in the first place.”
I tied the Scamdemic in with the election right off. Then I went on to the vaccines, which I guess were ready and waiting all along. However... they aren't really vaccines, are they? And they don't really work, do they? People are dying from them in numbers that perhaps all the vaccines of history combined would not accomplish. People are also getting all sorts of alarming reactions. Some of them trending toward chronic conditions. On the whole... studying and reflecting, I can come to no other conclusion than that the vaccines are the product of malign intent.
Chaotic conditions the world over are being accelerated at this time. It's as if there is some kind of a race on. Something is coming. Something big is coming and it is going to sweep all other concerns aside. They may still be there but they won't matter, as the awareness dawns on all life to SOME degree or other. It will be seen from many diverse perspectives. Self-Interest will triumph in many and that runs from concerns over profit to SURVIVAL issues. It is not that hard to imagine that, depending on your state of being, it might look like a devil, or it might look like an angel. It could look like an alien, or whatever the heart imagines or The Mind PROJECTS
It looks like there will be people jumping for joy, and there will be people trembling in fear. There will be sadness and gladness all around. There will be people looking to hide and some to be seen who were previously unseen.
Study your life and see where your investments are. What did you do with your life? Whatever that would be is where you will find your investments. That could be really good news or really bad news. The best news is that one can do something about it. At any point where a person comes to epiphany, and there still remains life and breath, there is hope of transforming change and that means a change of destiny. One might have been doing nothing of any real importance for most of their life. One might have been doing mostly harm. One can step into a new world of understanding at any time. This is one of the features of an apocalypse and most especially of a Grand Apocalypse. With the coming of The Avatar will be coming a stream of waterfalling blessings. Those who are ABLE TO SEE or FEEL THEM will enjoy them.
Many things are coming with The Avatar. He is bringing his Qualities. He is bringing forgiveness and redemption for those who would avail themselves of it. He is bringing punishment for those who are unrepentant and defiant. I think resisting The Avatar would be like a temporary shadow, caused by a passing cloud, raising its fists to The Sun. It's no contest. This is something The Dark Side refuses to acknowledge. There are those steeped in evil who know how the power ratio works out but there is something in their nature that keeps them from getting it.
I am well aware of how things look down here and I am also conversant with History. I know what a bloodbath it's been. I can see the sorrow and loss. We've never had it so good as in recent years. For many of us, it seems that our appreciation and gratitude have left town. I was fairly convinced that it was true what got said here about Materialism=Insanity. I have now been completely convinced. I can see the trends running out of the moment, like programmed rivers. Trends have a destiny, just like everything else. It is obvious, everyone dies OR IS CHANGED. Does it not seem therefore that what you live for is what you will die for? Karma is a MOST INTRIGUING thing. It has my attention a good part of the time, especially since EVERYTHING is Karma.
Karma is a simple process, it seems; action and then reaction is as succinctly as I can put it. Then you add in terms such as equal, like, and opposite. That complicates it somewhat. Then you get into the uniqueness factor of individualized snowflakes. Isn't each grain of sand somehow unique and apart? The same applies to us. There are times when God lights up the entire universe with his conscious light, for a brief period (relatively speaking). It doesn't happen often, but it happens.
Of course, as an individual, you can experience this with every cell in all of your bodies being flooded with conscious light. This is one of the culminating moments in Yoga. If anyone knew what wonders await them on the spiritual path, they would walk no other path.
The World is dazzling, isn't it? More so than most would accept. Many think that they see through The World and they don't even see through themselves. Maya has both gross and fine aspects. The grosser and the finer run off into an infinitude of progressions. If you can manage to get undazzled, there is a much more incredible area of experience awaiting. This is another feature that comes with The Avatar. There are always a certain amount of signs and wonders. Some see a good amount of them and some see nothing at all. Beyond such pedestrian spiritual events, there is a deeper core of wonder at the treasure cave within, filled with endless possibilities of being and expression.
We live in a treasure house and cannot see the treasures. We see the bad copies and intentional perversions of them. They are presently plentiful. It takes a special sort of person to turn away from the bedazzlement of The World. Ironically, life WILL teach you the value of what you thought was worth having, pursuing et al. This is the essence of Suffering. The Buddha put it as clearly as I've heard it, when he said, “All life is pain, caused by ignorant desire.” Christ said, “Lay not up your treasures where moth and rust can consume them.” Krishna said that by whatever path anyone might go, he is the end result. “All roads, Arjuna, lead to me.” So... one suffers until one is tired of suffering, and then lets go of the instruments of their torment.
The Avatar is bringing the game plan and the road map for the next round of demonstrations for the purpose of (grin). The Avatar is all of your real hopes and dreams in a singularity. He's coming to reward and to punish. He has no wish to punish but the process is automatic. Here comes Karma again.
