Monday, July 22, 2024

"You aren't Allowed to Kill Women and Children... Unless You are Bounty Hunting in Gaza, and Trading Scalps for Shekels."

God Poet Transmitting.......

The state of the culture; people have really lost their way in a flood of materialism. This is being followed by epidemic madness in pandemic Crazy Towns... ubiquitous health problems... rampant crime from top to bottom, and insatiable hunger that has resulted in people eating each other alive, and... internalizing that hunger as well.

Their heroes are soccer players and bimbo entertainers... some of whom... can do nothing other than pose for magazine covers, and which... due to the glossy nature of the paper... make them a poor replacement for what used to get taken to the outhouse for another purpose;

“Do people actually read this shit?” “Not down here they don't.” And... so it goes.

The way I see it... there are only two main possibilities. One of them is that The Awakening will intensify to such a degree that a truly significant amount of people will wake up. The other possibility is that it won't, and... you can figure out what that means.

If it goes the way it's always gone... since they first started writing it down; some will get it... many will get some degree of it, and a lot of people won't even know anything was happening in the first place... except for the dancing... Japanese... hooker robot on the other side of the porthole... in the viewing booth... at the dirty book store.

I'm hopeful for the first option, but... however it shakes out, I'll keep doing what I do; good... mixed... or poor results have nothing to do with it. It's over The Long Run where everything counts. In the short term... you seldom even know what it means anyway. Each of us is walking in the direction of the place we are going to arrive at. Some of us know where that is and some don't, even the ones who know.... don't know what they are going to encounter; except in a general way.

Either The Sun is coming up... or The Sun is going down... metaphorically speaking. Some are seeking The Darkness because what they want... and what they do... finds the perfect climate there. Some are seeking The Light for the same reasons that are not the same reasons. Hey! You try talking about this... see how you do.

Maybe you think Hell is in some other location far from here. You may think the same about Heaven and The Presence of God, AND... you'd be right, insofar as there are certainly Heavens and Hells in other... less visible... locations, BUT... Heaven and Hell are also right here, and if you think about it, you know it is so. Simply read the news.

A woman shot a baby in a stroller... with her mother... on the sidewalk... a few days ago in Philly, screaming; “Fuck you, bitch!” at the mother. Apparently, they hadn't met previously. Philadelphia's the place for that sort of thing. I've been up close and personal with Philly. I didn't like it.

The Usual bullshit run-up to war is now being bandied about again. Woo woo; Iran is getting the bomb! Iran has a plan to assassinate Trump! Russia is killing women and children!!! Russia is bad. All of this is due to agents of The Usual Suspects. You aren't allowed to kill women and children... unless you are bounty hunting in Gaza, and trading scalps for shekels.

Didn't you know? They got safaris going there now. It's a little like Westworld only they use real people. Head on into any travel agents in Bryn Mawr or Crown Heights, and tell them you want to hunt for The Hostages in Rafah and they will fix you up. You can do a group tour or go solo. Chefs... Spotters... massage therapists... escorts... they got a line-up of frills and fixins tailored to your needs. You can also go to Crazy Bennie's website and deal direct.

I didn't hear a word about Palestine at The RNC. I know... it's a busy time, and... all that shit... for the moment... is far away.

So... the reason I brought up The Awakening, and whether it would be enough or not... is because of all the nasty business I can see being drummed up... in the Trends and Patterns Department of Coming Attractions... which is scrolling across my mindscreen... in between the PSAs all day long.

Meanwhile... in GAZA... during The Festival of Gazacide... The IDF has rigged up a skeet machine that tosses Palestinian children's bodies into the air. If you ask Crazy Bennie about this, you might get it thrown into the package deal at no extra cost. They still got plenty of bodies so... as long as that is the case... it's not like they are going to any great expense. Think I'm exaggerating? Think again.

