Thursday, July 25, 2024

"It's a Mop-up Job. Everything Has to Be Made Brand... Spanking... Clean... for The Official Genesis of The Next Golden Age."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I was traveling on X today and; did it happen overnight? Just about every single post was about Crazy Town, and the inhabitants were all Lawn Compost Mentis. Some small part of it is in the links, BUT... my God! It is increasing at a noticeable rate, right... before... your... eyes.

I have a theory on this. My theory is that it is all caused by the press of The Coming of The Avatar on material life, and the madness comes about through His force directed to the mental and emotional planes. Whatever people are thinking... and whatever people are feeling, is the source power behind their freaking out.

It is a known feature of The Avatar's appearance that The Powers and Principalities of fallen angels... in high places... who are discarnate... have to be (and are) driven out of their nesting places because of the influence they exert from the invisible planes upon the residents of the visible planes. It's a mop-up job. Everything has to be made brand-spanking clean for the official genesis of The Golden Age.

Of course... over time... similar evil entities... set up shop once again... to do the same nasty shit all over again. This is why The Avatar comes at regular intervals as he does. It's all like a cosmic Hollywood production. It entertains The Divine AND... it schools us through the precessions of the equinox... over the long run... of a single turning of The Celestial Clock, which comes to just short of 26,000 years.

We are at the turning of one precession into the next and it accounts for why so many souls have incarnated at this time. However the vast amount of attendees forget all about the spiritual end... as soon as they got here... because of all the distractions, and... especially due to the overly laden buffet table. The power of The Avatar is such that through gradually increasing degrees of force... all who can be awakened... are awakened.

Then a golden age ensures... for a period of time... until it's right back where it was the last time around. This massive army of disembodied demonic intelligences is behind all the strange shit and endemic corruptions that regularly appear in all religions, EXCEPT FOR... Ageless Wisdom. They either devolve into a Satanic Fundamentalism... or go the other way toward total Luciferian permissiveness... depravity... and then... they destroy themselves.

The Council of Nicaea made sure that however righteous the times might have been in certain locations... they were not going to be any longer.

The crazy in the boardrooms... the high-end suites, and all up and down the streets... are getting more and more outrageous by the day.

The one constant I notice... at every level... is that they hate themselves and... by extension... hate you even more. It doesn't matter if you are riding Pullman class... first class... second class... third class... or sitting on the top of the train; if you are riding The Crazy Town Express... you are still on The Crazy Town Express. The amenities may vary... the insanity is consistent throughout.

Let us return to earlier in the post where I said that whatever was uppermost in the hearts and minds of each of us... is the driving visualization... of that which manifests in the specific kinds of insanities that appear. You are seeing large increases in narcissism... delusions of personality... in conflicts internal and external... plus... every variety of acting out is running the gamut from self-harm to harming others.

Otherwise, there is the consuming madness of uncontrolled hungers and bizarre attractions because... along with the exceedingly subtle intelligences... that inhabit the higher levels of the lower spheres... there is an even larger amount of single-appetite obsessions. All of these are seeking to possess the people... who have already done their work for them... by exercising too little self-control and impulse control.

Bill Gates... Chucky Schumer... George Soros and a surprisingly large percentage of entertainers... politicians... and financiers; you name it, are possessed by entities that are representative of their station in life and level of extended influence. These people are no longer human and they are behaving like this for that reason.

The Good News is that The Divine is in command of every theater of operation. He IS the driving force in existence for The Purpose of Demonstration, AND... he IS PERSONALLY coming down here to sort out everyone and everything according to the precise and specific resonance OR... lack of resonance... presented by each and every single particle of sentient and insentient life.

What I am telling you here is not some creation of my mind... not some speculation... whimsy... pot dream... acid trip... temporary or permanent aberration I came up with on my own. I am stating a recurrent truth that is at the heart of every religion, and whether it is called The Second Coming of Christ... Maitreya... Kalki... The Mahdi... or whathaveyou... it is one of the basic principles of the endlessly cycling existence on the manifest plane.

Now... I don't care what you got through the distorted lens of any religion... in whatever shape it has gotten into... over the long haul of years... since the last time he was here. The Truth is that we know very little about this personage except for what mutilated and agenda-driven scripture tells us. Some scripture remains that is enduring and true, but a lot of it is misleading.

Often The Avatar presents like Shakespeare did. We know that someone wrote those plays, singly or by committee, but... we don't know who. Was it actually a cat named Jesus OR... was it Apollonius of Tyana? Or was it someone else? The fact is that SOMEONE came and laid tracks, and The World... in a smaller part... has followed after... and built marvelous cathedrals and churches... while giving birth to a phenomenal philosophy of pristine simplicity. As The Bard himself asked; What's in a name?

I know it is hard to navigate the waters of screaming fundies, and the loud and abrasive uninformed. Where do you go when no one knows what they are talking about? That's a good question. The Truth is that there is always someone around who knows and who can guide you; whether it is Mikhail Aivanhov... Ramana Maharshi... Paramhansa Yogananda or... many others. Even if they are not here personally, they left tracks for you to follow, AND... they do monitor the road they built... if you take it.

You can reach any of these people through persistent hammering at the door. It's the same with Jesus Christ... who represented a state of mind called Christ Consciousness. Many have tasted... and dived deeply into these rapturous waters. This subset is actually small by comparison with the larger numbers of humanity, BUT... in every generation, there are those who reach that zone and then become minders and guidance systems for the rest of us.

