Wednesday, October 06, 2021

"The ENDURING Truth is that They Can Do Nothing to You Unless You Fear Them. This is VERY Hard to Explain."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

As has been mentioned here many times, I am an observer of Trends and Patterns. Instagram is owned by Facebook. Here are the ten most followed Instagram personalities. A significant portion of them have no demonstrated talent, and are worshiped all the same, BY MANY MILLIONS! If you go to other social media portals, you will see the same names and others. They are, mostly... vapid Possessed shells, sports figures, AND... corporations. They are ALL remotely controlled entities. These are the models for very large numbers of people. What you emulate, you EVENTUALLY become a reflection of.

Humanity has fallen into either a deep sleep or a restless dream state. Operating at the same time as this, and resonating up from deeper depths comes The Awakening. This is distressing news to the sleepers and dreamers. They don't know the source of their discomfort and increasing apprehension, but they know it is there; like a boil, like an itch, like a bad vibration.

There was an illuminated soul who lived in the 13th century named Meister Eckhart.

Meister Eckhart
Meister Eckhart c.1260 – c.1328

That link will take you to a collection of his quotes. He's well known only in certain circles where The Truth is valued above all else. He once said, “secretly Nature seeks and hunts and tries to ferret out the track in which God may be found.” He seems to imply that no matter what you think you may be looking for, you are looking for God. This is how awakened souls have no real trouble with Evil, in whatever form it may come. They do not compute with evil design, and so... Evil passes them by.

When you see how many people have been coerced into having a vaccine, that is not a vaccine, in order to protect them from what it does not protect them from, you should realize that this is a large number of people. When you see that people, dying from all manner of ills, are all determined to have died from COVID, because the people who do this get paid for making that association, you can see how many people are sleeping. When you see that the numbers of the dead are actually no different than they ever were, once you start blaming COVID for what USED TO BE caused by all sorts of other conditions, and that the survival rate is over 99%, and that the average age of those dying is greater than the average age people live to in these times, AND that this same block of Fearful Stupid have no problem with this or any of the other lies they have been told... well... OBVIOUSLY... a certain amount of trauma and shock is going to be required to awaken them.

We are as responsible for what is happening as are those who are causing it, due to our complicity and conformance.

I truly wish it were otherwise, BUT... people have... somehow... gotten so deeply trance-like that nothing else is going to get their attention. In the links below, you are going to see the sort of extreme examples that are emblematic of these times. It brings a question to mind.

WHY... why are the self-styled elite in such an aggressive panic to ENFORCE submission upon the bedrock middle class, that holds the country together through The Family Unit, which they are also trying to destroy? Also in the links, you will see examples of some of those they intend to replace this bedrock population with. Vaccine mandates are on the menu, while Biden has told the DOJ and Homeland Insecurity to go after parents who complain at school board meetings about Critical Race Theory, and a number of perverse policies.

If you are not understanding any of this, I suggest you do what intrepid researchers have done many a time in the past; FOLLOW THE MONEY! Follow the money does not mean only the profit incentive that comes from reducing humanity to sheep for the sheering and the butcher. It also has to do with who it is that has so much money that they can wield their influence like a baseball bat upon defenseless citizens.

Now... a ridiculous pawn that they are calling a whistleblower, and who is an absolute fraud, is before Congress, reciting what they have been paid to say about Facebook's censorship policies and who says, “They don't go far enough!”

Who is it that has the money to finance so much of the mischief we now see on a daily basis? Who owns Social Media? Who owns The Central Banks? Who is financing AND producing the publicity for gender nonsense? Who funds all of the alt-sex movements? Who controls the pornography markets? Who hates Christmas and Christianity here in The United States? Who is financing the revolutionary footsoldiers in the efforts to cause a race war? Who is leaning on the celebrity community to become a shill for dangerous and unnatural behavior? Who owns the networks that fabricate and disseminate tailored lies to the public? Who makes the movies and the TV shows? Who runs the music business, and brought in violent and depraved rap to unsettle the human subconscious, and create an infernal soundtrack for life?

When you look into these questions, AND OTHERS, like who manufactures the vaccines that are not vaccines, you find it is ALWAYS the same demographic. Look it up!!! The evidence is overwhelming and convincing. You aren't allowed to say who it is, although we all know who it is... IN THE MAIN. They have little helper orcs who do their bidding... but the same names keep coming up!!!

I am not here to give them a bad rap. They are doing this quite effectively on their own. I am not here to make war on them. They are efficiently destroying themselves without my help. I am not here to incite fear in the reader over these twisted creatures. They are programmed by darker and more insidious forces, like the Shadow out of Mordor, which keeps appearing in some new location after the necessary time to lick its wounds after the last engagement. Because it ALWAYS loses the war, if not every battle.

