God Poet Transmitting.......
Satanyahu... no stranger to false flags... being one of the architects of 9/11... was facing a civil war... a hundred thousand people were in the streets, so... he did what people like him have done since we started keeping score, and people figured out they could cook the books. He orchestrated this latest attack to switch public attention from one crisis to another, and so far... it's worked out well... for him.
However... this is an apocalypse... revelation and uncovering is the nature of existence at this time, so... people are being informed about this and so... very... much... more. Dead children's bodies are being stacked like cordwood at Gaza Hospital.
Look at all these "Hamas terrorists" the Zionists eliminated before they could harm Israel! #Gazagenocide #IsraelPalestineConflict pic.twitter.com/ocnMTjpUDH
— Lucas Gage (@Lucas_Gage_) October 16, 2023
I will spare the reader any more evidence of the atrocities that are more common now than the screams in the night. Given time... there will soon be no one to hear them.
The whole of this is being scripted by demons for the eyes of The World. These monsters are so far gone they are immune to what it looks like, nor... do... they... care. How soon it can all turn into a conflagration can be measured in the blinks of an eye.
Even Nature has come out against Israel.
you know how terrible you gotta be when nature is against you too https://t.co/wi9GI8z53I
— kira 👾 (@kirawontmiss) October 15, 2023
Now I have heard they have transferred their attention to The West Bank, which... apparently... is one of the few banks they do not control.
I don't want to talk about these creatures. Everywhere I go I see people justifying everything they do. I cannot imagine what is in it for them. A few brave souls call it like it is, BUT... no matter what their waving banners say... no matter what a hundred thousand chattering newscasters say, it is all just darkness in search of darkness, and... darkness it shall find.
Yesterday, I was beset with a kind of depression and uncertainty. I did not know what it was about. It was just there. It was evening and I was headed out to water the plants that needed specific attention. I had fed the birds earlier.
As I walked toward the Mexican honeysuckle plant, I saw a roadrunner on the other side of the fence. It kind of screeched at me and I clapped my hands and sent it on its way. I turned left toward the water main and saw a hawk sitting on the fence. It flew to the top of a neighbor's house, watching me. Once I had turned on the water I waved him back. He flew off and then was joined by another hawk. They flew away together.
It was a temporary convention of predators. I think they see my backyard as a lunch counter. I've never seen them catch much.
I was still thinking about this weight I was carrying. I went inside for a moment and as I was coming out, The Divine said, “Visible! What is it with you? Have I not been abundantly clear? I am all-powerful. What I say goes... period! You seem to forget this at regular intervals. You need to stop paying attention to the news and the imprints it leaves on you. None of the players has any say in how things turn out. Only I am in charge at all times, despite what appearances might indicate.”
Then I realized that I had poisoned my mind... roaming about on the internet... and taking it as an accurate read on circumstance. I shrugged it all off and instantly felt lighter... better. How can I forget what I know to be true, again and again, and I even have God to remind me?
This shows what a cloud of deceit and confusion The World wraps itself in. One has to polish the mirror at all times, always turning one's thoughts to God, fusing all desire into one single aspiration, and letting The Devil take the hindmost, which are those attachments to nothing at all... falling away, and caught up in a dark wind that is twisting its way out to sea; disappearing in the distance and not belonging to me.
Again and again, I am told that none of this has anything to do with me. I have been appointed my section of The Vineyard. It is not my business to be concerned with other sections. Lao Tzu said; “if you want to be hot keep stirring about. Keep still if you want to be cool, and in all The World, one day, no doubt, your way will be the rule.”
Gratitude floods my being each time the angel of God arrives to inform me that I have departed from my inward course. I have a constant minder. It lets me stray that I might experience the state of separation from The Way, and then it herds me back on course.
At my sunset prayers yesterday, I was told; “You need not ruminate or fret over anything ever again. You have only to be mindful of me and my enduring presence within. Note how I appear in the very moment you call. Note that I have told you again, and again, I am ALWAYS here. I never leave and I will never leave.
“You are not to be concerned with when, and how. That is my concern. Your concern is the unshakable certitude of outcome.
“It may seem that I am an absentee landlord because I work in mysterious ways through invisible agency. I assure you that no one could be more hands-on. I have set in place laws and rules that cover every possibility of occurrence. So it might seem random because The World is filled with endless demonstrations of, do this-get that; on and on it goes in mind-numbing redundancies, turning on the wheel of suffering that is driven by carnal desire.
“Cease the one and the other goes away. Cease the one and the other goes away.”
Every day I get some variant on what you see here. I do not have palatial estates or a stable full of whores. I do not have endless files of ownership papers... notes due... coming in and going out. I don't have the burdens of fame and fortune. I do not have endless health concerns due to the pressures of the aforementioned.
When my mind strays, it is slapped back into alignment. When my heart seems troubled, it lasts for about as long as it takes God to tell me not to waste my time, and that I should not be thinking about handling his side of the action. I have no intention of wielding the master's ax, and I still have both my hands.
Yes... The World can become very unsettled, especially when it is being rearranged for a brand new age, and those who go by appearances are easily deceived into believing that what they see is stationary when it is in a constant state of movement. In times of apocalypse, the main focus is on The Purpose of Demonstration acting out like an animated diorama. I cannot remember the last time a single expert has been right about anything.
People's lives would be so very much improved if they learned how to mind their own business and keep their opinions to themselves. This driving necessity of constant interference... leads to perpetual reactions of resistance and opposition to the interference. As Lao Tzu said, “For blocking no one's way, no one blames him.”
