Friday, July 12, 2024

"It All Comes Back to The Crazy Town Thing... as It Applies to The Trismegistus Principle of... As Above... So Below. "

God Poet Transmitting.......

Every day... when I go news-gathering for the links... I run across people making outrageous claims... with nothing backing them up other than a presentation of alarm, and concern; what are we going to do? What are we going to do? I wonder if they are connected to the people who want to pass a law saying that all the trains in Kalifornia have to be electric?

There's some small percentage of carbon in the atmosphere, and... if you go through a mathematical breakdown of the amount of carbon created by the trains we presently have... their total contribution to our carbon levels is about .00067%. Because 80% of the trains running come in or out of Kalifornia... this law... if passed by The Climate Crazies of Kalifornia... would amount to a national policy... simply because of the percentage of trains coming and going from that location.

We would prevent 0.00067% of the carbon from entering our atmosphere. How much would we lose in efficiency and income? How much expense would be added to save us from 0.00067%? Now... say if it was 0.00098... yeah... maybe that might; how do they keep a straight face when they talk about this kind of utter bullshit?

Yes... it's a scam. The people at the top of the dunghill of lies and disinformation know... fer sure... that it's all a lie. The people below them work for a paycheck. They are all possessed by The Clerk Mind; first personified to me by Oliver Cromwell, but I am sure there were lying sacks of shit that preceded him. It's not my area of interest... generally... because I'm not a numbers guy who works for a bank; as all numbers guys tend to do... directly or indirectly.

Now consider that just about everything in life has to pass through these new filters that have been put into place by the con artists... in positions of authority... who facilitate the passage of bullshit from their mouths... to your ears... into your mind, and then... into your life.

Meanwhile... they are trying to kill off most of The World's population in a fairly short period of time; longer than a war might take... but much shorter than natural causes. The causes are a whole lot of things, but none of them are natural.

Speaking of numbers, I wonder what percentage of the presence of mass confusion and disorder around The World is caused by George Soros... bagman for Rothschild Enterprises? No one does anything about Soros. He acts with impunity. Why is that? Why does no one do anything about this mass-murdering monster? Why does no one other than very few of us even mention this? Funny eh? I don't mean hah-hah funny.

He is INTENTIONALLY... destroying life-as-we-know-it all around the planet, and... has been for a while.

Now... this leads... organically... heh heh (irony alert) to the coming unholy union between Alex Soros and Huma Abedin. Those of you... who might be unfamiliar with Abedin... should know that she was/is Hillary Clinton's long-time aide and gal pal. She is also the ex-wife of former congressman and... compulsive sex freak... Anthony Weiner of the infamous Weiner laptop.

We have been told from various... diverse... sources... that when hardened police officers saw what was on that laptop they were made sick to their stomachs. It is alleged that there is a video on that laptop that shows Hillary and Huma cutting the face from a child and wearing it... while prancing about.

Here again... we come to that area of things told from one person to another... who heard it from a third party... who read it somewhere... yadda yadda. That just sounds way too out there to be real. Maybe it is. I don't know. I feel sure that these people are capable of this sort of thing, but I would be surprised if they videotaped it, and even more surprised that it got mentioned.

She... Huma... is ten years older than Alex Soros and it all seems to be a marriage of convenience. He's supposed to be getting into politics in a major way soon. He said he was going to be far more directly involved than his father was. He elbowed his elder brother out of the Numba-Juan-Son spot so... he's a ruthless little guy. That sort of thing is written into his DNA anyway.

What am I getting at... especially given that this is Origami... where the hope is that we might generally be a little more esoteric and metaphysical?

It all comes back to The Crazy Town Thing as it applies to the Trismegistus Principle of As Above... So Below. When humanity... at the street level... is losing its collective mind, and also trending criminal in a big way... it is an indication that the same conditions exist at the higher levels... in the corridors of power... in the backrooms... behind the velvet ropes at Man's Country in Chicago... with Roy Cohn on Cardinal Spellman's Twink Boat offshore of Provincetown MA... at all those locations where The Work gets done.

If you warm up dung... it will eventually flow downhill. Everything that can flow or roll downhill does so. There's some kind of law that says so. Of course... inertia plays a part, and so does the angle of descent, ♫ And if the wind is right you can sail away... And find tranquility ♫ If you want my advice... sail far... far away, and do it soon.

As Above... So Below; how far does that reach, do you think? Does that mean that bad energy and a criminal mentality is pouring down out of Heaven? No... it doesn't. It just means that Heaven isn't... at the moment... visibly interfering with The Rogue Principalities and Powers of Evil in High Places. Then again... there's more going on than what you see on your narrow bandwidth of the visible spectrum.

It's The Avatar's job to sweep the place clean, and he is doing that at this very moment and that is why you are seeing so much of the dark and carnal activity in these times. Everywhere you look there is the appearance of injustice and every possibility of low-level behavior that you can imagine. It all gets resolved on this plane... on the manifest plane... where thoughts become things.

He is sweeping everything downward and outward... so it all winds up on this plane where he either celebrates or... neutralizes it. He sends the horses they rode in on... to the place they were headed to anyway. I know I've said this plenty of times before, BUT... it is critically important that you get this so that you can make sense out of what is going on, and not be led into a place of despair because... none of it seems to make sense.

Everything you can see... came from a place that you cannot see. It is human nature... when swept up in material culture... to become programmed to believe that what one sees is all there is. The more materialized existence becomes... the less The Hive Mind is concerned with... or aware of... the presence of The Divine.

So... on a regular schedule... the time comes... when The Spirit must inform matter of its existence. You might consider the implications of that... as they relate to earthquakes... tidal waves... wars... plague and famine... revolution, and all the changes that attend a great transition from one state of being to another, and you might then ruminate on who and what is meant to survive the transition.