I've studied, and in some cases, experienced some of the states that different systems speak of, like Nirvana, Heaven, Awakening, Realization, Liberation, Jivanmukti, Illumination. There are a lot of words one could add here. I am not in any way seeking to imply that I am realized, liberated, or illuminated. What I am saying is that I have had a taste of them here and there. Some of the experiences were absolutely transforming and have stayed through my life. I can tell you this much, The World is a POOR, POOR competition for the Singing Joy of The King's Highway.
Yes, there are rocks in the road. There are ALWAYS rocks in the road. It might be said that WE are the rocks in the road. You can look at it as a drudgery, or dangerous, or you can see it with excitement and anticipation. The Attitude is yours. I don't want to be Down. Some people prefer it. Some like to sing The Blues. That doesn't work for me. I'm waiting on The Avatar and I know he's coming, and he's coming on the inside as well.
I don't know why this would be hard for anyone to believe. We have historical records of avatars coming and going. You would find if you could access occult history, that it is a cosmic clockwork thing. Whenever things get too disturbing down here, he makes an appearance, and he does it in REGULAR sequences. He's due clockwise and he's due world-wise, insofar as present conditions are evidence of.
Prior to his coming there is a departure of humanity from spiritual concerns. Often the traditions he comes into have become archaic, rigid, and often nonsensical. Ping! Ping! Ping!
As I have said, often, I don't have to convince anyone else of anything. I have ONLY to convince myself. I KNOW that God is REAL. Having confirmed this, I am left with no further options except to CELEBRATE it, and I FULLY intend to do so.
This is a time to pay CAREFUL attention to what is going on inside of you. Outside of you is, at best, a distraction. I know you have to go to work, put food on your family and complete the various chores that attend our being here. Well... the good news is that once you find God (who wasn't lost in the first place) you will still have to chop wood and carry water. These are Incidentals to your being here, and tied into your previous engagements. Far more important is that which is lifting you out of the dream world and into a cornucopia of endlessly flowing NOW. My recommendation is to go with that.
End Transmission.......
A few links for your perusal;
Via Populist Press
Biden Secretly Using U.S. Military to For ‘Dead of the Night’ Operation
Via The Real History Channel
NY Times: European Floods Are Latest Sign of a Global Warming Crisis
CJ Hopkins, Via The Truthseeker
The Approaching Storm
Via Hal Turner
Via The Real History Channel
Philosophy (based on logic) will always be superior to Fake Science
@tummymuncher VIA Twitter
THREAD: thread screenshots
Praise for Dr. Falsie
@WhiteHouse via Twitter
THREAD: Watch Olivia Rodrigo and Dr. Fauci read fan tweets
"THEY LIVE" Full length 1998 Movie
Vis, a 'studious' column. Appreciated!
Vis: "I am well aware of how things look down here and I am also conversant with History. I know what a bloodbath it's been. I can see the sorrow and loss. We've never had it so good as in recent years."
It gets even more interesting when you have 'inner reactions' to places, indicating that you have been there before (in past lives). I have had enough of that to be 'over' building kingdoms, empires, etc. The human race has been awesome, in its march through time. (And bloody-minded.) It is time to step-up to the next level...
Vis: "Prior to his coming there is a departure of humanity from spiritual concerns. Often the traditions he comes into have become archaic, rigid, and often nonsensical."
Yes, it is often a winding-down from some 'high' point/phase, when the original Teacher and his/her/its original Students were in-body. Over time, the inner energy has departed from the endeavor/enterprise. This is why I am excited by all the energy/light/love being 'thrown' downwards towards earth plane, lately. Plus, the Cleaning or removal of 'bad actors' from the higher levels, as a prelude to Something. Encouraging...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
The split of the worlds. Not really, but a 3D/5D state of mind. In Matrix, outta Matrix.
Time. What does it mean? I saw an article a while back that the December 12, 2021 date was way off and the real end was October 28 of this year. It's somewhere on Rumormill News. Couldn't find it there, but I think this is what was posted on RMN:
I dunno. We shall see if it means anything other than 'TURN THE PAGE'.
Well, what ever. I have much to look forward to. After all, we don't live here forever.
Oh, and I liked yesterday's post too. I thought I tried to comment, but maybe not. Life's been kinda hectic despite getting not quite 3.5 shifts a week, not that I knew whether I was comin' or goin' even when it wasn't. I mean, they don't call me a space cadet fer nuthin'.
I liked your post, well written.
Me thinks we will be moving into the next 'phase' simultainiously with the other phases already in progress. Will need to do a "Fourier transform' to sort these phases out. Climate is next on the agenda, drought, floods, locusts, etc. With the correct 'software' we can sort out and/or eliminate the distractions and noise. Just maybe if I can tune in to the correct 'frequency' I can send a message to God, or at least the Angels at the front desk. Just hoping.
