Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"It is Like Great Rivers... Channeled from The Sea, and They Create Many Tributaries as They Flow Through and Around Us."

God Poet Transmitting.......

It is possible to cultivate genius. The ability to do absolutely everything is stored up in your subconscious. Accessing it is the problem, and then there is the matter of Dharma. The Karma you came in here with measures... restricts and permits the reach of your abilities.

HOWEVER... through the practice of Meditation, and the aspects of focus... concentration... and contemplation... elevations of consciousness... can be set in motion... during the process of Meditation. You can cultivate many things. You are a garden after all, and what you plant there will grow... if you water and shine upon it.

If you don't cultivate your garden, it will default into whatever your general self-interest causes to sprout. It won't be a garden though. It will very much resemble The World you already live in; that sector you occupy... which includes all the things that grow and take place there. Are you getting the picture?

Some of us ALREADY live in The Garden of Eden because we have regenerated it within via the God-given powers we possess... as a result of being made in his/her image.

When you go in the direction of Materialism and the enjoyment... exclusively... of carnal pleasure, you create Babylon... which incrementally, and inevitably... creates Hell on Earth. You then... naturally... according to the principle of As Above-So Below... matriculate to Astral and Mental Hells on your departure from here. You go where you already are, minus the vehicle that causes you to be here... temporarily.

Your Subconscious generates everything you tell it to... through suggestion and picturing in The Mind's Eye. It then materializes by precipitation. The Subconscious communicates in pictures. This is why creative visualization... through the imagination... is the key to what you see around you, and who and what you encounter each day. You can train the imagination to generate only the best aspects of life, by living in it, but... above it.

Angels overshadow us; if... we... permit... them... to. Demons possess us otherwise. You are the company you keep. I try to tell people that they live in a world of magic that generates everything they experience; that it is they-themselves who are doing it, and that they can control this to their lasting delight, BUT... people find it very hard to stand still, and hold in abeyance... The Reactive Mind. A large percentage of the population has convinced themselves that they know all they need to know.

You know who does not do this? Children. Children do not do this. Children learn, and they learn very quickly because puberty has not yet divided them against themselves, and because their minds are not already crowded with all the things they think they know.

As we come to have a small idea of who we are, because of what we have been told... how we have been shaped and molded... we come to believe that we also know what is going on in The World According to You. You should pray often, deeply... and sincerely... for regenerated innocence.

You have... present within you... a teacher... a guide... a wayshower. You cannot hear this being because of The Reactive Mind. The Reactive Mind is that feature of your being that inhibits your ability TO LISTEN without objection. You do not need to be so disciplined concerning The External World... as you really need to be self-disciplined concerning your Internal World. Everything external is a product and offspring of The Internal.

When you can still The Mind... you will soon begin to be able to hear The Inner Voice, AKA- The Intuition. This is why there is the saying; when the pupil is ready, The Master is waiting. Certain things you must do, and not do. Once you have convinced yourself of the VERY SERIOUS reasons for this; positive change is expeditious.

Sometimes people get to that stage through Trauma. Sometimes they get there through weltschmerz... which is a term for world-weariness. Sometimes the experience has been arranged for at a previous time, and the necessary efforts were made at a previous time.

Everyone should read; The Autobiography of a Yogi.

There is an immense wealth of information in that book. I don't know how many times I have read that book. Now I am listening to it, AND... I am always improved by the experience.

Wherever you are... this moment... that is the time to start digging in your garden; The Mind Garden. You water it with attention. You nourish it with Love. It is best expressed... symbolically AND actually through the interaction of The Sun and Moon, with the aid of Mercury. Mercury is The Mind. This is a simple principle. It is a timeless principle. It is Ageless Wisdom in action.

We have in The World... something called Conventional Wisdom. It is what worldly sorts carry around with them. It is... no doubt... correct here and there... now and again, BUT... it is ONLY ever half of the equation. That is the source of the blind leading the blind. The World does... not... know... what... it... is... talking... about. If you are not getting your advice and guidance from within, you are being misled.

There are many instances in The New Testament where Jesus The Christ addresses this condition. He talks about being led astray by the men of The World. He says it is like the faggots of wood... gathered up and thrown into The Fire. The fire of which he speaks is The Fires of Sensation. If your spiritual eyes were open... you would be able to see that The World is on Fire, all... the... time. Yes, it is. It is on fire with Desire and Appetite. It is on fire with Wanting.

The Truth is not found in complexity. It is complexity that conceals The Truth. God often chooses the simple to communicate his truth. Sometimes, those chosen cannot even read or write, like Ramakrishna. Sometimes, they are called away from pedestrian efforts and The Truth is expressed through simple and unassuming people like Jacob Boehme. Those who speak the truth... speak in the simplest language... because The Truth is something that can be comprehended by everyone.

