Tuesday, May 17, 2022

"It's a Casual Fuck and Forget Monotony of Anonymous Bodies, Tumbling Through an Ever-Deepening Darkness. "

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I don't like to have to put the mental cross-hair on anyone, but... there are forces in this world that target me. They target everyone within range, and out of range too. So... I am going to do some plain speaking today, such as was once routine here, until God showed me a better way. Today though... these words need to be said.

Rap is a celebration of the animal nature. It's a crotch-grabbing, insecurity dance of the developmentally arrested. It celebrates all that is brutish and carnal in us. It dances like an electric current between the horns of Mammon, these two poles being, booty and bling. It's Materialism of the adolescent sort.

It's an incestuous tormenting of the language, without context or coherence, a mad spilling of childish rhymes of vile intent, filled with animosity and lust. It's the porcine sounds of copulation in a pig-wallow, AND... its main players are the hand puppets of the slave masters who owned the ships of transport to Charleston Bay that brought them here in chains.

Every time this fact starts to break in the minds of the mesmerized who chase The Carrot, (and fear The Whip) they are captivated by a new distraction. Usually, this involves the pitting of one race against another, creating shortages and phony plagues, starting wars...while they cheer from the sidelines. They've been doing this for a long time. It's no wonder they are good at it.

Now they've gone and done a false flag in Buffalo. THEY HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT NOVEMBER COMING!!! It's something scripted from Hollywood. Oh, look! A white supremacist! They're about as numerous as Himalayan snow leopards. This has Tavistock written all over it.

When deceit and carnal attractions are the heart and expression of it, one does not need a guidebook to know who is behind it, or... what its destination is. The more Materialism intensifies, the hotter it gets, and the more Hell rises to the surface. It always ends badly for the ones celebrating it.

It matters not to me how anyone takes this... or what labels they place upon it or me. I am convinced of the truth of it, and I must call it out for all races, creeds, and colors to see. Some tiny cabal of Satanic practitioners are holding sway over the masses. They cannot see a profit beyond material gain. They see no higher life objective than sex. They live to satisfy physical appetites and to rule over us.

One can go backwards... and some do. The majority tread water and walk in circles. The few... climb the interior mountain. Many set off on this course, and many fall away. Only the resolute and persistently focused succeed.

It is not difficult to see who they are ♫ in that number ♫ They are the ones who did not stop until they had reached the goal. Turning aside was NEVER a consideration. Why are some of us so determined in our course? It is because of the bitterness of past efforts that led to failure. They know what it is that caused them to fail and... it shall not happen again.

Have you considered what happens when The Earth blocks the light of The Sun from hitting The Moon? Of course... all the rest of the time, it is hitting it while shining on one side of The World... or the other. There are various symbolic events taking place here, and one of them is of The Superconscious directly hitting The Self-Conscious. It most often... USUALLY... speaks directly to The Subconscious (The Moon) because that is the part of the mind that is always open to it. The Subconscious is like a child and thinks and understands in pictures. As Within so Without... As above, so below.

Then there is this condition called, “Falling in Love.” That doesn't sound good. Can't you hurt yourself falling? I certainly have. No... FALLING in Love does not sound good, but people do it!. They cast themselves recklessly into the roiling ocean of emotional abandon. IF... IF you are going to do that sort of thing, may I recommend, The Divine... as the focus of your affections? The Divine will catch you when you fall in love with him. The Divine will hold you in the sanctuary of his/her love.

God is ALSO the feminine aspect of The Father. Some would say... in terms of manifest creation, that she is more the go-to-God. She's closer to the day-to-day. She handles, hosts, and gives birth to everything. After all, She is Prakriti. She makes up everything that is here, including the part of the mind that perceives it. She is Nature and what the hands of humanity make out of her, under the guidance of God, which sometimes appears must be the hand of The Devil too. AND... I will say what I always say, The Devil, is God, the way The Wicked perceive him. There is ONLY ONE God with many faces. She, the Divine Feminine, is The Sophia who sits on the cube. The tears of Mary, when they dry, remain as salt.

It is up to you what neighborhoods of The Mind you wander in. Your thoughts will surely take you there in person... just keep thinking about them. You are building your worlds to come by thinking them into creation, and you fuel the operation, and the speed of its manifestation... by the passion you invest in it. This is why you must NEVER invest your passion in hate or revenge, AND... you should love God, whose ceaseless meditation holds it all in place, through the power of his CONCENTRATED love and will.