The ENDURING truth is that they can do nothing to you unless you Fear them. This is VERY hard to explain. It is something you either are aware of or confused about. There is a dark room and you are in it. The dark can be scary. Who knows what is out there? You keep tripping over things that you cannot see. Someone turns on a light, and voila! No more tripping, and no more confusion, and no more scary, unless you were the one being scary.

The ENDURING Truth is that everything on The Visible Plane is influenced and controlled by what takes place on The Invisible Plane. This is Good News and Bad News, because, in Times of Material Darkness, the lower regions hold great sway, because The Lower Nature is what is called forth by the constructs of Materialism. This binds and enslaves Humanity. If you could see the creatures who embody human appetite and the negative human qualities, you might well void your bowels. They are quite fearsome. You know... they're cute when they're young, and then... they get big.

On the Good News end, The Liberator is coming. They know this. I know this, and some of you know this. Nothing they have or can get will defend them against The Liberator. They are doing all they can to evade the inescapable consequences of their long-term agenda of cold, sociopathic Evil. They drummed up Woke to mimic Awakening to their own ends. They caused The Migrant Crisis, the COVID Hoax, the Abortion Nightmare, and all of the gender blurring nonsense that twists human sexuality out of recognition. These are ALL distractions, but the distractions are to no avail.

Yes... there are those who seem to be out of the reach of Awakening. There are those whose moral sense is corrupted. There are those in whom various, atavistic propensities for excess, have become an addiction. There are a number of different problems, which... when you add them together, account for a lot of people. The Dawning Light will shine on all of us, but... only some of us will see it and respond to it. By the day, the force of Awakening grows stronger and stronger. By the day, Mr. Apocalypse uncovers one plot after another. By the day, The Avatar comes closer to The Manifest Plane. This is what I attend to and await. I have no concern about what might come to pass in the process. I am saddened for many, but... what can you say or do?

It seems... twas ever thus. Whether it is Atlantis, Lemuria or Noah and the Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah or the many, many other cataclysms that wiped the slate into a near tabla rasa... it has ever been so. I suspect it will be the same again, only different. When I try to engage a new discipline or institute some program I think might assist in my quest, I am told to go ahead, but it doesn't really matter if I do or I don't. Hmm...

I have been given strong evidence that I am waiting for something, and that the answer for everything is contained in it. You go as far as you can, and then you wait. I was told to wait. It is like experiencing Jivanmukti. A time comes when you have stilled, but the mind has not. It goes right on turning out product, even though there is no longer a force driving it. It spins and spins like a wheel. Finally, it comes to a stop. The process is a mystery. It can be maddening to be in this state. You've done all you could, but the wheel keeps spinning. It will stop on its own accord. Until then... hold fast.

End Transmission.......

And a collection of links=

Via Fox News
"Yes, that's what we like, more of the little people hitting each other!"=
Atlanta 'machete man' terrorizes neighborhood, accused of squatting in house amid eviction moratorium

Atlanta Machete Man

Via Forbidden Knowledge TV
ah yuh-
It's not a Vaccine!

Via TuckerOnly @ YouTube
Jim Breuer on Tucker. This is a must see=
Jim Breuer Goes Crazy Explaining Vaccine Mandates

Via What Finger
people singing in the streets and it's not even Christmas!

Via PinkNews @ YouTube
some are sicker than even those who are sicker than others
Coming out as transgender to my wife and ridiculous reactions

Via Celeste M @ YouTube
I found the last 3 in a matter of seconds. There are so many-
5 Things I Didn't Expect After Top Surgery

Richard Hugus – Via The Truthseeker
The last sentence shows Mr. Apocalypse at work again=
“My name is Bill Gates, King of Kings”

Bill Gates, King of Kings

Via TweenTween3 @ Twitter
Girls just wanna have fun!

some subliminal fellatio from the girlfriend of the richest man in the world, who is not with the richest man in the world any more=
Communist Party Thanks Her...


Via Breitbart
and yet more megalomania runs wild=
Far Left Facebook Whistleblower:
People Like Me Should Regulate Big Tech


Charlie Eastman Via Human Events
and... in a similar vein=
The Duchess is a Victim and Football is Gay

Chinese Propaganda Poster


Anonymous said...

Anyone surprised by this:


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Just the realm of the demiurge. Passin' through for all the wrong reasons to all the right end, which is to get this worthless place outta my system. Everyone (All the mystics I listen to or read.) say this month is gonna be insane later. I have a feeling the time I've been waitin' fer all o' my life is NOW. Or close to it, anyway.

Nostrils up!

Ray B. said...

Vis, a 'Trends and Patterns' posting. Thanks!

Vis: "Now... a ridiculous pawn that they are calling a whistleblower, and who is an absolute fraud, is before Congress..."