I don't know where the readers are at this moment... what elements of The World surround them, BUT... these are very uncertain times. Those who will be swept up in the less-than-salutary conditions are... for the most part... already swept up in them. Most of the time... in Times of Material Darkness... one is caught in the mechanism of the crapshoot of selfish interests. It is in the nature of the times, and one must persist in the effort to swim away from this condition.

What would you swim away to? When The Outer World is in a disturbed pattern... one is best served by retreating within. Always remember that if the bullet doesn't have your name on it... it won't hit you, BUT... when fear and apprehension have been whipped to a frenzy in The Hive Mind... it can be a discomfiting place to be... unless you have the warm embrace of The Light Within.

A great light is coming. The forerunner of this light is The Awakening... that is taking place hither and yon. Hither and Yon is a better image than Hillary and Huma, which could be a law firm in Hell and... probably already is. This light is a conscious light and it shines within. You can employ The Tuning Fork Principle to come into resonance with this light. If you have made a space. If you await the coming of this light with certainty and assurance... it will find you. It knows where you are. It is a conscious light.

End Transmission.......

One last time we will link to the broadcast on Feet to The Fire with James Jancik.

Links are hanging out at GAB=

Conclusion of Chapter 16...
Two Paths... from The Bhagavad Gita


Hypocritical, proud, and arrogant, living in delusion and clinging to deluded ideas, insatiable in their desires, they pursue their unclean ends. Although burdened with fears that end only with death, they still maintain with complete assurance, “Gratification of lust is the highest that life can offer.”

Bound on all sides by scheming and anxiety, driven by anger and greed, they amass by any means they can a hoard of money for the satisfaction of their cravings.

“I got this today,” they say; “tomorrow I shall get that. This wealth is mine, and that will be mine too. I have destroyed my enemies. I shall destroy others too! Am I not like God? I enjoy what I want. I am successful. I am powerful. I am happy. I am rich and well-born. Who is equal to me? I will perform sacrifices and give gifts, and rejoice in my own generosity.” This is how they go on, deluded by ignorance. Bound by their greed and entangled in a web of delusion, whirled about by a fragmented mind, they fall into a dark hell.

Self-important, obstinate, swept away by the pride of wealth, they ostentatiously perform sacrifices without any regard for their purpose. Egotistical, violent, arrogant, lustful, angry, envious of everyone, they abuse my presence within their own bodies and in the bodies of others.

Life after life I cast those who are malicious, hateful, cruel, and degraded into the wombs of those with similar demonic natures. Birth after birth they find themselves with demonic tendencies. Degraded in this way, Arjuna, they fail to reach me and fall lower still.

There are three gates to this self-destructive hell: lust, anger, and greed. Renounce these three. Those who escape from these three gates of darkness, Arjuna, seek what is best and attain life’s supreme goal. Others disregard the teachings of the scriptures. Driven by selfish desire, they miss the goal of life, miss even happiness and success.

Therefore let the scriptures be your guide in what to do and what not to do. Understand their teachings; then act in accordance with them.


0 said...

I watched S4 Episode 7 of "The Boys" yesterday and was surprised to see some statements the kid of homelander made about Family.

The context was curious as the boy was put into a muppet special with the rest of the supes as muppets doing a sing along on Telling on your Family and neighbors, but the kid stopped it mid song and on air told everyone that it was bullshit and that Family matters.

Its a pretty bloody and sexual series so it was surprising to see that embedded in it. Sorta like the Sheep turned vicious bloody flying superbeasts that came together to rip apart a suped up bull in an earlier episode in season 4, think that was episode 4 or 5.

I like Butcher and Frenchie. :)


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Soros destroying life as we know it, but not existence as we don't know it. We are forever. We allegedly make out our contract for how we are going to live and 'die' before we get here. Expiration date and method of expiration.

No, being the exterminator is not a 'nice' position, but the question arises. . .WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT FOR PEOPLE THAT LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE BE HERE, ESPECIALLY THOSE NOT HERE YET?!!!!!!!

I see transition as a release from a vile prison of illusion, curtailed abilities and perpetual inconvenience. I would welcome a point blank headshot with a hollow point, nuked at ground zero, or maybe I should ask Rusty Cage/Ben Steele if he wants any volunteers for his guillotine.

Speaking of transitions, if I survive it I'm gonna try as hard as I might to get promoted to Arsehole to the 34th Degree. Gods, I have HAD it with this place; but bein' 62 and half the man I never was. . .I don't theenk so.

Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

LTPTB, I’ve thought about the head chopper too, but i read some interesting things about being decapitated, so i changed my mind on that dramatic and bloody exit.
I’ve got several different scenarios that swirl around in the olde noggin, but whichever one’s the famous final curtain call, i just hope it’s an honorable one.

That’s about the best one can hope for to leave this here mortal coil.

Don’t know if anyone here saw this, but it cheered me up rightly yesterday and gave me some glimmer of hope for the future:



Sukh said...

In light of today's events, this is from this (yesterday's) post:

"Always remember that if the bullet doesn't have your name on it... it won't hit you..."

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Re: #4

The whole 'asassination' event is just so weird. I can't help wonder if it wasn't staged. Of course I don't KNOW, but I will find out after I get my Akashic Library Card.

With the news today, it's hard to tell the difference betwixt fact and fiction.

Visible said...

It's very very fishy. Something was definitely going on beneath the radar... and there's also The God Option.

Ty said...

Trump Assassin Was Jewish and Worked for Blackrock

Visible said...

Old news, as for whether it is true... I'd wait a bit on that.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

" Mr. Apocalypse Told Me that The Time would Come when The Inexplicable and Incredible would Become Routine."



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