There is a massive crisis in these times. It is not only through war that we are seeking to destroy ourselves. It is in our suicidal lifestyles. Variations of this have happened over and over. Your persecutors will not stop until we are all transgender or terminally confused. Transgender is the new IT something or other. Anyone who wants to be a girl or boy has only to put their attention on it and it will happen in the next go-round. The Lords of Karma are very accommodating in the ways they will let you work out your fantasies. That's not something you should smugly take for granted, it doesn't work out like you think it will. Some ONLY want to be freakish. Remember The Lizard Man?

None of this is about any authentic self bullshit. This is about psychopaths doing their clinical psyche thing with the rats, and the mazes, and the cheese, only... it's much worse than that. They are torturing you for their own amusement. That is the key attractor for them... and they want to kill out the idea of God so that their generations can rule supreme here as vampire overlords. They've been working on it for a while. They've been given a lot of rope, for the very purpose you can imagine, if you think about it. (hint... suspending themselves from the support structure of the nightmare they constructed.)

They engineered the whole rap culture so that they could mold specific personalities, with specific predispositions into a thug army to tear down The World and turn it into Mad Max-Land; then to frighten and terrify everyone so that they can milk the fear. The Neo-Nazis of Europe are their counterpart zombies. They get what the plundering hordes have gotten all through history; gold and women. It's not a matter of race-hatred... so much as it was the easiest avenue. How about a nice injection of atavistic apprehension?

Do-Wop, Soul Music, R&B, and what came after them, were remarkable expressions of vibrant living beauty, which got their genesis out of the psychedelic mindset. Jimi Hendrix did it with inspiration and pure fire. Richie Havens rose up from the heart of humanity... and Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder; so many others. The list is LONG. A great deal of wonderful Gospel music got recorded as well.

Now we have this abomination of doggie-style music about ego-grandstanding, dick-waving, money, murder, and bitches, and shiny things that catch the false light when you walk into a club; this they have alchemically infused into the feminine nature. They are now bitches. They have turned the mirrors they look into, into a roadside toilet reflection.

They have given us twerking... as an act of worship in the emerging sex cult of zombie atheists. Who owned the record companies that opened the door for this? Who financed the proxy companies that fronted for the people already in charge? Who promotes all the acts and lifestyles that are embodied in the recordings? I can't call it music. It is not. Music is harmony, not this hammering dissonance.

“No!” says the avant-garde, who did the same thing to painting and literature and everything else. Sorry... that's not art. That's garbage. That's what you get when there is ZERO inspiration. Muses don't go anywhere near this sort of thing, BUT... there are denizens of your lower nature who are willing to provide an unreasonable facsimile.

Remember how you could remember the actual names of songs and how these songs gave a nice soundtrack accompaniment to certain moments in your life, and the memories that followed? Now... they have pulled this medium down to the lowest and most profane level... TO BE YOUR SOUNDTRACK! There's no romance in this. It's a casual fuck and forget monotony of anonymous bodies, tumbling through an ever-deepening darkness. Eventually, it catches on fire. No? Yes... really...

I can hear someone saying, “Who does he think he is to demean our culture?” Heh heh... I'm not the one who demeaned it, you are... AND... might I add... it is self-evident. I'm just enjoying (not really) the Spring Collection, at the Milan Fashion Expo, for The Emperor's new clothes. I refuse to be a part of your perversity. I WILL NOT be shaped by you. I WILL NOT bend the knee to depravity. I WILL NOT serve you. You are not in charge. The One I already serve IS IN CHARGE, and you will see this sooner than you might presently think. You've been allowed to come this far in order to be convicted in The Court of The World's Opinion, for The Purpose of Demonstration. BY YOUR WORKS! By your works, you have made yourself known!

They are coming for the language and the children. They are trying to kill off the old. They are coming for your privacy and rights of speech. They are running a long con that has your extermination OR enslavement as the punch line. They are orchestrating food and energy shortages to promote riots, and force compliance; “we're from the government. We're here to help.” They have all kinds of dark nasties planned because they cannot afford to lose in November.