I thought this may help some of your readers out of...Babylon
Kate Of Gaia
Take it as you will, but listen first.
No, that's not what I found on RMN. Wrong year. Duh. Skimmed instead of read it all the way. Well, we shall see if anything interesting happens on October 15 or 28 of this year.
Oh, ye gods I'm a basket case. I found the link on RMN:
Visible One,
A scintillating succintness of saga, with sage insight to taste!
When one is lifted in creative fervor to express, we all share the glory of rubbing up against the heart of the One!
Is it only that we finally weary of worry and fearing our own shadow?
Is it only the unmoveable movement we learn to pay attention to?
When we say "Aha!" and see who is holding is to our worst oaths made in self-destructive fits?
Does the dawn come only after a long enough night to notice it?
He's coming to reward and to punish. He has no wish to punish but the process is automatic
The impersonal law is perfectly fair. Even the minions of butthole surfing know inside that they are just riding a wave and the crash is coming, just not today, they hope.
The mystery lies in the mercy added to the mix. Just as the slack provided by the feminine energy flow pattern maintains life possible on earth, so the passion play has surprise endings for karmic debt, available for those who return home in time.
How the bare bones of order are fleshed out with luxuriant outpourings of embodied love, all over this town.
Will we trade our handful of trinkets trapped in a bottle for a lift out of the court of impartial law?
Our digital fascimiles of living emotion for a flow from the One which never ends?
Our memories of that one time when we felt like our true selves for a present passion that exceeds our false limitations?
How is our love today?
Do we curse the darkness which we cast with our own umbrella mind?
The convergence of all dark intentions to one planet for revelation may make a powerful illusion that this entire plane of physical consequences is mostly dark and abandoned by the heart of mercy.
But we KNOW that all is made of light, love in crystallized harmonies.
Darkness is a relative shadow between greater and lesser lights.
The shit rising into view is not really a tsunami at all but a thin crust from smelting metal to purity...
The inverted love being dragged into the public square despite all the technological sorcery pounding on our consciousness is testimony to our will to mostly sleep through our automatic dream walk.
We in our common sense always knew that perversion of life was magnified far out of proportion by phantom vampires but we thought we could just do our own thing unmolested and move on.
The conveyor belt of child sacrifice to pedovores escaped our notice only because we stared so hard at objects of desire.
Souls in creative uprisings have always flown through the shadows and rejoiced to find them only surface blemishes, visible only from a sideways point of view.
The flatness of evil is only able to cover the rock until scissors comes along.
We smile when we find heaven has been restored to pure genius and the play continues until everyone gets it!
There is no reason in fear, no logic in panic and no love in self-hatred.
Time to end the long lost story we have been telling ourselves to hide from the One.
””Something is coming. Something big is coming and it is going to sweep all other concerns aside.””
I ‘d have to agree with that. The entire world has lost its marbles. I hope it happens before they force the kill shot on everyone.
I won’t take it, God knows what will happen to those of us who say no. It’s probably forced suicide either way. Do you think God will hold it against us for ending our own life ? What would Vis do? Take it or run ?
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"Tom Brady Just Committed Character Suicide in a Very Public Way and Character is Fate.
This business of something big is coming....I've read this very statement for years on end but still have no idea what it is. Something physical? spiritual? financial? I suppose the only way is to just let it arrive in all its glory (or fury, whatever).
The last anon commenter's second paragraph is also of great concern to me. Just how far is God taking us towards that self-destruct room? At that rate there would be no-one left on Earth alive and untainted!
Rixon really needs to start tighter moderating of comments over at Truthseeker.
It's not just Les Visible's posts that get shit spewed on them; the graffiti-clowns taint all the fine work that gets posted there. It may well be part of a blackwashing operation.
Often I read a good post there and want to share the Truthseeker link with a like-minded friend. Unfortunately, the mindless negativity and "kill the jews" canards that a few tireless posters append to the articles make me embarrassed to share the link. I often end up sending the article's source-link instead.
Regarding something big, maybe the Luciferians will try another mass sacrifice to Molech on 9/11?
I feel it too L, the mighty steed of Mr. Apocalypse, God's Fifth Column is coming as well with huge bags of spanners for the works.
During the early morning walk the Sun was behind the clouds and I said thank you for your light and for your love, the clouds parted and it shone so brightly, beautiful!
This world is nothing but the mental institution of the universe as Goethe said.
I have a beloved animal and some good hiking boots, what else is needed.
Regarding the highway, that will be where to go when the mandatory kill shot vax goes live and comrade kommissar Mitch Turkey Neck McConnell says more lockdowns and mandatory is coming.
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