Friday, February 25, 2022

"Instead of a Real Tidal Wave, There is a Tidal Wave of Bullshit Rolling Over The Land of the Stupids."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

What a toxic load of weasel shit is the Crass Media at this time. From what I can see, Putin recognized the two counties, republics, (or whatever they are) in the Donbas mining area as independent states. So far... according to everyone except The Zio-News, which is most of the news, that's all that has happened, except for staged propaganda moments, fireworks masquerading as rocket attacks, and old video clips that happened at another time and place... maybe. You'll see some examples in the links.

They're pumping up this new festivity under orders from The Fraternal Order of Blood-Sucking Vampires, looking for a good body count on their next high-holy day. Everywhere you look, this one-note cacophony plays out over the government-approved klaxons. Instead of an ocean tidal wave, there is a tidal wave of bullshit rolling over The Land of the Stupids.

There are sections of The Press that include Lies vs Truth percentages; 99% to 1%, 80% to 20%, and maybe 60% to 40%, but it NEVER gets to 50% - 50%. Then we might have a middle section of half-truths, where a person could make up their mind about which direction to go in. The bad news is that whatever truth you think you find... simply circles back and disappears up that portal into darkness where The Sun don't shine.

I, more or less, knew that I was being lied to nearly all of the time early on, but... you get lulled into a drowse and forget that you were being lied to all the time. Every day, they hammer on you with the lies. Maybe you gravitate from the 99% to 1% over into 80% to 20% territory and you rise from comatose to deeply asleep. You figure you are actually fully awake at this point and the hall monitors give you a badge that says, “Let him through.” Later, in the cafeteria, they are giving out Kool-Aid rubdowns to help with the hot flashes of too much truth... trying to find its way into the wrong hole. “You may experience a period of slight discomfort in the beginning. Later... well, there won't be a later.

I've been aware of the level of deception... that is present in this world composed of deception... for a long time now. I must have gotten moderately comfortable with it. This is what they count on, I suppose. HOWEVER... however, what I have seen in the few days since they jumped ship from the U.S.S COVID... to the salvation zone of WAR in Porn-Central; also known as Ukraine, has given me a deep and abiding shudder that keeps returning like a palpable echo of what has never been.

Did someone hit a light switch somewhere? I don't remember ever seeing the manufactured deception so clearly before as I see it now. It's not just comical and ludicrous. It is redlining beyond ridiculous and absurd. It is whatever the more intensely descriptive words I do not possess would say it is... but... cannot say. I remember a few times, in altered states, where realization broke upon me and I could not stop laughing. I remember thinking, “Is this all there is?” Nothing was real. It was all waving ferns and flowers on a bright screen of living light, that was being obscured. Neither the ferns, nor the flowers, nor anything else was real. I could see this. I could see it clearly and at length. All too soon, I reintegrated back into Pretend World, the next day... or the day after that.

It's like going to the movies. Wherever you are, you are in a movie. You are also filming it. You are the cameraman, filming it with your eyes and recording it with your mind. It's not real. It's temporary, and the new temporary is waiting in the wings. The temporary after that is in the canteen or getting out of a car. The only eternal thing is the temporary endlessly replacing the temporary. Sometimes it jazzes you up and sometimes it puts you to sleep, and then you get another movie inside your head. What that movie is composed of are all the undigested bits of experience you did not process when you thought you were awake earlier.

Then there is the movie that is playing out in your head, all day, as you travel through the other unreal movie that is your life, going through, up, over, and around the scenery and the settings for your personal events; the markers for the memory of such and such a thing... happening in such and such a place. We really are right there at the bending end... now. It is eerie... uncanny... and Deja Vuistic (rhymes with casuistic... given the concentration of sophistry in the air, I thought it worthy of mention)

It's a make-believe world, so... people are very comfortable with making things up. It's all a lie, to begin with, right? What's wrong with having your own version of it? Here is the deal with lies, falsehoods... every permutation of deception that is there for the mix and matching, it is like after hours in a large theater wardrobe department, where a crowd of Nancy Boys and Fag Hags get all fabulous, and 'oh my god' about nothing at all... nothing but flash and glitter and getting old. I am guessing that getting old is a kind of Hell for those who lived so long in Never Neverland in their heads, only to find it Never Never was.

Now... they are rewriting History. They are reshaping Psychology. They are redefining Normal. They are like the orcs of Saruman, and they enjoy getting that man's flesh to eat. It is all a process of self-cannibalizing. Whatever it suits them to be, they make it up. They get you to believe it. They get the people around you to believe it, and you all come together over a commonly accepted lie, and... before you know it, it has become The Truth.

