Tuesday, August 10, 2021

"Succor, Safety, Sanctuary and The Like are ALL Available if You Know Where to Look."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

People often argue about traditions and systems, which they believe are outdated or unduly confining or... shudder... racist. You are now witnessing what happens when traditions and systems decay and fall. It seems they were providing a useful function after all. This Great Change, like the changes in the weather, is the result of cosmic events and they come round like clockwork. Did you not wonder why there is almost no record of previous civilizations after the passage of time? We've hardly any evidence of Atlantis and Lemuria, which were predecessors to what we do have a revisionist record of. Except for Plato and few others, whatever there was, burned up with the Library of Alexandria. Here is what is soon to be coming from MANY places around The World. In an apocalypse... much that was previously hidden is uncovered.

Prior to Atlantis and Lemuria, there have been countless dramas that played out here. They came and they went, just as you have in your calliope of lives. None of these things were new. They were only variations on a theme. The greater objective of existence is liberation from it on planes of disorder. You are presently resident on a plane of disorder seeking balance, and balance has gone missing.

When traditions, and systems, and cultures pass, as their season comes to an end; disorder is the fruit of it. They simply waste away due to the corruption of form, or they are devoured by pestilence or war. People waste their entire lives arguing about what did or did not happen with others who know as little as they do. Once people have convinced themselves of something, they set about arguing over it. Perhaps they think this will give it the patina of legitimacy?

The world is filled with books written by people couching opinions in fabricated evidence. Almost NO ONE knows what they are talking about. Some have read many books. This gives them the profile of a pundit. One of the things I have begun to do, where previously I paid little attention, is read the comments that follow articles at different sites. This permits me to take the street-pulse of the moment. Here is what I have noticed. There is an ever-increasing number of VERY angry, and VERY frustrated people. There is also an ever-increasing number who are INSANE.

This insanity is the real pandemic. The powers that think they are, are dedicated to feeding and accelerating the madness. They know which buttons to push. They think they are maintaining their places. They will be victims of the mob when the insanity becomes exponential. 5G is a real asset for them. Of course, they have directed energy beams and other technologies that serve this purpose. They also have cabals of magicians who work each day at creating passion-driven thought forms that move through the herd mind. You see this when there is incitement to riot or in the run-up to war.

All of this SHIT comes and goes on a daily basis. It is a cosmic biorhythm. People are born and then they age and die. Cultures rise and fall. Mountains rise from the seas. Over a long time-lapse moment, mountains crumble into the sea or are worn away by wind and rain. It has been like this for time out of memory. Given ubiquitous mortality, it seems reasonable to say that there is no real LASTING profit in the present or the future. It will ALL fade AWAY. What's the point then? It is irrational to strive and contend against your fellows in a Zero-Sum Game. Yet, nearly everyone does or they are beaten into the pavement.

It makes me laugh. It used to make me weep when I would encounter the endless arguments that come to nothing. The sham and pretense of this world is a thing of wonder. People are deceived by the reports of the senses, and then their undisciplined imaginations take over. Their WILL is compromised by the pursuit of pedestrian desires, and due to the state of spontaneous convenience, they are subsumed in frustration. Mostly because there is no THERE there. All one's hopes in the terrestrial are replaced by loss and disappointment. It is rare when this is not the case.

What is the status of those few who are not troubled by such things? They have hope of a hereafter, even if that hereafter occurs HERE, as is often the case. The carousel of lives, all based on what preceded them, CONTINUES.

Some minds will read what is written here and their material minds, magnetized by dust, will cause them to rise in dispute. They do not know what is real and what is not, but they are convinced of their own arguments about... whatever. Bad things are going to happen to MANY people in the short term. This DOES NOT have to happen but IT WILL. Those so convinced of whatever delusions propel them through The Dream World are not to be deterred because they want what they want, and they want it now.

I am in a fortunate position because I DO NOT KNOW. I am viscerally certain of this. How then is it that I write so voluminously? I know someone who does know. There is nothing special about me but I did find something special, priceless, unique , and everlasting. Now the argument makers will assume I am talking about some religion. What I am talking about is Ageless Wisdom and I have met the caretakers. This is possible for ANYONE who desires it more than anything else. That is the ONLY requirement, other than a particular state of Purity.

I make no claims of any exceptional state of advancement in respect of Ageless Wisdom. HOWEVER, I do know that it resides within me, as it does in everyone. It IS accessible AND... you will get nowhere without certain qualities that also stand as credentials and a form of passport that is written into the fabric of one's being, and which radiates out from the suit of clothes we call our body. Most people could care less about these things and especially in Times of Material Darkness (blindness).

These blogs exist as a communion zone for those in search of it. They are not zones of contention, strife, acrimony, or argument. These blogs are a “take it or leave it” zone. Here is a comment that came to me through several avenues, due to the petitioning of the author.

The following was NOT WRITTEN BY ME.

“I know now where you are coming from.

This is brain washing.