If you go for The Rape and Pillage Package, you'll get tailored uniforms with The Star of Hermes on them. The producers of Storage Wars have put their own little sortie together and you get to keep whatever you find, once you've bid on the contents. The kids will love that one; he followed me back, Mom! Can I keep him? Can I? Can I? Most tours include IDF executioner personnel who confirm the kill for you... harvest the the stuff you usually have your staff handle at home.

There's a blood river now that runs through Rafah, and a company on the banks that will rent you paddle boards with Obama's face on them. You'll need to get on this soonest because it could always run dry... with no warning. Heh heh... who am I kidding? Sorry! Sorry! Just let me catch my breath. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! That was a good one! Sometimes I just crack myself up. It's a gift. It's like I can't control it.

So... what did you do on your summer vacation?

When it comes to sleazy business... there is no one quite like the Satanic psychopaths over at The Banker Wars... Deep State Consortium. As you probably know by now... or should know by now; Antifa works for them. The Anarchists work for them. The Communists work for them. Assorted Nabobs and Nutjobs work for them. The brain-dead sex junkies are owned and operated by them, and the one thing they do... the one thing they ALWAYS try to do... is to control The Narrative. That's why they got The Gaza Protesters that show up in The Media, all looking like members of these groups.

This puts the image in the mind of the rest of The World that Israel is the good guy and Palestine, and... everyone who supports them... are twisted and deranged jelly bean heads. You see how it works, right? It's called Controlled Opposition.

Oh! What else are they up to?

This is happening in countries around The World and it's the same demographic in every case, making sweeping changes in countries they have no business being in; except that's their business.

Few people actually have the courage, and these days... the intelligence as well... to think for themselves. If it weren't that God was coming in human form... shortly... or already here anyway... given the reach of his presence... I would have no hope for humanity. I have seldom seen such an enormous crowd of moral cowards, and pathological masturbators; it's not my problem. Of course, given time... the problem WILL get around to you. That's how it works. It's a law.

Let me present you with certain fixed and persistent laws that are ALWAYS in operation, whether you are here or not; The Law of Mentalism. It says that the whole universe is mental (double entendre zone). I believe I've mentioned that everything is thought born?

There's The Law of Polarity which is the interaction of opposites, and as a maybe... kinda explanation for Evil.

There's the Law of Cause and Effect. That should be self-explanatory, right? Right?

There's The Law of Gender; bet you didn't know about that one. All our technologies and constructions either employ or are the result of this law.

There's The Law of Correspondence, which has As Above... So Below as one of its tenets, and every plane of being has the same principles and similarities as every other plane of being. It's amazing how many people do not catch on to this one, BUT... the mesmerizing effect of appearances has a lot to do with that.

There's The Law of Rhythm. That's the endless wavelength of periodicity... rolling in and rolling out at predictable intervals. The Moon going through its phases is a great example of this.

Finally, there is The Law of Vibration. Maybe I should have put that one on first. Everything in the universe is moving, nothing is stationary and at rest, except for... you know who; or is it what? It is the basic nature of reality, and it is in control of everything.

What's my point? (sigh) I really wish I knew the answer to that one. However... I'll give it a shot; Pull! Kablam!!! Pull! Kablam!!! No! Not really. I plead temporary insanity. It comes and goes, you know?

My point is... these laws, and others of a higher order that did not get mentioned because one doesn't talk about those things... or else you no longer know they are around. Poof! Then they are gone just like that. These laws and those other laws are all indicators that Everything is Under Control. God... The Divine... IS in command, and He/She/It is what He/She/It is. Om... Tat... Sat.. and l'dat.

I got a whole bunch of Litmus Tests, and one of them is... if you're not outraged about Palestine. If you are conveniently silent about it... you're owned by those who are genociding them OR... they got something you want that shuts you up. They got nothing I want; Judgment is coming, and... if you are giving obeisance to these monsters who are maiming... torturing, and killing with impunity... while The World turns its head... then you are no different than they are... especially if you are in a position to speak out... and be heard, and you do not. Shame on you!

And... one more thing.

End Transmission.......

Yeah... I know... this is Origami. Sorry about that.

