Friday, August 02, 2024

"People are Driving Themselves Crazy... Over Events and Conditions... that Exist Far Off... at a Distance from Them."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Sometimes it seems like I live in an oasis. Nothing ever happens here, BUT... if it does it is usually good. It's usually a positive event. When I go to the internet, I discover that the wider world does not reflect what I see around me in each PASSING day. I was thinking about that, and how it must be the case in other places where not much is happening (except for Chemtrails), and... the 'not happening part' is a good thing.

Where I live... most of the people are really nice people. They smile and wave even if they don't know you. Some are gloomier and taciturn, but I figure that could mean health problems or an excess of regret. That seems to happen to people as the years advance. I often think that the regret is mostly for what they didn't do, and not for what they did do.

On The Internet... or what I call; The World at a Distance... there are many smaller and larger pockets of people who are... by turns... angry... frightened... depressed... or some combination of all of them, and then... there is that growing number of The Batshit Crazy. There is an observable progression that moves from... Uneasy... to Restless and Agitated... to Jump Scare City, and thence to relative intensities of... Full Blown Panic.

It seems that it is the larger congregation of bodies... relative to lesser amounts of open space... that leads to an atmosphere of Heat... generated by closer and closer proximity to everyone else, which accounts for most of the places where pervasive discontent is located.

Last year... and the year before... in the summer... there were regular brawls at sporting events across the country. Not a weekend would pass where there wasn't at least one of these festive events. This year... I don't remember seeing a single one of them. Now they seem to be happening on cruise ships and at amusement parks.

It could be that these things are still happening, but... the media no longer reports them. The Media... which is the information-dissemination arm of The Deep State... is part of a chain of connected processes. The Deep State itself is engaged in digesting information. You could say it resides in The Stomach. There, and in the Small Intestine... where the bean counters and lawyers operate... the information is transformed for public consumption.

A long and convoluted series of operations continue from there and the process for separating The Truth... from whatever the prevailing narrative may be... all happens in The Large Intestine. Then it is distributed to the news agencies that reside in The Colon.

You might think of each of the employees... in the chain of events... as being a form of intestinal bacteria. Then through a curiosity known as The Riddle of The Sphincter... the information is released for public consumption. (belch) It is similar to how a McDonald's hamburger goes from a part of the cow's body to whatever the Hell it is that they serve you at the other end of the system of transitions.

Something new has been added to the roundelay... that serves as the soundtrack... for the persistent game of human interaction... intensely manipulated by The People who live in The Stomach. It is rage. The rage is expressed in various ways. Some of it is in the environment of the person demonstrating it, and some are at a distance as if Telepathy was a new siege weapon; catapult... canon... whathaveyou.

Rage is a concentration of anger and frustration... triggered by no discernible thing... or perhaps a combination of factors. It's like the moment when the pressure cooker releases the whistling steam. Everything comes together in an unfortunate manner.

Some of us are more tightly wrapped... in a good way... and the vicissitudes and pattern shifts do not send us over the edge because... we... can... control... our... reactions. Others do not have the same level of restraint, but still... possess some modicum of command so only a snarl... or a cross word results... instead of a smack upside the head... or a bullet, which is force concentrated to a remarkable extent. Here... focus and aim... would be the major requirements... for a successful return on the investment. (snicker)

Those of us who are not so much in command of ourselves are probably harassed in our living situations and that causes the increasing number of loose canons to discharge in all directions... close up and personal or... far and wide. So it is that some people get very heavily involved in situations and conditions... far off... that has nothing to do with them. This is how you get The Troll Armies of The Internet.

These rag-tag and loose affiliations of disgruntled and put-upon personalities... who are not wise enough to make changes in themselves... set about seeking to cause disruptions at a further reach. They use petty meanness... vindictiveness... spite, and sundry... which are all the product of frustration and impotence. It's the festering stew that has given birth to Incels, and similar types... who are unable to function in today's world. I... personally... could care less about that, BUT... that's just me.

People are driving themselves crazy... over events and conditions... that exist far off at a distance from them. They have convinced themselves how The World should be, and anyone departing from The Party Line of little voices inside their heads is... fair game.