In this time of apocalypse and awakening... one is in a position to make a great leap spiritually, and no one who gives it their all... ever... EVER... fails. The possibilities are remarkable... truly they are, and that is why the Degree of Difficulty is so great. It requires a unification of consciousness. It requires the discovery of The One Mind and the impersonality thereof. In these times... the attention of the many... is splintered into a schizoid multiplicity of attractions and masking personas. You have to bring your disparate parts together.

Doing this on your own is impossible, and I don't care what anyone says... no one has done this without help, BUT... help is there if you call on it, and persist in calling on it, and are asking for spiritual things. Pedestrian attractions are also plentiful and at hand... for those who seek in that direction, BUT those are a waste of time, and a gateway into a world of suffering.

If you are sincere... contrite... and humble, assistance will come to you. Have no doubt about that. One only fails through inconsistent effort or... giving up. The World is going to eat you alive if you go the other way. That is what it does. That is its dharma. We do learn when we are abused by The World, BUT... how long does it take to figure this out?

Don't let your life become like your New Year's resolutions. Make the quest for The Divine a part of everything you do. When I worked at any number of the scut jobs I took... to pay for free time to create in, I always told myself I was in the music business. When God made it clear to me what would happen if I persisted in that direction, I immediately shifted into the direction I was meant to take.

My dear friends... take a long... clear... and focused look at The World around you. You will see what I am seeing. Everyone is being possessed by whatever pointless objectives they have let rise uppermost into their minds. If you are going to go mad anyway, and from what I see from a distance, that looks highly likely for many, then... go mad for The Divine.

Let The Holy Spirit possess you, because as sure as The Sun will rise tomorrow, The Spirit of God is waiting for you to make The Call, and... please follow the implications of this. last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will appear shortly at GAB=

I'm a little short of time today, having taken some of it to play tetherball with clowns, and assorted whiffenpoof-circling diversions. I'll have those last bits of The Bhagavad Gita up tomorrow.


0 said...

"The Coming of The Avatar on material life, and the madness comes about through His force directed to the mental and emotional planes. Whatever people are thinking... and whatever people are feeling, is the source power behind their freaking out."

Only in the inpress of everything does the value of nothing become apparent.

Consistent and Stilled. Feeling and Thinking while willfully withholding Acting, seems to allow the Acting to show up in others local to self, and perhaps at wider reach determined by the aggregated potential of the individual so focused and concentrated on a thing... like Accountability. :)

Like a wound clock at full tension ready to unleash that potential in kinetic motion but withheld. If the alls behind it, the potential amplification will make the 100th monkey expansion of knowing look like a cheap trick.

Its nice to be in a state of tensioned repose, so that when something comes upon self, self comes upon that something. Sounds like alot of coming huh. haha Vulgar yet apt it seems.

Meet presence with presence and Force with Force. For the purpose of demonstration.


0 said...

The post today reminded me of the old movies Romancing the Stone and the Jewel of the Nile. :) Good flicks.


Visible said...

I watched The Sum of All Fears last night, BOY! That was almost as ridiculous as that Travolta film Broken Arrow. The impossibilities just kept mounting. Freeman must have been glad to die early on.

Anonymous said...

“BUT... help is there if you call on it, and persist in calling on it, and are asking for spiritual things. Pedestrian attractions are also plentiful and at hand... for those who seek in that direction, BUT those are a waste of time, and a gateway into
a world of suffering.”

I related a bit of this to some peeple yesterday, and it didn’t seem to take. That’s alright tho, maybe it fertilized their subconscious and will sprout in due time,
if not, perhaps someone else could put it better than i, and that’s fine too.

You might already know that peeple are corresponding the operetta at the end of Sum of All Fears to the RNC and Trump’s speech, in Q fashion.

Really nice post today.



Visible said...

That was why I watched it, and it was easily as absurd as the possibility that that shooting was not scripted.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I asked for this life with the best intentions for the planet. Now? SUN, PLEASE GO SUPERNOVA YESTERDAY!!!!!! Or may the Kolbrin Destroyer return ASAP, or what ever. I am BEYOND fed up with this place. It's not worth bothering with in the now, as far as I'm concerned. It's annoying. If there's any truth to the myths and speculation, maybe the Tuatha de Danann and Tartarians, and whoever else are no longer with us. I can't see how anything like us mortal flotsam garbage could have defeated them in any conflict. (Is my misanthropy a'showin'?)

Heh-heh-heh. And if anyone knew what my life was like these days, they'd ask, WHAT ARE YOU BITCHIN' ABOUT, YOU ENTITLED TWAT? Oh, those NDEs are a double edged sword. So much to look forward to when paroled from our self-made prisons of this repulsive realm. I will NEVER understand how anyone can have positive feelings for this place after they see what's next. I suppose some information was withheld from me.


robert said...

Dear Visible,

Thank you for the one last thing!

The mother's laughter was divine!

Wait until Heaven weighs in with divine derision, light as a feather but heavy on the disconnected...

0 said...

TeeHee... "They said on the radio it Blew up!"

Israel did 9/11.



Anonymous said...

You're out of your mind!

Yeah! Ain't it cool? -Travolta

Anonymous said...

Very much with you on that one. Of course, we don’t know, but the olde “quacks like a duck” is a trusty fall back position. All we can do is wait and see what comes of it.

If anyone’s interested, here’s some good stuff that threads the needle pretty nicely:



Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"When Your Mind is Tuned to The External World as Being The Real World... One Can Say that You've Got It Ass-Backwards.".

Fratus said...

Look closely at her eyes shows signs of a mask on I'll it's hard to tell if it is a mask.


Robert said...

I enjoyed your post so much... as I always do, ... but the prairie dog video is the high point I left with!!
How clever of you, Les... :)



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