How can we protect ourselves? They are too powerful. How can we get away from them? Their reach extends everywhere. What are we going to do? Uh... Yeah... about that. God is more powerful than all the armies of The Earth that ever were gathered together at the same time. If he came singly to the battleground, and they were arrayed before him... with a twitch of his little finger they would vanish away (AND... he lives in you).

They are only shadows, to begin with. God is a living, conscious light. He is in everyone, so... how can you lose? Get yourself some everlasting victory of undying, eternal love, from his endless and overflowing fountain. Let it fill you up and flow through you. That's the best answer I can give you to those questions. (at the moment... grin) The answer for me is provided in the understanding of what all that means.

End Transmission.......

Some links=

The ever-returning GAB that goes nowhere is found right here (grin)=

Via South Front
Let's say you are into this sort of thing.
This is one of the best exposes I've seen. It's a little long and requires paying attention. Fortunately, the people who come here are able to demonstrate that. Still... it's not everyone's cup of tea. It's not my cup of tea, BUT... I like to be informed. When you know who is doing what, you are able to deal with them internally, in ways they cannot defend against, which is how everything REALLY gets done. The external side is just the window dressing life scampers through=

Via NewsWars
Yes! They really are that twisted and sick (at a minimum). They are, in fact... much worse than this=

Via RealCandaceO@Twitter
This is how they do it, and you know who taught them that=

Via Breitbart
It gives a whole new meaning to live streaming=

Via Breitbart
They have REALLY lost their damn minds=

Via Fox News
Heh heh... (sigh) heh heh... ah... well (sigh). How many private planes can you get for that? It gives new meaning to not taking it with you. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH; Merde-cedes chose the buyers both for their means, and willingness to maintain the vehicle with the same care Mercedes-Benz has. What bullshit!!!=

Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe

Via Breitbart
Yeah... it really is out of control=

Allyn Walker

Via Gateway Pundit
They're manufacturing crisis from a variety of directions in hope of a perfect storm=


Via Page Six
How could I have missed this important happening? Why... I've never even heard of these people before. When does the 8 episodes documentary come out? Maybe I really do not see The Big Picture! No one has said that yet, but... if someone did...


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Gods, I personally wish my contract to be here was up. Feelin' I'm past my expiration date, have done everything I can think of that I wanted to do, BUT I'M STILL HERE, DAMMIT! But hey! I'm doin' my best to be 'dead to the world' in protest.

Glad I have no telly, don't listen to the radio at home, don't do MSM unless an alternative site leads me there; and my BS detector has gotten better with age, though still not perfect.

I'm amazed that so few are interested in personal evolution. How everything programmes us to be materialistic. I had my phantasies, but I never lived the materialist life. Having a 'pet college student' in past, later a 'pet musician' (Who now is no longer a pet bein' he. . .I mean 'it' pays about 40% of the bills since I can no longer afford pet 'noses', but THE bitch; which means I pay for restaurants, most of the bills, take down the rubbish, and bring up the cases of water up two flights 'o stairs. But I make more, so it's only fair. Around here, it's good to be the bitch. I think I was the bitch for about 3 months of our 27 odd years together, even though I still took care of the rubbish and cases of water.) kinda puts a damper on that even if you do make a little above average. I was always a K-Mart shopper, lived in the cheapest flat in town, never had a new car, and keep the overhead as low as possible. It's not pragmatic to be materialistic. In fact it's pretty stupid.


Guy Reid-Brown said...

I just read a random paragraph out loud to a friend in my sonorous, orutund Actor-Trained voice - I have not even read the column yet.

Oh my goodness, your writing is AMAZING, Mr. Visible - quite,apart from the content.

Just a paragraph picked at random.

The words just rolled out - virtually Actor-Proof -

And this was presumably extempore -

Guy Reid-Brown said...

'They have all kinds of dark nasties planned because they cannot afford to lose in November.'

I agree with you, Les - the extremities required to ensure a Democrat re-election will unfold - my solution is not to fight , simply because 'resistance is futile' - simply relocation, for those who can - after all, when the Roman Empire died in the West, it, too, rose in the East.

I had a comment posted today with this perspective on tts , and which mentions your good self -

• Guy Reid-Brown on May 17, 2022 at 9:38 am

No idea what the Russian leadership is playing at.

Big Picture – look beyond all speculation, learn Russian and move over there.