Socialism is Communism Lite. It's what you get when your control of the population is exercised through social services... The Dole... and whatever there is to help people keep their heads above water since they were not very capable swimmers from the get-go. Progressing from Socialism to Communism... social services are transformed into police actions, which can prove just as effective, (maybe even more so) but can also be considerably more brutal.

To get people from states of failing democracy... to Socialism... to Communism... which borders Fascism at the extreme end... where they touch on The Big Wheel of Stupid Solutions for crowd control... you have to... by stages... convince them that it's all for their own good.

If you want a greater police presence, as a precursor to a police state... you have to encourage and inspire crime. Flooding a country with migrants... from cultures that do not integrate willingly or otherwise... is a good breeding ground for the conditions one needs to create... in order to get from A to E.

There is... most unfortunately... no cure for Stupid, and Stupid is always connected to negative emotions that trigger negative actions, which occur without thinking because... what's thinking got to do with what I want?

Clever Stupid usually controls Stupid-Stupid, and Evil Genius Stupid usually controls Clever Stupid. All of them are controlled by something they have zero awareness of, and on the material plane, The Law of Action and Reaction controls the dance of what you do and what you get.

As long as you are motivated by self-interest, you are somewhere on The Bell Curve of Stupid. You may get what you think you want, but you will never get what you actually want. The more selflessly one has integrated themselves into the dynamic of a rules-based existence... the more one's every need is seen too, without even having to think about it.

People dwell in The Realm of Woolly Thinking for lifetimes... as they move from one sector of The Nation of Stupidity to another. Nothing ever goes the way they want. The World is always wrong and out of kilter for them. Hardship is their daily bread, and no matter what they have... it's not enough. It is never enough. These are the sorts of people who say things like, Fuck me! Never realizing that thoughts and words are things in the process of coming to be.

They do not understand the power and magic of speech. They do not recognize the value of Right Action. They cannot grasp the fundamentals of The Law of Return. So they are forever on the margin of some form of Poverty in their situations, and... their spirit.

In this World of The Moment... there are people doing splendidly, and... they will continue to. Either they know or they understand (either is sufficient) that there is a power that meets your every need, IF... you put yourself in the way of receiving it.

Then... there are those in the various stages of want that their personal philosophy (or the lack of) has brought them to. There are people in states of serious conflict with themselves and those around them. One invariably leads to the other. Everything begins and ends within you, and materializes in The World around you.

Presently there are people at the top of the dung heap who have taken advantage of the criminal possibilities of a disordered time. They are on a turning wheel that will... INEVITABLY... lead them to the bottom of the turning. Then there are those for whom serenity and good fortune are roommates. If the whole world were a raging conflagration, it would not have to touch them unless they gave it a reason to.

None of you are going to fix this world; close up or far off. If you fix yourself, The World will AUTOMATICALLY adjust around you. It's a law!!! You can look out... or you can look in. If you look in... you probably will not have to; Look out! And...

... one more thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be over at GAB shortly=

The Second Meditation from The Way to The Kingdom

It is a practical guidance to various aspects of self-transformation-

The following exercises are given for the development of mental power within yourself.

Seat yourself in a chair, in your own room if possible, or in one in which you will be undisturbed. Take a positive position, sitting upright, but comfortably so that you will be as unconscious of your body as possible.

Now close your eyes and try to visualize the room as a mental room, or one within your mind in which you are going to fill full of and confine the mental qualities of Discrimination, Strength, the Power to Concentrate, and Truth, for your future and continuous use.

Then try to realize that you are actually a center of God's consciousness, for in His consciousness we all live, move, and have our being; and that this mind which you call your mind is a center or focal point of His Mind-—just as the consciousness of each cell of your body is a center or focal point of your mind—and that therefore deep within your mind there must be always present and ever available God's Love, Intelligence, and Power; in fact, all that God Is in His Consciousness.

Now try to "see" this Consciousness—the Holy Love or Spirit of God—pouring forth from deep within and flowing through and radiating from you to all other centers of His Consciousness as a brilliant White Light; which Light in very truth is the Spiritual Self to one who has the inner sight, for It is the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Therefore realize that you are that Light, and that your mind being a part of God's Mind, you can consciously and actually call forth from within that Mind—if motivated and accompanied only by unselfish Love—any needed quality, for in It of course exist all God qualities.

