Wednesday, April 19, 2023

"Then... There are Those Rare Points in Time... on The Clock of Destiny... When a Wider Awakening Comes to Pass."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

What lies ahead in the cities of The Damned? Urban tolerance organizations will be sponsoring an endangered feces act for coprophagic rights groups with 24/7 access to the sewers. Sanctuary cities will be announced for sexual predators and pedophiles. All colleges will have anti-whiteness hall monitors and reverse racism counselors, and be staffed with reversed kundalini practitioners.

It will be open season for every sexual attraction there is. Everything and anything can be done outdoors at any time. Do you think I exaggerate? I do not. Lawyers are already at work on all of this. No doubt there will be new laws for breathing... instituted by Climate activists... who have discovered that our exhaling causes a certain percentage of climate change. Could our thoughts be next?

There is really no limit to the absurdities that are being considered... by powerful men and women in government and industry... who are being inspired by The Father of Lies. The point of all of it is to create so much chaos that the public cries out for a halt to it, and laws created for your own good... will go into effect. The COVID scam was a trial run at total government control.

Fox News settled... in a show trial to defeat public awareness that the last election was rigged. The evidence of election interference was overwhelming... where did it go? Uh-huh. Dominion is a criminal enterprise. A tool of The Deep State. The Deep State is a land of perpetual darkness where creatures of The Pit hold sway over the minds of those given over to them.

In Times of Material Darkness, everyone fears what can be taken from them, and become willing to accept all manner of legal hindrances to secure their property. People are not rampaging in stores by accident. Hundreds of thugs are not roaming the streets with violent hearts, seeking whom they might destroy... by accident. Nothing is by accident.

Here is the integrity of having nothing that can be taken. You still have your honor. You have paid with impoverishment to afford the telling of truth. This is what the oppressors fear more than anything else; those with nothing to lose.

Here is what you must be aware of... in order to kick your fears to the curb. When great change comes upon The World, at the turning of The Age, there is turmoil everywhere. The infrastructure collapses. Food and water shortages begin to appear, and the transport of goods... and availability of services become... problematic.

At the turning of The Age, the culture is shaken to the core. People with no grip on any sense of reality devolve into ever more dramatic states of personal confusion and sexual delusion. The ascendant force of The Divine Feminine is hitting certain demographics with more force than they can process, and it is leading to bizarre acting-out, and a constantly shifting identity focus. Things fall apart.

Things fall apart outside when things fall apart inside. Those with no grip on reality lose every sense of it. Anything can be real. This happens in street culture and boardroom culture as woke nonsense infiltrates every area of life. Woke is The Anti-Awakening. You have to recognize that it is all a phase... a passing phase, which may well pass into even more troubling phases. You should not be troubled. All of these phases are zone-specific.

You have to be anchored to something. You must get your sense of what is, from... what... is. When you do, what is not... cannot trouble you.

A rudderless generation... schooled by perverts who are schooled by sociopaths... has been released upon the public with no sense of purpose or direction. Everything has become a pawn of the immediacy of The Moment. All of what you presently see... that reflects so many disturbing trends... has come about since the appearance of personal computers... cellphones... and Social Media. Children are no longer instilled with a sense of The Past, so tradition and rules of behavior... the connection between generations... is being lost.

The collective perspective of The Past... in the minds of the young... is being shaped to fit the agendas of those who seek to rule over the... new... world... coming. History was already bunk, as Henry Ford observed, now it is a tool in the hands of those who shape the collective beliefs of emerging generations.

Few are being taught useful skills. Few know how to survive in any real emergency. The idea is that you call someone, and... they don't show up. If they do show up... they are as likely to arrest you as they are the people troubling you. Those whom we are not allowed to criticize... find their identity becoming more and more known at large. What they are doing is creating entirely new segments of people you cannot criticize, as a buffer zone between them and the rest of The World.

THEY... are panicking... mostly because of what is going on in their hearts and minds... which they do not understand... and cannot control. An irresistible force is now loose in the human consciousness, AND.. depending on your state of conscious evolution... and your motivations and intentions... on that depends how it impacts you, and how you react to it.