Links are over at GAB=

Chapter 18 of The Bhagavad Gita...
Freedom and Renunciation continuing-


Listen, Arjuna, and I will explain the five elements necessary for the accomplishment of every action, as taught by the wisdom of Sankhya. The body, the means, the ego, the performance of the act, and the divine will: these are the five factors in all actions, right or wrong, in thought, word, or deed.

Those who do not understand this think of themselves as separate agents. With their crude intellects, they fail to see the truth. The person who is free from ego, who has attained purity of heart, though he slays these people, he does not slay and is not bound by his action.

Knowledge, the thing to be known, and the knower: these three promote action. The means, the act itself, and the doer: these three are the totality of action. Knowledge, action, and the doer can be described according to the gunas. Listen, and I will explain their distinctions to you.

Sattvic knowledge sees the one indestructible Being in all beings, the unity underlying the multiplicity of creation. Rajasic knowledge sees all things and creatures as separate and distinct. Tamasic knowledge, lacking any sense of perspective, sees one small part and mistakes it for the whole.

Work performed to fulfill one’s obligations, without thought of personal reward or of whether the job is pleasant or unpleasant, is sattvic. Work prompted by selfish desire or self-will, full of stress, is rajasic. Work that is undertaken blindly, without any consideration of consequences, waste, injury to others, or one’s own capacities, is tamasic.

Sattvic workers are free from egotism and selfish attachments, full of enthusiasm and fortitude in success and failure alike. Rajasic workers have strong personal desires and crave rewards for their actions. Covetous, impure, and destructive, they are easily swept away by fortune, good or bad. Tamasic workers are undisciplined, vulgar, stubborn, deceitful, dishonest, and lazy. They are easily depressed and prone to procrastination.


Franz said...

Thanks for busting my ass fella.

I mean over the weekend. I got a little morning routine, developed over many years. Yes, I suppose it includes some of what includes yoga and old-tyme French savate and whatever. 20 minutes of it makes me feel... well, okay.

Then you post that Chinese chick doing what no human body should be able to do. THAT HURTS! Pain is seeing something so good that it leaves you drained, like, totally. Thinking why bother.

But then it says she's nine. She's only been in the world since Trump got elected in 2016. So new on earth, so uncontaminated, she has no clue what contamination is.

The rest of us are too enmired to match most any of that sort of routine. As the months go by our physical selves are weighted down and finally ossified to the world. So each human death becomes a rebellion against the increasingly incredible sheetrock weight we all become.

So no -- thanks for posting miss rubberband! I weep that she will become heavy, but she has a chance to avoid the stone quarry the rest of us are bound for. Lucky kid. Luckily she doesn't know of these things yet.

0 said...

If you like the laws stated, you might enjoy Walter Russells "The Universal One". It runs down all these laws in the order he thought they applied.

Dale Pond at has alot of Walters books for sale if ones looking.

Similar to the book "Dashed against the Rocks; a romance of the coming age" by coleville.


Visible said...

Nobody; Thanks for the info.

About the fellow talking about the coding. I don't think he meant any harm. He has to correct certain things in the structure of the blogs. It might have gotten to him or something. Usually, he is neither seen nor heard, (grin)

0 said...

Oh I see... I thought he was a reader being annoyed at having to cut n paste a few extra digits.

All good, tech people do get annoyed at extra syntax for no good reason. I do voip work so know how it gets, specially after 25 years doing it...

Thanks for the clarification!

I get annoyed when people require things I provided to be framed in some different way so they can make use of it... instead of just taking whats offered and using it or not. So thats on me.

Had some guy find my substack and wanted me to write up the dotto ring, in spite of the fact there are 2-3 posts on my substack about all the work I've done on it... that sort of thing where it seems to be more about putting the monkey on the one whos doing the works back, sets me off. At that point its usually "Fuck You, Blocked". Ha.

Anyways hopefully we're all cool.

Visible said...