Recently, I watched her segment on "Sixty Minutes." Immediately, I noticed that she had a 'fuzzy patch' in front of her (say a foot away) which extended from her forehead to her heart area. This 'Something' stayed there throughout the interview. Somehow, it was really messing with her energy. The 'combo' felt bad. And, she seemed to be reciting in programmed or automaton status. Whatever that was/is really disturbed me...
Vis: "They drummed up Woke to mimic Awakening to their own ends."

Thanks; you just clarified something for me. I had been trying to 'reconcile' Woke behavior within the energy realm. Normally, acting more-equally coincides with a raising of Consciousness. (You are closer to Source, so you are behaving accordingly.) The Woke folks whom I witnessed do not show a raising of Consciousness. They are simply 'attaching onto' a politically-based meme. Same (low) consciousness.

(This is no different in principle than the Chinese youth who 'enlisted' in Mao's Red Guard to trash China's cultural artifacts. No raising of Consciousness, just being Possessed by the meme-of-the-hour.)

"They drummed up Woke to mimic Awakening to their own ends." Sad but true. Fortunately, Higher Beings can see this 'mimicking' and do whatever needs to be done...
Vis: "When I try to engage a new discipline or institute some program I think might assist in my quest, I am told to go ahead, but it doesn't really matter if I do or I don't. Hmm..."

I have a similar feeling. It is as if we have collectively passed some form of 'crossroads'. It seems like the shape of things to come has been frozen into place, in a strategic sense. What will manifest, will manifest. This feeling is both comforting and disquieting...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Phillip Thompson said...

Check out the Grimes video "We Appreciate Power". Total transhumanist agenda.

Anonymous said...

"We are as responsible for what is happening as are those who are causing it, due to our complicity and conformance." I think this often though I can't see my complicity in any of this current shite. I assume it must be past lives karma.
My default position is that should the enforcer pricks come to forcibly prick me, some of them are coming with me if I can manage it.
Curiously though I'm not gloomy about my own state. I'm actually quite optimistic. This is down to the feedback I get most mornings in my meditations. As Morpheus said to Neo:"The answers are coming.",and not from me but to me.
I think close attention to feedback ie listening intently to the inner voice gives clear evidence of God's existence.There's no way I came up with so much of what I receive in this manner.


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Those for Whom Science is their God, Will Come to the Absurd Resolutions that Material Science Arrives At."

Graham Hook said...

“When you see how many people have been coerced into having a vaccine, that is not a vaccine, in order to protect them from what it does not protect them from, you should realize that this is a large number of people. When you see that people, dying from all manner of ills, are all determined to have died from COVID, because the people who do this get paid for making that association, you can see how many people are sleeping. When you see that the numbers of the dead are actually no different than they ever were, once you start blaming COVID for what USED TO BE caused by all sorts of other conditions, and that the survival rate is over 99%, and that the average age of those dying is greater than the average age people live to in these times, AND that this same block of Fearful Stupid have no problem with this or any of the other lies they have been told... well... OBVIOUSLY... a certain amount of trauma and shock is going to be required to awaken them.”

Perfectly put...there doesn’t seem to be any way of getting through to them.

Anonymous said...


ViZy wizy

I like Dwayne Johnson? I would have thought u do too
I agree Arnold Schwarzenegger is an empty soul but the Rock?? Whaddya mean by remotely controlled entity?? I does not undermestand?
He seems very solid in his personality….

Short bus transmission

Anonymous said...

When you see how many people have been coerced into having a vaccine, that is not a vaccine, in order to protect them from what it does not protect them from, you should realize that this is a large number of people. When you see that people, dying from all manner of ills, are all determined to have died from COVID, because the people who do this get paid for making that association, you can see how many people are sleeping. When you see that the numbers of the dead are actually no different than they ever were, once you start blaming COVID for what USED TO BE caused by all sorts of other conditions, and that the survival rate is over 99%, and that the average age of those dying is greater than the average age people live to in these times, AND that this same block of Fearful Stupid have no problem with this or any of the other lies they have been told... well... OBVIOUSLY... a certain amount of trauma and shock is going to be required to awaken them

That first sentence is pure poetry
Brother Al

Visible said...

In this statement;

"A significant portion of them have no demonstrated talent, and are worshiped all the same, BY MANY MILLIONS! If you go to other social media portals, you will see the same names and others. They are, mostly... vapid Possessed shells, sports figures, AND... corporations. They are ALL remotely controlled entities. These are the models for very large numbers of people. What you emulate, you EVENTUALLY become a reflection of."

I do not see Dwyane Johnson mentioned. I do see 'a significant portion' mentioned. Hmm... That explains the shortbus lifetime voucher that you have. (grin). Honk! Honk!



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