If you are young, start big families there.

Base your live around Orthodox Christian Community..

I don’t mean close your minds – you are not going to get much better insight than from someone like Les Visible -but that centuries old cohesion provided by the Orthodox Church WORKS on so many levels from strengthening the Family,providing the Rites of Passage marking Birth, adolescence, marriage, death. Creating a genuine Moral fabric in which to produce children who become healthy,
socialised adults, placing God before Idols – Pop any other sort etc –

God pays attention to sincere Collective Worship, even if God is a vast amorphousness from our perspective.

The West is finished, morally and demographically it has wrecked itself. It is not going to be anything more than a technocratic dystopia at best.

Now – SERIOUSLY – can anybody provide a link to RT that actually WORKS?

We all need to grow up and think in terms of centuries.'

(I WOULD be sincerely grateful for a working RT link, by the way)

Visible said...

This has been working just fine for me=


If you want it closer to the bone there is this-

and this=

or this=

Some of these might be owned by The Vampire Overlords. I don't know.

. said...

Guy Reid Brown (Tuesday, May 17, 2022 9:40:00)

Guy ~ '...that centuries old cohesion provided by the Orthodox Church WORKS on so many levels from strengthening the Family, providing the Rites of Passage marking Birth, adolescence, marriage, death. Creating a genuine Moral fabric in which to produce children who become healthy, socialised adults, placing God before Idols...'

I suggest you read the paragraphs below, because structured religion retires the wise judge within, bringing both one’s body and mind under autocratic rule, which is idolatry.

'I Samuel 8: Samuel symbolizes that in man which keeps him in touch with the Source of wisdom. He stands for man's own higher judgment, and is active in consciousness so long as man depends on that judgment and trusts Spirit to direct him and to fight his battles. The Children of Israel were not willing to be guided by their own higher judgment (Samuel, the wise judge) because they lacked understanding and were mentally and spiritually lazy.

When man meekly goes with the crowd, uniting with some popular religious movement and trusting the authority of man-made creeds and doctrines for his salvation, he retires the wise judge Samuel. The king of man's consciousness is the will. When the will is given supreme control and the judgment ignored, the mind and the body are under autocratic rule.’


Cheers Kazz

Gregory said...

I came here for the post. I stayed for the comments. Good stuph!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dear Visible,

Cast aside the restraint any time, I have relished every word because this is my experience too.
I know of Masters who agree. The purposeful degradation of culture to destroy children snd families and souls is awful.
Yet something deep within keeps singing that the Light is coming through us and outside of us as Reality and shadows will disappear.
With love from A

myntax sangler said...

(C)rap is about wrapping it up for Western Civ as the Long March to burn it down by any means necessary concludes.
Remember the Frankfurt School Willi Munzenberg quote about corrupting the West so bad that it stinks.
Comrade Albert Pike said that WWIII would be about eliminating the major world religions to pave the way for the god of FAIL known as the state.
Being surrounded by worldlings and civnat cultists is almost demoralizing and most family won't ever advance past carnal desires.
Sadly most humans are happy with their slave chains and will lick the boots of the banksters and their minions for some scraps.
Minions will knife your back for a fully charged EBT card or an increase in baby formula rations and how is that outsourcing the manufacturing of everything working out?
The car has been at the dealer for a month waiting on a part that is unobtainium in the third world turd bankster banana republic.

Duntoirab said...

I'm wondering if the recent moon has had some effect on my mind.
Monday I attended my next door neighbour's funeral. She was a 57 year old biker and a great person.
The motorcycling community turned out in numbers for her last ride. I didn't feel deeply sad, I thought I had worked through it already(it takes a month now to get a slot at the crematoriums in Scotland!)
But when they arrived and let go with the thunder, revving of 60 big bikes, I felt it rise from my gut to my eyes and I've felt low and teary since.
I say I don't care but inside I do and times like this it shows.

Guy Reid-Brown said...

Hello Kazz - it is a balancing act -I live in post-Christian Britain, and believe me, far from being an harmonious, enquiring community of 'Wise Judges', the degeneration in a single lifetime -mine - the sheer witless gullibility of the THICKbrits with regard to believing any MSM rubbish even if the headline directly contradicts what it was saying the week before, married to the alternately grossly sentimental and lynch mob viciousness of the responses, reminds me of what that very Wise Judge indeed, and devout Roman Catholic, G K Chesterton wrote — 'When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing, they believe in everything.'

