Thursday, March 07, 2024

"Change of This Order, Does not Come in One Single Sweeping Moment... of Broken Clocks, and... One Everlasting Sunrise."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Every star in the sky is a single consciousness... of a soul who has attained, and shines a light in The Darkness, for all those who have yet to attain. This applies in The Christian Tradition, as it does in every tradition. Anyone who has visited here knows that we speak of Jesus as a man and Christ as a state of consciousness... known as Christ Consciousness. It is why we say, Jesus The Christ. Jesus was the prototype. A number of us have come to this state of consciousness since... in the previous age.

A false star gets lit up under the lights on literal and metaphorical Broadway. A real star shines in the Heavens. There is a fallacy that is perpetuated about stars being fixed in the sky and in their routes. The Soul that shines by its own light... as a star... can come down here and walk around in some momentary garb... or walk around on any of the countless worlds... lit by countless suns... that exist at a reach far too great to comprehend.

We have said, I don't know here, many... many times, and... this is because I do not know, BUT... I do know someone who does know, so... I can both know and not know... depending on the situation. I have a microwave above the stove. I don't use it, but it has a timer on it. Sometimes... I set the timer to remind me of something, and sometimes... I no longer need the reminder, but... the timer keeps running. On occasion, this would bother me. I didn't know how to turn it off.

Surely... I had thought... on many occasions... that there must be some way to shut this thing off. Just tapping it starts and stops it, but... the time remains until one might need to use it again, and then the time that was sitting there has to run out. I stood there yesterday... pondering this... and I distinctly heard; Why not just press the button in and hold it? This I did, and... it worked!!!

One could give a psychological reason for this. One could come up with all kinds of answers for why this happened, BUT... this sort of thing has happened to me many, many... times... often there are several instances in one day. I know... someone... who knows everything that I do not know. Whether I will be told what I need to know... in the precise moment of my asking... is one thing. Whether I will be told in any number of other ways... at some point later... is beyond doubt in my mind.

Many times here... we have said... on this specific occasion of The Coming of The Avatar... which happens at regular intervals... on The Celestial Clock... that THIS TIME... it is our belief, and also something we have heard from The One Who Knows Everything... that The Avatar will be coming in The Hearts of Humanity. It will be a collective thing... We have said this often. The archives will reflect it.

We also believe that one or more memorable personas will light up human consciousness... as icons... for the teachings of this coming age... which is not officially here until The Avatar comes... be it in a single vessel, to... begin... with... or in a simultaneous uprising in specific human hearts to... the... degree... that it is possible for that heart to experience it.

There are people who read here who claim to exist in a non-dual Advaita mindset. There are also people who see The World as an interplay of opposites. This is known as Dvaita (in The Eastern Tradition). Both of these perspectives are not static. They grow as the consciousness of the person holding them is expanded.

Everything is either expanding or contracting... expressing that force represented by Jupiter or Saturn, and... both of them indispensable and legitimate... in their influence here; from the smallest atomic container of life, AND... smaller yet... all the way to galaxies, and... The Universe itself.

Both of these perspectives are legitimate perspectives, and Divine Wisdom can be garnered in each of them. For some reason... egoic, I think... some claiming to be of the Advaita persuasion... look down on Dvaita people, OR... consider themselves to be of a higher order of knowing. If Advaita speaks to a greater... comprehensive unity in all things... then... how is it beneficial or accurate of that unity... to break that unity... in order to criticize those who see it differently? Right. Moving right along.

People who think they know a lot... they're called pundits, and every system and science has them... develop an exaggerated sense of their own importance... based on them knowing a greater complexity of detail... in the composition and parts of a rat's ass. These people are generally insufferable and no fun to be around.

I am going to share a detail about those who do possess wisdom... even to the point of knowing when to shut their mouths. In some period... almost always in a lifetime directly before they attain Mastery... Sage status... enlightenment... Nirvana... or any one of so many terms... used to describe the same thing or parts of the same thing... they have their noses rubbed in the dark side of The World. They are humbled and broken irreparably... AND... they come into the possession of an unshakable humility.