One person with the right not defensive and impersonal stance can make the whole world cool.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Khazaria the Second, by any other name. I'd call them pragmatic to a fault. Amazing how such a small landmass calls the shots. From what I'm reading, that 'calls' is gonna be 'called' pretty soon. Ye gods, why hasn't it happened already?!

Oh yeah. Programming us to be stupid. Putting us into a mindset where we end up doing what we have to do as opposed to what we want to do 98.2% of the time. (For me, I think obligatory activities are about 30% of the time. After all, I do have a part time job and errands to run. One day a week I may spend time on an elaborate gourmet meal that takes me 2 or 3 hours, but hey. I may hate to cook, but I make enough to last a few days, in addition to the extra that I make and deliver to a friend who made my current life possible, and the end result is way worth it. GORDON RAMSAY, EAT MY DUST!)

Oh well.

I swear! I find it hard to sympathise with people living the debt based lifestyle and getting themselves into gratuitous economic holes that they'll never get out of.
Are we having fun with our credit cards these days? If more lived like me, I wonder how many of the worlds problems wouldn't exist? That would be minimalistic with bare basic obligations.

Nostrils to the sky.

0 said...

Take it as it comes or wander on huh. If only Lao Tzu was still around being Cool. Was the world any cooler with him in his iteration of form? :)

At this point, I'm of the "its way past time for accountability, burn it all down" ilk.

Thats how it goes when accountability is willfully prevented for decades at a time for the ones Paying Attention.

Let it all go Hot, and everyone Sort the Feds and billionaires out in the noise. Hell, the HOA might also need to be visited upon... :P


Visible said...

Well... apparently such thoughts are already in circulation=

0 said...

Damn Skippy.

The Texas slaves who learned in June 1865 that they were free had a letdown a month later. No EBT cards or DEI hiring, no New York Times opining on how slaves invented everything.

So it only makes sense to observe Julyteenth, marking the end of the initial Juneteenth exuberance.

Here’s how Julyteenth played out this year.

Estinfil Filsmagre sounds like a cheap “Touch of Gray” hair-dye knockoff.

“Estinfil…fills my gray!”

But in fact he’s a murderous thug who lucked out. Locked in a Broward County cell for stabbing a dude, but unable to have an in-person hearing due to Covid, Filsmagre caught a break when the county decided to clean out a bunch of “time-serveds” to clear backlog. “Filsmagre is back at home with his daughter!” crowed the Miami-Dade College “justice” newsletter.

But Filsmagre didn’t stay with his daughter long (you expected otherwise?). He moved to Indianapolis, knife in hand, looking to celebrate his escape from Miami and child support at a bar called Miami’s Garden (“it’s like home, but no baby mamma”). According to police, Filsmagre became enraged because…you think he needed a reason?…and stabbed nine muthas outside the bar.

But this is black Indianapolis, where stabbed muthas fight back. Bystanders beat Filsmagre so bad, his mug shot is a living illustration of “Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple o’ pieces gone.”

Seriously—compare the Miami mug shot to the Indianapolis one. “Bad Bad Leroy Broward” had a lousy Julyteenth."

Quoted from Takimag:

The two mug shots say it all.

Miami mugshot:

Indianapolis mugshot:

If one doesn't Need to be out and about, its prolly better to Not be out and about at this point. And if one Is out and about, have the Tools needful on self.


M - said...

Manowar performed a beautiful renditon of Nessun dorma while on tour in Italy (2012):

Hearing it always gives me goosebumps.

Aussie Bob said...

Damn it Franz, you're a clone of me. My actions followed by my thoughts written down to perfection. Thank you dude for the articulate representation of where we are in the world!

0 said...

Bumped into this from Charles Hugh Smith quoting Machiavelli today.

"And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things, because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them. Thus it happens that whenever those who are hostile have the opportunity to attack they do it like partisans, whilst the others defend lukewarmly, in such wise that the prince is endangered along with them."

URL here:

Ah coolness. :)


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"That Ocean is The Mind, and... Whatever Tumult there May Be... that Exists Within It... The Ocean Will Soon Exhibit "



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