The World does not follow The Way of Truth. That is why there is so much conflict and disorder here. Yes... there are longer periods where Harmony prevails... in times of greater light... such as we are approaching now. It could be that this golden age that is coming is a brief respite from the toil and turmoil of previous millennia. I do not know. I do know that there will be a force present on Earth, which... if you contact it... can lead you on a quantum leap, spiritually.

The coming of this embodied force, whether it be present in a single life form or... in multiples... due to the enormous size of the population is not the important factor; the important thing is that it comes and is present. You can advantage yourself of it, IF... you can cease to be a captive of the endless distractions that surround you. I suspect that this force will appear in multiple individuals; perhaps 7 main agents... like great rivers channeled from The Sea, and then creating many tributaries as they flow through and around us.

You can begin to till your garden at any time. I have made a Tarot garden of my mind... in the sense that I have worked to activate the archetypes... that each of the pictograms of the 22 Major Arcana... symbolizes. It is not imperative that one work with Tarot, per se. What the cards represent are timeless... resonating portals of specialized force. These pictures already exist on The Causal Plane. The physical impressions are here to remind us of the vibrating archetypes that hold The World in place.

These archetypes shift in appearance from age to age to accommodate the teaching of the moments we were made present to experience, BUT... what they do, and inspire in us... does not change.

One can have the image of a master or... The Divine Mother or... one of the previous avatars. One can approach the idea from an impersonal perspective, BUT... I must warn you... almost no one is able to accomplish the union in that fashion. Very mysterious and convoluted... are the labyrinthine ways... through The Unknown to the ineffable.

My studies were a long time ago. They have directed me to the performance of Bhakti; loving worship... loving God with all my heart... all my soul... all my strength (will), and all my mind. I am done with complexity, BUT... it was/is a good system and it got me to this point and it's out of my hands from here, and... thank God for that.

You don't need to know all the ins and outs. You never will, BUT you can know the one who knows all the ins and outs, and that is sufficient. As The Divine told me; visible, my job is to take care of The Details. Your job is to let me take care of The Details. Your part in the process is now over. All you have to do... is let me accomplish my will in you, and...

...one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links await you at GAB=

Continuing Chapter 18 of The Bhagavad Gita;
Freedom and Renunciation


The responsibilities to which Brahmins are born, based on their nature, are self-control, tranquility, purity of heart, patience, humility, learning, austerity, wisdom, and faith.

The qualities of Kshatriyas, based on their nature, are courage, strength, fortitude, dexterity, generosity, leadership, and the firm resolve never to retreat from battle. The occupations suitable for a vaishya are agriculture, dairying, and trade. The proper work of a shudra is service.

By devotion to one’s own particular duty, everyone can attain perfection. Let me tell you how. By performing one’s own work, one worships the Creator who dwells in every creature. Such worship brings that person to fulfillment.

It is better to perform one’s own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of another. By fulfilling the obligations he is born with, a person never comes to grief. No one should abandon duties because he sees defects in them. Every action, every activity, is surrounded by defects as a fire is surrounded by smoke.

One who is free from selfish attachments, who has mastered himself and his passions, attains the supreme perfection of freedom from action. Listen and I shall explain now, Arjuna, how one who has attained perfection also attains Brahman, the supreme

Unerring in discrimination, sovereign of the senses and passions, free from the clamor of likes and dislikes, such a one leads a simple, self-reliant life based on meditation, controlling speech, body, and mind.

Free from self-will, aggressiveness, arrogance, anger, and the lust to possess people or things, they are at peace with themselves and others and enter into the unitive state. United with Brahman, ever joyful, beyond the reach of desire and sorrow, they have equal regard for every living creature and attain supreme devotion to me. By loving me they come to know me truly; then they know my glory and enter into my boundless being. All their acts are performed in my service, and through my grace, they win eternal life.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Burrito filling on the hoof. . .better known as children. Incomplete development of frontal lobe issues with 'em. I suppose when that frontal lobe is fully developed, you kinda adjust to the physical reality and understand what it entails. A theory. I dunno. I'm wondering if MINE is fully developed or it exists at all, considering how contrary I am to what is.

They say it's around 25 when it's fully developed, and I'm under the impression it's a package deal.


Personally, I don't know about putting a time on it, but hey.

How we've been moulded? I 'tink' dey broke de mould after I was concocted. All governments on the planet are probably relieved by that fact.


0 said...

Welp, israel is stepping in it now. Hamas too. Guess its finally game on. Bout damn time.

Being able to objectively review self is Growth for those who couldn't before. Good on them. That might be why it takes hundreds or thousands or millions of lives for some consciousnesses to be-come. Rate of change varies tho huh. :) Not all growth need be equal among iterated forms of the same species, as its all relative to oneselves starting point.

Everyones somewhere on the path.

It feels like a Joe versus the Volcano type o day. Enjoy the Storm!


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Asymmetrical Warfare!!! It's Like Deja-Nam All Over Again! I Love The Smell of Tandoori Tanks Cooking in The Morning!".



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