Personally, I was baptised Roman Catholic, went to a happy and well run Convent School, and witnessed at first hand the internal satanic destruction of it all, via Modernism, in the wake of Vatican 2 and in a very short time.

Since then, amongst other things, I have become a Reiki Master back when it meant something, a Wiccan High Priest, a certified Spiritual Healer , so I am not exactly talking from a simplistic viewpoint 😉

I currently don't go to any Church and haven't for years-Russian Orthodox Churches are not exactly common around here -

So this is just Widom, Experience and Knowledge of Human Nature speaking, hee hee !

Patrick said...

Guy! I saw this just now. Do not engage with that person Kazz. Whenever possible she will create a shitstorm about religion. There is no upside to this. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. My time zone disparity is large.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"Let's Go Time Traveling Through the Mesozoic in Search of The Elusive Trannysaurus Rex. All Aboard!!!"

Truth72 said...

Yes, psychopaths rule the world. BUT… it is only ONE part of the equation. Familiarize yourself with the theory of the 2 married pink elephants in the historical room …. https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html

Who do you think goes to war and does the killing (mindless immoral soldiers)? Who do you think murders and maims a massive amount of people with toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral doctors and nurses)? And on and on…

And "God" is just another fantasy (see cited source).

WHEN, if ever, will YOU (and nearly everyone else) decide to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the rabbit hole?

Visible said...

I'm very sorry to hear of your affliction... and loss. I'm not familiar with rabbit holes, In my universe, they are for rabbits and the things that hunt them. I found what I was looking for without having to go down any holes at all. I pray that some evidence of that which I imply... but do not say, can reach you before you arrive at the cold and stony landscape that such a perspective, invariably... visits upon those who have closed their hearts.

Visible said...

I'm guessing that that is your personal website.

. said...


You could not be closer to the truth, life really is a balancing act. We are here to find harmony in regard to the ALL, both physical and metaphysical. In order to resonate with the Divine one must walk in harmony with all of Creation, which is no small feat. This is how one finds one's way back home to that which is Divine.

Those who cause dissension and impose their self between Man and our Creator do so to throw others out of harmony so they can profit from them by leading them astray.

Jesus said, 'But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in' (Matthew 23:13).

Metaphysical meaning of scribes (mbd)

'Meta. The scribes of Mark 1:22 represent the thoughts that come to us from other personalities or from books. The scribes of the 7th chapter of Mark are our external religious thoughts.

There is a faculty of the mind that receives and transcribes upon the tablets of memory every wave of thought that touches the consciousness, whether from the flesh or from Spirit. This faculty is Ezra the scribe; it may be exalted to a point where it will receive impressions from the spiritual side only.'


Metaphysical meaning of Pharisees (mbd)

'Pharisees, phar'-l-sees (Gk. fr. Heb.) --separatists; separated; distinct; accurate; literalist, i. e., separating word for word.

A Jewish sect that flourished at the time of Jesus Christ and His apostles. THEY WERE OPPOSED TO JESUS AND HIS TEACHING (Matt. 5:20).

Meta. The Pharisees (Matt. 12:24) were the religiously educated of Jesus' day, and to their minds all who claimed to do the works of the Lord were spurious unless they were members of the Pharisee cult. No matter how good the work of the outsider, the Pharisee always attributed it to an evil power.'



God Bless

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

Heh heh... I just scanned that site. There's nothing in there about God, just a hodgepodge of seeking relevance in some milieu of like thinkers. Why would you come around here? That should bear some thinking about. This is something that has no relevance to me or my readers, which I don't think you'll get very far with. Like I said... sorry for your loss. I do hope you find that missing part. You'll go in circles until then, chasing The Oozlum.

. said...



'And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew, 12:25)

Same goes for Man!

In order to harmonise with the Divine, and the Divine's Creation, one must search for the golden mean, so they must choose the middle path in regard to all things. In this way we fully integrate the spiritual with the physical in order to walk in this world according to the Will of the Divine. One does this to become 'wholesome, whole, Holy'. Failure to do this captures one into the duality of Maya, which is an illusion best avoided.

Luv Kazz

Anonymous said...

some rap, wraps it up nice




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