Let me explain


The HINDU “Religion” or more correctly Culture and Tradition of India is one of the worst on the planet. All you have to do is go to the north of India and Kathmandu the capital of Nepal to see the depravity of the people. Mother Kali otherwise known as the Dark Mother (or Smashin) is really dark (see the people who practice around Kali). Milarepa was a murderer. Buddhism has misled a lot of people in the west. So has the hypocrite Dalai Lama.

Lets talk about the Guru Bawa. Sufism, as I found out travelling in the middle East, is considered an Islamic Shamanism by most traditional and progressive Muslims.

GOD = The one we sacrifice to (Old German). Greek word THEOS the same. Originally sacrificing children as per the original Jehova the god of Israel and the tribes of Judah — CRONOS — Saturn (Roman) – Jakhvue – the Greek Iakhe.

OUTER & INNER LIFE. There is no such thing.

MIND, to distinguish from the brain, is a misnomer by the new religion of science and psychology.

HEART: Heart is not a seat of anything except pump blood. This was taken again from the dangerous study of the CHAKRAS. I implore people do not go there. Many people have messed up their lives because of it.

[NIRVANA]: the ultimate destruction of the self (Soul?). The Sentient Self is more accurate.

WILL: Will and freedom do not exist when the self is in a biological body. Will and freedom are the prerogatives of the CREATORS. There are INFINITE NUMBER OF CREATORS. This is according to the dynamic universe a basic 6-D wave (see 6-D wave theory and 6×6 Tensor, that explains the quantum field space – and also the big bang and gravity, see Quantum fluctuations and quantum entanglement at infinite speeds – the explanation of consciousness. The electron is the smallest stable electromagnetic unit we know that exhibits consciousness and it is due to the entanglement that enables it to be in rapport with everything in the universe instantly). The 6×6 wave tensor is minimum required but in reality because of the nature of the phasic (phasic as regards the REAL 3-D) complex field it is of infinite dimensions hence non-deterministic differential equations. That is how quantum mechanics work. They are Statistical mechanics with weighted probabilities.

The Electromagnetic field space has its own unique speed, that is the product and contraction of the expanding universe at infinite speed and the attraction of the nodal forces (gravitational bending of space). The Electromagnetic space is ENTROPIC and is governed by the speed of light (and h the Plancks constant which can be CALCULATED using the existing Electromagnetic Theory).

LIVING BOOK: This has its roots purely from the Torah, the Bible and the Koran.

SPIRIT: Originally meant quantum field space and quantum field entities. They are the result of the UNIT IMPULSE and the fundamental Principle of indiscriminate expansion what we call INDISCRIMINATE LOVE.

HEAVEN: Quantum Space.

CELESTIAL HIERARCHY: There is no such thing. There is one creator in this sector of the universe. The realms of the CREATORS do not intersect.

INVISIBLE KINGDOM: This is a subject on its own. The mechanism of vision, etc.”

Someone went to Wikipedia and various internet grab bags and mostly cut and pasted this screed which contradicts itself and is pompous and preening at the same time. Something is missing, however, there is no following statement of actions to take or courses to follow. This is because the author doesn't have any. He has no solutions, only unrelated statements that clarify nothing.

If they ever harness the power of Windbag, I suspect we could power a great many living spaces. A similar untapped resource is the friction that is created by rubbing flesh when the obese walkabout. I was thinking about something along the lines of the generator attached to the wheel of a bicycle to provide a night lamp. As sarcastic and ridiculous as this may seem, it will work easily as well as the tech of the Green New Deal, though storing it might be problematic. I can't say it's clean energy but it is energy, though the obese are not known for taking long walks.

Why did I suddenly “right turn, Clyde.” in this posting? I really want to address the creeping insanity that is replicating around the world. You go crazy when you resist the inner director. Some will say there is no inner director. More and more, I am noticing people whose only motivation is to be noticed. It reminds me of Reality TV, which possesses NO Reality at all. People are attention seekers because it can lead to NOTORIETY and then MONEY. Notoriety is NOT the same as Fame. I am reminded of those who strive with all their force to get on stage but did not bother to acquire any talent beforehand.

Succor, Safety, Sanctuary, and the like are ALL available if you know where to look and don't mind leaving your PERSONAL baggage behind. Otherwise, you are an over-burdened cripple using their cross for a crutch. I refer to this body in which the spirit is crucified by PERSONAL ambitions. Achieve IMPERSONALITY and you WILL be made free of Suffering.

End Transmission.......

I have (what I believe to be) some interesting links today-

Via The New York Post
Behind every not so great man is a not so great woman=
Ex-colleagues blast Gov. Cuomo’s ‘mean girl’ Melissa DeRosa

Melissa DeRosa


Anonymous said...

Finally its all over my head
I can absorb no more of things i don’t understand
Good bye and good luck

Anonymous said...

Taking Responsibility for Our Thoughts: Reflections on the Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta


Anonymous said...

"These blogs exist as a communion zone for those in search of it."
a big THX again from Germany for your being

Anonymous said...