Therefore "see" your Light ever shining and going thus before you, lighting fully your path and making everything so clear that no possible shadow can intrude to deceive or hinder your perfect spiritual sight and hence your fullest understanding. This gives true Discrimination.

Likewise, to your right see this Light radiating and pouring forth from you into the mental atmosphere of that part of your room as the Strength of Divine Mind, ever ready to support and sustain you in any need, and to enable you to do anything you wish to do.

While on your left see the great Light of Truth likewise flowing forth to fill that part of your mentality, so that whenever you need to know anything, no matter what, it is ever ready to flood your consciousness and to make all clear to you. And then back of you, see this great Light from within pouring forth and filling that part of your mentality with the Power to concentrate and focus it, whenever you want to direct your mind upon any given idea or to any desired end.

Just see this Light as a mighty Power ever back of you, waiting to pour through your consciousness (as through a funnel) in which is held the idea you wish clearly to understand or the picture that you wish to outmanifest—whenever you call upon this Power to direct the Light of Divine Mind upon it. See your intellect or visioning faculty (located in the front of your mind back of center of forehead) serving as a lens to focus the Light and reflect the perfect picture in the outer realms of consciousness or of physical manifestation.

Just as the light pours through the small lens of a magic lantern, when you turn on the electric power, and throws the picture on the plate upon the screen, so will this Power, when you thus consciously direct it with intense purpose, cause the Light, Life, and Substance of Divine Mind to pour into and through the idea or picture you are holding in your mind and will outmanifest it either as a perfect knowing or as the fulfillment of your desire.

Study this last carefully and prove it, for it can be used to acquire any needed wisdom, power or ability, or to create and make manifest any righteous thing or condition. But be very sure you have the approval of your Higher Self of that which you wish manifested; for it should never be attempted unless inspired by a loving desire to help someone or to fit yourself for the Father's use.

This rounds out your mentality, filling it full of those qualities that you want ever available for use. Any other qualities can be similarly brought forth and made available. The practice of actually calling-forth these qualities from within you and "seeing" them surrounding you and filling your mental room, thereby creates an aura that will always surround and protect you. For it will be of such high vibration, because of the brilliancy of its Light and the Power of Love radiating from it, that none of the forces of darkness can penetrate or even approach. The Powers of Discrimination and Truth thus built into your aura will instantly detect any inimical or inharmonious vibrations and enable you to know how to deal with them.

This practice also will gradually, if you do it faithfully day after day, make you conscious of the mighty Power you are, and of the wonderful instrument you have in this mind of yours, as you learn to make it obey your slightest command. This is what is meant above where it said that these exercises are for the development of mental power within yourself; they are that you may not only develop power, but that you may become Power, may learn to know Who you are and of What you are a part. But always remember that Power and Knowledge avail nothing unless Love inspires and directs their use.


robert said...

Another emission of fresh spiritual breeze!

Point of order:

Socialism is when the usual parasites get control over government
Communism is when the usual parasites get control over the economy
Fascism is the cry of pain from the usual parasites when either of the above is threatened through revelation anhd resistance

Has there ever been a "fascist" regime more horrifyingly totalitarian then full suck Communism?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

0 said...

Fuck me! Did you see simon peggs "absolutely anything"? Theres a scene towards the beginning where he gets his power then curses some guy driving a truck which curse was then realized as the guys driving down the street getting his jollies... :)

@14:15 here:


Visible said...

Have not seen it.

0 said...

Ah well, it had some funny parts. Watching the Umbrella Academy season 3 now, which is also sorta off the wall.

Seems like its on for today. IDF is hitting lebanon Now. Best find something to take the edge off the tensions felt. The Sun itself has been throwing off cme's like crazy this week, adding to the mix.

May the odds be ever in the alls favor. :) (how could they not be?)


Anonymous said...

Mass riots and race war riots breaking out all over the UK. Whites aee rioting. Muslims are rioting and fighting back.

Iran about to attack Israel ans trigger WW3. The chaos has been unleashed. Once the race war started, there is no real going back from that.

Exciting times....

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"The Towers of Darkness are Soon to be Burning, and... Turned to Ash or... We'll See The Red-Eyed Rage of Revolution.



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