Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"Faith Can Rise to The Occasion. Faith is The Degree of Grip One Can Maintain on The One and Only Will. It Takes Practice."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Existence is like an onion with all of its layers. Some things are concealed deep... simply due to having existed a very long time ago. Other things are deliberately concealed because... if they ever see the light of day... trouble will come of it. Some things are automatically concealed because... no one understands them, and those who do... cannot explain them to others. This accounts for the mystery schools that guide an aspirant through areas of his/her own being until everything is... self-realized.

With Mr. Apocalypse appearing something more than a decade ago... the revelations have been surfacing in regular fashion. Suddenly... in recent times... the revelations are more disquieting and troubling than the earlier revelations.

It's like those moments in the pseudo-science of Psychology. I think they call them breakthroughs; similar... perhaps to Jimbo Morrison's admonition to, ♫ break on through to the other side ♫ As I remember, he took his own advice.

Let us mention some of the latest revelations that are now moving in a glacial manner (I would expect nothing less.)... to the larger clusters of minds... at a greater separation from The Truth. Even more startling than these is what is soon to follow. Mr. Apocalypse is not going to just slam his spade into the dirt and walk away... with the job less than completely finished. It's not in his DNA.

Here you go...

When Big Tobacco got shut down, RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris took all that liquid cash and put it into the processed food industry. I think the thought was, if we can't kill them with what they smoke anymore we can kill them with what they eat. Add in the pharmaceuticals... as the continuation of a hundred-year curse from a dead man in Hell. (See yesterday's “one last thing”) and you've got twin Earthmovers... erasing the landscape of all things human.

Then there are The Killer Vaccines and a larger list of other horrible things being visited on Humanity.

There's a peculiar irony... or is it a coincidence... that Bill Gates should be doing all the same things that John D. once did? John was an exceedingly hard man; remorseless and devoid of Mercy. Bill likes to employ all that false bonhomie... like he's your dentist; it's painful but necessary. Still... he's really on your side... right?

I can track a man across stony ground if I know how he thinks. I can never be lost if I know who I am. I can slip out of a slipknot if I'm not tied up in the first place. I can find anyone who doesn't want to be found by finding them inside myself first. Then I won't have to find them. They will find me, cause everyone... whether they know it or not... is looking for the same thing. Some of us are truly fortunate because some of us know what that is, even if the information is based on knowing what it is not.

Of course, I can't do anything, but the one who is present in me can do anything, and any request that I make... if it be aligned with The One and Only Will... will be realized, and that applies to anyone and everyone whose faith can rise to the occasion. Faith is the degree of grip one can maintain on The One and Only Will. It takes practice.

We were talking yesterday about an arcane dynamic... elusive in the elucidation... difficult to convey in a practical sense. I will try again. This has nothing to do with New Age claptrap. It is an ancient form of protection employed by The Initiatic Brotherhood.

Mr. Apocalypse is a multitasking wonder. Just as he is exposing the players and the plots they engage in... to our distress. He is also revealing esoteric truths that have been hidden from the public eye for a very long time. A person can carry a mindset around with him/her that radiates into the environment. We have all met people whose positive optimism is infectious. We have also met the negative aspect... also personified.

One can think of The Sun as being the embodiment of positivity. It really is the portal through which God expresses on this plane; keeping in mind that he also expresses within us, AND through us. It is this I am talking about.

An Initiate is someone who is in intimate contact with the Heavenly order; someone who channels The Will of God... according to their specific capacity. We are not all equal as far as talents go. Most Initiates perform a particular function that is part of the effort of a group, which expresses The Divine Will on a particular ray of light. There are levels of initiatic grouping, but we won't be dealing with that because that is not my department. Others handle the minutiae.

Suffice to say that every initiate and group of initiates is a broadcasting unit that disseminates some positive quality of The Divine. For a parallel, you might think of monks... who represent an order... founded on the teachings of a saint; like the Franciscan Order of St. Francis. Nunneries also manifest some branch of the teachings of Christ, as exhibited through the efforts of a particular saint. There are also Buddhist and Hindu orders of monks and nuns.

The Heavenly Hierarchy is a vast and complex organization, and every member... has some area of function... having to do with a permutation of The Light of God. Humanity is a large group of souls moving in every direction, like disorganized flocks of sheep. Most are moving in groups. Some are moving singly, for both benign and nefarious purposes.

The Fellowship of Initiates has the welfare of Humanity as its main concern... even though some are involved in areas of interest that might seem far removed from this area of interest. Everything connects regardless.

What I was suggesting was that... each and every one of us... unite with some aspect of this wide-reaching fellowship, and direct our thought toward the liberation of Humanity from under the heel of its relentless oppressors who are... even now... engaged in our subjugation and extermination... individually and collectively. It so happens that in Times of Material Darkness... demonic forces... rise up out of their usual subterranean hidey holes, and possess the hearts and minds of those unfortunates... whose appetites and excesses made this possible.

I am not suggesting some organized feat to be carried out at given times. I am talking about a general collective mindset... that channels The Will of God... to this end. In essence... this would involve prayer as the main medium of effort engaged in. I am suggesting that everyone who reads here... pray that Humanity be freed of this oppressor class who have become active habitations of demons.

I ask that each person share this information with others, and suggest that to them that they also might share it with others, and according to the principle of Six Degrees of Separation... we might reach every person on Earth.