Another anonymous here, I also find it all to be well over my head. Strangely I'm not drowning though. I do know how to swim. Would you care to see a very beautiful butterfly? I had to ask it several times if I could take its picture today. He was reluctant but then said yes. Unfortunately I can't post his picture here. Had the most amazing yellow spots, decorative blue sparkles, and eyes. Just amazing. Let me take 20 close-ups. Thanks Mr. V. you are like the butterfly, I don't know what it means, but an interesting read.

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'sobering' column. Thanks!

Vis: "It is irrational to strive and contend against your fellows in a Zero-Sum Game."

This is actually The Great Game. If you go a few levels up, it is a Creative Universe. The new stuff pops out of all-God. No problem; the universe expands.

The 'construction' of a Zero-Sum Game is meant for control and power (and fun, for bad-guy entities). It is accomplished by walling-off or killing-off access to Higher States. Once this is done, one is just a meat-bag. (Not really, but this is the operating-mindset for their purposes.)

People who are operating-within the Zero-Sum Game are lost. This is intended. In addition, it is hard to 'bring them back' because they would have to feel-through the pain which they are holding, just to be in this state. It can be done, but it is an uphill struggle.

Once a society (or world) has been compromised enough, the 'solution' cannot come from within the society. It must come from Without; from 'uncontaminated' areas. I suspect Vis' Mr. Apocalypse is a code name for this Assistance.

Interesting Times...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Sargent Schultz said...

Nothing for Smoking Mirrors in the evil browser that starts with G.
There are other alternatives.
I'm not a Christian either. I got up and walked out during the turn the other cheek sermon and thankfully parents didn't push it or get upset, that was in the 1980's.
I do KNOW that God is real and knew it before the trial by fire as he pulled my smoking bacon right out of the pan and no one else could do that.
Synchronicity has always been there and it is worth more than a harem or pot of gold to me.
I don't know what world events will transpire either but most will never wake up because they are slaves to appetites and it is almost demoralizing to see it.
Maybe some are just born with an awareness of the Potemkin fraud that is the world.
An open mind is best regarding Mithras and even the Pagans that were around a long time ago and we will need all the help we can get to battle the forces of evil that are loose and bloodthirsty.

Graham Hook said...

“WILL: Will and freedom do not exist when the self is in a biological body. Will and freedom are the prerogatives of the CREATORS. There are INFINITE NUMBER OF CREATORS. This is according to the dynamic universe a basic 6-D wave (see 6-D wave theory and 6×6 Tensor, that explains the quantum field space – and also the big bang and gravity, see Quantum fluctuations and quantum entanglement at infinite speeds – the explanation of consciousness. The electron is the smallest stable electromagnetic unit we know that exhibits consciousness and it is due to the entanglement that enables it to be in rapport with everything in the universe instantly). The 6×6 wave tensor is minimum required but in reality because of the nature of the phasic (phasic as regards the REAL 3-D) complex field it is of infinite dimensions hence non-deterministic differential equations. That is how quantum mechanics work. They are Statistical mechanics with weighted probabilities.
The Electromagnetic field space has its own unique speed, that is the product and contraction of the expanding universe at infinite speed and the attraction of the nodal forces (gravitational bending of space). The Electromagnetic space is ENTROPIC and is governed by the speed of light (and h the Plancks constant which can be CALCULATED using the existing Electromagnetic Theory)”

While reading through this steaming pile of Theory-Presented-As-Undeniable-Verifiable-Fact I was reminded of that Richard Dawkins meme: a photo of him smiling into the camera with the tagline “ I’m going to keep saying Science until you start believing in monkey people”

Anonymous said...

"These blogs exist as a communion zone for those in search of it." Nicely put. That is indeed why I come here.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Trust The Source of The Greatest Love of All. It Triumphs Even Over Death."

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Me thinks you write so much because you are a transducer who has no choice. Been there, done that, though the project I started will never be completed, for I quit. I don't feel like spending another year or so of lost sleep to edit and correct a major flaw that most won't even be aware of.

Amazing how much of the garbage that is happening hasn't touched us in this household. Almost makes me think this realm doesn't know I exist.

Nostrils up on the post.

Adam said...

3 x comments.
1. Anon - “ Finally its all over my head
I can absorb no more of things i don’t understand
Good bye and good luck”. This made laugh out loud. It probably is best this person doesn’t come here if it’s over their heads. They’ve clearly taken a wrong turn to end up here only for it to not be what they thought it was. Odd they felt the need to comment.

2. I had to stop reading that bizarre comment you quoted - it hurt my brain. What a load of gibberish.

3. Which brings me to my main point: you always seem to get these weird commentators here. I know Vis explains most of it as people who think they know but do not, the pompous, the insane. But sometimes I get the suspicion it’s a deliberate and contrived distraction. Honestly, I can’t be the only one. Some really bizarre ramblings sometimes. And I realise all they’ve achieved is to waste my time, your time,
Vis’a time by reading their nonsense and trying to untangle it. And I just wonder sometimes….. was that the purpose? So I just stop reading them now. Same with anywhere online. And in real life conversations. Does this benefit me to here this? Is this useful?

Great post Vis. As always. The majority of your visitors incredibly appreciate the ineffable gifting us with you as a medium.




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