This is a small part of what I saw this morning (and yesterday), and the reactions it stirred up in me. These reactions are all just surface impressions dancing over the water. They don't have any effect on me anymore, but... The Mind does its own thing, whether you are fully engaged or not. The Mind is a Shake and Bake masterpiece. They think it up. They drum it up. (so to speak, given that everything is a matter of adapted vibrations) They stamp it out. They put it on the shelves and the airwaves, and everything hums in accord in The Hive until The Queen dies or they start making honey from poison Nightshade.

None of this is real. We are the dupes of The Masters of Illusion. There are some number of men behind the curtain. They don't want you to see what they are really up to; not that they actually know. They also don't want you watching their reversed Kundalini sex rites with each other.

Yeah... it's turned into a real shit show, but... that is good news. It means it can't go on much longer. The lies they have told are flammable, and pressure and fumes... combine to create the cleansing fire. Why is it that people do not see what a cycle is? If you spin a bicycle wheel it keeps returning over the same route in its motion. That is all it does. In other words, it's still YOU, no matter what new terrain and personality change you may get up to. It's like moving to a new town to solve a drinking problem. EVERYTHING has consequences and these are inescapable.

If you could find your, Fool on the Hill placement, you could see it all come round upon itself with incredible precision. You don't have to do anything. It all takes care of itself. What you have to do is free yourself from it through detachment. When you are fully detached, you no longer have to worry about your passions skewering your perspective. You see things as they are. Then there is no more attraction for any of it.

However, most people (and I mean most people) want a life, with the usual assortment of desires fulfilled (up until they are fulfilled), which in the imagination all come to perfect fruition... that NEVER happens. The ONLY time things work out anywhere near perfectly is when you leave them completely alone. If you are intent on watering and providing nutrients for your plants, you will get tomatoes or potatoes or artichokes, if that is what you plant, but you cannot have the stems and leaves all present as you might have originally imagined they would. You don't know how many tomatoes or potatoes or artichokes you will get. You don't know if the mites, the aphids, or assorted pests will let you have any of them.

I am now convinced that something really big (and unexpected) is about to happen. When I see the brow-beating, crowd-screaming, whore-moaning, heart-tugging elementary school efforts of The Media at this time, I KNOW that The Usual Suspects have misread their own scripts and subsequently lost the plot, AND the war... and their minds, as shall soon prove to be so.

I can literally feel people waking up, out there among The Great Unwashed Pod People. I can see them saying to themselves, “Oh, my God, they've gone and done it. That is too stupid for even me to believe.” I wish I could put into words how it is all kaleidoscoping in front of me. Let me just say that The Divine Symmetry is truly divine. Lady Truth, who looks a little like the lady holding the torch in the opening of any Columbia Pictures movie is now doing The Dance of the Veils. Soon she will be revealed in all her naked beauty, and then? Some will be in a rapture, and some will see their worst imaginings given shape and... coming for them.

We create the monsters in our minds. We did not create ourselves. We did create the part of us that made itself separate from the whole, and we can go on reinventing ourselves forever if we so choose. For as long as we can stand the suffering, it will continue for us.

End Transmission.......

Some links=




On and on it goes=

This is more likely to be true. It is more likely they are bombing themselves. Then they will slip into evening dresses and pumps to show solidarity with their twisted sisters of perpetual negligence=

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! They are really out of their freaking minds. There are no workers in Chernobyl. The place is a dead zone. Whoa... this article is filled with lies=

Actually... not badly written=

This organization is a government toolbox from which all the smartest hammers have been stolen=

What a load of crap. First, we had an old woman berating a Russian solder during a staged photo op. Now we have this. I have NEVER seen the like before. It is really over the top now, AND... they are tossing babies out of incubators, covering them with duct tape and using them for soccer balls=

What a pack of absolute liars. Whoops, here comes Mr. Apocalypse=


Anonymous said...

Oh no! There goes the best (lol) Democracy the (cia) can buy..

Anonymous said...

WOW! That was incredible!

Love, Priscilla

robert said...

Visible One,

Holy refulgent riff, Satman!

Let the high celebration begin and ring in the Real Deal, even if chronology must play at slower than light speed.

Despite radiating the fade away, the closer you get to central axis, the less spin is required. No more twisting ourselves out of shape to squeeze the life out of us!

Does the Sun revolve slowly?

Over the top is the media spin control, now out of anyone's control!
Harder the grip of those who have no grip on their real nature.
Ugliness is being lit from the inside like a jack-o-lantern

We choose to see the shiny centers not the dull coat or arms folded in futile resistance

We get to guffaw in awe of the liberating spirit dressing down the already naked!