On several occasions, I have mentioned the effort to levitate The Pentagon, which took place in the 60's. I think it happened while I was in prison for having too much of a counteracting profile to The Ruling Junta. I wasn't the only person signaled out in this fashion. Others were also persecuted. Some of them were killed. This continues to the present hour.

The Powers that Think They Are... reacted with great violence to this gathering, where people were joining hands to lift The Pentagon off its mooring. The Powers that Think They Are... KNOW about The Power in Humanity... when it is collectively directed toward a particular result.

At various locations throughout The World... there are people who gather in prayer for the benefit of all. Humanity has lost its way and is presently overseen by malicious organizations of psychopathic personalities. This is all the result of Advanced and misguided Materialism. You can say that they are very bad people. You can say they are seriously misled. You can say they are among the lost... that The Master is engaged in the recovery of. Some of them are locked up and many others should be locked up, BUT...

... this is a major Purpose of Demonstration taking place at this time, and it is the reason why so many of us are here. This did not come about by accident. We are in a period of crisis that is much greater than most people suspect. Those who are living high on the proverbial hog... are often completely unaware of... or indifferent to... the conditions of other people.

Some of the nogoodniks... are engaged in widespread efforts... to make life seriously uncomfortable for the rest of it. A substantial number of them are doing it for venal gain. They have nothing else in mind and are likely not to even notice you unless you get in their way. Then they will notice you, and you will notice them; he said with ominous implication.

There are also those who do evil for the sheer joy of it. It intoxicates them. These are the major players.

I am asking that each and every one of you consider prayer as an avenue for change in The World, None of us know exactly how The World should be changed. Some who are involved in changing The World, such as social reformers, include the biggest mass murderers The World has ever seen. It is not a good thing to go around trying to change things... if you don't know what you are doing. This is why prayer is such an important medium because you are asking someone who does know what they are doing... to do something.

The power of prayer is seriously underestimated. Informed souls know that there is almost nothing that matches it in its potential for wonderful outcomes.

If enough of us engage in this... collectively and independently, I am certain it will have an effect, and I am certain it will have an effect greater than anything else we can do, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

There may be no links at GAB today but... it will be a temporary hiatus=


M - said...

"pray that Humanity be freed of this oppressor class who have become active habitations of demons."

Indeed, I have been doing this regularly for the last 4 years. In fact, I further extend it to include Mother Earth as a whole as EVIL is hell-bent on destroying plant and animal life, too.

Those who doubt the power of prayer as yourself this: "What could it hurt?"


Anonymous said...

Hi Vis, I'm in! I've been praying for us to be relieved of them for about six months now. It can't come soon enough!


robert said...

Gracias, Visible!

The power of prayer is seriously underestimated. Informed souls know that there is almost nothing that matches it in its potential for wonderful outcomes.

If enough of us engage in this... collectively and independently, I am certain it will have an effect, and I am certain it will have an effect greater than anything else we can do, and...

Do we know how to pray?

Some espouse the use of words alone
Other sources encourage the use of our creative visualization
Since words are shorthand for fully dimensional concepts...

A high school French teacher pointed out that regardless of language, the initiator of words we express is our imagination, where a chair is a chair, however personalized by our experience, and the word for chair is but a reference to the image…

At a deeper level, the One creates all things by the Word, the Christ Spirit, but certainly the singularity of the Word is of far greater meaning than our use of human language, ignorant of the power we wield!

We have the Word creating worlds into being, then humans symbolized by Adam, naming what the manifestation appears to be from human limited perspective, creating words to connect creation to created

Then human words uttered or written, restimulate in our minds our imagined concept of the originating meaning.

How do we pray?

We imagine we are communing again with the One, through the Word
We use words as a tuning mechanism, like we do when coaching ourselves, like a mantra to maintain our focus in meditation...

What goes on at deeper levels of being, is we are mind sharing with the Vision
We are reclaiming our creative birthright to co-create that Vision in current human affairs

We stay aloft for some moments in a higher perspective, leaving the details to the One
While we join in the Vision in our own unique way

We are uplifted
We regain the feeling of unity

Our energy rejoins with humanity's better nature
The One who loves beyond reason is ALLOWED by our humble supplication to bring more Will into the flow of time, without violating the freedom to be human and learn without micro-management

The pitch of the human-perceived world is shifted up a note or two
Coming closer to the real world of perpetual perfecting

We see the result in our world come into being from mysterious means

Our hearts are increased by ever more evidence that the One is Real
That we are an integral part of the big picture

We become more communicative with our soul's Author
Our hearts and minds run over
We pray more often until we never cease

This is designed to be a fun version of the self-fulfilling prophecy!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

This post is a virtual nose-pet to me. What you say on prayer is true. First hand experience, over and over again. . .provided the Nose-iverse agrees with you.

Nostrils to the sky!

Visible said...

Well said and on point, Robert!

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"It's a Hard Thing... to See The Treachery a Little (or a lot of) Money... Injected into Specific Locations... Can Accomplish."

Anonymous said...

"I am asking that each and every one of you consider prayer as an avenue for change in The World, None of us know exactly how The World should be changed."
That made me think of this:I'd Love to Change the World - Alvin Lee & Ten Years After

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Vis. I've been praying for a good long while that the plans of Evil be thwarted and undone, that all of the lies and liars be exposed and lose their power, that Peace prevail, that our World be healed, that Faith be restored, and that our Beautiful peoples and nations be restored.



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