Materialism has made large groups of people STUPID... near unconscious and comatose with carnal dreams. For the masses who are swept up in it... to different levels of intensity and belief in it... this did not just happen recently. It has been coming for some time. It has been coming over the course of lifetimes, as souls have persisted in specific directions for the purpose of specific experiences... based on degrees of interest, or... fascination; if you prefer.

This is ALL Karma... acting out on The Manifest Plane. Nothing here on the material plane is worth having... or chasing after... or fighting over, but... that is what people do... endlessly... it seems. They are collectively going to discover the truth of this in the process of what has been arranged for them; precisely arranged in every individual case.

We are all moving into a finer state of collective spiritual awareness.. relative to the level of awareness in every... individual case. Some will go eagerly... passionately willing. Some will be dragged kicking and screaming. Why will they be dragged? It is because they are gripping so tightly to insubstantial dreams... hallucinations... they caused to solidify into an appearance of reality... by long bouts of attention given to them.

We are like The Sun in miniature. What we shine on grows into being before our attentive gaze, forged into shapes by the fires of desire, AND aspiration... from the purity or perversity of our intentions it becomes beautiful or monstrous... by the power of the quality of our love.

It is the Karma also of those deceiving the masses and leading them to perdition. Long periods pass in which Karma is made and stored up for times to come, and always the time of the moment is the particular time for a particular Karma to meet its resolution. Then... there are those rare points in time on The Clock of Destiny when Judgment and a wider awakening come to pass. We are on the verge of this now.

I do not know how many will be caught up... swept up... in The Great Culling. It will... I suspect... be in numbers that have not been seen before, in that time when The Quick and The Dead become a reality, and the souls of those present are flung far and wide, but with a divine precision... to that further land that their aspirations and efforts have accorded them. In my Father's House are many mansions. The same can be said for The Father of Lies. Oh... how many Bardos and waiting rooms there are.

The swirling and tempestuous dance of The Divine Mother; Whirling Prakriti. All of it held in place by the ceaseless meditations of the ineffable, who doesn't use caps because its work speaks for itself. Now it rises and now it falls. The Cosmic rhythms of breath go in and out. The Music of the Spheres individualizes in planets passing in singular notes, born out of The Eternal Om, and... destiny proceeds... in its never-ending denouements; their gravitational passage through the realm of time.

If you have business here, you will find it here, over and over, again and again... world without end... in the burning rings of manifest desire. Sirius watches its material self go chasing its tail. The constellations move through the vastness of space, and for those who care, there is a world beyond all of this. The promise of it remains through the infinities of those forever losing their way in search of themselves.

That is my destination, that world beyond, resident in the deepest part of within. Others have gone before. I only have to follow the tracks they have left for me... and you.

End Transmission.......

Some relevant and pedestrian links can be found at GAB=


Anonymous said...

Great post today. Thank for summing up all the insanity in a neat wordsmith package.
Every day I feel less and less involved with the goings on around me.
Not to say I don't feel sad at times that it has come to this But it is most probably an unavoidable situation.
A boil must come to a head and then burst letting out all the poisonous toxic puss and than Viola healing can begin.
May not be around to witness the actual burst and the subsequent healing. But that’s ok. I will be in a better place just the same.
Oh yeah, btw, the only kinds rice dangerous to the planet are Susan and Condi

Visible said...

(grin) Good one!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Well, it will be quite interesting if that economic collapse hits this summer, like so many expect. Great post as always, and nostrils to the sky!

Missing Munich said...

Hi Les,

a great post indeed. My girls and I are going to explore Iceland for a week next week. Planning to just hang in nature and take in what I have never experienced before.
A well needed break from all the insanity swirling around every day.
Your posts always make my day, especially when at work. Seems the esteemed doctors are less and less interested in actually diagnosing their patients. I keep talking my patients into "firing" them if not satisfied. The resulting reactions and indignation are always well worth the scolding I get on my end ("they can't do that!!".... well yes, they absolutely can!!)

Anyhow, greetings all around!!

Missing Munich

0 said...

B E A utiful!

"Here is the integrity of having nothing that can be taken. You still have your honor. You have paid with impoverishment to afford the telling of truth. This is what the oppressors fear more than anything else; those with nothing to lose."