As we observe the disintegration of what never had integrity, any appearance we try to cling on to for emotional continuity pains us as it disappears.
If we have learned to die gracefully out of our separatist mental state, we may flow through the eye of tiger lily from the comfort of the Buddha belly.

Daily, the reticent laughter burst out of control with a horse high madness, as the heart's true nature is allowed to be!
No more straitjackets of absurd cruelty put on to appease the slavemaster generals!
No toeing the line of blood in the sand trying to say out of the rendering machine run by grinning moronic minions!

Call in the higher forces in serene calm, making still our remembered fears with a certain Presence.

Thank the One with all we have left of the love we made out of ourl lives!

Gregory said...

Probably one of the most brilliant paragraphs I have ever read:

It's like going to the movies. Wherever you are, you are in a movie. You are also filming it. You are the cameraman, filming it with your eyes and recording it with your mind. It's not real. It's temporary, and the new temporary is waiting in the wings. The temporary after that is in the canteen or getting out of a car. The only eternal thing is the temporary endlessly replacing the temporary. Sometimes it jazzes you up and sometimes it puts you to sleep, and then you get another movie inside your head. What that movie is composed of are all the undigested bits of experience you did not process when you thought you were awake earlier.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

World is getting weirder and weirder. When is this extended Twilight Zone episode gonna end, I wonder. Some think April, but we shall see. Some time this year, me thinks.

Chinese Sneakers said...

Yep, you're right, Gregory, our Vis can turn a phrase with the very best of them. And he's been doing on a regular basis for going on two decades without ever asking for a shekel.

Been saying for years that he is the best living American writer. But he is what he is because the material corruptions have been avoided.

The following is some succinct sense-making prose, the likes of which eye needed badly and only found here:

"I've been aware of the level of deception... that is present in this world composed of deception... for a long time now. I must have gotten moderately comfortable with it. This is what they count on, I suppose. HOWEVER... however, what I have seen in the few days since they jumped ship from the U.S.S COVID... to the salvation zone of WAR in Porn-Central; also known as Ukraine, has given me a deep and abiding shudder that keeps returning like a palpable echo of what has never been."

Worth repeating this gem: ".... to the salvation zone of WAR in Porn-Central;" now that's some crazy-skilled profoundly-authentic word-smithing right there.

He could easily be made into a much more profitable going-concern were it not for the fact that he scares the hell out of the Tribe. No doubt he knows this but refuses to silence himself when it comes to them; and so they keep ghosting him. Even the well-hidden Rivero had to drop the mask and actually stop posting Vis when the going got too good years back.

Much appreciation is how eye feel for what he has done for us over the years.


Citizen Elle said...

Maestro Viz, WOW indeed!

Your soul-enriching Other-worldly perspective and linguistic artistry in dynamic combination continues to amaze and nourish this fool on the hill. Such indelible inner treasure - grazi!

just some mental defective said...

Greetings Sunbreak LV! What a thunderclap of a post!
I felt the same the other day when the Mockingbird enemedia showed the Kraine with a beautiful blonde walking down the street in front of a gorgeous orange bricked building with a smashed urban camo toy on the ground.
As I child the subliminals were obvious on teevee and one brother called me a freak and all kinds of names while saying let's go throw the sportsball around, it was his ham fisted way of "toughing" me up.
This is the playground of the father of lies this open air mental asylum and we have been given the ultimate gift of seeing right through the bravo sierra.
The BS is what keeps the smoking mirrors going because without it the gears grind to a halt.
The gig is up and there are no rewards in this world, the reward is getting past the velvet ropes.
I do have some wants left such as meeting a few people just for chit chat and a coffee and to make sure a beloved animal and dear elder are safe no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Looks like..........WW3 may be happening. A contrived as usual outcome.
Whatever....My only desire now is to transcend the madness to that place of
Peace. I have no cause here anymore. It’s in God’s Hands, and I am fine with that

Anonymous said...

Yep, Yep, Yep.

Yep. You’re the best Kiddo. I’ll teach you about Apollonius of Tyana if you like. I’m an expert on the subject. : ). I can sum it up in a two minute read.

Apollonius - Pol, Sol short for Apollo the Sun god.

Pol - Paul

Sol - Saul

Apollonius was raided in Tarsus.

He was vehemently opposed to blood sacrifice.

There’s much more...

Damis, Damas, Thomas.

~ Elaine

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"I Am Moving Through the Minds, Euphemistically Present Behind their Eyes and I See Something Forming."

Anonymous said...

That's a heck of a closing paragraph. Helluva last sentence..



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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