The Divine does this for them to save their souls from the terrible harm that comes from Pride... Ambition... Self-Importance. It will happen differently to different people... depending on what is needed to get them over the final obstacles. It is why EVERY master has a secret life of shame.

Now... it does happen that some forget their place, and begin to dream of bigger things. Right at that point, The Purpose of Demonstration is activated. It is an operating facet of The Law of Cause and Effect. The Purpose of Demonstration works in two directions. When you are not engaged in blowing your own trumpet or lifting yourself above your fellows... to become The Raised Nail just begging to be hammered flush with the surface... it blows your horn and lifts you up; raises you up... if you prefer.

Anyone engaged in serving the ineffable is going to run into people who take exception with what they have to say. That is... one of the reasons... why so many of The Wise refuse to have anything to say. However... some of us are meant to speak on the way to Radio Silence. When you have found The Thing Itself... it is no longer difficult to read the motives of others. They were once your own motives BEFORE you found The Thing Itself.

Suddenly... you have a Science of Physiognomy... for words and gestures... that is just as accurate as the one that reads human features. The face... like the hand... is a map of what is going on over the long term... behind what can be seen. People... prior to finding The Thing Itself... see themselves in others. When they see anyone say or do anything... they ascribe their motives to that person... never realizing that they are exposing themselves, and... revealing themselves in their mirror imaging reactions.

We all do it. I do it. I try to catch myself but I am not always successful. We have our shortcomings for a reason. Often they have to do with the absence of the necessary humility... without which... YOU CAN GO NO FURTHER.

So... I don't feel anger or outrage anymore at what I see. I feel sorrow, pity... and compassion for those caught up in their own confusions. who do such terrible things to others. I know The Purpose of Demonstration is coming for them. I KNOW that there must have been a time when I stood in the very same place they are standing in. It might have been thousands of years ago, BUT... what difference does that make? If I want to keep the lessons learned... if I want to keep the lessons I learned... then I will not look upon them from a position of personal superiority.

I will look upon them and say to myself; there but for fortune goes I.

I know that I don't do my job or live my life as righteously and fully as I might do. I know that I make mistakes all the time. The point is not in the mistakes I make. The point is in the manner in which I recover from them. The point is... whether I have the necessary humility... to even see that I did make a mistake.

I pray every day that The Divine will make me a better person. Change of this order does not come in one sweeping moment of broken clocks and one everlasting sunrise. It comes in jumps and spurts. It comes in hard coin, and relentlessly rough highway... sometimes. However... no matter what... it comes. You can count on it coming forever and ever... for as long as you keep to it and don't give up.

For everyone... there come those longer periods of shadows and darkness... following one another... without respite... or so it seems. Sometimes... it feels like you can't take one more step... that it is pointless, and... that you are useless. That does end, and it is a necessary stage... of recurring challenges... that separates the dilettantes from the truly sincere.

A time then comes when it just gets better, and better, and better. It can be hard to believe it will continue so, after such a long and painful course of The Other Shoe landing on your head, over... and over... and over. You have to believe. Your belief is money in the bank... for that life to come... when all your heartache... has become a thing of the past. Count on it. Never give up.

End Transmission.......

Some links are at GAB=

Health links and sundry follow below=

Well, what do you know? I can tell you this;
if you didn't follow a bad diet you wouldn't stink. To prove this point I... on several occasions did not shower for over 6 months on purpose to demonstrate it. I had witnesses. What I am saying is correct, and that is not the only thing I have demonstrated in this respect but
we'll leave that to the imagination=


Anonymous said...