Just about everything people get up to... is reacting to something that triggered them... based on their personal model of attractions and aversions. Have only one of the former and none of the latter, and see what that gets you! Meddle about at your peril.
I cannot believe it took me so long to catch on to a few simple truths. I've been told there was no getting around what I had to go through to apprehend them. The journey is the price of attainment. We get it when we get it, and... God willing... don't forget it.
Whatever The Nimrods of The Moment get up to is their affair. They push from one side and the competition pushes from the other. Angry sleepers flail out at one another in their troubled dreams, accomplishing nothing except many more opportunities for the same. This side goes up. That side goes down. One side sneaks up on another while their own fate sneaks up on them.
If any of it had been important we would have remembered it all, but ten thousand previous civilizations are now buried on the sea bottoms that were once the land they struggled over. I'm done with that. The only thing that is real is the perfect world... that this imperfect reflection presents as dancing shadows on a wall of hidden light.
End Transmission.......
Some many varied links are to be found at GAB=
Every now and then I also can be seen chasing the wind my friend. It seems to help us remember not to do just that.
Blessing your way Amigo.
Thank you Visible for your always on time conveyance of consciousness!
The perspective you share from inside out reminds us
Gives us back our reflection as we pause in our thrashing
Transcending the churn is what it is all about now....
Walking on water is the clearest metaphor to rise above the flood, the storm, the waves of wailing wasted wonder
I cannot believe it took me so long to catch on to a few simple truths. I've been told there was no getting around what I had to go through to apprehend them. The journey is the price of attainment. We get it when we get it, and... God willing... don't forget it.
Sometime someone said something...(grin)
"Those who see, see slowly"
Many times when frustration is providing guidance to stop trying the same way over and over, I take some solace that anything created by human agency that has relative lasting value, takes time and lots of consistent focus!
Persistent polishing with precise intentions for any material creation worth contemplating
Art, literature and music - same
Raising children - same
Learning to be a more effective executor of the Will of the One in the small office we are gifted - SAME
Even when we may feel that we are no longer useful, to serve the undefinable will demands patience toward ourselves also known as compassion...
If any of it had been important we would have remembered it all, but ten thousand previous civilizations are now buried on the sea bottoms that were once the land they struggled over. I'm done with that. The only thing that is real is the perfect world... that this imperfect reflection presents as dancing shadows on a wall of hidden light.
Part of disciplining our wandering baby minds is to maintain altitude, hold our attitude above the appeal to wreck ourselves on the rocks beneath the beckoning beauties.
A part of us, the Observer, has unlimited desire to behold creation through human consciousness
However, our human hearts can only beat one at a time and MUST leave ALL the details of making creation happen to a higher pay grade
It is more than enough for this one to get through another day of chopping wood and carrying water.
“You are not to be concerned with when, and how. That is my concern. Your concern is the unshakable certitude of outcome.
Our conscious job is to be conscious of ONE THING:
Our psychological state of being at all times
Positive attitude
Right and Zen-minimal action like a gardener of precious blooms
When we forget how many times we have made a mess of things trying to fix what ain't broken and applying our unsustainable efforts to "help"
We are rudely reminded by remnants of the trauma that "brung us" to wherever we are at present
To hold an unbreakable focus on the center we cannot see is enough
To feel no matter what we feel that there is peace in the core of One Being
To be as much as we can allow, free of the cyclic cyclones of crying shame
To shine on, no matter what is the matter with us
To be in harmony with the cosmic tune in ever mounting (however slowly!) joy
We human's need to realize that every single soul matters to the grand design
BUT we only need to play OUR part and not a single iota of any other point of view
Minimally stated in words to help us true our aim but the effort must lean on the Effortless One, Always there in all ways
Good posting. A lifetime of particular experience can produce trauma, but there are types of trauma that produce lasting benefit as well as trauma that skews all reason. It is curious to wonder about why one trauma produces one result in one person while a similar trauma produces a different result in someone else.
When I was a kid, maybe 7-9 or so, my parents had to keep telling me not to touch the electric red hot burners on the stove top. At some point they got tired of telling me not to and I got past them and burned my hand on the burner. Once, and that was the end of me trying to touch the burner. Trauma that produced a learning experience.
When I was maybe 12 I had a different trauma, that of getting off the school bus that stopped at the corner where we lived and let off 6-7 kids. One of those kids would daily walk in front of the schoolbus to cross the street and wander down the block to her home. One day, unknown to me and the kids on the bus, the driver who was a senior lady was Drunk driving the bus. On that day, when the little girl who was my sisters friend walked backwards while talking to my sister in front of the bus, the bus lurched forward and knocked her to the ground, where she rolled around screaming till the rear wheels ran over her head causing it to pop like a popped basketball. Its hard to say what that does to a kid at about age 12. I tried to get my sisters to watch the front door of the house instead of look at the scene. It was an event that prolly skewed me into who I am now.
Most who get traumatized in some fashion then start to act out their Trauma, which is perhaps how a life experience thats traumatic and brings one to the All, keeps one with the All.
It is what it is, and how one is determines how one makes use of the experiences the all brings to ones senses.
Accountability or Revolution.
Nostrils to the sky!
A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=
"It Marches with Ceaseless Tread. IT... WILL... NOT... BE... DENIED! You Broke It... You Bought It with Your Gazacide."
Now, now, we should be feeling sorry for Israel, forced, forced I tell ya', to bomb hospitals & schools, to strafe refugee columns of those fleeing Gaza & to give work to dirty old men who like to suckle on baby boy penis.
Makes me tear up just thinking about poor widdle Israel!
Greg; I have no seen you in years.
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