They haven't considered what we value which would be lost if we gave in to their shenanigans. To them what we value is not of any value. Its not even worth learning about to understand to see if theres value.

Everytime I feel something intruding to tell me or make me feel some way, I get angry and tell it to fuckoff. It has no Right, where stillness dwells, to disrupt what has been sought.

Dunno if you saw Tom Luongos latest, he put a new one up today, good read. I like his perspective compared to all the samo-samo perspectives floating in the media. Heres the link if you care to check it out.

Take care and Enter Stone Mode. (its curious to note how often I have been referred to as a rock. haha sometimes insultingly and sometimes complementary.)


Letgoist said...

The purpose of "progressive" propaganda is not to persude or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and so the less it corresponds to reality the better.

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose their sense of probity.

To assent to obvious lies is to become evil oneself. Ones standing to resist anything is eroded.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to CONTROL.

-Theodore Dalrymple

Anonymous said...

Mas andMas Visible…

The other day i was interacting with an unseen friend, of the masculine persuasion… he kept repeating: keep in mind rhat opinions are only as valid as the certainty of data that makes them, and on the level of intelligence that weaves the data into an opinion…
So, being an ‘untrusting sort’ of male indications , i went os visit with the unseen female friend, Sarah, is her name, and to my great surprise , She AGREED.
For whatever it may be ‘worth’.

Cheerful Love, SheGrizzlybear hug

robert said...

Visible for another tome, from another time, for a space, coming into being.

We meet here again as always

Everything has become a pawn of the immediacy of The Moment. All of what you presently see... that reflects so many disturbing trends... has come about since the appearance of personal computers... cellphones... and Social Media. Children are no longer instilled with a sense of The Past, so tradition and rules of behavior... the connection between generations... is being lost.

Solemnly scripted; observing minds cast adrift from anchoring adoration, paying attention to nothing which seems to be something.
How endless ripped off money
wielded like a wrecking ball
scatters reason for characters unknown.

What they are doing is creating entirely new segments of people you cannot criticize, as a buffer zone between them and the rest of The World.

Astutely touted, as the usual suspected of betraying humanity gang of fools play the game of thorns to a predictable climax.

Like inmates escaping from a madhouse, overturning trash cans to delay pursuing pitchforks
Shoving their miscreated play toys into the path of rising righteous anger
Snake soil salesmen being exposed as naked emperors taking sexual liberties on their way off the stage

Me we all learn the lesson once and for all to grow out of it without splitting the bucket in which our roots are planted.

Diversion by mirror magic: project with a dirty lens the truth of vile non-viable values upon the world and with a brazen face, blame the world!

Taking the excuses offered by heroes of handicapped hubris and wittling it down to a splinter of: "We can't help it!"

Burdening the body productive with parasitical pinions until souls cry for release from embodied emptiness.

Deep down there is the Void, the center seeming vacuous but actually overflowing in constant invisible radiance
Whatever serves to take us down beneath our personal prison walls gives us a way out by going all in
The personal armor of petrified pain to which we cling will sink us in a heavy sea
Until we turn, back to the light which projects us out into the world and bask in it face to Face

We live in interesting times for reasons beyond our pay grade
May as many as possible find the meaning inside the madness
Then may the impossible come to bring the meaning of mercy to all willing hearts!

Visible said...

Well done, Robert.

Anonymous said...

"Those whom we are not allowed to criticize... find their identity becoming more and more known at large."

it's actually the younger generation, the zoomers, that are fully aware of the jews. There's no one under 25 that isn't aware that jews are behind all of this crap, and they are reacting by simply MOCKING and making fun of the jews. The jews are panicking as you pointed out, and trying to burn the world to the ground since the critical mass point has been reached. Once more of the zionist jew loving boomers start dying off, and the anti-jew zoomer generation reaches adulthood, the jews are truly screwed. Hence, their Samson option, with the vax and ww3, to just burn it all.

Luckily, the divine plan is different and will not allow the jews to win this time. A new earth is possible and the jews are going bye bye

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening are The Cosmic Tag-Team Champions in The Faraday Cage Match; Live and in Person."



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