Great post today. I could identify with the things you were talking about as happening in my life very frequently lately. Many folks would say ‘wow a great coincidence’. Or laugh about your microwave story. I don’t want to take up too much space but this happened yesterday. I needed new sneakers cause I walk a lot. I went the latest shoe craze place in hopes of replacing the same shoe I bought last time. No go style no longer being made. I settled on another pair for a HUNDRED $$ Crazy amount of money but hey.
I am not a shopper but for some reason when I left the store with my new purchase I went into another store a few doors down.
I spotted the shoe isle as if being directed and went over to the shelf of my size and there was a pair of sneakers like the ones I wanted in the first place for $45. I bought them on the spot and went back and got my money back on the other ones I just purchased. I used to think if the angels were going to speak to me or guide me that it would have to be in some huge spiritual or other worldly event. But no that is not the case. I have these things happening to me all the time now. I was happy to save the money but that was a secondary thing. The best part of it is that it’s REAL. Angels do exist. I am not perfect but so far my experiences as of late have all been positive so hopefully I am doing something right.

Visible said...

Lynn... you are absolutely right on the money. I am told over and over, "Come to me with the slightest thing. It doesn't matter how inconsequential you might consider it to be. Every event in your life... no matter how silly or superficial seeming... is me dealing with the growth of your soul.

AL said...

Good sauce on the source once again Les and the magic I have been finding most has been the true perfectness of I don't know. One thing I do seem to be able to know however is that feeling, not a word or thought but that feeling when I am being shown something by the Big Guy's helpers.

Much Love Brutha!

0 said...

Watched an old flick called Michael yesterday, again. What a good flick.

The leading intro track seems apt.


0 said...

Thanks for this bit.

"I am going to share a detail about those who do possess wisdom... even to the point of knowing when to shut their mouths. In some period... almost always in a lifetime directly before they attain Mastery... Sage status... enlightenment... Nirvana... or any one of so many terms... used to describe the same thing or parts of the same thing... they have their noses rubbed in the dark side of The World. They are humbled and broken irreparably... AND... they come into the possession of an unshakable humility."

Maybe explains some of my life experiences. Oddly, I still do as I do, in spite of such things. Maybe I have progressed a Little.


robert said...

Another day, another glint of light reaches into our relatively darkened perspectives!
Gratitude responds to give thanks to the Visible and the invisible!

For everyone... there come those longer periods of shadows and darkness... following one another... without respite... or so it seems. Sometimes... it feels like you can't take one more step... that it is pointless, and... that you are useless. That does end, and it is a necessary stage... of recurring challenges... that separates the dilettantes from the truly sincere.

A time then comes when it just gets better, and better, and better. It can be hard to believe it will continue so, after such a long and painful course of The Other Shoe landing on your head, over... and over... and over. You have to believe. Your belief is money in the bank... for that life to come... when all your heartache... has become a thing of the past. Count on it. Never give up.

Learning to attend to inner prompting has become the latest lesson plan:

This humanimal personality would be trying too hard, too focused on every detail of the perceived necessary evil of the day
Naturally, the Spirit's nudging was, not ignored consciously but merely drowned in noisome activity

Resistance to letting go usually entailed the inner adversary, the on-board prosecutor, setting up a straw man or a reductio ad absurdum argument, arguing that any let up on the pedal to the metal would result in a passive deadly end!

After years of not ending up dead, the personality began to desire guidance in real time.

Not necessarily getting clear answers on demand by our emotion-driven humanimal avatar of our Spirit, playing god on TV

But once the heart is no longer set on its way leading to death, getting some fresh sunlight and fresh breaths from somewhere outside our prickly bubble.

Mundane confirmation throughout our day, that a higher, more whole, more complete, more abiding being is having a day with us...

More and more, getting hindsight in the same moment, hour or day, that, yes, I perceived a nudge but did not give it enough attention to respond, not present enough to break the automatic action already in motion.

Until our horse is gentled, even if through being broken hearted from our own willful riding, being guided by the inner horse whisperer is hit and miss

We hit ourselves with mental judgment and miss the meaning and the beneficent being behind the whispered whim.

How we get to humble is no more than particulars in the general drift

That we must get to zero to find the neutral center is how it works, which we can learn through more or less self-torture, as we conduct ourselves...

The One seems un-impressed by the drama we subject ourselves to, offering our suffering as if it is proof of sincere intentions.

It turns out, it is our devil's advocate running out of offenses to persecute us for, that gets paid by our emotional extremis!

When we get to: giving up, feeling useless, ready to pull the trigger, we are out of steam to puff us out of shape.

There we find ourselves in the empty place wisdom reminds us to seek
To become a container of nothing, because nothing contains ALL "something"s and we must learn to space ourselves out of our miserable time-minding, too-tight tiny focus, burning ourselves with magnified sunlight!

Pulling back from the face of our own ending, to realize that we are so much more than dead-meat puppets!

We feel more than we know and that is the clue to the depth of Who is living through our experience with us, closer than our breath and ready to whistle a new tune!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Amazing coincidence on how your humility section is so pertinent to the book I'm reading now. BY FORCE ALONE by Lavie Tidhar. Best most hilarious version of the Camelot tale I ever read. He touches on so many things in it that most don't know about. He even mentions the demiurge. Glad I've been so eclectic in my studies.

Nostrils to the sky!

Visible said...

My favorite book of all time from that period is "The Once and Future King."

Mountain Dude said...

It truly is One dialog. The answers always come.

The other morning it was very cold on the mountain. I looked though all my pairs gloves. I could only find right ones. I had 5 right ones and no left.

I thought, the left hand is the unclean hand?

When i got to work, i got another pair from my Boss. As i was walking away, i thought, Out of many One.

Well said Vis,

From the Known to the unknown, is the Masters way.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I'll remember that and read it (TOAFK) if we don't get nuked, tsunamied or burnt up in a DEW conflagration (HEY! DIS IS CALIPORNIA!) first somewhere in my vast collection of still unread books. I got a HUGE collection from Dollar Tree, both read and
unread, some of which I give away after I'm done.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Got that puppy bookmarked. Short book. Thanks for the heads up. Will read after one hard copy.

word bird said...

Hi Vis, re: "Anyone engaged in serving the ineffable is going to run into people who take exception with what they have to say. That is… one of the reasons… why so many of The Wise refuse to have anything to say."

Another reason the wise refuse to say anything at times is to avoid giving to dogs what is sacred or to throw pearls to swine, knowing that if they do, the swine may trample the pearls under their feet, and then turn and tear the wise to pieces.

0 said...

I dunno, sometimes the wise have a form that staves off the lunatics from action... and they tend to avoid crowds which are of a consciousness all their own.

Lynn's comment at the top reminded me of the old book "Dashed against the rocks; a romance of the coming age". Its here if anyone wants to check it out. Its also a little Sciencey/philosphyish.

It is a good book and has sections on how nudges come and how if you acknowledge and act on them their signal is strengthened and the interaction increases versus if one sloughs them off and ignores them the actions are Deadened for self.

Hope its helpful!

Mountain Dude said...

I think the reason the truly wise say nothing is they know, we all get a choice on what it means to us. A quarter found, could mean a phone call to one person, it could mean 25% to an accountant, it could mean nothing to another person, it could remind a cowboy of a old horse, a quarter horse, to someone parking a carit could mean a parking toll, to a gambler it could mean new luck, to a old school stand up video game person, free life or extended play and to spiritual person it could mean The finger print of God along ~ The way. ~

And it mean all those things, and much more simultaneously.

The truly wise understand this. The truly wise decide and choose what it means to them. Because when the ineffable speaks, "He" says many things, in one thing. To each in their own way, as are able to understand and comprehend.

The truly wise, don't dictate the thoughts of others. They dont tell them, no. this is what this means. So they say nothing at all.

That is why at times, I occasionally come to see the less visible sites. On occasion what he says, speaks to me as I am able to understand and comprehend.

Some people who are thirsty drink the living water. And others, rince their mouth and spit it back out.

We are all living out the dynamic living scriptures each in our own way.

Thanks again LV.

Namaste in every sense of ~the word. ~

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"The Divine Psithurism Whispers The Word thru Time and Space. First it speaks, then... by God's Grace... it Arrives."

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! Thanks LV.



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